# # setup path and load IxLoad package # source ../setup_simple.tcl # # Initialize IxLoad # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Connect #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # IxLoad connect should always be called, even for local scripts ::IxLoad connect $::IxLoadPrivate::SimpleSettings::remoteServer # once we've connected, make sure we disconnect, even if there's a problem if [catch { # setup logger set logtag "IxLoad-api" set logName "new_SIP" set logger [::IxLoad new ixLogger $logtag 1] set logEngine [$logger getEngine] $logEngine setLevels $::ixLogger(kLevelDebug) $::ixLogger(kLevelInfo) $logEngine setFile $logName 2 256 1 # Loads plugins for specific protocols configured in this test global ixAppPluginManager $ixAppPluginManager load "SIP" ################################################# # Build chassis chain ################################################# set chassisChain [::IxLoad new ixChassisChain] $chassisChain addChassis $::IxLoadPrivate::SimpleSettings::chassisName set my_ixViewOptions [::IxLoad new ixViewOptions] $my_ixViewOptions config \ -runMode 1 \ -captureRunDuration 0 \ -captureRunAfter 0 \ -collectScheme 0 \ -allocatedBufferMemoryPercentage 30 set simplesiptest [::IxLoad new ixTest] set scenarioElementFactory [$simplesiptest getScenarioElementFactory] $simplesiptest scenarioList.clear set TrafficFlow1 [::IxLoad new ixTrafficFlow] $TrafficFlow1 columnList.clear set Client [::IxLoad new ixTrafficColumn] $Client elementList.clear ################################################# # Create ScenarioElement kNetTraffic ################################################# set client_traffic_clnt_network [$scenarioElementFactory create $::ixScenarioElementType(kNetTraffic)] ################################################# # Activity my_sip_client of NetTraffic client_traffic@clnt_network ################################################# set Activity_my_sip_client [$client_traffic_clnt_network activityList.appendItem \ -protocolAndType "SIP Client" ] ################################################# # Timeline1 for activities my_sip_client ################################################# set Timeline1 [::IxLoad new ixTimeline] $Timeline1 config \ -rampUpValue 1 \ -rampUpType 0 \ -offlineTime 0 \ -rampDownTime 20 \ -standbyTime 30 \ -rampDownValue 0 \ -iterations 1 \ -rampUpInterval 1 \ -sustainTime 40 \ -timelineType 0 \ -name "Timeline1" $Activity_my_sip_client config \ -enable true \ -name "my_sip_client" \ -userIpMapping "1:1" \ -enableConstraint false \ -userObjectiveValue 1 \ -constraintValue 100 \ -userObjectiveType "useragents" \ -timeline $Timeline1 $Activity_my_sip_client agent.config \ -cmdListLoops 0 $Activity_my_sip_client agent.pm.generalSettings.config \ -dhcpServerPort 5060 \ -ipv6Form 0 \ -bRemoveCredent false \ -bRegBefore false \ -type_of_service_for_rtp "Best Effort (0x0)" \ -_gbDhcpServerPort false \ -nUdpMaxSize 1024 \ -nUdpPort 5060 \ -szAuthDomain "domain" \ -vlan_priority_sip 0 \ -useDhcp false \ -enableTosSIP false \ -reRegisterSeconds 3600 \ -ipPreference 0 \ -_gbIpPreference false \ -nPrefQop 0 \ -szRegistrar "" \ -enableVlanPriority_for_sip false \ -nTcpPort 5060 \ -reRegisterOption 0 \ -szTransport "UDP" \ -szAuthPassword "password" \ -type_of_service_for_sip "Best Effort (0x0)" \ -szAuthUsername "user" \ -enableTosRTP false \ -compressZeros false \ -reRegister false \ -reRegisterPercentage 50 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pm.mediaSettings.config # #Configuring codec and codec settings: #-szCodecName - defines the codec to be used for RTP streams and can have the following values: # "G711ALaw" - for G.711 A-law # "G711ULaw" - for G.711 mu-law # "G729A" - for G.729A # "G729B" - for G.729B # "G726" - for G.726 # "G723_1" - for G.723.1 # "AMR" - for AMR # "iLBC" - for ILBC #-szBitRate - defines the bit rate for the codec being used. Depending on the codec the following values are valid: # G711Alaw "64 kbps" # G711Ulaw "64 kbps" # G723.1 "5.3 kbps", "6.3 kbps" # G726 "40 kbps" # G729A "8 kbps" # G729B "8 kbps" # AMR "4.75 kbps", "5.15 kbps", "5.9 kbps", "6.7 kbps", "7.4 kbps", "7.95 kbps", "10.2 kbps", "12.2 kbps" # iLBC "13.33 kbps", "15.2 kbps" #-szCodecDetails - defines the codec details and has the following format: # BFPT # - represents number of codec bytes per frame # - represents the packet time # The possible values for and depend on codec type and bitrate # #Silence generation options: #-bUseSilence - specifies if silence generation should be used (value 1) or not (value 0) #-bSilenceMode - specifies the type of silence: # 0 - Comfort Noise # 1 - NULL data encoded using the configured codec #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Activity_my_sip_client agent.pm.mediaSettings.config \ -nPcInterval 500 \ -nJitterBuffer 1 \ -nDtmfInterdigits 40 \ -nCompMaxDropped 7 \ -nPeerDtmfDuration 100 \ -nJitterMs 20 \ -bSilenceMode 1 \ -nAudioPoolTime 1268046858 \ -szBitRate "64 kbps" \ -nDtmfDuration 100 \ -szPeerCodecName "G711ALaw" \ -szSilenceFile "C:\\Program Files\\Ixia\\IxLoad\\\\Client\\Plugins\\agent\\SIP_Client\\Pool\\Audio\\_G711ALaw_20ms_silence.raw" \ -bytesPerFrameBuffer "" \ -groupBox_MOS1 false \ -szPeerCodecDetails "BF160PT20" \ -bMosOnMax 0 \ -groupBox_JB1 false \ -nMosInterval 3 \ -nCompJitterBuffer 50 \ -bUseJitter false \ -szCodecName "G711ALaw" \ -szPeerDtmfSeq "12345" \ -bLimitDtmf true \ -bUseMOS false \ -bJitMs 0 \ -szCodecDescr "" \ -bCompMs 0 \ -nDtmfStreams 10 \ -packetTimeBuffer "" \ -szPowerLevel "PL_20" \ -szDtmfSeq "12345" \ -nCompJitterMs 1000 \ -nPeerDtmfInterdigits 40 \ -bRtpStartCollector false \ -nMosMaxStreams 1 \ -szCodecDetails "BF160PT20" \ -nSessionType 49 \ -bUseSilence true \ -bModifyPowerLevel false \ -bUseCompensation false $Activity_my_sip_client agent.pm.contentOfMessages.config \ -bFolding false \ -bBestPerformance 1 \ -szRoute "Route: <sip:p1.example.com;lr>,<sip:p2.domain.com;lr>" \ -bOptional false \ -szCONTACT "sip:id@IP" \ -bAdvisable false \ -bCompact false \ -bRoute false \ -szFROM "sip:id@IP" \ -szTO "sip:id@IP" \ -szREQUESTURI "sip:id@IP" \ -bScattered false $Activity_my_sip_client agent.pm.contentOfMessages.rulesTable.clear $Activity_my_sip_client agent.pm.stateMachine.config \ -bNextOnFail true \ -nTimersT4 5000 \ -nReRegDuration 0 \ -nTimersT1 500 \ -nTimersT2 4000 \ -bUseTimer false \ -nTimeout 30000 \ -nTimersTD 32000 \ -nTimersTC 180000 \ -bRecv5xx false $Activity_my_sip_client agent.pm.videoSettings.config \ -videoBitrate 128.0 \ -videoBitrateLimit 103500000 $Activity_my_sip_client agent.pm.config \ -szPluginVersion "3.40" \ -objectiveValue 1 $Activity_my_sip_client agent.pm.scenarios.clear $Activity_my_sip_client agent.pm.scenarios.appendItem \ -lateSDPNegotiation false \ -bNextCommandIsDetect false \ -symDestination "" \ -isLastCmd false \ -useDhcpForOriginate false \ -commandType "ORIGINATECALL" \ -hasVideo false \ -cmdName "Originate Call 1" \ -dhcpServerPortForOriginate 5060 \ -_gbDhcpServerPortForOriginate false $Activity_my_sip_client agent.pm.scenarios.appendItem \ -nRepeatCount 1 \ -nWavDuration 0 \ -nTimeUnit 0 \ -nPlayMode 1 \ -nSessionType 0 \ -bNextCommandIsDetect false \ -isLastCmd false \ -cmdName "Voice Session 2" \ -commandType "VOICESESSION" \ -szAudioFile "speech.wav" \ -szDtmfSeq "12345" \ -szTotalTime "1 s" \ -nTotalTime 1000 \ -nPlayTime 1 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #The GENERATEMF comand has the following possible paramters: #-szMfSeq - the sequence of MF digits