# This script demonstrates how to calculate PFC pause response time with the current HW/SW/API abiity. This is done for Novus 100G. # 04/26/2017 # Written by Hasmik Shakaryan and pseudo code by Dwayne Hunnicutt # Solution: Tested on IxOS 8.20 EA # Use a “tracer packet” # For this solution we send a packet (or packets) before the pause traffic and have it routed to another Ixia port so we can get the Tx time of the packet before the pause frames and thus know the Tx time of the pause frame. # This solution can be done today, we have all the features and hooks. The main issue with this feature is if the DUT drops the stream traffic packet sent before the pause frames this will introduce a measurement error. We could mitigate this by having the DUT prioritize this traffic or send on the control PFC queue. # NOTE # Make sure the NOVUS card resource mode is in capture for both of the below ports. # Pseudo-code: # 1) Load pfc_pause_frames.prt on Port A # 2) Load pfc_stream_traffic.prt on Port B # 3) Clear time stamps on Port A and Port B # 4) Start PG stats on Port A # 5) Start Capture on Port B # 6) Start traffic on Port A & Port B # 7) View Capture on Port B and identify and analyze the last packet of the pre-pause frames from Port A # 8) Extract the sequence # and timestamp from the captured pre-pause packet # 9) Calculate the timestamp of the first pause packet: # a. Pause Frame Timestamp = extracted timestamp + 6.72*(pre-pause count – sequence # + 1) # 10) Get last timestamp from Port A (pfcPauseFramePort) PG stats # 11) Calculate PFC response time: # a. Response Time = (PG Stats timestamp – Pause Frame Timestamp) # 12) Calculate the number of packets received after the PFC pause frame is sent. It will require enhancements to the scripts. Here are the basic ideas: # a. Enable capture on PortA. Set a trigger event that will never occur (like matching a DA to F0F0_F0F0_F0F0) , and configure the capture engine to # capture all packets before the trigger event. # b. Start capture on PortA (the port that will send the pause frame). # c. Add 5.12 ns (the duration of a 64B packet) to the pause packet timestamp calculated above to account for when the packet was fully received by the DUT. # f. Iterate through the captured packets on PortA in reverse order (last to first), and extract the Tx timestamp embedded in each packet. # Identify the packet whose Tx timestamp is just under the timestamp of the pause packet. This identifies the last packet to have been received before the pause packet was sent. # g. Subtract this packet number from the total packets received. This yields the number of packets received after the pause packet was sent. # NOTE: # We do not recommend calculating all priorities at the same time. For each additional priority added to the test, will decrease the accuracy of the calculated reaction time. # Estimated time running this test using port to port connection time {source pfcResponseTime.tcl} 17428037 microseconds per iteration, or 20956247 microseconds per iteration # We expect the PFC Response time and Rx number of packets may vary for each test run #Steps to run the script: pfcResponseTime.tcl #1. Modify script to point to your chassis, hostname #2. Modify the script to point to the location of the port files in the attached zip file. Note that this are Novus ports. If you choose to run on a different port, you need to create new port files with the same configuration # You can use usePortFile flag to either load the .prt file or configure the ports using the script. #3. Source pfcResponseTime.tcl from the IxOS wish console. package req IxTclHal set hostName loopback #set hostName #set hostName #set hostName set retCode $::TCL_OK ixConnectToChassis $hostName set chassId [chassis cget -id] set cardId 1 set pfcPauseFramePort 7 set pfcStreamTrafficPort 8 set portList [list [list $chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort ] [list $chassId $cardId $pfcStreamTrafficPort]] set pfcPauseFrameList [list [list $chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort ] ] set pfcStreamTrafficPortList [list [list $chassId $cardId $pfcStreamTrafficPort]] ixLogin Dwayne ixTakeOwnership $portList # Unexposed feature enum set portFeatureResourceGroupEx 479 set usePortFile 0 if {$usePortFile } { #set prtFilePath "C:/Program Files (x86)/Ixia/Tcl/" set prtFilePath "C:/Program Files (x86)/Ixia/IxOS/8.21-EA/TclScripts/bin/MySamples" set pfcPauseFramePortFile $prtFilePath/100G_PFC_pause.prt set pfcStreamTrafficPortFile $prtFilePath/100G_PFC_trafficStream.prt } if {[port isCapableFeature $chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort $::portFeaturePFC] && [port isCapableFeature $chassId $cardId $pfcStreamTrafficPort $::portFeaturePFC]} { set resourcePortListArray($chassId,$cardId,$pfcPauseFramePort) [list [list $chassId $cardId 2] [list $chassId $cardId 9] [list $chassId $cardId 10] [list $chassId $cardId 11] [list $chassId $cardId 12]] set resourcePortListArray($chassId,$cardId,$pfcStreamTrafficPort) [list [list $chassId $cardId 2] [list $chassId $cardId 13] [list $chassId $cardId 14] [list $chassId $cardId 15] [list $chassId $cardId 16]] } foreach port $portList { scan $port "%d %d %d" chassId cardId portId if {[port isCapableFeature $chassId $cardId $portId $::portFeaturePFC] } { if {[card isValidFeature $chassId $cardId $portFeatureResourceGroupEx] } { # Because port file doesn't enable the capture at the port level, we need to do at the resource group resourceGroupEx get $chassId $cardId $portId set resourceGroupPortList [list [list $chassId $cardId $portId]] resourceGroupEx config -activeCapturePortList $resourceGroupPortList resourceGroupEx config -activePortList $resourceGroupPortList resourceGroupEx config -resourcePortList $resourcePortListArray($chassId,$cardId,$pfcStreamTrafficPort) #resourceGroupEx config -ppm "" resourceGroupEx config -mode 100000 if {[resourceGroupEx set $chassId $cardId $portId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling resourceGroupEx set on $chassId $cardId $portId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } if {[resourceGroupEx write $chassId $cardId $portId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling resourceGroupEx write on $chassId $cardId $portId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } } } else { ixPuts "IXIA - Error portFeaturePFC is not supported on $chassId $cardId $portId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } } if {$retCode == $::TCL_ERROR} { ixPuts "IXIA - ERROR Will not be able to calculate the PFS Response Time. Exiting." return $retCode } if {$usePortFile } { # 1)Load pfc_pause_frames.prt on Port A if {[port import $pfcPauseFramePortFile $chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error import $pfcPauseFramePortFile $chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } # 2) Load pfc_stream_traffic.prt on Port B if {[port import $pfcStreamTrafficPortFile $chassId $cardId $pfcStreamTrafficPort]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error import $pfcStreamTrafficPortFile $chassId $cardId $pfcStreamTrafficPort" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } } else { ixPuts "IXIA - Pause Frame Port and Pre-Pause/Pause streams on $chassId $cardId $pfcStreamTrafficPort" foreach port $pfcPauseFrameList { scan $port "%d %d %d" chassId cardId portId ixPuts "IXIA - Pause Frame Port and Pre-Pause/Pause streams on $chassId $cardId $portId" port setFactoryDefaults $chassId $cardId $portId port config -transmitMode portTxModeAdvancedScheduler port config -receiveMode [expr $::portCapture|$::portRxDataIntegrity|$::portRxSequenceChecking|$::portRxModeWidePacketGroup] port config -flowControl true port config -enableDataCenterMode true port config -dataCenterMode eightPriorityTrafficMapping port config -flowControlType ieee8021Qbb port config -pfcEnableValueListBitMatrix "{1 1} {1 2} {1 4} {1 8} {1 16} {1 32} {1 64} {1 128}" port config -pfcResponseDelayEnabled 0 port config -pfcResponseDelayQuanta 1 port config -autoDetectInstrumentationMode portAutoInstrumentationModeFloating port config -operationModeList [list $::portOperationModeStream] port config -ieeeL1Defaults 0 if {[port set $chassId $cardId $portId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling port set $chassId $cardId $portId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } autoDetectInstrumentation setDefault autoDetectInstrumentation config -startOfScan 0 autoDetectInstrumentation config -signature {87 73 67 49 42 87 11 80 08 71 18 05} autoDetectInstrumentation config -enableSignatureMask false autoDetectInstrumentation config -signatureMask {00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00} if {[autoDetectInstrumentation setRx $chassId $cardId $portId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling autoDetectInstrumentation setRx $chassId $cardId $portId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } filter setDefault filter config -captureTriggerDA addr1 filter config -captureFilterDA anyAddr if {[filter set $chassId $cardId $portId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling filter set $chassId $cardId $portId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } filterPallette setDefault