#!/usr/local/python2.7.14/bin/python2.7 # By Hubert Gee # # Description # # This script will load a saved IxLoad config file stored in the # Windows Client PC. # # You could also reassign ports so you could use this config file # on any testbed or device. Making your config file dynamic. # If you do not wish to reassign ports, comment out the variable: # $portsToReassign # # Runs traffic and show real time stats. # # While traffic is running, all stats are saved in a CSV format file locally # into a file name that you could name by using the variable: $csvFilePathAndName # # ABORT TEST at run time: # # This script allows you to press the key to abort a running test. # But you must have the Tkinter module installed in your Python. # Set the first variable enableAbortTest = True if you satisfied the above # requirements. Otherwise, set to False or else the script will error out. # # Optionally: # # Email the PDF report to user. # This script uses the Linux sendmail command to send emails. # To verify if sendmail works on your Linux, send an email to yourself with the below command: # echo "Subject: Sendmail Test" | sendmail -v you@domain.com # # Notes: # # In order for this script to save the stats to a csv format file on your local # Linux machine, you have to go to the IxLoad GUI, under File/Preferences/Statistics, # enabled "CSV Logging". # Enable CSV Logging and select the throughput type: kbps, mbps, gbps or bytes # # All Statistics results are saved in the Windows PC C: drive under the variable # name $resultsOnWindows. This is a value that you could define. # # To get all the statistics that you want, you have to configure everything on IxLoad, # run traffic and ensure the configuration and traffic runs fine, then do a Scriptgen # to generate a script. Open the script and scroll near the bottom and copy and paste # the stats that you want to the variable name HTTP_Client_StatList and HTTP_Server_StatList. # You can change the variable names. # # Also, after the GUI test, go to the $resultsOnWindows directory to view the csv files to # get for statsToGet variable. At the end of the test, there are some code logics to # retrieve the csv stat files. # # Change the value to True if you want to be able # to press the key to abort the running test AND if # you have Tkinter module installed for Python enableAbortTest = False import sys from IxLoad import IxLoad, StatCollectorUtils if enableAbortTest == True: import Tkinter # This Tkinter module is only needed if you want to be able # to abort the running test. # The followings allows users to press the key # to abort the running test. But not everybody has Tkinter installed. if enableAbortTest == True: tclEval = Tkinter.Tcl() remote_server = '' # For Python, the whacks are forward slashes. configFile = 'C:/Users/hgee/Dropbox/MyIxiaWork/IxLoad/IxL_Http_Ipv4.rxf' configFile = 'C:/Results/IxL_Http_Ipv4Ftp_vm_8.20.rxf' # Where do you want IxLoad to store your csv statistic results resultsOnWindows = 'C:/Results' # Set the path and the PDF file name to copy from Windows to Linux at the end of the test. pdfPathOnWindows = resultsOnWindows+'/IxLoad Summary Report.pdf' generatePdfResult = True pdfDestinationPathAndFilename = './IxLoadPdfResult.pdf' # Creating a local csv file with all of your runtime stats csvFilePathAndName = 'IxL_statResults.csv' # Uncomment this if you want to reassign ports: portsToReassign = [['', 1, 1], ['', 2, 1]] #--------------- Email emailSubject = 'IxLoad Test is done' emailFrom = 'IxLoad script' sendEmailFrom = 'IxLoad@test.com' ;# Could be anything .com sendEmailTo = 'hubert.gee@keysight.com' sendEmail = False # These .csv files are stats results stored on your Windows client PC. # You could retreive them after the test. Leave an empty tuple list # if you don't want to retrieve any. # # Note: For Python, no backslash is required for # filenames with spaces in between. statsToGet = ( 'HTTP Client - Per URL.csv', 'HTTP_Server.csv' ) # These are stats that you want to view at runtime and collect. httpClientStats = [ [ "HTTP Client", "TCP Connections Established", "kSum" ], [ "HTTP Client", "TCP Connection Requests Failed", "kSum" ] , [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Simulated Users", "kSum" ], [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Concurrent Connections", "kSum" ], [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Connections", "kSum" ], [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Transactions", "kSum" ], [ "HTTP Client", "HTTP Connection Attempts", "kSum" ] ] httpServerStats = [ [ "HTTP Server", "TCP Connections Established", "kSum" ], [ "HTTP Server", "TCP Connection Requests Failed", "kSum" ] ] statList = httpClientStats + httpServerStats # ----------------------------------------------------- # Methods for enableAbortTest: For Tkinter installs only def