#!/usr/bin/tclsh package req Ixia set ixiaChassisIp set ixNetworkTclServerIp set userName hgee set portList "1/1 1/2" set port1 1/1/1 set port2 1/1/2 proc VerifyPortState { {portList all} {expectedPortState up} } { # portList format = 1/2. Not 1/1/2 puts "\nVerifyPortState ...\n" #after 5000 set allVports [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] vport] if {$portList == "all"} { set vPortList $allVports } if {$portList != "all"} { # Search out the user defined $portList set vPortList {} foreach vport $allVports { # ::ixNet::OBJ-/availableHardware/chassis:""/card:1/port:1 set connectedTo [ixNet getAttribute $vport -connectedTo] set connectedTo [lrange [split $connectedTo /] 3 4] set card [lindex [split [lindex $connectedTo 0] :] end] set port [lindex [split [lindex $connectedTo 1] :] end] set port $card/$port if {[lsearch $portList $port] != -1} { lappend vPortList $vport } } } set portsAllUpFlag 0 foreach vport $vPortList { for {set timer 0} {$timer <= 60} {incr timer 2} { # ::ixNet::OBJ-/availableHardware/chassis:""/card:1/port:1 set connectedTo [ixNet getAttribute $vport -connectedTo] set connectedTo [lrange [split $connectedTo /] 3 4] set card [lindex [split [lindex $connectedTo 0] :] end] set port [lindex [split [lindex $connectedTo 1] :] end] set port $card/$port set portState [ixNet getAttribute $vport -state] # Expecting port state = UP if {$expectedPortState == "up"} { if {$portState != "up" && $timer != "60"} { puts "VerifyPortState: $port is still $portState. Expecting port up. $timer/60 seconds." after 2000 continue } if {$portState != "up" && $timer == "60"} { puts "\nError VerifyPortState: $port seem to be stuck on $portState state. Expecting port up.\n" set portsAllUpFlag 1 } if {$portState == "up"} { puts "\nVerifyPortState: $port state is $portState" break } } # Expecting port state = Down if {$expectedPortState == "down"} { if {$portState != "down" && $timer != "60"} { puts "\nVerifyPortState: $port is still $portState. Expecting port down. $timer/60 seconds." after 2000 continue } if {$portState == "up" && $timer == "60"} { puts "\nError VerifyPortState: $port seem to be stuck on the $portState state. Expecting port down." set portsAllUpFlag 1 } if {$portState == "down"} { puts "\nVerifyPortState: $port state is $portState as expected" break } } } } if {$portsAllUpFlag == 1} { return 1 } else { after 3000 return 0 } } proc KeylPrint {keylist {space ""}} { upvar $keylist kl set result "" foreach key [keylkeys kl] { set value [keylget kl $key] if {[catch {keylkeys value}]} { append result "$space$key: $value\n" } else { set newspace "$space " append result "$space$key:\n[KeylPrint value $newspace]" } } return $result } puts "\nConnecting to $ixNetworkTclServerIp ..." puts "Rebooting ports $portList ..." set connectStatus [::ixia::connect \ -reset \ -device $ixiaChassisIp \ -port_list $portList \ -ixnetwork_tcl_server $ixNetworkTclServerIp \ -tcl_server $ixiaChassisIp \ -username $userName \ ] if {[keylget connectStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "Connecting to ixNetwork Tcl server failed\n\n$connectStatus\n" exit } # This is just another way to build a list of IP addresses. # Uncomment to demo. Otherwise, leave it commented out. if 0 { set ip 0 set totalInterface 1 set startingVlandId 0 for {set interface 1} {$interface <= $totalInterface} {incr interface} { lappend int1PortList $port1 lappend int1IpAddressList 1.1.1.