# # setup path and load IxLoad package # source ../setup_simple.tcl # # Initialize IxLoad # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Connect #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # IxLoad connect should always be called, even for local scripts ::IxLoad connect $::IxLoadPrivate::SimpleSettings::remoteServer # once we've connected, make sure we disconnect, even if there's a problem if [catch { # Loads plugins for specific protocols configured in this test # global ixAppPluginManager $ixAppPluginManager load "SIP" # setup logger set logtag "IxLoad-api" set logName "simplesipclientandserver" set logger [::IxLoad new ixLogger $logtag 1] set logEngine [$logger getEngine] $logEngine setLevels $::ixLogger(kLevelDebug) $::ixLogger(kLevelInfo) $logEngine setFile $logName 2 256 1 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build Chassis Chain #----------------------------------------------------------------------- set chassisChain [::IxLoad new ixChassisChain] $chassisChain addChassis $::IxLoadPrivate::SimpleSettings::chassisName #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build client and server Network #----------------------------------------------------------------------- set clnt_network [::IxLoad new ixNetworkGroup $chassisChain] $clnt_network config \ -name "clnt_network" $clnt_network globalPlugins.clear set Filter [::IxLoad new ixNetFilterPlugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $clnt_network globalPlugins.appendItem -object $Filter $Filter config \ -name "Filter" set GratArp [::IxLoad new ixNetGratArpPlugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $clnt_network globalPlugins.appendItem -object $GratArp $GratArp config \ -enabled true \ -name "GratArp" set TCP [::IxLoad new ixNetTCPPlugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $clnt_network globalPlugins.appendItem -object $TCP $TCP config \ -tcp_tw_recycle true \ -tcp_keepalive_time 75 \ -tcp_keepalive_intvl 7200 \ -tcp_wmem_default 4096 \ -tcp_port_min 1024 \ -tcp_port_max 65535 \ -tcp_window_scaling false \ -name "TCP" \ -tcp_rmem_default 4096 set DNS [::IxLoad new ixNetDnsPlugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $clnt_network globalPlugins.appendItem -object $DNS $DNS config \ -name "DNS" $DNS hostList.clear $DNS searchList.clear $DNS nameServerList.clear set Settings [::IxLoad new ixNetIxLoadSettingsPlugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $clnt_network globalPlugins.appendItem -object $Settings $Settings config \ -name "Settings" set Ethernet__PHY_1 [$clnt_network getL1Plugin] set my_ixNetEthernetELMPlugin [::IxLoad new ixNetEthernetELMPlugin] $my_ixNetEthernetELMPlugin config $Ethernet__PHY_1 config \ -name "Ethernet /PHY-1" \ -cardElm $my_ixNetEthernetELMPlugin $Ethernet__PHY_1 childrenList.clear set MAC_VLAN_1 [::IxLoad new ixNetL2EthernetPlugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $Ethernet__PHY_1 childrenList.appendItem -object $MAC_VLAN_1 $MAC_VLAN_1 config \ -name "MAC/VLAN-1" $MAC_VLAN_1 childrenList.clear set IP_1 [::IxLoad new ixNetIpV4V6Plugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $MAC_VLAN_1 childrenList.appendItem -object $IP_1 $IP_1 config \ -name "IP-1" $IP_1 childrenList.clear $IP_1 extensionList.clear $MAC_VLAN_1 extensionList.clear $Ethernet__PHY_1 extensionList.clear ################################################# # Setting the ranges starting with the plugin on top of the stack ################################################# $IP_1 rangeList.clear set ip_1 [::IxLoad new ixNetIpV4V6Range] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $IP_1 rangeList.appendItem -object $ip_1 $ip_1 config \ -name "ip-1" \ -gatewayAddress "" \ -prefix 16 \ -mss 100 \ -ipAddress "" set mac_1 [$ip_1 getLowerRelatedRange "MacRange"] $mac_1 config \ -mac "00:C6:12:02:01:00" \ -name "mac-1" set vlan_1 [$ip_1 getLowerRelatedRange "VlanIdRange"] $vlan_1 config \ -name "vlan-1" \ -idIncrMode 1 \ -priority 0 \ -innerPriority 0 $clnt_network portList.appendItem \ -chassisId 1 \ -cardId $::IxLoadPrivate::SimpleSettings::clientPort(CARD_ID) \ -portId $::IxLoadPrivate::SimpleSettings::clientPort(PORT_ID) set svr_network [::IxLoad new ixNetworkGroup $chassisChain] $svr_network config \ -name "svr_network" $svr_network globalPlugins.clear set Filter [::IxLoad new ixNetFilterPlugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $svr_network globalPlugins.appendItem -object $Filter $Filter config \ -name "Filter" set GratArp [::IxLoad new ixNetGratArpPlugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $svr_network globalPlugins.appendItem -object $GratArp $GratArp config \ -enabled true \ -name "GratArp" set TCP [::IxLoad new ixNetTCPPlugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $svr_network globalPlugins.appendItem -object $TCP $TCP config \ -tcp_tw_recycle true \ -tcp_keepalive_time 75 \ -tcp_keepalive_intvl 7200 \ -tcp_wmem_default 4096 \ -tcp_port_min 1024 \ -tcp_port_max 65535 \ -tcp_window_scaling false \ -name "TCP" \ -tcp_rmem_default 4096 set DNS [::IxLoad new ixNetDnsPlugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $svr_network globalPlugins.appendItem -object $DNS $DNS config \ -name "DNS" $DNS hostList.clear $DNS searchList.clear $DNS nameServerList.clear set Settings [::IxLoad new ixNetIxLoadSettingsPlugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $svr_network globalPlugins.appendItem -object $Settings $Settings config \ -name "Settings" set Ethernet__PHY_2 [$svr_network getL1Plugin] set my_ixNetEthernetELMPlugin [::IxLoad new ixNetEthernetELMPlugin] $my_ixNetEthernetELMPlugin config $Ethernet__PHY_2 config \ -name "Ethernet /PHY-2" \ -cardElm $my_ixNetEthernetELMPlugin $Ethernet__PHY_2 childrenList.clear set MAC_VLAN_2 [::IxLoad new ixNetL2EthernetPlugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $Ethernet__PHY_2 childrenList.appendItem -object $MAC_VLAN_2 $MAC_VLAN_2 config \ -name "MAC/VLAN-2" $MAC_VLAN_2 childrenList.clear set IP_2 [::IxLoad new ixNetIpV4V6Plugin] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $MAC_VLAN_2 childrenList.appendItem -object $IP_2 $IP_2 config \ -name "IP-2" $IP_2 childrenList.clear $IP_2 extensionList.clear $MAC_VLAN_2 extensionList.clear $Ethernet__PHY_2 extensionList.clear ################################################# # Setting the ranges starting with the plugin on top of the stack ################################################# $IP_2 rangeList.clear set ip_2 [::IxLoad new ixNetIpV4V6Range] # ixNet objects needs to be added in the list before they are configured! $IP_2 rangeList.appendItem -object $ip_2 $ip_2 config \ -name "ip-2" \ -gatewayAddress "" \ -prefix 16 \ -ipAddress "" set mac_2 [$ip_2 getLowerRelatedRange "MacRange"] $mac_2 config \ -mac "00:C6:12:02:02:00" \ -name "mac-2" set vlan_2 [$ip_2 getLowerRelatedRange "VlanIdRange"] $vlan_2 config \ -name "vlan-2" \ -idIncrMode 1 \ -priority 0 \ -innerPriority 0 $svr_network portList.appendItem \ -chassisId 1 \ -cardId $::IxLoadPrivate::SimpleSettings::serverPort(CARD_ID) \ -portId $::IxLoadPrivate::SimpleSettings::serverPort(PORT_ID) #----------------------------------------- # SIP Client Configuration #----------------------------------------- set clnt_traffic [::IxLoad new ixClientTraffic -name "client_traffic"] $clnt_traffic agentList.appendItem \ -name "my_sip_client" \ -protocol "SIP" \ -type "Client" $clnt_traffic agentList(0).pm.generalSettings.config \ -szAuthUsername "user" \ -szAuthPassword "password" \ -szAuthDomain "domain" \ -szTransport "UDP" \ -nUdpPort 5060 \ -nTcpPort 5060 \ -nUdpMaxSize 1024 \ -szRegistrar "" \ -bRegBefore 0 $clnt_traffic agentList(0).pm.contentOfMessages.config \ -bRoute 0 \ -szRoute "Route: <sip:p1.example.com;lr>,<sip:p2.domain.com;lr>" \ -bCompact 0 \ -bFolding 0 \ -bScattered 0 \ -bAdvisable 0 \ -bOptional 0 \ -bBestPerformance 1 \ -szREQUESTURI "sip:id@IP" \ -szFROM "sip:id@IP" \ -szTO "sip:id@IP" \ -szCONTACT "sip:id@IP" $clnt_traffic agentList(0).pm.stateMachine.config \ -nTimersT1 500 \ -nTimersT2 4000 \ -nTimersT4 5000 \ -nTimersTC 180000 \ -nTimersTD 32000 $clnt_traffic agentList(0).pm.mediaSettings.config \ -szCodecName "G711ALaw" \ -szCodecDetails "BF160PT20" \ -bModifyPowerLevel 0 \ -szPowerLevel "PL_20" \ -nJitterBuffer 1 \ -bUseSilence 1 \ -bSilenceMode 1 \ -bRtpStartCollector 0 $clnt_traffic agentList(0).pm.scenarios.appendItem \ -id "ORIGINATECALL" \ -symDestination "" #-------------------------------------------------------------------- #The options available fo rthe GENERATEDTMF commad are the following: #-szDtmfSeq - the dtmf sequence to be generated #-nDtmfDuration - the duration of a digit; value range [10, 990] #-nDtmfInterdigits - the silence duration between the digits; value range [10, 9990] #-nDtmfAmplitude - the signal amplitude generated for the stream containing the digits #-nPlayMode - the play mode; possible values: 0 - generate the specified sequence for a specified number of times # 1 - generate the specified sequence for a specified time #-nRepeatCount - number of time to repeat the generation of the specified sequence #--------------------------------------------------------------------- $clnt_traffic agentList(0).pm.scenarios.appendItem \ -id "GENERATEDTMF" \ -szDtmfSeq 12345 \ -szCodecDetails "BF160PT20" -nDtmfDuration 100 \ -nDtmfInterdigits 40 \ -nDtmfAmplitude -10 \ -nPlayMode 0 \ -nRepeatCount 2 $clnt_traffic agentList(0).pm.scenarios.appendItem \ -id "ENDCALL" #----------------------------------------- # SIP Server Configuration #----------------------------------------- set svr_traffic [::IxLoad new ixServerTraffic -name "server_traffic"] $svr_traffic agentList.appendItem \ -name "my_sip_server" \ -protocol "SIP" \ -type "Server" $svr_traffic agentList(0).pm.generalSettings.config \ -szAuthUsername "user" \ -szAuthPassword "password" \ -szAuthDomain "domain" \ -szTransport "UDP" \ -nUdpPort 5060 \ -nTcpPort 5060 \ -nUdpMaxSize 1024 \ -szRegistrar "" \ -bRegBefore 0 $svr_traffic agentList(0).pm.contentOfMessages.config \ -bCompact 0 \ -bFolding 0 \ -bScattered 0 \ -bAdvisable 0 \ -bOptional 0 \ -bBestPerformance 1 \ -szREQUESTURI "sip:IP" \ -szFROM "sip:id@IP" \ -szTO "sip:id@IP" \ -szCONTACT "sip:id@IP" $svr_traffic agentList(0).pm.scenarios.appendItem \ -id "RECEIVEUSING180" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #Available options for the DETECTDTMF command are: #-nDTMFDetectionMode - detection mode # posible values: 0 - detect continously for a specified time # 1 - detect exactly a specified numebr of digits # 2 - detect a specified sequence #-szDtmfSeq - sequence of digits to detect #-nDetectTime - the number of time units to sustain the detect operation #-nDetectTimeUnit - time unit # possible values: 0 - seconds # 1 - minutes # 2 - hours # 3 - days #-nDtmfCount - the exact number of digits to detect #-nFirstDTMFTimeout - the maximmum time for the first digit to arrive and to be decoded #-nInterDTMFInterval - the maximum time between the arrival o f digits #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $svr_traffic agentList(0).pm.scenarios.appendItem \ -id "DETECTDTMF" \ -nDTMFDetectionMode 2 \ -szDtmfSeq 12345 \ -nFirstDTMFTimeout 2000 \ -nInterDTMFInterval 1000 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create a client and server mapping and bind into the # network and traffic that they will be employing #----------------------------------------------------------------------- set clnt_t_n_mapping [::IxLoad new ixClientTrafficNetworkMapping \ -network $clnt_network \ -traffic $clnt_traffic \ -objectiveType $::ixObjective(kObjectiveTypeSimulatedUsers) \ -objectiveValue 1 \ -standbyTime 30 \ -rampUpValue 1 \ -sustainTime 40 \ -rampDownTime 20 ] set svr_t_n_mapping [::IxLoad new ixServerTrafficNetworkMapping \ -network $svr_network \ -traffic $svr_traffic \ -matchClientTotalTime 1 ] #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create the test and bind in the network-traffic mapping it is going # to employ. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- set test [::IxLoad new ixTest \ -name "simplesiptest" \ -statsRequired 1 \ -enableResetPorts 0 \ -enableForceOwnership 0 \ ] $test clientCommunityList.appendItem -object $clnt_t_n_mapping $test serverCommunityList.appendItem -object $svr_t_n_mapping #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create a test controller bound to the previosuly allocated # chassis chain. This will eventually run the test we created earlier. #----------------------------------------------------------------------- set testController [::IxLoad new ixTestController -outputDir 1] $testController setResultDir "[pwd]/RESULTS/simplesipclientandserver" $testController run $test -autorepository "test.rxf" vwait ::ixTestControllerMonitor puts $::ixTestControllerMonitor #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Cleanup #----------------------------------------------------------------------- $testController releaseConfigWaitFinish ::IxLoad delete $logger ::IxLoad delete $logEngine ::IxLoad delete $chassisChain ::IxLoad delete $clnt_network ::IxLoad delete $svr_network ::IxLoad delete $clnt_traffic ::IxLoad delete $svr_traffic ::IxLoad delete $clnt_t_n_mapping ::IxLoad delete $svr_t_n_mapping ::IxLoad delete $test ::IxLoad delete $testController #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Disconnect #----------------------------------------------------------------------- }] { puts $errorInfo } # # Disconnect/Release application lock # ::IxLoad disconnect