#!/opt/ActiveTcl-8.5/bin/tclsh # This script has two different methods to load a preconfigured # IxNetwork file, in which one of them is commented out. # # 1> Loads the config file, but use different ports. # Connect remapPorts # 2> Loads the config file and use the saved config ports. # Connect useConfigFilePorts # # Included APIs: # # DebugHlt # Call this API to create a log file of HLT commands executed for debugging. # # Connect # remapPorts = Use different ports other than the saved config ports. # useConfigFilePorts = Use the Ixia chassis and ports in the saved config file. # # VerifyPortState # RegenerateAllTrafficItems # DisableTrafficItem "" # EnableTrafficItem "" # StartAllProtocolsHlt # StopAllProtocolsHlt # # SendArpOnAllActiveIntNgpf # VerifyArpNgpf # StartTrafficHlt # GetStatsHlt package req Ixia set ixiaChassisIp set ixNetworkTclServerIp set userName hgee set portList "1/1 1/2" set port1 1/1/1 set port2 1/1/2 set ixncfgFile /home/hgee/Dropbox/MyIxiaWork/Temp/ospf_ngpf_7.40.ixncfg proc KeylPrint {keylist {space ""}} { upvar $keylist kl set result "" foreach key [keylkeys kl] { set value [keylget kl $key] if {[catch {keylkeys value}]} { append result "$space$key: $value\n" } else { set newspace "$space " append result "$space$key:\n[KeylPrint value $newspace]" } } return $result } proc ApplyTraffic {} { puts "\nApplyTraffic ..." set traffic [ixNet getRoot]traffic set stopCounter 10 for {set startCounter 1} {$startCounter <= $stopCounter} {incr startCounter} { catch {ixNet exec apply $traffic} errMsg if {$errMsg != "::ixNet::OK" && $startCounter < $stopCounter} { puts "ApplyTraffic: Attempting to apply traffic: $startCounter/$stopCounter tries" after 1000 continue } if {$errMsg != "::ixNet::OK" && $startCounter == $stopCounter} { puts "\nError ApplyTraffic: $errMsg\n" return 1 } if {$errMsg == "::ixNet::OK" && $startCounter < $stopCounter} { puts "ApplyTraffic: Successfully applied traffic to hardware." break } } after 2000 return 0 } proc VerifyPortState { {StopTimer 60} } { set portDownList {} set stopTime $StopTimer puts \n foreach vPort [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] vport] { set port [GetVportConnectedToPort $vPort] for {set timer 1} {$timer <= $stopTime} {incr timer} { if {$timer == $stopTime} { lappend portDownList $port } if {[ixNet getAttribute $vPort -state] == "up"} { puts "VerifyPortState: $port is up" break } else { puts "VerifyPortState: $port is still not up. Waited $timer/$stopTime seconds" after 1000 continue } } } if {$portDownList != ""} { puts "VerifyPortState: Ports can't come up: $portDownList\n" return 1 } after 5000 return 0 } proc GetTopologyPorts { topologyName } { # Gets all the ports associated with the Topology foreach topology [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] topology] { set currentName [ixNet getAttribute $topology -name] if {$currentName == $topologyName} { set topologyVports [ixNet getAttribute $topology -vports] set portList {} foreach vport $topologyVports { lappend portList [GetVportConnectedToPort $vport] } } } if {[info exists portList]} { return $portList } else { return } } proc SendArpNgpf { deviceGroup } { puts "\nSendArpNgpf: $deviceGroup ..." ixNet exec sendArp $deviceGroup } proc SendArpOnAllActiveIntNgpf {} { # Send ARP on all active NGPF Device Groups. puts "\nSendArpOnAllActiveIntNgpf" foreach topology [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] topology] { foreach deviceGroup [ixNet getList $topology deviceGroup] { if {[ixNet getAttribute $deviceGroup -status] == "started"} { foreach ethernet [ixNet getList $deviceGroup ethernet] { foreach ipv4 [ixNet getList $ethernet ipv4] { SendArpNgpf $ipv4 } } } } } after 3000 } proc VerifyArpNgpf { {ipType ipv4} {maxRetry 3} } { # ipType: ipv4 or ipv6 # This API will verify for ARP session resolvement on # every TopologyGroup/DeviceGroup and/or # TopologyGroup/DeviceGroup/DeviceGroup that has protocol "enabled". # # How it works? # Each device group has a list of $sessionStatus: up or notStarted. # If the deviceGroup has sessionStatus as "up", then ARP will be verified. # It also has a list of $resolvedGatewayMac: MacAddress or removePacket[Unresolved] # These two lists are aligned. # If lindex 0 on $sessionSatus is up, then the API expects lindex 0 on $resolvedGatewayMac # to have a mac address. # If not, then arp is not resolved. # This script will wait up to the $maxRetry before it declares failed. # # Return 