[incr ip] lappend int1GatewayList lappend int1NetMaskList set macLast2Bytes [format %04x $interface] set original [string index $macLast2Bytes 2] set macLast2Bytes [string replace $macLast2Bytes 2 2 :$original] lappend int1SrcMacList 00:01:01:01:$macLast2Bytes lappend int1VlanIdList [incr startingVlanId] } set port1Status [::ixia::interface_config \ -mode config \ -port_handle [list $int1PortList] \ -intf_ip_addr [list $int1IpAddressList] \ -gateway [list $int1GatewayList] \ -netmask [list $int1NetMaskList] \ -src_mac_addr [list $int1SrcMacList] \ ] } set port1Status [::ixia::interface_config \ -mode config \ -port_handle $port1 \ -intf_ip_addr \ -intf_ip_addr_step \ -connected_count 10 \ -gateway \ -gateway_step \ -netmask \ -src_mac_addr 00:01:01:01:00:01 \ -src_mac_addr_step 0000.0000.0001 \ -vlan 1 \ -vlan_id 103 \ -vlan_id_step 1 \ -vlan_id_count 10 \ ] set port1Interface [keylget port1Status interface_handle] set port2Status [::ixia::interface_config \ -mode config \ -port_handle $port2 \ -intf_ip_addr \ -intf_ip_addr_step \ -connected_count 10 \ -gateway \ -gateway_step \ -netmask \ -src_mac_addr 00:01:01:02:00:01 \ -src_mac_addr_step 0000.0000.0001 \ -vlan 1 \ -vlan_id 103 \ -vlan_id_step 1 \ -vlan_id_count 10 \ ] set port2Interface [keylget port2Status interface_handle] # port1Interface = ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/interface:1 # port2Interfaces = ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:2/interface:1 puts "\nSending ARP ..." set port1ArpStatus [::ixia::interface_config -port_handle $port1 -arp_send_req 1 -arp_req_retries 3] set port2ArpStatus [::ixia::interface_config -port_handle $port2 -arp_send_req 1 -arp_req_retries 3] puts "\nport1ArpStatus: $port1ArpStatus" puts "\nport2ArpStatus: $port2ArpStatus" # transmit_mode options: single_burst or continuous set trafficItem1 [::ixia::traffic_config \ -mode create \ -emulation_src_handle $port1Interface \ -emulation_dst_handle $port2Interface \ -track_by "traffic_item flowGroup0 " \ -name "TrafficItem_1" \ -bidirectional 1 \ -rate_percent 10 \ -pkts_per_burst 10000 \ -transmit_mode single_burst \ -frame_size 100 \ -transmit_distribution {srcDestEndpointPair0} \ -vlan enable \ -vlan_id 2 \ -vlan_user_priority 7 \ -l3_protocol ipv4 \ -l4_protocol udp \ -udp_src_port 1050 \ -udp_dst_port 1004 \ ] puts "\nStarting IxNetwork traffic ..." set trafficControlStatus [ixia::traffic_control \ -port_handle $port1 \ -action run \ ] if {[keylget trafficControlStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nIxia traffic failed to start on port $portList" } else { puts "\nTraffic started on port $portList" } # Wait 10 seconds and collect stats after 10000 set flowStats [::ixia::traffic_stats \ -mode flow \ ] if {[keylget flowStats status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "Failed to get statistics" exit } puts \n puts "[format %-10s FlowGroup][format %10s TxPort][format %10s RxPort][format %14s TxFrames][format %14s RxFrames]" puts "------------------------------------------------------------------------" for {set flowNumber 1} {$flowNumber <= [llength [keylget flowStats flow]]} {incr flowNumber} { set txPort [keylget flowStats flow.$flowNumber.tx.port] set rxPort [keylget flowStats flow.$flowNumber.rx.port] set txFrames [keylget flowStats flow.$flowNumber.tx.total_pkts] set rxFrames [keylget flowStats flow.$flowNumber.rx.total_pkts] # flow_name: 1/1/2 TI0-TrafficItem_1 TI0-TrafficItem_1-EndpointSet-1 - Flow Group 0001 set flowName [keylget flowStats flow.$flowNumber.flow_name] puts "[format %5s $flowNumber][format %15s $txPort][format %10s $rxPort][format %14s $txFrames][format %14s $rxFrames]" } puts \n