#py> TOPOLOGY: b2b-1G #py> TIMEOUT: 900 # HARNESS VARS **************************************************************** # comment out these lines when harness runs this test # namespace eval ::cfg {} set ::cfg::hltapi_p2no_hltset HLTSET142 set env(IXIA_VERSION) $::cfg::hltapi_p2no_hltset namespace eval ::py { set ixTclServer {localhost} set ixTclPort 8009 set ports {{ 1 1} { 1 2} { 2 1} { 2 2}} } if {[catch {package require Ixia} retCode]} { puts "FAIL - [info script] - $retCode" return 0 } set PASSED 0 set FAILED 1 proc log {a} {puts $a} # Procedure for comparing Protocols Summary Statistics proc checkStats {statList expList} { proc logPass {expStName stVal op expStVal {tlr "-"}} { set fmt "%-35s %10.2f %2s %10.2f %5s ...Passed" log [format $fmt $expStName $stVal $op $expStVal $tlr] update idletasks } proc logFail {expStName stVal op expStVal {tlr "-"}} { set fmt "%-35s %10.2f %2s %10.2f %5s ...FAILED" log [format $fmt $expStName $stVal $op $expStVal $tlr] update idletasks } set retFlag 1 if {[llength $statList] == 0} { return -code error "Empty Statistics list!" } set someFail false foreach stItem $statList expItem $expList { if {$expItem == ""} {continue} ;# skip if exp list is shorter than stat list set fmt "%-35s %10s %2s %10s %5s" set header [format $fmt [lindex $expItem 0] "RETURNED" "" "EXPECTED" "TOL"] log $header log "[string repeat "-" [expr [string length $header] + 10]]" array set tmpVal [lindex $stItem 1] set missingStats {} foreach {expStName op expStVal} [lindex $expItem 1] { unset -nocomplain tolerance ;# reset any prev tolerance if {[llength $expStVal] == 2} { ;# for tolerance foreach {expStVal tolerance} $expStVal break ;# idiomatic form instead of 2 lindex ops } if {![string is double -strict $expStVal]} {continue} ;# skip strings values if {[catch { if {![string is double -strict $tmpVal($expStName)]} { set tmpVal($expStName) -1 ;# set to something bad if empty }}]} {lappend missingStats $expStName; continue} switch -- $op { "=" {if {$tmpVal($expStName) == $expStVal} { logPass $expStName $tmpVal($expStName) $op $expStVal set retFlag 0 } elseif {[info exists tolerance] && $tolerance != ""} { ;# tolerance case set minExp [expr $expStVal - abs($expStVal) * $tolerance] set maxExp [expr $expStVal + abs($expStVal) * $tolerance] if {$tmpVal($expStName) >= $minExp && $tmpVal($expStName) <= $maxExp} { logPass $expStName $tmpVal($expStName) $op $expStVal $tolerance set retFlag 0 } else { logFail $expStName $tmpVal($expStName) $op $expStVal $tolerance set someFail true } } else { logFail $expStName $tmpVal($expStName) $op $expStVal set someFail true }} "<" {if {$tmpVal($expStName) < $expStVal} { logPass $expStName $tmpVal($expStName) $op $expStVal set retFlag 0 } else { logFail $expStName $tmpVal($expStName) $op $expStVal set someFail true }} ">" {if {$tmpVal($expStName) > $expStVal} { logPass $expStName $tmpVal($expStName) $op $expStVal set retFlag 0 } else { logFail $expStName $tmpVal($expStName) $op $expStVal set someFail true }} ">=" {if {$tmpVal($expStName) >= $expStVal} { logPass $expStName $tmpVal($expStName) $op $expStVal set retFlag 0 } else { logFail $expStName $tmpVal($expStName) $op $expStVal set someFail true }} "<=" {if {$tmpVal($expStName) <= $expStVal} { logPass $expStName $tmpVal($expStName) $op $expStVal set retFlag 0 } else { logFail $expStName $tmpVal($expStName) $op $expStVal set someFail true }} "<>" {if {$tmpVal($expStName) >= $expStVal && $tmpVal($expStName) <= $tolerance} { ;# use $expStVal as lower limit and logPass $expStName $tmpVal($expStName) $op $expStVal $tolerance ;# $tolerance as interval upper limit set retFlag 0 } else { logFail $expStName $tmpVal($expStName) $op $expStVal $tolerance set someFail true }} default { set fmt "%-35s %10.2f %2s %10.2f %5s ...Ignored" puts [format $fmt $expStName $tmpVal($expStName) $op $expStVal "-"] set retFlag 0 } } } if {[llength $missingStats] > 0} { return -code error "\nStatistics:\n[join $missingStats '\n']\nmissing from stat view!" } log "\n" } if {$someFail} { set retFlag 1 ;# some value hasn't matched return $retFlag ;# this way we can see all mismatched stats in one pass } else { return $retFlag } } set test_name [info script] set chassis_ip [lindex $::py::ports 0 0] set port1 "[lindex $::py::ports 0 1]/[lindex $::py::ports 0 2]" set port2 "[lindex $::py::ports 1 1]/[lindex $::py::ports 1 2]" set port3 "[lindex $::py::ports 2 1]/[lindex $::py::ports 2 2]" set port4 "[lindex $::py::ports 3 1]/[lindex $::py::ports 3 2]" set port_list [list $port1 $port2 $port3 $port4] set ixnetwork_tcl_server $::py::ixTclServer # Connect to the chassis. # When using P2NO HLTSET, for loading the IxTclNetwork package please # provide –ixnetwork_tcl_server parameter to ::ixia::connect set connect_status [::ixiangpf::connect \ -reset \ -interactive 1 \ -device $chassis_ip \ -port_list $port_list \ -ixnetwork_tcl_server $ixnetwork_tcl_server ] if {[keylget connect_status status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget connect_status log]" return $FAILED } set port_handle [list] foreach port $port_list { if {![catch {keylget connect_status port_handle.$chassis_ip.$port} \ temp_port]} { lappend port_handle $temp_port } } set port_1 [lindex $port_handle 0] set port_2 [lindex $port_handle 1] set port_3 [lindex $port_handle 2] set port_4 [lindex $port_handle 3] puts "Wait 5 seconds ..." after 5000 puts "Rebooting port(s)..." set ret [::ixia::reboot_port_cpu \ -port_list [list $port_handle] \ ] if {[keylget ret status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "FAIL - $test_name - Error while rebooting port: [keylget ret log]" return $FAILED } # Create Topologies # # Topology 1 with Device Group 1 and Device Group 2 puts "Create Topology 1 with Device Group 1 and Device Group 2" set topology1_status [::ixiangpf::topology_config \ -topology_name "DHCPv4Server" \ -port_handle [list $port_1 $port_3] \ -device_group_multiplier 1 \ ] # Verify that topology 1 with DG1 is created puts "Verify that topology 1 with DG1 is created" if {[keylget topology1_status status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget topology1_status log]" return $FAILED } set deviceGroup_first_handle [keylget topology1_status device_group_handle] set topology_first_handle [keylget topology1_status topology_handle] set topology1_status [::ixiangpf::topology_config \ -mode config \ -topology_handle $topology_first_handle \ -device_group_multiplier 1 \ ] # Verify that topology 1 with DG2 is created puts "Verify that topology 1 with DG2 is created" if {[keylget topology1_status status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget topology1_status log]" return $FAILED } set deviceGroup_second_handle [keylget topology1_status device_group_handle] # # Topology 2 with Device Group 3 and Device Group 4 puts "Create Topology 2 with Device Group 3 and Device Group 4" set topology2_status [::ixiangpf::topology_config \ -topology_name "DHCPv4Client" \ -port_handle [list $port_2 $port_4] \ -device_group_multiplier 15 \ ] # Verify that topology 2 with DG3 is created puts "Verify that topology 2 with DG3 is created" if {[keylget topology2_status status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget topology2_status log]" return $FAILED } set deviceGroup_third_handle [keylget topology2_status device_group_handle] set topology_second_handle [keylget topology2_status topology_handle] set topology2_status [::ixiangpf::topology_config \ -mode config \ -topology_handle $topology_second_handle \ -device_group_multiplier 8 \ ] # Verify that topology 2 with DG4 is created puts "Verify that topology 2 with DG4 is created" if {[keylget topology2_status status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget topology2_status log]" return $FAILED } set deviceGroup_fourth_handle [keylget topology2_status device_group_handle] # # Create DHCPv4 Server puts "Create DHCPv4 Server 1" set dhcp_server_status [::ixiangpf::emulation_dhcp_server_config \ -handle $deviceGroup_first_handle \ -lease_time 86400 \ -ipaddress_count 15 \ -ip_dns1 \ -ip_dns1_step \ -ip_dns2 \ -ip_dns2_step \ -ipaddress_pool \ -ipaddress_pool_step \ -ipaddress_pool_prefix_length 16 \ -ip_address \ -ip_prefix_length 16 \ -vlan_id 100 \ -protocol_name "DHCPv4Server1" \ ] # Verify that DHCPv4 Server 1 is created puts "Verify that DHCPv4 Server 1 is created" if {[keylget dhcp_server_status status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget dhcp_server_status log]" return $FAILED } set dhcp_server1 [keylget dhcp_server_status dhcpv4server_handle] puts "Create DHCPv4 Server 2" set dhcp_server_status [::ixiangpf::emulation_dhcp_server_config \ -handle $deviceGroup_second_handle \ -lease_time 86400 \ -ipaddress_count 10 \ -ip_dns1 \ -ip_dns1_step \ -ip_dns2 \ -ip_dns2_step \ -ipaddress_pool \ -ipaddress_pool_step \ -ipaddress_pool_prefix_length 16 \ -ip_address \ -ip_prefix_length 16 \ -vlan_id 200 \ -protocol_name "DHCPv4Server2" \ ] # Verify that DHCPv4 Server 2 is created puts "Verify that DHCPv4 Server 2 is created" if {[keylget dhcp_server_status status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget dhcp_server_status log]" return $FAILED } set dhcp_server2 [keylget dhcp_server_status dhcpv4server_handle] # # Create DHCPv4 Client puts "Create DHCPv4 Client 1" set dhcp_client_status [::ixiangpf::emulation_dhcp_group_config \ -handle $deviceGroup_third_handle \ -dhcp_range_ip_type ipv4 \ -dhcp_range_renew_timer 10 \ -dhcp_range_use_first_server 1 \ -use_rapid_commit 1 \ -vlan_id 100 \ -protocol_name "DHCPv4Client1" \ ] # Verify that DHCPv4 Client 1 is created puts "Verify that DHCPv4 Client 1 is created" if {[keylget dhcp_client_status status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget dhcp_client_status log]" return $FAILED } set dhcp_client1 [keylget dhcp_client_status dhcpv4client_handle] puts "Create DHCPv4 Client 2" set dhcp_client_status [::ixiangpf::emulation_dhcp_group_config \ -handle $deviceGroup_fourth_handle \ -dhcp_range_ip_type ipv4 \ -dhcp_range_renew_timer 10 \ -dhcp_range_use_first_server 1 \ -use_rapid_commit 1 \ -vlan_id 200 \ -protocol_name "DHCPv4Client2" \ ] # Verify that DHCPv4 Client 2 is created puts "Verify that DHCPv4 Client 2 is created" if {[keylget dhcp_client_status status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget dhcp_client_status log]" return $FAILED } set dhcp_client2 [keylget dhcp_client_status dhcpv4client_handle] # Start Protocols # # Start the Servers first puts "Start the Servers first" set control_status [::ixiangpf::emulation_dhcp_server_control \ -dhcp_handle $dhcp_server1\ -action collect\ ] # Verify the start command on DHCPv4 Server 1 puts "Verify the start command on DHCPv4 Server 1" if {[keylget control_status status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget control_status log]" return $FAILED } set control_status [::ixiangpf::emulation_dhcp_server_control \ -dhcp_handle $dhcp_server2\ -action collect\ ] # Verify the start command on DHCPv4 Server 2 puts "Verify the start command on DHCPv4 Server 2" if {[keylget control_status status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget control_status log]" return $FAILED } puts "Wait 15 seconds before the Servers are up..." after 15000 # # Start the Clients second puts "Start the Clients second" set control_status [::ixiangpf::emulation_dhcp_control \ -handle $dhcp_client1 \ -action bind\ ] # Verify the start command on DHCPv4 Client 1 puts "Verify the start command on DHCPv4 Client 1" if {[keylget control_status status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget control_status log]" return $FAILED } set control_status [::ixiangpf::emulation_dhcp_control \ -handle $dhcp_client2 \ -action bind\ ] # Verify the start command on DHCPv4 Client 2 puts "Verify the start command on DHCPv4 Client 2" if {[keylget control_status status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget control_status log]" return $FAILED } puts "Wait 30 seconds before the Clients are up..." after 30000 # Stats # DHCPv4 Server Stats set dhcp_server_stats [::ixiangpf::emulation_dhcp_server_stats \ -port_handle [list $port_1 $port_3] \ -action collect \ ] # Verify Statistics from Server are retrieved puts "Verify Statistics from Server are retrieved" if {[keylget dhcp_server_stats status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget dhcp_server_stats log]" return $FAILED } set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 1 1 0 1] "port_name"] set dhcpServer1Port [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 1 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 1 1 0 