#!/usr/local/python2.7.6/bin/python2.7 # This sample script will handle 2 conditions: # # 1: If the variable "resume" = 0, then load the config file. # You could reassign ports also: set reassignPorts to 1. # # 2: If the variable "resume" = 1, then connect to # an existing configuration. # # - This sample script can be applied on any testbed using # different Ixia chassis and ports. All you do is set # the variables accordingly. # # - Users will provide a list of Traffic Item names to the variable # "enableTrafficItemList" to be enabled for the test. # # - At the end of the script, the enabled Traffic Items will be disabled. # import sys, os import time, re from ixiatcl import IxiaTcl from ixiahlt import IxiaHlt from ixiangpf import IxiaNgpf from ixiaerror import IxiaError ixia_tcl = IxiaTcl() ixia_hlt = IxiaHlt(ixia_tcl) ixia_ngpf = IxiaNgpf(ixia_hlt) ixNet = ixia_ngpf.ixnet ;# For low level Python API commands # Default settings chassisIp = '' ixNetworkTclServer = '' tclServer = chassisIp userName = 'hgee' portList = '1/5 1/6' port1 = '1/1/5' port2 = '1/1/6' # If 0, then load configFile. If 1, resume from existing config resume = 1 # If 0, don't assign new ports. Use the saved config's ports. # If 1, load the config and reassign ports using variable portList. reassignPorts = 0 # To control which Traffic Item is enabled, insert the Traffic Item # name in this list. enableTrafficItemList = ['my ospf', 'my bgp'] configFile = '/home/hgee/Dropbox/MyIxiaWork/Temp/ospfNgpf_8.10.ixncfg' def EnableTrafficItemByName( trafficItemNameList, condition='True' ): # condition: True or False for trafficItemName in trafficItemNameList: flag = 0 for eachTrafficItem in ixNet.getList(ixNet.getRoot()+'traffic', 'trafficItem'): currentTrafficItemName = ixNet.getAttribute(eachTrafficItem, '-name') if trafficItemName == currentTrafficItemName: try: print '\nEnableTrafficItemByName:', trafficItemName ixNet.setAttribute(eachTrafficItem, '-enabled', condition) ixNet.commit() flag = 1 except Exception, errMsg: print '\nEnableTrafficItemByName Error:', errMsg return 1 if flag == 0: print '\nEnableTrafficItemByName Error: No Traffic Item name found on configuration:', trafficItemName sys.exit() def VerifyPortState( stopTime = 40 ): for vPort in ixNet.getList(ixNet.getRoot(), 'vport'): # [u'::ixNet::OBJ-', u'availableHardware', u'chassis:""', u'card:1', u'port:1'] connectedTo = ixNet.getAttribute(vPort, '-connectedTo') card = connectedTo.split('/')[3].split(':')[1] portNum = connectedTo.split('/')[4].split(':')[1] port = card+'/'+portNum for timer in range(0, stopTime): timer = timer + 1 portState = ixNet.getAttribute(vPort, '-state') if portState == 'up': print 'VerifyPortState: ', port + ' is up' break if portState != 'up': print 'VerifyPortState: %s is not up yet. Verifying %d/%d seconds' % (port, timer, stopTime) time.sleep(1) if timer == stopTime: print 'Port can\'t come up. Exiting test' return 1 return 0 def GetTopologyPortsNgpfPy(topologyName): # Gets all the ports associated with the Topology for topology in ixNet.getList(ixNet.getRoot(), 'topology'): currentName = ixNet.getAttribute(topology, '-name') if currentName is topologyName: topologyVports = ixNet.getAttribute(topology, '-vports') portList = '' for vport in topologyVports: portList.append(GetVportConnectedToPort(vport)) if 'portList' in vars(): return portList else: return def VerifyAllProtocolSessionsNgpfPy(): # This API will loop through each created Topology Group and verify # all the created protocols for session up for up to 90 seconds total. # # Returns 0 if all sessions are UP. # Returns 