# IxNetwork version: 8.10.1046.6 # time of scriptgen: 11/8/2016, 10:05 AM package require Ixia; # ixia hlt package # ixNet connect localhost -version 8.10 # if not already defined, define logging and errorhandler # callbacks if {![info exists ::ixnHLT_log]} { proc ::my_ixnhlt_logger {s} { puts $s; flush stderr; update; update idletasks } set ::ixnHLT_log ::my_ixnhlt_logger } if {![info exists ::ixnHLT_errorHandler]} { proc ::my_ixnhlt_errorhandler {module status} { set msg "FAIL - $module - [keylget status log]" $::ixnHLT_log $msg return -code error $msg } set ::ixnHLT_errorHandler ::my_ixnhlt_errorhandler } proc ixnHLT_connectedPathList {ixnHLT_N} { upvar $ixnHLT_N ixnHLT set path_list [ixnHLT_vportPathList ixnHLT "connected"] # consider the topology connected # if at least one of the vports for the topology is connected set connected_vpaths $path_list foreach {t v} [ixnHLT_collectTopologyVports ixnHLT] { foreach v_item $v { if {[lsearch $connected_vpaths $v_item] != -1} { if {[lsearch $path_list $t] == -1} {lappend path_list $t} } } } return $path_list } proc ixnHLT_vportPathList {ixnHLT_N {type all}} { upvar $ixnHLT_N ixnHLT set path_list {} set source_data {} if {[info exists ixnHLT(path_list)]} { set source_data $ixnHLT(path_list) } foreach path_elem_0 $source_data { foreach path_elem_1 $path_elem_0 { if {$type == "all"} { lappend path_list $path_elem_1 } elseif {$type == "connected"} { if {![info exists ixnHLT(unconnected_path_list)]} { lappend path_list $path_elem_1 } elseif {[info exists ixnHLT(unconnected_path_list)] && [lsearch $ixnHLT(unconnected_path_list) $path_elem_1] == -1} { lappend path_list $path_elem_1 } } } } return $path_list } proc ixnHLT_collectTopologyVports {ixnHLT_N} { upvar $ixnHLT_N ixnHLT # clear out exists topology-vports.* elements array set rval {} set r [ixNet getRoot] set failed [catch { set t_list [ixNet getList $r topology] }] if {$failed} { # no topology present in this configuration return {} } foreach t $t_list { # convert to ixnet style path from internal format path # - remove the ::ixNet::OBJ- cruft # - convert :NN indexes to : indexes # - use leading double slash instead of single slash # eg .. convert ::ixNet::OBJ-/topology:1 to //topology:<1> set p_list [ixNet getList $t port] foreach p $p_list { set a [ixNet getAttribute $p -vport] set aa //[join [lrange [split $a "/"] 1 end] "/"] set tt //[join [lrange [split $t "/"] 1 end] "/"] set tt [regsub -all {:([0-9]+)} $tt {:<\1>}] set aa [regsub -all {:([0-9]+)} $aa {:<\1>}] lappend rval($tt) $aa } } array get rval } proc ixnHLT_endpointMatch {ixnHLT_N ixnpattern_list {handle_type "HANDLE"}} { upvar $ixnHLT_N ixnHLT set traffic_ep_ignore_list { {^::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:\d+/protocols/mld/host:\d+$} {^::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:\d+/protocolStack/ethernet:[^/]+/ipEndpoint:[^/]+/range:[^/]+/ptpRangeOverIp:1$} } set rval [list] foreach {cpat} $ixnpattern_list { set pat $cpat if {[string range $pat 0 0] != "^"} { set pat "^$pat" } if {[string range $pat end end] != "$"} { set pat "$pat\$" } foreach {n} [lsort -dictionary [array names ixnHLT "$handle_type,*"]] { # note there could be stuff after the path so use 1, not end set ixn_path [lindex [split $n ","] 1] set parent_ixn_path [join [lrange [split $ixn_path /] 0 end-1] /] if {[info exists ixnHLT($handle_type,$parent_ixn_path)] && [llength $rval] > 0} { set rval_list $rval if {[llength $rval] == 1} { set rval_list [list $rval] } set parent_ixn_index_list [lsearch -regexp -all $rval_list \ "^[set ixnHLT($handle_type,$parent_ixn_path)]\$"] } else { set parent_ixn_index_list "" } if {[llength $parent_ixn_index_list] == 0 && \ [regexp $pat $ixn_path] && [string length $ixnHLT($n)] > 0 \ } { if {![regexp $traffic_ep_ignore_list $ixnHLT($n)]} { lappend rval $ixnHLT($n) } } } } return $rval } # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Configuration procedure # proc ixnHLT_Scriptgen_Configure {ixnHLTVarName} { upvar 1 $ixnHLTVarName ixnHLT # //vport $::ixnHLT_log interface_config://vport:<1>... set _result_ [::ixia::interface_config \ -mode config \ -port_handle $ixnHLT(PORT-HANDLE,//vport:<1>) \ -transmit_clock_source external \ -tx_gap_control_mode average \ -transmit_mode advanced \ -port_rx_mode capture_and_measure \ -flow_control_directed_addr 0180.c200.0001 \ -enable_flow_control 1 \ -internal_ppm_adjust 0 \ -enable_data_center_shared_stats 0 \ -data_integrity 1 \ -additional_fcoe_stat_2 fcoe_invalid_frames \ -ignore_link 0 \ -additional_fcoe_stat_1 fcoe_invalid_delimiter \ -intf_mode ethernet \ -speed ether100 \ -duplex full \ -autonegotiation 1 \ -auto_detect_instrumentation_type floating \ -phy_mode copper \ -master_slave_mode auto \ -arp_refresh_interval 60 \ ] # Check status if {[keylget _result_ status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $_result_ } # The last configure command did not scriptgen the following attributes: # [//vport:<1>] # n kBool -isConnected True # n kString -ixnClientVersion 8.10.1046.6 # n