to be generated #-nMfDuration - the duration of a MF digit; value range [10 990] #-nInterMfInterval - the silence between the MF digits; value range [10 9990] #-nMfAmplitude - the amplitude of the signal generated by the sending sequence; value range [-30 -10] #-nPlayMode - the pley mode; possible values: 0 - generate fo a specified period of time # 1 - repeat for a specified number of times #-nRepeatCount - number of times to repeat the generation of the sequence #-nPlayTime - the time units to plays the specified sequence #-nTimeUnit - time unit type; possible values: 0 - seconds # 1 - minutes # 2 - hours # 3 - days #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Activity_my_sip_client agent.pm.scenarios.appendItem \ -nRepeatCount 1 \ -szMfSeq "12345" \ -nTimeUnit 0 \ -nPlayMode 1 \ -szCodecDetails "BF160PT20" \ -bNextCommandIsDetect false \ -nMfDuration 200 \ -isLastCmd false \ -nInterMfInterval 40 \ -szCodecName "G711ALaw" \ -commandType "GENERATEMF" \ -cmdName "Generate MF 3" \ -nMfAmplitude -10 \ -szTotalTime "30 s" \ -nTotalTime 30000 \ -nPlayTime 30 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #The GENERATETONE comand has the following possible paramters: #-nToneName - the id for the tone # possible values: 0 - "600-10" # 1 - "1400-10" # 2 - "2500-10" # 3 - "550-20" # 4 - "1350-20" # 5 - "2450-20" # 6 - "650-30" # 7 - "2550-30" # 8 - "1450-30" # 9 - "3400-10" # 10 - "3400-30" # 11 - "2100-10" # 12 - "2150-30" # 13 - "400-10" # 14 - "450-30" # 15 - "Confirmation Tone" # 16 - "Call Waiting Tone" # 17 - "TN_1" # -1 -"Custom Tone" # #-nPlayMode - the pley mode; possible values: 0 - generate fo a specified period of time # 1 - repeat for a specified number of times #-nRepeatCount - number of times to repeat the generation of the sequence #-nPlayTime - the time units to plays the specified sequence #-nTimeUnit - time unit type; possible values: 0 - seconds # 1 - minutes # 2 - hours # 3 - days #-nToneDuration - the duration of a tone with only one frequency #-nFrequency1 - first frequency #-nFrequency2 - second frequency #-nAmplitude1 - first amplitude #-nAmplitude2 - second amplitude #-nOnTime - nOnTime must be equal to nToneDuration #-nOffTime - the duration of silence #-nRepetitionCount - the number of repetition for the specified tone #-nToneType - the tone type; possible values: 0 -"Single Tone" # 1 - "Dual Tone" # 2 - "Single Tone Cadence" # 3 - "Dual Tone Cadence" #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Activity_my_sip_client agent.pm.scenarios.appendItem \ -bNextCommandIsDetect false \ -isLastCmd false \ -nOffTime 0 \ -cmdName "Generate Tone 4" \ -nToneType 0 \ -nToneName 0 \ -nOnTime 100 \ -szCodecName "G711ALaw" \ -nRepeatCount 1 \ -nTimeUnit 0 \ -nPlayMode 1 \ -nAmplitude1 -10 \ -nAmplitude2 0 \ -commandType "GENERATETONE" \ -nToneDuration 100 \ -szTotalTime "30 s" \ -nPlayTime 30 \ -szCodecDetails "BF160PT20" \ -nFrequency2 0 \ -nFrequency1 615 \ -nRepetitionCount 1 \ -nTotalTime 30000 $Activity_my_sip_client agent.pm.scenarios.appendItem \ -commandType "ENDCALL" \ -isLastCmd true \ -cmdName "End Call 5" \ -szDummy03 "" $Activity_my_sip_client agent.pm.predefined_tos_for_rtp.clear $Activity_my_sip_client agent.pm.predefined_tos_for_sip.clear ################################################# # Network clnt_network of NetTraffic client_traffic@clnt_network ################################################# set clnt_network [$client_traffic_clnt_network cget -network] $clnt_network portList.appendItem \ -chassisId 1 \ -cardId $::IxLoadPrivate::SimpleSettings::clientPort(CARD_ID) \ -portId $::IxLoadPrivate::SimpleSettings::clientPort(PORT_ID) $clnt_network globalPlugins.clear set Filter_1 [::IxLoad new ixNetFilterPlugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $clnt_network