#!/opt/Python-2.7.6/bin/python2.7 # Description: # # VxLAN script with two Ixia ports connected back-2-back # as VTEP peers. Behind each VTEP are VM hosts. # # The current configuration includes vlan on the VM hosts, # but not enabled. To enabled vlan, set parameter 'vlan= '1' # # import sys import time from ixiatcl import IxiaTcl from ixiahlt import IxiaHlt from ixiangpf import IxiaNgpf from ixiaerror import IxiaError ixia_tcl = IxiaTcl() ixia_hlt = IxiaHlt(ixia_tcl) ixia_ngpf = IxiaNgpf(ixia_hlt) ixNet = ixia_ngpf.ixnet ;# For low level Python API commands reset = '1' username = 'hgee' ixnetwork_tcl_server = '' port_list = '8/3 8/4' tcl_server = '' ixia_chassis = '' port_1 = '1/8/3' port_2 = '1/8/4' def PrintDict(obj, nested_level=0, output=sys.stdout): """ Print each dict key with indentions for readability. """ spacing = ' ' if type(obj) == dict: print >> output, '%s' % ((nested_level) * spacing) for k, v in obj.items(): if hasattr(v, '__iter__'): print >> output, '%s%s:' % ((nested_level + 1) * spacing, k) PrintDict(v, nested_level + 1, output) else: print >> output, '%s%s: %s' % ( (nested_level + 1) * spacing, k, v) print >> output, '%s' % (nested_level * spacing) elif type(obj) == list: print >> output, '%s[' % ((nested_level) * spacing) for v in obj: if hasattr(v, '__iter__'): PrintDict(v, nested_level + 1, output) else: print >> output, '%s%s' % ((nested_level + 1) * spacing, v) print >> output, '%s]' % ((nested_level) * spacing) else: print >> output, '%s%s' % (nested_level * spacing, obj) def Connect(device='', port_list='', ixnetwork_tcl_server='', tcl_server='', username='', reset=1): ixia_ngpf.ixiahlt.ixiatcl._eval("set ::ixia::logHltapiCommandsFlag 1") ixia_ngpf.ixiahlt.ixiatcl._eval( "set ::ixia::logHltapiCommandsFileName ixiaHltDebug.txt") status = ixia_ngpf.connect(reset=reset, device=device, port_list=port_list, ixnetwork_tcl_server=ixnetwork_tcl_server, tcl_server=device, username=username) if status['status'] != '1': print '\nConnect failed: %s\n' % status['log'] else: print '\nConnect success: %s' % ixnetwork_tcl_server return status def Create_Topology(topology_name='', ports=''): status = ixia_ngpf.topology_config(topology_name=topology_name, port_handle=ports) if status['status'] != '1': print '\nCreate_Topology failed: %s\n' % status['log'] sys.exit() PrintDict(status) return status['topology_handle'] def Create_Device_Group(topology_handle='', name='', multiplier=''): status = ixia_ngpf.topology_config(topology_handle=topology_handle, device_group_name=name, device_group_multiplier=multiplier, device_group_enabled='1') if status['status'] != '1': print '\nCreateDeviceGroup failed: %s\n' % status['log'] sys.exit() # /topology:1/deviceGroup:1 PrintDict(status) device_group_handle = status['device_group_handle'] return device_group_handle def Create_Multivalue(**kwargs): params = 'ixia_ngpf.multivalue_config(' for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): if value: params = params + key + '=' + '\'' + value + '\'' + ',' + '\n' params = params[:-1] + ')' print '\nCreateMultivalue: %s\n' % params status = eval(params) if status['status'] != '1': print '\nCreateDeviceGroup failed: %s\n' % status['log'] sys.exit() multivalue_handle = status['multivalue_handle'] PrintDict(status) return multivalue_handle def Config_Protocol_Interface(**kwargs): params = 'ixia_ngpf.interface_config( ' for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): params = params + key + '=' + '\'' + value + '\'' + ',' params = params[:-1] + ')' print '\nConfigProtocolInterface: %s\n' % params status = eval(params) if status['status'] != '1': print '\nConfigProtocolInterface failed: %s\n' % status['log'] sys.exit() # status: # ethernet_handle: /topology:1/deviceGroup:1/ethernet:1 # ipv4_handle: /topology:1/deviceGroup:1/ethernet:1/ipv4:1 # interface_handle: /topology:1/deviceGroup:1/ethernet:1/ipv4:1/item:1 # /topology:1/deviceGroup:1/ethernet:1/ipv4:1/item:2 # /topology:1/deviceGroup:1/ethernet:1/ipv4:1/item:3 # /topology:1/deviceGroup:1/ethernet:1/item:1 # /topology:1/deviceGroup:1/ethernet:1/item:2 # /topology:1/deviceGroup:1/ethernet:1/item:3 PrintDict(status) return status def ConfigVxlanEmulation(get_handle='yes', **kwargs): params = 'ixia_ngpf.emulation_vxlan_config(' for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): params = params + key + '=' + '\'' + value + '\'' + ',' params = params[:-1] + ')' print '\nConfigVxlanEmulation: %s\n' % params status = eval(params) if status['status'] != '1': print '\nConfigVxlanEmulation failed: %s\n' % status['log'] sys.exit() PrintDict(status) if get_handle == 'yes': return status['vxlan_handle'] def Start_All_Protocols_Ngpf_Hlt(): status = ixia_ngpf.test_control(action='start_all_protocols') if status['status'] != '1': print '\nStart_All_Protocols failed:', status['log'] sys.exit() time.sleep(5) print '\nStart_All_Protocols: Successfully started' def Config_Traffic_Item(**kwargs): params = 'ixia_ngpf.traffic_config( ' for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): params = params + key + '=' + '\'' + value + '\'' + ',' params = params[:-1] + ')' print '\nConfig_Traffic_Item: %s\n' % params status = eval(params) if status['status'] != '1': print '\nConfig_Traffic_Item failed: %s\n' % status['log'] sys.exit() return status def Start_Traffic_Ngpf_Hlt(): status = ixia_ngpf.traffic_control(action='run') if status['status'] != '1': print '\nStart_Traffic_Ngpf failed: ', status['log'] sys.exit() time.sleep(10) print '\nStart_Traffic_Ngpf_Hlt: Successfully started' def Get_Stats_Ngpf_Hlt(type_of_stats='flow'): status = ixia_ngpf.traffic_stats(mode=type_of_stats) if status['status'] != '1': print '\nGet_Stats_Flow failed: ', status['log'] sys.exit() PrintDict(status) Connect(device=ixia_chassis, tcl_server=ixia_chassis, ixnetwork_tcl_server=ixnetwork_tcl_server, port_list=port_list, reset=reset, username=username) topology_handle_1 = Create_Topology(topology_name='Topology 1', ports=port_1) device_group_handle_1 = Create_Device_Group(topology_handle=topology_handle_1, name='VxLAN-1', multiplier='2') multivalue = Create_Multivalue(pattern = "counter", counter_start = "", counter_step = "", counter_direction = "increment", nest_step = "", nest_owner = topology_handle_1, nest_enabled = "1") ethernet_vxlan_handle_1 = Config_Protocol_Interface(protocol_name = "{Ethernet 1}", protocol_handle = device_group_handle_1, mtu = "1500", src_mac_addr = multivalue, vlan = "0", vlan_id = "1", vlan_id_step = "1", vlan_id_count = "1", vlan_tpid = "0x8100", vlan_user_priority = "0") ethernet_vxlan_handle_1 = ethernet_vxlan_handle_1['ethernet_handle'] multivalue_ip = Create_Multivalue(pattern = "counter", counter_start = "", counter_step = "", counter_direction = "increment", nest_step = "", nest_owner = topology_handle_1, nest_enabled = "0") multivalue_gateway = Create_Multivalue(pattern = "counter", counter_start = "", counter_step = "", counter_direction = "increment", nest_step = "", nest_owner = topology_handle_1, nest_enabled = "0") ipv4_vxlan_handle_1 = Config_Protocol_Interface(protocol_name = "{IPv4 1}", protocol_handle = ethernet_vxlan_handle_1, ipv4_resolve_gateway = "1", gateway = multivalue_gateway, intf_ip_addr = multivalue_ip, netmask = "") ipv4_vxlan_handle_1 = ipv4_vxlan_handle_1['ipv4_handle'] print '\nipv4_vxlan_handle_1:', ipv4_vxlan_handle_1 multivalue_vni = Create_Multivalue(pattern = "counter", counter_start = "1000", counter_step = "1", counter_direction = "increment", nest_step = "1", nest_owner = topology_handle_1, nest_enabled = "0") multivalue_multicast = Create_Multivalue(pattern = "counter", counter_start = "", counter_step = "", counter_direction = "increment", nest_step = "", nest_owner = topology_handle_1, nest_enabled = "0") multivalue_static_mac = Create_Multivalue(pattern = "counter", counter_start = "00:00:00:00:00:00", counter_step = "00:00:00:00:00:00", counter_direction = "increment", nest_step = "00:00:00:00:00:00", nest_owner = topology_handle_1, nest_enabled = "1") vxlan_handle_1 = ConfigVxlanEmulation(handle = ipv4_vxlan_handle_1, protocol_name = "{VXLAN 1}", vni = multivalue_vni, ipv4_multicast = multivalue_multicast, enable_static_info = "0", static_info_count = "1", remote_vtep_ipv4 = "", remote_vm_static_mac = multivalue_static_mac, remote_vm_static_ipv4 = "", remote_info_active = "1", ip_to_vxlan_multiplier = "1") print '\nvxlan_handle_1:', vxlan_handle_1 device_group_handle_vxlan = Create_Device_Group(topology_handle = device_group_handle_1, name = 'VLAN-1', multiplier = '3') multivalue_mac = Create_Multivalue(pattern = "counter", counter_start = "", counter_step = "", counter_direction = "increment", nest_step = ",", nest_owner = '%s,%s' % (device_group_handle_1, topology_handle_1), nest_enabled = "0,1") ethernet_handle_1 = Config_Protocol_Interface(protocol_name = "{Vlan}", protocol_handle = device_group_handle_vxlan, connected_to_handle = vxlan_handle_1, mtu = "1500", src_mac_addr = multivalue_mac, vlan = "0", vlan_id = "1", vlan_id_step = "0", vlan_id_count = "1", vlan_tpid = "0x8100", vlan_user_priority = "0", vlan_user_priority_step = "0", use_vpn_parameters = "0", site_id = "0") # /topology:1/deviceGroup:1/deviceGroup:1/ethernet:1 ethernet_handle_1 = ethernet_handle_1['ethernet_handle'] print '\nethernet_handle_1:', ethernet_handle_1 multivalue_ipv4 = Create_Multivalue(pattern = "counter", counter_start = "", counter_step = "", counter_direction = "increment", nest_step = ",", nest_owner = '%s,%s' % (device_group_handle_1, topology_handle_1), nest_enabled = "0,1") multivalue_gateway = Create_Multivalue(pattern = "counter", counter_start = "", counter_step = "", counter_direction = "increment", nest_step = ",", nest_owner = '%s,%s' % (device_group_handle_1, topology_handle_1), nest_enabled = "0,1") ipv4_handle_1 = Config_Protocol_Interface(protocol_name = "{IPv4 2}", protocol_handle = ethernet_handle_1, ipv4_resolve_gateway = "1", gateway = multivalue_gateway, intf_ip_addr = multivalue_ipv4, netmask = "") # Use this handle for Traffic Item endpoint # /topology:1/deviceGroup:1/deviceGroup:1/ethernet:1/ipv4:1 ipv4_handle_1 = ipv4_handle_1['ipv4_handle'] #-------------- Topology 2 ----------------" topology_handle_2 = Create_Topology(topology_name='Topology 2', ports=port_2) device_group_handle_2 = Create_Device_Group(topology_handle=topology_handle_2, name='VxLAN-2', multiplier='2') multivalue = Create_Multivalue(pattern = "counter", counter_start = "", counter_step = "", counter_direction = "increment", nest_step = "", nest_owner = topology_handle_2, nest_enabled = "0") ethernet_vxlan_handle_2 = Config_Protocol_Interface(protocol_name = "{Ethernet 1}", protocol_handle = device_group_handle_2, mtu = "1500", src_mac_addr = multivalue, vlan = "0", vlan_id = "1", vlan_id_step = "1", vlan_id_count = "1", vlan_tpid = "0x8100", vlan_user_priority = "0") ethernet_vxlan_handle_2 = ethernet_vxlan_handle_2['ethernet_handle'] multivalue_ip = Create_Multivalue(pattern = "counter", counter_start = "", counter_step = "", counter_direction = "increment", nest_step = "", nest_owner = topology_handle_2, nest_enabled = "0") multivalue_gateway = Create_Multivalue(pattern = "counter", counter_start = "", counter_step = "", counter_direction = "increment", nest_step = "", nest_owner = topology_handle_2, nest_enabled = "0") ipv4_vxlan_handle_2 = Config_Protocol_Interface(protocol_name = "{IPv4 2}", protocol_handle = ethernet_vxlan_handle_2, ipv4_resolve_gateway = "1", gateway = multivalue_gateway, intf_ip_addr = multivalue_ip, netmask = "") ipv4_vxlan_handle_2 = ipv4_vxlan_handle_2['ipv4_handle'] print '\nipv4_vxlan_handle_2:', ipv4_vxlan_handle_2 multivalue_vni = Create_Multivalue(pattern = "counter", counter_start = "1000", counter_step = "1", counter_direction = "increment", nest_step = "1", nest_owner = topology_handle_2, nest_enabled = "0") multivalue_multicast = Create_Multivalue(pattern = "counter", counter_start = "", counter_step = "", counter_direction = "increment", nest_step = "", nest_owner = topology_handle_2, nest_enabled = "0") multivalue_static_mac = Create_Multivalue(pattern = "counter", counter_start = "00:00:00:00:00:00", counter_step = "00:00:00:00:00:00", counter_direction = "increment", nest_step = "00:00:00:00:00:00", nest_owner = topology_handle_2, nest_enabled = "0") vxlan_handle_2 = ConfigVxlanEmulation(handle = ipv4_vxlan_handle_2, protocol_name = "{VXLAN 1}", vni = multivalue_vni, ipv4_multicast = multivalue_multicast, enable_static_info = "0", static_info_count = "1", remote_vtep_ipv4 = "", remote_vm_static_mac = multivalue_static_mac, remote_vm_static_ipv4 = "", remote_info_active = "1", ip_to_vxlan_multiplier = "1") device_group_vxlan_handle_2 = Create_Device_Group(topology_handle = device_group_handle_2, name = 'VLAN-1', multiplier = '3') multivalue_mac = Create_Multivalue(pattern = "counter", counter_start = "", counter_step = "", counter_direction = "increment", nest_step = ",", nest_owner = '%s,%s' % (device_group_handle_2, topology_handle_2), nest_enabled = "0,1") ethernet_handle_2 = Config_Protocol_Interface(protocol_name = "{Vlan}", protocol_handle = device_group_vxlan_handle_2, connected_to_handle = vxlan_handle_2, mtu = "1500", src_mac_addr = multivalue_mac, vlan = "0", vlan_id = "1", vlan_id_step = "0", vlan_id_count = "1", vlan_tpid = "0x8100", vlan_user_priority = "0", vlan_user_priority_step = "0", use_vpn_parameters = "0", site_id = "0") # /topology:2/deviceGroup:1/deviceGroup:1/ethernet:1 ethernet_handle_2 = ethernet_handle_2['ethernet_handle'] multivalue_ipv4 = Create_Multivalue(pattern = "counter", counter_start = "", counter_step = "", counter_direction = "increment", nest_step = ",", nest_owner = '%s,%s' % (device_group_handle_2, topology_handle_2), nest_enabled = "0,1") multivalue_gateway = Create_Multivalue(pattern = "counter", counter_start = "", counter_step = "", counter_direction = "increment", nest_step = ",", nest_owner = '%s,%s' % (device_group_handle_2, topology_handle_2), nest_enabled = "0,1") # /topology:2/deviceGroup:1/deviceGroup:1/ethernet:1 ipv4_handle_2 = Config_Protocol_Interface(protocol_name = "{IPv4 2}", protocol_handle = ethernet_handle_2, ipv4_resolve_gateway = "1", gateway = multivalue_gateway, intf_ip_addr = multivalue_ipv4, netmask = "") # Use this handle for Traffic Item endpoint # /topology:2/deviceGroup:1/deviceGroup:1/ethernet:1/ipv4:1 ipv4_handle_2 = ipv4_handle_2['ipv4_handle'] global_status = ixia_ngpf.emulation_vxlan_config(get_handle = 'no', mode = "create", handle = "/globals", start_rate_enabled = "0", start_rate = "200", start_rate_interval = "1000", start_rate_scale_mode = "port", stop_rate_enabled = "0", stop_rate = "200", stop_rate_interval = "1000", stop_rate_scale_mode = "port", udp_dest = "4789", igmp_mode = "igmpv3", outer_ip_dest_mode = "unicast") Start_All_Protocols_Ngpf_Hlt() time.sleep(10) traffic_item = Config_Traffic_Item(mode='create', name='Traffic_Item_VxLAN', endpointset_count='1', circuit_endpoint_type='ipv4', emulation_src_handle=ipv4_handle_1, emulation_dst_handle=ipv4_handle_2, emulation_multicast_dst_handle='', emulation_multicast_dst_handle_type='', src_dest_mesh='one_to_one', route_mesh='one_to_one', bidirectional='1', frame_size='128', transmit_mode='single_burst', pkts_per_burst='10000', rate_percent='100', track_by='sourceDestValuePair0', allow_self_destined='0') Start_Traffic_Ngpf_Hlt() Get_Stats_Ngpf_Hlt()