#!/opt/ActiveTcl-8.5/bin/tclsh # Written by: Hubert Gee # hgee@ixiacom.com package req IxTclNetwork package req Ixia ; #Loading the Ixia package to use Tclx keylist command # Description # # This script loads an existing ixcfg file and # map ports to the loaded configuration. # # By default, this script will loop through each vport to get # the physical port and create a port list. # # Optionally: # In case the configuration is saved with logical ports, meaning no # physical port assigned, users can uncomment out the variable portList # to state the physical ports used. # # - This script will test BGP RIB-IN convergence benchmarking. # - On the Traffic Item Options in the IxNetwork GUI, # enable the following CP/DP Convergence: # - Control Plane Events # To capture the BGP route advertisement time. # # - Data Plane Events - Rate monitoring # To measure incoming traffic to capture the timestamp # # - Set Data Plane Threshold (%) = 85 # Trigger the timestamp when the incoming throughput rate is over 85%. # # - Set Data Plane Jitter Window = 10ms # Ixia port will collect all arriving packets to determine the # throughput and frame rate. # # ixNet setMultiAttribute $::IxScriptgen::_objRefs(1)/traffic/statistics/cpdpConvergence \ # -enabled true \ # -dataPlaneThreshold 85 \ # -enableDataPlaneEventsRateMonitor true \ # -enableControlPlaneEvents true # # - Traffic Item configruations: # - Rate = 10% # - Framesize = 256 # - Flow Tracking = Traffic Item and Dest Endpoint # # Steps taken to test the RIB-IN/FIB convergence test # # - Load the config # 1> Make sure we have a stabilized test setup. # - Start BGP protocl and verify BGP session. # - Start/stop traffic and verify traffic is received. # # 2> If step #1 passes, then get ready for testing ... # - Start continuous traffic # - Disable BGP routes # - Clear CP/DP stat counter # - Enable BGP routes # - Verify BGP session is up # - Wait for traffic to get received. # - Once traffic is received, get the RIB-IN/FIB convergence time # # Optional: Uncomment the below line and provide your ports for this config file. # set portList {{1 1} {1 2}} # User's must change the following variables accordingly set ixNetworkVersion 7.12 # This is Dean Lee's Ixia Chassis. His ports are connected to a DUT with BGP set ixChassisIp #set ixChassisIp set ixNetworkTclServer set userName hgee set ixNetPort 8009 set portList [list 1/1 1/2] set cePort 1/1/2 set bgpPort 1/1/1 set intConfig(connectedInt,$cePort,intf_ip_addr) set intConfig(connectedInt,$cePort,gateway) set intConfig(connectedInt,$cePort,src_mac_addr) 00:01:01:02:00:01 set intConfig(connectedInt,$cePort,netmask) set bgpConfig(connectedInt,$bgpPort,intf_ip_addr) set bgpConfig(connectedInt,$bgpPort,gateway) set bgpConfig(connectedInt,$bgpPort,src_mac_addr) 00:01:01:01:00:01 set bgpConfig(connectedInt,$bgpPort,netmask) proc ConfigInterfaceIp {} { # This Proc will dynamically create each port interface configurations based # on what the user created for the array variable of ::intConfig. # The parameters used in ::intConfig must be the same HLT parameter. if {[info exists ::portList] == 0} { puts "Error: You must create a variable \"portList\" with all your ports" exit } foreach port $::portList { set port 1/$port if {[array get ::intConfig connectedInt,$port,*] != ""} { set portConfigProperties {-mode config } append portConfigProperties "-port_handle $port " puts "\nInterface Config:\n\t-port_handle $port\n\t-mode config" foreach {properties values} [array get ::intConfig connectedInt,$port,*] { set property [lindex [split $properties ,] end] append portConfigProperties "-$property $values " puts "\t-$property $values" } set portStatus [eval ::ixia::interface_config $portConfigProperties] if {[keylget portStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nERROR: ConfigInterfaceIp: Failed on $port: $portStatus" exit } else { puts "Successfully configured IP interface on $port" } set interfaceHandle [keylget portStatus interface_handle] # Build a list of all the src/dst emulation handles for Traffic Item # interfaceHandles: ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/interface:1 set ::trafficConfig($port,interfaceHandle) $interfaceHandle } } } proc ConfigTrafficItem {} { # This Proc will create Traffic Items "dynamically". # This configures only what the user create for the # array trafficConfig. # All the parameters must be the same as the HLT parameters. # Get a list of all the Traffic Items first in order to know exactly # how many Traffic Items to create. set totalTrafficItem {} foreach {properties values} [array get ::trafficConfig *] { set number [lindex [split $properties ,] 1] if {[lsearch $totalTrafficItem $number] == -1} { lappend totalTrafficItem $number } } for {set traffItemNum 1} {$traffItemNum <= $totalTrafficItem} {incr traffItemNum} { puts "\nTrafficItem $traffItemNum:\n\t-mode create" set trafficItemProperties {-mode create } foreach {properties value} [array get ::trafficConfig trafficItem,$traffItemNum,*] { set property [lindex [split $properties ,] end] if {$property == "endpoints"} { # [lindex $values 0] = list_of_all_src_endpoints # [lindex $values 1] = list_of_all_dst_endpoints set endpoints $value foreach srcEp [lindex $endpoints 0] { lappend srcEndpointHandles $srcEp } append trafficItemProperties "-emulation_src_handle $srcEndpointHandles " puts "\t-emulation_src_handle $srcEndpointHandles" foreach dstEp [lindex $endpoints 1] { lappend dstEndpointHandles $dstEp } append trafficItemProperties "-emulation_dst_handle $dstEndpointHandles " puts "\t-emulation_dst_handle $dstEndpointHandles" } else { append trafficItemProperties "-$property $value " puts "\t-$property $value" } } set trafficItemStatus [eval ::ixia::traffic_config $trafficItemProperties] if {[keylget trafficItemStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nERROR: Ixia traffic item $traffItemNum failed: $trafficItemStatus" exit } else { puts "Successfully created Traffic Item $traffItemNum" } } } proc VerifyPortState {} { puts "\nVerifying port state ...\n" foreach vport [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] vport] { for {set timer 0} {$timer <= 60} {incr timer 2} { # ::ixNet::OBJ-/availableHardware/chassis:""/card:1/port:1 set connectedTo [ixNet getAttribute $vport -connectedTo] set connectedTo [lrange [split $connectedTo /] 3 4] set card [lindex [split [lindex $connectedTo 0] :] end] set port [lindex [split [lindex $connectedTo 1] :] end] set port $card/$port set portState [ixNet getAttribute $vport -state] if {$portState != "up" && $timer != "60"} { puts "$port is still rebooting. PortState = $portState. $timer/60 seconds." after 2000 continue } if {$portState != "up" && $timer == "60"} { puts "$port seem to be stuck on rebooting" exit } if {$portState == "up"} { puts "$port state is $portState" break } } } after 3000 } proc StartAllProtocols {} { puts "\nStarting BGP protocol ..." catch {ixNet exec startAllProtocols} errMsg if {$errMsg != "::ixNet::OK"} { puts "\nError: Failed to start all protocols\n$errMsg" return 1 } ixNet commit return 0 } # ixNet exec stopAllProtocols proc StopAllProtocols {} { catch {ixNet exec stopAllProtocols} errMsg if {$errMsg != "::ixNet::OK"} { puts "\nError: Failed to stop all protocols\n$errMsg" return 1 } ixNet commit puts "\nStopping BGP protocol ..." return 0 } proc ConfigCpDpConvergence {} { set cpdpStatus [::ixia::traffic_control \ -action manual_trigger \ -cpdp_convergence_enable 1 \ -cpdp_ctrl_plane_events_enable 1 \ -cpdp_data_plane_events_rate_monitor_enable 1 \ -cpdp_data_plane_threshold 85 \ -cpdp_data_plane_jitter 10 \ -disable_latency_bins \ ] if {[keylget cpdpStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "Error: Failed to set Traffic Options CP/DP Convergence" puts "$cpdpStatus" } if 0 { ixNet setMultiAttribute [ixNet getRoot]/traffic/statistics/cpdpConvergence \ -enabled true \ -dataPlaneThreshold 85 \ -enableDataPlaneEventsRateMonitor true \ -enableControlPlaneEvents true ixNet commit } } proc ClearCpDpStatCounter {} { puts "\nClearing CP/DP statistic counter ..." ixNet exec clearCPDPStats } proc RegenerateAllTrafficItems {} { foreach trafficItem [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot]traffic trafficItem] { catch {ixNet exec generate $trafficItem} errMsg if {$errMsg != "::ixNet::OK"} { puts "Error: Regenerate failed on $trafficItem" return 1 } puts "Regenerate: $trafficItem" } return 0 } proc ApplyTraffic {} { puts "\nApplying configuration to hardware ..." set traffic [ixNet getRoot]traffic set stopCounter 10 for {set startCounter 1} {$startCounter <= $stopCounter} {incr startCounter} { catch {ixNet exec apply $traffic} errMsg if {$errMsg != "::ixNet::OK" && $startCounter < $stopCounter} { puts "ApplyTraffic: Attempting to apply traffic: $startCounter/$stopCounter tries" after 1000 continue } if {$errMsg != "::ixNet::OK" && $startCounter == $stopCounter} { puts "ApplyTraffic: $errMsg" return 1 } if {$errMsg == "::ixNet::OK" && $startCounter < $stopCounter} { puts "Successfully applied traffic to hardware" break } } after 5000 return 0 } proc StartTraffic { } { set traffic [ixNet getRoot]traffic puts "\nStarting traffic ..." catch {ixNet exec start $traffic} errMsg if {$errMsg != "::ixNet::OK"} { puts "Start traffic error: $errMsg" return 1 } after 2000 set startCounter 1 set stopCounter 10 for {set start $startCounter} {$start <= $stopCounter} {incr start} { set trafficState [CheckTrafficState] # Basically, if traffic state is unapplied or lock, then failed. if {$start == $stopCounter} { if {$trafficState != "started" || $trafficState != "startedWaitingForStats" \ || $trafficState != "stoppedWaitingForStats" || $trafficState != "stopped"} { puts "Traffic failed to start" return 1 } } if {$trafficState == "started"} { puts "Traffic Started" break } if {$trafficState == "stopped"} { puts "Traffic stopped" break } if {$trafficState == "startedWaitingForStats" || $trafficState == "stoppedWaitingForStats"} { puts " Traffic started. Waiting for stats to complete" break } if {$start < $stopCounter} { if {$trafficState != "started" || $trafficState != "startedWaitingForStats" \ || $trafficState != "stoppedWaitingForStats" || $trafficStats != "stopped"} { puts "StartTraffic: Current state = $trafficState. Waiting $start/$stopCounter ..." after 1000 } } } after 10000 return 0 } proc StopTraffic {} { set traffic [ixNet getRoot]traffic catch {ixNet exec stop $traffic} errMsg if {$errMsg != "::ixNet::OK"} { puts "Error: Stop traffic: $errMsg" return 1 } puts "\nStopping traffic. Please wait ..." after 10000 return 0 } proc CheckTrafficState {} { # startedWaitingForStats,startedWaitingForStreams,stopped,stoppedWaitingForStats,txStopWatchExpected,unapplied set currentTrafficState [ixNet getAttribute [ixNet getRoot]/traffic -state] switch -exact -- $currentTrafficState { ::ixNet::OK { return notRunning } stopped { return stopped } started { return started } locked { return locked } unapplied { return unapplied } startedWaitingForStreams { return startedWaitingForStreams } startedWaitingForStats { return startedWaitingForStats } stoppedWaitingForStats { return stoppedWaitingForStats } default { return $currentTrafficState puts "CheckTrafficState Error: Traffic state is currently: $currentTrafficState" return 0 } } } proc GetStatView { {statView "Flow Statistics"} {getStatsBy trafficItem} } { # $viewList: # {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Port Statistics"} # {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Tx-Rx Frame Rate Statistics"} # {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Port CPU Statistics"} # {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Global