# IxLoad APIs by: Hubert Gee # Scripts that uses these APIs: # - IxL_multipleIpv4RangesHttp3.tcl proc IxL_Connect { windowsClientIp } { puts "\nConnecting to $windowsClientIp..." # clientOpen: Error: couldn't open socket: host is unreachable if {[catch {::IxLoad connect $windowsClientIp} connectStatus]} { return 1 } puts "\nSuccessfully connected to $windowsClientIp" return 0 } proc IxL_AddPorts { args } { # -objHandle $Network1 set params {} set argIndex 0 while {$argIndex < [llength $args]} { set currentArg [lindex $args $argIndex] switch -exact -- $currentArg { -objHandle { set objHandle [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -chassisId { set chassisId [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] append params "-chassisId $chassisId " incr argIndex 2 } -cardId { set cardId [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] append params "-cardId $cardId " incr argIndex 2 } -portId { set portId [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] append params "-portId $portId " incr argIndex 2 } default { puts "\nIxL_AddPorts Error: No such parameter: $currentArg" return 1 } } } #puts "\nIxL_AppendPortList $chassisId $cardId $portId" eval $objHandle portList.appendItem $params } proc IxL_EnableForceOwnership { object action } { # Ex: IxL_EnableForceOwnership $Test1 true # action = true or false $object config -enableForceOwnership $action } proc IxL_EnableResetPorts { object action } { # Ex: IxL_EnableResetPorts $Test1 true # action = true or false $object config -enableResetPorts $action } proc IxL_ConfigNetwork { objHandle args } { set paramList {} set mandatoryParams {-ipAddress -gatewayAddress} set undiscoveredList {} foreach undiscoveredParam $mandatoryParams { if {[lsearch $args $undiscoveredParam] == -1} { lappend undiscoveredList $undiscoveredParam } } if {$undiscoveredList != ""} { puts "\nIxL_ConfigNetwork Error: Requires mandatory params: $undiscoveredList" return 1 } foreach {parameter value} { \ -enableGatewayArp true \ -randomizeSeed 155196417 \ -generateStatistics false \ -autoIpTypeEnabled false \ -autoCountEnabled false \ -enabled true \ -autoMacGeneration true \ -publishStats false \ -incrementBy "" \ -gatewayIncrement "" \ -gatewayIncrementMode "perSubnet" \ -mss 1460 \ -randomizeAddress false \ -ipAddress "" \ -gatewayAddress "" \ -ipType "IPv4" \ -count 1 \ -prefix 24 \ } { if {[lsearch $args $parameter] == -1} { # Defaults if {[llength $value] > 1 || $value == ""} { set value \"$value\" } append paramList " $parameter $value" } else { # User defined set argIndex [lsearch $args $parameter] set userValue [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] if {[llength $userValue] > 1 || $value == ""} { set userValue \"$userValue\" } append paramList " $parameter $userValue" } } set newIpObject [::IxLoad new ixNetIpV4V6Range] # ixNet objects need to be added in the list before they are configured. $objHandle rangeList.appendItem -object $newIpObject puts "\nIxL_ConfigNetwork: $paramList" eval $newIpObject config $paramList return $newIpObject } proc IxL_ConfigMacAddress { objHandle args } { set paramList {} foreach {parameter value} { \ -enabled true \ -mtu 1500 \ -_Stale false \ -incrementBy "00:00:00:00:00:01" \ -count 1 \ -mac 00:00:00:00:00:01 \ } { if {[lsearch $args $parameter] == -1} { # Defaults if {[llength $value] > 1 || $value == ""} { set value \"$value\" } append paramList " $parameter $value" } else { # User defined set argIndex [lsearch $args $parameter] set userValue [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] if {[llength $userValue] > 1 || $value == ""} { set userValue \"$userValue\" } append paramList " $parameter $userValue" } } set newMacObj [$objHandle getLowerRelatedRange "MacRange"] puts "\nIxL_ConfigMacAddress: $paramList" eval $newMacObj config $paramList return $newMacObj } proc IxL_ConfigVlanId { objHandle args } { set paramList {} foreach {parameter value} { \ -incrementStep 1 \ -innerIncrement 1 \ -tpid "0x8100" \ -idIncrMode 2 \ -enabled true \ -innerFirstId 1 \ -innerIncrementStep 1 \ -_Stale false \ -increment 1 \ -innerTpid "0x8100" \ -innerUniqueCount 4094 \ -innerEnable false \ -innerPriority 1 \ -uniqueCount 1 \ -firstId 1 \ -priority 1 \ } { if {[lsearch $args $parameter] == -1} { # Defaults if {[llength $value] > 1 || $value == ""} { set value \"$value\" } append paramList " $parameter $value" } else { # User defined set argIndex [lsearch $args $parameter] set userValue [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] if {[llength $userValue] > 1 || $value == ""} { set userValue \"$userValue\" } append paramList " $parameter $userValue" } } set newVlanIdObj [$objHandle getLowerRelatedRange "VlanIdRange"] puts "\nIxL_ConfigVlanId: $paramList" eval $newVlanIdObj config $paramList return $newVlanIdObj } proc IxL_ConfigGratArp { objHandle args } { set paramList {} foreach {parameter value} { \ -forwardGratArp false \ -enabled true \ -maxFramesPerSecond 0 \ -_Stale false \ -rateControlEnabled false \ } { if {[lsearch $args $parameter] == -1} { # Defaults if {[llength $value] > 1 || $value == ""} { set value \"$value\" } append paramList " $parameter $value" } else { # User defined set argIndex [lsearch $args $parameter] set userValue [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] if {[llength $userValue] > 1 || $value == ""} { set userValue \"$userValue\" } append paramList " $parameter $userValue" } } set gratArpObj [::IxLoad new ixNetGratArpPlugin] puts "\nIxL_ConfigGratArp: $paramList" $objHandle globalPlugins.appendItem -object $gratArpObj puts "\nIxL_ConfigGratArp: $paramList" eval $gratArpObj config $paramList return $gratArpObj } proc IxL_ConfigArp { objHandle args } { set paramList {} foreach {parameter value} { \ -_Stale false \ -duplicateCheckingScope 2 \ -enableGatewayArp true \ -ignoreUnresolvedIPs false \ -individualARPTimeOut 500 \ -maxOutstandingGatewayArpRequests 300 \ -sendAllRequests true \ -gatewayArpRequestRate 300 \ } { if {[lsearch $args $parameter] == -1} { # Defaults if {[llength $value] > 1 || $value == ""} { set value \"$value\" } append paramList " $parameter $value" } else { # User defined set argIndex [lsearch $args $parameter] set userValue [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] if {[llength $userValue] > 1 || $value == ""} { set userValue \"$userValue\" } append paramList " $parameter $userValue" } } puts "\nIxL_ConfigArp: $paramList" set status [eval $objHandle config $paramList] return $status } proc IxL_ConfigTimeLine { args } { set paramList {} foreach {parameter value} { \ -rampUpType 0 \ -offlineTime 0 \ -iterations 1 \ -timelineType 0 \ -name "Timeline1" \ -rampUpValue 1 \ -rampDownTime 20 \ -standbyTime 0 \ -rampDownValue 0 \ -rampUpInterval 1 \ -sustainTime 20 \ } { if {[lsearch $args $parameter] == -1} { # Defaults if {[llength $value] > 1 || $value == ""} { set value \"$value\" } append paramList " $parameter $value" } else { # User defined set argIndex [lsearch $args $parameter] set userValue [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] if {[llength $userValue] > 1 || $value == ""} { set userValue \"$userValue\" } append paramList " $parameter $userValue" } } set timeLineObj [::IxLoad new ixTimeline] puts "\nIxL_ConfigTimeLine: $paramList" eval $timeLineObj config $paramList return $timeLineObj } proc IxL_ConfigTcp { objHandle args } { set paramList {} foreach {parameter value} { \ -tcp_bic 0 \ -tcp_tw_recycle true \ -tcp_retries2 5 \ -disable_min_max_buffer_size true \ -tcp_retries1 3 \ -tcp_keepalive_time 7200 \ -tcp_mgmt_rmem 87380 \ -tcp_rfc1337 false \ -tcp_ipfrag_time 30 \ -tcp_rto_max 120000 \ -tcp_window_scaling false \ -delayed_acks true \ -udp_port_randomization false \ -tcp_vegas_alpha 2 \ -tcp_vegas_beta 6 \ -tcp_wmem_max 262144 \ -tcp_ecn false \ -tcp_westwood 0 \ -tcp_rto_min 200 \ -delayed_acks_segments 0 \ -tcp_vegas_cong_avoid 0 \ -tcp_keepalive_intvl 75 \ -tcp_rmem_max 262144 \ -tcp_orphan_retries 0 \ -bestPerfSettings false \ -tcp_max_tw_buckets 180000 \ -_Stale false \ -tcp_low_latency 0 \ -tcp_rmem_min 4096 \ -accept_ra_all false \ -tcp_adv_win_scale 2 \ -tcp_wmem_default 4096 \ -tcp_wmem_min 4096 \ -tcp_port_min 1024 \ -tcp_stdurg false \ -tcp_port_max 65535 \ -tcp_fin_timeout 60 \ -tcp_no_metrics_save false \ -tcp_dsack true \ -tcp_mgmt_wmem 32768 \ -tcp_abort_on_overflow false \ -tcp_frto 0 \ -tcp_mem_pressure 32768 \ -tcp_app_win 31 \ -ip_no_pmtu_disc true \ -llm_hdr_gap 8 \ -tcp_max_orphans 8192 \ -accept_ra_default false \ -tcp_syn_retries 5 \ -tcp_moderate_rcvbuf 0 \ -tcp_max_syn_backlog 1024 \ -tcp_mem_low 24576 \ -tcp_tw_rfc1323_strict false \ -tcp_fack true \ -tcp_retrans_collapse true \ -inter_packet_granular_delay 0.0 \ -llm_hdr_gap_ns 10 \ -tcp_large_icwnd 0 \ -tcp_rmem_default 4096 \ -tcp_keepalive_probes 9 \ -tcp_mem_high 49152 \ -tcp_tw_reuse false \ -delayed_acks_timeout 0 \ -tcp_vegas_gamma 2 \ -tcp_synack_retries 5 \ -tcp_timestamps true \ -tcp_reordering 3 \ -rps_needed false \ -tcp_sack true \ -tcp_bic_fast_convergence 1 \ -tcp_bic_low_window 14 \ } { if {[lsearch $args $parameter] == -1} { # Defaults if {[llength $value] > 1 || $value == ""} { set value \"$value\" } append paramList " $parameter $value" } else { # User defined set argIndex [lsearch $args $parameter] set userValue [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] if {[llength $userValue] > 1 || $value == ""} { set userValue \"$userValue\" } append paramList " $parameter $userValue" } } set tcpObj [::IxLoad new ixNetTCPPlugin] # ixNet objects need to be added in the list before they are configured. $objHandle globalPlugins.appendItem -object $tcpObj puts "\nIxL_ConfigTcp: $paramList" eval $tcpObj config $paramList return $tcpObj } proc IxL_ConfigDutNetwork { args } { set paramList {} set mandatoryParams {-firstIp} set undiscoveredList {} foreach undiscoveredParam $mandatoryParams { if {[lsearch $args $undiscoveredParam] == -1} { lappend undiscoveredList $undiscoveredParam } } if {$undiscoveredList != ""} { puts "\nIxL_ConfigDutNetwork Error: Requires mandatory params: $undiscoveredList" return 1 } foreach {parameter value} { \ -enable true \ -firstIp \ -ipCount 1 \ -networkMask \ -ipType 1 \ -vlanIncrStep 1 \ -innerVlanEnable false \ -ipIncrStep "" \ -vlanUniqueCount 4094 \ -vlanEnable false \ -vlanId 1 \ -vlanCount 1 \ -name "DUT Network Range" \ } { if {[lsearch $args $parameter] == -1} { # Defaults if {[llength $value] > 1 || $value == ""} { set value \"$value\" } append paramList " $parameter $value" } else { # User defined set argIndex [lsearch $args $parameter] set userValue [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] if {[llength $userValue] > 1 || $value == ""} { set userValue \"$userValue\" } append paramList " $parameter $userValue" } } set dutNetworkRangeObj [::IxLoad new ixDutNetworkRange] puts "\nIxL_ConfigDutNetwork: $paramList\n" eval $dutNetworkRangeObj config $paramList return $dutNetworkRangeObj } proc IxL_MapVlanSrcDstPair { args } { # Users will have to create a list for srcVlanId and dstVlanId # using the utility like IxL_CreateVlanMapList, # because users can have all sort of vlanID patterns. # So, define the pattern list first. set argIndex 0 while {$argIndex < [llength $args]} { set currentArg [lindex $args $argIndex] switch -exact -- $currentArg { -objHandle { set objHandle [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -srcVlanIdList { set srcVlanIdList [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -dstVlanIdList { set dstVlanIdList [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } default { puts "\nMapVlanPair error: No such parameter: $currentArg" return 1 } } } set index 0 foreach srcVlanId $srcVlanIdList dstVlanId $dstVlanIdList { $objHandle sourceRanges($index).config \ -destinationId $dstVlanId \ -enable true \ -vlanId $srcVlanId incr index } } proc IxL_CreateVlanMapList { args } { # A utility for creating srcVlanId/dstVlanId mapping: # This utility will only incrementing in steps of "1". # No other patterns. If you need a different pattern, # create a different utility Proc. # # -start = The starting VlanId number. # -total = The total amount of number to create. set argIndex 0 while {$argIndex < [llength $args]} { set currentArg [lindex $args $argIndex] switch -exact -- $currentArg { -start { set start [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -total { set total [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } default { puts "\nIxL_CreateVlanMapList: Error: No such parameter: $currentArg" return 1 } } } set mapList {} for {set number $start} {$number < [expr $start + $total]} {incr number} { lappend mapList $number } return $mapList } proc IxL_ConfigHttpClientSettings { objHandle args } { set paramList {} foreach {parameter value} { \ -enable true \ -userIpMapping "1:1" \ -enableConstraint