def configTimeline(self, **kwargs): """ Modify the timeline. Requires the name of the timeline in the Timeline configuration Requirement: You must include the 'name' of the timeline in the **kwargs. It is most likely Timeline1. Parameters name sustainTime rampDownTime rampUpTime rampUpInterval standbyTime Return True: Success Exeption: Failed """ self.logInfo('configTimeLine') if 'name' not in kwargs: raise IxLoadRestApiException('configTimeLine: You must include the name parameter and value') url = self.sessionIdUrl+'/ixLoad/test/activeTest/timelineList' response = self.get(url) for timelineObj in response.json(): if timelineObj['name'] == kwargs['name']: objectId = timelineObj['objectID'] url = url+'/'+str(objectId) self.patch(url, data=kwargs) return True raise IxLoadRestApiException('No such name found in Timeline: {}'.format(kwargs['name']))