kString -connectionInfo {chassis="" card="1" port="1" portip=""} # n kEnumValue -stateDetail idle # n kInteger -actualSpeed 1000 # n kBool -isDirectConfigModeEnabled False # n kInteger -internalId 1 # n kString -licenses {obsolete, do not use} # n kString -connectionStatus { } # n kEnumValue -state up # n kBool -isVMPort False # n kString -assignedTo # n kObjref -connectedTo {$ixNetSG_ref(18)} # n kBool -isPullOnly False # n kBool -isAvailable True # n kString -ixosChassisVersion {ixos 8.10.1250.8 ea-patch1} # n kString -ixnChassisVersion 8.10.1046.6 # n kBool -isMapped True # n kString -name 1/1/1 catch { set ixnHLT(HANDLE,//vport:<1>) [keylget _result_ interface_handle] lappend ixnHLT(VPORT-CONFIG-HANDLES,//vport:<1>,interface_config) \ $ixnHLT(HANDLE,//vport:<1>) } $::ixnHLT_log {COMPLETED: interface_config} # //vport $::ixnHLT_log interface_config://vport:<2>... set _result_ [::ixia::interface_config \ -mode config \ -port_handle $ixnHLT(PORT-HANDLE,//vport:<2>) \ -transmit_clock_source external \ -tx_gap_control_mode average \ -transmit_mode advanced \ -port_rx_mode capture_and_measure \ -flow_control_directed_addr 0180.c200.0001 \ -enable_flow_control 1 \ -internal_ppm_adjust 0 \ -enable_data_center_shared_stats 0 \ -data_integrity 1 \ -additional_fcoe_stat_2 fcoe_invalid_frames \ -ignore_link 0 \ -additional_fcoe_stat_1 fcoe_invalid_delimiter \ -intf_mode ethernet \ -speed ether100 \ -duplex full \ -autonegotiation 1 \ -auto_detect_instrumentation_type floating \ -phy_mode copper \ -master_slave_mode auto \ -arp_refresh_interval 60 \ ] # Check status if {[keylget _result_ status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $_result_ } # The last configure command did not scriptgen the following attributes: # [//vport:<2>] # n kBool -isConnected True # n kString -ixnClientVersion 8.10.1046.6 # n kString -connectionInfo {chassis="" card="1" port="2" portip=""} # n kEnumValue -stateDetail idle # n kInteger -actualSpeed 1000 # n kBool -isDirectConfigModeEnabled False # n kInteger -internalId 2 # n kString -licenses {obsolete, do not use} # n kString -connectionStatus { } # n kEnumValue -state up # n kBool -isVMPort False # n kString -assignedTo # n kObjref -connectedTo {$ixNetSG_ref(19)} # n kBool -isPullOnly False # n kBool -isAvailable True # n kString -ixosChassisVersion {ixos 8.10.1250.8 ea-patch1} # n kString -ixnChassisVersion 8.10.1046.6 # n kBool -isMapped True # n kString -name 1/1/2 catch { set ixnHLT(HANDLE,//vport:<2>) [keylget _result_ interface_handle] lappend ixnHLT(VPORT-CONFIG-HANDLES,//vport:<2>,interface_config) \ $ixnHLT(HANDLE,//vport:<2>) } $::ixnHLT_log {COMPLETED: interface_config} # //vport/l1Config/rxFilters/filterPalette $::ixnHLT_log uds_config://vport:<1>/l1Config/rxFilters/filterPalette... set _result_ [::ixia::uds_config \ -port_handle $ixnHLT(PORT-HANDLE,//vport:<1>) \ -uds1 1 \ -uds1_SA any \ -uds1_DA any \ -uds1_error errAnyFrame \ -uds1_framesize any \ -uds1_framesize_from 0 \ -uds1_framesize_to 0 \ -uds1_pattern any \ -uds2 1 \ -uds2_SA any \ -uds2_DA any \ -uds2_error errAnyFrame \ -uds2_framesize any \ -uds2_framesize_from 0 \ -uds2_framesize_to 0 \ -uds2_pattern any \ -uds3 1 \ -uds3_SA any \ -uds3_DA any \ -uds3_error errAnyFrame \ -uds3_framesize any \ -uds3_framesize_from 0 \ -uds3_framesize_to 0 \ -uds3_pattern any \ -uds4 1 \ -uds4_SA any \ -uds4_DA any \ -uds4_error errAnyFrame \ -uds4_framesize any \ -uds4_framesize_from 0 \ -uds4_framesize_to 0 \ -uds4_pattern any \ -uds5 1 \ -uds5_SA any \ -uds5_DA any \ -uds5_error errAnyFrame \ -uds5_framesize any \ -uds5_framesize_from 0 \ -uds5_framesize_to 0 \ -uds5_pattern any \ -uds6 1 \ -uds6_SA any \ -uds6_DA any \ -uds6_error errAnyFrame \ -uds6_framesize any \ -uds6_framesize_from 0 \ -uds6_framesize_to 0 \ -uds6_pattern any \ ] # Check status if {[keylget _result_ status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $_result_ } # The last configure command did not scriptgen the following attributes: # [//vport:<1>/l1Config/rxFilters/filterPalette] # n kString -sourceAddress1Mask 00:00:00:00:00:00 # n kString -destinationAddress1Mask 00:00:00:00:00:00 # n kString -sourceAddress2 00:00:00:00:00:00 # n kEnumValue -pattern2OffsetType fromStartOfFrame # n kInteger -pattern2Offset 20 # n kString -sourceAddress2Mask 00:00:00:00:00:00 # n kString -destinationAddress2 00:00:00:00:00:00 # n kString -destinationAddress1 00:00:00:00:00:00 # n kString -sourceAddress1 00:00:00:00:00:00 # n kString -pattern1 00 # n kString -destinationAddress2Mask 00:00:00:00:00:00 # n kInteger -pattern1Offset 20 # n kString -pattern2 00 # n kString -pattern2Mask 00 # n kEnumValue -pattern1OffsetType fromStartOfFrame # n kString -pattern1Mask 00 $::ixnHLT_log {COMPLETED: uds_config} # //vport/l1Config/rxFilters/filterPalette $::ixnHLT_log uds_config://vport:<2>/l1Config/rxFilters/filterPalette... set _result_ [::ixia::uds_config \ -port_handle $ixnHLT(PORT-HANDLE,//vport:<2>) \ -uds1 1 \ -uds1_SA any \ -uds1_DA any \ -uds1_error errAnyFrame \ -uds1_framesize any \ -uds1_framesize_from 0 \ -uds1_framesize_to 0 \ -uds1_pattern any \ -uds2 1 \ -uds2_SA any \ -uds2_DA any \ -uds2_error errAnyFrame \ -uds2_framesize any \ -uds2_framesize_from 0 \ -uds2_framesize_to 0 \ -uds2_pattern any \ -uds3 1 \ -uds3_SA any \ -uds3_DA any \ -uds3_error errAnyFrame \ -uds3_framesize any \ -uds3_framesize_from 0 \ -uds3_framesize_to 0 \ -uds3_pattern any \ -uds4 1 \ -uds4_SA any \ -uds4_DA any \ -uds4_error errAnyFrame \ -uds4_framesize any \ -uds4_framesize_from 0 \ -uds4_framesize_to 0 \ -uds4_pattern any \ -uds5 1 \ -uds5_SA any \ -uds5_DA any \ -uds5_error errAnyFrame \ -uds5_framesize any \ -uds5_framesize_from 0 \ -uds5_framesize_to 0 \ -uds5_pattern any \ -uds6 1 \ -uds6_SA any \ -uds6_DA any \ -uds6_error errAnyFrame \ -uds6_framesize any \ -uds6_framesize_from 0 \ -uds6_framesize_to 0 \ -uds6_pattern any \ ] # Check status if {[keylget _result_ status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $_result_ } # The last configure command did not scriptgen the following attributes: # [//vport:<2>/l1Config/rxFilters/filterPalette] # n kString -sourceAddress1Mask 00:00:00:00:00:00 # n kString -destinationAddress1Mask 00:00:00:00:00:00 # n kString -sourceAddress2 00:00:00:00:00:00 # n kEnumValue -pattern2OffsetType fromStartOfFrame # n kInteger -pattern2Offset 20 # n kString -sourceAddress2Mask 00:00:00:00:00:00 # n kString -destinationAddress2 00:00:00:00:00:00 # n kString -destinationAddress1 00:00:00:00:00:00 # n kString -sourceAddress1 00:00:00:00:00:00 # n kString -pattern1 00 # n kString -destinationAddress2Mask 00:00:00:00:00:00 # n kInteger -pattern1Offset 20 # n kString -pattern2 00 # n kString -pattern2Mask 00 # n kEnumValue -pattern1OffsetType fromStartOfFrame # n kString -pattern1Mask 00 $::ixnHLT_log {COMPLETED: uds_config} # //vport/l1Config/rxFilters/filterPalette $::ixnHLT_log uds_filter_pallette_config://vport:<1>/l1Config/rxFilters/filterPalette... set _result_ [::ixia::uds_filter_pallette_config \ -port_handle $ixnHLT(PORT-HANDLE,//vport:<1>) \ -DA1 00:00:00:00:00:00 \ -DA2 00:00:00:00:00:00 \ -DA_mask1 00:00:00:00:00:00 \ -DA_mask2 00:00:00:00:00:00 \ -pattern1 00 \ -pattern2 00 \ -pattern_mask1 00 \ -pattern_mask2 00 \ -pattern_offset1 20 \ -pattern_offset2 20 \ -SA1 00:00:00:00:00:00 \ -SA2 00:00:00:00:00:00 \ -SA_mask1 00:00:00:00:00:00 \ -SA_mask2 00:00:00:00:00:00 \ -pattern_offset_type1 startOfFrame \ -pattern_offset_type2 startOfFrame \ ] # Check status if {[keylget _result_ status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $_result_ } $::ixnHLT_log {COMPLETED: uds_filter_pallette_config} # //vport/l1Config/rxFilters/filterPalette $::ixnHLT_log uds_filter_pallette_config://vport:<2>/l1Config/rxFilters/filterPalette... set _result_ [::ixia::uds_filter_pallette_config \ -port_handle $ixnHLT(PORT-HANDLE,//vport:<2>) \ -DA1 00:00:00:00:00:00 \ -DA2 00:00:00:00:00:00 \ -DA_mask1 00:00:00:00:00:00 \ -DA_mask2 00:00:00:00:00:00 \ -pattern1 00 \ -pattern2 00 \ -pattern_mask1 00 \ -pattern_mask2 00 \ -pattern_offset1 20 \ -pattern_offset2 20 \ -SA1 00:00:00:00:00:00 \ -SA2 00:00:00:00:00:00 \ -SA_mask1 00:00:00:00:00:00 \ -SA_mask2 00:00:00:00:00:00 \ -pattern_offset_type1 startOfFrame \ -pattern_offset_type2 startOfFrame \ ] # Check status if {[keylget _result_ status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $_result_ } $::ixnHLT_log {COMPLETED: uds_filter_pallette_config} # The following objects had no attributes that were scriptgenned: # n //globals/interfaces # n //statistics/measurementMode # n //vport:<1>/l1Config/ethernet/fcoe # n //vport:<1>/capture/trigger # n //vport:<1>/capture/filter # n //vport:<1>/capture/filterPallette # n //vport:<2>/l1Config/ethernet/fcoe # n //vport:<2>/capture/trigger # n //vport:<2>/capture/filter # n //vport:<2>/capture/filterPallette # n //globals/testInspector # n //globals/preferences # n //reporter # n //reporter/testParameters # n //reporter/generate # n //reporter/saveResults # n //statistics/rawData # n //statistics/autoRefresh # n //impairment # n //impairment/defaultProfile # n //impairment/defaultProfile/checksums # n //impairment/defaultProfile/rxRateLimit # n //impairment/defaultProfile/drop # n //impairment/defaultProfile/reorder # n //impairment/defaultProfile/duplicate # n //impairment/defaultProfile/bitError # n //impairment/defaultProfile/delay # n //impairment/defaultProfile/delayVariation # n //impairment/defaultProfile/customDelayVariation # n //quickTest # n //quickTest/globals # n //vport:<1>/l1Config/ethernet/oam # n //vport:<1>/l1Config/OAM # n //vport:<1>/protocols # n //vport:<1>/protocols/openFlow # n //vport:<1>/protocols/openFlow/hostTopologyLearnedInformation/switchHostRangeLearnedInfoTriggerAttributes # n //vport:<1>/protocolStack/options # n //vport:<2>/l1Config/ethernet/oam # n //vport:<2>/l1Config/OAM # n //vport:<2>/protocols # n //vport:<2>/protocols/openFlow # n //vport:<2>/protocols/openFlow/hostTopologyLearnedInformation/switchHostRangeLearnedInfoTriggerAttributes # n //vport:<2>/protocolStack/options # n //globals/testInspector/statistic:<1> # n //globals/testInspector/statistic:<2> # n //globals/testInspector/statistic:<3> # n //globals/testInspector/statistic:<4> # n //globals/testInspector/statistic:<5> # n //globals/testInspector/statistic:<6> # n //globals/testInspector/statistic:<7> # n //globals/testInspector/statistic:<8> # n {//statistics/rawData/statistic:"Tx Frames"} # n {//statistics/rawData/statistic:"Rx Frames"} # n {//statistics/rawData/statistic:"Frames Delta"} # n {//statistics/rawData/statistic:"Tx Frame Rate"} # n {//statistics/rawData/statistic:"Rx Frames Rate"} # n {//statistics/rawData/statistic:"Avg Latency (us)"} # n {//statistics/rawData/statistic:"Min Latency (us)"} # n {//statistics/rawData/statistic:"Max Latency (us)"} # n {//statistics/rawData/statistic:"Minimum Delay Variation"} # n {//statistics/rawData/statistic:"Maximum Delay Variation"} # n {//statistics/rawData/statistic:"Avg Delay Variation"} # n {//statistics/rawData/statistic:"Reordered Packets"} # n {//statistics/rawData/statistic:"Lost Packets"} # end of list return 0 } proc ixnCPF_Scriptgen_Configure {ixnHLTVarName} { upvar 1 $ixnHLTVarName ixnHLT set topology_1_status [::ixiangpf::topology_config \ -topology_name {Topology 1} \ -port_handle "$ixnHLT(PORT-HANDLE,//vport:<1>)" \ ] if {[keylget topology_1_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $topology_1_status } set topology_1_handle [keylget topology_1_status topology_handle] set ixnHLT(HANDLE,//topology:<1>) $topology_1_handle set device_group_1_status [::ixiangpf::topology_config \ -topology_handle $topology_1_handle \ -device_group_name {Basic L3-1} \ -device_group_multiplier 3 \ -device_group_enabled 1 \ ] if {[keylget device_group_1_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $device_group_1_status } set deviceGroup_1_handle [keylget device_group_1_status device_group_handle] set ixnHLT(HANDLE,//topology:<1>/deviceGroup:<1>) $deviceGroup_1_handle set ethernet_1_status [::ixiangpf::interface_config \ -protocol_name {Ethernet 1} \ -protocol_handle $deviceGroup_1_handle \ -mtu 1500 \ -src_mac_addr \ -src_mac_addr_step \ -vlan 0 \ -vlan_id 101 \ -vlan_id_step 1 \ -vlan_id_count 1 \ -vlan_tpid 0x8100 \ -vlan_user_priority 0 \ -vlan_user_priority_step 0 \ -use_vpn_parameters 0 \ -site_id 0 \ ] # n The attribute: useVlans with the value: False is not supported by scriptgen. # n The attribute: stackedLayers with the value: {} is not supported by scriptgen. # n The attribute: connectedVia with the value: {} is not supported by scriptgen. # n Node: pbbEVpnParameter is not supported for scriptgen. if {[keylget ethernet_1_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $ethernet_1_status } set ethernet_1_handle [keylget ethernet_1_status ethernet_handle] set ixnHLT(HANDLE,//topology:<1>/deviceGroup:<1>/ethernet:<1>) $ethernet_1_handle set ipv4_1_status [::ixiangpf::interface_config \ -protocol_name {IPv4 1} \ -protocol_handle $ethernet_1_handle \ -ipv4_resolve_gateway 1 \ -ipv4_manual_gateway_mac \ -ipv4_manual_gateway_mac_step \ -gateway \ -gateway_step \ -intf_ip_addr \ -intf_ip_addr_step \ -netmask \ ] # n The attribute: stackedLayers with the value: {} is not supported by scriptgen. # n The attribute: connectedVia with the value: {} is not supported by scriptgen. if {[keylget ipv4_1_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $ipv4_1_status } set ipv4_1_handle [keylget ipv4_1_status ipv4_handle] set ixnHLT(HANDLE,//topology:<1>/deviceGroup:<1>/ethernet:<1>/ipv4:<1>) $ipv4_1_handle set topology_2_status [::ixiangpf::topology_config \ -topology_name {Topology 2} \ -port_handle "$ixnHLT(PORT-HANDLE,//vport:<2>)" \ ] if {[keylget topology_2_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $topology_2_status } set topology_2_handle [keylget topology_2_status topology_handle] set ixnHLT(HANDLE,//topology:<2>) $topology_2_handle set device_group_2_status [::ixiangpf::topology_config \ -topology_handle $topology_2_handle \ -device_group_name {Basic L3-2} \ -device_group_multiplier 3 \ -device_group_enabled 1 \ ] if {[keylget device_group_2_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $device_group_2_status } set deviceGroup_2_handle [keylget device_group_2_status device_group_handle] set ixnHLT(HANDLE,//topology:<2>/deviceGroup:<1>) $deviceGroup_2_handle set ethernet_2_status [::ixiangpf::interface_config \ -protocol_name {Ethernet 2} \ -protocol_handle $deviceGroup_2_handle \ -mtu 1500 \ -src_mac_addr \ -src_mac_addr_step \ -vlan 0 \ -vlan_id 101 \ -vlan_id_step 1 \ -vlan_id_count 1 \ -vlan_tpid 0x8100 \ -vlan_user_priority 0 \ -vlan_user_priority_step 0 \ -use_vpn_parameters 0 \ -site_id 0 \ ] # n The attribute: useVlans with the value: False is not supported by scriptgen. # n The attribute: stackedLayers with the value: {} is not supported by scriptgen. # n The attribute: connectedVia with the value: {} is not supported by scriptgen. # n Node: pbbEVpnParameter is not supported for scriptgen. if {[keylget