#!/opt/Python-2.7.6/bin/python2.7 # Description # # This Python file uses TKinter to interact with TCL APIs. # The TCL API file is LoadConfigApi.tcl. # This is the only file you should be modifying. # If there is any failure, the test will not run and the failed messages will be # returned. # If there is no failure, it will return "eventType TEST_STOPPED status OK" # # Written by: Hubert Gee # July 26, 2016 import Tkinter tcl = Tkinter.Tcl() tcl.eval('package forget Tcl') tcl.eval('package provide Tcl 8.5') tcl.eval('package require Tcl') tcl.eval('source LoadConfigApi.tcl') tcl.eval('set windowsClientIp') tcl.eval('set configFile c:\\\Results\\\IxL_Http_Ipv4.rxf') tcl.eval('set resultDirectoryOnWindows c:\\\Results') tcl.eval('set csvFilePathAndName IxL_statResults.csv') tcl.eval('set localLinuxPath /ws/geraghav-sjc/Ixia/csvStatResults') # The API library file looks for this variable "portsToReassign". # If it exist, then it will use the port values. # Only include this line if you want to reassign ports so you could use this script on other testbeds. #tcl.eval('set portsToReassign {{"" 1 5} {"" 1 6}}') # These are the stats to show at real time. tcl.eval('set statList { \ {"HTTP Client" "TCP Connections Established" "kSum"} \ {"HTTP Client" "TCP Connection Requests Failed" "kSum"} \ {"HTTP Client" "HTTP Simulated Users" "kSum"} \ {"HTTP Client" "HTTP Concurrent Connections" "kSum"} \ {"HTTP Client" "HTTP Connections" "kSum"} \ {"HTTP Client" "HTTP Transactions" "kSum"} \ {"HTTP Client" "HTTP Connection Attempts" "kSum"} \ {"HTTP Server" "TCP Connections Established" "kSum"} \ {"HTTP Server" "TCP Connection Requests Failed" "kSum"} \ }') # This script already saves the stats in a csv file under the variable name # $csvFilePathAndName. # If you are still interested in downloading the CSV stat files from the Windows # PC, you need to know the exact file names. Use backslashes to break the whitespaces. tcl.eval('set statsFilesToGet { \ "HTTP_Client.csv" \ "HTTP\ Client\ -\ Per\ URL.csv" \ "HTTP\ Server\ -\ Per\ URL.csv" \ }') testResult = tcl.eval('IxL_Main') print('\nTest Result: ', testResult)