# This script demonstrates how to measure the DUT’s buffer depth with PFC HW/SW/API abiity. This is done for Novus 100G. # 06/22/2018 # Written by Hasmik Shakaryan and pseudo code by CHRISTOPHER KOWALSKI and Dwayne Hunnicutt # Solution: Tested on IxOS 8.40 EA # Pseudo-code: #Use two DUT ports (let’s call them A and B) and two Ixia ports (let’s call them 1 and 2). Port A is connected to 1 and port B is connected to 2. # 1. Configure the DUT to switch all ingress packets on port A to egress on port B. # 2. From port 2 send pause frames with max quanta at line rate. This will prevent any packets from being sent out of port B. # 3. Do the following: # A. Send 10000 packets from port 1 # B. Stop the pause traffic being sent by port 2 # C. See how many packets are received on port 2. The number received is the buffer size. If all packets are received repeat the steps again but send more packets in step A. # 4. If the DUT has a drop count you can use that also to calculate the buffer size: # A. Packets sent – drop count = buffer size # B. After following the steps below, multiply the number of received packets by 64B. The result is the buffer depth. # NOTE: # NovusStreamTraffic corresponds to “Ixia port 1.” NovusPauseFrames.prt corresponds to “Ixia port 2.” # NovusPauseFrames.prt has streams to pause specific PFC queues, but they are currently disabled. The enabled stream will pause all PFC queues. # # We do not recommend calculating all priorities at the same time. #Steps to run the script: pfcDutBufferSize.tcl #1. Modify script to point to your chassis, hostname #2. Modify the script to point to the location of the port files in the attached zip file. Note that this are Novus ports. If you choose to run on a different port, you need to create new port files with the same configuration # You can use usePortFile flag to either load the .prt file or configure the ports using the script. #3. Source pfcDutBufferSize.tcl from the IxOS wish console. package req IxTclHal set hostName set retCode $::TCL_OK ixLogin hasmik ixConnectToChassis $hostName set chassId [chassis cget -id] set cardId 8 set pfcStreamTrafficPort 1 set pfcPauseFramePort 2 set numFramesSent 10000 set portList [list [list $chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort ] [list $chassId $cardId $pfcStreamTrafficPort]] set pfcPauseFrameList [list [list $chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort ] ] set pfcStreamTrafficPortList [list [list $chassId $cardId $pfcStreamTrafficPort]] ixLogin hasmik ixTakeOwnership $portList # Unexposed feature enum set portFeatureResourceGroupEx 479 set usePortFile 0 if {$usePortFile } { set prtFilePath "C:/Program Files (x86)/Ixia/IxOS/8.40-EA/TclScripts/bin/MySamples" set pfcPauseFramePortFile $prtFilePath/100GNovus_PFC_PauseFrames.prt set pfcStreamTrafficPortFile $prtFilePath/100GNovus_PFC_trafficStream.prt } if {[port isCapableFeature $chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort $::portFeaturePFC] && [port isCapableFeature $chassId $cardId $pfcStreamTrafficPort $::portFeaturePFC]} { set resourcePortListArray($chassId,$cardId,$pfcPauseFramePort) [list [list $chassId $cardId 2] [list $chassId $cardId 9] [list $chassId $cardId 10] [list $chassId $cardId 11] [list $chassId $cardId 12]] set resourcePortListArray($chassId,$cardId,$pfcStreamTrafficPort) [list [list $chassId $cardId 2] [list $chassId $cardId 13] [list $chassId $cardId 14] [list $chassId $cardId 15] [list $chassId $cardId 16]] } foreach port $portList { scan $port "%d %d %d" chassId cardId portId if {[port isCapableFeature $chassId $cardId $portId $::portFeaturePFC] } { if {[card isValidFeature $chassId $cardId $portFeatureResourceGroupEx] } { # Because port file doesn't enable the capture at the port level, we need to do at the resource group resourceGroupEx get $chassId $cardId $portId set resourceGroupPortList [list [list $chassId $cardId $portId]] resourceGroupEx config -activeCapturePortList $resourceGroupPortList resourceGroupEx config -activePortList $resourceGroupPortList resourceGroupEx config -resourcePortList $resourcePortListArray($chassId,$cardId,$pfcStreamTrafficPort) #resourceGroupEx config -ppm "" resourceGroupEx config -mode 100000 if {[resourceGroupEx set $chassId $cardId $portId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling resourceGroupEx set on $chassId $cardId $portId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } if {[resourceGroupEx write $chassId $cardId $portId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling resourceGroupEx write on $chassId $cardId $portId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } } } else { ixPuts "IXIA - Error portFeaturePFC is not supported on $chassId $cardId $portId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } } if {$retCode == $::TCL_ERROR} { ixPuts "IXIA - ERROR Will not be able to calculate the DUT Buffer depth. Exiting." return $retCode } if {$usePortFile } { # 1)Load pfc_pause_frames.prt on Port 1 if {[port import $pfcPauseFramePortFile $chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error import $pfcPauseFramePortFile $chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } # 2) Load pfc_stream_traffic.prt on Port 2 if {[port import $pfcStreamTrafficPortFile $chassId $cardId $pfcStreamTrafficPort]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error import $pfcStreamTrafficPortFile $chassId $cardId $pfcStreamTrafficPort" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } } else { foreach port $pfcPauseFrameList { scan $port "%d %d %d" chassId cardId portId ixPuts "IXIA - Pause Frame Port and Pause streams on $chassId $cardId $portId" port setFactoryDefaults $chassId $cardId $portId port config -transmitMode portTxModeAdvancedScheduler port config -receiveMode [expr $::portCapture|$::portRxDataIntegrity|$::portRxSequenceChecking|$::portRxModeWidePacketGroup] port config -flowControl true port config -enableDataCenterMode true port config -dataCenterMode eightPriorityTrafficMapping port config -flowControlType ieee8021Qbb port config -pfcEnableValueListBitMatrix "{1 1} {1 2} {1 4} {1 8} {1 16} {1 32} {1 64} {1 128}" port config -pfcResponseDelayEnabled 0 port config -pfcResponseDelayQuanta 1 port config -autoDetectInstrumentationMode portAutoInstrumentationModeFloating port config -operationModeList [list $::portOperationModeStream] port config -ieeeL1Defaults 0 if {[port set $chassId $cardId $portId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling port set $chassId $cardId $portId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } filter config -userDefinedStat2Enable true if {[filter set $chassId $cardId $portId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling filter set $chassId $cardId $portId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } filterPallette config -pattern1 "DE ED EF FE" filterPallette config -patternMask1 "00 00 00 00" filterPallette config -matchType1 matchUser filterPallette config -matchType2 matchUser filterPallette config -patternOffsetType1 filterPalletteOffsetStartOfFrame if {[filterPallette set $chassId $cardId $portId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling filterPallette set $chassId $cardId $portId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } autoDetectInstrumentation setDefault autoDetectInstrumentation config -startOfScan 0 autoDetectInstrumentation config -signature {87 73 67 49 42 87 11 80 08 71 18 05} autoDetectInstrumentation config -enableSignatureMask false autoDetectInstrumentation config -signatureMask {00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00} if {[autoDetectInstrumentation setRx $chassId $cardId $portId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling autoDetectInstrumentation setRx $chassId $cardId $portId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } # Build the Pause (Q0) stream now. # Stream 1 set streamId 1 stream setDefault stream config -name "PFC Pause All Queues" stream config -enable true stream config -numFrames 100 stream config -percentPacketRate 100.0 stream config -rateMode streamRateModePercentRate stream config -sa "00 00 00 00 05 00" stream config -da "01 80 C2 00 00 01" stream config -framesize 64 stream config -frameSizeType sizeFixed stream config -dma stopStream stream config -loopCount 1 stream config -returnToId 1 stream config -priorityGroup priorityGroup0 protocol setDefault protocol config -name pauseControl protocol config -appName noType protocol config -ethernetType ethernetII pauseControl setDefault pauseControl config -da "01 80 C2 00 00 01" pauseControl config -pauseTime 255 pauseControl config -pauseControlType ieee8021Qbb pauseControl config -priorityEnableVector 0xff pauseControl config -usePfcEnableValueList 0 pauseControl config -pauseFrame "FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF" pauseControl config -pfcEnableValueList "{1 65535} {1 65535} {1 65535} {1 65535} {1 65535} {1 65535} {1 65535} {1 65535}" if {[pauseControl set $chassId $cardId $portId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling pauseControl set $chassId $cardId $portId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } if {[stream set $chassId $cardId $portId $streamId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling stream set $chassId $cardId $portId $streamId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } } foreach port $pfcStreamTrafficPortList { scan $port "%d %d %d" chassId cardId portId ixPuts "IXIA - PFC traffic port and traffic streams on $chassId $cardId $portId" port setFactoryDefaults $chassId $cardId $portId port config -transmitMode portTxModeAdvancedScheduler port config -receiveMode [expr $::portCapture|$::portRxModeWidePacketGroup] port config -flowControl true port config -dataCenterMode eightPriorityTrafficMapping port config -enableDataCenterMode true port config -flowControlType ieee8021Qbb port config -pfcEnableValueListBitMatrix "{1 1} {1 2} {1 4} {1 8} {1 16} {1 32} {1 64} {1 128}" port config -pfcResponseDelayEnabled 0 port config -pfcResponseDelayQuanta 1 port config -autoDetectInstrumentationMode portAutoInstrumentationModeFloating port config -operationModeList [list $::portOperationModeStream] port config -ieeeL1Defaults 0 if {[port set $chassId $cardId $portId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling port set $chassId $cardId $portId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } autoDetectInstrumentation setDefault autoDetectInstrumentation config -startOfScan 0 autoDetectInstrumentation config -signature {87 73 67 49 42 87 11 80 08 71 18 05} autoDetectInstrumentation config -enableSignatureMask false autoDetectInstrumentation config -signatureMask {00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00} if {[autoDetectInstrumentation setRx $chassId $cardId $portId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling autoDetectInstrumentation setRx $chassId $cardId $portId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } set streamId 1 # Stream 1 stream setDefault stream config -name "PFC Traffic Queue 0" stream config -enable true stream config -numFrames $numFramesSent ;# increase this number if needed stream config -loopCount 1 stream config -percentPacketRate 100.0 stream config -rateMode streamRateModePercentRate stream config -sa "00 00 00 00 04 00" stream config -saStep 1 stream config -da "00 00 00 00 05 00" stream config -daStep 1 stream config -framesize 64 stream config -frameSizeType sizeFixed stream config -frameSizeStep 1 stream config -fcs good stream config -patternType incrByte stream config -dataPattern x00010203 stream config -pattern "00 01 02 03" stream config -frameType "08 00" stream config -dma stopStream stream config -enableStatistic true stream config -priorityGroup priorityGroup0 protocol setDefault protocol config -name mac protocol config -appName noType protocol config -ethernetType ethernetII udf setDefault udf config -enable true udf config -continuousCount false udf config -offset 12 udf config -counterMode udfCounterMode udf config -udfSize 32 udf config -initval {DE ED EF FE} if {[udf set 1]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling audf set 1 $chassId $cardId $portId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } if {[stream set $chassId $cardId $portId $streamId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling stream set $chassId $cardId $portId $streamId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } autoDetectInstrumentation setDefault autoDetectInstrumentation config -enableTxAutomaticInstrumentation true autoDetectInstrumentation config -signature {87 73 67 49 42 87 11 80 08 71 18 05} if {[autoDetectInstrumentation setTx $chassId $cardId $portId $streamId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling autoDetectInstrumentation setTx $chassId $cardId $portId $streamId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } } } ixWritePortsToHardware portList after 2000 if {[ixCheckLinkState portList]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error ixCheckLinkState" return $::TCL_ERROR } set done 1 set maxLoop 5 set loop 1 ixClearStats portList while { $done && ($loop <= $maxLoop)} { # 2. From port 2 send pause frames with max quanta at line rate. This will prevent any packets from being sent out of port B. ixStartTransmit pfcPauseFrameList # 3. Do the following: # A. Send 10000 packets from port 1 ixStartTransmit pfcStreamTrafficPortList after 2000 ixCheckTransmitDone pfcStreamTrafficPortList # B. Stop the pause traffic being sent by port 2 - this one only transmits 100 packets, so it will stop by itself # ixStopTransmit pfcPauseFrameList # C. See how many packets are received on port 2. The number received is the buffer size. If all packets are received repeat the steps again but send more packets in step A. ixPuts "IXIA Retrieving the number of received packets on $chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort...." ixPuts "$loop ================================================\n" ixRequestStats pfcPauseFrameList while {[statList getRate $chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort] != 1 && [statList cget -userDefinedStat2] != 0} { #ixPuts "$chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort framesReceived rate: [statList cget -userDefinedStat2]" ixRequestStats pfcPauseFrameList } statList get $chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort if {[statList cget -userDefinedStat2] == $numFramesSent } { ixPuts " [statList cget -userDefinedStat2] == $numFramesSent" incr loop ixClearStats portList continue } else { set done 0 } } # 4. If the DUT has a drop count you can use that also to calculate the buffer size: # A. Packets sent – drop count = buffer size # B. After following the steps below, multiply the number of received packets by 64B. The result is the buffer depth. ixPuts "Frames Sent = $numFramesSent" ixPuts "Frames Received = [statList cget -userDefinedStat2]" set bufferDepth [expr ($numFramesSent - [statList cget -userDefinedStat2]) * 64 ] ixPuts "DUT buffer depth= $bufferDepth" ixClearOwnership $portList return $retCode