use warnings;use strict; use lib '.'; use lib '..'; use lib '../lib'; use lib '../../lib'; use setup_simple; use IxLoad; #IxLoad::traceTclCalls(1); IxLoadConnect->connect(remoteServer); eval { my $logtag = "IxLoad-api"; my $logName = "HTTP_legacy"; my $logger = IxLoad->new('ixLogger', $logtag, 1); my $logEngine = $logger->getEngine(); $logEngine->setLevels($IxLoad::Info::ixLogger{kLevelDebug}, $IxLoad::Info::ixLogger{kLevelInfo}); $logEngine->setFile($logName,2,256,1); IxLoad->pluginManager('load', 'HTTP'); ################################################# # Build chassis chain ################################################# my $chassisChain = IxLoad->new("ixChassisChain"); $chassisChain->addChassis(chassisName); my $Test1 = IxLoad->new("ixTest"); my $scenarioElementFactory = $Test1->getScenarioElementFactory(); my $scenarioFactory = $Test1->getScenarioFactory(); ################################################# # Profile Directory ################################################# my $profileDirectory = $Test1->cget("profileDirectory"); my $my_ixEventHandlerSettings = IxLoad->new("ixEventHandlerSettings"); $my_ixEventHandlerSettings->config(); my $my_ixViewOptions = IxLoad->new("ixViewOptions"); $my_ixViewOptions->config(); $Test1->scenarioList->clear(); my $Scenario1 = $scenarioFactory->create("Scenario"); $Scenario1->columnList->clear(); my $Originate = IxLoad->new("ixTrafficColumn"); $Originate->elementList->clear(); ################################################# # Create ScenarioElement kNetTraffic ################################################# my $Traffic1_Network1 = $scenarioElementFactory->create($IxLoad::Info::ixScenarioElementType{kNetTraffic}); ################################################# # Network Network1 of NetTraffic Traffic1@Network1 ################################################# my $Network1 = $Traffic1_Network1->cget("network"); my @clientPortList = split('\.', clientPort1); my $clientChassis = $clientPortList[0]; my $clientCard = $clientPortList[1]; my $clientPort = $clientPortList[2]; $Network1->portList->appendItem({ chassisId => $clientChassis, cardId => $clientCard, portId => $clientPort }); $Network1->globalPlugins->clear(); my $Settings_1 = IxLoad->new("ixNetIxLoadSettingsPlugin"); # ixNet objects need to be added in the list before they are configured! $Network1->globalPlugins->appendItem({ object => $Settings_1 }); $Settings_1->config(); my $Filter_1 = IxLoad->new("ixNetFilterPlugin"); # ixNet objects need to be added in the list before they are configured! $Network1->globalPlugins->appendItem({ object => $Filter_1 }); $Filter_1->config(); my $GratARP_1 = IxLoad->new("ixNetGratArpPlugin"); # ixNet objects need to be added in the list before they are configured! $Network1->globalPlugins->appendItem({ object => $GratARP_1 }); $GratARP_1->config(); my $TCP_1 = IxLoad->new("ixNetTCPPlugin"); # ixNet objects need to be added in the list before they are configured! $Network1->globalPlugins->appendItem({ object => $TCP_1 }); $TCP_1->config({ tcp_retries2 => 5, tcp_rto_max => 120000, tcp_window_scaling => "False", tcp_rto_min => 200, tcp_wmem_default => 4096, ip_no_pmtu_disc => "True", tcp_rmem_default => 4096 }); my $DNS_1 = IxLoad->new("ixNetDnsPlugin"); # ixNet objects need to be added in the list before they are configured! $Network1->globalPlugins->appendItem({ object => $DNS_1 }); $DNS_1->hostList->clear(); $DNS_1->searchList->clear(); $DNS_1->nameServerList->clear(); $DNS_1->config(); $Network1->config({ name => "Network1" }); my $Ethernet_1 = $Network1->getL1Plugin(); my $my_ixNetDataCenterSettings = IxLoad->new("ixNetDataCenterSettings"); $my_ixNetDataCenterSettings->dcPfcMapping->clear(); $my_ixNetDataCenterSettings->config({ dcMode => 2, dcFlowControl => 0 }); my $my_ixNetEthernetELMPlugin = IxLoad->new("ixNetEthernetELMPlugin"); $my_ixNetEthernetELMPlugin->config(); my $my_ixNetDualPhyPlugin = IxLoad->new("ixNetDualPhyPlugin"); $my_ixNetDualPhyPlugin->config(); $Ethernet_1->childrenList->clear(); my $MAC_VLAN_1 = IxLoad->new("ixNetL2EthernetPlugin"); # ixNet objects need to be added in the list before they are configured! $Ethernet_1->childrenList->appendItem({ object => $MAC_VLAN_1 }); $MAC_VLAN_1->childrenList->clear(); my $IP_1 = IxLoad->new("ixNetIpV4V6Plugin"); # ixNet objects need to be added in the list before they are configured! $MAC_VLAN_1->childrenList->appendItem({ object => $IP_1 }); $IP_1->childrenList->clear(); $IP_1->extensionList->clear(); $IP_1->config(); $MAC_VLAN_1->extensionList->clear(); $MAC_VLAN_1->config(); $Ethernet_1->extensionList->clear(); $Ethernet_1->config({ dataCenter => $my_ixNetDataCenterSettings, cardElm => $my_ixNetEthernetELMPlugin, cardDualPhy => $my_ixNetDualPhyPlugin }); ################################################# # Setting the ranges starting with the plugins that need to be script gen first ################################################# $IP_1->rangeList->clear(); my $IP_R1 = IxLoad->new("ixNetIpV4V6Range"); # ixNet objects need to be added in the list before they are configured. $IP_1->rangeList->appendItem({ object => $IP_R1 }); $IP_R1->config({ count => 100, enableGatewayArp => "False", randomizeSeed => 2901885812, generateStatistics => "False", autoIpTypeEnabled => "False", autoCountEnabled => "False", enabled => "True", autoMacGeneration => "True", incrementBy => "", prefix => 16, gatewayIncrement => "", gatewayIncrementMode => "perSubnet", mss => 1460, randomizeAddress => "False", gatewayAddress => "", ipAddress => "", ipType => "IPv4" }); my $MAC_R1 = $IP_R1->getLowerRelatedRange("MacRange"); $MAC_R1->config({ count => 100, enabled => "True", mtu => 1500, mac => "00:0A:0A:00:01:00", incrementBy => "00:00:00:00:00:01" }); my $VLAN_R1 = $IP_R1->getLowerRelatedRange("VlanIdRange"); $VLAN_R1->config({ incrementStep => 1, innerIncrement => 1, uniqueCount => 4094, firstId => 1, tpid => "0x8100", idIncrMode => 2, enabled => "False", innerFirstId => 1, innerIncrementStep => 1, priority => 1, increment => 1, innerTpid => "0x8100", innerUniqueCount => 4094, innerEnable => "False", innerPriority => 1 }); ################################################# # Creating the IP Distribution Groups ################################################# $IP_1->rangeGroups->clear(); my $DistGroup1 = IxLoad->new("ixNetRangeGroup"); # ixNet objects need to be added in the list before they are configured! $IP_1->rangeGroups->appendItem({ object => $DistGroup1 }); # ixNet objects need to be added in the list before they are configured. $DistGroup1->rangeList->appendItem({ object => $IP_R1 }); $DistGroup1->config({ distribType => 0, name => "DistGroup1" }); $Traffic1_Network1->config({ network => $Network1 }); ################################################# # Activity HTTPClient1 of NetTraffic Traffic1@Network1 ################################################# my $Activity_HTTPClient1 = $Traffic1_Network1->activityList->appendItem({ protocolAndType => "HTTP Client" }); ################################################# # Timeline1 for activities HTTPClient1 ################################################# my $Timeline1 = IxLoad->new("ixTimeline"); $Timeline1->config(); $Activity_HTTPClient1->config({ name => "HTTPClient1", userObjectiveValue => 100, secondaryConstraintType => "TransactionRateConstraint", constraintType => "ConnectionRateConstraint", userObjectiveType => "simulatedUsers", timeline => $Timeline1 }); $Activity_HTTPClient1->agent->actionList->clear(); my $my_ixHttpCommand = IxLoad->new("ixHttpCommand"); $my_ixHttpCommand->config({ destination => "Traffic2_HTTPServer1:80", cmdName => "Get 1", commandType => "GET", pageObject => "/1b.html" }); $Activity_HTTPClient1->agent->actionList->appendItem({ object => $my_ixHttpCommand }); $Activity_HTTPClient1->agent->headerList->clear(); my $my_ixHttpHeaderString = IxLoad->new("ixHttpHeaderString"); $my_ixHttpHeaderString->config({ data => "Accept: */*" }); $Activity_HTTPClient1->agent->headerList->appendItem({ object => $my_ixHttpHeaderString }); my $my_ixHttpHeaderString1 = IxLoad->new("ixHttpHeaderString"); $my_ixHttpHeaderString1->config({ data => "Accept-Language: en-us" }); $Activity_HTTPClient1->agent->headerList->appendItem({ object => $my_ixHttpHeaderString1 }); my $my_ixHttpHeaderString2 = IxLoad->new("ixHttpHeaderString"); $my_ixHttpHeaderString2->config({ data => "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" }); $Activity_HTTPClient1->agent->headerList->appendItem({ object => $my_ixHttpHeaderString2 }); my $my_ixHttpHeaderString3 = IxLoad->new("ixHttpHeaderString"); $my_ixHttpHeaderString3->config({ data => "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)" }); $Activity_HTTPClient1->agent->headerList->appendItem({ object => $my_ixHttpHeaderString3 }); $Activity_HTTPClient1->agent->profileList->clear(); $Activity_HTTPClient1->agent->sslProfileList->clear(); $Activity_HTTPClient1->agent->config({ browserEmulationName => "Microsoft IE 6.x" }); $Activity_HTTPClient1->agent->cmdPercentagePool->percentageCommandList->clear(); $Activity_HTTPClient1->agent->cmdPercentagePool->config(); $Traffic1_Network1->traffic->config(); $Traffic1_Network1->setPortOperationModeAllowed($IxLoad::Info::ixPort{kOperationModeThroughputAcceleration}, "False"); $Traffic1_Network1->setPortOperationModeAllowed($IxLoad::Info::ixPort{kOperationModeFCoEOffload}, "True"); $Traffic1_Network1->setPortOperationModeAllowed($IxLoad::Info::ixPort{kOperationModeL23}, "True"); $Traffic1_Network1->setTcpAccelerationAllowed($IxLoad::Info::ixAgent{kTcpAcceleration}, "True"); $Originate->elementList->appendItem({ object => $Traffic1_Network1 }); $Originate->config({ name => "Originate" }); $Scenario1->columnList->appendItem({ object => $Originate }); my $DUT = IxLoad->new("ixTrafficColumn"); $DUT->elementList->clear(); ################################################# # Create ScenarioElement kNetTraffic ################################################# my $Traffic2_Network2 = $scenarioElementFactory->create($IxLoad::Info::ixScenarioElementType{kNetTraffic}); ################################################# # Network Network2 of NetTraffic Traffic2@Network2 ################################################# my $Network2 = $Traffic2_Network2->cget("network"); my @serverPortList = split('\.', serverPort1); my $serverChassis = $serverPortList[0]; my $serverCard = $serverPortList[1]; my $serverPort = $serverPortList[2]; $Network2->portList->appendItem({ chassisId => $serverChassis, cardId => $serverCard, portId => $serverPort }); $Network2->globalPlugins->clear(); my $Settings_2 = IxLoad->new("ixNetIxLoadSettingsPlugin"); # ixNet objects need to be added in the list before they are configured! $Network2->globalPlugins->appendItem({ object => $Settings_2 }); $Settings_2->config(); my $Filter_2 = IxLoad->new("ixNetFilterPlugin"); # ixNet objects need to be added in the list before they are configured! $Network2->globalPlugins->appendItem({ object => $Filter_2 }); $Filter_2->config(); my $GratARP_2 = IxLoad->new("ixNetGratArpPlugin"); # ixNet objects need to be added in the list before they are configured! $Network2->globalPlugins->appendItem({ object => $GratARP_2 }); $GratARP_2->config(); my $TCP_2 = IxLoad->new("ixNetTCPPlugin"); # ixNet objects need to be added in the list before they are configured! $Network2->globalPlugins->appendItem({ object => $TCP_2 }); $TCP_2->config({ tcp_retries2 => 5, tcp_rto_max => 120000, tcp_window_scaling => "False", tcp_rto_min => 200, tcp_wmem_default => 4096, ip_no_pmtu_disc => "True", tcp_rmem_default => 4096 }); my $DNS_2 = IxLoad->new("ixNetDnsPlugin"); # ixNet objects need to be added in the list before they are configured! $Network2->globalPlugins->appendItem({ object => $DNS_2 }); $DNS_2->hostList->clear(); $DNS_2->searchList->clear(); $DNS_2->nameServerList->clear(); $DNS_2->config(); $Network2->config({ name => "Network2" }); my $Ethernet_2 = $Network2->getL1Plugin(); my $my_ixNetDataCenterSettings1 = IxLoad->new("ixNetDataCenterSettings"); $my_ixNetDataCenterSettings1->dcPfcMapping->clear(); $my_ixNetDataCenterSettings1->config({ dcMode => 2, dcFlowControl => 0 }); my $my_ixNetEthernetELMPlugin1 = IxLoad->new("ixNetEthernetELMPlugin"); $my_ixNetEthernetELMPlugin1->config(); my $my_ixNetDualPhyPlugin1 = IxLoad->new("ixNetDualPhyPlugin"); $my_ixNetDualPhyPlugin1->config(); $Ethernet_2->childrenList->clear(); my $MAC_VLAN_2 = IxLoad->new("ixNetL2EthernetPlugin"); # ixNet objects need to be added in the list before they are configured! $Ethernet_2->childrenList->appendItem({ object => $MAC_VLAN_2 }); $MAC_VLAN_2->childrenList->clear(); my $IP_2 = IxLoad->new("ixNetIpV4V6Plugin"); # ixNet objects need to be added in the list before they are configured! $MAC_VLAN_2->childrenList->appendItem({ object => $IP_2 }); $IP_2->childrenList->clear(); $IP_2->extensionList->clear(); $IP_2->config(); $MAC_VLAN_2->extensionList->clear(); $MAC_VLAN_2->config(); $Ethernet_2->extensionList->clear(); $Ethernet_2->config({ dataCenter => $my_ixNetDataCenterSettings1, cardElm => $my_ixNetEthernetELMPlugin1, cardDualPhy => $my_ixNetDualPhyPlugin1 }); ################################################# # Setting the ranges starting with the plugins that need to be script gen first ################################################# $IP_2->rangeList->clear(); my $IP_R2 = IxLoad->new("ixNetIpV4V6Range"); # ixNet objects need to be added in the list before they are configured. $IP_2->rangeList->appendItem({ object => $IP_R2 }); $IP_R2->config({ count => 100, enableGatewayArp => "False", randomizeSeed => 1597505884, generateStatistics => "False", autoIpTypeEnabled => "False", autoCountEnabled => "False", enabled => "True", autoMacGeneration => "True", incrementBy => "", prefix => 16, gatewayIncrement => "", gatewayIncrementMode => "perSubnet", mss => 1460, randomizeAddress => "False", gatewayAddress => "", ipAddress => "", ipType => "IPv4" }); my $MAC_R2 = $IP_R2->getLowerRelatedRange("MacRange"); $MAC_R2->config({ count => 100, enabled => "True", mtu => 1500, mac => "00:0A:0A:00:65:00", incrementBy => "00:00:00:00:00:01" }); my $VLAN_R2 = $IP_R2->getLowerRelatedRange("VlanIdRange"); $VLAN_R2->config({ incrementStep => 1, innerIncrement => 1, uniqueCount => 4094, firstId => 1, tpid => "0x8100", idIncrMode => 2, enabled => "False", innerFirstId => 1, innerIncrementStep => 1, priority => 1, increment => 1, innerTpid => "0x8100", innerUniqueCount => 4094, innerEnable => "False", innerPriority => 1 }); ################################################# # Creating the IP Distribution Groups ################################################# $IP_2->rangeGroups->clear(); my $DistGroup2 = IxLoad->new("ixNetRangeGroup"); # ixNet objects need to be added in the list before they are configured! $IP_2->rangeGroups->appendItem({ object => $DistGroup2 }); # ixNet objects need to be added in the list before they are configured. $DistGroup2->rangeList->appendItem({ object => $IP_R2 }); $DistGroup2->config({ distribType => 0, name => "DistGroup1" }); $Traffic2_Network2->config({ network => $Network2 }); ################################################# # Activity HTTPServer1 of NetTraffic Traffic2@Network2 ################################################# my $Activity_HTTPServer1 = $Traffic2_Network2->activityList->appendItem({ protocolAndType => "HTTP Server" }); my $_Match_Longest_ = IxLoad->new("ixMatchLongestTimeline"); $Activity_HTTPServer1->config({ name => "HTTPServer1", timeline => $_Match_Longest_ }); $Activity_HTTPServer1->agent->webPageList->clear(); my $_200_OK = IxLoad->new("ResponseHeader"); $_200_OK->responseList->clear(); $_200_OK->config(); my $my_PageObject = IxLoad->new("PageObject"); $my_PageObject->config({ chunkSize => "1", payloadSize => "1-1", page => "/1b.html", response => $_200_OK }); $Activity_HTTPServer1->agent->webPageList->appendItem({ object => $my_PageObject }); my $my_PageObject1 = IxLoad->new("PageObject"); $my_PageObject1->config({ payloadSize => "4096-4096", page => "/4k.html", response => $_200_OK }); $Activity_HTTPServer1->agent->webPageList->appendItem({ object => $my_PageObject1 }); my $my_PageObject2 = IxLoad->new("PageObject"); $my_PageObject2->config({ payloadSize => "8192-8192", page => "/8k.html", response => $_200_OK }); $Activity_HTTPServer1->agent->webPageList->appendItem({ object => $my_PageObject2 }); my $my_PageObject3 = IxLoad->new("PageObject"); $my_PageObject3->config({ payloadSize => "16536-16536", page => "/16k.html", response => $_200_OK }); $Activity_HTTPServer1->agent->webPageList->appendItem({ object => $my_PageObject3 }); my $my_PageObject4 = IxLoad->new("PageObject"); $my_PageObject4->config({ payloadSize => "32768", page => "/32k.html", response => $_200_OK }); $Activity_HTTPServer1->agent->webPageList->appendItem({ object => $my_PageObject4 }); my $my_PageObject5 = IxLoad->new("PageObject"); $my_PageObject5->config({ payloadSize => "65536", page => "/64k.html", response => $_200_OK }); $Activity_HTTPServer1->agent->webPageList->appendItem({ object => $my_PageObject5 }); my $my_PageObject6 = IxLoad->new("PageObject"); $my_PageObject6->config({ payloadSize => "131072", page => "/128k.html", response => $_200_OK }); $Activity_HTTPServer1->agent->webPageList->appendItem({ object => $my_PageObject6 }); my $my_PageObject7 = IxLoad->new("PageObject"); $my_PageObject7->config({ payloadSize => "262144", page => "/256k.html", response => $_200_OK }); $Activity_HTTPServer1->agent->webPageList->appendItem({ object => $my_PageObject7 }); my $my_PageObject8 = IxLoad->new("PageObject"); $my_PageObject8->config({ payloadSize => "524288", page => "/512k.html", response => $_200_OK }); $Activity_HTTPServer1->agent->webPageList->appendItem({ object => $my_PageObject8 }); my $my_PageObject9 = IxLoad->new("PageObject"); $my_PageObject9->config({ payloadSize => "1048576", page => "/1024k.html", response => $_200_OK }); $Activity_HTTPServer1->agent->webPageList->appendItem({ object => $my_PageObject9 }); $Activity_HTTPServer1->agent->cookieList->clear(); my $UserCookie = IxLoad->new("CookieObject"); $UserCookie->cookieContentList->clear(); my $firstName = IxLoad->new("ixCookieContent"); $firstName->config({ name => "firstName", value => "Joe" }); $UserCookie->cookieContentList->appendItem({ object => $firstName }); my $lastName = IxLoad->new("ixCookieContent"); $lastName->config({ name => "lastName", value => "Smith" }); $UserCookie->cookieContentList->appendItem({ object => $lastName }); $UserCookie->config(); $Activity_HTTPServer1->agent->cookieList->appendItem({ object => $UserCookie }); my $LoginCookie = IxLoad->new("CookieObject"); $LoginCookie->cookieContentList->clear(); my $name = IxLoad->new("ixCookieContent"); $name->config({ value => "joesmith" }); $LoginCookie->cookieContentList->appendItem({ object => $name }); my $password = IxLoad->new("ixCookieContent"); $password->config({ name => "password", value => "foobar" }); $LoginCookie->cookieContentList->appendItem({ object => $password }); $LoginCookie->config({ mode => 2, name => "LoginCookie", description => "Login name and password" }); $Activity_HTTPServer1->agent->cookieList->appendItem({ object => $LoginCookie }); $Activity_HTTPServer1->agent->customPayloadList->clear(); my $AsciiCustomPayload = IxLoad->new("CustomPayloadObject"); $AsciiCustomPayload->config({ name => "AsciiCustomPayload", asciiPayloadValue => "Ixia-Ixload-Http-Server-Custom-Payload", payloadPosition => "Start With" }); $Activity_HTTPServer1->agent->customPayloadList->appendItem({ object => $AsciiCustomPayload }); my $HexCustomPayload = IxLoad->new("CustomPayloadObject"); $HexCustomPayload->config({ name => "HexCustomPayload", payloadmode => 1, hexPayloadValue => "49 78 69 61 2d 49 78 6c 6f 61 64 2d 48 74 74 70 2d 53 65 72 76 65 72 2d 43 75 73 74 6f 6d 2d 50 61 79 6c 6f 61 64", payloadPosition => "Start With", id => 1 }); $Activity_HTTPServer1->agent->customPayloadList->appendItem({ object => $HexCustomPayload }); $Activity_HTTPServer1->agent->responseHeaderList->clear(); my $_201 = IxLoad->new("ResponseHeader"); $_201->responseList->clear(); $_201->config(); $Activity_HTTPServer1->agent->responseHeaderList->appendItem({ object => $_201 }); my $_404_PageNotFound = IxLoad->new("ResponseHeader"); $_404_PageNotFound->responseList->clear(); $_404_PageNotFound->config({ code => 404, name => "404_PageNotFound", description => "Page not found" }); $Activity_HTTPServer1->agent->responseHeaderList->appendItem({ object => $_404_PageNotFound }); $Activity_HTTPServer1->agent->config(); $Traffic2_Network2->traffic->config({ name => "Traffic2" }); $Traffic2_Network2->setPortOperationModeAllowed($IxLoad::Info::ixPort{kOperationModeThroughputAcceleration}, "False"); $Traffic2_Network2->setPortOperationModeAllowed($IxLoad::Info::ixPort{kOperationModeFCoEOffload}, "True"); $Traffic2_Network2->setPortOperationModeAllowed($IxLoad::Info::ixPort{kOperationModeL23}, "True"); $Traffic2_Network2->setTcpAccelerationAllowed($IxLoad::Info::ixAgent{kTcpAcceleration}, "True"); $DUT->elementList->appendItem({ object => $Traffic2_Network2 }); $DUT->config({ name => "DUT" }); $Scenario1->columnList->appendItem({ object => $DUT }); my $Terminate = IxLoad->new("ixTrafficColumn"); $Terminate->elementList->clear(); $Terminate->config({ name => "Terminate" }); $Scenario1->columnList->appendItem({ object => $Terminate }); $Scenario1->links->clear(); $Scenario1->config(); $Test1->config({ csvThroughputScalingFactor => 1000, enableNetworkDiagnostics => "False", currentUniqueIDForAgent => 8, profileDirectory => $profileDirectory, eventHandlerSettings => $my_ixEventHandlerSettings, captureViewOptions => $my_ixViewOptions }); ################################################# # Destination HTTPServer1 for HTTPClient1 ################################################# my $destination = $Traffic1_Network1->getDestinationForActivity("HTTPClient1", "Traffic2_HTTPServer1"); $destination->config(); ################################################# # Session Specific Settings ################################################# my $my_ixNetMacSessionData = $Test1->getSessionSpecificData("L2EthernetPlugin"); $my_ixNetMacSessionData->config({ duplicateCheckingScope => 2 }); my $my_ixNetIpSessionData = $Test1->getSessionSpecificData("IpV4V6Plugin"); $my_ixNetIpSessionData->config({ duplicateCheckingScope => 2 }); ################################################# # Create the test controller to run the test ################################################# my $testController = IxLoad->new("ixTestController", { outputDir => "True" }); $testController->initPerlApi(); $testController->setResultDir('RESULTS//HTTP_legacy'); my $NS = IxLoad::StatCollector->new(); my $test_server_handle = $testController->getTestServerHandle(); $NS->Initialize($test_server_handle); $NS->ClearStats(); my @HTTP_Server_Per_URL_StatList = ( [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Requests Received" , "kSum"], [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Requests Successful" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Requests Failed (404)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Requests Failed (50x)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Requests Failed (Write Error)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Responses Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Responses Sent (1xx)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Responses Sent (2xx)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Responses Sent (3xx)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Responses Sent (4xx)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Responses Sent (5xx)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Responses Sent (Other)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Responses Failed (Write Error)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Responses Failed (Aborted)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Responses Failed (Other)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Chunk Encoded Responses Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Total Chunks Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Average Chunk Size" , "kWeightedAverage"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Average Chunks per Response" , "kWeightedAverage"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Chunk Encoded Requests Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Total Chunks Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Average Received Chunk Size" , "kWeightedAverage"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Average Chunks per Request" , "kWeightedAverage"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Content-MD5 Requests Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Content-MD5 Check Successful" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP Content-MD5 Check Failed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP OPTIONS Request Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server Per URL", "HTTP OPTIONS Response Sent" , "kSum"] ); my @HTTP_Server_StatList = ( [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Requests Received" , "kSum"], [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Requests Successful" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Requests Failed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Requests Failed (404)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Requests Failed (50x)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Requests Failed (Write Error)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Requests Failed (Aborted)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Sessions Rejected (503)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Session Timeouts (408)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Responses Sent (1xx)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Responses Sent (2xx)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Responses Sent (3xx)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Responses Sent (4xx)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Responses Sent (5xx)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Responses Sent (Other)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Bytes Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Bytes Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Content Bytes Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Content Bytes Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Cookies Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Cookies Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Cookies Received With Matching ServerID" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Cookies Received With Non-matching ServerID" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Chunked Encoded Responses Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Total Chunks Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Chunked Transfer-Encoded Requests Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Total Chunks Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Content-MD5 Requests Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Content-MD5 Check Successful" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP Content-MD5 Check Failed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP OPTIONS Request Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "HTTP OPTIONS Response Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received (close_notify)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Sent (close_notify)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received (unexpected_message)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Sent (unexpected_message)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received (bad_record_mac)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Sent (bad_record_mac)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received (decryption_failed)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Sent (decryption_failed)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received (record_overflow)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Sent (record_overflow)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received (decompression_failure)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Sent (decompression_failure)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received (handshake_failure)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Sent (handshake_failure)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received (no_certificate)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Sent (no_certificate)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received (bad_certificate)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Sent (bad_certificate)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received (unsupported_certificate)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Sent (unsupported_certificate)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received (certificate_revoked)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Sent (certificate_revoked)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received (certificate_expired)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Sent (certificate_expired)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received (certificate_unknown)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Sent (certificate_unknown)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received (illegal_parameter)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Sent (illegal_parameter)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received (unknown_ca)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Sent (unknown_ca)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received (access_denied)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Sent (access_denied)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received (decode_error)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Sent (decode_error)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received (decrypt_error)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Sent (decrypt_error)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received (export_restriction)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Sent (export_restriction)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received (protocol_version)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Sent (protocol_version)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received (insufficient_security)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Sent (insufficient_security)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received (internal_error)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Sent (internal_error)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received (user_canceled)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Sent (user_canceled)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received (no_renegotiation)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Sent (no_renegotiation)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Errors Received (undefined error)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Errors Sent (undefined error)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Errors Received (no cipher)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Errors Sent (no cipher)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Errors Received (no certificate)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Errors Sent (no certificate)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Errors Received (bad certificate)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Errors Sent (bad certificate)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Errors Received (unsupported certificate)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Errors Sent (unsupported certificate)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Errors Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Errors Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "Client Hello Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "Client Hello Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "Server Hello Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "Server Hello Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "Hello Requests Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "Hello Requests Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Session Reuse Success" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Session Reuse Failed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Concurrent Sessions" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Bytes Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Bytes Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Throughput Bytes" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Application Data Bytes" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Certificate Validation Failure" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Certificate Self Signed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Certificate CA Signed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Alerts Received (unrecognized name)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL SNI extension sent successfully" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL SNI extension mismatch" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL session ticket reuse success" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL session ticket reuse failure" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "SSL Negotiation Finished Successfully" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP SYN Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP SYN_SYN-ACK Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP SYN Failed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP SYN-ACK Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP Connection Requests Failed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP Connections Established" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP FIN Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP FIN Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP FIN-ACK Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP FIN-ACK Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP Resets Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP Resets Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP Retries" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP Timeouts" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP Accept Queue Entries" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP Listen Queue Drops" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP Connections in ESTABLISHED State" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP Connections in SYN-SENT State" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP Connections in SYN-RECEIVED State" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP Connections in FIN-WAIT-1 State" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP Connections in FIN-WAIT-2 State" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP Connections in TIME-WAIT State" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP Connections in CLOSE STATE" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP Connections in CLOSE-WAIT State" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP Connections in LAST-ACK State" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP Connections in LISTENING State" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP Connections in CLOSING State" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Server", "TCP Internally Aborted Connections" , "kSum"] ); my @HTTP_Client_Per_URL_StatList = ( [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Sent" , "kSum"], [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Successful" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Successful (Provisional)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Failed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Failed (Write)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Failed (Read)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Failed (Bad Header)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Failed (4xx)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Failed (400)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Failed (401)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Failed (403)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Failed (404)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Failed (407)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Failed (408)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Failed (4xx other)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Failed (5xx)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Failed (505)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Failed (5xx other)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Failed (other)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Failed (Timeout)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Failed (Aborted)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Aborted Before Request" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Aborted After Request" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Responses Received With Match" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Responses Received Without Match" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Intermediate Responses Received (1xx)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Successful (2xx)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Successful (3xx)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Successful (301)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Successful (302)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Successful (303)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Requests Successful (307)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Content-MD5 Requests Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Chunk Encoded Headers Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Chunk Encoded Responses Successful" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Chunk Encoded Responses Failed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Total Chunks Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Average Chunk Size" , "kWeightedAverage"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Average Chunks per Response" , "kWeightedAverage"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Chunk Encoded Requests Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Total Chunks Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Average Chunk Size in Request" , "kWeightedAverage"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Average Chunks per Request" , "kWeightedAverage"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "Name1-Value1" , "kString"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "Counter1" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "Name2-Value2" , "kString"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "Counter2" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "Name3-Value3" , "kString"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "Counter3" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "Name4-Value4" , "kString"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "Counter4" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "Name5-Value5" , "kString"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "Counter5" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "Name6-Value6" , "kString"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "Counter6" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "Name7-Value7" , "kString"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "Counter7" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "Name8-Value8" , "kString"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "Counter8" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "Name9-Value9" , "kString"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "Counter9" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "Name10-Value10" , "kString"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "Counter10" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Gzip-Encoded Responses Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Gzip-Encoded Responses Successful" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Gzip-Encoded Responses Failed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Deflate-Encoded Responses Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Deflate-Encoded Responses Successful" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Deflate-Encoded Responses Failed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Content-MD5 Responses Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Content-MD5 Responses Successful" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Content-MD5 Responses Failed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Custom MD5 Responses Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Custom MD5 Responses Successful" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "HTTP Custom MD5 Responses Failed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client Per URL", "Average Compression Ratio" , "kWeightedAverage"] ); my @HTTP_Client_StatList = ( [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Simulated Users" , "kSum"], [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Concurrent Connections" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Connections" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Connection Attempts" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Connection Aborts" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Old Session Aborts" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Transactions" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Bytes" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Successful" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Successful (Provisional)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Intermediate Responses Received (1xx)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Successful (2xx)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Successful (3xx)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Successful (301)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Successful (302)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Successful (303)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Successful (307)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Failed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Failed (Write)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Failed (Read)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Failed (Bad Header)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Failed (4xx)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Failed (400)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Failed (401)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Failed (403)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Failed (404)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Failed (407)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Failed (408)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Failed (4xx other)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Failed (5xx)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Failed (505)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Failed (5xx other)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Failed (other)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Failed (Timeout)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Requests Failed (Aborted)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Session Timeouts (408)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Request Precondition Failed (412)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Sessions Rejected (503)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Aborted Before Request" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Aborted After Request" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Transactions Active" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Users Active" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Content-Encoded Responses Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Gzip Content-Encoding Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Deflate Content-Encoding Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Unrecognized Content-Encoding Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Content-Encoded Responses Decode Successful" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Gzip Content-Encoding Decode Successful" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Deflate Content-Encoding Decode Successful" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Content-Encoded Responses Decode Failed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Gzip Content-Encoding Decode Failed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Deflate Content-Encoding Decode Failed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Gzip Content-Encoding Decode Failed - Data Error" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Gzip Content-Encoding Decode Failed - Decoding Error" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Deflate Content-Encoding