*** Settings *** Library BuiltIn Library String Library Collections Library IxHLRobot /home/builds/ixNetwork- /home/builds/ixNetwork- classic # Based on script: //hltapi/QA/pythar_regression_scripts/IxN/QA_REGR/HLT4.80/Legacy_scripts_for_full_coverage/PPP/test.6_LEGACY_IxNetwork_PPPoE_missing_intermediate_agent_dependencies.tcl # Topology 1P-B2B *** Variables *** ${chassis} = ${client} = ${client_api_port} = 8136 @{portlist} = 12/1 *** Test Cases *** test ################################################################################ # START - Connect to the chassis ################################################################################ # Connect to the chassis and get port handles from the result ${result} = Connect device=${chassis} ixnetwork_tcl_server=${client}:${client_api_port} port_list=@{portlist} reset=1 vport_count=1 tcl_server=${chassis} ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${vport_list} = Get From Dictionary ${result} vport_list @{portHandles} = Split String ${vport_list} Log Many @{portHandles} ################################################################################ # END - Connect to the chassis ################################################################################ ######################################## # Configure interface in the test # # IPv4 # ######################################## ${result} = Interface Config port_handle=@{portHandles} port_rx_mode=capture ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ########################## # packet_config_filter ########################## # using the pattern1* parameters that will match the predefined match_type1 settings ${result} = Uds Filter Pallette Config port_handle=@{portHandles} pattern1=0C 01 DA1=00:de:ad:be:ef:00 DA2=ba:ba:fa:ce:ca:ca DA_mask1=0000.0000.11ff DA_mask2=0000.0000.ff11 pattern2=aa bb cc dd ee ff 00 11 22 pattern_mask2=ff ff 11 22 00 00 00 00 00 pattern_offset2=66 pattern_offset_type2=startOfIp SA1=0000.1111.2222 SA2=1111.2222.3333 SA_mask1=11 11 00 00 00 00 SA_mask2=aa bb cc dd 00 00 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ########################## # uds_config_triggers ########################## ${result} = Uds Config port_handle= uds1=1 uds1_SA=notSA2 uds1_DA=notDA2 uds1_error=errAnyFrame uds1_framesize=undersized uds1_pattern=pattern1 uds2=1 uds2_SA=SA2 uds2_DA=DA2 uds2_error=errBadFrame uds2_framesize=0 uds2_pattern=notPattern2 uds3=1 uds3_SA=notSA2 uds3_DA=notDA2 uds3_error=errAnyFrame uds3_framesize=undersized uds3_pattern=pattern1 uds4=1 uds4_SA=SA2 uds4_DA=DA2 uds4_error=errBadFrame uds4_framesize=oversized uds4_pattern=pattern2 uds5=1 uds5_SA=notSA1 uds5_DA=DA1 uds5_error=errGoodFrame uds5_framesize=jumbo uds5_pattern=pattern1 uds6=1 uds6_SA=notSA2 uds6_DA=notDA2 uds6_error=errAnyFrame uds6_framesize=undersized uds6_pattern=pattern1 Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS"