*** Settings *** Library BuiltIn Library String Library Collections Library IxHLRobot /home/builds/ixNetwork- /home/builds/ixNetwork- ngpf # Based on script: //hltapi/QA/pythar_regression_scripts/IxN/QA_REGR/HLT4.80/Legacy_scripts_for_full_coverage/OSPF/test.09_OSPFv2_routers_routes_lsa_start_stop_restart_stats_new.tcl # Topology 2P-B2B *** Variables *** ${chassis} = ${client} = ${client_api_port} = 8136 @{portlist} = 6/7 6/8 ${client_and_port} = ${client}:${client_api_port} *** Test Cases *** test ################################################################################ # START - Connect to the chassis and get port handles from the result ################################################################################ ${result} = Connect reset=1 device=${chassis} ixnetwork_tcl_server=${client_and_port} port_list=@{portlist} username=ixiaHLTQA break_locks=1 interactive=1 ${connect_status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${connect_status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${vport_list} = Get From Dictionary ${result} vport_list @{portHandles} = Split String ${vport_list} # ############################################################################# # DHCPv4 Client CONFIG # ############################################################################# ####################### Create Topologies ################################ Log To Console Configure DHCPv4 client stack ... # CREATE TOPOLOGY 1 ${result} = Topology Config topology_name=Topology 1 port_handle=@{portHandles}[0] ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${topology_1_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} topology_handle # CREATE DEVICE GROUP 1 ${result} = Topology Config topology_handle=${topology_1_handle} device_group_name=DHCPv4 Client device_group_multiplier=50 device_group_enabled=1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${device_1_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} device_group_handle # CREATE ETHERNET STACK FOR DHCPv4 Client 1 ${result} = Multivalue Config pattern=counter counter_start= counter_step= counter_direction=increment nest_step= nest_owner=${topology_1_handle} nest_enabled=1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${multivalue_11_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} multivalue_handle ${result} = Interface Config protocol_name=Ethernet 1 protocol_handle=${device_1_handle} mtu=1500 src_mac_addr=${multivalue_11_handle} vlan=1 vlan_id=101 vlan_id_step=0 vlan_id_count=1 vlan_tpid=0x8100 vlan_user_priority=0 vlan_user_priority_step=0 use_vpn_parameters=0 site_id=0 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${ethernet_1_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} ethernet_handle # ############################################################################# # DHCPv4 CLIENT # ############################################################################# ${result} = Emulation Dhcp Group Config handle=${ethernet_1_handle} dhcp_range_ip_type=ipv4 use_rapid_commit=0 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${dhcp_client_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} dhcpv4client_handle # ############################################################################# # DHCPv4 Construct a new TLV template # ############################################################################# Log To Console Create a template ${result} = Tlv Config mode=create_template_group handle=/globals protocol=dhcp4_client template_group_name=custom_template ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${template_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} tlv_template_group_handle # ############################################################################# # 1. Add a TLV # ############################################################################# Log To Console Add a TLV ${result} = Tlv Config mode=create_tlv handle=${template_handle} protocol=dhcp4_client tlv_name=custom tlv tlv_description=This is my custom TLV tlv_is_required=1 tlv_is_editable=1 type_name=Type type_is_editable=1 length_name=lenght length_description=description length_encoding=hex length_size=2 length_value=2 length_is_required=1 length_is_editable=1 length_is_enabled=1 tlv_include_in_messages=disco ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${tlv_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} tlv_template_handle ${tlv_value_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} tlv_value_handle ${tlv_type_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} tlv_type_handle ${tlv_length_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} tlv_length_handle # ############################################################################# # 2. Modify the TLV # ############################################################################# ${result} = Tlv Config mode=modify handle=${tlv_handle} tlv_name=custom tlv 1 tlv_description=Custom TLV no 1 tlv_is_repeatable=0 tlv_is_required=0 tlv_include_in_messages=disco, Request ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" # ############################################################################# # 3. Modify the TLVs type # ############################################################################# Log To Console Modify type name ${result} = Tlv Config mode=modify handle=${tlv_type_handle} type_name=Type of TLV ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Log To Console Add a new field under the type node. ${result} = Tlv Config mode=create_field handle=${tlv_type_handle} field_name=Type field field_description=Type field description field_encoding=hex field_size=2 field_value=160 field_is_required=1 field_is_repeatable=0 field_is_editable=0 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${field_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} tlv_field_handle # ############################################################################# # 4. Modify length # ############################################################################# Log To Console Modify the parameters for the length and check the new values ${result} = Tlv Config mode=modify handle=${tlv_length_handle} length_name=lenght1 length_description=length description1 length_encoding=decimal length_size=3 length_value=3 length_is_required=0 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" # ############################################################################# # 5. Create field under value # ############################################################################# Log To Console Create a new field under the value node. ${result} = Tlv Config mode=create_field handle=${tlv_value_handle} field_name=custom_name field_description=custom description field_encoding=hex field_size=2 field_value=160 field_is_required=0 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${field_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} tlv_field_handle # ############################################################################# # 6. Create a new container # ############################################################################# Log To Console Create a new container under the value node. ${result} = Tlv Config mode=create_tlv_container handle=${tlv_value_handle} protocol=dhcp4_client container_name=custom_name_4 container_description=container description container_is_required=1 container_is_editable=1 container_is_repeatable=1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${container_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} tlv_container_handle # ############################################################################# # 7. create a new tlv under the previous tlv (subtlv) # ############################################################################# Log To Console Create a new tlv under the value node. ${result} = Tlv Config mode=create_tlv handle=${container_handle} protocol=dhcp4_client tlv_name=custom_tlv2 tlv_description=This is my custom TLV_0 tlv_is_repeatable=1 tlv_is_required=1 length_name=lenght length_description=length description length_encoding=hex length_size=2 length_value=2 length_is_required=1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${subtlv_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} subtlv_template_handle ${subtlv_type_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} tlv_type_handle ${subtlv_length_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} tlv_length_handle ${subtlv_value_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} tlv_value_handle # ############################################################################# # 8. create a new field in the sub-tlv # ############################################################################# Log To Console Create a new field under the value node. ${result} = Tlv Config mode=create_tlv handle=${subtlv_value_handle} field_name=custom_name field_description=custom description field_encoding=hex field_size=2 field_value=160 field_is_required=1 field_is_repeatable=1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" ${field_handle} = Get From Dictionary ${result} subtlv_template_handle # ############################################################################# # 9. remove the tlv # ############################################################################# Log To Console Remove the tlv from the template. ${result} = Tlv Config mode=delete handle=${tlv_handle} protocol=dhcp4_client ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" # ############################################################################# # 10. remove the template # ############################################################################# Log To Console Remove the template from the protocol. ${result} = Tlv Config mode=delete handle=${template_handle} protocol=dhcp4_client ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" # ############################################################################# # 11. CLEANUP SESSION # ############################################################################# ${result} = Cleanup Session reset=1 ${status} = Get From Dictionary ${result} status Run Keyword If '${status}' != '1' FAIL "Error: Status is not SUCCESS" ELSE Log "Status is SUCCESS" Log To Console IxNetwork session is closed... Log To Console Test is Passed