ethernet_2_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $ethernet_2_status } set ethernet_2_handle [keylget ethernet_2_status ethernet_handle] set ixnHLT(HANDLE,//topology:<2>/deviceGroup:<1>/ethernet:<1>) $ethernet_2_handle set ipv4_2_status [::ixiangpf::interface_config \ -protocol_name {IPv4 2} \ -protocol_handle $ethernet_2_handle \ -ipv4_resolve_gateway 1 \ -ipv4_manual_gateway_mac \ -ipv4_manual_gateway_mac_step \ -gateway \ -gateway_step \ -intf_ip_addr \ -intf_ip_addr_step \ -netmask \ ] # n The attribute: stackedLayers with the value: {} is not supported by scriptgen. # n The attribute: connectedVia with the value: {} is not supported by scriptgen. if {[keylget ipv4_2_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $ipv4_2_status } set ipv4_2_handle [keylget ipv4_2_status ipv4_handle] set ixnHLT(HANDLE,//topology:<2>/deviceGroup:<1>/ethernet:<1>/ipv4:<1>) $ipv4_2_handle # n Node: /globals/topology/ipv6Autoconfiguration does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/ipv6 does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/bfdRouter does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/ospfv2Router does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/ospfv3Router does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/pimRouter does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/rsvpteIf does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/rsvpteLsps does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/isisFabricPathRouter does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/isisL3Router does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/isisSpbRouter does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/isisTrillRouter does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/igmpHost does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/mldHost does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/ldpBasicRouterV6 does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/ldpBasicRouter does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/ldpTargetedRouter does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/ldpTargetedRouterV6 does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/msrpListener does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/msrpTalker does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/bgpIpv4Peer does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/bgpIpv6Peer does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/igmpQuerier does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/mldQuerier does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/dhcpv4client does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/dhcpv6client does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/dhcpv4server does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/dhcpv6server does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/dhcpv4relayAgent does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/lightweightDhcpv6relayAgent does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/dhcpv6relayAgent does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/pppoxclient does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/pppoxserver does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/lac does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/lns does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/vxlan does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/greoipv4 does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/greoipv6 does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/ptp does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/ancp does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/lacp does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/staticLag does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/openFlowChannel does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/openFlowController does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/ovsdbserver does not have global settings. set ipv4_3_status [::ixiangpf::interface_config \ -protocol_handle /globals \ -arp_on_linkup 0 \ -single_arp_per_gateway 1 \ -ipv4_send_arp_rate 200 \ -ipv4_send_arp_interval 1000 \ -ipv4_send_arp_max_outstanding 400 \ -ipv4_send_arp_scale_mode port \ -ipv4_attempt_enabled 0 \ -ipv4_attempt_rate 200 \ -ipv4_attempt_interval 1000 \ -ipv4_attempt_scale_mode port \ -ipv4_diconnect_enabled 0 \ -ipv4_disconnect_rate 200 \ -ipv4_disconnect_interval 1000 \ -ipv4_disconnect_scale_mode port \ -ipv4_re_send_arp_on_link_up true \ ] if {[keylget ipv4_3_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $ipv4_3_status } set ethernet_3_status [::ixiangpf::interface_config \ -protocol_handle /globals \ -ethernet_attempt_enabled 0 \ -ethernet_attempt_rate 200 \ -ethernet_attempt_interval 1000 \ -ethernet_attempt_scale_mode port \ -ethernet_diconnect_enabled 0 \ -ethernet_disconnect_rate 200 \ -ethernet_disconnect_interval 1000 \ -ethernet_disconnect_scale_mode port \ ] if {[keylget ethernet_3_status