0 if ARP passes. # This Proc is only for VerifyArpNgpf to use internally. # It's created because each deviceGroup has IPv4/IPv6 and # a deviceGroup can create an inner deviceGroup that has IPv4/IPv6. proc deviceGroupProtocolStacks { deviceGroup ipType maxRetry } { set unresolvedArpList {} foreach ethernet [ixNet getList $deviceGroup ethernet] { foreach ipProtocol [ixNet getList $ethernet $ipType] { puts "\nVerifyArpNgpf: Protocol is started: $ipProtocol" set flag 0 set sessionStatus [ixNet getAttribute $ipProtocol -sessionStatus] set resolvedGatewayMac [ixNet getAttribute $ipProtocol -resolvedGatewayMac] # Only care for unresolved ARPs. for {set index 0} {$index <= [llength $resolvedGatewayMac]} {incr index} { for {set timer 1} {$timer <= $maxRetry} {incr timer} { if {[regexp "Unresolved" [lindex $resolvedGatewayMac $index]] == 1 && \ [lindex $sessionStatus $index] != "notStarted" && $timer < $maxRetry} { # Getting in here means the interface should be up set multiValueNumber [ixNet getAttribute $ipProtocol -address] set ipAddrNotResolved [lindex [ixNet getAttribute [ixNet getRoot]$multiValueNumber -values] $index] # /topology:2/deviceGroup:1/ethernet:1/ipv4:1 -address set topologyDeviceGroupSource [ixNet getAttribute [ixNet getRoot]$multiValueNumber -source] regexp "(topology:\[0-9]+)/deviceGroup:(\[0-9]+).*" $topologyDeviceGroupSource - topologyNum deviceGroupNum set vport [ixNet getAttribute [ixNet getRoot]$topologyNum -vports] set realPortNumber [GetVportConnectedToPort $vport] puts "\t$topologyNum $realPortNumber $ipAddrNotResolved did not resolve ARP yet. Verifying $timer/$maxRetry tries ..." after 250 } if {[regexp "Unresolved" [lindex $resolvedGatewayMac $index]] == 1 && \ [lindex $sessionStatus $index] != "notStarted" && $timer == $maxRetry} { puts "\t$topologyNum $realPortNumber $ipAddrNotResolved cannot resolve ARP after $timer/$maxRetry retries" lappend unresolvedArpList "$topologyNum Port:$realPortNumber IP:$ipAddrNotResolved" } } } if {$unresolvedArpList == ""} { puts "\n\tARP is resolved" return "" } else { return $unresolvedArpList } } } } set unresolvedArpList {} foreach topology [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] topology] { set currentTopologyName [ixNet getAttribute $topology -name] set topologyPorts [GetTopologyPorts $currentTopologyName] foreach deviceGroup [ixNet getList $topology deviceGroup] { if {[ixNet getAttribute $deviceGroup -status] == "started"} { set arpResult [deviceGroupProtocolStacks $deviceGroup $ipType $maxRetry] if {$arpResult != ""} { set unresolvedArpList [concat $unresolvedArpList $arpResult] } if {[ixNet getList $deviceGroup deviceGroup] != ""} { foreach innerDeviceGroup [ixNet getList $deviceGroup deviceGroup] { set arpResult [deviceGroupProtocolStacks $innerDeviceGroup $ipType $maxRetry] if {$arpResult != ""} { set unresolvedArpList [concat $unresolvedArpList $arpResult] } } } } else { puts "\nVerifyArpNgpf: Protocol not started on:\n\t$deviceGroup" } } } if {$unresolvedArpList == ""} { return 0 } if {$unresolvedArpList != ""} { puts \n foreach unresolvedArp $unresolvedArpList { puts "VerifyArpNgpf: UnresolvedArps: $unresolvedArp" } puts \n return unresolvedArpList } } proc RegenerateAllTrafficItems {} { foreach trafficItem [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot]traffic trafficItem] { catch {ixNet exec generate $trafficItem} errMsg if {$errMsg != "::ixNet::OK"} { puts "RegenerateAllTrafficItem: Failed on $trafficItem" return 1 } puts "RegenerateAllTrafficItem: $trafficItem" } puts "RegenerateAllTrafficItem: Done" return 0 } proc GetVportConnectedToPort { vport } { # ::ixNet::OBJ-/availableHardware/chassis:""/card:1/port:1 set connectedTo [ixNet getAttribute $vport -connectedTo] set connectedTo [lrange [split $connectedTo /] 3 4] set card [lindex [split [lindex $connectedTo 0] :] end] set port [lindex [split [lindex $connectedTo 1] :] end] return $card/$port } proc EnableTrafficItem { Name } { foreach trafficItem [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot]traffic trafficItem] { set trafficItemName [ixNet getAttribute $trafficItem -name] if {[regexp "(TI\[0-9]+-)?$Name" $trafficItemName]} { catch {ixNet setAttribute $trafficItem -enabled True} errMsg if {$errMsg != "::ixNet::OK"} { puts "\nEnableTrafficItemByName: $Name : Failed\n:$errMsg\n" return 1 } ixNet commit puts "\nEnableTrafficItemByName: $Name : Done\n" return 0 } } puts "\nEnableTrafficItemByName: No such traffic item name: $Name\n" return 1 } proc DisableTrafficItem { Name } { foreach trafficItem [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot]traffic trafficItem] { set trafficItemName [ixNet getAttribute $trafficItem -name] if {[regexp "(TI\[0-9]+-)?