IxVerify Version 8.40.2 IxVerify Version 8.30.5 000000202002000000012101060030010010115151943600101111111110Default00200C:\Program Files\Ixia\IxLoad\Repository\Samples\functional_verification_newClientActivity1_1.pft000000000000000000000InfoMessage("shalom") function check_title() { if (RoundNum % 3) // Change this to document.title != "my expected title" { SetFailureReason("Title is not as expected") return WLMinorError; } if (RoundNum % 5) //Change this to document.title == "" { SetFailureReason("Title is null") return WLMinorError; } return WLSuccess; } function check_login() { if (RoundNum % 3) //change this to document.wlSearch("Login failed") { SetFailureReason("Login failed") return WLMinorError; } if (RoundNum % 5) //change this to something else { SetFailureReason("Some other reason") return WLMinorError; } return WLSuccess; } BeginTransaction("First Page") wlBrowser.Navigate("") EndTransaction("First Page",check_title()) BeginTransaction("Second Page") wlBrowser.Navigate("") EndTransaction("Second Page",check_login()) Sleep(1000);