#!/usr/bin/tclsh # Description # # This fcoe sample script is using two Ixia back-2-back ports. # On one port is the fcoe forwarder. # The other port is the fcoe client. # Configure fcoe forwader first. # Then confgure fcoe client. # At this point, must wait for fcoe ports to reapply. Sleeping for 45 seconds. # # For traffic_config emulation src/dst handles, must be in this format: # ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocolStack # package require Ixia source /home/hgee/Dropbox/MyIxiaWork/IxNet_tclApi.tcl set ixNetworkTclServer set chassisIp set portList [list 1/1 1/2] set userName hgee proc KeylPrint {keylist {space ""}} { upvar $keylist kl set result "" foreach key [keylkeys kl] { set value [keylget kl $key] if {[catch {keylkeys value}]} { append result "$space$key: $value\n" } else { set newspace "$space " append result "$space$key:\n[KeylPrint value $newspace]" } } return $result } # When using P2NO HLTSET, for loading the IxTclNetwork package please # provide –ixnetwork_tcl_server parameter to ::ixia::connect set connect_status [::ixia::connect \ -reset \ -ixnetwork_tcl_server $ixNetworkTclServer \ -device $chassisIp \ -port_list $portList \ -tcl_server $chassisIp \ -username $userName \ ] if {[keylget connect_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { return "FAIL - $test_name - [keylget connect_status log]" } set port_array [keylget connect_status port_handle.$chassisIp] set port0 [keylget port_array [lindex $portList 0]] set port1 [keylget port_array [lindex $portList 1]] puts "\n--- connect_status: [KeylPrint connect_status]\n" set vportList [keylget connect_status vport_protocols_handle] set port1Vport [lindex $vportList 0] set port2Vport [lindex $vportList 1] puts "\nConfiguring fcoe_fwd_config ..." set _result_ [::ixia::fcoe_fwd_config \ -mode create \ -parent_handle $port0 \ -style //vport/protocolStack/ethernet/fcoeFwdEndpoint/range \ -fip_vnport_keep_alive_period 90000 \ -fip_advertisement_period 8000 \ -fip_priority 128 \ -fip_clear_vlink_port_ids 01.00.01 \ -fip_clear_vlink_on_expire True \ -fip_fka_dbit False \ -fip_enabled True \ -fc_map 0E.FC.01 \ -vlan_ids {} \ -fip_version 1 \ -fip_addressing_mode fabric-provided \ -fip_vlan_discovery False \ -operating_mode VF_PORT \ -name_server_commands {{1} {1}} \ -logo_reject_interval 0 \ -plogi_reject_interval 0 \ -name VXPORT-FCF-R1 \ -enabled True \ -b2b_rx_size 2112 \ -fabric_name B0:00:0E:FC:00:00:00:00 \ -switch_name A0:00:0E:FC:00:00:00:00 \ -fdisc_reject_interval 0 \ -flogi_reject_interval 0 \ -name_server True \ -mac_range_count 1 \ -mac_range_mac AA:BB:CC:00:00:00 \ -mac_range_name MAC-R5 \ -mac_range_increment_by 00:00:00:00:00:01 \ -mac_range_mtu 1500 \ -mac_range_enabled True \ ] # Check status if {[keylget _result_ status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nError: Configuring fcoe fowarder" exit } puts "\n---- 2: [KeylPrint _result_] ---\n" # ::ixia::hag::ixn::auto::fcoeFwdVxPort-1 set fcoe_forwarderHandle [keylget _result_ handles] puts "\n--- fcoe_forwarderHandle: $fcoe_forwarderHandle ----\n" puts "\nConfiguring fcoe_fwd_vnport_config ..." # //vport/protocolStack/ethernet/fcoeFwdEndpoint/secondaryRange/fcoeFwdVnPortRange set _result_ [::ixia::fcoe_fwd_vnport_config \ -mode create \ -parent_handle $fcoe_forwarderHandle \ -style //vport/protocolStack/ethernet/fcoeFwdEndpoint/secondaryRange \ -plogi_target_name {} \ -plogi_mesh_mode one-to-one \ -node_wwn_increment 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01 \ -plogi_enabled False \ -name VNPORT-FCF-R1 \ -plogi_dest_id 01.B6.69 \ -enabled True \ -node_wwn_start 30:00:0E:FC:00:00:00:00 \ -simulated False \ -port_id_start 01.00.01 \ -vx_port_name VXPORT-FCF-R1 \ -count 1 \ -port_wwn_start 20:00:0E:FC:00:00:00:00 \ -port_wwn_increment 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01 \ -port_id_increment 00.00.01 \ -b2b_rx_size 2112 \ ] # Check status if {[keylget _result_ status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nError: fcoe_fwd_vnport_config" exit } puts "\n1: Configuring fcoe_fwd_vnport_config ..." # //vport/protocolStack/ethernet/fcoeFwdEndpoint/secondaryRange/fcoeFwdVnPortRange set _result_ [::ixia::fcoe_fwd_vnport_config \ -mode add \ -style //vport/protocolStack/ethernet/fcoeFwdEndpoint/secondaryRange \ -plogi_target_name VNPORT-FLOGI-R5 \ -plogi_mesh_mode one-to-one \ -node_wwn_increment 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 \ -plogi_enabled True \ -name VNPORT-FCF-FLOGI-R1 \ -plogi_dest_id 01.B6.69 \ -enabled True \ -node_wwn_start 21:00:0E:FC:00:00:00:00 \ -simulated True \ -port_id_start 01.00.02 \ -vx_port_name VXPORT-FCF-R1 \ -count 1 \ -port_wwn_start 31:00:0E:FC:00:00:00:00 \ -port_wwn_increment 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01 \ -port_id_increment 00.00.01 \ -b2b_rx_size 2112 \ ] # Check status if {[keylget _result_ status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nError:" exit } puts "\n2: Configuring fcoe_fwd_vnport_config ..." # //vport/protocolStack/ethernet/fcoeFwdEndpoint/secondaryRange/fcoeFwdVnPortRange set _result_ [::ixia::fcoe_fwd_vnport_config \ -mode add \ -style //vport/protocolStack/ethernet/fcoeFwdEndpoint/secondaryRange \ -plogi_target_name {} \ -plogi_mesh_mode one-to-one \ -node_wwn_increment 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 \ -plogi_enabled False \ -name VNPORT-FCF-FDISC-R1 \ -plogi_dest_id 01.B6.69 \ -enabled False \ -node_wwn_start 21:00:0E:FC:00:00:00:00 \ -simulated True \ -port_id_start 03.00.01 \ -vx_port_name VXPORT-FCF-R1 \ -count 1 \ -port_wwn_start 41:00:0E:FC:00:00:00:00 \ -port_wwn_increment 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01 \ -port_id_increment 00.00.01 \ -b2b_rx_size 2112 \ ] # Check status if {[keylget _result_ status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nError" exit } puts "\nConfiguring fcoe_fwd_options_config ..." # $port0 = 1/10/1 # //vport/protocolStack/fcoeFwdOptions set _result_ [::ixia::fcoe_fwd_options_config \ -mode create \ -parent_handle $port0 \ -style //vport/protocolStack \ -max_packets_per_second 500 \ -unsol_discovery_tpid 0x8100,0x88A8 \ -override_global_rate False \ ] # Check status if {[keylget _result_ status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nError" exit } puts "\nConfiguring fcoe_config for fcoe client ..." # port1 = 1/10/2 set _result_ [::ixia::fcoe_config \ -mode create \ -parent_handle $port1 \ -style //vport/protocolStack/ethernet/fcoeClientEndpoint/range \ -flogi_node_wwn_start 22:00:0E:FC:00:00:00:00 \ -flogi_port_wwn_start 32:00:0E:FC:00:00:00:00 \ -flogi_fip_vlan_discovery False \ -flogi_name_server_commands {{1} {1}} \ -flogi_name VNPORT-FLOGI-R5 \ -flogi_unicast_fip_solicit none \ -flogi_name_server_query_parameter_value {} \ -flogi_port_wwn_increment 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01 \ -flogi_node_wwn_increment 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 \ -flogi_source_oui 0E.FC.00 \ -flogi_plogi_target_name {} \ -flogi_plogi_enabled False \ -flogi_fip_option_set_name {} \ -flogi_name_server_query False \ -flogi_fip_vlan_discovery_untagged True \ -flogi_state_change_registration_option kFabricDetected \ -flogi_plogi_mesh_mode one-to-one \ -flogi_fip_solicit_timeout 60 \ -flogi_name_server_query_command kGidA \ -mac_range_mac AA:BB:CD:00:00:00 \ -mac_range_mtu 1500 \ -mac_range_count 1 \ -mac_range_increment_by 00:00:00:00:00:01 \ -mac_range_name MAC-R6 \ -mac_range_enabled True \ -flogi_count 1 \ -flogi_prli_enabled False \ -flogi_name_server_query_parameter_type kPortIdentifier \ -flogi_fip_addressing_mode fabric-provided \ -flogi_fip_destination_mac_address aa:bb:cc:00:00:00 \ -flogi_state_change_registration False \ -flogi_name_server_registration True \ -flogi_source_oui_increment 00.00.01 \ -flogi_enabled True \ -flogi_fip_enabled True \ -flogi_fip_vendor_id AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF:11:22 \ -flogi_plogi_dest_id 01.B6.69 \ ] # Check status if {[keylget _result_ status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nError: fcoe_config on $port1" exit } set fcoe_clientHandle [keylget _result_ handles] puts "\n---- fcoe_clientHandle ----\n" puts "\n--- fcoe client status: [KeylPrint _result_] ---\n" puts "\nSleeping for 40 seconds for fcoe ports to finish reapplying ..." after 45000 puts "\nConfiguring fcoe_client_options_config ..." # //vport/protocolStack/fcoeClientOptions set _result_ [::ixia::fcoe_client_options_config \ -mode create \ -parent_handle $port1 \ -style //vport/protocolStack \ -max_packets_per_second 500 \ -associates [list /vport:1/protocolStack] \ -override_global_rate False \ -setup_rate 100 \ -teardown_rate 100 \ ] # Check status if {[keylget _result_ status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nError: fcoe_client_options_config" exit } puts "\nConfiguring fcoe_fwd_globals_config ..." # //globals/protocolStack/fcoeFwdGlobals set _result_ [::ixia::fcoe_fwd_globals_config \ -mode create \ -retry_interval 2 \ -accept_partial_config False \ -max_retries 5 \ -dcbx_timeout 60 \ -fip_clear_vlink_with_port_ids True \ -max_packets_per_second 500 \ ] # Check status if {[keylget _result_ status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nError:" exit } puts "\nStarting fcoe protocol ..." set r [::ixia::test_control -action start_all_protocols] if {[keylget r status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $r } puts "\nConfiguring traffic_config ..." # src_handle : ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocolStack # dst_handle : ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:2/protocolStack set trafficConfig [::ixia::traffic_config\ -mode create \ -emulation_src_handle $port1Vport \ -emulation_dst_handle $port2Vport \ -circuit_endpoint_type fcoe \ -track_by "traffic_item flowGroup0" \ -name "TrafficItem_1" \ -bidirectional 1 \ -rate_percent 10 \ -pkts_per_burst 10000 \ -transmit_mode single_burst \ -frame_size 100 \ ] if {[keylget trafficConfig status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "FAIL: Traffic Config" } StartTrafficHlt set stats [GetStats] puts "\n[KeylPrint stats]"