#!/usr/bin/tclsh namespace eval ::ixHlt { namespace export * variable ixNetworkTclServerIp 0 variable pgidCounter 0 variable hltParams {} } proc EnableHltDebug {} { # Creating a HLT debug log file in case debugging is needed set ::ixia::logHltapiCommandsFlag 1 set ::ixia::logHltapiCommandsFileName ixiaHltDebug.txt } proc ::ixHlt::ConnectToTrafficGenerator { args } { variable portList variable ixNetworkTclServerIp set ::ixHlt::hltParams "" set argIndex 0 while {$argIndex < [llength $args]} { set currentArg [lindex $args $argIndex] switch -exact -- $currentArg { -ixChassisIp { set ixChassisIp [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-device $ixChassisIp" incr argIndex 2 } -ixosTclServerIp { set ixosTclServerIp [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-tcl_server $ixosTclServerIp" incr argIndex 2 } -ixNetworkTclServerIp { set ixNetworkTclServerIp [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-ixnetwork_tcl_server $ixNetworkTclServerIp" incr argIndex 2 } -reset { set reset [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-reset" incr argIndex } -config_file { set ixncfgFile [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-config_file $ixncfgFile" incr argIndex 2 } -session_resume_keys { # Choices: 0 or 1 for loading ixncfg file only. set sessionResumeKeys [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-session_resume_keys $sessionResumeKeys" incr argIndex 2 } -userName { set userName [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-username $userName" incr argIndex 2 } -portList { set portList [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] set allPorts {} # port_list format = 1/1. Not 1/1/1 # port_handle format = 1/1/1. Not 1/1 foreach port $portList { lappend allPorts [string range $port 2 end] } AppendHltParams "-port_list $allPorts" incr argIndex 2 } -interactive { set interactiveMode [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-interactive $interactiveMode" incr argIndex 2 } default { ::ixHlt::IxLog -error "No such parameter: $currentArg" exit } } } if {[info exists ixosTclServerIp] == 0} { set ixosTclServerIp $ixChassisIp } set allPorts {} # port_list format = 1/1. Not 1/1/1 # port_handle format = 1/1/1. Not 1/1 foreach port $portList { lappend allPorts [string range $port 2 end] } # Verify if user is loading an ixncfg file. If yes, make sure # user didn't include the -reset parameter. Remove it for user. if {[info exists ixncfgFile] == 1 && [lsearch $::ixHlt::hltParams -reset] != -1} { set resetParamIndex [lsearch $::ixHlt::hltParams -reset] set ::ixHlt::hltParams [lreplace $::ixHlt::hltParams $resetParamIndex $resetParamIndex] } if {$ixNetworkTclServerIp == 0} { ::ixHlt::IxLog -info "Starting IxOS connection ..." # Connect to the chassis, reset to factory defaults and take ownership set connect_status [eval ::ixia::connect $::ixHlt::hltParams] } if {$ixNetworkTclServerIp != 0} { ::ixHlt::IxLog -info "Starting IxNetwork Tcl Server connection on $portList ..." if {[lsearch $::ixHlt::hltParams -reset] != -1} { ::ixHlt::IxLog -info "Please wait 40 seconds while ports are rebooting ..." } # Connect to the chassis, reset to factory defaults and take ownership set connect_status [eval ::ixia::connect $::ixHlt::hltParams] } # ::connect_status: connect_status = {port_handle {{10 {{205 {{4 {{35 {{1/1 1/1/1} {1/2 1/1/2}}}}}}}}}}} {vport_list {1/1/1 1/1/2}} {status 1} if {[keylget connect_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { ::ixHlt::IxLog -noTimeStamp [KeylPrint connect_status] ::ixHlt::IxLog -abort "ConnectToTrafficGeneratorHltIxia: FAILED" } foreach port $portList { scan [split $port /] "%d %d %d" chassis slot portNumber port get $chassis $slot $portNumber lappend ixiaPortAndSpeedList "$port [port cget -speed]" lappend ixiaPortListSpeed "[port cget -speed]" } ::ixHlt::IxLog -info "Port/speed: $ixiaPortAndSpeedList" ::ixHlt::IxLog -info "ConnectToTrafficGeneratorHlt: Connected to Ixia chassis $ixChassisIp" # ResetPorts $port_list return $connect_status } proc ::ixHlt::InterfaceConfig { args } { if {[info exists ::ixHlt::userDefinedParams]} { unset ::ixHlt::userDefinedParams } set ::ixHlt::hltParams "" set argIndex 0 while {$argIndex < [llength $args]} { set currentArg [lindex $args $argIndex] switch -exact -- $currentArg { -mode { set mode [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 AppendHltParams "-mode $mode" } -port_handle { set portHandle [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 AppendHltParams "-port_handle [list $portHandle]" } -intf_ip_addr { set ipAddress [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 AppendHltParams "-intf_ip_addr [list $ipAddress]" } -gateway { set gateway [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 AppendHltParams "-gateway [list $gateway]" } -netmask { set netmask [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 AppendHltParams "-netmask [list $netmask]" } -src_mac_addr { set macAddress [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 AppendHltParams "-src_mac_addr [list $macAddress]" } -connected_count { set totalIpAddress [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 AppendHltParams "-intf_ip_addr_step -gateway_step -src_mac_addr_step 0000.0000.0001 -connected_count $totalIpAddress" } -autonegotiation { # No value required AppendHltParams" -autonegotiation 1" incr argIndex } -speed { # Choices: ether10 ether100 ether1000 ether40Gig ether100Gig # ether1000lan ether4000lan ether100000lan auto set portSpeed [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-speed $portSpeed" incr argIndex 2 } -duplex { set portDuplex [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-duplex $portduplex" incr argIndex 2 } -port_rx_mode { # Options: auto_detect_autoinstrumentation data_integrity sequence_checking # wide_packet_group capture packet_group set portRxMode [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-port_rx_mode $portRxMode" incr argIndex 2 } -pgid_offset { set pgidOffset [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-pgid_offset $pgidOffset" incr argIndex 2 } -signature_offset { set signatureOffset [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-signature_offset $signatureOffset" incr argIndex 2 } -signature { set signature [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-signature $signature" incr argIndex 2 } -phy_mode { # Choices: copper or fiber set phyMode [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-phy_mode $phyMode" incr argIndex 2 } -arp_send_req { set sendArpReq [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-arp_send_req $sendArpReq" incr argIndex 2 } -arp_req_retries { set arpReqRetries [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-arp_req_retries $arpReqRetries" incr argIndex 2 } -arp_req_timer { set arpReqTimer [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-arp_req_timer $arpReqTimer" incr argIndex 2 } -no_write { # Just a FLAG AppendHltParams "-no_write" incr argIndex } -sequence_checking { set sequenceChecking [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-sequence_checking $sequenceChecking" incr argIndex 2 } -sequence_num_offset { set sequenceNumOffset [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-sequence_num_offset $sequenceNumOffset" incr argIndex 2 } -data_integrity { set dataIntegrity [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-data_integrity $dataIntegrity" incr argIndex 2 } -integrity_signature { set integritySignature [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-integrity_signature $integritySignature" incr argIndex 2 } -integrity_signature_offset { set integritySignatureOffset [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-integrity_signature_offset $integritySignatureOffset" incr argIndex 2 } -intf_mode { # Choices: ethernet cisco arp ethernet_fcoe fc bert set intfMode [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-intf_mode $intfMode" incr argIndex 2 } default { ::ixHlt::IxLog -abort "ConfigL3Int: No such parameter: $currentArg" } } } set interfaceConfigStatus [eval ::ixia::interface_config $::ixHlt::hltParams] if {[keylget interfaceConfigStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { ::ixHlt::IxLog -error "Failed to configure L3 interface on $portHandle. \ \n\t[KeylPrint interfaceConfigStatus]" } else { ::ixHlt::IxLog -info "ConfigL3Int: Successfully configured $portHandle" ::ixHlt::IxLog -noTimeStamp \n[parray ::ixHlt::userDefinedParams] } # Need to return interfaceConfigStatus for IxNetwork only. # Consist of vport/interfaces for configuring endpoints on trafficItems if {$::ixHlt::ixNetworkTclServerIp != 0} { return [keylget interfaceConfigStatus interface_handle] } } proc ::ixHlt::TrafficConfig { args } { # The variable userDefinedParams is an array that # gets built in Proc AppendHltParams if {[info exists ::ixHlt::userDefinedParams]} { unset ::ixHlt::userDefinedParams } set ::ixHlt::hltParams "" set argIndex 0 while {$argIndex < [llength $args]} { set currentArg [lindex $args $argIndex] switch -exact -- $currentArg { -mode { # create | modify set mode [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 AppendHltParams "-mode $mode" } -port_handle { set portHandle [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 AppendHltParams "-port_handle $portHandle" } -port_handle2 { set portHandle2 [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 AppendHltParams "-port_handle2 $portHandle2" } -emulation_src_handle { set srcEndpoint [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 AppendHltParams "-emulation_src_handle $srcEndpoint" } -emulation_dst_handle { set dstEndpoint [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 AppendHltParams "-emulation_dst_handle $dstEndpoint" } -stream_id { set streamId [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 AppendHltParams "-stream_id $streamId" } -pgid_offset { set pgidOffset [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 AppendHltParams "-pgid_offset $pgidOffset" } -pgid_value { set pgidValue [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 AppendHltParams "-pgid_value $pgidValue" } -signature_offset { set signatureOffset [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 AppendHltParams "-signature_offset $signatureOffset" } -signature { set signature [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 AppendHltParams "-signature $signature" } -track_by { set trackBy [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 AppendHltParams "-track_by $trackBy" } -name { set trafficItemName [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 AppendHltParams "-name $trafficItemName" } -src_dest_mesh { set srcDestMesh [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 AppendHltParams "-srcDestMesh $srcDestMesh" } -circuit_endpoint_type { # Choices: ipv4 ipv6 set circuitEndpointType [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 AppendHltParams "-circuitEndpointType $circuitEndpointType" } -circuit_type { # Choices: raw l2vpn l3vpn mpls 6pe 6vpe vpls stp mac_in_mac # quick_flows none set circuitType [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 AppendHltParams "-circuit_type $circuitType" } -bidirectional { # Choices: 0 or 1 set biDirectional [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 AppendHltParams "-bidirectional $biDirectional" } -frame_size { set frameSize [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 AppendHltParams "-frame_size $frameSize" } -rate_percent { set ratePercent [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 AppendHltParams "-rate_percent $ratePercent" } -signature_offset { set signatureOffset [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams" -signature_offset $signatureOffset" incr argIndex 2 } -mac_dst_mode { # increment, fixed set macDstMode [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-mac_dst_mode $macDstMode" incr argIndex 2 } -mac_dst { # Value = discovery or mac address set destMac [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] if {$destMac == "discovery"} { AppendHltParams "-mac_dst_mode $destMac" } else { AppendHltParams "-mac_dst $destMac" } incr argIndex 2 } -mac_dst_count { set macDstCount [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-mac_dst_count $macDstCount" incr argIndex 2 } -mac_dst_step { # -mac_dst_step 0000.0000.0001 set macDstStep [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-mac_dst_step $macDstStep" incr argIndex 2 } -mac_src { set srcMac [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-mac_src $srcMac" incr argIndex 2 } -mac_src_mode { # increment, fixed set macSrcMode [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-mac_src_mode $macSrcMode" incr argIndex 2 } -mac_src_count { set srcMacTotal [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-mac_src_count $srcMacTotal" incr argIndex 2 } -mac_src_step { # -mac_src_step 0000.0000.0001 set macSrcStep [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-mac_src_step $macSrcStep" incr argIndex 2 } -ip_src_addr { set srcIp [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-ip_src_addr $srcIp" "-l3_protocol ipv4" incr argIndex 2 } -ip_src_count { set srcIpTotal [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-ip_src_mode increment -ip_src_step \ -ip_src_count $srcIpTotal" incr argIndex 2 } -ip_src_step { set ipSrcStep [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-ip_src_step $ipSrcStep" incr argIndex 2 } -ip_dst_addr { set destIp [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-ip_dst_addr $destIp" "-l3_protocol ipv4" incr argIndex 2 } -ip_dst_count { set destIpTotal [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-ip_dst_mode increment -ip_dst_step \ -ip_dst_count $destIpTotal" incr argIndex 2 } -transmit_mode { # single_burst, continuous, random_spaced # single_pkt, multi_burst, continuous_burst set transmitMode [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-transmit_mode $transmitMode" incr argIndex 2 } -pkts_per_burst { set totalPackets [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-pkts_per_burst $totalPackets" incr argIndex 2 } -enable_auto_detect_instrumentation { # Value must be 0 or 1 set autoInstrumentation [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-enable_auto_detect_instrumentation $autoInstrumentation" incr argIndex 2 } -sequence_checking { # Value must be 0 or 1 set sequenceChecking [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -enable_data_integrity { set dataIntegrity 1 AppendHltParams "-enable_data_integrity $dataIntegrity" incr argIndex 2 } -integrity_signature { set integritySignature [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-integrity_signature $integritySignature" incr argIndex 2 } -integrity_signature_offset { set integritySignatureOffset [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-integrity_signature_offset $integritySignatureOffset" incr argIndex 2 } -frame_sequencing { set frameSequencing [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-frame_sequencing $frameSequencing" incr argIndex 2 } -frame_sequencing_offset { set frameSequenceOffset [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-frame_sequencing_offset $frameSequenceOffset" incr argIndex 2 } -ethernet_value { set ethernetValue [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-ethernet_value $ethernetValue" incr argIndex 2 } -tcp_src_port { set tcpSrcPort [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-tcp_src_port $tcpSrcPort" incr argIndex 2 } -tcp_dst_port { set tcpDstPort [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-tcp_dst_port $tcpDstPort" incr argIndex 2 } -udp_src_port { set udpSrcPort [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-udp_src_port $udpSrcPort" incr argIndex 2 } -udp_dst_port { set udpDstPort [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-udp_dst_port $udpDstPort" incr argIndex 2 } -ip_dscp { set dscp [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-ip_dscp $dscp" incr argIndex 2 } -ip_precedence { # NOTE: -ip_precedence doesn't work if -ip_dscp is included. # It must be either or set precedence [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-ip_precedence $precedence" incr argIndex 2 } -l3_protocol { # Choices: ipv4 ipv6 arp pause_control ipx none set l3Protocol [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-l3_protocol $l3Protocol" incr argIndex 2 } -l4_protocol { # Choices: igmp igmp ip tcp gre set l4Protocol [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-l4_protocol $l4Protocol" incr argIndex 2 } -vlan { # IxNetwork only. Choice: enable or disable set vlanEnable [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-vlan $vlanEnable" incr argIndex 2 } -vlan_id { set vlanId [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-vlan_id $vlanId" incr argIndex 2 } -vlan_user_priority { # 0-7 set vlanUserPriority [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-vlan_user_priority $vlanUserPriority" incr argIndex 2 } -vlan_id_tracking { # IxNetwork only: Choices: 0 or 1 set vlanIdTracking [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-vlan_id_tracking $vlanIdTracking" incr argIndex 2 } -vlan_protocol_tag_id { set vlanProtocolTagId [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-vlan_protocol_tag_id $vlanProtocolTagId" incr argIndex 2 } -vlan_id_mode { set vlanIdMode [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-vlan_id_mode $vlanIdMode" incr argIndex 2 } -vlan_id_step { set vlanIdStep [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-vlan_id_step $vlanIdStep" incr argIndex 2 } -vlan_id_count { set vlanIdCount [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-vlan_id_count $vlanIdCount" incr argIndex 2 } -vlan_cfi { set vlanCfi [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-vlan_cfi $vlanCfi" incr argIndex 2 } -data_pattern_mode { set dataPatternMode [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-data_pattern_mode $dataPatternMode" incr argIndex 2 } -data_pattern { set dataPattern [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-data_pattern $dataPattern" incr argIndex 2 } -ethernet_type { set ethernetType [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-ethernet_type $ethernetType" incr argIndex 2 } -fcs { set fcs [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-fcs $fcs" incr argIndex 2 } -fcs_type { set