*** Settings *** Library BuiltIn Library String Library Collections Library IxHLRobot /home/builds/ixNetwork- /home/builds/ixNetwork- ngpf # Based on script: //hltapi/QA/pythar_regression_scripts/IxN/QA_REGR/HLT4.80/Legacy_scripts_for_full_coverage/OSPF/test.09_OSPFv2_routers_routes_lsa_start_stop_restart_stats_new.tcl # Topology 2P-B2B *** Variables *** ${chassis} = ${client} = ${client_api_port} = 8136 @{portlist} = 12/7 12/8 ${client_and_port} = ${client}:${client_api_port} *** Test Cases *** test ################################################################################ # START - Connect to the chassis and get port handles from the result ################################################################################ ${result} = Connect reset=1 device=${chassis} ixnetwork_tcl_server=${client_and_port} port_list=@{portlist} username=ixiaHLTQA break_locks=1 interactive=1 ${connect_status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${connect_status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${vport_list} = Get From Dictionary ${result} vport_list @{portHandles} = Split String ${vport_list} ################################################################################ # Configure Topology, Device Group # ################################################################################ # Creating a topology on first port ${result} = Topology Config topology_name=BGP_1 Topology port_handle=@{portHandles}[0] ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${topology_1_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} topology_handle # Creating a device group in topology ${result} = Topology Config topology_handle=${topology_1_handle} device_group_name=BGP_1 Device Group device_group_multiplier=1 device_group_enabled=1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${deviceGroup_1_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} device_group_handle # Creating a topology on second port ${result} = Topology Config topology_name=BGP_1 Topology port_handle=@{portHandles}[1] ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${topology_2_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} topology_handle # Creating a device group in topology ${result} = Topology Config topology_handle=${topology_2_handle} device_group_name=BGP_1 Device Group device_group_multiplier=1 device_group_enabled=1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${deviceGroup_2_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} device_group_handle ################################################################################ # Configure protocol interfaces # ################################################################################ # Creating ethernet stack for the first Device Group ${result} = Interface Config protocol_name=Ethernet 1 protocol_handle=${deviceGroup_1_handle} mtu=1500 src_mac_addr=18.03.73.c7.6c.b1 src_mac_addr_step= ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${ethernet_1_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} ethernet_handle # Creating ethernet stack for the second Device Group ${result} = Interface Config protocol_name=Ethernet 2 protocol_handle=${deviceGroup_2_handle} mtu=1500 src_mac_addr=18.03.73.c7.6c.01 src_mac_addr_step= ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${ethernet_2_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} ethernet_handle # Creating IPv4 Stack on top of Ethernet Stack for the first Device Group Log Many Creating IPv4 Stack on Ethernet Stack for the first Device Group ${result} = Interface Config protocol_name=IPv4 1 protocol_handle=${ethernet_1_handle} ipv4_resolve_gateway=1 ipv4_manual_gateway_mac= ipv4_manual_gateway_mac_step= gateway= gateway_step= intf_ip_addr= intf_ip_addr_step= netmask= ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${ipv4_1_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} ipv4_handle # Creating IPv4 Stack on top of Ethernet Stack for the second Device Group Log Many Creating IPv4 2 stack on ethernet 2 stack for the second Device Group ${result} = Interface Config protocol_name=IPv4 2 protocol_handle=${ethernet_2_handle} ipv4_resolve_gateway=1 ipv4_manual_gateway_mac= ipv4_manual_gateway_mac_step= gateway= gateway_step= intf_ip_addr= intf_ip_addr_step= netmask= ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${ipv4_2_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} ipv4_handle ################################################################################ # Other protocol configurations # ################################################################################ # This will create BGP Stack on top of IPv4 stack # Creating BGP Stack on top of IPv4 stack Log Many Creating BGP Stack on top of IPv4 stack in first topology on port 1 ${result} = Emulation Bgp Config mode=enable active=1 handle=${ipv4_1_handle} remote_ip_addr= ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${bgpIpv4Peer_1_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} bgp_handle Log Many Creating BGP Stack on top of IPv4 stack in first topology on port 2 ${result} = Emulation Bgp Config mode=enable active=1 handle=${ipv4_2_handle} remote_ip_addr= ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${bgpIpv4Peer_2_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} bgp_handle # Creating multivalue for network group Log Many Creating multivalue