true \ -constraintType "SimulatedUserConstraint" \ -userObjectiveType "throughputMbps" \ -destinationIpMapping "Consecutive" \ -name "HTTPClient1" \ -constraintValue 100 \ -userObjectiveValue 3 \ } { if {[lsearch $args $parameter] == -1} { # Defaults if {[llength $value] > 1 || $value == ""} { set value \"$value\" } append paramList " $parameter $value" } else { # User defined set argIndex [lsearch $args $parameter] set userValue [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] if {[llength $userValue] > 1 || $value == ""} { set userValue \"$userValue\" } append paramList " $parameter $userValue" } } puts "\nIxL_ConfigHttpClientSettings: $paramList" eval $objHandle config $paramList } proc IxL_ConfigHttpCommands { objHandle args } { set paramList {} foreach {parameter value} { \ -profile -1 \ -enableDi 0 \ -namevalueargs "" \ -sendMD5ChkSumHeader 0 \ -cmdName "Get 1" \ -abort "None" \ -arguments "" \ -sendingChunkSize "None" \ -destination "DUT1:80" \ -commandType "GET" \ -pageObject "/32k.html" \ } { if {[lsearch $args $parameter] == -1} { # Defaults if {[llength $value] > 1 || $value == ""} { set value \"$value\" } append paramList " $parameter $value" } else { # User defined set argIndex [lsearch $args $parameter] set userValue [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] if {[llength $userValue] > 1 || $value == ""} { set userValue \"$userValue\" } append paramList " $parameter $userValue" } } puts "\nIxL_ConfigHttpCommands: $paramList" eval $objHandle config $paramList } proc IxL_ConfigHttpAgents { objHandle args } { set paramList {} foreach {parameter value} { \ -cmdListLoops 0 \ -vlanPriority 0 \ -validateCertificate 0 \ -enableDecompressSupport 0 \ -exactTransactions 0 \ -enableHttpsProxy 0 \ -perHeaderPercentDist 0 \ -enablePerConnCookieSupport 0 \ -cookieRejectProbability 0.0 \ -enableUnidirectionalClose 0 \ -httpsTunnel "" \ -piggybackAck 1 \ -maxPersistentRequests 100 \ -enableEsm 0 \ -certificate "" \ -sequentialSessionReuse 0 \ -browserEmulationName "Custom1" \ -enableSslSendCloseNotify 0 \ -maxPipeline 1 \ -contentLengthDeviationTolerance 0 \ -caCert "" \ -enableHttpProxy 0 \ -disableDnsResolutionCache 0 \ -enableTos 0 \ -precedenceTOS 0 \ -ipPreference 2 \ -maxHeaderLen 1024 \ -flowPercentage 100.0 \ -cookieJarSize 10 \ -reliabilityTOS 0 \ -sslRecordSize "16384" \ -privateKey "" \ -commandTimeout 600 \ -enablemetaRedirectSupport 0 \ -delayTOS 0 \ -enableIntegrityCheckSupport 0 \ -commandTimeout_ms 0 \ -privateKeyPassword "" \ -urlStatsCount 10 \ -followHttpRedirects 0 \ -tcpCloseOption 0 \ -enableVlanPriority 0 \ -esm 1460 \ -enablesslRecordSize 0 \ -enableHttpsTunnel 0 \ -enableLargeHeader 0 \ -throughputTOS 0 \ -enableCookieSupport 0 \ -enableConsecutiveIpsPerSession 0 \ -clientCiphers "DEFAULT" \ -enableAchieveCCFirst 0 \ -tos 0 \ -httpProxy "" \ -keepAlive false \ -enableCRCCheckSupport 0 \ -httpsProxy "" \ -maxSessions 3 \ -httpVersion 1 \ -enableSsl false \ } { if {[lsearch $args $parameter] == -1} { # Defaults if {[llength $value] > 1 || $value == ""} { set value \"$value\" } append paramList " $parameter $value" } else { # User defined set argIndex [lsearch $args $parameter] set userValue [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] if {[llength $userValue] > 1 || $value == ""} { set userValue \"$userValue\" } append paramList " $parameter $userValue" } } puts "\nIxL_ConfigHttpAgents: $paramList" eval $objHandle agent.config $paramList } proc IxL_ConfigHttpResponseHeader { objHandle args } { set paramList {} # Set these as defaults if user did not define any of these parameters. foreach {parameter value} { \ -mimeType "text/plain" \ -expirationMode 0 \ -code "200" \ -dateIncrementFor 1 \ -name "200_OK" \ -lastModifiedMode 1 \ -lastModifiedIncrementEnable false \ -enableCustomPutResponse false \ -dateIncrementEnable false \ -lastModifiedDateTimeValue "2014/06/13 18:50:55" \ -lastModifiedIncrementFor 1 \ -expirationAfterLastModifiedValue 3600 \ -dateTimeValue "2014/06/13 18:50:55" \ -dateZone "GMT" \ -dateMode 2 \ -expirationAfterRequestValue 3600 \ -dateIncrementBy 5 \ -expirationDateTimeValue "2014/07/13 18:50:55" \ -lastModifiedIncrementBy 5 \ -description "OK" \ } { if {[lsearch $args $parameter] == -1} { # Defaults if {[llength $value] > 1 || $value == ""} { set value \"$value\" } append paramList " $parameter $value" } else { # User defined set argIndex [lsearch $args $parameter] set userValue [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] if {[llength $userValue] > 1 || $value == ""} { set userValue \"$userValue\" } append paramList " $parameter $userValue" } } puts "\nIxL_ConfigHttpResponseHeader: $paramList" eval $objHandle config $paramList } proc IxL_SetResultDirectory { testControllerObj resultDirectory } { puts "\nIxL_SetResultDirectory: $resultDirectory" $testControllerObj setResultDir $resultDirectory } proc IxL_InitializeStatCollector { trafficStatName testServerHandle } { puts "\nIxL_InitializeStatCollector: $trafficStatName" ${trafficStatName}::Initialize -testServerHandle $testServerHandle } proc IxL_ClearStats { trafficStatName } { puts "\nIxL_ClearStats: $trafficStatName" ${trafficStatName}::ClearStats } proc IxL_AddStat { args } { # Define the stats we would like to collect set params {} set argIndex 0 while {$argIndex < [llength $args]} { set currentArg [lindex $args $argIndex] switch -exact -- $currentArg { -trafficStatName { set trafficStatName [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -caption { set caption [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] append params "-caption $caption " incr argIndex 2 } -statSourceType { set statSourceType [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] if {[llength $statSourceType] > 1} { set statSourceType "\"$statSourceType\"" } append params "-statSourceType $statSourceType " incr argIndex 2 } -statName { set statName [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] if {[llength $statName] > 1} { set statName "\"$statName\"" } append params "-statName $statName " incr argIndex 2 } -aggregationType { set aggregationType [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] append params "-aggregationType $aggregationType " incr argIndex 2 } -filterList { set filterList [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] if {$filterList == ""} { set filterList [list [list]] } append params "-filterList $filterList " incr argIndex 2 } default { puts "\nError: No such parameter: $currentArg" return 1 } } } puts "\nIxL_AddStats: $trafficStatName: $params" eval ${trafficStatName}::AddStat $params return 0 } proc IxL_GetStats {args} { # Start the collector (runs in the tcl event loop) puts "=====================================" puts "INCOMING STAT RECORD >>> $args" puts "Len = [llength $args]" puts [lindex $args 0] puts [lindex $args 1] puts "=====================================" } proc IxL_StartStatCollector { trafficStatName } { puts "\nIxL_StartStatCollector: $trafficStatName" #${trafficStatName}::StartCollector -command ::my_stat_collector_command ${trafficStatName}::StartCollector -command IxL_GetStats } proc IxL_RunTest { testControllerObj testObj {rxfFileName ""} } { # rxfFileName = The name of the IxLoad config file to be saved as. # Useful to save the scripts config and then load the # sved .rxf file in the IxLoad gui to verify the # script's configurations. # # The saved configuration is stored at the $resultDirectory if {$rxfFileName != ""} { puts "\nIxL_RunTest: $testControllerObj : Saving configuration as $rxfFileName" $testControllerObj run $testObj -autorepository $rxfFileName } else { $testControllerObj run $testObj } } proc IxL_StopStatCollector { trafficStatName } { puts "\nIxL_StopStatCollector: $trafficStatName" ${trafficStatName}::StopCollector } proc IxL_ReleaseConfigWaitFinish { testControllerObj } { $testControllerObj releaseConfigWaitFinish } proc IxL_GetCsvStatFiles { statList fromWindowsDir } { foreach statFile $statList { set localStatFile ixLoad_[string map {" " ""} [string map {- _} $statFile]] puts "IxL_GetCsvStatFiles: $statFile ..." catch {::IxLoad retrieveFileCopy $resultDirectoryOnWindows\\$statFile $localStatFile} errMsg if {$errMsg != ""} { puts "\nError: Copying csv stat file from Windows PC: $statFile\n" } } } proc IxL_StartTest { args } { set argIndex 0 while {$argIndex < [llength $args]} { set currentArg [lindex $args $argIndex] switch -exact -- $currentArg { -testControllerObj { set testControllerObj [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -testObj { set testObj [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -saveConfigFileName { set saveConfigFileName [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } default { puts "\nIxL_StartTest Error: No such parameter: $currentArg" return 1 } } } if {[info exists saveConfigFileName]} { puts "\nIxL_StartTest: Saving configuration to filename: $saveConfigFileName ...