fcsType [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-fcs_type $fcsType" incr argIndex 2 } -length_mode { set lengthMode [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-length_mode $lengthMode" incr argIndex 2 } -l3_length_min { set l3LengthMin [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-l3_length_min $l3LengthMin" incr argIndex 2 } -l3_length_max { set l3LengthMax [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-l3_length_max $l3LengthMax" incr argIndex 2 } -l3_length_step { set l3LengthStep [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-l3_length_step $l3LengthStep" incr argIndex 2 } -l3_length { set l3Length [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-l3_length $l3Length" incr argIndex 2 } -igmp_type { # Choices: membership_query membership_report leave_group set igmpType [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-igmp_type $igmpType" incr argIndex 2 } -igmp_version { # Choices: 1 2 or 3 set igmpVersion [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-igmp_version $igmpVersion" incr argIndex 2 } -igmp_group_addr { # IP set igmpGroupAddr [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-igmp_group_addr $igmpGroupAddr" incr argIndex 2 } -igmp_record_type { # Choices: mode_is_include mode_is_exclude change_to_include_mode # change_to_exclude_mode allow_new_sources block_old_sources set igmpRecordType [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-igmp_record_type $igmpRecordType" incr argIndex 2 } -igmp_group_count { set igmpGroupCount [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-igmp_group_count $igmpGroupCount" incr argIndex 2 } -igmp_group_mode { # Choices: fixed increment decrement set igmpGroupMode [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-igmp_group_mode $igmpGroupMode" incr argIndex 2 } -igmp_max_response_time { set igmpMaxResponseTime [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] AppendHltParams "-igmp_max_response_time $igmpMaxResponseTime" incr argIndex 2 } default { ::ixHlt::IxLog -abort "ConfigStream: No such parameter: $currentArg" } } } ::ixHlt::IxLog -noTimeStamp \n[parray ::ixHlt::userDefinedParams] if {$::ixHlt::ixNetworkTclServerIp != 0} { set portHandle "$srcEndpoint $dstEndpoint" } if {[lsearch $args "-name"] == -1 && $mode != "modify" && $mode != "append_header"} { AppendHltParams "-name Stream $streamId" } set trafficConfigStatus [eval ::ixia::traffic_config $::ixHlt::hltParams] if {[keylget trafficConfigStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { ::ixHlt::IxLog -error "Failed to config traffic on $portHandle \n[KeylPrint trafficConfigStatus]" } if {$::ixHlt::ixNetworkTclServerIp == 0 && [lsearch -regexp $args -igmp] != -1} { # For IxExplorer only. # If the stream has igmp, we must disable the timestamp # to avoid igmp checksum error. # Doing it using IxTclHal. No hlt command for it. ::ixHlt::DisableTimestamp $portHandle $streamId } if {$::ixHlt::ixNetworkTclServerIp == 0 && $mode == "create"} { # Note: stream equals pgid number set currentPgidNumber [incr ::ixHlt::pgidCounter] set ::ixHlt::portWithPgid($currentPgidNumber) $portHandle set ::ixHlt::portToStreamId($portHandle,$streamId) $streamId set ::ixHlt::portStreamIdToPgid($currentPgidNumber) $streamId #puts "\n[parray ::ixHlt::portStreamIdToPgid]\n" #puts "\n[parray ::ixHlt::portToStreamId]\n" #puts "\n[parray ::ixHlt::portWithPgid]\n" } return $trafficConfigStatus } # When calling ::ixia::traffic_config, it will return a keylist of things like # trafficItem, trafficItem headers, streams, stream headers, etc. # This proc parses the key list and return what the user wants. proc GetTrafficConfigElements { trafficConfigKeyList element } { # Choices: # streamId, trafficItem, trafficItemHeaders, # streamIds, streamIdHeaders, endpoint, encapsulation switch -exact -- $element { streamId { # stream_id is the name of the trafficItem: TI0-My_TrafficItem_1 return [keylget trafficConfigKeyList stream_id] } trafficItem { # ::ixNet::OBJ-/traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1 return [keylget trafficConfigKeyList traffic_item] } trafficItemHeaders { # ::ixNet::OBJ-/traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ethernet-1" # ::ixNet::OBJ-/traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2" # ::ixNet::OBJ-/traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"fcs-3" set trafficItem [keylget trafficConfigKeyList traffic_item] set trafficItemHeaders [keylget trafficConfigKeyList $trafficItem.headers] } streamIds { # ::ixNet::OBJ-/traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1 # ::ixNet::OBJ-/traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:2 set trafficItem [keylget trafficConfigKeyList traffic_item] return [keylget trafficConfigKeyList $trafficItem.stream_ids] } streamIdHeaders { # ::ixNet::OBJ-/traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ethernet-1" # ::ixNet::OBJ-/traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2" #::ixNet::OBJ-/traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"fcs-3" set trafficItem [keylget trafficConfigKeyList traffic_item] set streamIds [keylget trafficConfigKeyList $trafficItem.stream_ids] set streamHeaderList {} foreach stream $streamIds { lappend streamHeaderList [keylget trafficConfigKeyList $trafficItem.$stream.headers] } return $streamHeaderList } endpoint { # Returns the endpoint number set trafficItem [keylget trafficConfigKeyList traffic_item] set endPointSet [keylget trafficConfigKeyList $trafficItem.endpoint_set_id] } encapsulation { # Ethernet.IPv4 set trafficItem [keylget trafficConfigKeyList traffic_item] set encapsulation [keylget trafficConfigKeyList $trafficItem.encapsulation_name] } default { puts "GetTrafficConfigElements: No such element: $element" } } } proc ::ixHlt::IxLog { type msg } { switch -exact -- $type { -noTimeStamp { puts $msg } -info { puts "\nINFO::[GetTime]: $msg" } -warning { puts "\nWARNING::[GetTime]: $msg\n" } -error { puts "\nERROR::[GetTime]: $msg\n" } -abort { puts "\nABORTING::[GetTime]: $msg" exit } } } proc ::ixHlt::GetTime {} { return [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%M:%S"] } proc ::ixHlt::DisconnectIxia { } { ::ixHlt::IxLog -info "DisconnectIxia: Disconnecting from Ixia Chassis" ixia::cleanup_session #package forget Ixia } proc ::ixHlt::GetMacAddrForPort { port } { regexp "(\[0-9]+)\/(\[0-9]+)\/(\[0-9]+)" $port - chassisId slot port if {[string length $slot] == 1} { set slot 0$slot } if {[string length $port] == 1} { set port 0$port } return 00:0$chassisId:$slot:$port:00:01 } proc ::ixHlt::ClearPgidStatsHltIxia { port_list } { set ixPortList {} # The low level API doesn't accept slashes on ports foreach p $port_list { lappend ixPortList [split $p /] } if {[ixClearTimeStamp ixPortList]} { ::ixHlt::IxLog -error "Clearing timestamp on $port_list failed" } else { ::ixHlt::IxLog -info "Cleared timestamp" } puts "ClearPgidStats: Clear stats before sending traffic" # -action clear_stats will start pgid capture also. set clear_stats_status [ixia::traffic_control \ -port_handle $port_list \ -action clear_stats \ ] if {[keylget clear_stats_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { ::ixHlt::IxLog -error "Failed to clear PGID stats on $port_list" ::ixHlt::IxLog -noTimeStamp $clear_stats_status } else { ::ixHlt::IxLog -info "Cleared PGID stats on $port_list\n[KeylPrint clear_stats_status]" } } proc ::ixHlt::AppendHltParams { args {add_param ""} } { if {$add_param != ""} { if {[lsearch $::ixHlt::hltParams [lindex $add_param 0]] == -1} { append ::ixHlt::hltParams " $add_param" foreach {param value} $add_param { set ::ixHlt::userDefinedParams($param) $value } } } append ::ixHlt::hltParams " $args" foreach {param value} $args { set ::ixHlt::userDefinedParams($param) $value } } proc ::ixHlt::StartTrafficHlt { args } { global allTxPorts set trafficDuration 0 set checkTransmitDone 1 set argIndex 0 while {$argIndex < [llength $args]} { set currentArg [lindex $args $argIndex] switch -exact -- $currentArg { -txPort { set txPorts [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -allPorts { set allPortsInvolved [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -trafficDuration { set trafficDuration [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -checkTransmitDone { set checkTransmitDone [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } default { ::ixHlt::IxLog -abort "StartTrafficHlt: No such parameter: $currentArg" } } } # Setting variable allTxPorts for GetPgidStatsHlt to use. set allTxPorts $txPorts set portHandleList {} foreach pHandle $txPorts { lappend portHandleList $pHandle } set startTrafficFlag 0 # For IxExplorer... # sync_run works better on pgid packet group view. # If using just "run", it won't work. if {$::ixHlt::ixNetworkTclServerIp == 0} { ::ixHlt::IxLog -info "Starting IxExplorer traffic ..." set trafficControlStatus [ixia::traffic_control \ -port_handle $portHandleList \ -action sync_run \ ] } # For IxNetwork # Have to use "run" instead of "sync_run". if {$::ixHlt::ixNetworkTclServerIp != 0} { ::ixHlt::IxLog -info "Starting IxNetwork traffic ..." set trafficControlStatus [ixia::traffic_control \ -port_handle $portHandleList \ -action run \ ] } if {[keylget trafficControlStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { ::ixHlt::IxLog -error "StartTrafficHlt: Ixia traffic failed to start on port $portHandleList" ::ixHlt::IxLog -noTimeStamp [KeylPrint trafficControlStatus] set startTrafficFlag 1 } else { ::ixHlt::IxLog -info "StartTrafficHlt: Traffic started on port $portHandleList" } if {$startTrafficFlag == 0 } { if {$trafficDuration > 0} { ::ixHlt::IxLog -info "Traffic will run in the background for $trafficDuration seconds" sleep $trafficDuration set trafficControlStatus [ixia::traffic_control \ -port_handle $portHandleList \ -action stop \ ] if {[keylget trafficControlStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { ::ixHlt::IxLog -error "Failed to stop Ixia traffic on ports $portHandleList" ::ixHlt::IxLog -noTimeStamp [KeylPrint trafficControlStatus] } if {$checkTransmitDone == 1} { CheckPortTransmitDoneIxia $txPorts #::ixHlt::IxLog -info "All ports $txPorts all done and stopped transmitting." after 2000 } } else { after 2000 } } } proc ::ixHlt::StopTraffic { port_handle_list } { set trafficControlStatus [ixia::traffic_control \ -port_handle $port_handle_list \ -action stop ] if {[keylget trafficControlStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { ::ixHlt::IxLog -error "Failed to stop Ixia traffic on ports $port_handle_list\n[KeylPrint trafficControlStatus]" } else { ::ixHlt::IxLog -info "StopTraffic: Ixia traffic stopped on ports $port_handle_list" } } proc ::ixHlt::CheckPortTransmitDoneIxia { port_list } { foreach port $port_list { lappend portList "[split $port /]" } ixCheckTransmitDone portList ::ixHlt::IxLog -info "$port_list stopped transmitting." } proc ::ixHlt::KeylPrint {keylist {space ""}} { upvar $keylist kl set result "" foreach key [keylkeys kl] { set value [keylget kl $key] if {[catch {keylkeys value}]} { append result "$space$key: $value\n" } else { set newspace "$space " append result "$space$key:\n[KeylPrint value $newspace]" } } return $result } # This Proc is not for multicast verification. # You could use this as negative testing also by including # all negative listening ports to the variable listening_ports and # the variable expected_port will know which rx ports should received traffic. proc ::ixHlt::VerifyReceivedPktCount { args } { after 3000 ;# allow some time for Rx ports to receive all packets set argIndex 0 while {$argIndex < [llength $args]} { set currentArg [lindex $args $argIndex] switch -exact -- $currentArg { -txPorts { set txPorts [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -listeningPorts { set listeningPorts [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -expectedPorts { set expectedRxPorts [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -pctLossAllowed { set pctLossAllowed [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } default { ::ixHlt::IxLog -abort "VerifyReceivedPktCount: No such parameter: $currentArg" } } } set totalTransmittedPackets 0 foreach txPort $txPorts { set packetsSent [ixia::traffic_stats \ -port_handle $txPort \ -mode aggregate \ ] set totalPktsSent [keylget packetsSent $txPort.aggregate.tx.total_pkts] set totalTransmittedPackets [mpexpr $totalTransmittedPackets + $totalPktsSent] } set errorList {} ::ixHlt::IxLog -noTimeStamp "\nAll Rx ports == $listeningPorts" ::ixHlt::IxLog -noTimeStamp "Expected Rx ports == $expectedRxPorts" puts "\nPorts TrasnmittedPkts ReceivedPkts" puts "-----------------------------------------------------" set totalReceivedPackets 0 foreach rxPort $listeningPorts { set receivedPackets 0 set pgidStatistics [ixia::traffic_stats \ -port_handle $rxPort \ -packet_group_id $::ixHlt::pgidCounter \ ] #xputs "\n[KeylPrint pgidStatistics]\n" # Look at all the PGID for each port to see all the true packets received. for {set pgidIndex 1} {$pgidIndex <= $::ixHlt::pgidCounter} {incr pgidIndex} { set receivedPackets [mpexpr $receivedPackets + [keylget pgidStatistics $rxPort.pgid.rx.pkt_count.