""" Description This script demonstrates how to use Python HLAPIs connecting to a Linux API server that requires logging in and using an API-Key. Requirement - yum install -y tcl - yum install -y tcllib - yum install -y tcltls - yum install -y tclx - yum install -y tcl-devel - yum group install -y "Development Tools" - Python tkinter - IxOS and IxNetwork PIT installer for HLTAPI packages. Supports Python 2 and Python 3 """ from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import sys, os import time, re from ixiatcl import IxiaTcl from ixiahlt import IxiaHlt from ixiangpf import IxiaNgpf from ixiaerror import IxiaError ixia_tcl = IxiaTcl() ixia_hlt = IxiaHlt(ixia_tcl) ixia_ngpf = IxiaNgpf(ixia_hlt) ixNet = ixia_ngpf.ixnet ;# For low level Python API commands ixChassisIp = '' ixNetworkTclServer = '' ;# The Linux API server IP licenseServerIp = '' licenseMode = 'subscription' portList = '1/1 1/2' def VerifyProtocolSessionStatusUpNgpfHlPy(protocolHandle, totalTime=60): ''' Pass in a protocol handle to verify for sessions status 'UP'. ''' for timer in range(0, totalTime): sessionStatus = ixia_ngpf.protocol_info( handle = protocolHandle, mode = 'aggregate' ) currentSessionUp = sessionStatus[protocolHandle]['aggregate']['sessions_up'] totalSessions = sessionStatus[protocolHandle]['aggregate']['sessions_total'] print('\nVerifying protocol sessions', protocolHandle) print('\t%s/%s: CurrentSessionUp:%s TotalSessions:%s\n' % (timer, totalTime, currentSessionUp, totalSessions)) if timer < totalTime and currentSessionUp != totalSessions: time.sleep(1) continue if timer < totalTime and currentSessionUp == totalSessions: return 0 if timer == totalTime and currentSessionUp != totalSessions: print('\nError: It has been %s seconds and total sessions are not all UP. ' % timer) return 1 def print_dict(obj, nested_level=0, output=sys.stdout): """ Description Print each dict key with indentions for human readability. """ spacing = ' ' spacing2 = ' ' if type(obj) == dict: print( '%s' % ((nested_level) * spacing), file=output) for k, v in obj.items(): if hasattr(v, '__iter__'): print('%s%s:' % ( (nested_level+1) * spacing, k), file=output, end='') print_dict(v, nested_level+1, output) else: print('%s%s: %s' % ( (nested_level + 1) * spacing, k, v), file=output) print('%s' % (nested_level * spacing), file=output) elif type(obj) == list: print('%s[' % ((nested_level) * spacing), file=output) for v in obj: if hasattr(v, '__iter__'): print_dict(v, nested_level + 1, file=output) else: print('%s%s' % ((nested_level + 1) * spacing, v), file=output) print('%s]' % ((nested_level) * spacing), output) else: print('%s%s' % ((nested_level * spacing2), obj), file=output) def VerifyPortState( portList='', stopTime=120 ): for vPort in ixNet.getList(ixNet.getRoot(), 'vport'): assignedPort = ixNet.getAttribute(vPort, '-assignedTo') print('\nVerifying port state on port::', assignedPort) for timer in range(0, stopTime): portState = ixNet.getAttribute(vPort, '-state') print('\tCurrent port state:', portState) if timer < stopTime and portState == 'up': print('\tVerifyPortState: ', assignedPort + ' is up') break if timer < stopTime and portState != 'up': print('\tVerifyPortState: %s is not up yet. Verifying %d/%d seconds' % (assignedPort, timer, stopTime)) time.sleep(1) if timer == stopTime and portState != 'up': print('\nPort can\'t come up. Exiting test') return 1 connect_status = ixia_ngpf.connect( reset = 1, ixnetwork_tcl_server = ixNetworkTclServer, device = ixChassisIp, port_list = portList, return_detailed_handles = 0, user_name = 'admin', user_password = 'admin', ixnetwork_license_servers = [licenseServerIp], ixnetwork_license_type = licenseMode, close_server_on_disconnect = 1, break_locks = 1 ) # Connect to existing session ID ''' connect_status = ixia_ngpf.connect( ixnetwork_tcl_server = ixNetworkTclServer, session_resume_keys = 0, user_name = 'admin', user_password = 'admin', session_id = 34 ) print('\nsessionStatus:', connect_status) ''' print_dict(connect_status) if connect_status['status'] != '1': print('\nError: Failed to connect\n') port_handle = connect_status['vport_list'] port1 = connect_status['vport_list'].split(' ')[0] port2 = connect_status['vport_list'].split(' ')[1] topology_1_status = ixia_ngpf.topology_config( topology_name = 'Topology 1', port_handle = port1 ) if topology_1_status ['status'] != '1': print('\nError: Failed to create Topology\n', topology_1_status) sys.exit() # /topology:1 topology_1_handle = topology_1_status['topology_handle'] topology_2_status = ixia_ngpf.topology_config( topology_name = 'Topology 2', port_handle = port2 ) if topology_2_status ['status'] != '1': print('\nError: Failed to create Topology\n') sys.exit() # /topology:2 topology_2_handle = topology_2_status['topology_handle'] device_group_1_status = ixia_ngpf.topology_config( topology_handle = topology_1_handle, device_group_name = 'Basic L3-1', device_group_multiplier = '3', device_group_enabled = '1' ) if device_group_1_status['status'] != '1': print('\nError: Failed to create Device Group\n') sys.exit() # /topology:1/deviceGroup:1 device_group_1_handle = device_group_1_status['device_group_handle'] device_group_2_status = ixia_ngpf.topology_config( topology_handle = topology_2_handle, device_group_name = 'Basic L3-2', device_group_multiplier = '3', device_group_enabled = '1' ) if device_group_2_status['status'] != '1': print('\nError: Failed to create Device Group\n') sys.exit() # /topology:1/deviceGroup:2 device_group_2_handle = device_group_2_status['device_group_handle'] ethernet_status = ixia_ngpf.interface_config( mode = 'config', protocol_handle = device_group_1_handle, mtu = '1500', src_mac_addr = '00:01:01:01:00:01', src_mac_addr_step = '00:00:00:00:00:01', intf_ip_addr = '', intf_ip_addr_step = '', netmask = '', gateway = '', gateway_step = '', arp_send_req = '1', arp_req_retries = '3', ipv4_resolve_gateway = '1', vlan = '0', vlan_id = '101', vlan_id_step = '1', vlan_id_count = '1', vlan_user_priority = '0', vlan_user_priority_step = '0' ) if ethernet_status['status'] != '1': print('\nError: Failed to configure Device Group on port: ', port_1) print('\n', ethernet_status) sys.exit() print_dict(ethernet_status) ethernet_status = ixia_ngpf.interface_config( mode = 'config', protocol_handle = device_group_2_handle, mtu = '1500', src_mac_addr = '00:01:01:02:00:01', src_mac_addr_step = '00:00:00:00:00:01', intf_ip_addr = '', intf_ip_addr_step = '', gateway = '', gateway_step = '', arp_send_req = '1', arp_req_retries = '3', ipv4_resolve_gateway = '1', vlan = '0', vlan_id = '101', vlan_id_step = '1', vlan_id_count = '1', vlan_user_priority = '0', vlan_user_priority_step = '0' ) if ethernet_status['status'] != '1': print('\nError: Failed to configure Device Group on port: ', port_2) print('\n', ethernet_status) sys.exit() print('\nL2/L3 status') print_dict(ethernet_status) # ipv4_handle: /topology:2/deviceGroup:1/ethernet:1/ipv4:1 ipv4_handle = ethernet_status['ipv4_handle'] print('\nStarting IPv4 protocol ...') start_protocol_status = ixia_ngpf.test_control(action = 'start_all_protocols') if start_protocol_status['status'] != '1': print('\nError: Failed to start all protocols.\n') sys.exit() print_dict(start_protocol_status) VerifyProtocolSessionStatusUpNgpfHlPy(ipv4_handle) traffic_status = ixia_ngpf.traffic_config( mode = 'create', name = 'Traffic_Item_1', emulation_src_handle = topology_1_handle, emulation_dst_handle = topology_2_handle, transmit_mode = 'single_burst', pkts_per_burst = '50000', frame_size = '256', rate_percent = '100', src_dest_mesh = 'one_to_one', route_mesh = 'one_to_one', bidirectional = '0', allow_self_destined = '0', circuit_endpoint_type = 'ipv4', track_by = 'flowGroup0 sourceDestValuePair0', l3_protocol = 'ipv4' ) if traffic_status['status'] != '1': print('\nError: Failed to configure Traffic Item.\n') print(traffic_status) sys.exit() print_dict(traffic_status) time.sleep(10) traffic_control_status = ixia_ngpf.traffic_control(action = 'run') if traffic_control_status['status'] != '1': print('\nError: Failed to start traffic.\n') print(traffic_control) sys.exit() print_dict(traffic_control_status) time.sleep(10) print('\ngetList: ', ixNet.getList(ixNet.getRoot()+'traffic', 'trafficItem')) traffic_stats = ixia_ngpf.traffic_stats( mode = 'flow' ) if traffic_stats['status'] != '1': print('\nError: Failed to get traffic flow stats.\n') print(traffic_statse) sys.exit() print_dict(traffic_stats) print('\n--- RX:', traffic_stats['flow']['1']['rx']['total_pkts'])