def deviceGroupProtocolStackNgpf(self, deviceGroupObj, ipType, arpTimeout=3, silentMode=True): """ Description This API is an internal API for VerifyArpNgpf. It's created because each deviceGroup has IPv4/IPv6 and a deviceGroup could have inner deviceGroup that has IPv4/IPv6. Therefore, you can loop device groups. Parameters deviceGroupObj: : /api/v1/sessions/1/ixnetwork/topology/1/deviceGroup/1 ipType: : ipv4|ipv6 arpTimeout: : Timeout value. Default=60 seconds. silentMode: : True to show less display on the terminal. False for debugging purposes. Requires self.verifyNgpfProtocolStarted() """ unresolvedArpList = [] response = self.ixnObj.get(self.ixnObj.httpHeader+deviceGroupObj+'/ethernet', silentMode=silentMode) ethernetObjList = ['%s/%s/%s' % (deviceGroupObj, 'ethernet', str(i["id"])) for i in response.json()] for ethernetObj in ethernetObjList: response = self.ixnObj.get(self.ixnObj.httpHeader+ethernetObj+'/'+ipType, ignoreError=True, silentMode=silentMode) if response.status_code != 200: raise IxNetRestApiException(response.text) ipProtocolList = ['%s/%s/%s' % (ethernetObj, ipType, str(i["id"])) for i in response.json()] if ipProtocolList == []: self.ixnObj.logWarning('{0} is not configured in {1}'.format(ipType, ethernetObj)) return unresolvedArpList # raise IxNetRestApiException('Layer3 is not configured in {0}'.format(ethernetObj)) for ipProtocol in ipProtocolList: # /topology/1/deviceGroup/1/deviceGroup/1/ethernet/1/ipv4/1 match = re.match('.*(/topology.*)', ipProtocol) # sessionStatus could be: down, up, notStarted # result == 0 means passed. 1 means failed. result = self.verifyNgpfProtocolStarted(ipProtocol, ignoreFailure=True) for counter in range(1,arpTimeout+1): sessionStatus = self.getSessionStatus(ipProtocol) if counter < arpTimeout and 'down' in sessionStatus: self.ixnObj.logInfo('\tARP is not resolved yet. Wait {0}/{1}'.format(counter, arpTimeout), timestamp=False) time.sleep(1) continue if counter < arpTimeout and 'down' not in sessionStatus: break if counter == arpTimeout and 'down' in sessionStatus: #raise IxNetRestApiException('\nARP is not getting resolved') # Let it flow down to get the unresolved ARPs pass protocolResponse = self.ixnObj.get(self.ixnObj.httpHeader+ipProtocol+'?includes=resolvedGatewayMac,address,gatewayIp', ignoreError=True, silentMode=silentMode) resolvedGatewayMac = protocolResponse.json()['resolvedGatewayMac'] # sessionStatus: ['up', 'up'] # resolvedGatewayMac ['00:0c:29:8d:d8:35', '00:0c:29:8d:d8:35'] # Only care for unresolved ARPs. # resolvedGatewayMac: 00:01:01:01:00:01 00:01:01:01:00:02 removePacket[Unresolved] # Search each mac to see if they're resolved or not. for index in range(0, len(resolvedGatewayMac)): if (bool('.*Unresolved.*', resolvedGatewayMac[index]))): multivalue = protocolResponse.json()['address'] multivalueResponse = self.ixnObj.getMultivalueValues(multivalue, silentMode=silentMode) # Get the IP Address of the unresolved mac address srcIpAddrNotResolved = multivalueResponse[index] gatewayMultivalue = protocolResponse.json()['gatewayIp'] response = self.ixnObj.getMultivalueValues(gatewayMultivalue, silentMode=silentMode) gatewayIp = response[index] self.ixnObj.logError('Failed to resolve ARP: srcIp:{0} gateway:{1}'.format(srcIpAddrNotResolved, gatewayIp)) unresolvedArpList.append((srcIpAddrNotResolved, gatewayIp)) if unresolvedArpList == []: self.ixnObj.logInfo('ARP is resolved') return 0 else: return unresolvedArpList