status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $ethernet_3_status } # n Node: /globals/topology/ipv6Autoconfiguration does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/ipv6 does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/bfdRouter does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/ospfv2Router does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/ospfv3Router does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/pimRouter does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/rsvpteIf does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/rsvpteLsps does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/isisFabricPathRouter does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/isisL3Router does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/isisSpbRouter does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/isisTrillRouter does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/igmpHost does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/mldHost does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/ldpBasicRouterV6 does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/ldpBasicRouter does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/ldpTargetedRouter does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/ldpTargetedRouterV6 does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/msrpListener does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/msrpTalker does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/bgpIpv4Peer does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/bgpIpv6Peer does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/igmpQuerier does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/mldQuerier does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/dhcpv4client does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/dhcpv6client does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/dhcpv4server does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/dhcpv6server does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/dhcpv4relayAgent does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/lightweightDhcpv6relayAgent does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/dhcpv6relayAgent does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/pppoxclient does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/pppoxserver does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/lac does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/lns does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/vxlan does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/greoipv4 does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/greoipv6 does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/ptp does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/ancp does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/lacp does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/staticLag does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/openFlowChannel does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/openFlowController does not have global settings. # n Node: /globals/topology/ovsdbserver does not have global settings. } proc ixnHLT_Scriptgen_RunTest {ixnHLTVarName} { upvar 1 $ixnHLTVarName ixnHLT # ####################### # start phase of the test # ####################### $::ixnHLT_log {Waiting 60 seconds before starting protocol(s) ...} after 60000 $::ixnHLT_log {Starting all protocol(s) ...} set r [::ixia::test_control -action start_all_protocols] if {[keylget r status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $r } after 30000 # # Reset traffic # $::ixnHLT_log {Resetting traffic...} set _result_ [::ixia::traffic_control \ -action reset \ -traffic_generator ixnetwork_540 \ -cpdp_convergence_enable 0 \ -l1_rate_stats_enable 1 \ -misdirected_per_flow 0 \ -delay_variation_enable 0 \ -packet_loss_duration_enable 0 \ -latency_bins enabled \ -latency_control store_and_forward \ -instantaneous_stats_enable 0 \ ] # Check status if {[keylget _result_ status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $_result_ } set port_handles_for_traffic_stats {} # # Collect port_handles_for_traffic_stats # foreach {t v} [array get ixnHLT PORT-HANDLE,*] { lappend port_handles_for_traffic_stats $v } set port_handles_for_traffic_stats [lsort -unique $port_handles_for_traffic_stats] # # Configure traffic for all configuration elements # # -- Traffic item //traffic/trafficItem:<1> $::ixnHLT_log {Configuring traffic for traffic item: //traffic/trafficItem:<1>} set ti_srcs(EndpointSet-1) [ixnHLT_endpointMatch ixnHLT [list //topology:<1>] HANDLE] if {[llength $ti_srcs(EndpointSet-1)] == 0} { error "Cannot find any src endpoints for elem EndpointSet-1" } set ti_dsts(EndpointSet-1) [ixnHLT_endpointMatch ixnHLT [list //topology:<2>] HANDLE] if {[llength $ti_dsts(EndpointSet-1)] == 0} { error "Cannot find any dst endpoints for elem EndpointSet-1" } set _result_ [::ixia::traffic_config \ -mode create \ -traffic_generator ixnetwork_540 \ -endpointset_count 1 \ -emulation_src_handle [list [list $ti_srcs(EndpointSet-1)]] \ -emulation_dst_handle [list [list $ti_dsts(EndpointSet-1)]] \ -emulation_multicast_dst_handle [list [list]] \ -emulation_multicast_dst_handle_type [list [list]] \ -global_dest_mac_retry_count 1 \ -global_dest_mac_retry_delay 5 \ -enable_data_integrity 1 \ -global_enable_dest_mac_retry 1 \ -global_enable_min_frame_size 0 \ -global_enable_staggered_transmit 0 \ -global_enable_stream_ordering 0 \ -global_stream_control continuous \ -global_stream_control_iterations 1 \ -global_large_error_threshhold 2 \ -global_enable_mac_change_on_fly 0 \ -global_max_traffic_generation_queries 500 \ -global_mpls_label_learning_timeout 30 \ -global_refresh_learned_info_before_apply 0 \ -global_use_tx_rx_sync 1 \ -global_wait_time 1 \ -global_display_mpls_current_label_value 0 \ -global_detect_misdirected_packets 0 \ -global_frame_ordering none \ -frame_sequencing disable \ -frame_sequencing_mode rx_threshold \ -src_dest_mesh one_to_one \ -route_mesh one_to_one \ -bidirectional 0 \ -allow_self_destined 0 \ -use_cp_rate 1 \ -use_cp_size 1 \ -enable_dynamic_mpls_labels 0 \ -hosts_per_net 1 \ -name TI0-Traffic_Item_1 \ -source_filter all \ -destination_filter all \ -tag_filter [list [list]] \ -merge_destinations 1 \ -circuit_endpoint_type ipv4 \ -pending_operations_timeout 30 \ ] # Check status if {[keylget _result_ status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $_result_ } # -- All current config elements set config_elements [keylget _result_ traffic_item] # -- Config Element //traffic/trafficItem:<1>/configElement:<1> $::ixnHLT_log {Configuring options for config elem: //traffic/trafficItem:<1>/configElement:<1>} set _result_ [::ixia::traffic_config \ -mode modify \ -traffic_generator ixnetwork_540 \ -stream_id [lindex $config_elements 0] \ -preamble_size_mode auto \ -preamble_custom_size 8 \ -data_pattern {} \ -data_pattern_mode incr_byte \ -enforce_min_gap 0 \ -rate_percent 100 \ -frame_rate_distribution_port split_evenly \ -frame_rate_distribution_stream split_evenly \ -frame_size 256 \ -length_mode fixed \ -tx_mode advanced \ -transmit_mode single_burst \ -burst_loop_count 1 \ -pkts_per_burst 50000 \ -tx_delay 0 \ -tx_delay_unit bytes \ -number_of_packets_per_stream 50000 \ -loop_count 1 \ -min_gap_bytes 12 \ ] # Check status if {[keylget _result_ status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $_result_ } # -- Endpoint set EndpointSet-1 $::ixnHLT_log {Configuring traffic for config elem: //traffic/trafficItem:<1>/configElement:<1>} $::ixnHLT_log {Configuring traffic for endpoint set: EndpointSet-1} # -- Stack //traffic/trafficItem:<1>/configElement:<1>/stack:"ethernet-1" set _result_ [::ixia::traffic_config \ -mode modify_or_insert \ -traffic_generator ixnetwork_540 \ -stream_id [lindex $config_elements 0] \ -stack_index 1 \ -l2_encap ethernet_ii \ -mac_src_mode fixed \ -mac_src_tracking 0 \ -mac_src 00:00:00:00:00:00 \ ] # Check status if {[keylget _result_ status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $_result_ } # -- Stack //traffic/trafficItem:<1>/configElement:<1>/stack:"ipv4-2" set _result_ [::ixia::traffic_config \ -mode modify_or_insert \ -traffic_generator ixnetwork_540 \ -stream_id [lindex $config_elements 0] \ -stack_index 2 \ -l3_protocol ipv4 \ -qos_type_ixn tos \ -ip_precedence_mode fixed \ -ip_precedence 0 \ -ip_precedence_tracking 0 \ -ip_delay_mode fixed \ -ip_delay 0 \ -ip_delay_tracking 0 \ -ip_throughput_mode fixed \ -ip_throughput 0 \ -ip_throughput_tracking 0 \ -ip_reliability_mode fixed \ -ip_reliability 0 \ -ip_reliability_tracking 0 \ -ip_cost_mode fixed \ -ip_cost 0 \ -ip_cost_tracking 0 \ -ip_cu_mode fixed \ -ip_cu 0 \ -ip_cu_tracking 0 \ -ip_id_mode fixed \ -ip_id 0 \ -ip_id_tracking 0 \ -ip_reserved_mode fixed \ -ip_reserved 0 \ -ip_reserved_tracking 0 \ -ip_fragment_mode fixed \ -ip_fragment 1 \ -ip_fragment_tracking 0 \ -ip_fragment_last_mode fixed \ -ip_fragment_last 1 \ -ip_fragment_last_tracking 0 \ -ip_fragment_offset_mode fixed \ -ip_fragment_offset 0 \ -ip_fragment_offset_tracking 0 \ -ip_ttl_mode fixed \ -ip_ttl 64 \ -ip_ttl_tracking 0 \ -track_by {sourceDestValuePair0 flowGroup0 trackingenabled0} \ -egress_tracking none \ ] # Check status if {[keylget _result_ status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $_result_ } # -- Post Options $::ixnHLT_log {Configuring post options for config elem: //traffic/trafficItem:<1>/configElement:<1>} set _result_ [::ixia::traffic_config \ -mode modify \ -traffic_generator ixnetwork_540 \ -stream_id [lindex $config_elements 0] \ -transmit_distribution none \ ] # Check status if {[keylget _result_ status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $_result_ } # # Configure traffic for Layer 4-7 AppLibrary Profile # # # Start traffic configured earlier # $::ixnHLT_log "Running Traffic..." set r [::ixia::traffic_control \ -action run \ -traffic_generator ixnetwork_540 \ -type l23 \ ] if {[keylget r status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $r } after 30000 # ################################ # protocol stats phase of the test # ################################ # stats for: # packet_config_buffers handles $::ixnHLT_log {getting stats for packet_config_buffers configuration elements} after [expr 5*1000] foreach {vport_path} [ixnHLT_vportPathList ixnHLT "connected"] { set port_handle $ixnHLT(PORT-HANDLE,$vport_path) if {![info exists ixnHLT(VPORT-CONFIG-HANDLES,$vport_path,packet_config_buffers)]} { continue } set items $ixnHLT(VPORT-CONFIG-HANDLES,$vport_path,packet_config_buffers) if {![llength $items]} { continue } $::ixnHLT_log "$vport_path..." set r [::ixia::packet_stats -port_handle $port_handle -stop 1] if {[keylget r status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $r } if {[info exists ixnHLT(processstats)] && [llength [info commands $ixnHLT(processstats)]]} { #catch {$ixnHLT(processstats) packet_config_buffers $port_handle $r}" $ixnHLT(processstats) packet_config_buffers $port_handle $r } else { $::ixnHLT_log "-----------------------------------" $::ixnHLT_log ::ixia::packet_stats foreach {stat} [keylkeys r $port_handle.aggregate] { set v [keylget r $port_handle.aggregate.$stat] $::ixnHLT_log [format {%40s = %s} $stat $v] } $::ixnHLT_log "" } } # ###################### # stop phase of the test # ###################### # # Stop traffic started earlier # $::ixnHLT_log "Stopping Traffic..." set r [::ixia::traffic_control \ -action stop \ -traffic_generator ixnetwork_540 \ -type l23 ] if {[keylget r status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $r } # ############################### # traffic stats phase of the test # ############################### after 30000 # # print stats for all ports that are involved w/ # ixnHLT(TRAFFIC-ENDPOINT-HANDLES) # $::ixnHLT_log "Traffic stats" for {set traffic_stats_retry 0} {$traffic_stats_retry < 120} {incr traffic_stats_retry} { set r [::ixia::traffic_stats \ -mode aggregate \ -traffic_generator ixnetwork_540 \ -measure_mode mixed \ ] if {[keylget r status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $r } if {![keylget r waiting_for_stats]} { break } $::ixnHLT_log "Traffic waiting_for_stats flag is 1. Trial $traffic_stats_retry" after 1000 } if {[keylget r waiting_for_stats]} { keylset r log "Traffic statistics are not ready after 120 seconds. waiting_for_stats is 1" $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $r } foreach {port_handle} $port_handles_for_traffic_stats { $::ixnHLT_log "" $::ixnHLT_log "port $port_handle" $::ixnHLT_log ----------------------------------- $::ixnHLT_log TX set statlist [keylkeys r $port_handle.aggregate.tx] foreach {stat} $statlist { set v [keylget r $port_handle.aggregate.tx.$stat] $::ixnHLT_log [format {%40s = %s} $stat $v] } $::ixnHLT_log RX set statlist [keylkeys r $port_handle.aggregate.rx] foreach {stat} $statlist { set v [keylget r $port_handle.aggregate.rx.$stat] $::ixnHLT_log [format {%40s = %s} $stat $v] } $::ixnHLT_log "" } $::ixnHLT_log {Stopping all protocol(s) ...} set r [::ixia::test_control -action stop_all_protocols] if {[keylget r status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $r } } # reset ixnHLT catch {unset ixnHLT}; array set ixnHLT {} # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # chassis, card, port configuration # # port_list needs to match up with path_list below # set chassis {} set tcl_server set port_list {{1/1 1/2}} set vport_name_list {{1/1/1 1/1/2}} set guard_rail none # # this should match up w/ your port_list above # set ixnHLT(path_list) {{//vport:<1> //vport:<2>}} # # set _result_ [::ixiangpf::connect \ -reset 1 \ -device $chassis \ -port_list $port_list \ -ixnetwork_tcl_server localhost \ -tcl_server $tcl_server \ -guard_rail $guard_rail \ -return_detailed_handles 0 \ ] # Check status if {[keylget _result_ status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $_result_ } foreach {port_list_elem} $port_list \ {name_list_elem} $vport_name_list \ {path_list_elem} $ixnHLT(path_list) \ {chassis_elem} $chassis { set ch_vport_list [list] foreach {port} $port_list_elem {path} $path_list_elem { if {[catch {keylget _result_ port_handle.$chassis_elem.$port} _port_handle]} { error "connection status: $_result_: $_port_handle" } set ixnHLT(PORT-HANDLE,$path) $_port_handle lappend ch_vport_list $_port_handle } set vpinfo_rval [::ixia::vport_info \ -mode set_info \ -port_list $ch_vport_list \ -port_name_list $name_list_elem \ ] if {[keylget vpinfo_rval status] != $::SUCCESS} { $::ixnHLT_errorHandler [info script] $vpinfo_rval } } # if {[llength [info commands obj_config_placeholder]]==0} { proc obj_config_placeholder {args} {} } # ---------------------------------------------------------------- #call the procedure that configures legacy implementation ixnHLT_Scriptgen_Configure ixnHLT #call the procedure that configures CPF #this should be called after the call to legacy implementation ixnCPF_Scriptgen_Configure ixnHLT ixnHLT_Scriptgen_RunTest ixnHLT