1 if any session remains DOWN after 90 seconds. protocolList = ['ancp', 'bfdv4Interface', 'bgpIpv4Peer', 'dhcpv4relayAgent', 'dhcpv4server', 'geneve', 'greoipv4', 'igmpHost', 'igmpQuerier', 'lac', 'ldpBasicRouter', 'ldpConnectedInterface', 'ldpTargetedRouter', 'lns', 'openFlowController', 'openFlowSwitch', 'ospfv2', 'ovsdbcontroller', 'ovsdbserver', 'pcc', 'pce', 'pcepBackupPCEs', 'pimV4Interface', 'ptp', 'rsvpteIf', 'rsvpteLsps', 'tag', 'vxlan' ] sessionDownList = ['down', 'notStarted'] startCounter = 1 timeEnd = 120 import time for protocol in protocolList: for topology in ixNet.getList(ixNet.getRoot(), 'topology'): for deviceGroup in ixNet.getList(topology, 'deviceGroup'): for ethernet in ixNet.getList(deviceGroup, 'ethernet'): for ipv4 in ixNet.getList(ethernet, 'ipv4'): for currentProtocol in ixNet.getList(ipv4, protocol): for timer in range(startCounter, timeEnd+1): currentStatus = ixNet.getAttribute(currentProtocol, '-sessionStatus') print '\n%s' % currentProtocol print '\tTotal sessions: %d' % len(currentStatus) totalDownSessions = 0 for eachStatus in currentStatus: if eachStatus != 'up': totalDownSessions += 1 print '\tTotal sessions Down: %d' % totalDownSessions if timer < timeEnd and [element for element in sessionDownList if element in currentStatus] == []: print '\tProtocol sessions are all up' startCounter = timer break if timer < timeEnd and [element for element in sessionDownList if element in currentStatus] != []: print '\tWaiting %d/%d seconds' % (timer, timeEnd) time.sleep(1) continue if timer == timeEnd and [element for element in sessionDownList if element in currentStatus] != []: print '\tProtocol session failed to come up:' return 1 return 0 def VerifyArpNgpfPy(ipType='ipv4', maxRetry=3): unresolvedArpList = [] for topology in ixNet.getList(ixNet.getRoot(), 'topology'): currentTopologyName = ixNet.getAttribute(topology, '-name') #topologyPorts = GetTopologyPorts(currentTopologyName) topologyPorts = GetTopologyPortsNgpfPy(currentTopologyName) for deviceGroup in ixNet.getList(topology, 'deviceGroup'): if ixNet.getAttribute(deviceGroup, '-status') == 'started': for ethernet in ixNet.getList(deviceGroup, 'ethernet'): for ipv4 in ixNet.getList(ethernet, ipType): print '\nProtocol is started on:', ipv4 flag = 0 sessionStatus = ixNet.getAttribute(ipv4, '-sessionStatus') resolvedGatewayMac = ixNet.getAttribute(ipv4, '-resolvedGatewayMac') # Only care for unresolved ARPs for index in xrange(0, len(resolvedGatewayMac)): for timer in xrange(1, maxRetry+1): if (re.match('.*Unresolved', resolvedGatewayMac[index]) and sessionStatus[index] != 'notStarted' and timer <= maxRetry ): # Gettting in here means the interface should be up multiValueNumber = ixNet.getAttribute(ipv4, '-address') ipAddrNotResolved = ixNet.getAttribute(ixNet.getRoot()+multiValueNumber, '-values')[index] # /topology:2/deviceGroup:1/ethernet:1/ipv4:1 -address topologyDeviceGroupSource = ixNet.getAttribute(ixNet.getRoot()+multiValueNumber, '-source') match = re.match('.*(topology:[0-9]+)/deviceGroup:([0-9]+).*', topologyDeviceGroupSource) if match: topologyNum = match.group(1) deviceGroupNum = match.group(2) vport = ixNet.getAttribute(ixNet.getRoot()+topologyNum, '-vports') for eachVport in vport: realPortNumber = GetVportConnectedToPort(eachVport) print '\n%s %s %s did not resolve ARP yet. Verify %s/%s ...' % ( topologyNum, realPortNumber, ipAddrNotResolved, timer, maxRetry ) time.sleep(1) if (re.match('.