Protocol Statistics"} # {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Flow Statistics"} # {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Flow Detective"} # {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Data Plane Port Statistics"} # {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"User Defined Statistics"} # {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Traffic Item Statistics"} # {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"BGP Aggregated Statistics"} set viewList [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot]/statistics view] # set statViewSelection "Flow Statistics" set statViewSelection $statView set flowStatsViewIndex [lsearch -regexp $viewList $statViewSelection] if {$flowStatsViewIndex == -1} { puts "ViewStats: No \"$statViewSelection\" found" exit } # $view: ::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Flow Statistics" set view [lindex $viewList $flowStatsViewIndex] ixNet setAttribute $view -enabled true ixNet commit # $columnList: # {Tx Port} {Rx Port} {Traffic Item} {Ethernet II:Destination MAC Address} {Ethernet II:Source MAC Address} {Ethernet II:Ethernet-Type} {Ethernet II:PFC Queue} {IPv4 :Precedence} {IPv4 :Source Address} {IPv4 :Destination Address} {Custom Tracking: Byte Offset 0} {Source/Dest Endpoint Pair} {Source/Dest Value Pair} {Source/Dest Port Pair} {Source Endpoint} {Source Port} {Dest Endpoint} {Frame Size} {Flow Group} {Traffic Group ID} {Tx Frames} {Rx Frames} {Frames Delta} {Loss %} {Tx Frame Rate} {Rx Frame Rate} {Rx Bytes} {Tx Rate (Bps)} {Rx Rate (Bps)} {Tx Rate (bps)} {Rx Rate (bps)} {Tx Rate (Kbps)} {Rx Rate (Kbps)} {Tx Rate (Mbps)} {Rx Rate (Mbps)} {Store-Forward Avg Latency (ns)} {Store-Forward Min Latency (ns)} {Store-Forward Max Latency (ns)} {First TimeStamp} {Last TimeStamp} set columnList [ixNet getAttribute ${view}/page -columnCaptions] #puts "\n$columnList\n" set startTime 1 set stopTime 30 while {$startTime < $stopTime} { set totalPages [ixNet getAttribute $view/page -totalPages] if {[regexp -nocase "null" $totalPages]} { puts "Getting total pages for $view is not ready. $startTime/$stopTime" after 2000 } else { break } } # Iterrate through each page for {set currPage 1} {$currPage <= $totalPages} {incr currPage} { catch {ixNet setAttribute $view/page -currentPage $currPage} errMsg if {$errMsg != "::ixNet::OK"} { puts "GetResults: Failed to get statistic for current page." exit } ixNet commit # Wait for statistics to populate on current page set whileLoopStopCounter 0 while {[ixNet getAttribute $view/page -isReady] != "true"} { if {$whileLoopStopCounter == "5"} { puts "ViewStats: Could not get stats" exit } if {$whileLoopStopCounter < 5} { puts "\nViewStats: Not ready yet. Waiting $whileLoopStopCounter/5 seconds ..." after 1000 } incr whileLoopStopCounter } set pageList [ixNet getAttribute $view/page -rowValues] ;# first list of all rows in the page set totalFlowStatistics [llength $pageList] # totalPageList == The total amount of flow statistics for {set pageListIndex 0} {$pageListIndex <= $totalFlowStatistics} {incr pageListIndex} { set rowList [lindex $pageList $pageListIndex] ;# second list of 1 ingress and x egress rows for {set rowIndex 0} {$rowIndex < [llength $rowList]} {incr rowIndex} { # cellList: 1/1/1 1/1/2 TI0-Flow_1 4000 4000 0 0 0 0 256000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:00:00.684 00:00:00.700 set cellList [lindex $rowList $rowIndex] ;# third list of cell values #puts "\n--- cellList $pageListIndex: $cellList ---\n" # Get the Traffic Item name set trafficItemIndex [lsearch $columnList "Traffic Item"] if {$trafficItemIndex == -1} { set trafficItem "UnknownTrafficItem $pageListIndex" } else { set trafficItem [lindex $cellList $trafficItemIndex] if {[regexp "TI\[0-9]+-(.