# Description: # Test sending PFC frames to the transmitting port to slow down the rate. # # This script allows scaling txPorts and rxPorts and you could create multiple streams for each port. # txPorts: These are ports sending continuous traffic. # rxPorts: These are ports sending PFC frames to the txPorts to throttle the sending rates. # # User defined: # - Each stream must have a unique and incremental PGID number. # This is how you track from which PFC priority group # # - Each txPort stream must have a PFC priority group number. # This is how the transmitting stream rate gets throttled. # When the rxPort sends PFC frames, the quantas set in the PFC queue indicates which # pfc priority group to throttle. # # - For the sendPfc port, the last element in the stream is the pause quantas. # # Sample stats: # # Port PortName Transmitted Received RxFrom crc pfcGroup/Quantas # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 1 1 2 txPort_stream_1 525077340 14265332 1/1/1 0 1 # 1 1 2 txPort_stream_2 525077340 14265327 1/1/1 0 5 # 1 1 1 pfcPort_stream_1 892036999223 528733 1/1/2 0 {0 0} {1 60} {0 0} {0 0} {0 0} {1 60} {0 0} {0 0} # # Tested with Novus-NP10/1GE8DP package req IxTclHal set tclServer set username hgee ixConnectToTclServer $tclServer ixConnectToChassis $tclServer set chassisId [chassis cget -id] # txPort will send continuous packets. Each stream is an item in a list. set port($chassisId/1/1,txPort) [list [list name=cos_0 pgid=0 srcMac=00:11:11:11:11:11 dstMac=00:33:33:33:33:33 srcIp= \ dstIp= pctLineRate=10 priorityGroup=0] \ [list name=cos_1 pgid=1 srcMac=00:22:22:22:22:22 dstMac=00:33:33:33:33:33 srcIp= \ dstIp= pctLineRate=10 priorityGroup=1] \ [list name=cos_2 pgid=2 srcMac=00:33:33:33:33:33 dstMac=00:33:33:33:33:33 srcIp= \ dstIp= pctLineRate=10 priorityGroup=2] \ [list name=cos_3 pgid=3 srcMac=00:44:44:44:44:44 dstMac=00:33:33:33:33:33 srcIp= \ dstIp= pctLineRate=10 priorityGroup=3] \ [list name=cos_4 pgid=4 srcMac=00:55:55:55:55:55 dstMac=00:33:33:33:33:33 srcIp= \ dstIp= pctLineRate=10 priorityGroup=4] \ [list name=cos_5 pgid=5 srcMac=00:66:66:66:66:66 dstMac=00:33:33:33:33:33 srcIp= \ dstIp= pctLineRate=10 priorityGroup=5] \ [list name=cos_6 pgid=6 srcMac=00:77:77:77:77:77 dstMac=00:33:33:33:33:33 srcIp= \ dstIp= pctLineRate=10 priorityGroup=6] \ [list name=cos_7 pgid=7 srcMac=00:88:88:88:88:88 dstMac=00:33:33:33:33:33 srcIp= \ dstIp= pctLineRate=10 priorityGroup=7] \ ] # These sendPfc ports will send pause frames to the txPort set port($chassisId/1/2,sendPfc) [list [list name=sendPauseFrames pgid=8 srcMac=00:99:99:99:99:99 dstMac=01:80:C2:00:00:01 \ srcIp= dstIp= pctLineRate=1 \ [list {1 30} {1 40} {1 50} {1 60} {1 70} {1 80} {1 90} {1 65535}] \ ]] # Define the port list foreach currentPort [array name port] { #currentPort: rxPort,1/1/2 #port: rxPort,1/1/2 {{3 50}} set currentPort [lindex [split $currentPort ,] 0] scan $currentPort "%d/%d/%d" chassis card portNumber lappend portList [list $chassis $card $portNumber] } ixLogin $username ixTakeOwnership $portList proc getBinary {byteList} { # If byteList = {{1 5} {0 0} {0 0} {1 32} {0 0} {0 0} {0 0} {1 60}} # p0, p3, p7 are set # This gives you 1001 = 9 (p0, p3) # 1000 = 8 (p7) # The vector is = 89 set binary "" foreach byte [lreverse $byteList] { if {[lindex $byte 1] != 0} { append binary 1 } else { append binary 0 } } #return [expr "0b$binary"] # [expr "0b$binary] converts binary to decimal # [format %1.1x $decimal] converts to single digit hex (Ex: 15 -> f) return [format %1.1x [expr "0b$binary"]] } proc getParamValue {stream param} { set streamList "" foreach item $stream { append streamList "$item " } set index [lsearch -regexp $streamList $param] if {$index != -1} { set value [lindex [split [lindex $streamList $index] =] end] } else { return None } return $value } proc portConfig {portList} { foreach port $portList { scan $port "%d %d %d" chassisId cardId portId puts "portConfig: $port" port config -directedAddress "01 80 C2 00 00 01" port config -multicastPauseAddress "01 80 C2 00 00 01" port config -transmitMode portTxModeAdvancedScheduler port config -receiveMode [expr $::portCapture|$::portRxDataIntegrity|$::portRxModeWidePacketGroup] port config -enableDataCenterMode true port config -flowControl true port config -dataCenterMode eightPriorityTrafficMapping port config -flowControlType ieee8021Qbb port config -pfcEnableValueListBitMatrix "{1 1} {1 2} {1 4} {1 8} {1 16} {1 32} {1 64} {1 128}" port config -pfcResponseDelayEnabled 0 port config -pfcResponseDelayQuanta 1 port config -operationModeList [list] port config -MacAddress "00 de bb 00 00 01" port config -DestMacAddress "00 de bb 00 00 02" port config -name "" port config -portCpuFlowControlDestAddr "01 80 C2 00 00 01" port config -portCpuFlowControlSrcAddr "00 00 01 00 02 00" port config -portCpuFlowControlPriority "1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1" port config -portCpuFlowControlType 0 port config -autonegotiate true #port config -advertise100FullDuplex true #port config -advertise100HalfDuplex false #port config -advertise10FullDuplex true #port config -advertise10HalfDuplex false #port config -advertise1000FullDuplex true #port config -advertise5FullDuplex false #port config -advertise2P5FullDuplex false if {[port set $chassisId $cardId $portId]} { puts "\nportConfig: Error calling port set $chassisId $cardId $portId" } } } proc configTxStream {portArray} { upvar $portArray ports foreach currentPort [array name ports] { set typeOfPort [lindex [split $currentPort ,] 1] set currentPort [lindex [split $currentPort ,] 0] scan $currentPort "%d/%d/%d" chassis card portNumber foreach {portAndType streams} [array get ports $currentPort,*] { set streamId 1 foreach stream $streams { puts "\nconfigTxStream: $currentPort stream: $stream" if {[port resetStreamProtocolStack $chassis $card $portNumber]} { puts "configStream: Error calling port resetStreamProtocolStack $chassis $card $portNumber" } stream setDefault stream config -name [getParamValue $stream name] stream config -sa [getParamValue $stream srcMac] stream config -da [getParamValue $stream dstMac] stream config -enable true stream config -numBursts 1 stream config -numFrames 100 stream config -percentPacketRate [getParamValue $stream pctLineRate].0 stream config -rateMode streamRateModePercentRate stream config -framesize 64 stream config -frameSizeType sizeFixed stream config -enableTimestamp true stream config -fcs good stream config -dma contPacket if {$typeOfPort == "txPort"} { stream config -priorityGroup [getParamValue $stream priorityGroup] } protocol setDefault if {$typeOfPort == "txPort"} { protocol config -name ipV4 } if {$typeOfPort == "sendPfc"} { protocol config -name pauseControl } protocol config -appName noType protocol config -ethernetType ethernetII protocol config -enable802dot1qTag vlanNone if {$typeOfPort == "sendPfc"} { set pauseFrameList {} foreach x [lindex $stream end] { if {[lindex $x 0] != 0} { append pauseFrameList " 00 [format %02x [lindex $x 1]]" } else { append pauseFrameList " 00 00" } } puts "pauseFrame: $pauseFrameList" puts "pauseFrame Quanta: [lindex $stream end]" # Get the vector set leftByte [lrange [lindex $stream end] 0 3] set rightByte [lrange [lindex $stream end] 4 end] puts "leftByte: $leftByte ; rightByte: $rightByte" set vector "[getBinary $rightByte][getBinary $leftByte]" puts "vector: $vector" pauseControl setDefault pauseControl config -da "01 80 C2 00 00 01" pauseControl config -pauseTime 255 pauseControl config -pauseControlType ieee8021Qbb pauseControl config -priorityEnableVector 0x$vector pauseControl config -usePfcEnableValueList 0 #pauseControl config -pauseFrame "00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3C 00 00 00 00" #pauseControl config -pfcEnableValueList "{0 0} {1 32} {0 0} {0 0} {0 0} {1 60} {0 0} {0 0}" pauseControl config -pauseFrame "$pauseFrameList" pauseControl config -pfcEnableValueList "[lindex $stream end]" if {[pauseControl set $chassis $card $portNumber]} { puts "configPfcQueues: Error calling pauseControl set $chassis $card $portNumber" } } ip setDefault