TclEval(tclStatement): # wrapper function for debugging, etc. return tclEval.eval(tclStatement) def setTestControllerMonitorVar(): print '\nTclEval: setTestControllerMonitor' TclEval("set ::ixTestControllerMonitor \"\"") def waitForTestFinishAndAbortAtEnterKey(testController): print '\nTclEval: waitForTestFinishedAbortAtEntekey' TclEval("""\ # configure stdin for polling fconfigure stdin -blocking 0 -buffering none # wait for the first sample or test stop while {$::ixTestControllerMonitor == "" && [read stdin] == ""} { after 100 set wakeup 1 vwait wakeup } if {$::ixTestControllerMonitor == ""} { %s stopRun vwait ::ixTestControllerMonitor puts $::ixTestControllerMonitor } """ % (testController._tclObj_)) #------------------------------------------------------- def IxL_StatCollector( *args ): # This API will display user defined statList at real time. # The exact spelling and all the available stats are shown # by doing a scriptgen on the IxLoad GUI of your test configuration. # Copy and paste stats that you want and discard the rest. # # Step 1 of 2: Create a statList variable with a list of stats: # statList = [ # ["HTTP Client", "TCP Connections Established", "kSum"], # ["HTTP Client", "TCP Connection Requests Failed", "kSum"], # ["HTTP Client", "HTTP Simulated Users", "kSum"], # ["HTTP Client", "HTTP Concurrent Connections", "kSum"], # ["HTTP Client", "HTTP Connections", "kSum"], # ["HTTP Client", "HTTP Transactions", "kSum"] , # ["HTTP Client", "HTTP Connection Attempts", "kSum"] , # ["HTTP Server", "TCP Connections Established", "kSum"], # ["HTTP Server", "TCP Connection Requests Failed", "kSum"] # ] # # Step 2 of 2: # Do a word search for NS.StartCollector and make it call this API: # NS.StartCollector(IxL_StatCollector) # # This API is called by NS.StartCollector and it passes # in the statList's stats: # ('statcollectorutils', 'timestamp 4000 stats {{kInt 0} {kInt 0} {kInt} {kInt} {kInt} {kInt}') import re match = re.search('{({.*})}', args[1]) # '{kInt 0} {kInt 0} {kInt 1} {kInt 0} {kInt 0} {kInt 0} {kInt 4} {kInt 0} {kInt 0}' #stats = match.group(1) fix1 = re.sub('{', '(', match.group(1)) fix2 = re.sub('}', ')', fix1) stats = re.sub('kInt ', 'kInt,', fix2) # stats: ['(kInt,0)', '(kInt,0)', '(kInt,11)', '(kInt,0)', '(kInt,0)', '(kInt,0)', '(kInt,34)'] stats = stats.split(' ') timestamp = args[1].split(' ')[1] eachRowStatsForCsv = '' print '\n', '='*35 print 'Incoming stats: Time interval:', timestamp print '='*35 # { "HTTP Server" "TCP Connections Established" "kSum" } for index in range(0,len(stats)): # (kInt', '0) could just be (kInt) when stats aren't ready for display. if len(stats[index].split(',')) > 1: sourceType = statList[index][0] statName = statList[index][1] currentStatIndex = stats[index].split(',')[1] ;# (kInt', '0) statNumber = re.sub('\)', '', currentStatIndex) if sourceType!= '' or statName != '': print '%s: %s: %s' % (sourceType, statName, statNumber) # Note: You could write code to record your own stats here def ReassignPorts(test, repository, portsToReassign): print '\nReassignPorts:', test, repository chassisChain = repository.cget('chassisChain') chassisList = chassisChain.getChassisNames() communityTypes = ['clientCommunityList', 'serverCommunityList'] startListIdx = -1 endListIdx = -1 portsToSet = [] import string for communityType in communityTypes: print '\nfor: ', communityType #numCommunities = eval("{}{}{}{}{}()".format(test, '.', communityType, '.', 'indexCount')) #numCommunities = int(eval("{}.{}.indexCount()".format(test, communityType))) #numCommunities = "%(test)s.%(communityType)s.indexCount()" % locals()) exec "numCommunities = test." + communityType + '.indexCount' + '()' print '\nnumCommunities 1:', numCommunities #numCommunities = test.clientCommunityList.indexCount() communityDestination = [] currentSourceList = [] for i in range(0, int(numCommunities)): #networkObj = test.communityType+i.cget('network') communityTypeConverted = communityType + '[' + str(i) + ']' exec "networkObj = test." + communityTypeConverted + '.cget("network")' currentSourceList.append(networkObj.cget('portList')) sourceListNum = len(currentSourceList) startListIdx = endListIdx + 1 endListIdx = (startListIdx + sourceListNum) - 1 # partialDestinationList: {"" 1 4} partialDestinationList = portsToReassign[startListIdx:endListIdx+1] formattedDestination = [] if len(partialDestinationList) == 0 and int(sourceListNum) != 0: print '\nError: Unable to remap ports. Too few ports.