*** Settings *** Library BuiltIn Library String Library Collections Library OperatingSystem WITH NAME OS Library IxHLRobot /home/builds/ixNetwork- /home/builds/ixNetwork- ngpf # Based on script: //hltapi/QA/pythar_regression_scripts/IxN/QA_REGR/HLT4.80/Legacy_scripts_for_full_coverage/OSPF/test.09_OSPFv2_routers_routes_lsa_start_stop_restart_stats_new.tcl # Topology 2P-B2B *** Variables *** ${chassis} = ${client} = ${client_api_port} = 8136 @{portlist} = 9/1 9/2 ${client_and_port} = ${client}:${client_api_port} ${dirname} = /home/pythar/ROBOT/protocols\ test\ cases *** Test Cases *** test ################################################################################ # START - Connect to the chassis and get port handles from the result ################################################################################ ${result} = Connect reset=1 device=${chassis} ixnetwork_tcl_server=${client_and_port} port_list=@{portlist} username=ixiaHLTQA break_locks=1 interactive=1 ${connect_status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${connect_status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${vport_list} = Get From Dictionary ${result} vport_list @{portHandles} = Split String ${vport_list} ################################################################################ # Configure Topology, Device Group # ################################################################################ # Creating a topology on first port Log To Console Adding topology 1 on port 1 ${result} = Topology Config topology_name=BGP+_1 Topology port_handle=@{portHandles}[0] ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${topology_1_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} topology_handle # Creating a device group in topology Log To Console Creating device group 1 in topology 1 ${result} = Topology Config topology_handle=${topology_1_handle} device_group_name=BGP+_1 Device Group device_group_multiplier=1 device_group_enabled=1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${deviceGroup_1_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} device_group_handle # Creating a topology on second port Log To Console Adding topology 2 on port 2 ${result} = Topology Config topology_name=BGP+_2 Topology port_handle=@{portHandles}[1] ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${topology_2_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} topology_handle # Creating a device group in topology Log To Console Creating device group 2 in topology 2 ${result} = Topology Config topology_handle=${topology_2_handle} device_group_name=BGP+_2 Device Group device_group_multiplier=1 device_group_enabled=1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${deviceGroup_2_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} device_group_handle ################################################################################ # Configure protocol interfaces # ################################################################################ # Creating ethernet stack for the first Device Group Log To Console Creating ethernet stack for the first Device Group ${result} = Interface Config protocol_name=Ethernet 1 protocol_handle=${deviceGroup_1_handle} mtu=1500 src_mac_addr=18.03.73.c7.6c.b1 src_mac_addr_step= ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${ethernet_1_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} ethernet_handle # Creating ethernet stack for the second Device Group Log To Console Creating ethernet for the second Device Group ${result} = Interface Config protocol_name=Ethernet 2 protocol_handle=${deviceGroup_2_handle} mtu=1500 src_mac_addr=18.03.73.c7.6c.01 src_mac_addr_step= ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${ethernet_2_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} ethernet_handle # Creating IPv6 Stack on top of Ethernet Stack for the first Device Group Log To Console Creating IPv6 Stack on top of Ethernet Stack for the first Device Group on Port 1 ${result} = Interface Config protocol_name=IPv6 1 protocol_handle=${ethernet_1_handle} ipv6_multiplier=1 ipv6_resolve_gateway=1 ipv6_manual_gateway_mac= ipv6_manual_gateway_mac_step= ipv6_gateway=11:0:0:0:0:0:0:2 ipv6_gateway_step=::0 ipv6_intf_addr=11:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 ipv6_intf_addr_step=::0 ipv6_prefix_length=64 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${ipv6_1_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} ipv6_handle # Creating IPv6 Stack on top of Ethernet Stack for the first Device Group Log To Console Creating IPv6 Stack on top of Ethernet Stack for the first Device Group on Port 2 ${result} = Interface Config protocol_name=IPv6 2 protocol_handle=${ethernet_2_handle} ipv6_multiplier=1 ipv6_resolve_gateway=1 ipv6_manual_gateway_mac= ipv6_manual_gateway_mac_step= ipv6_gateway=11:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 ipv6_gateway_step=::0 ipv6_intf_addr=11:0:0:0:0:0:0:2 ipv6_intf_addr_step=::0 ipv6_prefix_length=64 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${ipv6_2_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} ipv6_handle ################################################################################ # Other protocol configurations # ################################################################################ # This will create BGP Stack on top of IPv6 stack # Creating BGP Stack on top of IPv6 stack Log To Console Creating BGP+ Stack on top of IPv6 stack in first topology on port 1 ${result} = Emulation Bgp Config mode=enable active=1 handle=${ipv6_1_handle} ip_version=6 remote_ipv6_addr=11:0:0:0:0:0:0:2 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${bgpIpv6Peer_1_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} bgp_handle # Creating BGP Stack on top of IPv6 stack Log To Console Creating BGP+ Stack on top of IPv6 stack in first topology on port 2 ${result} = Emulation