Decode Failed - Data Error" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Deflate Content-Encoding Decode Failed - Decoding Error" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Chunked Transfer-Encoded Headers Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Chunked Transfer-Encoding Decode Successful" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Chunked Transfer-Encoding Decode Failed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Total Chunks Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Chunked Transfer-Encoding Headers Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Total Chunks Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Content-MD5 Responses Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Content-MD5 Check Successful" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Content-MD5 Check Failed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Custom-MD5 Responses Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Custom-MD5 Check Successful" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Custom-MD5 Check Failed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Bytes Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Bytes Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Content Bytes Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Content Bytes Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Decompressed Content Bytes Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Cookies Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Cookies Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Cookies Rejected" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Cookies Rejected - (Path Match Failed)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Cookies Rejected - (Domain Match Failed)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Cookies Rejected - (Cookiejar Overflow)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Cookies Rejected - (Probabilistic Reject)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Cookie headers Rejected - (Memory Overflow)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Connect Time (us)" , "kWeightedAverage"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Time To First Byte (us)" , "kWeightedAverage"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Time To Last Byte (us)" , "kWeightedAverage"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Old Session Abort Delay - Average (us)" , "kWeightedAverage"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Old Session Abort Delay - Minimum (us)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Old Session Abort Delay - Maximum (us)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Client Total Data Integrity Check Failed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Client Total Data Integrity Check Succeeded" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received (close_notify)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Sent (close_notify)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received (unexpected_message)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Sent (unexpected_message)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received (bad_record_mac)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Sent (bad_record_mac)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received (decryption_failed)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Sent (decryption_failed)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received (record_overflow)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Sent (record_overflow)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received (decompression_failure)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Sent (decompression_failure)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received (handshake_failure)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Sent (handshake_failure)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received (no_certificate)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Sent (no_certificate)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received (bad_certificate)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Sent (bad_certificate)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received (unsupported_certificate)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Sent (unsupported_certificate)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received (certificate_revoked)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Sent (certificate_revoked)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received (certificate_expired)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Sent (certificate_expired)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received (certificate_unknown)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Sent (certificate_unknown)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received (illegal_parameter)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Sent (illegal_parameter)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received (unknown_ca)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Sent (unknown_ca)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received (access_denied)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Sent (access_denied)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received (decode_error)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Sent (decode_error)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received (decrypt_error)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Sent (decrypt_error)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received (export_restriction)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Sent (export_restriction)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received (protocol_version)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Sent (protocol_version)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received (insufficient_security)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Sent (insufficient_security)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received (internal_error)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Sent (internal_error)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received (user_canceled)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Sent (user_canceled)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received (no_renegotiation)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Sent (no_renegotiation)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Errors Received (undefined error)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Errors Sent (undefined error)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Errors Received (no cipher)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Errors Sent (no cipher)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Errors Received (no certificate)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Errors Sent (no certificate)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Errors Received (bad certificate)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Errors Sent (bad certificate)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Errors Received (unsupported certificate)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Errors Sent (unsupported certificate)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Errors Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Errors Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Client