#!/usr/bin/tclsh # IxExplorer HLT Sample by: Hubert Gee # # Description # # This is an IxExplorer sample script to configure # IxRouter port for layer3 and L2/L3 traffic streams. # # Configuring IxRouter for layer3 is optional. If # you do not want layer3, then don't include the # layer3 parameters. # # Connect two back-to-back Ixia ports together. You # could connect Ixia ports to your DUT, but to get # familiar with the HLT APIs, using back-to-back # Ixia ports will be much easier to learn by avoiding # misconfigurations on the DUT. # # This sample script uses PGID, which is an Ixia # signature on each packet. # # PGID is a unique number for each traffic stream. # # Throughout this sample, there are notes before and # after each block of code to explain what it does # and how to get the status, as well as showing you # cut and paste status outputs of the HLT status. # # You will need to write some code, preferably in Tcl # array format to map each PGID associated to the port # for traffic stat validation. # # Keep in mind that for each stream that you create # on the same port, the PGID number will increment. # # This sample script comes with three statistic # package req Ixia set ixiaChassisIp set userName hgee set portList "1/1/1 1/1/2" set port1 1/1/1 set port2 1/1/2 proc StartTrafficHlt { args } { # -txPort: one or more transmitting ports # -trafficDuration: Optionally, you can set a total amount of # time in seconds to send the traffic set trafficDuration 0 set argIndex 0 while {$argIndex < [llength $args]} { set currentArg [lindex $args $argIndex] switch -exact -- $currentArg { -txPort { set txPorts [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -trafficDuration { set trafficDuration [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } default { puts "StartTrafficHlt: No such parameter: $currentArg" } } } set portHandleList {} foreach pHandle $txPorts { lappend portHandleList $pHandle } puts "Starting IxExplorer traffic ..." set trafficControlStatus [ixia::traffic_control \ -port_handle $portHandleList \ -action sync_run \ ] if {[keylget trafficControlStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "StartTrafficHlt ERROR: Ixia traffic failed to start on port $portHandleList" puts [KeylPrint trafficControlStatus] return 1 } else { puts "StartTrafficHlt: Traffic started on port $portHandleList" } if {$trafficDuration > 0} { puts "Traffic will run in the background for $trafficDuration seconds" sleep $trafficDuration set trafficControlStatus [ixia::traffic_control \ -port_handle $portHandleList \ -action stop \ ] if {[keylget trafficControlStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "Failed to stop Ixia traffic on ports $portHandleList" puts [KeylPrint trafficControlStatus] } CheckPortTransmitDoneIxia $txPorts } else { after 2000 } } proc StopTraffic { port_handle_list } { set trafficControlStatus [ixia::traffic_control \ -port_handle $port_handle_list \ -action stop ] if {[keylget trafficControlStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "Failed to stop Ixia traffic on ports $port_handle_list\n[KeylPrint trafficControlStatus]" } else { puts "StopTraffic: Ixia traffic stopped on ports $port_handle_list" } } proc CheckPortTransmitDoneIxia { port_list } { foreach port $port_list { lappend portList "[split $port /]" } ixCheckTransmitDone portList puts "$port_list stopped transmitting." } # These stats are for IxExplorer stats. Not for IxNetwork stats. proc GetStatsAggregate {} { # Example on getting aggregated port stats set aggregateStats [ixia::traffic_stats \ -port_handle $::portList \ -mode aggregate \ ] if {[keylget aggregateStats status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "Error: GetStatsAggregate: $aggregateStats" return 1 } puts "\n[KeylPrint aggregateStats]\n" puts "\n[format %6s Port][format %10s Tx][format %12s Rx]" puts "-----------------------------------" foreach port $::portList { set totalTx [keylget aggregateStats $port.aggregate.tx.pkt_count] set totalRx [keylget aggregateStats $port.aggregate.rx.pkt_count] puts "[format %6s $port][format %13s $totalTx][format %12s $totalRx]" } } proc GetStatsStream {} { # Example on getting stream Id stats set streamStats [ixia::traffic_stats \ -port_handle $::portList \ -mode stream \ ] puts "\n[KeylPrint streamStats]\n" puts "\n[format %6s Port][format %10s Tx][format %12s Rx]" puts "-----------------------------------" foreach port $::portList { set totalTx [keylget streamStats $port.stream.1.tx.total_pkts] set totalRx [keylget streamStats $port.stream.1.rx.total_pkts] puts "[format %6s $port][format %13s $totalTx][format %12s $totalRx]" } } proc GetStatsPgid { {totalPgids 1} } { # Example for PGID stats # -packet_group_id: # give a packet