\n' ixLoad.delete(repository) ixLoad.disconnect() for currentDestination in partialDestinationList: currentDestinationChassis = currentDestination[0] currentDestinationCard = currentDestination[1] currentDestinationPort = currentDestination[2] formattedDestination.append("%s;%s;%s" % (currentDestinationChassis, currentDestinationCard, currentDestinationPort)) communityDestination.append(formattedDestination) portsToSet.append(communityDestination[0]) try: print '\nReassigning ports:', portsToSet test.setPorts(portsToSet) except: print '\Error: Could not remap port assignment for:', portsToSet ixLoad.delete(repository) ixLoad.disconnect() def setResultsDir(resultsOnWindows): """ If the folder doesn't exists on the Windows Client PC, IxLoad will automatically create it. """ try: testController.setResultDir(resultsOnWindows) except: print '\nError creating results directory on Windows Client PC: ', resultsOnWindows print '\nActual error message: ', sys.exc_info()[0] sys.exit() def loadConfigFile( configFile ): try: repository = ixLoad.new("ixRepository", name=configFile) return repository except: print '\nError: IxLoad config file not found: ', configFile sys.exit() def generatePdfReport(testController, pdfPathOnWindows, testName): print 'Generating PDF result file ...' try: testController.generateReport(detailedReport=1, format="PDF", orientation="Portrait", outputFile=pdfPathOnWindows, testName=testName) except Exception as errMsg: print '\nError: Faild to generate PDF file: %s' % errMsg def copyFileFromWindows(sourcePath, destPath): ixLoad.retrieveFileCopy(sourcePath, destPath) def sendEmail(sendEmailTo, sendEmailFrom, fileAttachment=None): from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication from subprocess import Popen, PIPE body = MIMEText('IxLoad test is complete.') msg = MIMEMultipart("alternative") msg["From"] = sendEmailFrom msg["To"] = sendEmailTo msg["Subject"] = emailSubject msg.attach(body) filename = fileAttachment.split('/')[-1] attachment = MIMEApplication(open(fileAttachment, 'rb').read()) attachment.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=filename) msg.attach(attachment) print '\nSending email notification...' try: # Python 2 p = Popen(["sendmail", "-t"], stdin=PIPE) except: # Python 3 p = Popen(["sendmail", "-t"], stdin=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) p.communicate(msg.as_string()) ixLoad = IxLoad() try: ixLoad.connect(remote_server) except: sys.exit('Failed to connect to: %s' % remote_server) logTag = "IxLoad-api" logName = "reprun" logger = ixLoad.new("ixLogger", logTag, 1) logEngine = logger.getEngine() logEngine.setLevels(ixLoad.ixLogger.kLevelDebug, ixLoad.ixLogger.kLevelInfo) logEngine.setFile(logName, 2, 256, 1) # Initialize stat collection utilities statUtils = StatCollectorUtils() testController = ixLoad.new("ixTestController", outputDir=1) repository = loadConfigFile(configFile) numTests = int(repository.testList.indexCount()) # Get the first test on the testList test_name = repository.testList[0].cget("name") test = repository.testList.getItem(test_name) setResultsDir(resultsOnWindows) testController.enableAutoGenerateReport(1) test.config( statsRequired = 1, enableResetPorts = 1, csvInterval = 2, enableForceOwnership = True ) try: ReassignPorts(test, repository, portsToReassign) except: pass # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set up stat Collection test_server_handle = testController.getTestServerHandle() statUtils.Initialize(test_server_handle) # Clear any stats that may have been registered previously statUtils.ClearStats() count = 1 for stat in statList: statUtils.AddStat(caption = "Watch_Stat_%d" % count, statSourceType = stat[0], statName = stat[1], aggregationType = stat[2], filterList = {}) count += 1 statUtils.StartCollector(IxL_StatCollector) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- testControllerMonitor = '' if enableAbortTest == False: testController.run(test) ixLoad.waitForTestFinish() else: # The following 3 lines allow users to press the # key to abort the running test. setTestControllerMonitorVar() testController.run(test) testController.releaseConfigWaitFinish() waitForTestFinishAndAbortAtEnterKey(testController) #testController.releaseConfigWaitFinish() # Stop the collector (running in the tcl event loop) statUtils.StopCollector() if generatePdfResult: testName = repository.testList[0].cget('name') generatePdfReport(testController, pdfPathOnWindows, testName) copyFileFromWindows(pdfPathOnWindows, pdfDestinationPathAndFilename) # Cleanup testController.releaseConfigWaitFinish() ixLoad.delete(test) ixLoad.delete(testController) ixLoad.delete(logger) ixLoad.delete(logEngine) print '\nRetrieving CSV stats from Windows Client PC ...' for stat_file in statsToGet: enhancedStatFile = stat_file.replace('-', '') enhancedStatFile = enhancedStatFile.replace(' ', '_') enhancedStatFile = enhancedStatFile.replace('__', '_') print 'Getting csv stat file: %s' % (stat_file) ixLoad.retrieveFileCopy('%s/%s' % (resultsOnWindows, stat_file), 'ixLoad_%s' % enhancedStatFile) if sendEmail: if generatePdfResult == False: pdfDestinationPathAndFilename = None sendEmail(sendEmailTo, sendEmailFrom, fileAttachment=pdfDestinationPathAndFilename) ixLoad.disconnect()