1] "sessions_up"] set dchpServer1SessionsUp [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 1 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 1 1 0 1] "sessions_down"] set dhcpServer1SessionsDown [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 1 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 1 1 0 1] "sessions_not_started"] set dhcpServer1SessionsNotStarted [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 1 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 1 1 0 1] "session_total"] set dhcpServer1SessionsTotal [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 1 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 2 1 0 1] "port_name"] set dhcpServer2Port [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 2 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 2 1 0 1] "sessions_up"] set dchpServer2SessionsUp [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 2 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 2 1 0 1] "sessions_down"] set dhcpServer2SessionsDown [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 2 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 2 1 0 1] "sessions_not_started"] set dhcpServer2SessionsNotStarted [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 2 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 2 1 0 1] "session_total"] set dhcpServer2SessionsTotal [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 2 1 0 1 $index 1] set DHCPv4ServerStats [list \ [list {"Port $dhcpServer1Port"} \ [list "Sessions Up" $dchpServer1SessionsUp\ "Sessions Down" $dhcpServer1SessionsDown\ "Sessions Not Started" $dhcpServer1SessionsNotStarted\ "Sessions Total" $dhcpServer1SessionsTotal]]\ [list {"Port $dhcpServer2Port"} \ [list "Sessions Up" $dchpServer2SessionsUp\ "Sessions Down" $dhcpServer2SessionsDown\ "Sessions Not Started" $dhcpServer2SessionsNotStarted\ "Sessions Total" $dhcpServer2SessionsTotal ]]] set Expected.DHCPv4ServerStats [list \ [list {"Port $dhcpServer1Port"} \ [list "Sessions Up" = 2\ "Sessions Down" = 0\ "Sessions Not Started" = 0\ "Sessions Total" = 2]]\ [list {"Port $dhcpServer2Port"} \ [list "Sessions Up" = 2\ "Sessions Down" = 0\ "Sessions Not Started" = 0\ "Sessions Total" = 2 ]]] puts "Check Server Statistics" if {[checkStats ${DHCPv4ServerStats} ${Expected.DHCPv4ServerStats}] == 1} { puts "Expected DHCPv4 Server Statistics do not match !!!" return $FAILED } # DHCPv4 Client Stats set dhcp_client_stats [::ixiangpf::emulation_dhcp_stats \ -port_handle [list $port_2 $port_4] \ -mode aggregate_stats \ -dhcp_version dhcp4\ ] # Verify Statistics from Client are retrieved puts "Verify Statistics from Client are retrieved" if {[keylget dhcp_client_stats status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget dhcp_client_stats log]" return $FAILED } set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 1 1 0 1] "port_name"] set dhcpClient1Port [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 1 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 1 1 0 1] "setup_success"] set dchpClient1SessionsUp [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 1 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 1 1 0 1] "total_failed"] set dhcpClient1SessionsDown [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 1 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 1 1 0 1] "sessions_not_started"] set dhcpClient1SessionsNotStarted [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 1 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 1 1 0 1] "sessions_total"] set dhcpClient1SessionsTotal [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 1 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 2 1 0 1] "port_name"] set dhcpClient2Port [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 2 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 2 1 0 1] "setup_success"] set dchpClient2SessionsUp [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 2 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 2 1 0 1] "total_failed"] set dhcpClient2SessionsDown [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 2 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 2 1 0 1] "sessions_not_started"] set