pattern for BGP network group on Port 1 ${result} = Multivalue Config pattern=counter counter_start= counter_step= counter_direction=increment nest_step= nest_owner=${deviceGroup_1_handle} ${topology_1_handle} nest_enabled=0 1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${multivalue_4_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} multivalue_handle # Creating BGP Network Group Log Creating BGP Network Group on Port 1 ${result} = Network Group Config protocol_handle=${deviceGroup_1_handle} protocol_name=BGP_1_Network_Group1 multiplier=1 enable_device=1 connected_to_handle=${ethernet_1_handle} type=ipv4-prefix ipv4_prefix_network_address=${multivalue_4_handle} ipv4_prefix_length=24 ipv4_prefix_number_of_addresses=1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${networkGroup_1_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} network_group_handle ${ipv4PrefixPools_1_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} ipv4_prefix_pools_handle # Creating multivalue for network group Log Creating multivalue pattern for BGP network group on Port 2 ${result} = Multivalue Config pattern=counter counter_start= counter_step= counter_direction=increment nest_step= nest_owner=${deviceGroup_2_handle} ${topology_2_handle} nest_enabled=0 1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${multivalue_10_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} multivalue_handle # Creating BGP Network Group Log Creating BGP Network Group on Port 2 ${result} = Network Group Config protocol_handle=${deviceGroup_2_handle} protocol_name=BGP_2_Network_Group1 multiplier=1 enable_device=1 connected_to_handle=${ethernet_2_handle} type=ipv4-prefix ipv4_prefix_network_address=${multivalue_10_handle} ipv4_prefix_length=24 ipv4_prefix_number_of_addresses=1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${networkGroup_3_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} network_group_handle ${ipv4PrefixPools_3_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} ipv4_prefix_pools_handle # Creating multivalue for IPv4 Loopback Log Creating multivalue for IPv4 Loopback ${result} = Topology Config device_group_name=Device Group 3 device_group_multiplier=1 device_group_enabled=1 device_group_handle=${networkGroup_1_handle} ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${deviceGroup_3_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} device_group_handle # Creating multivalue pattern for IPv4 Loopback Log Creating multivalue pattern for IPv4 Loopback on Port 1 ${result} = Multivalue Config pattern=counter counter_start= counter_step= counter_direction=increment nest_step= nest_owner=${networkGroup_1_handle} ${deviceGroup_1_handle} ${topology_1_handle} nest_enabled=0 0 1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${multivalue_7_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} multivalue_handle # Creating IPv4 Loopback Log Creating IPv4 Loopback on Port 1 ${result} = Interface Config protocol_name=IPv4 Loopback 1 protocol_handle=${deviceGroup_3_handle} enable_loopback=1 connected_to_handle=${networkGroup_1_handle} intf_ip_addr=${multivalue_7_handle} netmask= ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${ipv4Loopback_1_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} ipv4_loopback_handle # Creating multivalue for IPv4 Loopback Log Creating multivalue for IPv4 Loopback ${result} = Topology Config device_group_name=Device Group 4 device_group_multiplier=1 device_group_enabled=1 device_group_handle=${networkGroup_3_handle} ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${deviceGroup_4_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} device_group_handle # Creating multivalue pattern for IPv4 Loopback Log Creating multivalue pattern for IPv4 Loopback on Port 2 ${result} = Multivalue Config pattern=counter counter_start= counter_step= counter_direction=increment nest_step= nest_owner=${networkGroup_3_handle} ${deviceGroup_3_handle} ${topology_2_handle} nest_enabled=0 0 1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${multivalue_13_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} multivalue_handle # Creating IPv4 Loopback Log Creating IPv4 Loopback on Port 2 ${result} = Interface Config protocol_name=IPv4 Loopback 2 protocol_handle=${deviceGroup_4_handle} enable_loopback=1 connected_to_handle=${networkGroup_3_handle} intf_ip_addr=${multivalue_13_handle} netmask= ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${ipv4Loopback_2_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} ipv4_loopback_handle Log Waiting 05 seconds before starting protocol(s) ... Sleep 5s ############################################################################ # Start BGP protocol # ############################################################################ ${result} = Test Control action=start_all_protocols ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Sleep 20s ############################################################################ # Retrieve protocol statistics # ############################################################################ Log Fetching BGP aggregated statistics on Port1 ${protostats} = Emulation Bgp Info handle=${bgpIpv4Peer_1_handle} mode=stats ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${protostats} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Log Many ${protostats} Log Fetching BGP aggregated