################################################################################ # Version 1.0 $Revision: #1 $ # $Author: Daria Badea # # Copyright © 1997 - 2008 by IXIA # All Rights Reserved. # # Revision Log: # 03-18-2014 # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # # LEGAL NOTICE: # # ============== # # The following code and documentation (hereinafter "the script") is an # # example script for demonstration purposes only. # # The script is not a standard commercial product offered by Ixia and have # # been developed and is being provided for use only as indicated herein. The # # script [and all modifications, enhancements and updates thereto (whether # # made by Ixia and/or by the user and/or by a third party)] shall at all times # # remain the property of Ixia. # # # # Ixia does not warrant (i) that the functions contained in the script will # # meet the user's requirements or (ii) that the script will be without # # omissions or error-free. # # THE SCRIPT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, AND IXIA # # DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. # # THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SCRIPT IS WITH THE # # USER. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL IXIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM OR ARISING # # OUT OF THE USE OF, OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE SCRIPT OR ANY PART THEREOF, # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST BUSINESS, LOST OR # # DAMAGED DATA OR SOFTWARE OR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE OR # # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF IXIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # # SUCH DAMAGES IN ADVANCE. # # Ixia will not be required to provide any software maintenance or support # # services of any kind (e.g., any error corrections) in connection with the # # script or any part thereof. The user acknowledges that although Ixia may # # from time to time and in its sole discretion provide maintenance or support # # services for the script, any such services are subject to the warranty and # # damages limitations set forth herein and will not obligate Ixia to provide # # any additional maintenance or support services. # # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # # Description: # # The script configures 2 VXLAN stacks and the chained device groups # # with IPv4 VMs. Start protocols and get/print stats. # # # # Module: # # The sample was tested on a FlexAP10G16S module. # # # ################################################################################ # Source all libraries in the beginning use warnings; use strict; use bignum; use Carp; use Cwd 'abs_path'; # use lib where the HLPAPI files are located use lib "C:/Program Files (x86)/Ixia/hltapi/"; use lib "C:/Program Files (x86)/Ixia/hltapi/"; use ixiahlt { IXIA_VERSION => 'HLTSET166', TclAutoPath => ['C:/Program Files (x86)/Ixia/IxOS/','C:/Program Files (x86)/Ixia/hltapi/','C:/Program Files (x86)/Ixia/hltapi/', 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Ixia/IxNetwork/','C:/Program Files (x86)/Ixia/IxNetwork/'], }; use ixiahlt; use ixiaixn; use ixiangpf; # Declare the Chassis IP address and the Ports that will be used my $test_name = "basic_VXLAN_config"; my $chassis = ""; my $tcl_server = ""; my @port_list = ("9/1", "9/9"); my $ixnetwork_tcl_server = "localhost"; my $wait_time = 5; my $test_dir_path = abs_path(); ################################################################################ # Function to catch the errors and print it on the screen # ################################################################################ sub catch_error { if (ixiangpf::status_item('status') != 1) { print ("\n#################################################### \n"); print ("ERROR: \n$test_name : ". ixiangpf::status_item('log')); print ("\n#################################################### \n"); return $FAILED } } # Initialize values for HLPAPI scripts my $_result_ = ''; my $status = ''; my $port_handle = ''; my @status_keys = (); my %status_keys = (); my @portHandleList = (); my $PASSED = '0'; my $FAILED = '1'; sub main { ################################################################################ # START - Connect to the chassis ################################################################################ $_result_ = ixiangpf::connect ({ reset => '1', device => $chassis, ixnetwork_tcl_server => $ixnetwork_tcl_server, tcl_server => $tcl_server, port_list => \@port_list, }); &catch_error(); @status_keys = ixiangpf::status_item_keys(); $port_handle = ixiangpf::status_item('port_handle'); $status = ixiangpf::status_item('status'); # Assign portHandleList with port handles values foreach my $port (@port_list) { $port_handle = ixiangpf::status_item("port_handle.$chassis.$port"); push(@portHandleList, $port_handle); } my $port_1 = $portHandleList[0]; my $port_2 = $portHandleList[1]; print ("\nIxia port handles are @portHandleList ...\n"); print ("End connecting to chassis ...\n"); ##################################################### # Create a topology and a device group for VXLAN # ##################################################### my $topology_status = ixiangpf::topology_config ({ topology_name => 'VTEP Group 1', port_handle => $port_1, device_group_multiplier => 3, device_group_name => 'VXLAN DG 1', device_group_enabled => 1, }); &catch_error(); @status_keys = ixiangpf::status_item_keys(); my $dg_handle_1 = ixiangpf::status_item('device_group_handle'); my $mac_start = "0000.0005.0001"; my $mac_step = "0000.0000.1000"; my $command_status = ixiangpf::interface_config ({ protocol_handle => $dg_handle_1, src_mac_addr => $mac_start, src_mac_addr_step => $mac_step, }); &catch_error(); @status_keys = ixiangpf::status_item_keys(); my $ethernet_handle_1 = ixiangpf::status_item('ethernet_handle'); ##################################################### # VXLAN 1 Stack # ##################################################### my $vxlan_1_status = ixiangpf::emulation_vxlan_config ({ create_ig => '1' , enable_resolve_gateway => '1' , enable_static_info => '1' , gateway => '' , gateway_step => '' , handle => $ethernet_handle_1 , ig_enable_resolve_gateway => '1' , ig_gateway => '' , ig_gateway_step => '' , ig_intf_ip_addr => '' , ig_intf_ip_addr_step => '' , ig_intf_ip_prefix_length => '16' , ig_mac_address_init => '00:11:22:33:00:00' , ig_mac_address_step => '00:00:00:00:00:11' , ig_mac_mtu => '1453' , ig_manual_gateway_mac => '00:00:00:00:00:12' , ig_manual_gateway_mac_step => '00:00:00:00:00:01' , ig_vlan_id => '300,400' , ig_vlan_id_step => '1,1' , ig_vlan_user_priority => '1,2' , intf_ip_addr => '' , intf_ip_addr_step => '' , intf_ip_prefix_length => '16' , ip_num_sessions => '3' , ipv4_multicast => '' , mode => 'create' , ip_to_vxlan_multiplier => '1' , remote_info_active => '1' , remote_vm_static_ipv4 => '' , remote_vm_static_mac => 'aa:bb:cc:00:00:01' , remote_vtep_ipv4 => '' , sessions_per_vxlan => '2' , static_info_count => '1' , vlan_id => '100,200' , vlan_id_step => '1,1' , vlan_user_priority => '2,6' , vni => '2233' , }); &catch_error(); @status_keys = ixiangpf::status_item_keys(); my $vxlan_1_handle = ixiangpf::status_item('vxlan_handle'); ##################################################### # Create a topology and a device group for VXLAN # ##################################################### my $topology_status = ixiangpf::topology_config ({ topology_name => 'VTEP Group 2', port_handle => $port_2, device_group_multiplier => 3, device_group_name => 'VXLAN DG 2', device_group_enabled => 1, }); &catch_error(); @status_keys = ixiangpf::status_item_keys(); my $dg_handle_1 = ixiangpf::status_item('device_group_handle'); my $mac_start = "0000.0006.0001"; my $mac_step = "0000.0000.1000"; my $command_status = ixiangpf::interface_config ({ protocol_handle => $dg_handle_1, src_mac_addr => $mac_start, src_mac_addr_step => $mac_step, }); &catch_error(); @status_keys = ixiangpf::status_item_keys(); my $ethernet_handle_2 = ixiangpf::status_item('ethernet_handle'); ##################################################### # VXLAN 2 Stack # ##################################################### my $vxlan_2_status = ixiangpf::emulation_vxlan_config ({ create_ig => '1' , enable_resolve_gateway => '1' , enable_static_info => '1' , gateway => '' , gateway_step => '' , handle => $ethernet_handle_2 , ig_enable_resolve_gateway => '1' , ig_gateway => '' , ig_gateway_step => '' , ig_intf_ip_addr => '' , ig_intf_ip_addr_step => '' , ig_intf_ip_prefix_length => '16' , ig_mac_address_init => '00:56:22:33:00:00' , ig_mac_address_step => '00:00:00:00:00:11' , ig_mac_mtu => '1453' , ig_manual_gateway_mac => '00:00:00:00:00:72' , ig_manual_gateway_mac_step => '00:00:00:00:00:01' , ig_vlan_id => '300,400' , ig_vlan_id_step => '1,1' , ig_vlan_user_priority => '1,2' , intf_ip_addr => '' , intf_ip_addr_step => '' , intf_ip_prefix_length => '16' , ip_num_sessions => '3' , ipv4_multicast => '' , mode => 'create' , ip_to_vxlan_multiplier => '1' , remote_info_active => '1' , remote_vm_static_ipv4 => '' , remote_vm_static_mac => 'aa:bb:cc:00:00:01' , remote_vtep_ipv4 => '' , sessions_per_vxlan => '2' , static_info_count => '1' , vlan_id => '100,200' , vlan_id_step => '1,1' , vlan_user_priority => '2,6' , vni => '2233' , }); &catch_error(); @status_keys = ixiangpf::status_item_keys(); my $vxlan_2_handle = ixiangpf::status_item('vxlan_handle'); ##################################################### # START VXLAN # ##################################################### my $vxlan_start_1_status = ixiangpf::emulation_vxlan_control ({ action => 'start' , handle => '/topology:1/deviceGroup:1/ethernet:1/ipv4:1/vxlan:1' , }); &catch_error(); my $vxlan_start_2_status = ixiangpf::emulation_vxlan_control ({ action => 'start' , handle => '/topology:2/deviceGroup:1/ethernet:1/ipv4:1/vxlan:1' , }); &catch_error(); my $test_control_status = ixiangpf::test_control ({ action => 'start_all_protocols' , }); &catch_error(); sleep (10); ##################################################### # VXLAN STATS # ##################################################### my $vxlan_1_stats = ixiangpf::emulation_vxlan_stats ({ mode => 'aggregate_stats' , port_handle => $port_1 , }); &catch_error(); @status_keys = ixiangpf::status_item_keys(); print "\nThe aggregate statistics for VXLAN port 1 are:\n"; my $vxlan_1_aggregate_stats = ixiangpf::get_result_hash(); ixiangpf::PrintHash($vxlan_1_aggregate_stats); print "\n"; my $vxlan_2_stats = ixiangpf::emulation_vxlan_stats ({ mode => 'aggregate_stats' , port_handle => $port_2 , }); &catch_error(); @status_keys = ixiangpf::status_item_keys(); print "\nThe aggregate statistics for VXLAN port 2 are:\n"; my $vxlan_2_aggregate_stats = ixiangpf::get_result_hash(); ixiangpf::PrintHash($vxlan_2_aggregate_stats); print "\n"; if ($vxlan_1_aggregate_stats->{$port_1}->{'aggregate'}->{'sessions_up'} ne '3') { print ("FAILED - VXLAN not negociated!"); return $FAILED } if ($vxlan_2_aggregate_stats->{$port_2}->{'aggregate'}->{'sessions_up'} ne '3') { print ("FAILED - VXLAN not negociated!"); return $FAILED } print "\n\nPerforming final session cleanup...\n"; $_result_ = ixiangpf::cleanup_session(); &catch_error(); print "\nSession cleanup completed.\n"; return $PASSED } my $test_result = main(@ARGV); print "\nTest execution complete.\nStatus: $test_result\n";