#!/usr/bin/tclsh ################################################################################ # # # Copyright 1997 - 2020 by IXIA Keysight # # All Rights Reserved. # # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # # LEGAL NOTICE: # # ============== # # The following code and documentation (hereinafter("the script") is an # # example script for demonstration purposes only. # # The script is not a standard commercial product offered by Ixia and have # # been developed and is being provided for use only as indicated herein. The # # script [and all modifications enhancements and updates thereto (whether # # made by Ixia and/or by the user and/or by a third party)] shall at all times # # remain the property of Ixia. # # # # Ixia does not guarantee (i) that the functions contained in the script will # # meet the users requirements or (ii) that the script will be without # # omissions or error-free. # # THE SCRIPT IS PROVIDED("AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND IXIA # # DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESS IMPLIED STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. # # THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SCRIPT IS WITH THE # # USER. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL IXIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM OR ARISING # # OUT OF THE USE OF OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE SCRIPT OR ANY PART THEREOF # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY LOST PROFITS LOST BUSINESS LOST OR # # DAMAGED DATA OR SOFTWARE OR ANY INDIRECT INCIDENTAL PUNITIVE OR # # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES EVEN IF IXIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # # SUCH DAMAGES IN ADVANCE. # # Ixia will not be required to provide any software maintenance or support # # services of any kind (e.g. any error corrections) in connection with the # # script or any part thereof. The user acknowledges that although Ixia may # # from time to time and in its sole discretion provide maintenance or support # # services for the script any such services are subject to the warranty and # # damages limitations set forth herein and will not obligate Ixia to provide # # any additional maintenance or support services. # # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # # Description: # # This script intends to demonstrate how to use NGPF OSPFv2 API. # # # # 1. Create 2 interfaces with OSPFv2 enabled, each having 1 OSPFv2 # # router with 10 route-ranges per router with first 5 enabled # # 2. Start the ospfv2 protocol. # # 3. Retrieve protocol statistics. # # 4. Retrieve protocol learned info. # # 5. Enable remaining route-ranges on each OSPFv2 router # # 6. Disable and enable router interfaces to reflect changes # # 7. Retrieve protocol learned info. # # 8. Configure L2-L3 traffic. # # 9. Start the L2-L3 traffic. # # 10. Retrieve L2-L3 traffic stats. # # 11. Stop L2-L3 traffic. # # 12. Stop all protocols. # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # Please ensure that PERL5LIB environment variable is set properly so that # IxNetwork.pm module is available. IxNetwork.pm is generally available in # C:\\API\Perl ################################################################################ use IxNetwork; use strict; sub assignPorts { my @my_resource = @_; my $ixNet = $my_resource[0]; my $chassis1 = $my_resource[1]; my $card1 = $my_resource[2]; my $port1 = $my_resource[3]; my $chassis2 = $my_resource[4]; my $card2 = $my_resource[5]; my $port2 = $my_resource[6]; my $vport1 = $my_resource[7]; my $vport2 = $my_resource[8]; my $root = $ixNet->getRoot(); my $chassisObj1 = $ixNet->add($root.'/availableHardware', 'chassis'); $ixNet->setAttribute($chassisObj1, '-hostname', $chassis1); $ixNet->commit(); $chassisObj1 = ($ixNet->remapIds($chassisObj1))[0]; my $chassisObj2 = ''; if ($chassis1 ne $chassis2) { $chassisObj2 = $ixNet->add($root.'/availableHardware', 'chassis'); $ixNet->setAttribute($chassisObj2, '-hostname', $chassis2); $ixNet->commit(); $chassisObj2 = ($ixNet->remapIds($chassisObj2))[0]; } else { $chassisObj2 = $chassisObj1; } my $cardPortRef1 = $chassisObj1.'/card:'.$card1.'/port:'.$port1; $ixNet->setMultiAttribute($vport1, '-connectedTo', $cardPortRef1, '-rxMode', 'captureAndMeasure', '-name', 'Ethernet - 001'); $ixNet->commit(); my $cardPortRef2 = $chassisObj2.'/card:'.$card2.'/port:'.$port2; $ixNet->setMultiAttribute($vport2, '-connectedTo', $cardPortRef2, '-rxMode', 'captureAndMeasure', '-name', 'Ethernet - 002'); $ixNet->commit(); } # Script Starts print("!!! Test Script Starts !!!