\n" eval $testControllerObj run $testObj -autorepository $saveConfigFileName } else { puts "\nIxL_StartTest ...\n" eval $testControllerObj run $testObj } } proc IxL_StopTest { testControllerObj } { puts "\nIxL_StopTest ...\n" $testControllerObj stopRun } proc IxL_EnterKeyToAbortTest {} { if {$::ixTestControllerMonitor == ""} { puts "\nAborting test at earliest opportunity" # stop the run $::testController stopRun # # (v)wait until the test really stops # vwait ::ixTestControllerMonitor puts $::ixTestControllerMonitor } } proc IxL_CopyFileFromWindows {sourcePathAndFile localPath} { # sourcePathAndFile: c:\\Results\\fileToget.csv puts "\nIxL_CopyFileFromWindows: $sourcePathAndFile -> $localPath" catch {::IxLoad retrieveFileCopy $sourcePathAndFile $localPath} errMsg } proc IxL_ConvertScriptToRxf { testObject chassisChain rxfName } { # Create a .rxf file out of a TCL script. # # If you want to just create the .rxf file without running traffic, do # a word search in your script for "testController run" and comment out # the following lines in your script: # $testController run $Test1 # vwait ::ixTestControllerMonitor # puts $::ixTestControllerMonitor # $testController releaseConfig # vwait ::ixTestControllerMonitor # puts $::ixTestControllerMonitor # # Parameters: # testObject = $Test1 # chassisChain = $chassisChain # rxfName = Path + file name # # Example on the conversion: # Example: $repository write -destination {"c:\\Results\\convertedScriptgen.rxf"} -overwrite 1 puts "\nConverting scriptgen to .rxf ..." set repository [::IxLoad new ixRepository] $repository testList.appendItem -object $testObject $repository config -activeTest [$testObject cget -name] -chassisChain $chassisChain $repository write -destination $rxfName -overwrite 1 } proc IxVmConnectToVChassisIp { vChassisIp } { # In order to add, modify or view vChassis and vLM, must # create a chassis builder object handle and connect to the vChassis IP. set chassisBuilder [::IxLoad new ixChassisBuilder] $chassisBuilder connectToChassis -chassisName $vChassisIp return $chassisBuilder } proc IxVmGetLicenseServer { chassisBuilder } { # Get the current license server IP on the vChassis controller # To use this API, you must create a chassisBuilder object and pass it in: # set chassisBuilder [::IxLoad new ixChassisBuilder] # $chassisBuilder connectToChassis -chassisName $vChassisIp set chassisSettings [$chassisBuilder getChassisSettings] return [$chassisSettings cget -LicenseServer] } proc IxVmGetEnableLicenseCheck { chassisBuilder } { # Returns the value of EnableLicenseCheck on the vChassis controller. # To use this API, you must create a chassisBuilder object and pass it in: # set chassisBuilder [::IxLoad new ixChassisBuilder] # $chassisBuilder connectToChassis -chassisName $vChassisIp # # Returns 0 if disabled. # Returns 1 if enabled. set chassisSettings [$chassisBuilder getChassisSettings] return [$chassisSettings cget -EnableLicenseCheck] } proc IxVmGetNtpServer { chassisBuilder } { # Returns the value of NTP Server on the vChassis controller. # To use this API, you must create a chassisBuilder object and pass it in: # set chassisBuilder [::IxLoad new ixChassisBuilder] # $chassisBuilder connectToChassis -chassisName $vChassisIp # set chassisSettings [$chassisBuilder getChassisSettings] return [$chassisSettings cget -NtpServer] } proc IxVmGetTxDelay { chassisBuilder } { # Returns the value of TxDelay on the vChassis controller. # To use this API, you must create a chassisBuilder object and pass it in: # set chassisBuilder [::IxLoad new ixChassisBuilder] # $chassisBuilder connectToChassis -chassisName $vChassisIp # set chassisSettings [$chassisBuilder getChassisSettings] return [$chassisSettings cget -TxDelay] } proc IxVmSetLicenseServer { chassisBuilder licenseServerIp } { # This API will set the license server IP address on the vChassis controller # and verifies the setting. # # Return 