# This script will load a saved Quick Test config file. # Users could passed in a list of ports so this config # can run on any testbed. # # - Connect to an existing configuration or load a saved # Quick Test config file and optionally, reassign ports. # - Verify user defined list of Quick Test names to run. # - Verify port state. # - Loop through each Quick Test name. # - Retrieve a copy of the csv saved results to local Linux. # set ixNetworkPort 8008 set ixNetworkTclServerIp set ixiaChassisIp [list] # Set the value to {} if you want to use the existing configuration's port. # Otherwise, if you provide a list of ports, they will be used. set portList {1/5 1/6} set userName willui # The path to the saved config file on the IxNetwork Window's client PC. # Leave this variable blank if you don't want to load a config file. set ixncfgFile {} # set value to "all" to run all the configured Quick Tests. set userSelectQuickTestList "google-LSR-NDR google-LSR-v6-NDR" # The local Linux machine's path to store the result files. set copyResultFileToLocalLinuxPath /auto/wswillui-sjc/bemr/quicktest/results/ # The Quick Test result file to get set quickTestCsvResultFile AggregateResults.csv proc Help {} { exec clear >@ stdout puts "\nIxNetLoadQuickTestConfigFileHlt.tcl help:" puts "\t-ixNetworkTclServerIp: The IxNetwork Windows PC" puts "\t-ixNetworkPort: The IxNetwork socket port number" puts "\t-ixiaChassisIp: The IP address of the Ixia chassis" puts "\t If you have multiple chassis's, then pass in a list like this:" puts "\t -ixiaChassisIP \"{}\"" puts "\t-portList: The ports to use for this test wrapped inside double quotes" puts "\t If you have multiple chassis's, then pass in a list aligning to the ixiaChassis" puts "\t the ixiaChassis index list like this:" puts "\t -portList \"{1/1 1/3} {2/4 2/5}\"" puts "\t-userName: The username to use for logging in" puts "\t-ixncfgFile: The full path to the Quick Test saved config file to load" puts "\t-quickTestListToRun: All the Quick Test names to run wrapped inside double quotes" puts "\t Example: \"rfc2544_cat6k {rfc2544 cat3k} throughputTest\"" puts "\t-copyResultsToLinuxPath: The full path and file name to save the Quick Test results on" puts "\t your local Linux." puts "\t Example: /automation/resultFolder" puts \n exit } proc GetTime {} { #return [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%M:%S"] return [clock milliseconds] } proc Connect { {type reassignPorts} } { # Connect options are only: # - Resume to existing config. # - Load a saved config and optionally, you could reassign ports also # # Parameter: # type = reassignPorts or resume # Reassign ports if {$type == "reassignPorts"} { if {$::portList == ""} { puts "\nError: You want to reassign ports, but the variable portList is not set with any ports" exit } puts "\nConnect: Reassigning ports: $::ixiaChassisIp : $::portList\n" set hltParams { \ -device $::ixiaChassisIp \ -tcl_server $::ixiaChassisIp \ -port_list $::portList \ -ixnetwork_tcl_server $::ixNetworkTclServerIp\:$::ixNetworkPort \ -username $::userName \ -break_locks 1 \ -session_resume_keys 1 } # Include loading a config file if the variable is set with a config file. if {$::ixncfgFile != ""} { if {[file exists $::ixncfgFile] == 0} { puts "\n\n** ixNet config file does not exists: $::ixncfgFile\n\n" exit } else { puts "\nLoading config file: $::ixncfgFile ..." append hltParams " -config_file $::ixncfgFile" } } } # (Resume) Connect and use existing configuration if {$type != "reassignPorts"} { puts "\nConnect: Connecting to existing ports ...\n" set hltParams { \ -tcl_server $::ixiaChassisIp \ -ixnetwork_tcl_server $::ixNetworkTclServerIp\:$ixNetworkPort \ -username $::userName \ -break_locks 1 \ -session_resume_keys 1 } } set connectStatus [eval ::ixia::connect $hltParams] if {[keylget connectStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "Connecting to IxNetwork Tcl server failed\n\n$connectStatus\n" puts "\nconnectStatus: [KeylPrint connectStatus]" exit } else { puts "Successfully connected to IxNetwork Tcl server" } puts "\n[KeylPrint connectStatus]\n" return $connectStatus } proc VerifyPortState { {portList all} {expectedPortState up} } { # portList format = 1/2. Not 1/1/2 puts "\nVerifyPortState ...\n" set allVports [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] vport] if {$portList == "all"} { set vPortList $allVports } if {$portList != "all"} { # Search out the user defined $portList set vPortList {} foreach vport $allVports { # ::ixNet::OBJ-/availableHardware/chassis:""/card:1/port:1 set connectedTo [ixNet getAttribute $vport -connectedTo] set connectedTo [lrange [split $connectedTo /] 3 4] set card [lindex [split [lindex $connectedTo 0] :] end] set port [lindex [split [lindex $connectedTo 1] :] end] set port $card/$port if {[lsearch $portList $port] != -1} { lappend vPortList $vport } } } set portsAllUpFlag 0 foreach vport $vPortList { for {set timer 0} {$timer <= 60} {incr timer 2} { # ::ixNet::OBJ-/availableHardware/chassis:""/card:1/port:1 set connectedTo [ixNet getAttribute $vport -connectedTo] set connectedTo [lrange [split $connectedTo /] 3 4] set card [lindex [split [lindex $connectedTo 0] :] end] set port [lindex [split [lindex $connectedTo 1] :] end] set port $card/$port set portState [ixNet getAttribute $vport -state] # Expecting port state = UP if {$expectedPortState == "up"} { if {$portState != "up" && $timer != "60"} { puts "VerifyPortState: $port is still $portState. Expecting port up. $timer/60 seconds." after 2000 continue } if {$portState != "up" && $timer == "60"} { puts "\nError VerifyPortState: $port seem to be stuck on $portState state. Expecting port up.\n" set portsAllUpFlag 1 } if {$portState == "up"} { puts "\nVerifyPortState: $port state is $portState" break } } # Expecting port state = Down if {$expectedPortState == "down"} { if {$portState != "down" && $timer != "60"} { puts "\nVerifyPortState: $port is still $portState. Expecting port down. $timer/60 seconds." after 2000 continue } if {$portState == "up" && $timer == "60"} { puts "\nError VerifyPortState: $port seem to be stuck on the $portState state. Expecting port down." set portsAllUpFlag 1 } if {$portState == "down"} { puts "\nVerifyPortState: $port state is $portState as expected" break } } } } if {$portsAllUpFlag == 1} { return 1 } else { after 3000 return 0 } } proc KeylPrint {keylist {space ""}} { upvar $keylist kl set result "" foreach key [keylkeys kl] { set value [keylget kl $key] if {[catch {keylkeys value}]} { append result "$space$key: $value\n" } else { set newspace "$space " append result "$space$key:\n[KeylPrint value $newspace]" } } return $result } proc GetAllQuickTestHandlesHlt {} { puts "Get All Quick Test handles ..." set testControlStatus [::ixia::test_control \ -action get_all_qt_handles \ ] if {[keylget testControlStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "GetAllQuickTestHandlesHlt Error: [keylget testControlStatus log]" return 0 } set qtHandles [keylget testControlStatus qt_handle] return $qtHandles } proc ApplyQuickTestHandleHlt { quickTestHandle } { puts "\nApplying QA handle $quickTestHandle" set testControlStatus [::ixia::test_control \ -action qt_apply_config \ -action_mode async \ -qt_handle $quickTestHandle \ ] if {[keylget testControlStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "ApplyQuickTestHandleHlt: [keylget testControlStatus log]" return 1 } # ::ixNet::RESULT-3 set resultHandle [keylget testControlStatus $quickTestHandle.result_handle] #return $resultHandle } proc VerifyQuickTestApply { quickTestHandle } { set currentAction [string trim [GetQuickTestCurrentAction $quickTestHandle]] puts "\nVerifyQuickTestApply currentAction: $currentAction" if {$currentAction == "TestEnded" || $currentAction == "None"} { for {set timer 1} {$timer <= 20} {incr timer} { set currentAction [string trim [GetQuickTestCurrentAction $quickTestHandle]] if {$currentAction == "TestEnded" || $currentAction == "None"} { puts "\nCurrent State = $currentAction : Waiting $timer/20 seconds to change states" after 1000 continue } else { break } } } set ixNetworkVersion [ixNet getAttribute [ixNet getRoot]/globals -buildNumberExtended] regexp "^\[^ ]+ *(\[0-9]+)\.\[^ ]+ *" $ixNetworkVersion - ixNetworkVersionNumber set applyQuickTestCounter 300 for {set counter 1} {$counter <= $applyQuickTestCounter} {incr counter} { set quickTestApplyStates "InitializingTest ApplyFlowGroups SetupStatisticsCollection" set currentAction [string trim [GetQuickTestCurrentAction $quickTestHandle]] if {$currentAction == ""} { # If using IxNetwork version < 8, expect blank and expect whitespaces set currentAction "ApplyingAndInitializing" } # Version < 8, status = Trial when transmitting frames # Verrsion >= 8, status = TransmittingFrames puts "VerifyQuickTestApply: $currentAction : Waiting $counter/$applyQuickTestCounter seconds" if {$ixNetworkVersionNumber >= 8} { if {$counter < $applyQuickTestCounter && $currentAction != "TransmittingFrames"} { after 1000 continue } } if {$ixNetworkVersionNumber < 8} { if {$counter < $applyQuickTestCounter && $currentAction == "ApplyingAndInitializing"} { continue } } if {$ixNetworkVersionNumber >= 8} { if {$counter < $applyQuickTestCounter && $currentAction == "TransmittingFrames"} { puts "\nVerifyQuickTestApply is done applying configuration and has started transmitting frames" break } break } if {$ixNetworkVersionNumber < 8} { if {$counter < $applyQuickTestCounter && $currentAction == "ApplyingAndInitializing"} { puts "\nVerifyQuickTestApply is done applying configuration and has started transmitting frames" break } break } if {$counter == $applyQuickTestCounter} { if {$ixNetworkVersionNumber >= 8 && $currentAction != "TransmittingFrames"} { puts "\nVerifyQuickTestApply is stuck on $currentAction. Waited $counter/$applyQuickTestCounter seconds" return 1 } if {$ixNetworkVersionNumber < 8 && $currentAction != "Trial"} { puts "\nVerifyQuickTestApply is stuck on $currentAction. Waited $counter/$applyQuickTestCounter seconds" return 1 } } } return 0 } proc StartQuickTestHlt { quickTestHandle } { puts "\nStartQuickTestHlt: $quickTestHandle" set testControlStatus [::ixia::test_control \ -action qt_run \ -action_mode async \ -qt_handle $quickTestHandle \ ] if {[keylget testControlStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "StartQuickTestHlt Error: [keylget testControlStatus log]" return 1 } return 0 } proc GetQuickTestFlowViewHlt { quickTestHandle } { puts "\nGetQuickTestFlowViewHlt: $quickTestHandle" set testStats [::ixia::test_stats \ -mode qt_flow_view \ -qt_handle $quickTestHandle \ ] if {[keylget testStats status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "Error: [keylget testStats log]" return 0 } #puts "\n--- GetQuickTestFlowViewHlt keylPrint: [KeylPrint testStats]" #puts "Tx Frames --> [keylget testStats 1.tx_frames]" #puts "Rx Frames --> [keylget testStats 1.rx_frames]" } proc GetConfiguredQuickTests {} { set allConfiguredQuickTestNames {} set allConfiguredQuickTestHandles [ixNet getAttribute [ixNet getRoot]/quickTest -testIds] foreach qtHandle $allConfiguredQuickTestHandles { lappend allConfiguredQuickTestNames [ixNet getAttribute $qtHandle -name] } return $allConfiguredQuickTestNames } proc VerifyAllQuickTestNames { quickTestNameList } { # 1> Get a list of all the configured Quick Test objects # 2> From the above list, get a list of all the configured Quick Test names. # 3> Verify all the user defined Quick Test names with the actual configured list. set noSuchQuickTestName {} set allConfiguredQuickTestNames {} set allConfiguredQuickTestHandles [ixNet getAttribute [ixNet getRoot]/quickTest -testIds] foreach qtHandle $allConfiguredQuickTestHandles { lappend allConfiguredQuickTestNames [ixNet getAttribute $qtHandle -name] } puts "\nAll QT test names: $allConfiguredQuickTestNames\n" foreach userDefinedQuickTestName $quickTestNameList { if {[lsearch $allConfiguredQuickTestNames $userDefinedQuickTestName] == -1} { lappend noSuchQuickTestName $userDefinedQuickTestName } } if {$noSuchQuickTestName != ""} { foreach noSuchTestName $noSuchQuickTestName { puts "Error: No such QuickTest name: $noSuchTestName" } } else { return 0 } return 1 } proc GetQuickTestHandleByName { quickTestName } { foreach quickTestHandle [GetAllQuickTestHandlesHlt] { set currentQtName [ixNet getAttribute $quickTestHandle -name] if {[regexp -nocase $quickTestName $currentQtName]} { return $quickTestHandle } } return 0 } proc GetQuickTestDuration { quickTestHandle } { return [ixNet getAttribute $quickTestHandle/testConfig -duration] } proc GetQuickTestTotalFrameSizesToTest { quickTestHandle } { return [llength [ixNet getAttribute $quickTestHandle/testConfig -framesizeList]] } proc GetQuickTestCurrentAction { quickTestHandle } { # NOTE: # IxNetwork version 7.30 doesn't have the -currentAction support. This feature # is supported starting with 8.0 I believe. # IxNetwork 8.00.1027.17 EA set ixNetworkVersion [ixNet getAttribute [ixNet getRoot]/globals -buildNumberExtended] regexp "^\[^ ]+ *(\[0-9]+)\.