Hello Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Client Hello Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Server Hello Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Server Hello Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Hello Requests Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "Hello Requests Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Session Reuse Success" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Session Reuse Failed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Concurrent Sessions" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Bytes Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Bytes Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Throughput Bytes" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Application Data Bytes" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Certificate Validation Failure" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Certificate Self Signed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Certificate CA Signed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Alerts Received (unrecognized name)" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL SNI extension sent successfully" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL SNI extension mismatch" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL session ticket reuse success" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL session ticket reuse failure" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "SSL Negotiation Finished Successfully" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP SYN Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP SYN_SYN-ACK Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP SYN Failed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP SYN-ACK Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP Connection Requests Failed" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP Connections Established" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP FIN Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP FIN Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP FIN-ACK Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP FIN-ACK Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP Resets Sent" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP Resets Received" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP Retries" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP Timeouts" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP Accept Queue Entries" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP Listen Queue Drops" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP Connections in ESTABLISHED State" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP Connections in SYN-SENT State" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP Connections in SYN-RECEIVED State" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP Connections in FIN-WAIT-1 State" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP Connections in FIN-WAIT-2 State" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP Connections in TIME-WAIT State" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP Connections in CLOSE STATE" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP Connections in CLOSE-WAIT State" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP Connections in LAST-ACK State" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP Connections in LISTENING State" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP Connections in CLOSING State" , "kSum"] , [ "HTTP Client", "TCP Internally Aborted Connections" , "kSum"] ); my @statList = (@HTTP_Server_Per_URL_StatList, @HTTP_Server_StatList, @HTTP_Client_Per_URL_StatList, @HTTP_Client_StatList); my $count = 1; my @stat; foreach my $ref (@statList) { @stat = @$ref; my $caption = sprintf('Watch_Stat_%s', $count); my $statSourceType = $stat[0]; my $statName = $stat[1]; my $aggregationType = $stat[2]; $NS->AddStat({ filterList => {}, caption => $caption, statSourceType => $statSourceType, statName => $statName, aggregationType => $aggregationType }); $count += 1; } sub my_stat_collector_command{ my $tclName = shift; my $methodName = shift; my $statCollector = shift; my $stat = shift; my $statString = shift; print "=====================================\n"; print "INCOMING STAT RECORD >>> $statString "; print "=====================================\n "; }; $NS->StartCollector({ command => \&my_stat_collector_command }); eval { $testController->run($Test1); my $wait_result = IxLoad::TestControllerWait(); print $wait_result."\n"; }; $NS->StopCollector(); ################################################# # Cleanup ################################################# # Release config is only strictly necessary if enableReleaseConfigAfterRun is 0. $testController->releaseConfigWaitFinish(); $Test1->clearDUTList(); $Traffic1_Network1->removeAllPortsFromAnalyzer(); $Traffic2_Network2->removeAllPortsFromAnalyzer(); IxLoad->delete($chassisChain); IxLoad->delete($Test1); IxLoad->delete($profileDirectory); IxLoad->delete($my_ixEventHandlerSettings); IxLoad->delete($my_ixViewOptions); IxLoad->delete($Scenario1); IxLoad->delete($Originate); IxLoad->delete($Traffic1_Network1); IxLoad->delete($Network1); IxLoad->delete($Settings_1); IxLoad->delete($Filter_1); IxLoad->delete($GratARP_1); IxLoad->delete($TCP_1); IxLoad->delete($DNS_1); IxLoad->delete($Ethernet_1); IxLoad->delete($my_ixNetDataCenterSettings); IxLoad->delete($my_ixNetEthernetELMPlugin); IxLoad->delete($my_ixNetDualPhyPlugin); IxLoad->delete($MAC_VLAN_1); IxLoad->delete($IP_1); IxLoad->delete($IP_R1); IxLoad->delete($MAC_R1); IxLoad->delete($VLAN_R1); IxLoad->delete($DistGroup1); IxLoad->delete($Activity_HTTPClient1); IxLoad->delete($Timeline1); IxLoad->delete($my_ixHttpCommand); IxLoad->delete($my_ixHttpHeaderString); IxLoad->delete($my_ixHttpHeaderString1); IxLoad->delete($my_ixHttpHeaderString2); IxLoad->delete($my_ixHttpHeaderString3); IxLoad->delete($DUT); IxLoad->delete($Traffic2_Network2); IxLoad->delete($Network2); IxLoad->delete($Settings_2); IxLoad->delete($Filter_2); IxLoad->delete($GratARP_2); IxLoad->delete($TCP_2); IxLoad->delete($DNS_2); IxLoad->delete($Ethernet_2); IxLoad->delete($my_ixNetDataCenterSettings1); IxLoad->delete($my_ixNetEthernetELMPlugin1); IxLoad->delete($my_ixNetDualPhyPlugin1); IxLoad->delete($MAC_VLAN_2); IxLoad->delete($IP_2); IxLoad->delete($IP_R2); IxLoad->delete($MAC_R2); IxLoad->delete($VLAN_R2); IxLoad->delete($DistGroup2); IxLoad->delete($Activity_HTTPServer1); IxLoad->delete($_Match_Longest_); IxLoad->delete($my_PageObject); IxLoad->delete($_200_OK); IxLoad->delete($my_PageObject1); IxLoad->delete($my_PageObject2); IxLoad->delete($my_PageObject3); IxLoad->delete($my_PageObject4); IxLoad->delete($my_PageObject5); IxLoad->delete($my_PageObject6); IxLoad->delete($my_PageObject7); IxLoad->delete($my_PageObject8); IxLoad->delete($my_PageObject9); IxLoad->delete($UserCookie); IxLoad->delete($firstName); IxLoad->delete($lastName); IxLoad->delete($LoginCookie); IxLoad->delete($name); IxLoad->delete($password); IxLoad->delete($AsciiCustomPayload); IxLoad->delete($HexCustomPayload); IxLoad->delete($_201); IxLoad->delete($_404_PageNotFound); IxLoad->delete($Terminate); IxLoad->delete($destination); IxLoad->delete($my_ixNetMacSessionData); IxLoad->delete($my_ixNetIpSessionData); IxLoad->delete($testController); ################################################# # Disconnect / Release application lock ################################################# }; if ($@) { print "Error: $@\n";} IxLoad->disconnect(); exit(0);