def configActivityAttributes(self, communityName, activityName, attributes): """ Config any attributes in the the path of: /ixLoad/test/activeTest/communityList//actvity/. This function will loop through each communityList and its activityList for the communityName and activityName values and set the attribute(s) that you defined. For user simulated objective value, steps to view this in IxLoad GUI: Apply the configuration. Go to Statview. In the "Data" tab, click the last button on the ribbon "Hide Objective Panel". Parameter communityName: The name of the community: Ex: Network1, Network2 activityName: The name of the activity under the community. Example: Network1 (community name) Traffic1 HTTPClient1 (activity name) attributes: A dict of attributes and values. Usage restObj.configActivityAttributes(communityName='Traffic1@Network1', activityName='HTTPClient1', attributes={'userObjectiveValue': 405}) Raise Exception If the activityName wasn't found. """ self.logInfo('setUserObjectiveValue') url = self.sessionIdUrl+'/ixLoad/test/activeTest/communityList' response = self.get(url) for communityObj in response.json(): if communityObj['name'] == communityName: activityUrl = url + '/' + str(communityObj['objectID']) + '/activityList' response = self.get(activityUrl) for activityObj in response.json(): if activityObj['name'] == activityName: activityUrl = activityUrl + '/' + str(activityObj['objectID']) self.patch(activityUrl, data=attributes) return raise IxLoadRestApiException('configActivityAttributes error')