0 if success # Return 1 if failed # # To use this API, you must create a chassisBuilder object and pass it in: # set chassisBuilder [::IxLoad new ixChassisBuilder] # $chassisBuilder connectToChassis -chassisName $vChassisIp puts "IxVmSetLicenseServer: Configure license server to $licenseServerIp" set chassisSettings [$chassisBuilder getChassisSettings] $chassisSettings cset -LicenseServer $licenseServerIp # When done with chassis settings, make them permanent: if {[catch {$chassisBuilder setChassisSettings -chassisSettings $chassisSettings} errMsg]} { puts "\nIxVmSetLicenseCheck failed: $errMsg" return 1 } set currentLicenseServer [$chassisSettings cget -LicenseServer] if {$currentLicenseServer == $licenseServerIp} { puts "IxVmSetLicenseServer: Successfully set license server." return 0 } else { puts "IxVmSetLicenseServer: Failed to set license server on vChassis" return 1 } } proc IxVmSetLicenseCheck { chassisBuilder {enable 1} } { # This API will enable or disable license checking on the vChassis controller # and verifies the setting. # # Return 0 if success # Return 1 if failed # # To use this API, you must create a chassisBuilder object and pass it in: # set chassisBuilder [::IxLoad new ixChassisBuilder] # $chassisBuilder connectToChassis -chassisName $vChassisIp puts "IxVmSetLicenseServer: Configure license check to: $enable" set chassisSettings [$chassisBuilder getChassisSettings] $chassisSettings cset -EnableLicenseCheck $enable # When done with chassis settings, make them permanent: if {[catch {$chassisBuilder setChassisSettings -chassisSettings $chassisSettings} errMsg]} { puts "\nIxVmSetLicenseCheck failed: $errMsg" return 1 } set currentLicenseCheck [$chassisSettings cget -EnableLicenseCheck] if {$currentLicenseCheck == $enable} { puts "IxVmSetLicenseServer: Successfully set license check to: $enable." return 0 } else { puts "IxVmSetLicenseServer: Failed to set license check on vChassis to: $enable" return 1 } } proc IxVmSetNtpServer { chassisBuilder ntpServerIp } { # This API will set the NTP server IP address on the vChassis controller # and verifies the setting. # # Return 0 if success # Return 1 if failed # # To use this API, you must create a chassisBuilder object and pass it in: # set chassisBuilder [::IxLoad new ixChassisBuilder] # $chassisBuilder connectToChassis -chassisName $vChassisIp puts "IxVmSetNtpServer: Configure NTP server to $ntpServerIp" set chassisSettings [$chassisBuilder getChassisSettings] $chassisSettings cset -NtpServer $ntpServerIp # When done with chassis settings, make them permanent: if {[catch {$chassisBuilder setChassisSettings -chassisSettings $chassisSettings} errMsg]} { puts "\nIxVmSetNtpServer failed: $errMsg" return 1 } set currentNtpServer [$chassisSettings cget -NtpServer] if {$currentNtpServer == $ntpServerIp} { puts "IxVmSetNtpServer: Successfully set ntp server to $ntpServerIp." return 0 } else { puts "IxVmSetNtpServer: Failed to set NTP server $ntpServerIp on vChassis." return 1 } } proc IxVmSetTxDelay { chassisBuilder txDelay } { # This API will set the Tx Delay on the vChassis controller # and verifies the setting. # # Return 0 if success # Return 1 if failed # # To use this API, you must create a chassisBuilder object and pass it in: # set chassisBuilder [::IxLoad new ixChassisBuilder] # $chassisBuilder connectToChassis -chassisName $vChassisIp puts "IxVmSetTxDelay: Configure Tx Delay to $txDelay" set chassisSettings [$chassisBuilder getChassisSettings] $chassisSettings cset -TxDelay $txDelay # When done with chassis settings, make them permanent: if {[catch {$chassisBuilder setChassisSettings -chassisSettings $chassisSettings} errMsg]} { puts "\nIxVmSetTxDelay failed: $errMsg" return 1 } set currentTxDelay [$chassisSettings cget -TxDelay] if {$currentTxDelay == $txDelay} { puts "IxVmSetTxDelay: Successfully set Tx Delay to $txDelay." return 0 } else { puts "IxVmSetTxDelay: Failed to set Tx Delay $txDelay on vChassis." return 1 } } proc IxVmAddCardPort { chassisBuilder cardIp int speed mtu promiscuousMode } { # This API assumes that you have successfully: # - Installed vChassis and virtual load modules. # - Configured vChassis mgmt IP address. # - Configured all vLM mgmt IP addresses. # # To use this API, you must create a chassisBuilder