#!/opt/ActiveTcl-8.5/bin/tclsh # --------------------------- # | | # | | #||------- (non-ospf host) # ospf | ospf | # | | # --------------------------- # Advertising Route: # # # Sending traffic from to # package req Ixia #source ~/MyIxiaWork/HLT/ixiaHltLib.tcl #source ~/MyIxiaWork/Insieme_Saravana/pythonScripts/ixpy-0.0.9/ixpy/ixiaHltLib.tcl set ixNetworkTclServerIp set ixiaChassisIp set portList "1/1 1/2" set port1 1/1/1 set port2 1/1/2 set userName hgee proc ConnectToIxia { connectParams {platform legacy} } { puts "ConnectToIxia: Please wait 40 seconds ..." set connectStatus [eval ::ixia::connect $connectParams] if {[keylget connectStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nEror ConnectToIxia: $connectStatus\n" return 1 } else { return $connectStatus } } proc KeylPrint {keylist {space ""}} { upvar $keylist kl set result "" foreach key [keylkeys kl] { set value [keylget kl $key] if {[catch {keylkeys value}]} { append result "$space$key: $value\n" } else { set newspace "$space " append result "$space$key:\n[KeylPrint value $newspace]" } } return $result } proc PortConfigProtocolInt { port portConfigParams } { upvar $portConfigParams params puts "\nPortConfigProtocolInt: $port" foreach {properties values} [array get params $port,*] { set property [lindex [split $properties ,] end] append paramList "$property $values " } set interfaceConfigStatus [eval ::ixia::interface_config $paramList] if {[keylget interfaceConfigStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nError PortConfigProtocolInt:\n$interfaceConfigStatus\n" return 1 } # interface object = ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/interface:1 set interfaceHandle [keylget interfaceConfigStatus interface_handle] return $interfaceHandle } proc CreateTrafficItem { trafficItemParams } { upvar $trafficItemParams params # For non-full-mesh: -src_dest_mesh one_to_one # For full-mesh: -src_dest_mesh fully # For continuous traffic: -transmit_mode continuous # For single burst traffic: -transmit single_burst -number_of_packets-per_stream 50000 foreach {properties values} [array get params *] { set property [lindex [split $properties ,] end] append paramList "$property $values " } puts "\nCreateTrafficItem" set trafficItemStatus [eval ::ixia::traffic_config $paramList] if {[keylget trafficItemStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nError CreateTrafficItem: $trafficItemStatus\n" return 1 } return $trafficItemStatus } proc StartAllProtocolsHlt { {platform legacy} } { # platform: legacy or ngpf if {$platform == "legacy"} { set params "::ixia::test_control -action start_all_protocols" } if {$platform == "ngpf"} { set params "::ixiangpf::test_control -action start_all_protocols" } puts "\nStartAllProtocolsHlt: $platform" set startProtocolStatus [eval $params] if {[keylget startProtocolStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nError StartAllProtocolsHlt: $startProtocolStatus\n" return 1 } return 0 } proc StartTrafficHlt {} { puts "\nStartTrafficHlt ..." set startTrafficStatus [::ixia::traffic_control \ -action run \ ] if {[keylget startTrafficStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nError StartTrafficHlt: $startTrafficStatus\n" return 1 } # By including VerifyTrafficState, it will wait up to 15 seconds until # traffic is started before returning. VerifyTrafficState return 0 } proc VerifyTrafficState {} { set startCounter 1 set stopCounter 15 for {set start $startCounter} {$start <= $stopCounter} {incr start} { set trafficState [CheckTrafficState] # Basically, if traffic state is unapplied or lock, then failed. if {$start == $stopCounter} { if {$trafficState != "started" || $trafficState != "startedWaitingForStats" \ || $trafficState != "stoppedWaitingForStats" || $trafficState != "stopped"} { puts "VerifyTrafficState Error: Traffic failed to start" return 1 } } if {$trafficState == "started"} { puts "VerifyTrafficState: Traffic Started" break } if {$trafficState == "stopped"} { puts "VerifyTrafficState: Traffic stopped" break } if {$trafficState == "startedWaitingForStats" || $trafficState == "stoppedWaitingForStats"} { puts "VerifyTrafficState: Traffic started. Waiting for stats to complete" break } if {$start < $stopCounter} { if {$trafficState != "started" || $trafficState != "startedWaitingForStats" \ || $trafficState != "stoppedWaitingForStats" || $trafficStats != "stopped"} { puts "VerifyTrafficState: Current state = $trafficState. Waiting $start/$stopCounter ..." after 1000 } } } } proc CheckTrafficState {} { # This API is mainly used by VerifyTrafficState. # Users can also use this in their scripts to check traffic state. # startedWaitingForStats, startedWaitingForStreams, started, stopped, stoppedWaitingForStats, txStopWatchExpected, locked, unapplied set currentTrafficState [ixNet getAttribute [ixNet getRoot]/traffic -state] switch -exact -- $currentTrafficState { ::ixNet::OK { return notRunning } stopped { return stopped } started { return started } locked { return locked } unapplied { return unapplied } startedWaitingForStreams { return startedWaitingForStreams } startedWaitingForStats { return startedWaitingForStats } stoppedWaitingForStats { return stoppedWaitingForStats } default { return $currentTrafficState puts "\nError CheckTrafficState: Traffic state is currently: $currentTrafficState\n" return 1 } } } proc SendArpOnProtocolInt { ports } { # This API will send ARP out of all the ports in -port_handle. # Only for Protocol Interface configuration. # Returns the Arp results. set arpStatus [::ixia::interface_config -mode modify -port_handle $ports -arp_send_req 1 -arp_req_retries 3] puts "\nSendArpOnProtocolInt: $arpStatus" return $arpStatus } set portConfig(1/1/1,-port_handle) $port1 set portConfig(1/1/1,-mode) config set portConfig(1/1/1,-intf_ip_addr) set portConfig(1/1/1,-intf_ip_addr_step) set portConfig(1/1/1,-connected_count) 10 set portConfig(1/1/1,-netmask) set portConfig(1/1/1,-gateway) set portConfig(1/1/1,-gateway_step) set portConfig(1/1/1,-src_mac_addr) 00:01:01:01:00:01 set portConfig(1/1/1,-src_mac_addr_step) 0000.0000.0001 set portConfig(1/1/1,-vlan) 1 set portConfig(1/1/1,-vlan_id) 103 set portConfig(1/1/1,-vlan_id_step) 1 set portConfig(1/1/1,-vlan_id_count) 10 set portConfig(1/1/1,-arp_on_linkup) 1 set portConfig(1/1/1,-single_arp_per_gateway) 1 set portConfig(1/1/1,-single_ns_per_gateway) 1 set portConfig(1/1/1,-l23_config_type) protocol_interface set portConfig(1/1/2,-port_handle) $port2 set portConfig(1/1/2,-mode) config set portConfig(1/1/2,-intf_ip_addr) set portConfig(1/1/2,-intf_ip_addr_step) set portConfig(1/1/2,-connected_count) 10 set portConfig(1/1/2,-netmask) set portConfig(1/1/2,-gateway) set portConfig(1/1/2,-gateway_step) set portConfig(1/1/2,-src_mac_addr) 00:01:01:02:00:01 set portConfig(1/1/2,-src_mac_addr_step) 0000.0000.0001 set portConfig(1/1/2,-vlan) 1 set portConfig(1/1/2,-vlan_id) 103 set portConfig(1/1/2,-vlan_id_step) 1 set portConfig(1/1/2,-vlan_id_count) 10 set portConfig(1/1/2,-arp_on_linkup) 1 set portConfig(1/1/2,-single_arp_per_gateway) 1 set portConfig(1/1/2,-single_ns_per_gateway) 1 set portConfig(1/1/2,-l23_config_type) protocol_interface # Uncomment this for generating a debug file only #EnableHltDebug puts "Rebooting ports $portList ..." ConnectToIxia "-reset 1 -device $ixiaChassisIp -port_list $portList -ixnetwork_tcl_server $ixNetworkTclServerIp -tcl_server $ixiaChassisIp -username $userName" foreach port $portList { set port 1/$port set endpoint($port) [PortConfigProtocolInt $port ::portConfig] } # These objects are used for Traffic Item endpoints # endpoint(1/1/1) = ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/interface:1 # endpoint(1/1/2) = ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:2/interface:1 # Use this as src port handle in Traffic Item src endpoint # OspfStatus = {handle ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocols/ospf/router:1} puts "\nConfiguring OSPF on $port1 ..." set ospfStatus [::ixia::emulation_ospf_config \ -mode create \ -port_handle $port1 \ -router_id \ -graceful_restart_enable 0 \ -lsa_discard_mode 1 \ -session_type ospfv2 \ -area_id \ -area_type external-capable \ -dead_interval 40 \ -hello_interval 10 \ -interface_cost 10 \ -authentication_mode null \ -mtu 1500 \ -neighbor_router_id \ -network_type ptop \ -option_bits 2 \ -router_priority 2 \ -te_enable 0 \ -bfd_registration 0 \ -intf_ip_addr \ -intf_prefix_length 24 \ -neighbor_intf_ip_addr \ -vlan 1 \ -vlan_id 103 \ -vlan_user_priority 0 \ -mac_address_init 0000.edbd.787f \ ] if {[keylget ospfStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nError: Ospf failed on $endpoint(1/1/1)" } set ospfPortHandle($port1,router1) [keylget ospfStatus handle] # This is to create ospf route range/ospf advertisements # ospfRouteRangeStatus = {elem_handle ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocols/ospf/router:1/routeRange:1} puts "\nConfiguring OSPF routes ..." set ospfRouteRangeStatus [::ixia::emulation_ospf_topology_route_config \ -mode create \ -handle $ospfPortHandle($port1,router1) \ -count 7 \ -summary_prefix_start \ -summary_prefix_length 24 \ -summary_number_of_prefix 7 \ -type summary_routes \ -summary_route_type another_area \ -summary_prefix_metric 0 \ ] if {[keylget ospfRouteRangeStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nError: Failed to configure ospf route range" } # Since the -count is 7, I get 7 routeRange under routeRange:1 # These are the src endpoints. # ospfRouteRangeStatus: {elem_handle {::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocols/ospf/router:1/routeRange:1 ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocols/ospf/router:1/routeRange:2 ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocols/ospf/router:1/routeRange:3 ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocols/ospf/router:1/routeRange:4 ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocols/ospf/router:1/routeRange:5 ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocols/ospf/router:1/routeRange:6 ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocols/ospf/router:1/routeRange:7}} {status 1} puts "\nospfRouteRangeStatus: $ospfRouteRangeStatus" puts "\nConfiguring OSPF on $port2 ..." set ospfStatus [::ixia::emulation_ospf_config \ -mode create \ -port_handle $port2 \ -router_id \ -graceful_restart_enable 0 \ -lsa_discard_mode 1 \ -session_type ospfv2 \ -area_id \ -area_type external-capable \ -dead_interval 40 \ -hello_interval 10 \ -interface_cost 10 \ -authentication_mode null \ -mtu 1500 \ -neighbor_router_id \ -network_type ptop \ -option_bits 2 \ -router_priority 2 \ -te_enable 0 \ -bfd_registration 0 \ -intf_ip_addr \ -intf_prefix_length 24 \ -neighbor_intf_ip_addr \ -vlan 1 \ -vlan_id 103 \ -vlan_user_priority 0 \ -mac_address_init 0000.edbd.787f \ ] if {[keylget ospfStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nError: Ospf failed on $endpoint(1/1/2)" } set ospfPortHandle($port2,router1) [keylget ospfStatus handle] # This is to create ospf route range/ospf advertisements # ospfRouteRangeStatus = {elem_handle ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocols/ospf/router:1/routeRange:1} puts "\nConfiguring OSPF routes ..." set ospfRouteRangeStatus [::ixia::emulation_ospf_topology_route_config \ -mode create \ -handle $ospfPortHandle($port2,router1) \ -count 7 \ -summary_prefix_start \ -summary_prefix_length 24 \ -summary_number_of_prefix 7 \ -type summary_routes \ -summary_route_type another_area \ -summary_prefix_metric 0 \ ] if {[keylget ospfRouteRangeStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nError: Failed to configure ospf route range" } set trafficItem1(-mode) create set trafficItem1(-name) Traffic_Item_1 set trafficItem1(-emulation_src_handle) [list $ospfPortHandle($port1,router1)] set trafficItem1(-emulation_dst_handle) [list $endpoint($port2)] set trafficItem1(-src_dest_mesh) one_to_one set trafficItem1(-route_mesh) one_to_one set trafficItem1(-bidirectional) 0 set trafficItem1(-circuit_endpoint_type) ipv4 set trafficItem1(-rate_percent) 100 set trafficItem1(-frame_size) 100 set trafficItem1(-transmit_mode) single_burst set trafficItem1(-pkts_per_burst) 50000 set trafficItem1(-frame_rate_distribution_port) apply_to_all ;# split_evenly | apply_to_all set trafficItem1(-frame_rate_distribution_stream) apply_to_all ;# split_evenly | apply_to_all #set trafficItem1(-track_by) {trackingenabled0} ;# Use this if you are not tracking anyting set trafficItem1(-ip_src_tracking) 1 set trafficItem1(-mac_src_tracking) 1 # -mac_dst_tracking 1 # I am excluding -mac_dst_tracking ingress tracking # because I can only track four items. set trafficItem1Objects [CreateTrafficItem ::trafficItem1] StartAllProtocolsHlt # -----> At this point, you must verify on the DUT # for ospf neighbors and advertised routes # before starting traffic # REMOVE THIS hardcoded timeout puts "\nWaiting for 45 seconds for ospf routes to converge on the DUT" after 45000 puts "\nSending ARP on all ports ..." # arpStatus: {1/1/1 {{arp_request_success 1}}} {1/1/2 {{arp_request_success 1}}} {status 1} SendArpOnProtocolInt "$port1 $port2" StartTrafficHlt set flowStats [::ixia::traffic_stats \ -mode flow \ ] if {[keylget flowStats status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "Failed to get statistics" exit } puts \n[KeylPrint flowStats]\n