dhcpClient2SessionsNotStarted [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 2 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 2 1 0 1] "sessions_total"] set dhcpClient2SessionsTotal [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 2 1 0 1 $index 1] set DHCPv4ClientStats [list \ [list "Port $dhcpClient1Port" \ [list "Sessions Up" $dchpClient1SessionsUp\ "Sessions Down" $dhcpClient1SessionsDown\ "Sessions Not Started" $dhcpClient1SessionsNotStarted\ "Sessions Total" $dhcpClient1SessionsTotal]]\ [list "Port $dhcpClient2Port" \ [list "Sessions Up" $dchpClient2SessionsUp\ "Sessions Down" $dhcpClient2SessionsDown\ "Sessions Not Started" $dhcpClient2SessionsNotStarted\ "Sessions Total" $dhcpClient2SessionsTotal ]]] set Expected.DHCPv4ClientStats [list \ [list {"Port $dhcpClient1Port"} \ [list "Sessions Up" = 23\ "Sessions Down" = 0\ "Sessions Not Started" = 0\ "Sessions Total" = 23]]\ [list {"Port $dhcpClient2Port"} \ [list "Sessions Up" = 23\ "Sessions Down" = 0\ "Sessions Not Started" = 0\ "Sessions Total" = 23 ]]] puts "Check Server Statistics" if {[checkStats ${DHCPv4ClientStats} ${Expected.DHCPv4ClientStats}] == 1} { puts "Expected DHCPv4 Client Statistics do not match !!!" return $FAILED } # Stop Protocols # # Stop DHCPv4 Servers puts "Stop DHCPv4 Servers" set control_status [::ixiangpf::emulation_dhcp_server_control \ -dhcp_handle $dhcp_server1\ -action reset\ ] # Verify the stop command on DHCPv4 Server 1 puts "Verify the stop command on DHCPv4 Server 1" if {[keylget control_status status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget control_status log]" return $FAILED } set control_status [::ixiangpf::emulation_dhcp_server_control \ -dhcp_handle $dhcp_server2\ -action reset\ ] # Verify the stop command on DHCPv4 Server 2 puts "Verify the stop command on DHCPv4 Server 2" if {[keylget control_status status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget control_status log]" return $FAILED } # # Stop DHCPv4 Clients puts "Stop DHCPv4 Clients" set control_status [::ixiangpf::emulation_dhcp_control \ -handle $dhcp_client1 \ -action release\ ] # Verify the stop command on DHCPv4 Client 1 puts "Verify the stop command on DHCPv4 Client 1" if {[keylget control_status status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget control_status log]" return $FAILED } set control_status [::ixiangpf::emulation_dhcp_control \ -handle $dhcp_client2 \ -action release\ ] # Verify the stop command on DHCPv4 Client 2 puts "Verify the stop command on DHCPv4 Client 2" if {[keylget control_status status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget control_status log]" return $FAILED } puts "Wait for DHCPv4 Protocol to stop..." after 10000 # Modify some of the protocol specific parameters # # Create DHCPv4 Server puts "Modify DHCPv4 Server 1" set dhcp_server_status [::ixiangpf::emulation_dhcp_server_config \ -mode modify \ -handle $dhcp_server1 \ -lease_time 86400 \ -ipaddress_count 15 \ -ip_dns1 \ -ip_dns1_step \ -ip_dns2 \ -ip_dns2_step \ -ipaddress_pool \ -ipaddress_pool_step \ -ipaddress_pool_prefix_length 16 \ -ip_address \ -ip_prefix_length 16 \ -vlan_id 200 \ -protocol_name "DHCPv4Server1" \ ] # Verify that DHCPv4 Server 1 is modified puts "Verify that DHCPv4 Server 1 is modified" if {[keylget dhcp_server_status status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget dhcp_server_status log]" return $FAILED } puts "Modify DHCPv4 Server 2" set dhcp_server_status [::ixiangpf::emulation_dhcp_server_config \ -mode modify \ -handle $dhcp_server2 \ -lease_time 86400 \ -ipaddress_count 10 \ -ip_dns1 \ -ip_dns1_step \ -ip_dns2 \ -ip_dns2_step \ -ipaddress_pool \ -ipaddress_pool_step \ -ipaddress_pool_prefix_length 16 \ -ip_address \ -ip_prefix_length 16 \ -vlan_id 101 \ -protocol_name "DHCPv4Server2" \ ] # Verify that DHCPv4 Server 2 is modified puts "Verify that DHCPv4 Server 2 is modified" if {[keylget dhcp_server_status status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget dhcp_server_status log]" return $FAILED } puts "Apply on the fly changes" set apply_on_the_fly_status [::ixiangpf::test_control\ -action apply_on_the_fly_changes] # Verify that apply on the fly changes command