# # remote scripting service # # this script is run as a windows service to handle scripts running on remote machines # #! /usr/local/bin/tclsh if { $::argc != 2 } \ { error "IxLoadRemoteScript must be called with 2 parameters (ipaddr port)" } \ else \ { set ipaddr [lindex $::argv 0] set port [lindex $::argv 1] } set ::isGUIStarted 0 if { [info exists packageName] && $packageName == "IxLoadCsv"} { set ::isGUIStarted 1 set ::done 0 } catch { # Set up paths set ::_IXLOAD_VERSION if {[string first "." $::_IXLOAD_VERSION] == -1} { # if no '.' found in _IXLOAD_VERSION, then we are running from # the dev environment. Set IXLOAD_TCLAPI_REV from env or default # to something obviously wrong. if {[info exists ::env(IXLOAD_TCLAPI_REV)]} { # use dummy development version set ::_IXLOAD_VERSION $::env(IXLOAD_TCLAPI_REV) } else { error "IxLoad Version not defined. Set IXLOAD_TCLAPI_REV environment var to required version." } } package require registry 1 set ::_TCL_INSTALL_ROOT [registry get {HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Ixia Communications\Tcl\\InstallInfo} HOMEDIR] set ::_IXLOAD_INSTALL_ROOT [registry get "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Ixia Communications\\IxLoad\\$::_IXLOAD_VERSION\\InstallInfo" HOMEDIR] set ::_IXLOAD_PKG_DIR [file join $::_IXLOAD_INSTALL_ROOT TclScripts lib IxLoad] lappend ::auto_path $::_IXLOAD_PKG_DIR lappend ::auto_path [file join $::_TCL_INSTALL_ROOT lib/tcl8.5] lappend ::auto_path [file join $::_TCL_INSTALL_ROOT lib] lappend ::auto_path [file join $::_TCL_INSTALL_ROOT lib/tcllib1.9] lappend ::auto_path [file join $::_IXLOAD_INSTALL_ROOT TclSCripts/lib/comm] package require -exact comm 4.2.1 # # Load up IxLoad packages # puts "Loading IxLoad" package require IxLoad puts "Loading statCollectorUtils" package require statCollectorUtils namespace eval ::IxLoadPrivate { variable currentClient -1 } set ::log [teepee new ixLogger "remoteScriptingService" 1] set ::tc [teepee new ixTestController] ################################################################################################# # # redefine ::IxLoad eval to execute its command and args remotely. This causes # the test controller tcl callback and stat callbacks to be executed remotely. # ################################################################################################# puts "Hooking IxLoad" # old IxLoad command. We don't check before we wedge because this is a script and not a package. rename ::IxLoad ::IxLoadPrivate::IxLoadPrior # see Client/tclext/teepee/stage/pkgIndex.tcl for the original definition (syntax is preserved) proc ::IxLoad {cmd args} { switch $cmd { eval { if { $::IxLoadPrivate::currentClient == -1} { # evaluate locally in case there are side affects required by the test controller error "RemoteScriptingHost: Remote client not connected. Cannot remotely evaluate command: $cmd $args" } else { puts "Remotely evaluating: $args" return [::comm::comm send $::IxLoadPrivate::currentClient [lindex $args 0]] } } unhexAndSendFile { if { [llength $args]!=2} { error "Usage: ::IxLoad sendFile contents" } set fileName [lindex $args 0] # Retrieve original fileName - un-hex set fileName [binary format H* $fileName] set contents [lindex $args 1] # Retrieve original data - un-hex set contents [binary format H* $contents] set fileId [open $fileName w] fconfigure $fileId -translation binary puts -nonewline $fileId $contents close $fileId return } default { ::IxLoadPrivate::IxLoadPrior $cmd $args } } } puts "Installing lost connection hook" # handle connection lost (end of session) ::comm::comm hook lost { puts "Connection to $::IxLoadPrivate::currentClient closed" if { !$::isGUIStarted} { ::comm::comm destroy # make aborting a remote unix behave the same as aborting a local script # just terminate the process without attempting a cleanup exit } else { global ::done set ::done 1 ::comm::comm destroy } } #puts "Installing eval hook" # # evaluate commands in slave intepreter #::comm::comm hook eval { # return [uplevel #0 [lindex $buffer 0]] #} # # connect to originating client Unix session # ::comm::comm configure -local 0 set ::IxLoadPrivate::currentClient "$port $ipaddr" puts "connecting to $::IxLoadPrivate::currentClient" set mySock [::comm::comm connect $::IxLoadPrivate::currentClient] puts "connected" set myPort [::comm::comm configure -port] set myChannel "$myPort [lindex [fconfigure $mySock -sockname] 0]" set remoteCommand [format "set ::IxLoadPrivate::ChannelId {%s}" $myChannel] ::comm::comm send $::IxLoadPrivate::currentClient $remoteCommand if { !$::isGUIStarted} { vwait ::done puts "Cleaning up session" puts "Shutting down test controller" if { [catch {$tc shutDown} shutDownResult] } { $::log debug $shutDownResult } } proc checkDone {} { after 50 set timeout 1 vwait timeout #puts "Are we done? $::done" return $::done } } result puts "Result = $result" puts "Done" if {$::isGUIStarted && $result!=""} { set ::done 1 } # This shouldn't be necessary, but somehow it keeps TCL Server happy # Without it, we would sometimes get a pop-up claiming that we'd crashed if { !$::isGUIStarted} { exit }