Bgp Config mode=enable active=1 handle=${ipv6_2_handle} ip_version=6 remote_ipv6_addr=11:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${bgpIpv6Peer_2_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} bgp_handle # Creating multivalue for network group Log To Console Creating multivalue pattern for BGP+ network group on Port 1 ${result} = Multivalue Config pattern=counter counter_start=3000:0:1:1:0:0:0:0 counter_step=0:0:0:1:0:0:0:0 counter_direction=increment nest_step=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1,0:0:1:0:0:0:0:0 nest_owner=${deviceGroup_1_handle},${topology_1_handle} nest_enabled=0,1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${multivalue_4_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} multivalue_handle # Creating BGP+ Network Group Log To Console Creating BGP+ Network Group on Port 1 ${result} = Network Group Config protocol_handle=${deviceGroup_1_handle} protocol_name=BGP+_1_Network_Group1 multiplier=1 enable_device=1 connected_to_handle=${ethernet_1_handle} type=ipv6-prefix ipv6_prefix_network_address=${multivalue_4_handle} ipv6_prefix_length=64 ipv6_prefix_number_of_addresses=1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${networkGroup_1_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} network_group_handle ${ipv6PrefixPools_1_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} ipv6_prefix_pools_handle # Creating multivalue for network group Log Creating multivalue pattern for BGP network group on Port 2 ${result} = Multivalue Config pattern=counter counter_start=3000:1:1:1:0:0:0:0 counter_step=0:0:0:1:0:0:0:0 counter_direction=increment nest_step=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1,0:0:1:0:0:0:0:0 nest_owner=${deviceGroup_2_handle},${topology_2_handle} nest_enabled=0,1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${multivalue_10_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} multivalue_handle # Creating BGP+ Network Group Log Creating BGP+ Network Group on Port 2 ${result} = Network Group Config protocol_handle=${deviceGroup_2_handle} protocol_name=BGP+_2_Network_Group1 multiplier=1 enable_device=1 connected_to_handle=${ethernet_2_handle} type=ipv6-prefix ipv6_prefix_network_address=${multivalue_10_handle} ipv6_prefix_length=64 ipv6_prefix_number_of_addresses=1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${networkGroup_3_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} network_group_handle ${ipv6PrefixPools_3_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} ipv6_prefix_pools_handle # Creating multivalue for IPv6 Loopback Log Creating multivalue for IPv6 Loopback ${result} = Topology Config device_group_name=Device Group 4 device_group_multiplier=1 device_group_enabled=1 device_group_handle=${networkGroup_1_handle} ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${deviceGroup_2_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} device_group_handle # Creating multivalue pattern for IPv6 Loopback Log Creating multivalue pattern for IPv6 Loopback ${result} = Multivalue Config pattern=counter counter_start=3000:0:1:1:0:0:0:0 counter_step=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 counter_direction=increment nest_step=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1,0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1,0:0:0:1:0:0:0:0 nest_owner=${networkGroup_1_handle},${deviceGroup_1_handle},${topology_1_handle} nest_enabled=0,0,1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${multivalue_7_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} multivalue_handle # Creating IPv6 Loopback Log Creating IPv6 Loopback on Port 1 ${result} = Interface Config protocol_name=IPv6 Loopback 2 protocol_handle=${deviceGroup_2_handle} enable_loopback=1 connected_to_handle=${networkGroup_1_handle} ipv6_intf_addr=${multivalue_7_handle} ipv6_multiplier=1 ipv6_prefix_length=128 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${ipv6Loopback_1_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} ipv6_loopback_handle # Creating multivalue for IPv6 Loopback Log Creating multivalue for IPv6 Loopback ${result} = Topology Config device_group_name=Device Group 3 device_group_multiplier=1 device_group_enabled=1 device_group_handle=${networkGroup_3_handle} ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${deviceGroup_4_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} device_group_handle # Creating multivalue pattern for IPv6 Loopback Log Creating multivalue pattern for IPv6 Loopback on Port 2 ${result} = Multivalue Config pattern=counter counter_start=3000:1:1:1:0:0:0:0 counter_step=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 counter_direction=increment nest_step=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1,0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1,0:0:0:1:0:0:0:0 nest_owner=${networkGroup_3_handle},${deviceGroup_2_handle},${topology_2_handle} nest_enabled=0,0,1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${multivalue_13_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} multivalue_handle # Creating IPv6 Loopback Log Creating IPv6 Loopback on Port 2 ${result} = Interface Config protocol_name=IPv6 Loopback 1 protocol_handle=${deviceGroup_4_handle} enable_loopback=1 connected_to_handle=${networkGroup_3_handle} ipv6_intf_addr=${multivalue_13_handle} ipv6_multiplier=1 ipv6_prefix_length=128 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${ipv6Loopback_2_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} ipv6_loopback_handle Log Waiting 05 seconds before starting protocol(s) ... Sleep 5s ############################################################################ # Start BGP protocol # ############################################################################ ${result} = Test Control action=start_all_protocols ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Sleep 20s ############################################################################ # Retrieve protocol statistics # ############################################################################ Log Fetching BGP aggregated statistics on Port1 ${protostats} = Emulation Bgp Info handle=${bgpIpv6Peer_1_handle} mode=stats ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${protostats} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Log Many ${protostats} Log Fetching BGP aggregated statistics on Port2 ${protostats} = Emulation Bgp Info handle=${bgpIpv6Peer_2_handle} mode=stats ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${protostats} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Log Many ${protostats} ############################################################################ # Enable IPv6 Learned Information Filter on the Fly # ############################################################################ Log Enabling IPv6 Unicast Learned Info Filter on Port1 ${bgp_1_status} = Emulation Bgp Config handle=${bgpIpv6Peer_1_handle} mode=modify ipv6_filter_unicast_nlri=1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${bgp_1_status} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Log Enabling IPv6 Unicast Learned Info Filter on Port2 ${bgp_1_status} = Emulation Bgp Config handle=${bgpIpv6Peer_2_handle} mode=modify ipv6_filter_unicast_nlri=1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${bgp_1_status} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Sleep 5s ########################################################################### # Applying changes one the fly # ########################################################################### Log Applying changes on the fly ${applyChanges} = Test Control handle=${ipv6_1_handle} action=apply_on_the_fly_changes ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${applyChanges} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Sleep 10s ############################################################################ # Retrieve Learned Info # ############################################################################ Log Fetching BGP LearnedInfo on Port1 ${bgpLearnedInfo} = Emulation Bgp Info handle=${bgpIpv6Peer_1_handle} mode=learned_info ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${bgpLearnedInfo} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Log ${bgpLearnedInfo} Log Fetching BGP LearnedInfo on Port2 ${bgpLearnedInfo} = Emulation Bgp Info handle=${bgpIpv6Peer_2_handle} mode=learned_info ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${bgpLearnedInfo} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Log ${bgpLearnedInfo} ############################################################################ # Configure L2-L3 traffic # ############################################################################ Log Configure L2-L3 traffic ${result} = Traffic Config mode=create traffic_generator=ixnetwork_540 endpointset_count=1 circuit_endpoint_type=ipv6 emulation_src_handle=${networkGroup_1_handle} emulation_dst_handle=${networkGroup_3_handle} track_by=sourceDestEndpointPair0 trackingenabled0 rate_pps=1000 frame_size=512 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ############################################################################ # Configure L4-L7 traffic # ############################################################################ Log Configure L4-L7 traffic ${result} = Traffic L47 Config mode=create name=Traffic Item 2 circuit_endpoint_type=ipv6_application_traffic emulation_src_handle=${ipv6Loopback_1_handle} emulation_dst_handle=${ipv6Loopback_2_handle} objective_type=users objective_value=100 objective_distribution=apply_full_objective_to_each_port enable_per_ip_stats=0 flows=Bandwidth_BitTorrent_File_Download Bandwidth_eDonkey Bandwidth_HTTP Bandwidth_IMAPv4 Bandwidth_POP3 Bandwidth_Radius Bandwidth_Raw Bandwidth_Telnet Bandwidth_uTorrent_DHT_File_Download BBC_iPlayer BBC_iPlayer_Radio BGP_IGP_Open_Advertise_Routes BGP_IGP_Withdraw_Routes Bing_Search BitTorrent_Ares_v217_File_Download BitTorrent_BitComet_v126_File_Download BitTorrent_Blizzard_File_Download BitTorrent_Cisco_EMIX BitTorrent_Enterprise BitTorrent_File_Download BitTorrent_LimeWire_v5516_File_Download BitTorrent_RMIX_5M ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ############################################################################ # Start L2-L3 & L4-L7 traffic configured earlier # ############################################################################ Log Running Traffic ${result} = Traffic Control action=run traffic_generator=ixnetwork_540 type=l23 l47 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Log Let the traffic run for 60 seconds Sleep 60s ############################################################################ # Retrieve L2-L3 & L4-L7 traffic stats # ############################################################################ Log Retrieving L2-L3 & L4-L7 traffic stats ${protostats} = Traffic Stats mode=all traffic_generator=ixnetwork_540 measure_mode=mixed ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${protostats} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Log ${protostats} ############################################################################ # Stop L2-L3 traffic started earlier # ############################################################################ Log Stopping Traffic ${result} = Traffic Control action=stop traffic_generator=ixnetwork_540 type=l23 l47 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Sleep 2s ############################################################################ # Stop all protocols # ############################################################################ Log Stopping all protocols ${result} = Test Control action=stop_all_protocols ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Sleep 2s Log !!! Test Script Ends !!!