################################################################################ # Version 1.0 $Revision: 1 $ # # # # Copyright 1997 - 2016 by IXIA # # All Rights Reserved. # # # # Revision Log: # # 30/06/2016 - Poulomi Chatterjee - created sample # # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # # LEGAL NOTICE: # # ============== # # The following code and documentation (hereinafter "the script") is an # # example script for demonstration purposes only. # # The script is not a standard commercial product offered by Ixia and have # # been developed and is being provided for use only as indicated herein. The # # script [and all modifications enhancements and updates thereto (whether # # made by Ixia and/or by the user and/or by a third party)] shall at all times # # remain the property of Ixia. # # # # Ixia does not warrant (i) that the functions contained in the script will # # meet the users requirements or (ii) that the script will be without # # omissions or error-free. # # THE SCRIPT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND IXIA # # DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESS IMPLIED STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. # # THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SCRIPT IS WITH THE # # USER. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL IXIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM OR ARISING # # OUT OF THE USE OF OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE SCRIPT OR ANY PART THEREOF # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY LOST PROFITS LOST BUSINESS LOST OR # # DAMAGED DATA OR SOFTWARE OR ANY INDIRECT INCIDENTAL PUNITIVE OR # # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES EVEN IF IXIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # # SUCH DAMAGES IN ADVANCE. # # Ixia will not be required to provide any software maintenance or support # # services of any kind (e.g. any error corrections) in connection with the # # script or any part thereof. The user acknowledges that although Ixia may # # from time to time and in its sole discretion provide maintenance or support # # services for the script any such services are subject to the warranty and # # damages limitations set forth herein and will not obligate Ixia to provide # # any additional maintenance or support services. # # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # # Description: # # This script intends to demonstrate how to use NGPF EVPN Type 5 Route # # HLPy API. # # # # 1. It will create 2 EVPN VxLAN topologies in following way. # # - Configure OSPF in connected Devicr Group to Advertise Loopback Address # # of BGP. # # - Configure Network Groups behind each Device Groups. # # - Add chained Device Group behind each Network Group, add IPv4 Loopback in # # these Device Groups. # # - Configure BGP Peer over IPv4 Loopback . # # - Configure EVI(VxLAN) stack over BGP. # # - Configure VA behing EVPN VxLAN Device Group. # # - Add IPv4/IPv6 Subnets behind VAs. # # 2. Start all protocol. # # 3. Retrieve protocol statistics. # # 4. Retrieve protocol learned info. # # 5. Configure L2-L3 traffic (with End Point Types: Ethernet & IPv4). # # 6. Start the L2-L3 traffic. # # 7. Retrieve L2-L3 traffic stats. # # 8. Stop L2-L3 traffic. # # 9. Stop allprotocols. # # # # Ixia Software: # # IxOS 8.10-EB # # IxNetwork 8.10-EB # # # ################################################################################ from pprint import pprint import sys, os import time, re # Append paths to python APIs (Linux and Windows) # sys.path.append('/path/to/hltapi/library/common/ixiangpf/python') # sys.path.append('/path/to/ixnetwork/api/python') from ixiatcl import IxiaTcl from ixiahlt import IxiaHlt from ixiangpf import IxiaNgpf from ixiaerror import IxiaError ixiatcl = IxiaTcl() ixiahlt = IxiaHlt(ixiatcl) ixiangpf = IxiaNgpf(ixiahlt) try: ErrorHandler('', {}) except (NameError,): def ErrorHandler(cmd, retval): global ixiatcl err = ixiatcl.tcl_error_info() log = retval['log'] additional_info = '> command: %s\n> tcl errorInfo: %s\n> log: %s' % (cmd, err, log) raise IxiaError(IxiaError.COMMAND_FAIL, additional_info) ################################################################################ # Connection to the chassis, IxNetwork Tcl Server # ################################################################################ chassis_ip = [''] tcl_server = '' port_list = [['7/5', '7/6']] ixnetwork_tcl_server = ''; cfgErrors = 0 print "Printing connection variables ... " print 'chassis_ip = %s' % chassis_ip print "tcl_server = %s " % tcl_server