*** Settings *** Library BuiltIn Library String Library Collections Library IxHLRobot /home/builds/ixNetwork- /home/builds/ixNetwork- classic # Based on script: //hltapi/QA/pythar_regression_scripts/IxN/QA_REGR/HLT4.60/FC/test.10.session_initiate_fc_connection.tcl # Topology 2P-B2B *** Variables *** ${chassis} = ${client} = ${client_api_port} = 8136 @{portlist} = 9/1 9/2 *** Test Cases *** test ################################################################################ # START - Connect to the chassis ################################################################################ # Connect to the chassis and get port handles from the result ${result} = Connect device=${chassis} ixnetwork_tcl_server=${client}:${client_api_port} port_list=@{portlist} reset=1 mode=connect break_locks=1 interactive=1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${vport_list} = Get From Dictionary ${result} vport_list @{portHandles} = Split String ${vport_list} Log Many @{portHandles} ${fc_client_port_handle} = Set Variable @{portHandles}[0] ${fc_fport_port_handle} = Set Variable @{portHandles}[1] #========================== ADD CLIENT =======================================# Log To Console Adding client ... ${result} = Fc Client Config mode=add port_handle=${fc_client_port_handle} flogi_count=1 flogi_plogi_enabled=1 flogi_name=FLOGI-NAME ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${fc_client_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} handle #================================ ADD FPORT ==================================# Log To Console Adding F-PORT ... ${result} = Fc Fport Config mode=add port_handle=${fc_fport_port_handle} ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${fc_fport_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} handle #========================== ADD VNPORT =======================================# Log To Console Adding vnport ... ${result} = Fc Fport Vnport Config mode=add handle=${fc_fport_handle} count=1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${fc_fport_vnport_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} handle #========================== ADD VNPORT FOR FLOGI =============================# Log To Console Adding vnport for FLOGI... ${result} = Fc Fport Vnport Config mode=add handle=${fc_fport_handle} name=N_PORT-FLOGI simulated=1 plogi_enable=1 plogi_target_name=FLOGI-NAME count=1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${fc_fport_vnport_flogi_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} handle #========================= CONFIG CLIENT TO PLOGI TO FPORT ===================# Log To Console Config client ... ${result} = Fc Client Config mode=modify handle=${fc_client_handle} flogi_plogi_target_name=N_PORT-FLOGI flogi_prli_enabled=1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" #============================ START F-PORT and CLIENT-PORT ===================# Log To Console Start session in sync mode... ${result} = Fc Control action=start port_handle=@{portHandles} ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Log To Console Wait 10 seconds for the sessions to come up Sleep 10s #============================ VERIFY STATISTICS ==============================# Log To Console Verify Session by Statistics ... #============================ For Client Port ================================# Log To Console Compare statistics for Client Port ${result} = Fc Client Stats mode=aggregate port_handle=@{portHandles} Log To Console Wait 5 seconds to get aggregate stats for client Sleep 5s