\n"); # Edit this variables values to match your setup my $ixTclServer = ''; my $ixTclPort = '5555'; #my @ports = (('', '2', '15'), ('', '2', '16')); my @ports = (('xm2-10', '2', '13'), ('xm2-10', '2', '14')); # Spawn a new instance of IxNetwork object. my $ixNet = new IxNetwork(); print("Connect to IxNetwork Tcl server\n"); $ixNet->connect($ixTclServer, '-port', $ixTclPort, '-version', '7.40', '-setAttribute', 'strict'); print("Creating a new config\n"); $ixNet->execute('newConfig'); ################################################################################ # 1. Protocol configuration section. Configure OSPFv2 as per the description # give above ################################################################################ print("Add 2 Virtual ports\n"); $ixNet->add($ixNet->getRoot(), 'vport'); $ixNet->add($ixNet->getRoot(), 'vport'); $ixNet->commit(); my @vPorts = $ixNet->getList($ixNet->getRoot(), 'vport'); my $vPort1 = $vPorts[0]; my $vPort2 = $vPorts[1]; assignPorts($ixNet, @ports, $vPort1, $vPort2); sleep(5); ################################################################################ # setting ipv4 interfaces ################################################################################ print("Add ipv4 interfaces\n"); my $interface1 = $ixNet->add($vPort1, 'interface'); my $ipv4_1 = $ixNet->add($interface1, 'ipv4'); my $interface2 = $ixNet->add($vPort2, 'interface'); my $ipv4_2 = $ixNet->add($interface2, 'ipv4'); $ixNet->commit(); ################################################################################ # enabling protocol interface ################################################################################ print("Enable protocol interface\n"); $ixNet->setAttribute($interface1, '-enabled', 'true'); $ixNet->setAttribute($interface2, '-enabled', 'true'); $ixNet->commit(); ################################################################################ # configuring ip and gateway on each interface ################################################################################ print("Add IP address, Gateway and Mask on Protocol Interface 1\n"); $ixNet->setAttribute($ipv4_1, '-ip', ''); $ixNet->setAttribute($ipv4_1, '-maskWidth', '24'); $ixNet->setAttribute($ipv4_1, '-gateway', ''); $ixNet->commit(); print("Add IP address, Gateway and Mask on Protocol Interface 2\n"); $ixNet->setAttribute($ipv4_2, '-ip', ''); $ixNet->setAttribute($ipv4_2, '-maskWidth', '24'); $ixNet->setAttribute($ipv4_2, '-gateway', ''); $ixNet->commit(); ################################################################################ # Enable OSPFv2 on ports ################################################################################ # Enable ospf from protocol management my $protocol1 = ($ixNet->getList($vPort1, 'protocols'))[0]; my $ospf1 = ($ixNet->getList($protocol1, 'ospf'))[0]; $ixNet->setAttribute($ospf1, '-enabled', 'true'); $ixNet->commit(); my $protocol2 = ($ixNet->getList($vPort2, 'protocols'))[0]; my $ospf2 = ($ixNet->getList($protocol2, 'ospf'))[0]; $ixNet->setAttribute($ospf2, '-enabled', 'true'); $ixNet->commit(); ################################################################################ # Configure OSPFv2 routers on ports ################################################################################ $ixNet->add($ospf1, 'router'); $ixNet->commit(); my $router1 = ($ixNet->getList($ospf1, 'router'))[0]; $ixNet->setAttribute($router1, '-enabled', 'true'); $ixNet->setAttribute($router1, '-routerId', ''); $ixNet->setAttribute($router1, '-discardLearnedLsa', 'false'); $ixNet->commit(); $ixNet->add($ospf2, 'router'); $ixNet->commit(); my $router2 = ($ixNet->getList($ospf2, 'router'))[0]; $ixNet->setAttribute($router2, '-enabled', 'true'); $ixNet->setAttribute($router2, '-routerId', ''); $ixNet->setAttribute($router2, '-discardLearnedLsa', 'false'); $ixNet->commit(); ################################################################################ # Configure interfaces on OSPFv2 routers ################################################################################ $ixNet->add($router1, 'interface'); $ixNet->commit(); my $router1Interface = ($ixNet->getList($router1, 'interface'))[0]; print "router1Interface : $router1Interface"; $ixNet->setAttribute($router1Interface, '-connectedToDut', 'true'); $ixNet->setAttribute($router1Interface, '-protocolInterface', $interface1); $ixNet->setAttribute($router1Interface, '-enabled', 'true'); $ixNet->setAttribute($router1Interface, '-networkType', 'pointToPoint'); $ixNet->commit(); $ixNet->add($router2, 'interface'); $ixNet->commit(); my $router2Interface = ($ixNet->getList($router2, 