filterPallette config -DA1 "F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0" filterPallette config -DAMask1 "00 00 00 00 00 00" if {[filterPallette set $chassId $cardId $portId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling filterPallette set $chassId $cardId $portId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } capture setDefault capture config -fullAction lock capture config -sliceSize 65536 capture config -sliceOffset 0 capture config -captureMode captureTriggerMode capture config -continuousFilter 0 capture config -beforeTriggerFilter captureBeforeTriggerAll capture config -afterTriggerFilter captureAfterTriggerFilter if {[capture set $chassId $cardId $portId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling capture set $chassId $cardId $portId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } # Build the Pre-Pause stream now. # Stream 1 set streamId 1 stream setDefault stream config -name "Pre-Pause" stream config -enable true stream config -numFrames 100 stream config -percentPacketRate 100.0 stream config -rateMode streamRateModePercentRate stream config -sa "00 00 00 00 01 3C" stream config -da "00 00 00 00 01 38" stream config -framesize 64 stream config -frameSizeType sizeFixed stream config -dma stopStream stream config -loopCount 1 stream config -returnToId 1 stream config -priorityGroup priorityGroup0 protocol setDefault protocol config -name mac protocol config -appName noType protocol config -ethernetType ethernetII udf setDefault udf config -enable true udf config -continuousCount true udf config -offset 40 udf config -counterMode udfCounterMode udf config -bitOffset 0 udf config -udfSize 32 udf config -updown uuuu udf config -initval {FF 00 00 00} udf config -repeat 1 udf config -step 1 if {[udf set 1]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling udf set 1" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } udf setDefault udf config -enable true udf config -continuousCount false udf config -offset 44 udf config -counterMode udfCounterMode udf config -chainFrom udfNone udf config -udfSize 32 udf config -updown uuuu udf config -initval {01 16 19 68} udf config -repeat 1 udf config -step 1 if {[udf set 2]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling udf set 2" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } if {[stream set $chassId $cardId $portId $streamId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling stream set $chassId $cardId $portId $streamId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } autoDetectInstrumentation setDefault autoDetectInstrumentation config -enableTxAutomaticInstrumentation true autoDetectInstrumentation config -signature {87 73 67 49 42 87 11 80 08 71 18 05} if {[autoDetectInstrumentation setTx $chassId $cardId $portId $streamId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling autoDetectInstrumentation setTx $chassId $cardId $portId $streamId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } incr streamId # Build the Pause (Q0) stream now. # Stream 2 stream setDefault stream config -name "Pause (Q0)" stream config -enable true stream config -numBursts 1 stream config -numFrames 1 stream config -ifg 0.96 stream config -ifgType gapFixed stream config -ifgMIN 1.92 stream config -ifgMAX 2.56 stream config -gapUnit gapNanoSeconds stream config -percentPacketRate 100.0 stream config -rateMode streamRateModePercentRate stream config -sa "00 00 00 00 01 3C" stream config -da "01 80 C2 00 00 01" stream config -framesize 64 stream config -frameSizeType sizeFixed stream config -frameType "88 08" stream config -dma contPacket stream config -loopCount 1 stream config -returnToId 1 stream config -enableStatistic true stream config -startTxDelayUnit 4 stream config -startTxDelay 8384.0 ; # This delay sends the first Pause packet immediately after the last pre-pause packet stream config -priorityGroup priorityGroup0 protocol setDefault protocol config -name pauseControl protocol config -appName noType protocol config -ethernetType ethernetII pauseControl setDefault pauseControl config -da "01 80 C2 00 00 01" pauseControl config -pauseTime 255 #pauseControl config -pauseControlType ieee8023x pauseControl config -pauseControlType ieee8021Qbb pauseControl config -priorityEnableVector 0x01 pauseControl config -usePfcEnableValueList 1 pauseControl config -pauseFrame "00 FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00" pauseControl config -pfcEnableValueList "{1 255} {0 0} {0 0} {0 0} {0 0} {0 0} {0 0} {0 0}" if {[pauseControl set $chassId $cardId $portId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling pauseControl set $chassId $cardId $portId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } if {[stream set $chassId $cardId $portId $streamId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling stream set $chassId $cardId $portId $streamId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } } foreach port $pfcStreamTrafficPortList { scan $port "%d %d %d" chassId cardId portId ixPuts "IXIA - PFC traffic port and traffic streams on $chassId $cardId $portId" port setFactoryDefaults $chassId $cardId $portId port config -transmitMode portTxModeAdvancedScheduler port config -receiveMode [expr $::portCapture|$::portRxDataIntegrity|$::portRxSequenceChecking|$::portRxModeWidePacketGroup] port config -flowControl true port config -dataCenterMode eightPriorityTrafficMapping port config -enableDataCenterMode true port config -flowControlType ieee8021Qbb port config -pfcEnableValueListBitMatrix "{1 1} {1 2} {1 4} {1 8} {1 16} {1 32} {1 64} {1 128}" port config -pfcResponseDelayEnabled 0 port config -pfcResponseDelayQuanta 1 port config -autoDetectInstrumentationMode portAutoInstrumentationModeFloating port config -operationModeList [list $::portOperationModeStream] port config -ieeeL1Defaults 0 if {[port set $chassId $cardId $portId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling port set $chassId $cardId $portId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } autoDetectInstrumentation setDefault autoDetectInstrumentation config -startOfScan 0 autoDetectInstrumentation config -signature {87 73 67 49 42 87 11 80 08 71 18 05} autoDetectInstrumentation config -enableSignatureMask false autoDetectInstrumentation config -signatureMask {00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00} if {[autoDetectInstrumentation setRx $chassId $cardId $portId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling autoDetectInstrumentation setRx $chassId $cardId $portId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } filter setDefault filter config -captureTriggerPattern pattern1 filter config -captureTriggerError errAnyFrame filter config -captureFilterPattern pattern1 filter config -captureFilterError errAnyFrame if {[filter set $chassId $cardId $portId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling filter set $chassId $cardId $portId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } filterPallette setDefault filterPallette config -pattern1 "01 16 19 68" filterPallette config -patternMask1 "00 00 00 00" filterPallette config -patternOffset1 44 filterPallette config -matchType1 matchUser filterPallette config -patternOffsetType1 filterPalletteOffsetStartOfFrame if {[filterPallette set $chassId $cardId $portId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling filterPallette set $chassId $cardId $portId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } capture setDefault capture config -fullAction lock capture config -sliceSize 65536 capture config -sliceOffset 0 capture config -captureMode captureTriggerMode capture config -continuousFilter 0 capture config -beforeTriggerFilter captureBeforeTriggerNone capture config -afterTriggerFilter captureAfterTriggerFilter if {[capture set $chassId $cardId $portId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling capture set $chassId $cardId $portId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } # Stream 1 set streamId 1 stream setDefault stream config -name "PFC Traffic Queue 0" stream config -enable true stream config -numFrames 100 stream config -percentPacketRate 100.0 stream config -rateMode streamRateModePercentRate stream config -sa "00 00 00 00 01 38" stream config -saStep 1 stream config -da "00 00 00 00 01 3C" stream config -daStep 1 stream config -framesize 64 stream config -frameSizeType sizeFixed stream config -frameSizeStep 1 stream config -enableTimestamp true stream config -fcs good stream config -patternType incrByte stream config -dataPattern x00010203 stream config -pattern "00 01 02 03" stream config -frameType "08 00" stream config -dma contPacket stream config -enableStatistic true stream config -priorityGroup priorityGroup0 protocol setDefault protocol config -name mac protocol config -appName noType protocol config -ethernetType ethernetII if {[stream set $chassId $cardId $portId $streamId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling stream set $chassId $cardId $portId $streamId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } autoDetectInstrumentation setDefault autoDetectInstrumentation config -enableTxAutomaticInstrumentation true autoDetectInstrumentation config -signature {87 73 67 49 42 87 11 80 08 