################################################################################ # Version 1.0 $Revision: 1 $ # $Author: L.Raicea $ # # Copyright © 1997 - 2005 by IXIA # All Rights Reserved. # # Revision Log: # 18/8-2005 L.Raicea # # Description: # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # # LEGAL NOTICE: # # ============== # # The following code and documentation (hereinafter "the script") is an # # example script for demonstration purposes only. # # The script is not a standard commercial product offered by Ixia and have # # been developed and is being provided for use only as indicated herein. The # # script [and all modifications, enhancements and updates thereto (whether # # made by Ixia and/or by the user and/or by a third party)] shall at all times # # remain the property of Ixia. # # # # Ixia does not warrant (i) that the functions contained in the script will # # meet the user's requirements or (ii) that the script will be without # # omissions or error-free. # # THE SCRIPT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, AND IXIA # # DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. # # THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SCRIPT IS WITH THE # # USER. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL IXIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM OR ARISING # # OUT OF THE USE OF, OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE SCRIPT OR ANY PART THEREOF, # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST BUSINESS, LOST OR # # DAMAGED DATA OR SOFTWARE OR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE OR # # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF IXIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # # SUCH DAMAGES IN ADVANCE. # # Ixia will not be required to provide any software maintenance or support # # services of any kind (e.g., any error corrections) in connection with the # # script or any part thereof. The user acknowledges that although Ixia may # # from time to time and in its sole discretion provide maintenance or support # # services for the script, any such services are subject to the warranty and # # damages limitations set forth herein and will not obligate Ixia to provide # # any additional maintenance or support services. # # # ############################################################################### ################################################################################ # # # Description: # # This sample creates the following L2VPN configuration on two pairs of # # ports (1/1,1/2) and (1/3,1/4): # # ____ # # | CE |_____ ____ # # +____+ \ ___| CE | # # \ / +____+ # # ____ \ __________ ______ _____ / ____ # # | CE |---------| DUT (PE) |------| P |__________| PE |__/_____| CE | # # +____+ / +__________+ +______+ +_____+ \ +____+ # # / \ ____ # # ____ / \___| CE | # # | CE |____/ +____+ # # +____+ # # # # # # In this figure we have: # # CE - customer edge # # PE - provider edge # # P - provider # # The following DUT(Cisco 6509) configuration was used: # # # # ip multicast-routing # # mpls label protocol ldp # # mpls traffic-eng tunnels # # tag-switching tdp router-id Loopback100 force # # # # interface Loopback100 # # ip address # # # # router ospf 41 # # log-adjacency-changes # # network area 0 # # router ospf 42 # # log-adjacency-changes # # network area 0 # # # # Interface connected to TX port1(1/1): # # interface GigabitEthernet4/30 # # no ip address # # interface GigabitEthernet4/30.41 # # encapsulation dot1Q 41 # # mpls l2transport route 41 # # interface GigabitEthernet4/30.42 # # encapsulation dot1Q 42 # # mpls l2transport route 42 # # interface GigabitEthernet4/30.43 # # encapsulation dot1Q 43 # # mpls l2transport route 43 # # # # Interface connected to RX port1(1/2): # # interface GigabitEthernet4/32 # # ip address # # ip ospf network broadcast # # mpls label protocol ldp # # tag-switching ip # # # # Interface connected to TX port2(1/3): # # interface GigabitEthernet4/40 # # no ip address # # interface GigabitEthernet4/40.44 # # encapsulation dot1Q 44 # # mpls l2transport route 44 # # interface GigabitEthernet4/40.45 # # encapsulation dot1Q 45 # # mpls l2transport route 45 # # interface GigabitEthernet4/40.46 # # encapsulation dot1Q 46 # # mpls l2transport route 46 # # # # Interface connected to RX port2(1/4): # # interface GigabitEthernet4/46 # # ip address # # ip ospf network broadcast # # mpls label protocol ldp # # tag-switching ip # # # # Module: # # The sample was tested on a LM100TXS8 module. # # # ################################################################################ package require Ixia set test_name [info script] set chassisIP sylvester # Set transmit and receive ports set port_tx_list [list 1/1 1/3] set port_rx_list [list 1/2 1/4] # Set mac addresses for the interfaces on the RX ports set rx_mac_init_list [list 0000.0000.0001 0000.0000.0002 ] # Set CE parameters (used to configure the stream) set ce_tx_mac_init_list [list ea. fa.] set ce_tx_mac_step_list [list] set ce_tx_mac_count_list [list 3 3 ] set ce_tx_ip_init_list [list] set ce_tx_ip_step_list [list ] set ce_tx_ip_count_list [list 3 3 ] set ce_rx_mac_init_list [list eb. fb.] set ce_rx_mac_step_list [list] set ce_rx_mac_count_list [list 3 3 ] set ce_rx_ip_init_list [list] set ce_rx_ip_step_list [list ] set ce_rx_ip_count_list [list 3 3 ] # Set DUT parameters (used to configure OSPF and LDP routers) set dut_ldp_intf set dut_intf_list [list ] # Set Provider parameters (used to configure OSPF and LDP routers) set provider_ip_list [list ] set provider_prefix_list [list 24 24 ] # Set PE parameters (used to configure OSPF and LDP routers) set pe_ip_list [list ] set pe_prefix_list [list 32 32 ] set pe_vcid_init_list [list 41 44 ] set pe_vcid_step_list [list 1 1 ] set pe_vcid_count_list [list 3 3 ] # Set stream signature in order to provide data integrity check and # packet group signature for latency stats set stream_tx_signature_list [list 11223344 55667788 ] set stream_tx_signature_offset_list [list 48 48 ] set stream_tx_pgid_value_list [list 10 20 ] set stream_tx_pgid_offset_list [list 52 52 ] # Connect to the chassis,reset to factory defaults and # take ownership of tx ports # When using P2NO HLTSET, for loading the IxTclNetwork package please # provide –ixnetwork_tcl_server parameter to ::ixia::connect set connect_status [::ixia::connect \ -reset \ -device $chassisIP \ -port_list $port_tx_list \ -username ixiaApiUser ] if {[keylget connect_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { return "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget connect_status log]" } set port_tx_handle [list] foreach port $port_tx_list { if {![catch {keylget connect_status port_handle.$chassisIP.$port} \ temp_port]} { lappend port_tx_handle $temp_port } } # Connect to the chassis,reset to factory defaults and # take ownership of rx ports set connect_status [::ixia::connect \ -reset \ -device $chassisIP \ -port_list $port_rx_list \ -username ixiaApiUser ] if {[keylget connect_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { return "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget connect_status log]" } set port_rx_handle [list] foreach port $port_rx_list { if {![catch {keylget connect_status port_handle.$chassisIP.$port} \ temp_port]} { lappend port_rx_handle $temp_port } } set ospf_router_list "" set index -1 foreach {port_tx} $port_tx_handle {port_rx} $port_rx_handle { incr index ######################################## # Configure TX interface in the test # ######################################## set interface_status [::ixia::interface_config \ -port_handle $port_tx \ -autonegotiation 1 \ -duplex full \ -speed ether100 \ -transmit_mode stream \ -qos_stats 0 \ -port_rx_mode capture \ ] if {[keylget interface_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { return "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget interface_status log]" } ######################################## # Configure RX interface in the test # ######################################## # When the stream is received on RX port, it is mpls encapsulated # So if the data signature offset on transmition is $offset then # 14 bytes for the mac header and 4 bytes for the mpls label must # be added on receive port. set interface_status [::ixia::interface_config \ -port_handle $port_rx \ -autonegotiation 1 \ -duplex full \ -speed ether100 \ -port_rx_mode packet_group \ -data_integrity 1 \ -integrity_signature \ [lindex $stream_tx_signature_list $index] \ -integrity_signature_offset \ [expr [lindex $stream_tx_signature_offset_list $index] + 18] \ -signature \ [lindex $stream_tx_signature_list $index] \ -signature_offset \ [expr [lindex $stream_tx_signature_offset_list $index] + 18] \ -pgid_offset \ [expr [lindex $stream_tx_pgid_offset_list $index] + 18] \ -transmit_mode stream ] if {[keylget interface_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { return "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget interface_status log]" } ################################################# # Configure OSPFv2 Provider and Provider Edge # # # ################################################# set ospf_neighbor_status [::ixia::emulation_ospf_config \ -port_handle $port_rx \ -reset \ -session_type ospfv2 \ -mode create \ -count 1 \ -mac_address_init [lindex $rx_mac_init_list $index] \ -intf_ip_addr [lindex $provider_ip_list $index] \ -intf_prefix_length [lindex $provider_prefix_list $index] \ -neighbor_intf_ip_addr [lindex $dut_intf_list $index] \ -loopback_ip_addr [lindex $pe_ip_list $index] \ -router_id [string map {/ "."} $port_rx].1 \ -area_id \ -area_id_step \ -area_type external-capable \ -authentication_mode null \ -dead_interval 40 \ -hello_interval 10 \ -interface_cost 10 \ -network_type broadcast \ -option_bits "0x02" ] if {[keylget ospf_neighbor_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { return "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget ospf_neighbor_status log]" } lappend ospf_router_list [keylget ospf_neighbor_status handle] ################################################# # Configure LDP Provider Router # ################################################# set ldp_routers_status [::ixia::emulation_ldp_config \ -reset \ -mode create \ -port_handle $port_rx \ -count 1 \ -intf_ip_addr [lindex $provider_ip_list $index] \ -intf_prefix_length [lindex $provider_prefix_list $index] \ -gateway_ip_addr [lindex $dut_intf_list $index] \ -mac_address_init [lindex $rx_mac_init_list $index] \ -lsr_id [string map {/ "."} $port_rx].1 \ -label_space 0 \ -label_adv unsolicited \ -peer_discovery link \ -hello_interval 5 \ -hello_hold_time 15 \ -keepalive_interval 10 \ -keepalive_holdtime 30 \ -discard_self_adv_fecs 0 \ -enable_l2vpn_vc_fecs 0 \ -enable_explicit_include_ip_fec 0 \ -enable_remote_connect 1 \ -enable_vc_group_matching 0 \ -targeted_hello_hold_time 45 \ -targeted_hello_interval 15 ] if {[keylget ldp_routers_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { return "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget ldp_routers_status log]" } set router_handle_list [keylget ldp_routers_status handle] set router_handle [lindex $router_handle_list 0] ################################################# # Configure ipv4_prefix fec type routes # ################################################# set ldp_routers_status [::ixia::emulation_ldp_route_config \ -mode create \ -handle $router_handle \ -fec_type ipv4_prefix \ -label_msg_type mapping \ -egress_label_mode nextlabel \ -num_lsps 1 \ -fec_ip_prefix_start [lindex $pe_ip_list $index] \ -fec_ip_prefix_length [lindex $pe_prefix_list $index] \ -packing_enable 0 \ -label_value_start 3 \ ] ################################################# # Configure LDP Provider Edge Router # ################################################# set ldp_routers_status [::ixia::emulation_ldp_config \ -mode create \ -port_handle $port_rx \ -count 1 \ -intf_ip_addr [lindex $provider_ip_list $index] \ -intf_prefix_length [lindex $provider_prefix_list $index] \ -gateway_ip_addr [lindex $dut_intf_list $index] \ -loopback_ip_addr [lindex $pe_ip_list $index] \ -mac_address_init [lindex $rx_mac_init_list $index] \ -lsr_id [lindex $pe_ip_list $index] \ -remote_ip_addr $dut_ldp_intf \ -label_space 0 \ -peer_discovery targeted_martini \ -hello_interval 5 \ -hello_hold_time 15 \ -keepalive_interval 10 \ -keepalive_holdtime 30 \ -discard_self_adv_fecs 0 \ -enable_l2vpn_vc_fecs 1 \ -enable_explicit_include_ip_fec 0 \ -enable_remote_connect 1 \ -enable_vc_group_matching 0 \ -targeted_hello_hold_time 45 \ -targeted_hello_interval 15 ] if {[keylget ldp_routers_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { return "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget ldp_routers_status log]" } set router_handle_list [keylget ldp_routers_status handle] set router_handle [lindex $router_handle_list 0] ################################################# # Configure vc ranges for LDP # ################################################# set ldp_routers_status [::ixia::emulation_ldp_route_config \ -mode create \ -handle $router_handle \ -fec_type vc \ -fec_vc_type eth_vlan \ -fec_vc_group_id 1 \ -fec_vc_group_count 1 \ -fec_vc_cbit 0 \ -fec_vc_id_start [lindex $pe_vcid_init_list $index] \ -fec_vc_id_step [lindex $pe_vcid_step_list $index] \ -fec_vc_id_count [lindex $pe_vcid_count_list $index] \ -fec_vc_intf_mtu_enable 1 \ -fec_vc_intf_mtu 1500 \ -fec_vc_intf_desc "ixia_ldp_vc" \ -packing_enable 0 \ -fec_vc_label_mode increment_label \ -fec_vc_label_value_start 16 \ -fec_vc_peer_address $dut_ldp_intf \ ] if {[keylget ldp_routers_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { return "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget ldp_routers_status log]" } # Delete all the streams first set traffic_status [::ixia::traffic_config \ -mode reset \ -port_handle $port_tx ] if {[keylget traffic_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { return "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget traffic_status log]" } set traffic_status [::ixia::traffic_config \ -mode create \ -port_handle $port_tx \ -length_mode imix \ -l3_imix1_size 128 \ -l3_imix1_ratio 1 \ -l3_imix2_size 256 \ -l3_imix2_ratio 1 \ -l3_imix3_size 512 \ -l3_imix3_ratio 1 \ -l3_imix4_size 1024 \ -l3_imix4_ratio 1 \ -rate_percent 100 \ -mac_src [lindex $ce_tx_mac_init_list $index] \ -mac_src_mode increment \ -mac_src_step [lindex $ce_tx_mac_step_list $index] \ -mac_src_count [lindex $ce_tx_mac_count_list $index] \ -mac_dst [lindex $ce_rx_mac_init_list $index] \ -mac_dst_mode increment \ -mac_dst_step [lindex $ce_rx_mac_step_list $index] \ -mac_dst_count [lindex $ce_rx_mac_count_list $index] \ -l3_protocol ipv4 \ -ip_src_addr [lindex $ce_tx_ip_init_list $index] \ -ip_src_mode increment \ -ip_src_count [lindex $ce_tx_ip_count_list $index] \ -ip_src_step [lindex $ce_tx_ip_step_list $index] \ -ip_dst_addr [lindex $ce_rx_ip_init_list $index] \ -ip_dst_mode increment \ -ip_dst_count [lindex $ce_rx_ip_count_list $index] \ -ip_dst_step [lindex $ce_rx_ip_step_list $index] \ -vlan_id_mode increment \ -vlan_id [lindex $pe_vcid_init_list $index] \ -vlan_id_step [lindex $pe_vcid_step_list $index] \ -vlan_id_count [lindex $pe_vcid_count_list $index] \ -enable_data_integrity 1 \ -integrity_signature \ [lindex $stream_tx_signature_list $index] \ -integrity_signature_offset \ [lindex $stream_tx_signature_offset_list $index] \ -signature \ [lindex $stream_tx_signature_list $index] \ -signature_offset \ [lindex $stream_tx_signature_offset_list $index] \ -pgid_value \ [lindex $stream_tx_pgid_value_list $index] \ ] if {[keylget traffic_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { return "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget traffic_status log]" } } # Start OSPF protocol foreach {ospf_router} $ospf_router_list { set ospf_control_status [::ixia::emulation_ospf_control \ -handle $ospf_router \ -mode start ] if {[keylget ospf_control_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { return "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget ospf_control_status log]" } } # Start LDP protocol set ldp_control_status [::ixia::emulation_ldp_control \ -port_handle $port_rx_handle \ -mode start ] if {[keylget ldp_control_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { return "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget ldp_control_status log]" } # Wait 100 seconds for the OSPF and LDP to learn routes and labels after 100000 set port_handle [concat $port_tx_handle $port_rx_handle] # Clear all statistics on ports set traffic_status [::ixia::traffic_control \ -action clear_stats \ -port_handle $port_handle ] if {[keylget traffic_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { return "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget traffic_status log]" } # Start traffic on TX ports set traffic_status [::ixia::traffic_control \ -action run \ -port_handle $port_tx_handle ] if {[keylget traffic_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { return "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget traffic_status log]" } # Procedure to print stats proc post_stats {port_handle label key_list stat_key {stream ""}} { puts -nonewline [format "%-30s" $label] foreach port $port_handle { if {$stream != ""} { set key $port.stream.