print "ixnetwork_tcl_server = %s" % ixnetwork_tcl_server print "port_list = %s " % port_list print "Connect to chassis ..." connect_result = ixiangpf.connect( ixnetwork_tcl_server = ixnetwork_tcl_server, tcl_server = tcl_server, device = chassis_ip, port_list = port_list, break_locks = 1, reset = 1, ) if connect_result['status'] != '1': ErrorHandler('connect', connect_result) print " Printing connection result" pprint(connect_result) #Retrieving the port handles, in a list ports = connect_result['vport_list'].split() ################################################################################ # Creating topology and device group # ################################################################################ # Creating a topology in first port print ('Adding topology:1 in port 1') _result_ = ixiangpf.topology_config( topology_name = """Topology 1""", port_handle = ports[0], ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('topology_config', _result_) topology_1_handle = _result_['topology_handle'] # Creating a device group in topology 1 print "Creating device group 1 in topology 1\n" _result_ = ixiangpf.topology_config( topology_handle = topology_1_handle, device_group_name = """Provider Router 1""", device_group_multiplier = "1", device_group_enabled = "1", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('topology_config', _result_) deviceGroup_1_handle = _result_['device_group_handle'] # Creating a topology in second port print "Adding topology 2 in port 2" _result_ = ixiangpf.topology_config( topology_name = """Topology 2""", port_handle = ports[1], ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('topology_config', _result_) topology_2_handle = _result_['topology_handle'] # Creating a device group in topology 2 print "Creating device group 2 in topology 2" _result_ = ixiangpf.topology_config( topology_handle = topology_2_handle, device_group_name = """Provider Router 2""", device_group_multiplier = "1", device_group_enabled = "1", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('topology_config', _result_) deviceGroup_4_handle = _result_['device_group_handle'] ################################################################################ # Configure protocol interfaces # ################################################################################ # Creating ethernet stack in device group 1 print "Creating ethernet stack in first device group 1" _result_ = ixiangpf.interface_config( protocol_name = """Ethernet 1""", protocol_handle = deviceGroup_1_handle, mtu = "1500", src_mac_addr = "18.03.73.c7.6c.b2", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('interface_config', _result_) ethernet_1_handle = _result_['ethernet_handle'] # Creating ethernet stack in device group 2 print "Creating ethernet stack in second device group 2" _result_ = ixiangpf.interface_config( protocol_name = """Ethernet 2""", protocol_handle = deviceGroup_4_handle, mtu = "1500", src_mac_addr = "18.03.73.c7.6c.b1", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('interface_config', _result_) ethernet_2_handle = _result_['ethernet_handle'] # Creating IPv4 Stack on top of Ethernet Stack 1 print "Creating IPv4 stack on first ethernet stack 1" _result_ = ixiangpf.interface_config( protocol_name = """IPv4 1""", protocol_handle = ethernet_1_handle, ipv4_resolve_gateway = "1", ipv4_manual_gateway_mac = "", gateway = "", intf_ip_addr = "", netmask = "", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('interface_config', _result_) ipv4_1_handle = _result_['ipv4_handle'] # Creating IPv4 Stack on top of Ethernet Stack 2 print "Creating IPv4 stack on second ethernet stack 2" _result_ = ixiangpf.interface_config( protocol_name = """IPv4 2""", protocol_handle = ethernet_2_handle, ipv4_resolve_gateway = "1", ipv4_manual_gateway_mac = "", gateway = "", intf_ip_addr = "", netmask = "", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('interface_config', _result_) ipv4_2_handle = _result_['ipv4_handle'] ################################################################################ # Configure EVPN-VxLAN Topologies in both ports as described in Description # # section above. # ################################################################################ #Creating OSPF Stack on top of ipv4 1 stack print "Creating OSPF Stack on top of ipv4 1 stack\n" _result_ = ixiangpf.emulation_ospf_config( handle = ipv4_1_handle, router_interface_active = "1", protocol_name = """OSPFv2-IF 1""", router_active = "1", network_type = "ptop", router_id = "", mode = "create", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('emulation_ospf_config', _result_) ospfv2_1_handle = _result_['ospfv2_handle'] #Adding IPv4 Prefix Pools behind first DG in Port1 print "Adding IPv4 Prefix Pools behind first DG in Port1\n"; _result_ = ixiangpf.network_group_config( protocol_handle = deviceGroup_1_handle, protocol_name = """PE Loopback Address Pool 1""", multiplier = "1", enable_device = "1", connected_to_handle = ethernet_1_handle, type = "ipv4-prefix", ipv4_prefix_network_address = "", ipv4_prefix_network_address_step = "", ipv4_prefix_length = "32", ipv4_prefix_multiplier = "2", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('network_group_config', _result_) ipv4PrefixPools_1_handle = _result_['ipv4_prefix_pools_handle'] networkGroup_1_handle = _result_['network_group_handle'] # Configuring OSPF Prefix Pool Parameters in Port1 print "Configuring OSPF Prefix Pool Parameters in Port1\n" _result_ = ixiangpf.emulation_ospf_network_group_config( handle = networkGroup_1_handle, mode = "modify", ipv4_prefix_metric = "0", ipv4_prefix_active = "1", ipv4_prefix_allow_propagate = "0", ipv4_prefix_route_origin = "another_area", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('emulation_ospf_network_group_config', _result_) # Add VTEP behind IPv4 Prefix Pool 1 print "Add VTEP behind IPv4 Prefix Pool 1\n" _result_ = ixiangpf.topology_config( device_group_name = """VTEP 1""", device_group_multiplier = "1", device_group_enabled = "1", device_group_handle = networkGroup_1_handle, ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('topology_config', _result_) deviceGroup_2_handle = _result_['device_group_handle'] _result_ = ixiangpf.multivalue_config( pattern = "counter", counter_start = "", counter_step = "", counter_direction = "increment", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('multivalue_config', _result_) multivalue_1_handle = _result_['multivalue_handle'] # Add ipv4 loopback in DG2 print "Add ipv4 loopback in DG2\n"; _result_ = ixiangpf.interface_config( protocol_name = """IPv4 Loopback 1""", protocol_handle = deviceGroup_2_handle, enable_loopback = "1", connected_to_handle = networkGroup_1_handle, intf_ip_addr = multivalue_1_handle, netmask = "", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('interface_config', _result_) ipv4Loopback_1_handle = _result_['ipv4_loopback_handle'] # Adding BGP peer over ipv4 Loopback 1 print "Adding BGP peer over ipv4 Loopback 1\n"; # Add multivalue to configure IRB MAC Address _result_ = ixiangpf.multivalue_config ( pattern = "counter", counter_start = "00:01:03:00:00:01", counter_step = "00:00:00:00:00:01", counter_direction = "increment", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('multivalue_config', _result_) multivalue_2_handle = _result_['multivalue_handle'] # Add multivalue to configure Remote IP Address _result_ = ixiangpf.multivalue_config ( pattern = "counter", counter_start = "", counter_step = "", counter_direction = "increment", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('multivalue_config', _result_) multivalue_3_handle = _result_['multivalue_handle'] _result_ = ixiangpf.emulation_bgp_config( mode = "enable", active = "1", md5_enable = "0", handle = ipv4Loopback_1_handle, ip_version = "4", remote_ip_addr = multivalue_3_handle, local_as = "100", count = "1", local_router_id = "", ethernet_segments_count = "1", filter_evpn = "1", evpn = "1", routers_mac_or_irb_mac_address = multivalue_2_handle, operational_model = "symmetric", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('emulation_bgp_config', _result_) bgpIpv4Peer_1_handle = _result_['bgp_handle'] # Add EVPN VxLAN stack on top of BGP in Port1 print "Add EVPN VxLAN stack on top of BGP in Port1\n" _result_ = ixiangpf.emulation_bgp_route_config( handle = bgpIpv4Peer_1_handle, mode = "create", evpn_vxlan = "1", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('emulation_bgp_route_config', _result_) bgpIPv4EvpnVXLAN_1_handle = _result_['evpn_evi'] # Configure BGP Ethernet Segment stack in Port1 print "Configure BGP Ethernet Segment stack in Port1\n" _result_ = ixiangpf.emulation_bgp_config( mode = "modify", handle = bgpIpv4Peer_1_handle, active_ethernet_segment = "1", esi_type = "type0", esi_value = "1", support_multihomed_es_auto_discovery = "1", auto_configure_es_import = "1", support_fast_convergence = "1", advertise_inclusive_multicast_route = "1", evis_count = "1", ethernet_segment_name = """BGP Ethernet Segment 2""", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('emulation_bgp_config', _result_) # Configure EVI parameters in Port1 print "Configure EVI parameters in