globalPlugins.appendItem -object $Filter_1 $Filter_1 config \ -all false \ -pppoecontrol false \ -isis false \ -auto true \ -udp "" \ -tcp "" \ -mac "" \ -pppoenetwork false \ -ip "" \ -icmp "" set GratARP_1 [::IxLoad new ixNetGratArpPlugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $clnt_network globalPlugins.appendItem -object $GratARP_1 $GratARP_1 config \ -forwardGratArp false \ -enabled true set TCP_1 [::IxLoad new ixNetTCPPlugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $clnt_network globalPlugins.appendItem -object $TCP_1 $TCP_1 config \ -tcp_bic 0 \ -tcp_tw_recycle true \ -tcp_retries2 5 \ -disable_min_max_buffer_size true \ -tcp_retries1 3 \ -tcp_keepalive_time 7200 \ -tcp_rfc1337 false \ -tcp_ipfrag_time 30 \ -tcp_rto_max 60000 \ -tcp_window_scaling false \ -udp_port_randomization false \ -tcp_vegas_alpha 2 \ -tcp_ecn false \ -tcp_westwood 0 \ -tcp_rto_min 1000 \ -tcp_reordering 3 \ -tcp_vegas_cong_avoid 0 \ -tcp_keepalive_intvl 75 \ -tcp_rmem_max 262144 \ -tcp_orphan_retries 0 \ -tcp_max_tw_buckets 180000 \ -tcp_wmem_default 4096 \ -tcp_low_latency 0 \ -tcp_rmem_min 4096 \ -tcp_adv_win_scale 2 \ -tcp_wmem_min 4096 \ -tcp_port_min 1024 \ -tcp_stdurg false \ -tcp_port_max 65535 \ -tcp_fin_timeout 60 \ -tcp_no_metrics_save false \ -tcp_dsack true \ -tcp_abort_on_overflow false \ -tcp_frto 0 \ -tcp_app_win 31 \ -tcp_vegas_beta 6 \ -llm_hdr_gap 8 \ -tcp_max_orphans 8192 \ -tcp_mem_pressure 32768 \ -tcp_syn_retries 5 \ -tcp_moderate_rcvbuf 0 \ -tcp_max_syn_backlog 1024 \ -tcp_mem_low 24576 \ -tcp_tw_rfc1323_strict false \ -tcp_fack true \ -tcp_retrans_collapse true \ -llm_hdr_gap_ns 10 \ -tcp_rmem_default 4096 \ -tcp_keepalive_probes 9 \ -tcp_mem_high 49152 \ -tcp_tw_reuse false \ -tcp_wmem_max 262144 \ -tcp_vegas_gamma 2 \ -tcp_synack_retries 5 \ -tcp_timestamps true \ -ip_no_pmtu_disc true \ -tcp_sack true \ -tcp_bic_fast_convergence 1 \ -tcp_bic_low_window 14 set DNS_1 [::IxLoad new ixNetDnsPlugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $clnt_network globalPlugins.appendItem -object $DNS_1 $DNS_1 hostList.clear $DNS_1 searchList.clear $DNS_1 nameServerList.clear $DNS_1 config \ -domain "" \ -timeout 30000 set Settings_1 [::IxLoad new ixNetIxLoadSettingsPlugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $clnt_network globalPlugins.appendItem -object $Settings_1 $Settings_1 config \ -teardownInterfaceWithUser false \ -interfaceBehavior 0 $clnt_network config \ -comment "" \ -name "clnt_network" \ -macMappingMode 0 \ -linkLayerOptions 0 set Ethernet_1 [$clnt_network getL1Plugin] set my_ixNetEthernetELMPlugin [::IxLoad new ixNetEthernetELMPlugin] $my_ixNetEthernetELMPlugin config \ -negotiationType "master" \ -negotiateMasterSlave true set my_ixNetDualPhyPlugin [::IxLoad new ixNetDualPhyPlugin] $my_ixNetDualPhyPlugin config \ -medium "copper" $Ethernet_1 childrenList.clear set MAC_VLAN_2 [::IxLoad new ixNetL2EthernetPlugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $Ethernet_1 childrenList.appendItem -object $MAC_VLAN_2 $MAC_VLAN_2 childrenList.clear set IP_2 [::IxLoad new ixNetIpV4V6Plugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $MAC_VLAN_2 childrenList.appendItem -object $IP_2 $IP_2 childrenList.clear $IP_2 extensionList.clear $MAC_VLAN_2 extensionList.clear $Ethernet_1 extensionList.clear $Ethernet_1 config \ -advertise10Full true \ -directedAddress "01:80:C2:00:00:01" \ -autoNegotiate true \ -advertise100Half true \ -advertise10Half true \ -enableFlowControl false \ -speed "k100FD" \ -advertise1000Full true \ -advertise100Full true \ -cardElm $my_ixNetEthernetELMPlugin \ -cardDualPhy $my_ixNetDualPhyPlugin ################################################# # Setting the ranges starting with the plugin on top