*Unresolved', resolvedGatewayMac[index]) and sessionStatus[index] != 'notStarted' and timer == maxRetry ): print '\t%s %s %s cannot resolve ARP after %s/%s retries' % ( topologyNum, realPortNumber, ipAddrNotResolved, timer, maxRetry) unresolvedArpList.append('%s Port:%s IP:%s' % (topologyNum, realPortNumber, ipAddrNotResolved)) flag = 1 if flag is 0: print '\tARP is resolved' else: print '\n\tVerifyArpNgpf. Protocol not started on:\n\t\t%s' % deviceGroup if unresolvedArpList is None: return 0 if unresolvedArpList: print '\n' for unresolvedArp in unresolvedArpList: print 'UnresolvedArps:', unresolvedArp print '\n' return unresolvedArpList def StartTrafficNgpfHlPy(): print '\nStartTrafficNgpfHlPy' status = ixia_ngpf.traffic_control(action = 'run') if status == 1: print '\nStartTrafficNgpfHlPy failed: ', status['log'] return 1 return status def GetStatsNgpfHlPy(type_of_stats='flow'): print '\nGetStatsNgpfHlPy:', type_of_stats status = ixia_ngpf.traffic_stats(mode = type_of_stats) if status['status'] != '1': print '\nGetStatsNgpfHlPy failed: ', status['log'] sys.exit() PrintDict(status) return status def PrintDict(obj, nested_level=0, output=sys.stdout): """ Print each dict key with indentions for readability. """ spacing = ' ' if type(obj) == dict: print >> output, '%s' % ((nested_level) * spacing) for k, v in obj.items(): if hasattr(v, '__iter__'): print >> output, '%s%s:' % ((nested_level + 1) * spacing, k) PrintDict(v, nested_level + 1, output) else: print >> output, '%s%s: %s' % ((nested_level + 1) * spacing, k, v) print >> output, '%s' % (nested_level * spacing) elif type(obj) == list: print >> output, '%s[' % ((nested_level) * spacing) for v in obj: if hasattr(v, '__iter__'): PrintDict(v, nested_level + 1, output) else: print >> output, '%s%s' % ((nested_level + 1) * spacing, v) print >> output, '%s]' % ((nested_level) * spacing) else: print >> output, '%s%s' % (nested_level * spacing, obj) if resume == 1: # Connect to the existing configuration to resume running traffic. print '\nResuming existing configuration ...' connectStatus = ixia_ngpf.connect ( ixnetwork_tcl_server = ixNetworkTclServer, tcl_server = tclServer, username = userName, break_locks = '1', ) if resume == 0 and reassignPorts == 0: # Load config file and use the saved config's ports. print '\nLoading config file:', configFile connectStatus = ixia_ngpf.connect ( ixnetwork_tcl_server = ixNetworkTclServer, tcl_server = tclServer, username = userName, break_locks = 1, config_file = configFile, session_resume_keys = 1, ) if resume == 0 and reassignPorts == 1: # Load config file and reassign ports. print '\nLoading config file:', configFile print '\nUsing port list:', portList connectStatus = ixia_ngpf.connect ( ixnetwork_tcl_server = ixNetworkTclServer, tcl_server = tclServer, device = chassisIp, port_list = portList, username = userName, break_locks = 1, config_file = configFile, ) PrintDict(connectStatus) VerifyPortState() print '\nStarting all protocols ...' start_protocol_status = ixia_ngpf.test_control(action = 'start_all_protocols') if start_protocol_status['status'] != '1': print '\nError: Failed to start all protocols.\n' sys.exit() PrintDict(start_protocol_status) VerifyAllProtocolSessionsNgpfPy() if VerifyArpNgpfPy() != None: sys.exit() #EnableTrafficItemByName( enableTrafficItemList, condition='True' ) StartTrafficNgpfHlPy() print '\nSleep 10 seconds before verifying stats' time.sleep(10) trafficStats = ixia_ngpf.traffic_stats(mode = 'flow') if trafficStats['status'] != '1': print '\nError: Failed to get traffic flow stats.\n' print trafficStats sys.exit() PrintDict(trafficStats) #EnableTrafficItemByName( enableTrafficItemList, condition='False' ) stats = GetStatsNgpfHlPy() PrintDict(stats)