Port1\n" # Adding multivalue_9 to configure -ad_route_labels _result_ = ixiangpf.multivalue_config ( pattern = "counter", counter_start = "1001", counter_step = "1", counter_direction = "increment", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('multivalue_config', _result_) multivalue_9_handle = _result_['multivalue_handle'] # Adding multivalue_10 to configure -upstream_downstream_assigned_mpls_label _result_ = ixiangpf.multivalue_config ( pattern = "counter", counter_start = "3001", counter_step = "1", counter_direction = "increment", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('multivalue_config', _result_) multivalue_10_handle = _result_['multivalue_handle'] _result_ = ixiangpf.emulation_bgp_route_config( handle = bgpIpv4Peer_1_handle, mode = "modify", ad_route_label = multivalue_9_handle, upstream_downstream_assigned_mpls_label = multivalue_10_handle, evpn_vxlan = "1", no_of_mac_pools = "1", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('emulation_bgp_route_config', _result_) # Create MAC/IP Pool behind PE Router 1 print "Create MAC/IP Pool behind PE Router 1\n" _result_ = ixiangpf.multivalue_config ( pattern = "counter", counter_start = "", counter_step = "", counter_direction = "increment", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('multivalue_config', _result_) multivalue_16_handle = _result_['multivalue_handle'] _result_ = ixiangpf.network_group_config( protocol_handle = deviceGroup_2_handle, protocol_name = "VA 1", multiplier = "1", enable_device = "1", connected_to_handle = bgpIPv4EvpnVXLAN_1_handle, type = "mac-ipv4-prefix", mac_pools_multiplier = "5", mac_pools_prefix_length = "48", mac_pools_mac = multivalue_16_handle, ipv4_prefix_network_address = "", ipv4_prefix_network_address_step = "", ipv4_prefix_length = "32", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('network_group_config', _result_) macPools_1_handle = _result_['mac_pools_handle'] ipv4PrefixPools_2_handle = _result_['ipv4_prefix_pools_handle'] networkGroup_4_handle = _result_['network_group_handle'] # Configure BGP properties in MAC Pool print "Configure BGP properties in MAC Pool\n" _result_ = ixiangpf.multivalue_config ( pattern = "counter", counter_start = "4001", counter_step = "1", counter_direction = "increment", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('multivalue_config', _result_) multivalue_17_handle = _result_['multivalue_handle'] _result_ = ixiangpf.emulation_bgp_route_config( handle = networkGroup_4_handle, mode = "create", active = "1", max_route_ranges = "1", label_step = "1", advertise_ipv4_address = "1", active_ts = "1", first_label_start = multivalue_17_handle, enable_second_label = "1", second_label_start = "5000", label_mode = "fixed", cmac = "1", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('emulation_bgp_route_config', _result_) _result_ = ixiangpf.network_group_config ( protocol_handle = networkGroup_4_handle, protocol_name = "{Subnet 1 behind VA 1}", multiplier = "1", enable_device = "1", connected_to_handle = macPools_1_handle, type = 'ipv4-prefix', ipv4_prefix_network_address = '', ipv4_prefix_length = "24", ipv4_prefix_multiplier = "1", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('network_group_config', _result_) ipv4PrefixPools_40_handle = _result_['ipv4_prefix_pools_handle'] networkGroup_60_handle = _result_['network_group_handle'] _result_ = ixiangpf.emulation_bgp_route_config ( handle = networkGroup_60_handle, mode = 'create', active = "1", max_route_ranges = "1", label_mode = 'fixed', label_start = "0", evpn_ipv4_prefix_range = "1", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('emualtion_bgp_route_config', _result_) print "Configuration complete in port 1...\n" ############################################################################ #Creating OSPF Stack on top of ipv4 2 stack print "Creating OSPF Stack on top of ipv4 2 stack\n" _result_ = ixiangpf.emulation_ospf_config( handle = ipv4_2_handle, router_interface_active = "1", protocol_name = """OSPFv2-IF 2""", router_active = "1", network_type = "ptop", router_id = "", mode = "create", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('emulation_ospf_config', _result_) ospfv2_2_handle = _result_['ospfv2_handle'] #Adding IPv4 Prefix Pools behind first DG in Port2 print "Adding IPv4 Prefix Pools behind first DG in Port2\n" _result_ = ixiangpf.multivalue_config ( pattern = "counter", counter_start = "", counter_step = "", counter_direction = "increment", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('multivalue_config', _result_) multivalue_20_handle = _result_['multivalue_handle'] _result_ = ixiangpf.network_group_config( protocol_handle = deviceGroup_4_handle, protocol_name = """PE Loopback Address Pool 2""", multiplier = "1", enable_device = "1", connected_to_handle = ethernet_2_handle, type = "ipv4-prefix", ipv4_prefix_network_address = multivalue_20_handle, ipv4_prefix_length = "32", ipv4_prefix_multiplier = "2", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('network_group_config', _result_) ipv4PrefixPools_2_handle = _result_['ipv4_prefix_pools_handle'] networkGroup_2_handle = _result_['network_group_handle'] # Configuring OSPF Prefix Pool Parameters in Port2 print "Configuring OSPF Prefix Pool Parameters in Port2\n" _result_ = ixiangpf.emulation_ospf_network_group_config( handle = networkGroup_2_handle, mode = "modify", ipv4_prefix_metric = "0", ipv4_prefix_active = "1", ipv4_prefix_allow_propagate = "0", ipv4_prefix_route_origin = "another_area", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('emulation_ospf_network_group_config', _result_) # Add VTEP 2 behind IPv4 Prefix Pool 2 print "Add VTEP 2 behind IPv4 Prefix Pool 2\n" _result_ = ixiangpf.topology_config( device_group_name = """VTEP 2""", device_group_multiplier = "1", device_group_enabled = "1", device_group_handle = networkGroup_2_handle, ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('topology_config', _result_) deviceGroup_4_handle = _result_['device_group_handle'] _result_ = ixiangpf.multivalue_config( pattern = "counter", counter_start = "", counter_step = "", counter_direction = "increment", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('multivalue_config', _result_) multivalue_15_handle = _result_['multivalue_handle'] # Add ipv4 loopback in DG2 print "Add ipv4 loopback in DG2\n"; _result_ = ixiangpf.interface_config( protocol_name = """IPv4 Loopback 2""", protocol_handle = deviceGroup_4_handle, enable_loopback = "1", connected_to_handle = networkGroup_2_handle, intf_ip_addr = multivalue_15_handle, netmask = "", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('interface_config', _result_) ipv4Loopback_2_handle = _result_['ipv4_loopback_handle'] # Adding BGP peer over ipv4 Loopback print "Adding BGP peer over ipv4 Loopback\n"; _result_ = ixiangpf.multivalue_config ( pattern = "counter", counter_start = "a1:01:02:00:00:01", counter_step = "00:00:00:00:00:01", counter_direction = "increment", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('multivalue_config', _result_) multivalue_22_handle = _result_['multivalue_handle'] _result_ = ixiangpf.multivalue_config ( pattern = "counter", counter_start = "", counter_step = "", counter_direction = "increment", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('multivalue_config', _result_) multivalue_23_handle = _result_['multivalue_handle'] _result_ = ixiangpf.emulation_bgp_config( mode = "enable", active = "1", md5_enable = "0", handle = ipv4Loopback_2_handle, ip_version = "4", remote_ip_addr = multivalue_23_handle, local_as = "100", count = "1", local_router_id = "", ethernet_segments_count = "1", filter_evpn = "1", evpn = "1", operational_model = "symmetric", routers_mac_or_irb_mac_address = multivalue_22_handle, ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('emulation_bgp_config', _result_) bgpIpv4Peer_2_handle = _result_['bgp_handle'] # Add EVPN-VxLAN stack on top of BGP print "Add EVPN-VxLAN stack on top of BGP\n" _result_ = ixiangpf.emulation_bgp_route_config( handle = bgpIpv4Peer_2_handle, mode = "create", evpn_vxlan = "1", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('emulation_bgp_route_config', _result_) bgpIPv4EvpnVXLAN_3_handle = _result_['evpn_evi'] # Configure BGP Ethernet Segment stack print "Configure BGP Ethernet Segment stack\n" _result_ = ixiangpf.emulation_bgp_config( mode = "modify", handle = bgpIpv4Peer_2_handle, active_ethernet_segment = "1", esi_type = "type0", esi_value = "2", include_mac_mobility_extended_community = "0", support_multihomed_es_auto_discovery = "1", auto_configure_es_import = "1", support_fast_convergence = "1", enable_single_active = "0", advertise_inclusive_multicast_route = "1", evis_count = "1", ethernet_segment_name = """BGP Ethernet Segment 4""", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('emulation_bgp_config', _result_) # Configure EVI parameters in port2 # Adding multivalue_29 to configure -ad_route_labels _result_ = ixiangpf.multivalue_config ( pattern = "counter", counter_start = "1001", counter_step = "1", counter_direction = "increment", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('multivalue_config', _result_) multivalue_29_handle = _result_['multivalue_handle'] # Adding multivalue_30 to configure -upstream_downstream_assigned_mpls_label _result_ = ixiangpf.multivalue_config ( pattern = "counter", counter_start = "2001", counter_step = "1", counter_direction = "increment", ) multivalue_30_handle = _result_['multivalue_handle'] if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('multivalue_config', _result_) multivalue_30_handle = _result_['multivalue_handle'] print "Configure EVI parameters in Port2\n" _result_ = ixiangpf.emulation_bgp_route_config( handle = bgpIpv4Peer_2_handle, mode = "modify", ad_route_label = multivalue_29_handle, upstream_downstream_assigned_mpls_label = multivalue_30_handle, evpn_vxlan = "1", no_of_mac_pools = "1", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('emulation_bgp_route_config', _result_) # Create MAC/IP Pool behind PE Router 1 print "Create MAC/IP Pool behind PE Router 1\n" _result_ = ixiangpf.multivalue_config ( pattern = "counter", counter_start = "", counter_step = "", counter_direction = "increment", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('multivalue_config', _result_) multivalue_36_handle = _result_['multivalue_handle'] _result_ = ixiangpf.network_group_config( protocol_handle = deviceGroup_4_handle, protocol_name = "VA 2", multiplier = "1", enable_device = "1", connected_to_handle = bgpIPv4EvpnVXLAN_3_handle, type = "mac-ipv4-prefix", mac_pools_multiplier = "5", mac_pools_prefix_length = "48", mac_pools_mac = multivalue_36_handle, ipv4_prefix_network_address = "", ipv4_prefix_network_address_step = "", ipv4_prefix_length = "32", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('network_group_config', _result_) macPools_2_handle = _result_['mac_pools_handle'] ipv4PrefixPools_4_handle = _result_['ipv4_prefix_pools_handle'] networkGroup_9_handle = _result_['network_group_handle'] # Configure BGP properties in MAC Pool print "Configure BGP properties in MAC Pool\n" _result_ = ixiangpf.multivalue_config ( pattern = "counter", counter_start = "5501", counter_step = "1", counter_direction = "increment", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('multivalue_config', _result_) multivalue_37_handle = _result_['multivalue_handle'] _result_ = ixiangpf.emulation_bgp_route_config( handle = networkGroup_9_handle, mode = "create", active = "1", max_route_ranges = "1", label_step = "1", advertise_ipv4_address = "1", active_ts = "1", first_label_start = multivalue_37_handle, enable_second_label = "1", second_label_start = "6000", label_mode = "fixed", cmac = "1", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('emulation_bgp_route_config', _result_) _result_ = ixiangpf.network_group_config ( protocol_handle = networkGroup_9_handle, protocol_name = "{Subnet 2 behind VA 2}", multiplier = "1", enable_device = "1", connected_to_handle = macPools_2_handle, type = "ipv4-prefix", ipv4_prefix_network_address = "", ipv4_prefix_length = "24", ipv4_prefix_multiplier = "1", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('network_group_config', _result_) ipv4PrefixPools_70_handle = _result_['ipv4_prefix_pools_handle'] networkGroup_80_handle = _result_['network_group_handle'] _result_ = ixiangpf.emulation_bgp_route_config ( handle = networkGroup_80_handle, mode = "create", active = "1", max_route_ranges = "1", label_step = "1", label_mode = "fixed", label_start = "0", evpn_ipv4_prefix_range = "1", ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('emulation_bgp_route_config', _result_) print "Configuration complete in port 2...\n" ############################################################################ # Start All protocols # ############################################################################ print ('Starting all protocol(s) ...') _result_ = ixiangpf.test_control(action='start_all_protocols') # Check status if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('ixiangpf.test_control', _result_) time.sleep(60) ############################################################################ # Retrieve protocol statistics # ############################################################################ print ('Fetching BGP aggregated statistics') protostats = ixiangpf.emulation_bgp_info(\ handle = bgpIpv4Peer_1_handle, mode = 'stats') if protostats['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('emulation_bgp_info', protostats) #pprint(protostats) print(protostats) ############################################################################ # Retrieve protocol learned info # ############################################################################ print "Fetching EVPN learned info\n" # Check Learned Info for port 2 using BGP Router handle print "Check Learned Info using BGP Router handle ...