of the stack ################################################# $IP_2 rangeList.clear set IP_R2 [::IxLoad new ixNetIpV4V6Range] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured. $IP_2 rangeList.appendItem -object $IP_R2 $IP_R2 config \ -count 1 \ -enableGatewayArp false \ -generateStatistics false \ -autoCountEnabled false \ -enabled true \ -autoMacGeneration false \ -publishStats false \ -incrementBy "" \ -prefix 16 \ -gatewayIncrement "" \ -gatewayIncrementMode "perSubnet" \ -mss 100 \ -gatewayAddress "" \ -ipAddress "" \ -ipType "IPv4" set MAC_R2 [$IP_R2 getLowerRelatedRange "MacRange"] $MAC_R2 config \ -count 1 \ -mac "00:C6:12:02:01:00" \ -mtu 1500 \ -enabled true \ -incrementBy "00:00:00:00:00:01" set VLAN_R2 [$IP_R2 getLowerRelatedRange "VlanIdRange"] $VLAN_R2 config \ -incrementStep 1 \ -innerIncrement 1 \ -firstId 1 \ -uniqueCount 4094 \ -idIncrMode 1 \ -enabled false \ -innerFirstId 1 \ -innerIncrementStep 1 \ -priority 0 \ -increment 1 \ -innerUniqueCount 4094 \ -innerEnable false \ -innerPriority 0 ################################################# # Creating the IP Distribution Groups ################################################# $IP_2 rangeGroups.clear set DistGroup1 [::IxLoad new ixNetRangeGroup] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $IP_2 rangeGroups.appendItem -object $DistGroup1 $DistGroup1 rangeList.clear $DistGroup1 rangeList.appendItem -object $IP_R2 $DistGroup1 config \ -distribType 0 \ -name "DistGroup1" $client_traffic_clnt_network config \ -enable true \ -network $clnt_network $client_traffic_clnt_network traffic.config \ -name "client_traffic" $client_traffic_clnt_network setPortOperationModeAllowed $::ixPort(kOperationModeThroughputAcceleration) false $client_traffic_clnt_network setTcpAccelerationAllowed $::ixAgent(kTcpAcceleration) true $Client elementList.appendItem -object $client_traffic_clnt_network $Client config \ -name "Client" $TrafficFlow1 columnList.appendItem -object $Client set Server [::IxLoad new ixTrafficColumn] $Server elementList.clear ################################################# # Create ScenarioElement kNetTraffic ################################################# set server_traffic_svr_network [$scenarioElementFactory create $::ixScenarioElementType(kNetTraffic)] ################################################# # Activity my_sip_server of NetTraffic server_traffic@svr_network ################################################# set Activity_my_sip_server [$server_traffic_svr_network activityList.appendItem \ -protocolAndType "SIP Server" ] set _Match_Longest_ [::IxLoad new ixMatchLongestTimeline] $Activity_my_sip_server config \ -enable true \ -name "my_sip_server" \ -timeline $_Match_Longest_ $Activity_my_sip_server agent.config \ -cmdListLoops 0 $Activity_my_sip_server agent.pm.generalSettings.config \ -dhcpServerPort 5060 \ -ipv6Form 0 \ -bRemoveCredent false \ -bRegBefore false \ -type_of_service_for_rtp "Best Effort (0x0)" \ -_gbDhcpServerPort false \ -nUdpMaxSize 1024 \ -regInterval 0 \ -szAuthDomain "domain" \ -vlan_priority_sip 0 \ -useDhcp false \ -enableTosSIP false \ -nUdpPort 5060 \ -reRegisterSeconds 3600 \ -ipPreference 0 \ -_gbIpPreference false \ -nPrefQop 0 \ -szRegistrar "" \ -enableVlanPriority_for_sip false \ -nTcpPort 5060 \ -reRegisterOption 0 \ -szTransport "UDP" \ -szAuthPassword "password" \ -type_of_service_for_sip "Best Effort (0x0)" \ -szAuthUsername "user" \ -enableTosRTP false \ -compressZeros false \ -reRegister false \ -reRegisterPercentage 50 $Activity_my_sip_server agent.pm.mediaSettings.config \ -nPcInterval 500 \ -nJitterBuffer 1 \ -nDtmfInterdigits 40 \ -nCompMaxDropped 7 \ -nPeerDtmfDuration 100 \ -nJitterMs 20 \ -bSilenceMode 1 \ -nAudioPoolTime 1268046860 \ -szBitRate "64 kbps" \ -nDtmfDuration 100 \ -szPeerCodecName "G711ALaw" \ -szSilenceFile "" \ -bytesPerFrameBuffer "" \ -groupBox_MOS1 false \ -szPeerCodecDetails "BF160PT20" \ -bMosOnMax 0 \ -groupBox_JB1 false \ -nMosInterval 3 \ -nCompJitterBuffer 50 \ -bUseJitter false \ -szCodecName "G711ALaw" \ -szPeerDtmfSeq "12345" \ -bLimitDtmf true \ -bUseMOS false \ -bJitMs 0 \ -szCodecDescr "" \ -bCompMs 0 \ -nDtmfStreams 10 \ -packetTimeBuffer "" \ -szPowerLevel "PL_20" \ -szDtmfSeq "12345" \ -nCompJitterMs 1000 \ -nPeerDtmfInterdigits 40 \ -bRtpStartCollector false \ -nMosMaxStreams 1 \ -szCodecDetails "BF160PT20" \ -nSessionType 16384 \ -bUseSilence false \ -bModifyPowerLevel false \ -bUseCompensation false $Activity_my_sip_server agent.pm.contentOfMessages.config \ -bFolding false \ -bBestPerformance 1 \ -szTO "sip:id@IP" \ -bOptional false \ -szCONTACT "sip:id@IP" \ -bAdvisable false \ -bCompact false \ -szFROM "sip:id@IP" \ -szREQUESTURI "sip:IP" \ -bScattered false $Activity_my_sip_server agent.pm.contentOfMessages.rulesTable.clear $Activity_my_sip_server agent.pm.stateMachine.config \ -nActiveTimeout 0 \ -bUasStateless false \ -nActiveTimeoutValue 0 \ -nTimersT4 5000 \ -nTimersT1 500 \ -nTimersT2 4000 \ -nTimersTD 32000 \ -nActiveTimeoutTU 0 \ -nTimersTC 180000 $Activity_my_sip_server agent.pm.videoSettings.config \ -videoBitrate 128.0 \ -videoBitrateLimit 103500000 $Activity_my_sip_server agent.pm.config \ -szPluginVersion "3.40" \ -objectiveValue 1 $Activity_my_sip_server agent.pm.scenarios.clear $Activity_my_sip_server agent.pm.scenarios.appendItem \ -commandType "RECEIVEUSING180" \ -bNextCommandIsDetect false \ -szDummy10 "" \ -cmdName "Receive using 180 1" \ -isLastCmd true $Activity_my_sip_server agent.pm.predefined_tos_for_rtp.clear $Activity_my_sip_server agent.pm.predefined_tos_for_sip.clear ################################################# # Network svr_network of NetTraffic server_traffic@svr_network ################################################# set svr_network [$server_traffic_svr_network cget -network] $svr_network portList.appendItem \ -chassisId 1 \ -cardId $::IxLoadPrivate::SimpleSettings::serverPort(CARD_ID) \ -portId $::IxLoadPrivate::SimpleSettings::serverPort(PORT_ID) $svr_network globalPlugins.clear set Filter_2 [::IxLoad new ixNetFilterPlugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $svr_network globalPlugins.appendItem -object $Filter_2 $Filter_2 config \ -all false \ -pppoecontrol false \ -isis false \ -auto true \ -udp "" \ -tcp "" \ -mac "" \ -pppoenetwork false \ -ip "" \ -icmp "" set GratARP_2 [::IxLoad new ixNetGratArpPlugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $svr_network globalPlugins.appendItem -object $GratARP_2 $GratARP_2 config \ -forwardGratArp false \ -enabled true set TCP_2 [::IxLoad new ixNetTCPPlugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $svr_network globalPlugins.appendItem -object $TCP_2 $TCP_2 config \ -tcp_bic 0 \ -tcp_tw_recycle true \ -tcp_retries2 5 \ -disable_min_max_buffer_size true \ -tcp_retries1 3 \ -tcp_keepalive_time 7200 \ -tcp_rfc1337 false \ -tcp_ipfrag_time 30 \ -tcp_rto_max 60000 \ -tcp_window_scaling false \ -udp_port_randomization false \ -tcp_vegas_alpha 2 \ -tcp_ecn false \ -tcp_westwood 0 \ -tcp_rto_min 1000 \ -tcp_reordering 3 \ -tcp_vegas_cong_avoid 0 \ -tcp_keepalive_intvl 75 \ -tcp_rmem_max 262144 \ -tcp_orphan_retries 0 \ -tcp_max_tw_buckets 180000 \ -tcp_wmem_default 4096 \ -tcp_low_latency 0 \ -tcp_rmem_min 4096 \ -tcp_adv_win_scale 2 \ -tcp_wmem_min 4096 \ -tcp_port_min 1024 \ -tcp_stdurg false \ -tcp_port_max 65535 \ -tcp_fin_timeout 60 \ -tcp_no_metrics_save false \ -tcp_dsack true \ -tcp_abort_on_overflow false \ -tcp_frto 0 \ -tcp_app_win 31 \ -tcp_vegas_beta 6 \ -llm_hdr_gap 8 \ -tcp_max_orphans 8192 \ -tcp_mem_pressure 32768 \ -tcp_syn_retries 5 \ -tcp_moderate_rcvbuf 0 \ -tcp_max_syn_backlog 1024 \ -tcp_mem_low 24576 \ -tcp_tw_rfc1323_strict false \ -tcp_fack true \ -tcp_retrans_collapse true \ -llm_hdr_gap_ns 10 \ -tcp_rmem_default 4096 \ -tcp_keepalive_probes 9 \ -tcp_mem_high 49152 \ -tcp_tw_reuse false \ -tcp_wmem_max 262144 \ -tcp_vegas_gamma 2 \ -tcp_synack_retries 5 \ -tcp_timestamps true \ -ip_no_pmtu_disc true \ -tcp_sack true \ -tcp_bic_fast_convergence 1 \ -tcp_bic_low_window 14 set DNS_2 [::IxLoad new ixNetDnsPlugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $svr_network globalPlugins.appendItem -object $DNS_2 $DNS_2 hostList.clear $DNS_2 searchList.clear $DNS_2 nameServerList.clear $DNS_2 config \ -domain "" \ -timeout 30000 set Settings_2 [::IxLoad new ixNetIxLoadSettingsPlugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $svr_network globalPlugins.appendItem -object $Settings_2 $Settings_2 config \ -teardownInterfaceWithUser false \ -interfaceBehavior 0 $svr_network config \ -comment "" \ -name "svr_network" \ -macMappingMode 0 \ -linkLayerOptions 0 set Ethernet_2 [$svr_network getL1Plugin] set my_ixNetEthernetELMPlugin1 [::IxLoad new ixNetEthernetELMPlugin] $my_ixNetEthernetELMPlugin1 config \ -negotiationType "master" \ -negotiateMasterSlave true set my_ixNetDualPhyPlugin1 [::IxLoad new ixNetDualPhyPlugin] $my_ixNetDualPhyPlugin1 config \ -medium "copper" $Ethernet_2 childrenList.clear set MAC_VLAN_1 [::IxLoad new ixNetL2EthernetPlugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $Ethernet_2 childrenList.appendItem -object $MAC_VLAN_1 $MAC_VLAN_1 childrenList.clear set IP_1 [::IxLoad new ixNetIpV4V6Plugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $MAC_VLAN_1 childrenList.appendItem -object $IP_1 $IP_1 childrenList.clear $IP_1 extensionList.clear $MAC_VLAN_1 extensionList.clear $Ethernet_2 extensionList.clear $Ethernet_2 config \ -advertise10Full true \ -directedAddress "01:80:C2:00:00:01" \ -autoNegotiate true \ -advertise100Half true \ -advertise10Half true \ -enableFlowControl false \ -speed "k100FD" \ -advertise1000Full true \ -advertise100Full true \ -cardElm $my_ixNetEthernetELMPlugin1 \ -cardDualPhy $my_ixNetDualPhyPlugin1 ################################################# # Setting the ranges starting with the plugin on top of the stack ################################################# $IP_1 rangeList.clear set IP_R1 [::IxLoad new ixNetIpV4V6Range] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured. $IP_1 rangeList.appendItem -object $IP_R1 $IP_R1 config \ -count 1 \ -enableGatewayArp false \ -generateStatistics false \ -autoCountEnabled false \ -enabled true \ -autoMacGeneration false \ -publishStats false \ -incrementBy "" \ -prefix 16 \ -gatewayIncrement "" \ -gatewayIncrementMode "perSubnet" \ -mss 1460 \ -gatewayAddress "" \ -ipAddress "" \ -ipType "IPv4" set MAC_R1 [$IP_R1 getLowerRelatedRange "MacRange"] $MAC_R1 config \ -count 1 \ -mac "00:C6:12:02:02:00" \ -mtu 1500 \ -enabled true \ -incrementBy "00:00:00:00:00:01" set VLAN_R1 [$IP_R1 getLowerRelatedRange "VlanIdRange"] $VLAN_R1 config \ -incrementStep 1 \ -innerIncrement 1 \ -firstId 1 \ -uniqueCount 4094 \ -idIncrMode 1 \ -enabled false \ -innerFirstId 1 \ -innerIncrementStep 1 \ -priority 0 \ -increment 1 \ -innerUniqueCount 4094 \ -innerEnable false \ -innerPriority 0 ################################################# # Creating the IP Distribution Groups ################################################# $IP_1 rangeGroups.clear set DistGroup2 [::IxLoad new ixNetRangeGroup] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $IP_1 rangeGroups.appendItem -object $DistGroup2 $DistGroup2 rangeList.clear $DistGroup2 rangeList.appendItem -object $IP_R1 $DistGroup2 config \ -distribType 0 \ -name "DistGroup1" $server_traffic_svr_network config \ -enable true \ -network $svr_network $server_traffic_svr_network traffic.config \ -name "server_traffic" $server_traffic_svr_network setPortOperationModeAllowed $::ixPort(kOperationModeThroughputAcceleration) false $server_traffic_svr_network setTcpAccelerationAllowed $::ixAgent(kTcpAcceleration) true $Server elementList.appendItem -object $server_traffic_svr_network $Server config \ -name "Server" $TrafficFlow1 columnList.appendItem -object $Server $TrafficFlow1 links.clear $TrafficFlow1 config \ -name "TrafficFlow1" $simplesiptest scenarioList.appendItem -object $TrafficFlow1 $simplesiptest config \ -comment "" \ -csvInterval 4 \ -networkFailureThreshold 0 \ -name "simplesiptest" \ -statsRequired true \ -enableResetPorts true \ -statViewThroughputUnits "Kbps" \ -enableForceOwnership false \ -enableReleaseConfigAfterRun false \ -currentUniqueIDForAgent 0 \ -enableNetworkDiagnostics false \ -enableFrameSizeDistributionStats false \ -allowMultiple1GAggregatedPorts false \ -enableTcpAdvancedStats false \ -captureViewOptions $my_ixViewOptions ################################################# # Session Specific Settings ################################################# set my_ixNetMacSessionData [$simplesiptest getSessionSpecificData "L2EthernetPlugin"] $my_ixNetMacSessionData config \ -duplicateCheckingScope 2 set my_ixNetIpSessionData [$simplesiptest getSessionSpecificData "IpV4V6Plugin"] $my_ixNetIpSessionData config \ -enableGatewayArp false \ -maxOutstandingGatewayArpRequests 300 \ -gatewayArpRequestRate 300 \ -duplicateCheckingScope 2 ################################################# # Create the test controller to run the test ################################################# set testController [::IxLoad new ixTestController -outputDir True] $testController setResultDir "RESULTS/new_SIP" $testController run $simplesiptest vwait ::ixTestControllerMonitor puts $::ixTestControllerMonitor ################################################# # Cleanup ################################################# # Release config is only strictly necessary if enableReleaseConfigAfterRun is 0. $testController releaseConfigWaitFinish ::IxLoad delete $chassisChain ::IxLoad delete $simplesiptest ::IxLoad delete $my_ixViewOptions ::IxLoad delete $TrafficFlow1 ::IxLoad delete $Client ::IxLoad delete $client_traffic_clnt_network ::IxLoad delete $Activity_my_sip_client ::IxLoad delete $Timeline1 ::IxLoad delete $clnt_network ::IxLoad delete $Filter_1 ::IxLoad delete $GratARP_1 ::IxLoad delete $TCP_1 ::IxLoad delete $DNS_1 ::IxLoad delete $Settings_1 ::IxLoad delete $Ethernet_1 ::IxLoad delete $my_ixNetEthernetELMPlugin ::IxLoad delete $my_ixNetDualPhyPlugin ::IxLoad delete $MAC_VLAN_2 ::IxLoad delete $IP_2 ::IxLoad delete $IP_R2 ::IxLoad delete $MAC_R2 ::IxLoad delete $VLAN_R2 ::IxLoad delete $DistGroup1 ::IxLoad delete $Server ::IxLoad delete $server_traffic_svr_network ::IxLoad delete $Activity_my_sip_server ::IxLoad delete $_Match_Longest_ ::IxLoad delete $svr_network ::IxLoad delete $Filter_2 ::IxLoad delete $GratARP_2 ::IxLoad delete $TCP_2 ::IxLoad delete $DNS_2 ::IxLoad delete $Settings_2 ::IxLoad delete $Ethernet_2 ::IxLoad delete $my_ixNetEthernetELMPlugin1 ::IxLoad delete $my_ixNetDualPhyPlugin1 ::IxLoad delete $MAC_VLAN_1 ::IxLoad delete $IP_1 ::IxLoad delete $IP_R1 ::IxLoad delete $MAC_R1 ::IxLoad delete $VLAN_R1 ::IxLoad delete $DistGroup2 ::IxLoad delete $my_ixNetMacSessionData ::IxLoad delete $my_ixNetIpSessionData ::IxLoad delete $testController ################################################# # Disconnect / Release application lock ################################################# }] { puts $errorInfo } ::IxLoad disconnect