group ID, returns the statistics for all packet group ids # from 0 to this value. It also support a range. For example 7-9 means # that return statistics for group 7, 8, and 9. Valid only IxOS. set pgidStatistics [ixia::traffic_stats \ -port_handle $::portList \ -packet_group_id $totalPgids \ ] puts "\n[KeylPrint pgidStatistics]\n" puts "\n[format %6s Port][format %10s Tx][format %12s Rx]" puts "-----------------------------------" foreach port $::portList { # $port.pgid.rx.pkt_count.2 set totalTx [keylget pgidStatistics $port.aggregate.tx.pkt_count] set totalRx [keylget pgidStatistics $port.aggregate.rx.pkt_count] puts "[format %6s $port][format %10s $totalTx][format %12s $totalRx]" } puts \n } proc KeylPrint {keylist {space ""}} { upvar $keylist kl set result "" foreach key [keylkeys kl] { set value [keylget kl $key] if {[catch {keylkeys value}]} { append result "$space$key: $value\n" } else { set newspace "$space " append result "$space$key:\n[KeylPrint value $newspace]" } } return $result } # Uncomment these lines for debugging. # The following lines will generate a HLT debug file for debugging problems. set ::ixia::logHltapiCommandsFlag 1 set ::ixia::logHltapiCommandsFileName ixiaHltDebug1.txt puts "\nConnecting to Ixia chassis and ports ..." set connectStatus [::ixia::connect \ -reset \ -device $ixiaChassisIp \ -tcl_server $ixiaChassisIp \ -port_list "1/1 1/2" \ -username $userName \ -break_locks 1 \ ] if {[keylget connectStatus status] != 1} { puts "\nError: Failed to connect: $connectStatus" exit } puts "\nconnectStatus: $connectStatus" # connectStatus: {port_handle {{10 {{205 {{4 {{172 {{1/1 1/1/1} {1/2 1/1/2}}}}}}}}}}} {status 1} # If you do not want layer3, then do not include them. # Only include -mode, -port_handle and -port_rx_mode puts "\nConfiguring IxRouter on $port1 ..." set interfaceStatus [::ixia::interface_config \ -mode config \ -port_handle $port1 \ -port_rx_mode auto_detect_instrumentation \ -intf_ip_addr \ -gateway \ -netmask \ -src_mac_addr 00:01:01:01:00:01 \ -arp_send_req 1 \ -arp_req_retries 3 \ ] if {[keylget interfaceStatus status] != 1} { puts "\nError: Configuring port $port1 interface_config" exit } puts "\ninterfaceStatus1: $interfaceStatus" # interfaceStatus1: {status 1} {interface_handle intf1} puts "\nConfiguring IxRouter on $port2 ..." set interfaceStatus2 [::ixia::interface_config \ -mode config \ -port_handle $port2 \ -port_rx_mode auto_detect_instrumentation \ -intf_ip_addr \ -gateway \ -netmask \ -src_mac_addr 00:01:01:02:00:01 \ -arp_send_req 1 \ -arp_req_retries 3 \ ] if {[keylget interfaceStatus2 status] != 1} { puts "\nError: Configuring port $port2 interface_config" exit } puts "\nintefaceStatus2: $interfaceStatus2" # {status 1} {interface_handle intf2} {1/1/2 {{router_solicitation_success 1} {arp_request_success 1}}} # Example on how to send ARP on a port set interfaceStatus [::ixia::interface_config \ -port_handle $port1 \ -arp_send_req 1 \ -arp_req_retries 3 \ ] puts "\ninterfaceStatus1: $interfaceStatus" # Here is the keyed list of arp results that you would use for passed/failed criteria... # {status 1} {interface_handle intf2} {1/1/2 {{router_solicitation_success 1} {arp_request_success 1}}} # transmit_mode options: single_burst or continuous set trafficStatus [::ixia::traffic_config \ -mode create \ -port_handle $port1 \ -enable_auto_detect_instrumentation 1 \ -rate_percent 10 \ -pkts_per_burst 10000 \ -transmit_mode single_burst \ -frame_size 100 \ -mac_src 00:01:01:01:00:01 \ -mac_dst 00:01:01:02:00:02 \ -ip_src_addr \ -ip_dst_addr \ -ethernet_type ethernetII \ -l3_protocol ipv4 \ -vlan_id 3 \ -vlan_user_priority 2 \ ] if {[keylget trafficStatus status] != 1} { puts "\nError: Configuring port $port1 traffic stream: $trafficStatus" exit } set pgid(1) $port1 # transmit_mode options: single_burst or continuous set trafficStatus2 [::ixia::traffic_config \ -mode create \ -port_handle $port2 \ -enable_auto_detect_instrumentation 1 \ -rate_percent 40 \ -pkts_per_burst 20000 \ -transmit_mode single_burst \ -frame_size 90 \ -mac_src 00:01:01:01:00:02 \ -mac_dst 00:01:01:01:00:01 \ -ip_src_addr \ -ip_dst_addr \ -ethernet_type ethernetII \ -l3_protocol ipv4 \ -vlan_id 3 \ -vlan_user_priority 2 \ ] if {[keylget trafficStatus2 status] != 1} { puts "\nError: Configuring port $port2 traffic stream: $trafficStatus2" exit } set pgid(2) $port1 # This is how to modify something on a port on a specific stream ID. # Yes, you do need to keep track of ports mapping to Stream ID numbers # as you are creating traffic_config. set trafficStatus2 [::ixia::traffic_config \ -mode modify \ -port_handle $port2 \ -frame_size 128 \ -stream_id 2 \ ] StartTrafficHlt -txPort $portList #GetStatsAggregate #GetStatsStream GetStatsPgid 2