\n" linfostatus = ixiangpf.emulation_bgp_info( handle = bgpIpv4Peer_1_handle, mode = 'learned_info') if linfostatus['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('emulation_bgp_info', linfostatus) print('Fetched Linfo successfully...') print("All learned info -----------------------") print(linfostatus) print("----------------------------------------") ############################################################################ # On The Fly disable/enable IPv4 Prefix Range ############################################################################ print "On The Fly disable IPv4 Prefix Range" #(handle : user needs to create and provide handle for cMacProperties, as scriptgen does not return this handle by default) disable_ipPrefix = ixiangpf.emulation_bgp_route_config ( handle = '/topology:1/deviceGroup:1/networkGroup:1/deviceGroup:1/networkGroup:1/networkGroup:1/ipv4PrefixPools:1/evpnIPv4PrefixRange:1', mode = 'disable') if disable_ipPrefix['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('emulation_bgp_route_config', disable_ipPrefix) print "Apply On The Fly changes\n"; applyChanges = ixiangpf.test_control ( action = 'apply_on_the_fly_changes') time.sleep(10) print "On The Fly enable IPv4 Prefix Range" #(handle : user needs to create and provide handle for cMacProperties, as scriptgen does not return this handle by default) enable_ipPrefix = ixiangpf.emulation_bgp_route_config ( handle = '/topology:1/deviceGroup:1/networkGroup:1/deviceGroup:1/networkGroup:1/networkGroup:1/ipv4PrefixPools:1/evpnIPv4PrefixRange:1', mode = 'enable') if enable_ipPrefix['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('emulation_bgp_route_config', enable_ipPrefix) print "Apply On The Fly changes\n"; applyChanges = ixiangpf.test_control ( action = 'apply_on_the_fly_changes') time.sleep(30) ################################################################################ # Configure_L2_L3_IPv4 traffic # ################################################################################ print ('Configuring L2-L3 IPv4 traffic item ...') # Check status _result_ = ixiangpf.traffic_config( mode = 'create', traffic_generator = 'ixnetwork_540', endpointset_count = 1, emulation_src_handle = [[networkGroup_60_handle]], emulation_dst_handle = [[networkGroup_80_handle]], name = 'Inter_subnet_traffic', circuit_endpoint_type = 'ipv4', frame_size = '512', rate_pps = '1000', track_by = 'trackingenabled0 mplsFlowDescriptor0', ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('traffic_config', _result_) config_elements = ixiatcl.convert_tcl_list(_result_['traffic_item']) current_config_element = config_elements[0] print ('Configured L2-L3 IPv4 traffic item!!!') ############################################################################ # Start L2-L3 traffic configured earlier # ############################################################################ print ('Running Traffic...') _result_ = ixiangpf.traffic_control( action='run', traffic_generator='ixnetwork_540', type='l23' ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('traffic_control', _result_) print ('Let the traffic run for 30 seconds ...') time.sleep(30) ############################################################################ # Retrieve L2-L3 traffic stats # ############################################################################ print ('Retrieving L2-L3 traffic stats') trafficStats = ixiangpf.traffic_stats( mode = 'all', traffic_generator = 'ixnetwork_540', measure_mode = 'mixed' ) if trafficStats['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('traffic_stats', trafficStats) print(trafficStats) ############################################################################ # Stop L2-L3 traffic started earlier # ############################################################################ print ('Stopping Traffic...') _result_ = ixiangpf.traffic_control( action ='stop', traffic_generator ='ixnetwork_540', type ='l23', ) if _result_['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('traffic_control', _result_) time.sleep(5) ############################################################################ # Stop all protocols # ############################################################################ print ('Stopping all protocol(s) ...') stop = ixiangpf.test_control(action='stop_all_protocols') if stop['status'] != IxiaHlt.SUCCESS: ErrorHandler('test_control', stop) print ('!!! Test Script Ends !!!')