#!/usr/bin/expect #!/opt/ActiveTcl-8.5/bin/tclsh # By Hubert Gee # # Description # # This script will load a saved IxLoad config file stored in the # Windows Client PC. # # You could also reassign ports so you could use this config file # on any testbed or device. Making your config file dynamic. # If you do not wish to reassign ports, comment out the variable: # $portsToReassign # # Runs traffic and show real time stats. # # While traffic is running, all stats are saved in a CSV format file locally # into a file name that you could name by using the variable: $csvFilePathAndName # # Notes: # # In order for this script to save the stats to a csv format file on your local # Linux machine, you have to go to the IxLoad GUI, under File/Preferences/Statistics, # enabled "CSV Logging". # # All Statistics results are saved in the Windows PC C: drive under the variable # name $resultDirectoryOnWindows. This is a value that you could define. # # To get all the statistics that you want, you have configure everything on IxLoad, # run traffic and ensure the configuration and traffic runs fine, then do a Scriptgen # to generate a script. Open the script and scroll near the bottom and copy and paste # the stats that you want to the variable name HTTP_Client_StatList and HTTP_Server_StatList. # You can change the variable names. # package require IxLoadCsv # The IP address to the IxLoad Windows PC set windowsClientIp # The full path and filename to your saved config file on the IxLoad Windows PC. set configFile "C:\\Results\\IxL_Http_Ipv4Ftp_vm_8.20.rxf" # This is the location on the IxLoad Windows PC c: drive where you # want to store all the statistic files. set resultDirectoryOnWindows "c:\\Results" # Set the path and the PDF file name to copy from Windows to Linux at the end of the test. set pdfPathOnWindows "$resultDirectoryOnWindows\\IxLoad Summary Report.pdf" set generatePdfResult 1 # Uncomment this line to enable port reassignment. set portsToReassign {{"" 1 1} {"" 2 1}} # The CSV format file name to store all the statistics on your local # Linux machine running this script. set csvFilePathAndName IxL_statResults.csv # These are the stats that you want. You get these from IxLoad GUI # Scriptgen set HTTP_Client_StatList { { "HTTP Client" "TCP Connections Established" "kSum" } { "HTTP Client" "TCP Connection Requests Failed" "kSum" } { "HTTP Client" "HTTP Simulated Users" "kSum" } { "HTTP Client" "HTTP Concurrent Connections" "kSum" } { "HTTP Client" "HTTP Connections" "kSum" } { "HTTP Client" "HTTP Transactions" "kSum" } { "HTTP Client" "HTTP Connection Attempts" "kSum" } } set HTTP_Server_StatList { { "HTTP Server" "TCP Connections Established" "kSum" } { "HTTP Server" "TCP Connection Requests Failed" "kSum" } } # This script already saves the stats in a csv file under the variable name # $csvFilePathAndName. # If you are still interested in downloading the CSV stat files from the Windows # PC, you need to know the exact file names. Use backslashes to break the whitespaces. set statsToGet { "per\ IP.csv" "HTTP\ Client\ -\ Objectives.csv" "HTTP\ Client\ -\ TCP\ Connections.csv" "HTTP\ Client\ -\ TCP\ Failures.csv" "HTTP\ Server\ -\ TCP\ Connections.csv" "HTTP\ Server\ -\ TCP\ Failures.csv" } set retrieveResultFileList { Test_Client.csv Test_Server.csv {HTTP Client - Per URL.csv} {L2-3 Throughput Stats.csv} } proc IxL_RetrieveResultFiles {retrieveResultFileList {deleteResultsTempFolder 0}} { # Description # Retrieve all the IxLoad result files from IxLoad to local Linxux # and copy all the wanted result files into a local results folder. # # 1> Create a local folder to save the wanted results called ixLoadTestResults. # 2> If folder doesn't exists, create it. # 3> Copy all IxLoad result files to local Linux folder called ixLoadTestResultTemp. # 4> If folder doesn't exists, create it. # 5> Remove all the junk files such as *.xml, *.metadata and *.jpg # 6> Loop through each wanted result file. # If