ip config -ipProtocol ipV4ProtocolReserved255 ip config -sourceIpAddr [getParamValue $stream srcIp] ip config -sourceIpMask "" ip config -destIpAddr [getParamValue $stream dstIp] ip config -destIpMask "" if {[ip set $chassis $card $portNumber]} { puts "\nconfigStream: Error calling ip set $chassis $card $portNumber" } if {[stream set $chassis $card $portNumber $streamId]} { puts "\nconfigTxStream: Error: calling stream set $chassis $card $portNumber $streamId" } packetGroup setDefault packetGroup config -signatureOffset 48 packetGroup config -signature "08 71 18 05" packetGroup config -insertSignature true packetGroup config -ignoreSignature false packetGroup config -enableInsertPgid true packetGroup config -groupId [getParamValue $stream pgid] packetGroup config -groupIdOffset 52 packetGroup config -enableGroupIdMask false packetGroup config -groupIdMode packetGroupCustom packetGroup config -groupIdMask 4293918720 packetGroup config -latencyControl cutThrough packetGroup config -measurementMode packetGroupModeLatency if {[packetGroup setTx $chassis $card $portNumber $streamId]} { puts "\nconfigTxStream: Error: calling packetGroup setRx $chassis $card $portNumber $streamId" } autoDetectInstrumentation setDefault autoDetectInstrumentation config -enableTxAutomaticInstrumentation true autoDetectInstrumentation config -signature {87 73 67 49 42 87 11 80 08 71 18 05} if {[autoDetectInstrumentation setTx $chassis $card $portNumber $streamId]} { puts "\nconfigStream: Error: calling autoDetectInstrumentation setTx $chassis $card $portNumber $streamId" } incr streamId } } } } proc getStats {portList portArray} { upvar $portArray ports # Create a relational DB to get the port from the PGID number. set totalPgid 0 foreach {portAndType streams} [array get ports *,*] { set currentPort [lindex [split $portAndType ,] 0] foreach stream $streams { incr totalPgid if {[getParamValue $stream priorityGroup] != "None"} { set portPgid([getParamValue $stream pgid]) "$currentPort [getParamValue $stream name] [getParamValue $stream priorityGroup]" } else { set portPgid([getParamValue $stream pgid]) "$currentPort [getParamValue $stream name] [list [lindex $stream end]]" } } } puts [parray portPgid] set isThereAnyError {} #puts "\n[format "%-8s %-20s %-15s %-14s %-9s %-6s %-10s" Port PortName Transmitted Received RxFrom crc pfcGroup/Quantas]" puts "\n[format "%-8s %-20s %-8s %-20s %-20s %-10s" Port Transmitted RxFrom RxFromPortName Received pfcGroup/Quantas]" puts "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" foreach port $portList { scan $port "%d %d %d" chassis card portNumber stat get statAllStats $chassis $card $portNumber stat cget -transmitState set framesSent [stat cget -framesSent] set crcError [stat cget -fcsErrors] set portRxZeroPkt 0 for {set pgid 0} {$pgid <= $totalPgid} {incr pgid} { packetGroupStats get $chassis $card $portNumber $pgid $pgid packetGroupStats getGroup $pgid set framesReceived [packetGroupStats cget -totalFrames] if {$framesReceived > 0} { puts "[format "%-8s %-20s %-8s %-20s %-20s %-10s" $port $framesSent [lindex $portPgid($pgid) 0] [lindex $portPgid($pgid) 1] $framesReceived [lindex $portPgid($pgid) 2]]" set portRxZeroPkt 1 } } if {$portRxZeroPkt == 0} { # Even though the port received 0 pkets, we still want to display # its total transmitted packets puts "[format "%-10s %-15s %-14s %-9s %-6s" $port $framesSent 0 {} $crcError]" } if {$crcError > 0} { lappend isThereAnyErrors "ERROR: $port received $crcError crcErrors" } } if {$isThereAnyError != ""} { puts \n foreach errorMsg $isThereAnyError { puts $errorMsg } } puts \n } portConfig $portList configTxStream port ixWritePortsToHardware portList ixClearPacketGroups portList if {[ixStartPacketGroups portList]} { puts "Failed to start packet group capture" } ixStartTransmit portList after 3000 if {[ixStopPacketGroups portList]} { puts "Failed to stop packet group capture" } getStats $portList port # Cleanup the ports after test end #ixStopTransmit portList #ixStopPacketGroups portList #ixClearOwnership $portList