#!/usr/local/python2.7.6/bin/python2.7 import sys # Ixia Python modules from ixiatcl import IxiaTcl from ixiahlt import IxiaHlt from ixiangpf import IxiaNgpf from ixiaerror import IxiaError ixia_tcl = IxiaTcl() ixia_hlt = IxiaHlt(ixia_tcl) ixia_ngpf = IxiaNgpf(ixia_hlt) ixNet = ixia_ngpf.ixnet ;# For low level Python API commands ixNetworkTclServer = '' tclServer = '' chassisIp = '' userName = 'hgee' portList = '1/5 1/6' def ConnectAndResumeReassignPortsNgpfHlPy(ixNetworkTclServer, tclServer, userName, portList, chassisIp ): ''' Connect to an existing configuration. portList format: 1/3. Not 1/1/3. This will return all session configuration handles. ''' connectStatus = ixia_ngpf.connect ( ixnetwork_tcl_server = ixNetworkTclServer, tcl_server = tclServer, username = userName, port_list = portList, device = chassisIp, session_resume_keys = '1', break_locks = '1', ) if connectStatus['status'] != '1': return 1 else: return connectStatus def PrintDict(obj, nested_level=0, output=sys.stdout): """ Print each dict key with indentions for readability. """ spacing = ' ' if type(obj) == dict: print >> output, '%s' % ((nested_level) * spacing) for k, v in obj.items(): if hasattr(v, '__iter__'): print >> output, '%s%s:' % ((nested_level + 1) * spacing, k) PrintDict(v, nested_level + 1, output) else: print >> output, '%s%s: %s' % ((nested_level + 1) * spacing, k, v) print >> output, '%s' % (nested_level * spacing) elif type(obj) == list: print >> output, '%s[' % ((nested_level) * spacing) for v in obj: if hasattr(v, '__iter__'): PrintDict(v, nested_level + 1, output) else: print >> output, '%s%s' % ((nested_level + 1) * spacing, v) print >> output, '%s]' % ((nested_level) * spacing) else: print >> output, '%s%s' % (nested_level * spacing, obj) connectStatus = ConnectAndResumeReassignPortsNgpfHlPy(ixNetworkTclServer, tclServer, userName, portList, chassisIp) PrintDict(connectStatus)