found, save it in folder ixLoadTestResults. # 7> At the end, if the variable deleteResultsTempFolder == 1, delete the ixLoadTestResultTemp folder. # # Parameters # retrieveList: A list of all the result file names to retrieve. # deleteResultsTempFolder: 0|1: 0 = Don't delete the folder containing all the IxLoad result files. # 1 = Delete set resultsTempFolder ixLoadTestResultsTemp2 set saveToFolder ixLoadTestResults # Create the temp folder first if {[file exists $resultsTempFolder] == 0} { file mkdir $resultsTempFolder } if {[file exists $saveToFolder] == 0} { file mkdir $saveToFolder } # Retrieve all the IxLoad result files # ::IxLoad retrieveResults $resultsTempFolder # Remove all the junk files in case user wants to look in the folder catch {eval file delete [glob $resultsFolder/*.xml]} catch {eval file delete [glob $resultsFolder/*.jpg]} catch {eval file delete [glob $resultsFolder/*.metadata]} foreach resultFile $retrieveResultFileList { set currentFile [glob -nocomplain -dir $resultsTempFolder *$resultFile] puts "\nSearch for result file: $resultFile" if {$currentFile == ""} { puts "\tFile not found: $resultFile" continue } # currentFile: {ixLoadTestResultsTemp2/HTTP Client - Per URL.csv} set copyFile [lindex $currentFile 0] if {[llength [split $copyFile " "]] == 1} { puts "\tFound: [lindex $currentFile 0]: lenth:[llength $currentFile]" # currentFile: {ixLoadTestResultsTemp/Test_Server.csv} set destFile [lindex [split $copyFile "/"] end] puts "\tCopying to $saveToFolder/$destFile ..." file copy -force $copyFile $saveToFolder/$resultFile } if {[llength [split $copyFile " "]] == 2} { puts "\tFound: [lindex $currentFile 0]: lenth:[llength $currentFile]" # currentFile: {ixLoadTestResultsTemp/IxL_Http_Ipv4Ftp_vm_8.20_20180101_161018 Test_Server.csv} set destFile [lindex [split $copyFile " "] end] puts "\tCopying to $saveToFolder/$destFile ..." file copy -force $copyFile $saveToFolder/$destFile } if {[llength [split $copyFile " "]] > 2} { if {[regexp "\{" $copyFile]} { # currentFile: ixLoadTestResultsTemp/IxL_Http_Ipv4Ftp_vm_8.20_20180101_161018\ \{HTTP\ Client\ -\ Per\ URL.csv set destFile [lrange [split $copyFile " "] 1 end] set destFile [string range $destFile 2 end] set destFile [string map {" " ""} $destFile] } else { # ixLoadTestResultsTemp2/L2-3 Throughput Stats.csv set destFile [lindex [split $copyFile "/"] end] set destFile [string map {" " ""} $destFile] } puts "\tCopying to $saveToFolder/$destFile ..." file copy -force $copyFile $saveToFolder/$destFile } } if {$deleteResultsTempFolder == 1} { file delete -force $resultsTempFolder } } proc IxL_GeneratePdfReport {testController pdfPathOnWindows testName} { # This will first remove the existing PDF file on Windows c: drive. # Then Generate a new PDF file. puts "Generating PDF result file ..." if {[catch {$testController generateReport -detailedReport 0 -format "PDF" -orientation "Portrait" -outputFile $pdfPathOnWindows -testName $testName} err] == 1} { puts "Failed to generate PDF Report: $err" } else { puts "PDF Report Generated successful" } } proc IxL_CopyFileFromWindows {sourcePath destPath} { ::IxLoad retrieveFileCopy $sourcePath $destPath } proc IxL_StatCollectorCommand {args} { # statcollectorutils {timestamp 140000 stats {{kInt 0} {kInt 1872} {kInt 0} {kInt 0}}} set stats [lindex [lindex $args 1] 3] set timestamp [lindex [lindex $args 1] 1] puts "============================================" puts "Incoming stats: Time interval: $timestamp" puts "============================================" # This is to collect all the stats for csv file logging set eachRowStatsForCsv {} for {set index 0} {$index <= [llength $stats]} {incr index} { # { "HTTP Server" "TCP Connections Established" "kSum" } set sourceType [lindex [lindex $::statList $index] 0] set statName [lindex [lindex $::statList $index] 1] set statNumber [lindex [lindex $stats $index] 1] if {$sourceType != "" || $statName != ""} { puts "$sourceType: $statName: $statNumber" if {$eachRowStatsForCsv == ""} { append eachRowStatsForCsv $statNumber } else { append eachRowStatsForCsv ",$statNumber" } } } if {[info exists ::csvFilePathAndName]} { exec echo $eachRowStatsForCsv >> $::csvFilePathAndName } } proc IxL_CreateCsvResultFile {} { # Create a csv result file on local Linux machine set topCsvColumnLine [join $::statList ,] if {[info exists ::csvFilePathAndName]} { puts "\nIxL_CreateCsvResultFile: $::csvFilePathAndName\n" exec echo $topCsvColumnLine > $::csvFilePathAndName } } proc IxL_GetIxLoadFiles { fromWindowsDir filesToGet localFileName} { foreach currentFile $filesToGet { puts "IxL_GetCsvStatFiles: $currentFile ..." catch {::IxLoad retrieveFileCopy $fromWindowsDir\\$currentFile $localFileName} errMsg if {$errMsg != ""} { puts "\nError: Copying file from Windows PC: $currentFile\n" } } } proc ReassignPorts { test repository portsToReassign } { set chassisChain [$repository cget -chassisChain] set chassisList [$chassisChain getChassisNames] # communityTypes: clientCommunityList serverCommunityList set communityTypes [list clientCommunityList serverCommunityList] set startListIdx -1 set endListIdx -1 set portsToSet {} foreach communityType $communityTypes { set numCommunities [$test ${communityType}.indexCount] puts "\nReassignPorts numCommunities: $numCommunities" set comunityDestinations {} # Run through the list of available communities (networks) for {set i 0} {$i < $numCommunities} {incr i} { set networkObj [$test ${communityType}($i).cget -network] set currentSourceList [$networkObj cget -portList] set sourceListNum [llength $currentSourceList] # Extract the corresponding target ports set startListIdx [expr {$endListIdx+1}] set endListIdx [expr { $startListIdx + $sourceListNum - 1 }] set partialDestinationList [lrange $portsToReassign $startListIdx $endListIdx] set formattedDestinations {} if {[llength $partialDestinationList] == 0 && $sourceListNum != 0} { puts "\nError: Unable to remap the hardware. Too few ports.\n" ::IxLoad delete $repository ::IxLoad disconnect } # Run through the partial list of destinations and format them nicely foreach currentDestination $partialDestinationList { set currentDestinationChassis [lindex $currentDestination 0] set currentDestinationCard [lindex $currentDestination 1] set currentDestinationPort [lindex $currentDestination 2] lappend formattedDestinations "\"$currentDestinationChassis;$currentDestinationCard;$currentDestinationPort\"" } set comunityDestinations [concat $comunityDestinations \{$formattedDestinations\}] } set portsToSet [concat $portsToSet $comunityDestinations] } puts "\nReassigning ports: $portsToSet\n" if {[catch {$test setPorts $portsToSet}]} { puts "\nError: Could not remap for target $portsToSet.\n" ::IxLoad delete $repository ::IxLoad disconnect } } set connectStatus [::IxLoad connect $windowsClientIp] if {$connectStatus == ""} { puts "\nSuccessfully connected to $windowsClientIp" # signal action siglist ?command? } else { puts "\nFailed to connect to $windowsClientIp" exit } #IxL_RetrieveResultFiles $retrieveResultFileList #exit #signal trap [list SIGKILL SIGHUP SIGTERM] [::IxLoad disconnect;exit] # setup logger set logtag "IxLoad-api" # This statCollectorUtils package must be loaded AFTER IxLoad connect and aafter set logtag package require statCollectorUtils # Stats are located at: C:\Program x86\Ixia\IxLoad\6.50EA\TclScripts\remoteScriptingService\RESULTS set logName "reprun" set logger [::IxLoad new ixLogger $logtag 1] set logEngine [$logger getEngine] $logEngine setLevels $::ixLogger(kLevelDebug) $::ixLogger(kLevelInfo) $logEngine setFile $logName 4 2048 1 #::IxLoad retrieveResults myResults #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create a test controller bound to the previosuly allocated # chassis chain. # This will eventually run the test we created earlier. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # By stating -outputDir = 1, means to enable csv logging set testController [::IxLoad new ixTestController -outputDir 1] set repository [::IxLoad new ixRepository -name $configFile] set testName [$repository testList(0).cget -name] set test [$repository testList.getItem $testName] $testController setResultDir $resultDirectoryOnWindows $testController enableAutoGenerateReport 1 puts "\nTest Controller: $testController" puts "\nRepository: $repository" puts "\nTest name: $testName" puts "\nTest: $test" # To capture ctrl-c signal and exit gracefully. This works for Expect. #trap {$testController stopRun;::IxLoad disconnect;exit} SIGINT #----- Inserting port remapping begin ------" if {[info exists portsToReassign]} { ReassignPorts $test $repository $portsToReassign } set testConfigStatus [$test config \ -csvInterval 2 \ -enableForceOwnership true \ -enableResetPorts 0 \ -statsRequired 1 \ ] if {$testConfigStatus != ""} { puts "\nError: Test Config failed" exit } puts "\nRunning all tests in repository $testName" # Get real time stats set NS statCollectorUtils set test_server_handle [$testController getTestServerHandle] ${NS}::Initialize -testServerHandle $test_server_handle ${NS}::ClearStats $test clearGridStats set statList [concat $HTTP_Client_StatList $HTTP_Server_StatList] set count 1 foreach stat $statList { set caption [format "Watch_Stat_%s" $count] set statSourceType [lindex $stat 0] set statName [lindex $stat 1] set aggregationType [lindex $stat 2] # StatUtils::AddStat ${NS}::AddStat \ -caption $caption \ -statSourceType $statSourceType \ -statName $statName \ -aggregationType $aggregationType \ -filterList {} incr count } IxL_CreateCsvResultFile ${NS}::StartCollector -command IxL_StatCollectorCommand -interval 2 # Press or to gracefully abort test # set test controller monitor to an empty value # IxLoad will set it to something else when the test is done set ::ixTestControllerMonitor "" # Start the test $testController run $test if 0 { # -------------------------------------------------------- # For graceful abortion by pressing the key fconfigure stdin -blocking 0 -buffering none # wait for the first sample or test stop while {$::ixTestControllerMonitor == "" && [read stdin] == ""} { after 100 set wakeup 1 # The script must call vwait or update while test runs # to keep TCL event loop going. Otherwise, no stat collector # callbacks will be made, and ixTestControllerMonitor will # never be set. vwait wakeup } # If aborted, then stop test gracefully if {$::ixTestControllerMonitor == ""} { puts "\nAborting test at earliest opportunity!!!" # stop the run $testController stopRun # (v)wait until the test really stops #vwait ::ixTestControllerMonitor #puts $::ixTestControllerMonitor } # -------------------------------------------------------- } vwait ::ixTestControllerMonitor puts $::ixTestControllerMonitor ${NS}::StopCollector if {$generatePdfResult} { IxL_GeneratePdfReport $testController $pdfPathOnWindows $testName } IxL_CopyFileFromWindows $pdfPathOnWindows ./IxLoadTestResult.pdf $testController releaseConfigWaitFinish # Cleanup ::IxLoad delete $repository ::IxLoad delete $testController ::IxLoad delete $logger ::IxLoad delete $logEngine puts "\nIxLoad test is done\n" IxL_RetrieveResultFiles $retrieveResultFileList # Another example on how to retrieve individual files from Windows to local Linux. # This last part is commented out. Enable it only if you need to copy/retrieve # something from the Windows PC to your local Linux machine. # This is just an example to show you how to retrieve files off of the Windows # C: drive. if 0 { # Retrieve the csv statistic files from Windows to local Linux machine foreach statFile $statsToGet { set localStatFile ixLoad_[string map {" " ""} [string map {- _} $statFile]] puts "Getting csv stats: $statFile ..." catch {::IxLoad retrieveFileCopy $resultDirectoryOnWindows\\$statFile $localStatFile} errMsg if {$errMsg != ""} { puts "\nError: Copying csv stat file from Windows PC: $statFile\n" } } } ::IxLoad disconnect