*)" $trafficItem - newTrafficItemName]} { set trafficItem $newTrafficItemName } } # Get the Flow Group set flowGroupIndex [lsearch $columnList "Flow Group"] if {$flowGroupIndex == -1} { set flowGroup "$pageListIndex" } else { # Flow Group 0008 set flowGroup [lindex [lindex $cellList $flowGroupIndex] end] } set rxPortIndex [lsearch $columnList "Rx Port"] set rxPort [lindex $cellList $rxPortIndex] foreach column $columnList item $cellList { if {[regexp "Sess\. Up" $column]} { set column "SessionUp" } if {[regexp "RIB-IN/FIB" $column]} { set column "RibInFibConvergence" } if {[regexp "DP Above Threshold Timestamp" $column]} { set column "DpAboveThresholdTimestamp" } if {[regexp "DP Below Threshold Timestamp" $column]} { set column "DpBelowThresholdTimestamp" } if {[regexp "Event Start Timestamp" $column]} { set column "EventStartTimestamp" } if {[regexp "Event End Timestamp" $column]} { set column "EventEndTimestamp" } if {$getStatsBy == "trafficItem"} { if {[regexp "Traffic Item" $column] == 0} { keylset getStats trafficItem.[join $trafficItem _].flowGroup.Flow_Group_$flowGroup.[join $column _] $item } } if {$getStatsBy == "port"} { if {[regexp "Rx Port" $column] == 0} { keylset getStats rxPort.$rxPort.trafficItem.[join $trafficItem _].[join $column _] $item } } } } } } return $getStats } proc VerifyBgpSession {} { puts \n set endCounter 80 for {set counter 0} {$counter <= $endCounter} {incr counter} { if {$counter == $endCounter} { puts "BGP session cannot get established" return 1 } set results [GetStatView "BGP Aggregated Statistics"] set bgpSessionUp [keylget results trafficItem.UnknownTrafficItem_0.flowGroup.Flow_Group_0.SessionUp] if {$bgpSessionUp == 0 || $bgpSessionUp == ""} { puts "BGP session is not up yet: Waiting $counter/$endCounter seconds ..." after 1000 } if {$bgpSessionUp > 0} { puts "BGP Session is up" after 3000 return 0 } } } proc VerifyTxRxTraffic { {timeout 25} } { for {set counter 0} {$counter <= $timeout} {incr counter} { if {$counter == $timeout} { puts "Packets are not getting transmitted. TxFrames counter remains 0" return 1 } set results [GetStatView] set txFrames [keylget results trafficItem.To_BGP.flowGroup.Flow_Group_0.Tx_Frames] set rxFrames [keylget results trafficItem.To_BGP.flowGroup.Flow_Group_0.Rx_Frames] if {$txFrames == 0 || $rxFrames == 0} { puts "Waiting for packet transmittion: $counter/$timeout seconds" after 1000 } if {$rxFrames > 0} { puts "\nPackets are transmitting ..." puts "TxFrames: $txFrames" puts "RxFrames: $rxFrames" return 0 } } } proc GetConvergenceStats {} { set results [GetStatView] puts "[KeylPrint results]" set ribInFibConverge [keylget results trafficItem.To_BGP.flowGroup.Flow_Group_0.RibInFibConvergence] set dpAboveThresholdTimestamp [keylget results trafficItem.To_BGP.flowGroup.Flow_Group_0.DpAboveThresholdTimestamp] set dpBelowThresholdTimestamp [keylget results trafficItem.To_BGP.flowGroup.Flow_Group_0.DpBelowThresholdTimestamp] set eventStartTimestamp [keylget results trafficItem.To_BGP.flowGroup.Flow_Group_0.EventStartTimestamp] set eventEndTimestamp [keylget results trafficItem.To_BGP.flowGroup.Flow_Group_0.EventEndTimestamp] puts \n puts "RibInFibConverge : $ribInFibConverge (ms)" puts "DPAboveThresholdTimestamp : $dpAboveThresholdTimestamp (ns)" puts "DPBelowThresholdTimestamp : $dpBelowThresholdTimestamp (ns)" puts "EventStartTimestamp : $eventStartTimestamp (ns)" puts "EventEndTimestamp : $eventEndTimestamp (ns)" puts "\nRibInFibConvergence time = DPAboveThresholdTimestamp - EvenStartTimestamp" } # control options: enable or disable proc ControlBgpRoutes { control portNumber } { if {$control == "enable"} { set type True } else { set type False } # ::ixNet::OBJ-/availableHardware/chassis:""/card:1/port:1 foreach vport [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] vport] { set connectedTo [ixNet getAttribute $vport -connectedTo] set connectedTo [split $connectedTo /] set card [lindex [split [lindex $connectedTo 3] :] end] set