is succeded puts "Verify that apply on the fly changes command is succeded" if {[keylget apply_on_the_fly_status status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget apply_on_the_fly_status log]" return $FAILED } puts "Wait 5 seconds ..." after 5000 # Start Protocols # # Start the Servers first puts "Start the Servers first" set control_status [::ixiangpf::emulation_dhcp_server_control \ -dhcp_handle $dhcp_server1\ -action collect\ ] # Verify the start command on DHCPv4 Server 1 puts "Verify the start command on DHCPv4 Server 1" if {[keylget control_status status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget control_status log]" return $FAILED } set control_status [::ixiangpf::emulation_dhcp_server_control \ -dhcp_handle $dhcp_server2\ -action collect\ ] # Verify the start command on DHCPv4 Server 2 puts "Verify the start command on DHCPv4 Server 2" if {[keylget control_status status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget control_status log]" return $FAILED } puts "Wait 15 seconds before the Servers are up..." after 15000 # # Start the Clients second puts "Start the Clients second" set control_status [::ixiangpf::emulation_dhcp_control \ -handle $dhcp_client1 \ -action bind\ ] # Verify the start command on DHCPv4 Client 1 puts "Verify the start command on DHCPv4 Client 1" if {[keylget control_status status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget control_status log]" return $FAILED } set control_status [::ixiangpf::emulation_dhcp_control \ -handle $dhcp_client2 \ -action bind\ ] # Verify the start command on DHCPv4 Client 2 puts "Verify the start command on DHCPv4 Client 2" if {[keylget control_status status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget control_status log]" return $FAILED } puts "Wait 30 seconds before the Clients are up..." after 30000 # Stats # DHCPv4 Server Stats # Stats # DHCPv4 Server Stats set dhcp_server_stats [::ixiangpf::emulation_dhcp_server_stats \ -port_handle [list $port_1 $port_3] \ -action collect \ ] # Verify Statistics from Server are retrieved puts "Verify Statistics from Server are retrieved" if {[keylget dhcp_server_stats status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget dhcp_server_stats log]" return $FAILED } set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 1 1 0 1] "port_name"] set dhcpServer1Port [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 1 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 1 1 0 1] "sessions_up"] set dchpServer1SessionsUp [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 1 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 1 1 0 1] "sessions_down"] set dhcpServer1SessionsDown [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 1 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 1 1 0 1] "sessions_not_started"] set dhcpServer1SessionsNotStarted [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 1 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 1 1 0 1] "session_total"] set dhcpServer1SessionsTotal [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 1 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 2 1 0 1] "port_name"] set dhcpServer2Port [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 2 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 2 1 0 1] "sessions_up"] set dchpServer2SessionsUp [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 2 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 2 1 0 1] "sessions_down"] set dhcpServer2SessionsDown [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 2 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 2 1 0 1] "sessions_not_started"] set dhcpServer2SessionsNotStarted [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 2 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 2 1 0 1] "session_total"] set dhcpServer2SessionsTotal [lindex $dhcp_server_stats 2 1 0 1 $index 1] set DHCPv4ServerStats [list \ [list {"Port $dhcpServer1Port"} \ [list "Sessions Up" $dchpServer1SessionsUp\ "Sessions Down" $dhcpServer1SessionsDown\ "Sessions Not Started" $dhcpServer1SessionsNotStarted\ "Sessions Total" $dhcpServer1SessionsTotal]]\ [list {"Port $dhcpServer2Port"} \ [list "Sessions