\[^ ]+ *" $ixNetworkVersion - ixNetworkVersionNumber if {$ixNetworkVersionNumber >= 8} { # # InitializingTest, ApplyFlowGroups, SetupStatisticsCollection, TransmittingFrames, TestEnded return [ixNet getAttribute $quickTestHandle/results -currentAction] } else { # progress = " " (white spaces) for version < 8 set progressStatus [ixNet getAttribute $quickTestHandle/results -progress] return $progressStatus } } proc CopyFileWindowsToLocalLinux { windowsPath localPath } { # windowsPath = The path and file name on the Windows drive. # localPath = The path and file name on the local Linux machine. puts "\nCopyFileWindowsToLocalLinux: From: $windowsPath To: $localPath" catch {ixNet exec copyFile [ixNet readFrom $windowsPath -ixNetRelative] [ixNet writeTo $localPath -overwrite]} errMsg } proc MonitorQuickTestRunProgress { quickTestHandle } { set counter 1 while {1} { set isRunning [ixNet getAttribute $quickTestHandle/results -isRunning] if {$isRunning == "true"} { set currentRunningProgress [ixNet getAttribute $quickTestHandle/results -progress] puts "\n$counter seconds: $currentRunningProgress" incr counter after 1000 continue } else { break } } after 2000 } proc GetVportMapping { Port } { # Search all vport for the port number. # Port format = 1/1. Not 1/1/1. set vportList [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] vport] if {$vportList == ""} { return 0 } foreach vport $vportList { set connectedTo [ixNet getAttribute $vport -connectedTo] set card [lindex [split [lindex [split $connectedTo /] 3] :] end] set portNum [lindex [split [lindex [split $connectedTo /] 4] :] end] set port $card/$portNum if {$port == $Port} { return $vport } } return 0 } set argIndex 0 while {$argIndex < [llength $argv]} { set currentArg [lindex $argv $argIndex] switch -exact -- $currentArg { -ixiaChassisIp { set ixiaChassisIp [lindex $argv [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -tclServer { set tclServer [lindex $argv [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -ixNetworkTclServerIp { set ixNetworkTclServerIp [lindex $argv [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -ixNetworkPort { set ixNetworkPort [lindex $argv [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -portList { set portList [lindex $argv [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -userName { set userName [lindex $argv [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -ixncfgFile { set ixncfgFile [lindex $argv [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -quickTestListToRun { set userSelectQuickTestList [lindex $argv [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -copyResultsToLinuxPath { set copyResultFileToLocalLinux [lindex $argv [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } help { Help } default { puts "\nError: No such parameter: $currentArg" exit } } } package req Ixia set connectStatus [Connect resume] if {$userSelectQuickTestList == "all"} { set configuredQuickTestList [GetConfiguredQuickTests] if {$configuredQuickTestList != ""} { set quickTestNameList $configuredQuickTestList } else { puts "\nError: No Quick Test found on config file: $ixncfgFile" exit } } else { # Verify user selected Quick Test to run. if {[VerifyAllQuickTestNames $userSelectQuickTestList] == 1} { exit } set quickTestNameList $userSelectQuickTestList } puts "\nList of Quick Test to run ..." foreach quickTestToRun $quickTestNameList { puts "\t$quickTestToRun" } #if {[VerifyPortState]} { # exit #} foreach quickTestName $quickTestNameList { set quickTestHandle [GetQuickTestHandleByName $quickTestName] set currentQuickTestName [ixNet getAttribute $quickTestHandle -name] puts "\nStarting QuickTest name: $currentQuickTestName" # Get test duration set testDuration [GetQuickTestDuration $quickTestHandle] set totalFrameSizesToTest [GetQuickTestTotalFrameSizesToTest $quickTestHandle] ApplyQuickTestHandleHlt $quickTestHandle # Must wait 8000 for applying to sync before moving forward puts "\nWait 8 seconds for Quick Test to apply to hardware ..." after 8000 if {[StartQuickTestHlt $quickTestHandle]} { exit } if {[VerifyQuickTestApply $quickTestHandle]} { exit } MonitorQuickTestRunProgress $quickTestHandle # resultPath = C:\Users\hgee\AppData\Local\Ixia\IxNetwork\data\result\DP.Rfc2889BroadcastRate\c3f7f1ee-9810-4c45-be49-7dd961aed060\Run0001 set resultPath [ixNet getAttribute $quickTestHandle/results -resultPath] append resultPath \\$quickTestCsvResultFile # In case users included a slash at the end of the provided path, get rid of it. if {[string index $copyResultFileToLocalLinuxPath end] == "/"} { set copyResultFileToLocalLinuxPath [string replace $copyResultFileToLocalLinuxPath end end] } # Replace all blank spaces with an underscore for the result filename set currentQuickTestName [string map {" " _} $currentQuickTestName] # Result files to get options: iteration.csv, AggregateResults.csv, logfile.txt, results.csv # The final result file name is: /path/AggregateResults_.csv CopyFileWindowsToLocalLinux $resultPath $copyResultFileToLocalLinuxPath\/[lindex [split $quickTestCsvResultFile .] 0]\_$currentQuickTestName\_[GetTime]\.csv }