object and pass it in: # set chassisBuilder [::IxLoad new ixChassisBuilder] # $chassisBuilder connectToChassis -chassisName $vChassisIp # # Example: # IxVmAddCardPort $chassisBuilder eth1 1000 1500 False # IxVmAddCardPort $chassisBuilder eth1 1000 1500 False $chassisBuilder addCard -managementIp $cardIp -keepAliveTimeout 300 set cardId [$chassisBuilder getIxVMCardByIP -managementIp $cardIp] puts "Adding port to CardId: $cardId" $chassisBuilder addPort -cardId $cardId -portId 1 -interfaceName $int \ -promiscuousMode $promiscuousMode -lineSpeed $speed -mtu $mtu $chassisBuilder connectCard -cardId $cardId } proc IxVmDisconnectCardId { chassisBuilder cardId } { # To use this API, you must create a chassisBuilder object and pass it in: # set chassisBuilder [::IxLoad new ixChassisBuilder] # $chassisBuilder connectToChassis -chassisName $vChassisIp puts "IxVmDisconnectCardId: $cardId" $chassisBuilder disconnectCard -cardId $cardId } proc IxVmConnectToDisconnectCardId { chassisBuilder cardId } { # To use this API, you must create a chassisBuilder object and pass it in: # set chassisBuilder [::IxLoad new ixChassisBuilder] # $chassisBuilder connectToChassis -chassisName $vChassisIp puts "IxVmDisconnectCardId: $cardId" $chassisBuilder connectCard -cardId $cardId } proc IxVmRebootCardIds { chassisBuilder cardIdList } { # To use this API, you must create a chassisBuilder object and pass it in: # set chassisBuilder [::IxLoad new ixChassisBuilder] # $chassisBuilder connectToChassis -chassisName $vChassisIp puts "IxVmRebootCardIds: $cardIdList" $chassisBuilder hwRebootCardByIDs [list $cardIdList] } proc IxVmRebootChassis { chassisBuilder } { # To use this API, you must create a chassisBuilder object and pass it in: # set chassisBuilder [::IxLoad new ixChassisBuilder] # $chassisBuilder connectToChassis -chassisName $vChassisIp puts "IxVmRebootChassis" $chassisBuilder hardChassisReboot } proc IxVmClearOwnership { chassisBuilder cardId } { # To use this API, you must create a chassisBuilder object and pass it in: # set chassisBuilder [::IxLoad new ixChassisBuilder] # $chassisBuilder connectToChassis -chassisName $vChassisIp puts "IxVmClearOwnership: cardId $cardId" $chassisBuilder clearOwnership -cardId $cardId } proc IxVmRemoveCardId { chassisBuilder cardId } { # To use this API, you must create a chassisBuilder object and pass it in: # set chassisBuilder [::IxLoad new ixChassisBuilder] # $chassisBuilder connectToChassis -chassisName $vChassisIp puts "IxVmRemoveCardId: $cardId" $chassisBuilder deleteCard -cardId $cardId } proc IxVmRemovePortId { chassisBuilder cardId portId } { # To use this API, you must create a chassisBuilder object and pass it in: # set chassisBuilder [::IxLoad new ixChassisBuilder] # $chassisBuilder connectToChassis -chassisName $vChassisIp puts "IxVmRemovePortId: $cardId/$portId" $chassisBuilder removePortById -cardId $cardId -portId $portId } proc IxVmRemoveAllCardIds { {vChassisIp None} {chassisBuilderObj None} } { # This API will discover the total amount of IxVM cards created and delete them. # # Optional Parameters: # chassisBuilderObj: The chassis builder object. If none is provided, a # chassisBuilder object will be instantiated. # ixChassisIp: The virtual chassis IP address. This is only required # if the chassisBuilderObj is provided. # # Requirements: # Prior to calling this API, you must have called ::IxLoad conenct $ixLoadServer if {$chassisBuilderObj == "None"} { if {$vChassisIp == "None"} { puts "\nError: Please provide your virtual chassis IP address" return 1 } puts "IxVmRemoveAllCardIds: Creating ixChassisBuilder object" set chassisBuilderObj [::IxLoad new ixChassisBuilder] puts "IxVmRemoveAllCardIds: Connecting to vChassis $vChassisIp" $chassisBuilderObj connectToChassis -chassisName $vChassisIp } puts "IxVmRemoveAllCardId: Starting getChassisTopology API" set topologies [$chassisBuilderObj getChassisTopology] set count [$topologies indexCount] puts "Total card IDs discovered: $count" if {$count != 0} { for {set index 0} {$index < $count} {incr index} { set topology [$topologies getItem $index] puts "topology: $topology" set CardServerId [$topology cget -CardServerId] puts "Removing cardServerId: $CardServerId" $chassisBuilderObj deleteCard -cardId $CardServerId } } }