Up" $dchpServer2SessionsUp\ "Sessions Down" $dhcpServer2SessionsDown\ "Sessions Not Started" $dhcpServer2SessionsNotStarted\ "Sessions Total" $dhcpServer2SessionsTotal ]]] set Expected.DHCPv4ServerStats [list \ [list {"Port $dhcpServer1Port"} \ [list "Sessions Up" = 2\ "Sessions Down" = 0\ "Sessions Not Started" = 0\ "Sessions Total" = 2]]\ [list {"Port $dhcpServer2Port"} \ [list "Sessions Up" = 2\ "Sessions Down" = 0\ "Sessions Not Started" = 0\ "Sessions Total" = 2 ]]] puts "Check Server Statistics" if {[checkStats ${DHCPv4ServerStats} ${Expected.DHCPv4ServerStats}] == 1} { puts "Expected DHCPv4 Server Statistics do not match !!!" return $FAILED } # DHCPv4 Client Stats set dhcp_client_stats [::ixiangpf::emulation_dhcp_stats \ -port_handle [list $port_2 $port_4] \ -mode aggregate_stats \ -dhcp_version dhcp4\ ] # Verify Statistics from Client are retrieved puts "Verify Statistics from Client are retrieved" if {[keylget dhcp_client_stats status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget dhcp_client_stats log]" return $FAILED } set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 1 1 0 1] "port_name"] set dhcpClient1Port [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 1 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 1 1 0 1] "setup_success"] set dchpClient1SessionsUp [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 1 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 1 1 0 1] "total_failed"] set dhcpClient1SessionsDown [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 1 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 1 1 0 1] "sessions_not_started"] set dhcpClient1SessionsNotStarted [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 1 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 1 1 0 1] "sessions_total"] set dhcpClient1SessionsTotal [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 1 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 2 1 0 1] "port_name"] set dhcpClient2Port [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 2 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 2 1 0 1] "setup_success"] set dchpClient2SessionsUp [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 2 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 2 1 0 1] "total_failed"] set dhcpClient2SessionsDown [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 2 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 2 1 0 1] "sessions_not_started"] set dhcpClient2SessionsNotStarted [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 2 1 0 1 $index 1] set index [lsearch -regexp [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 2 1 0 1] "sessions_total"] set dhcpClient2SessionsTotal [lindex $dhcp_client_stats 2 1 0 1 $index 1] set DHCPv4ClientStats [list \ [list "Port $dhcpClient1Port" \ [list "Sessions Up" $dchpClient1SessionsUp\ "Sessions Down" $dhcpClient1SessionsDown\ "Sessions Not Started" $dhcpClient1SessionsNotStarted\ "Sessions Total" $dhcpClient1SessionsTotal]]\ [list "Port $dhcpClient2Port" \ [list "Sessions Up" $dchpClient2SessionsUp\ "Sessions Down" $dhcpClient2SessionsDown\ "Sessions Not Started" $dhcpClient2SessionsNotStarted\ "Sessions Total" $dhcpClient2SessionsTotal ]]] set Expected.DHCPv4ClientStats [list \ [list {"Port $dhcpClient1Port"} \ [list "Sessions Up" = 8\ "Sessions Down" = 15\ "Sessions Not Started" = 0\ "Sessions Total" = 23]]\ [list {"Port $dhcpClient2Port"} \ [list "Sessions Up" = 8\ "Sessions Down" = 15\ "Sessions Not Started" = 0\ "Sessions Total" = 23 ]]] puts "Check Server Statistics" if {[checkStats ${DHCPv4ClientStats} ${Expected.DHCPv4ClientStats}] == 1} { puts "Expected DHCPv4 Client Statistics do not match !!!" return $FAILED } # # Stop All Protocols puts "Stop All Protocols" set control_status [::ixiangpf::test_control \ -action stop_all_protocols\ ] # Verify the stop all protocols command puts "Verify the stop all protocols command" if {[keylget control_status status] == $::FAILURE } { puts "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget control_status log]" return $FAILED } puts "Wait 10 seconds for Protocols to stop..." after 10000 puts "Done... IxNetwork session is closed..." puts "" puts "!!! PASSED !!!"