port [lindex [split [lindex $connectedTo 4] :] end] set currentPort $card/$port if {$portNumber == $currentPort} { puts "\nSetting port $currentPort BGP routes: $control" set vportBgpRoute $vport/protocols/bgp/neighborRange:1/routeRange:1 ixNet setAttribute $vportBgpRoute -enabled $type ixNet commit } } } proc KeylPrint {keylist {space ""}} { upvar $keylist kl set result "" foreach key [keylkeys kl] { set value [keylget kl $key] if {[catch {keylkeys value}]} { append result "$space$key: $value\n" } else { set newspace "$space " append result "$space$key:\n[KeylPrint value $newspace]" } } return $result } proc Connect { {connectionType reset} } { puts "\nConnecting to $::ixNetworkTclServer\n" if {$connectionType == "reset"} { set connectStatus [::ixia::connect \ -reset \ -port_list $::portList \ -username $::userName \ -ixnetwork_tcl_server $::ixNetworkTclServer \ -device $::ixChassisIp \ -tcl_server $::ixChassisIp \ -session_resume_keys 1 ] } if {$connectionType == "resume"} { set connectStatus [::ixia::connect \ -username $::userName \ -ixnetwork_tcl_server $::ixNetworkTclServer \ -tcl_server $::ixChassisIp \ -session_resume_keys 1 \ ] } if {[keylget connectStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "Connecting to ixNetwork Tcl server failed\n\n$connectStatus\n" exit } } Connect reset ConfigInterfaceIp set bgpConfigStatus [::ixia::emulation_bgp_config \ -port_handle $bgpPort \ -mode reset \ -ip_version 4 \ -local_ip_addr \ -remote_ip_addr \ -local_addr_step \ -remote_addr_step \ -count 1 \ -neighbor_type external \ -local_as 200 \ -local_as_step 1 \ -local_as_mode increment \ ] if {[keylget bgpConfigStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "Error: Configuring emulation_bgp_config failed:\nbgpConfigStatus" exit } # This is the handle to use in Traffic Item Endpoint # ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/proTocols/bgp/neighborRange:1 set bgpNeighborHandle [keylget bgpConfigStatus handles] set trafficConfig($bgpPort,interfaceHandle) $bgpNeighborHandle set bgpRouteConfigStatus [::ixia::emulation_bgp_route_config \ -mode add \ -handle $bgpNeighborHandle \ -prefix \ -prefix_step 1 \ -netmask \ -num_routes 1000 \ -ip_version 4 \ -origin_route_enable 1 \ -origin igp \ ] if {[keylget bgpRouteConfigStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "Error: Configuring emulation-bgp_route_config failed:\n$bgpRouteConfigStatus" exit } # endpoints: The 1st value is a list of all srcPorts. # The 2nd value is a list of all dstPorts set trafficConfig(trafficItem,1,endpoints) "$::trafficConfig($cePort,interfaceHandle) $trafficConfig($bgpPort,interfaceHandle)" set trafficConfig(trafficItem,1,bidirectional) 0 set trafficConfig(trafficItem,1,rate_percent) 10 set trafficConfig(trafficItem,1,frame_size) 256 set trafficConfig(trafficItem,1,transmit_mode) continuous set trafficConfig(trafficItem,1,l3_protocol) ipv4 set trafficConfig(trafficItem,1,track_by) {traffic_item destEndpoint0} set trafficConfig(trafficItem,1,name) To_BGP ConfigTrafficItem ConfigCpDpConvergence VerifyPortState if {[RegenerateAllTrafficItems]} { exit } if {[StartAllProtocols]} { exit } if {[VerifyBgpSession]} { exit } if {[ApplyTraffic]} { exit } # Start/Stop traffic and verify to # ensure the test setup is in a good state if {[StartTraffic]} { exit } after 5000 StopTraffic # If VerifyTxRxTraffic returns 0, means traffic was good. if {[VerifyTxRxTraffic 25] == 0} { puts "\nThe test setup is in a stabilized condition for convergence testing ..." StartTraffic ControlBgpRoutes disable 1/1 puts "\nWait 10 seconds ..." after 10000 ClearCpDpStatCounter ControlBgpRoutes enable 1/1 puts "\nWait 10 seconds ..." after 10000 VerifyBgpSession puts "\nVerifying traffic. As soon as traffic is getting received," puts "then verify RIB-IN/FIB convergence time ..." VerifyTxRxTraffic 120 GetConvergenceStats } StopTraffic StopAllProtocols