$Name" $trafficItemName]} { catch {ixNet setAttribute $trafficItem -enabled False} errMsg if {$errMsg != "::ixNet::OK"} { puts "\nDisableTrafficItemByName: $Name : Failed\n$errMsg\n" return 1 } ixNet commit puts "\nDisableTrafficItemByName: $Name : Done\n" return 0 } } puts "\nDisableTrafficItemByName: No such traffic item name: $Name\n" return 1 } proc StartAllProtocolsHlt {} { puts "\nStartAllProtocolsHlt" set startProtocolStatus [::ixiangpf::test_control -action start_all_protocols] if {[keylget startProtocolStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nError: StartAllProtocolsHlt failed: $startProtocolStatus\n" return 1 } after 3000 return 0 } proc StartTrafficHlt {} { puts "\nStarting IxNetwork traffic ..." set status [ixia::traffic_control -action run] if {[keylget status status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nIxia traffic failed to start: $status" } else { puts "\nTraffic started ..." } after 10000 } proc GetStatsHlt { {type flow} } { puts "\nGetStatsHlt" set flowStats [::ixia::traffic_stats -mode $type] if {[keylget flowStats status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "GetStatsHlt failed: $status" return 0 } return $flowStats } proc DebugHlt { {debugFileName ixiaHltDebug.log} } { # Uncomment these lines for debugging. # This will create a log file for Ixia support to help you debug. #set ::ixia::debug 1 #set ::ixia::debug_file_name $debugFileName file delete $debugFileName set ::ixia::logHltapiCommandsFlag 1 set ::ixia::logHltapiCommandsFileName $debugFileName } proc Connect { {type useConfigFilePorts} } { # Options: # type = useConfigFilePorts | remapPorts # # Defaults to using ports in the saved config file if {[file exists $::ixncfgFile] == 0} { puts "\n\n** ixNet config file does not exists: $::ixncfgFile\n\n" exit } puts "\nLoading config file: $::ixncfgFile ..." if {$type != "useConfigFilePorts"} { puts "Using saved config file ports" set connectStatus [::ixiangpf::connect \ -device $::ixiaChassisIp \ -port_list $::portList \ -ixnetwork_tcl_server $::ixNetworkTclServerIp \ -tcl_server $::ixiaChassisIp \ -username $::userName \ -config_file $::ixncfgFile \ -break_locks 1 \ -session_resume_keys 1 \ -connect_timeout 120 \ ] } if {$type == "useConfigFilePorts"} { puts "Remapping ports: $::portList" set connectStatus [::ixiangpf::connect \ -config_file $::ixncfgFile \ -ixnetwork_tcl_server $::ixNetworkTclServerIp \ -tcl_server $::ixiaChassisIp \ -session_resume_keys 1 \ -connect_timeout 120 \ -break_locks 1 ] } if {[keylget connectStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "Connecting to IxNetwork Tcl server failed\n\n$connectStatus\n" exit } else { puts "Successfully connected to IxNetwork Tcl server" } puts "\n[KeylPrint connectStatus]\n" return $connectStatus } # Uncomment this to enable HLT debugging # DebugHlt Connect remapPorts ;# Uncomment this to use different ports #Connect ;# Use this to use the configuration file's ports if {[VerifyPortState]} { exit } StartAllProtocolsHlt puts "\nSleeping 10 seconds for protocols to come up ..." after 10000 SendArpOnAllActiveIntNgpf if {[VerifyArpNgpf] != 0} { exit } # --> Verify protocols on the DUT before continuing <-- RegenerateAllTrafficItems # Example on how to disable/enable Traffic Items #DisableTrafficItem "Traffic Item 1" #after 3000 #EnableTrafficItem "Traffic Item 1" StartTrafficHlt set flowStats [GetStatsHlt flow] # Example on how to get certain statistics. puts "\n[KeylPrint flowStats]\n" puts \n puts "[format %-10s FlowGroup][format %10s TxPort][format %10s RxPort][format %14s TxFrames][format %14s RxFrames]" puts "------------------------------------------------------------------------" for {set flowNumber 1} {$flowNumber <= [llength [keylget flowStats flow]]} {incr flowNumber} { set txPort [keylget flowStats flow.$flowNumber.tx.port] set rxPort [keylget flowStats flow.$flowNumber.rx.port] set txFrames [keylget flowStats flow.$flowNumber.tx.total_pkts] set rxFrames [keylget flowStats flow.$flowNumber.rx.total_pkts] set flowName [keylget flowStats flow.$flowNumber.flow_name] puts "[format %5s $flowNumber][format %15s $txPort][format %10s $rxPort][format %14s $txFrames][format %14s $rxFrames]" }