$pgidIndex]] set totalReceivedPackets [mpexpr $totalReceivedPackets + $receivedPackets] } set transmittedPackets [keylget pgidStatistics $rxPort.aggregate.tx.pkt_count] set crcErrorCount [keylget pgidStatistics $rxPort.aggregate.rx.crc_errors_count] #set sequenceErrorCount [keylget pgidStatistics $rxPort.aggregate.rx.sequence_errors_count] if {$totalTransmittedPackets == 0} { ::ixHlt::IxLog -error "TX port $txPorts failed to transmit packets" return } puts "[format %6s $rxPort][format %19s $transmittedPackets][format %19s $receivedPackets]" # If the receiving port is expected to receive packets and received 0 packets, then error. if {$totalReceivedPackets == 0 && [lsearch $expectedRxPorts $rxPort] != -1} { lappend errorList "$rxPort expected to rx pkts, but rx'd 0 packets." } if {$receivedPackets > 0 && [lsearch $expectedRxPorts $rxPort] != -1 && $receivedPackets == $totalTransmittedPackets} { # If the receiving port is expected to receive packets and it received > 0, # then see if it received all the transmitted packets } if {$receivedPackets > 0 && [lsearch $expectedRxPorts $rxPort] == -1} { # If this port should not expect pkts and it did received pkts, then it's an error lappend errorList "$rxPort should not rx any pkts, but it rx'd $totalReceivedPackets pkts." } if {$receivedPackets == 0 && [lsearch $expectedRxPorts $rxPort] == -1} { # If this port did not rx any packets and it wasn't expected to rx any pkts, then good! #::ixHlt::IxLog -info "Port $rxPort rx'd 0 pkt as expected. Good!" } } if {$errorList != ""} { foreach errorItem $errorList { ::ixHlt::IxLog -error $errorItem } } if {$totalReceivedPackets < $totalTransmittedPackets} { ::ixHlt::IxLog -error "Total transmitted pkts: $totalTransmittedPackets; Total received pkts: $totalReceivedPackets" } if {$totalReceivedPackets == $totalTransmittedPackets} { ::ixHlt::IxLog -noTimeStamp "\nTotal Tx packets: $totalTransmittedPackets" ::ixHlt::IxLog -noTimeStamp "Total Rx packets: $totalReceivedPackets" } puts \n } proc ::ixHlt::GetStats {} { puts "\n[format %6s Port][format %10s Tx][format %12s Rx]" puts "-----------------------------------" foreach port $::ixHlt::portList { set pgidStatistics [ixia::traffic_stats \ -port_handle $port \ -packet_group_id $::ixHlt::pgidCounter \ ] set totalTx [keylget pgidStatistics $port.aggregate.tx.pkt_count] set totalRx [keylget pgidStatistics $port.aggregate.rx.pkt_count] puts "[format %6s $port][format %13s $totalTx][format %12s $totalRx]" } puts \n } proc ::ixHlt::GetRate { port } { #set portRate [keylget getTxPortRate $port.aggregate.rx.total_pkt_rate] ;# $port.pgid.rx.frame_rate # Get total amount of pgid set allPgid {} foreach {pgid streamId} [array get ::portStreamIdToPgid *] { lappend allPgid $pgid } set getTxPortRate [ixia::traffic_stats -port_handle $port -packet_group_id [llength $allPgid]] ::ixHlt::IxLog -noTimeStamp "\n [format %6s RxPort][format %12s RxRate][format %15s FromStreamId]" ::ixHlt::IxLog -noTimeStamp "-----------------------------------" for {set pgid 1} {$pgid <= [llength $allPgid]} {incr pgid} { set portRate [keylget getTxPortRate $port.pgid.rx.frame_rate.$pgid] #set minLatency [keylget getTxPortRate $port.pgid.rx.min_latency.$pgid] #set avgLatency [keylget getTxPortRate $port.pgid.rx.avg_latency.$pgid] #set maxLatency [keylget getTxPortRate $port.pgid.rx.max_latency.$pgid] ::ixHlt::IxLog -noTimeStamp "[format %6s $port][format %12s $portRate][format %11s $::portStreamIdToPgid($pgid)]" } } proc ::ixHlt::DisableTimestamp { port_handle stream_id } { ::ixHlt::IxLog -info "UnConfiguring time stamp on $port_handle stream $stream_id" scan [split $port_handle /] "%d %d %d" chassis slot portNumber set portList [list [list $chassis $slot $portNumber]] stream get $chassis $slot $portNumber $stream_id stream config -enableTimestamp false stream set $chassis $slot $portNumber $stream_id ixWriteConfigToHardware portList -noProtocolServer } proc ::ixHlt::CheckTrafficState {} { # startedWaitingForStats,startedWaitingForStreams,stopped,stoppedWaitingForStats,txStopWatchExpected,unapplied set currentTrafficState [ixNet getAttribute [ixNet getRoot]/traffic -state] switch -exact -- $currentTrafficState { ::ixNet::OK { return notRunning } stopped { return stopped } started { return started } locked { return locked } unapplied { return unapplied } startedWaitingForStreams { return startedWaitingForStreams } startedWaitingForStats { return startedWaitingForStats } stoppedWaitingForStats { return stoppedWaitingForStats } default { return $currentTrafficState ::ixHlt::IxLog -abort "CheckTrafficState: Traffic state is currently: $currentTrafficState" } } } proc ::ixHlt::CheckTrafficStopped {} { set flag 0 set state stopped set stopTimer 20 for {set timer 1} {$timer <= $stopTimer} {incr timer} { set currentTrafficState [::ixHlt::CheckTrafficState] if {$currentTrafficState != $state} { ::ixHlt::IxLog -noTimeStamp "Traffic state is \"$currentTrafficState\". Wait $timer/$stopTimer seconds" after 1000 } if {[CheckTrafficState] == $state} { set flag 1 break } } if {$flag == 1} { ::ixHlt::IxLog -info "Traffic state is $state" } else { ::ixHlt::IxLog -warning "Traffic is not in $state state" } }