statistics on Port2 ${protostats} = Emulation Bgp Info handle=${bgpIpv4Peer_2_handle} mode=stats ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${protostats} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Log Many ${protostats} ############################################################################ # Enable IPv4 Learned Information Filter on the Fly # ############################################################################ Log Enabling IPv4 Unicast Learned Info Filter on Port1 ${bgp_1_status} = Emulation Bgp Config handle=${bgpIpv4Peer_1_handle} mode=modify ipv4_filter_unicast_nlri=1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${bgp_1_status} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Log Enabling IPv4 Unicast Learned Info Filter on Port2 ${bgp_1_status} = Emulation Bgp Config handle=${bgpIpv4Peer_2_handle} mode=modify ipv4_filter_unicast_nlri=1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${bgp_1_status} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Sleep 5s ########################################################################### # Applying changes one the fly # ########################################################################### Log Applying changes on the fly ${applyChanges} = Test Control handle=${ipv4_1_handle} action=apply_on_the_fly_changes ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${applyChanges} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Sleep 10s ############################################################################ # Retrieve Learned Info # ############################################################################ Log Fetching BGP LearnedInfo on Port1 ${bgpLearnedInfo} = Emulation Bgp Info handle=${bgpIpv4Peer_1_handle} mode=learned_info ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${bgpLearnedInfo} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Log ${bgpLearnedInfo} Log Fetching BGP LearnedInfo on Port2 ${bgpLearnedInfo} = Emulation Bgp Info handle=${bgpIpv4Peer_2_handle} mode=learned_info ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${bgpLearnedInfo} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Log ${bgpLearnedInfo} ############################################################################ # Configure L2-L3 traffic # ############################################################################ Log Configure L2-L3 traffic ${result} = Traffic Config mode=create traffic_generator=ixnetwork_540 endpointset_count=1 emulation_src_handle=${networkGroup_1_handle} emulation_dst_handle=${networkGroup_3_handle} track_by=sourceDestEndpointPair0 trackingenabled0 rate_pps=1000 frame_size=512 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ############################################################################ # Configure L4-L7 traffic # ############################################################################ Log Configure L4-L7 traffic ${result} = Traffic L47 Config mode=create name=Traffic Item 2 circuit_endpoint_type=ipv4_application_traffic emulation_src_handle=${ipv4Loopback_1_handle} emulation_dst_handle=${ipv4Loopback_2_handle} objective_type=users objective_value=100 objective_distribution=apply_full_objective_to_each_port enable_per_ip_stats=0 flows=Bandwidth_BitTorrent_File_Download Bandwidth_eDonkey Bandwidth_HTTP Bandwidth_IMAPv4 Bandwidth_POP3 Bandwidth_Radius Bandwidth_Raw Bandwidth_Telnet Bandwidth_uTorrent_DHT_File_Download BBC_iPlayer BBC_iPlayer_Radio BGP_IGP_Open_Advertise_Routes BGP_IGP_Withdraw_Routes Bing_Search BitTorrent_Ares_v217_File_Download BitTorrent_BitComet_v126_File_Download BitTorrent_Blizzard_File_Download BitTorrent_Cisco_EMIX BitTorrent_Enterprise BitTorrent_File_Download BitTorrent_LimeWire_v5516_File_Download BitTorrent_RMIX_5M ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ############################################################################ # Start L2-L3 & L4-L7 traffic configured earlier # ############################################################################ Log Running Traffic ${result} = Traffic Control action=run traffic_generator=ixnetwork_540 type=l23 l47 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Log Let the traffic run for 60 seconds Sleep 60s ############################################################################ # Retrieve L2-L3 & L4-L7 traffic stats # ############################################################################ Log Retrieving L2-L3 & L4-L7 traffic stats ${protostats} = Traffic Stats mode=all traffic_generator=ixnetwork_540 measure_mode=mixed ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${protostats} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Log ${protostats} ############################################################################ # Stop L2-L3 traffic started earlier # ############################################################################ Log Stopping Traffic ${result} = Traffic Control action=stop traffic_generator=ixnetwork_540 type=l23 l47 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Sleep 2s ############################################################################ # Stop all protocols # ############################################################################ Log Stopping all protocols ${result} = Test Control action=stop_all_protocols ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Sleep 2s Log !!! Test Script Ends !!!