71 18 05} if {[autoDetectInstrumentation setTx $chassId $cardId $portId $streamId]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error calling autoDetectInstrumentation setTx $chassId $cardId $portId $streamId" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } } } ixWritePortsToHardware portList after 2000 if {[ixCheckLinkState portList]} { ixPuts "IXIA - Error ixCheckLinkState" return $::TCL_ERROR } stream get $chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort 1 set numFramesTx [stream cget -numFrames] udf get 2 set sequenceOffset [expr [udf cget -offset] -1] # 3)Clear time stamps on Port A and Port B ixClearTimeStamp portList # 4) Start PG stats on Port A ixStartPacketGroups pfcPauseFrameList # 5) Start Capture on Port B (port that has traffic) and Port A (port that sends Pause Frames) #ixStartCapture pfcStreamTrafficPortList ixStartCapture portList # 6) Start traffic on Port A and B ixStartTransmit portList after 3000 #7) View Capture on Port B and identify and analyze the last packet of the pre-pause frames from Port A ixPuts "IXIA Retrieving captured data on $chassId $cardId $pfcStreamTrafficPort....\n" ixPuts "================================================\n" if {[capture get $chassId $cardId $pfcStreamTrafficPort ]} { ixPuts "IXIA - ERROR getting capture $chassId $cardId $pfcStreamTrafficPort" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } set numCapFrames [capture cget -nPackets] # We expect to capture only the pre-pause packets. We've also configured the StartTxDelay of the pause packets such that pause packets will begin immediately after the last pre-pause packet. if {$numCapFrames < $numFramesTx } { ixPuts "IXIA - ERROR: Not all packets are captured: $numCapFrames packets out of $numFramesTx on port $chassId $cardId $pfcStreamTrafficPort" } elseif {$numCapFrames > $numFramesTx } { ixPuts "IXIA - ERROR: captured more packets then expected on port $chassId $cardId $pfcStreamTrafficPort check filters" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } else { ixPuts "IXIA - Captured all the packets: $numCapFrames on port $chassId $cardId $pfcStreamTrafficPort" } if {[captureBuffer get $chassId $cardId $pfcStreamTrafficPort 1 $numCapFrames ]} { ixPuts "IXIA - ERROR getting captureBuffer $chassId $cardId $pfcStreamTrafficPort" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } if {$retCode == $::TCL_ERROR} { ixPuts "IXIA - ERROR: Will not be able to calculate the PFS Response Time. Exiting" return $retCode } # 8) Identify the last packet of the pre-pause frames from Port A and # extracting the timestamp from the captured pre-pause packet ixPuts "IXIA - Analyzing captured data, extracting the sequence # and timestamp from this packet....." captureBuffer getframe $numCapFrames set frame [captureBuffer cget -frame] ixPuts "IXIA - Frame: $frame\n" # Extract the sequence # the captured pre-pause packet set sequenceNumber [lindex $frame $sequenceOffset] proc hexlist2Value { hexlist } \ { set retValue 0 foreach byte $hexlist { set retValue [expr ($retValue << 8) | 0x$byte] } return $retValue } set sequenceNumber [hexlist2Value $sequenceNumber] # Get the timestamp #set rxTimeStamp [captureBuffer cget -timestamp] #ixPuts "IXIA - Packet rx: $rxTimeStamp\n" set lastPrePausePacketRxTimeStamp [captureBuffer cget -fir] ixPuts "IXIA - Last Pre-Pause Packet Rx TimeStamp : $lastPrePausePacketRxTimeStamp in nanoseconds\n" # 9) Calculate the timestamp of the first pause packet: # Since the sequence number started from 0, we needed to add 1 to make it equal to the total number of pre-pause frames # then we add one more to account for the first pause frame # time from beginning of one packet to beginning of next packet at line rate = 6.72ns # a. Pause Frame Timestamp = extracted timestamp + 6.72*(pre-pause count – (sequence # + 1) +1) if {$lastPrePausePacketRxTimeStamp != 0 } { set pauseFrameTimestamp [expr $lastPrePausePacketRxTimeStamp + 6.72] ixPuts "IXIA - Formula for Pause Frame Timestamp: $lastPrePausePacketRxTimeStamp + 6.72" } else { ixPuts "IXIA - ERROR invalid lastPrePausePacketRxTimeStamp : $lastPrePausePacketRxTimeStamp." return FAIL } #ixPuts "IXIA - PFC Frame Timestamp: $pauseFrameTimestamp" # Check when traffic is stopped, then get the packet group stats ixRequestStats pfcPauseFrameList while {[statList getRate $chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort] != 1 && [statList cget -framesReceived] != 0} { #ixPuts "$chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort framesReceived rate: [statList cget -framesReceived]" ixRequestStats pfcPauseFrameList } # 10) Get last timestamp from Port A (pfcPauseFramePort) PG stats set totalGroups 1 set pgLastTimeStamp 0 if {![packetGroupStats get $chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort 0 $totalGroups]} { if {![packetGroupStats getGroup 1]} { set pgLastTimeStamp [packetGroupStats cget -lastTimeStamp] #ixPuts "IXIA - Packet last TimeStamp $pgLastTimeStamp" } else { ixPuts "IXIA - ERROR Invalid packet stats group." set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } } else { ixPuts "IXIA - ERROR Unable to get the packet group $chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort\n" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } if {$retCode == $::TCL_ERROR} { ixPuts "IXIA - ERROR Will not be able to calculate the PFS Response Time. Exiting" return $retCode } # 11) Calculate PFC response time: # a. Response Time = (PG Stats timestamp – Pause Frame Timestamp) # ixPuts "IXIA - PFC Frame Timestamp: $pauseFrameTimestamp" ixPuts "IXIA - Traffic Packet last TimeStamp $pgLastTimeStamp" set responseTime [expr $pgLastTimeStamp - $pauseFrameTimestamp] ixPuts "IXIA - PFC Response Time = ($pgLastTimeStamp - $pauseFrameTimestamp): $responseTime" # ############## # 12 calculate the number of packets received after the PFC pause frame is sent. It will require enhancements to the scripts. # Add 5.12 ns (the duration of a 64B packet) to this pause packet timestamp to account for when the packet was fully received by the DUT. # Check when traffic is stopped, then get the packet group stats # It is expected the rx frame rate to be 0 at this point, but yet added the check. ixRequestStats pfcPauseFrameList while {[statList getRate $chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort] != 1 && [statList cget -framesReceived] != 0} { ixPuts "$chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort framesReceived rate: [statList cget -framesReceived]" ixRequestStats pfcPauseFrameList } set pauseFrameRxTimestamp [mpexpr $pauseFrameTimestamp + 5.12 ] ixPuts "IXIA - PFC Frame Timestamp $pauseFrameTimestamp + 5.12 (ns) time fully recieved by the DUT: $pauseFrameRxTimestamp\n" if {[capture get $chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort ]} { ixPuts "IXIA - ERROR getting capture $chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } set numCapFrames [capture cget -nPackets] #if {[captureBuffer get $chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort 1 $numCapFrames ]} { # ixPuts "IXIA - ERROR getting captureBuffer $chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort" # set retCode $::TCL_ERROR #} catch {unset capFramTimstampArray} catch {unset capFrameArray} set timeStamp "N/A" # Iterate through the captured packets on PortA in reverse order (last to first), and extract the Tx timestamp embedded in each packet. ixPuts "IXIA - Captured $numCapFrames stream traffic packets on port $chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort" set capFrame $numCapFrames ixPuts "IXIA - Analyzing captured data on port $chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort.....This will take a while." while { ![captureBuffer get $chassId $cardId $pfcPauseFramePort $capFrame $capFrame ] && ![captureBuffer getframe 1] } { #set frame [captureBuffer cget -frame] #timestamp- this is what you need set timeStamp [captureBuffer cget -timestamp] #set capFramTimstampArray($capFrame) $timeStamp #set capFrameArray($capFrame) $frame #g. Identify the packet whose Tx timestamp is just under the timestamp of the pause packet. if {$timeStamp < $pauseFrameRxTimestamp} { ixPuts "IXIA - Found first packet just under the timestamp of the pause packet number $capFrame in the buffer - TimeStamp:$timeStamp" ixPuts "IXIA - $pauseFrameRxTimestamp - $timeStamp = [expr $pauseFrameRxTimestamp - $timeStamp]" break } incr capFrame -1 } if {$timeStamp != "N/A"} { ixPuts "IXIA - PFC Frame Timestamp with arrival time and Tx timestamp ($pauseFrameRxTimestamp) just under the timestamp of the pause packet ($timeStamp)" # Subtract this packet number from the total packets received. This yields the number of packets received after the pause packet was sent. set numPacketsReceived [expr $numCapFrames - $capFrame] ixPuts "IXIA - Estimated number of packets received after the pause packet was sent: $numPacketsReceived" } else { ixPuts "IXIA - ERROR Unable to calculate the number of packets received after the pause packet was sent ($numCapFrames - $capFrame)" set retCode $::TCL_ERROR } ########################## # Cleanup the ports after test end ixStopTransmit portList ixStopPacketGroups pfcPauseFrameList ixStopCapture portList ixClearOwnership $portList return $retCode