$stream.$stat_key } else { set key $port.$stat_key } if {[llength [keylget key_list $key]] > 1} { puts -nonewline "[format "%-16s" N/A]" } else { puts -nonewline "[format "%-16s" [keylget key_list $key]]" } } puts "" } # Wait for TX ports to send traffic after 10000 # Stop traffic on the TX ports set traffic_stop_status [::ixia::traffic_control \ -port_handle $port_tx_handle \ -action stop ] if {[keylget traffic_stop_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { return "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget traffic_stop_status log]" } ############################################################################### # Retrieve stats after stopped ############################################################################### # Get aggregrate stats for all ports set aggregate_stats [::ixia::traffic_stats -port_handle $port_handle] if {[keylget aggregate_stats status] != $::SUCCESS} { return "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget aggregate_stats log]" } puts "\n********************* FINAL COUNT STATS ***********************" puts -nonewline "[format "%-30s" " "]" foreach port $port_handle { puts -nonewline "[format "%-16s" $port]" } puts "" puts -nonewline "[format "%-30s" " "]" foreach port $port_handle { puts -nonewline "[format "%-16s" "-----"]" } puts "" post_stats $port_handle "Elapsed Time" $aggregate_stats \ aggregate.tx.elapsed_time post_stats $port_handle "Packets Tx" $aggregate_stats \ aggregate.tx.pkt_count post_stats $port_handle "Bytes Tx" $aggregate_stats \ aggregate.tx.pkt_byte_count post_stats $port_handle "Bits Tx" $aggregate_stats \ aggregate.tx.pkt_bit_count post_stats $port_handle "Packets Rx" $aggregate_stats \ aggregate.rx.pkt_count post_stats $port_handle "Collisions" $aggregate_stats \ aggregate.rx.collisions_count post_stats $port_handle "Dribble Errors" $aggregate_stats \ aggregate.rx.dribble_errors_count post_stats $port_handle "CRCs" $aggregate_stats \ aggregate.rx.crc_errors_count post_stats $port_handle "Oversizes" $aggregate_stats \ aggregate.rx.oversize_count post_stats $port_handle "Undersizes" $aggregate_stats \ aggregate.rx.undersize_count post_stats $port_handle "Data Integrity Frames" $aggregate_stats \ aggregate.rx.data_int_frames_count post_stats $port_handle "Data Integrity Error" $aggregate_stats \ aggregate.rx.data_int_errors_count puts "***************************************************************\n" ############################################ # Get traffic statistics for all the PGIDs # ############################################ puts "\n********** LATENCY STATS (latency is in nanosecondes) *********" puts [format "%8s %8s %15s %15s %8s %8s %8s" \ Port PGID PkCount BitRate MaxLat MinLat AvgLat] set index -1 foreach {port_rx} $port_rx_handle { incr index set pgid_index [lindex $stream_tx_pgid_value_list $index] set pgid_statistics_list [::ixia::traffic_stats \ -port_handle $port_rx \ -packet_group_id $pgid_index \ ] ############################# # Format the statistics # ############################# puts [format "%8s %8d %15.1f %15.1f %8.1f %8.1f %8d" \ $port_rx $pgid_index \ [keylget pgid_statistics_list \ $port_rx.pgid.rx.pkt_count.$pgid_index] \ [keylget pgid_statistics_list \ $port_rx.pgid.rx.bit_rate.$pgid_index] \ [keylget pgid_statistics_list \ $port_rx.pgid.rx.max_latency.$pgid_index] \ [keylget pgid_statistics_list \ $port_rx.pgid.rx.min_latency.$pgid_index] \ [keylget pgid_statistics_list \ $port_rx.pgid.rx.avg_latency.$pgid_index] ] } # Clean up the connection set cleanup_status [::ixia::cleanup_session \ -port_handle $port_handle ] if {[keylget cleanup_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { return "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget cleanup_status log]" } return "SUCCESS - $test_name - [clock format [clock seconds]]"