# # setup path and load IxLoad package # source ../setup_simple.tcl # # Initialize IxLoad # # IxLoad onnect should always be called, even for local scripts ::IxLoad connect $::IxLoadPrivate::SimpleSettings::remoteServer # once we've connected, make sure we disconnect, even if there's a problem if [catch { # # Loads plugins for specific protocols configured in this test # global ixAppPluginManager $ixAppPluginManager load "HTTP" # # setup logger # set logtag "IxLoad-api" set logName "simplehttpclientandserver-capturecustom" set logger [::IxLoad new ixLogger $logtag 1] set logEngine [$logger getEngine] $logEngine setLevels $::ixLogger(kLevelDebug) $::ixLogger(kLevelInfo) $logEngine setFile $logName 2 256 1 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # package require the stat collection utilities #----------------------------------------------------------------------- package require statCollectorUtils set scu_version [package require statCollectorUtils] puts "statCollectorUtils package version = $scu_version" #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build Chassis Chain #----------------------------------------------------------------------- set chassisChain [::IxLoad new ixChassisChain] $chassisChain addChassis $::IxLoadPrivate::SimpleSettings::chassisName #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build client and server Network #----------------------------------------------------------------------- set clnt_network [::IxLoad new ixClientNetwork $chassisChain] $clnt_network config -name "clnt_network" $clnt_network networkRangeList.appendItem \ -name "clnt_range" \ -enable 1 \ -firstIp "" \ -ipIncrStep $::ixNetworkRange(kIpIncrOctetForth) \ -ipCount 100 \ -networkMask "" \ -gateway "" \ -firstMac "00:C6:12:02:01:00" \ -macIncrStep $::ixNetworkRange(kMacIncrOctetSixth) \ -vlanEnable 0 \ -vlanId 1 \ -mssEnable 0 \ -mss 100 $clnt_network arpSettings.config -gratuitousArp 0 $clnt_network portList.appendItem \ -chassisId 1 \ -cardId $::IxLoadPrivate::SimpleSettings::clientPort(CARD_ID)\ -portId $::IxLoadPrivate::SimpleSettings::clientPort(PORT_ID)\ set svr_network [::IxLoad new ixServerNetwork $chassisChain] $svr_network config -name "svr_network" $svr_network networkRangeList.appendItem \ -name "svr_range" \ -enable 1 \ -firstIp "" \ -ipIncrStep $::ixNetworkRange(kIpIncrOctetForth) \ -ipCount 1 \ -networkMask "" \ -gateway ""\ -firstMac "00:C6:12:02:02:00" \ -macIncrStep $::ixNetworkRange(kMacIncrOctetSixth) \ -vlanEnable 0 \ -vlanId 1 \ -mssEnable 0 \ -mss 100 $svr_network arpSettings.config -gratuitousArp 0 # Add port to server network $svr_network portList.appendItem \ -chassisId 1 \ -cardId $::IxLoadPrivate::SimpleSettings::serverPort(CARD_ID)\ -portId $::IxLoadPrivate::SimpleSettings::serverPort(PORT_ID)\ #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Construct Client Traffic # The ActivityModel acts as a factory for creating agents which actually # generate the test traffic #----------------------------------------------------------------------- set clnt_traffic [::IxLoad new ixClientTraffic -name "client_traffic"] $clnt_traffic agentList.appendItem \ -name "my_http_client" \ -protocol "HTTP" \ -type "Client" \ -maxSessions 3 \ -httpVersion $::HTTP_Client(kHttpVersion10) \ -keepAlive 0 \ -maxPersistentRequests 3 \ -followHttpRedirects 0 \ -enableCookieSupport 0 \ -enableHttpProxy 0 \ -enableHttpsProxy 0 \ -browserEmulation $::HTTP_Client(kBrowserTypeIE5) \ -enableSsl 0 # # Add actions to this client agent # foreach {pageObject destination} { "/4k.htm" "svr_traffic_my_http_server" "/8k.htm" "svr_traffic_my_http_server" } { $clnt_traffic agentList(0).actionList.appendItem \ -command "GET" \ -destination $destination \ -pageObject $pageObject } #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Construct Server Traffic #----------------------------------------------------------------------- set svr_traffic [::IxLoad new ixServerTraffic -name "svr_traffic"] $svr_traffic agentList.appendItem \ -name "my_http_server" \ -protocol "HTTP" \ -type "Server" \ -httpPort 80 for {set idx 0} {$idx < [$svr_traffic agentList(0).responseHeaderList.indexCount]} {incr idx} { set response [$svr_traffic agentList(0).responseHeaderList.getItem $idx] if {[$response cget -name] == "200_OK"} { set response200ok $response } if {[$response cget -name] == "404_PageNotFound"} { set response404_PageNotFound $response } } # # Clear pre-defined web pages, add new web pages # $svr_traffic agentList(0).webPageList.clear $svr_traffic agentList(0).webPageList.appendItem \ -page "/4k.html" \ -payloadType "range" \ -payloadSize "4096-4096" \ -response $response200ok $svr_traffic agentList(0).webPageList.appendItem \ -page "/8k.html" \ -payloadType "range" \ -payloadSize "8192-8192" \ -response $response404_PageNotFound #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create a client and server mapping and bind into the # network and traffic that they will be employing #----------------------------------------------------------------------- set clnt_t_n_mapping [::IxLoad new ixClientTrafficNetworkMapping \ -network $clnt_network \ -traffic $clnt_traffic \ -objectiveType $::ixObjective(kObjectiveTypeSimulatedUsers) \ -objectiveValue 100 \ -rampUpValue 10 \ -sustainTime 30 \ -rampDownTime 20 ] # # Set objective type, value and port map for client activity # $clnt_t_n_mapping setObjectiveTypeForActivity "my_http_client" $::ixObjective(kObjectiveTypeConnectionRate) $clnt_t_n_mapping setObjectiveValueForActivity "my_http_client" 200 $clnt_t_n_mapping setPortMapForActivity "my_http_client" $::ixPortMap(kPortMapFullMesh) set svr_t_n_mapping [::IxLoad new ixServerTrafficNetworkMapping \ -network $svr_network \ -traffic $svr_traffic \ -matchClientTotalTime 1 ] #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create the test and bind in the network-traffic mapping it is going # to employ. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- set test [::IxLoad new ixTest \ -name "my_test" \ -statsRequired 0 \ -enableForceOwnership 1\ -enableResetPorts 1 ] $test clientCommunityList.appendItem -object $clnt_t_n_mapping $test serverCommunityList.appendItem -object $svr_t_n_mapping #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create a test controller bound to the previosuly allocated # chassis chain. This will eventually run the test we created earlier. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- set testController [::IxLoad new ixTestController -outputDir 1] $testController setResultDir "RESULTS/simplehttpclientandserver" #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Capture the test traffic from the ports # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test: Allow up to 50% of the port memory to be used for capture data $test captureViewOptions.config -allocatedBufferMemoryPercentage 50 # Client: enable the capture on the desired port(s) and specify capture file $clnt_network portList(0).setPortCaptureEnable True $clnt_network portList(0).setPortCaptureFileName "c:\\httpclient_custom.cap" # Client: Turn on automatic capture at the community level $clnt_t_n_mapping setCommunityCaptureParams $test True # Custom capture for client $clnt_t_n_mapping communityCapture.filter.config -filterString "tcp" # Server: enable the capture on the desired port(s) and specify capture file $svr_network portList(0).setPortCaptureEnable True $svr_network portList(0).setPortCaptureFileName "c:\\httpserver_custom.cap" # Server: Turn on automatic capture at the community level $svr_t_n_mapping setCommunityCaptureParams $test True # Custom capture for server $svr_t_n_mapping communityCapture.filter.config -filterString "tcp" #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set up stat Collection #----------------------------------------------------------------------- set NS statCollectorUtils set ::test_server_handle [$testController getTestServerHandle] ${NS}::Initialize -testServerHandle $::test_server_handle # # Clear any stats that may have been registered previously # ${NS}::ClearStats # # Define the stats we would like to collect # set aggregation_type "kSum" ${NS}::AddStat \ -caption "Watch_Stat_1" \ -statSourceType "HTTP Client" \ -statName "HTTP Bytes Sent" \ -aggregationType $aggregation_type \ -filterList {} ${NS}::AddStat \ -caption "Watch_Stat_2" \ -statSourceType "HTTP Client" \ -statName "HTTP Bytes Received" \ -aggregationType $aggregation_type \ -filterList {} # # Start the collector (runs in the tcl event loop) # proc ::my_stat_collector_command {args} { puts "=====================================" puts "INCOMING STAT RECORD >>> $args" puts "Len = [llength $args]" puts [lindex $args 0] puts [lindex $args 1] puts "=====================================" } ${NS}::StartCollector -command ::my_stat_collector_command $testController run $test # # have the script (v)wait until the test is over # vwait ::ixTestControllerMonitor puts $::ixTestControllerMonitor # # Stop the collector (running in the tcl event loop) # ${NS}::StopCollector # # Wait for the rest of the capture data # if {$::ixCaptureMonitor == ""} { puts "Waiting for last capture data to arrive." vwait ::ixCaptureMonitor } puts "Capture data received." #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Cleanup #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #$testController generateReport -detailedReport 1 $testController releaseConfigWaitFinish ::IxLoad delete $chassisChain ::IxLoad delete $clnt_network ::IxLoad delete $svr_network ::IxLoad delete $clnt_traffic ::IxLoad delete $svr_traffic ::IxLoad delete $clnt_t_n_mapping ::IxLoad delete $svr_t_n_mapping ::IxLoad delete $test ::IxLoad delete $testController ::IxLoad delete $logger ::IxLoad delete $logEngine #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Disconnect #----------------------------------------------------------------------- }] { puts $errorInfo } # # Disconnect/Release application lock # ::IxLoad disconnect