'interface'))[0]; $ixNet->setAttribute($router2Interface, '-connectedToDut', 'true'); $ixNet->setAttribute($router2Interface, '-protocolInterface', $interface2); $ixNet->setAttribute($router2Interface, '-enabled', 'true'); $ixNet->setAttribute($router2Interface, '-networkType', 'pointToPoint'); $ixNet->commit(); ####################################################################################### # Configure 10 route range on each OSPFv2 router , enable only the first 5 route ranges ####################################################################################### for(my $count = 1; $count <= 10; $count++ ){ my $index = $count - 1; $ixNet->add($router1, 'routeRange'); $ixNet->commit(); my $router1routeRange = ($ixNet->getList($router1, 'routeRange'))[$index]; if ($count < 6) { $ixNet->setAttribute($router1routeRange, '-enabled', 'true'); $ixNet->setAttribute($router1routeRange, '-origin', 'externalType1'); } # End if $ixNet->setAttribute($router1routeRange, '-networkNumber', '55.55.55.'. $count); $ixNet->commit(); $ixNet->add($router2, 'routeRange'); $ixNet->commit(); my $router2routeRange = ($ixNet->getList($router2, 'routeRange'))[$index]; if($count < 6) { $ixNet->setAttribute($router2routeRange, '-enabled', 'true'); $ixNet->setAttribute($router2routeRange, '-origin', 'externalType1'); } # End if $ixNet->setAttribute($router2routeRange, '-networkNumber', '66.66.66.'. $count); $ixNet->commit(); } #End for ################################################################################ # 2. Start OSPFv2 protocol and wait for 60 seconds ################################################################################ print("Start OSPFv2 protocol and wait for 60 seconds for protocol to come up"); $ixNet->execute('startAllProtocols'); sleep(20); ################################################################################ # 3. Retrieve protocol statistics. ################################################################################ print ("Fetching all OSPF Aggregated Stats\n"); my $viewPage = '::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"OSPF Aggregated Statistics"/page'; my @statcap = $ixNet->getAttribute($viewPage, '-columnCaptions'); my @rowvals = $ixNet->getAttribute($viewPage, '-rowValues'); my $index = 0; my $statValueList= ''; foreach $statValueList (@rowvals) { print("***************************************************\n"); my $statVal = ''; foreach $statVal (@$statValueList) { my $statIndiv = ''; $index = 0; foreach $statIndiv (@$statVal) { printf(" %-30s:%s\n", $statcap[$index], $statIndiv); $index++; } } } print("***************************************************\n"); sleep(5); ############################################################################### # 4. Retrieve protocol learned info ############################################################################### print("Retrieve protocol learned info. \n"); $ixNet->execute('refreshLearnedInfo', $router1Interface); $ixNet->execute('refreshLearnedInfo', $router2Interface); my $waitPeriod = 0; my $isRefreshedInterface1 = $ixNet->getAttribute($router1Interface, '-isLearnedInfoRefreshed'); my $isRefreshedInterface2 = $ixNet->getAttribute($router2Interface, '-isLearnedInfoRefreshed'); while ($isRefreshedInterface1 ne "true" && $isRefreshedInterface2 ne "true") { $isRefreshedInterface1 = $ixNet->getAttribute($router1Interface, '-isLearnedInfoRefreshed'); $isRefreshedInterface2 = $ixNet->getAttribute($router2Interface, '-isLearnedInfoRefreshed'); sleep(1); $waitPeriod += 1; if ($waitPeriod > 60){ print("Could not retrieve learnt info on ports after 60 secs\n"); } #End if } #End While my @listLSA1 = $ixNet->getList($router1Interface, 'learnedLsa'); my @listLSA2 = $ixNet->getList($router2Interface, 'learnedLsa'); my $temp = 1; my $item = ""; print("\nLSA retrieved on port 1\n"); foreach $item (@listLSA1) { print("\nLSA : $temp"); print("\n***************************************************"); my $linkStateID = $ixNet->getAttribute($item, '-linkStateId'); my $advRouterID = $ixNet->getAttribute($item, '-advRouterId'); my $lsaType = $ixNet->getAttribute($item, '-lsaType'); my $seqNumber = $ixNet->getAttribute($item, '-seqNumber'); my $age = $ixNet->getAttribute($item, '-age'); print("\n linkStateID \t:\t $linkStateID "); print("\n advRouterID \t:\t $advRouterID "); print("\n lsaType \t:\t $lsaType "); print("\n seqNumber \t:\t $seqNumber"); print("\n age \t:\t $age"); print("\n"); $temp += 1; } #End For $temp = 1; $item = ""; print("\nLSA retrieved on port 2\n"); foreach $item (@listLSA2) { print("\nLSA : $temp \n"); print("*************************************************** \n"); my $linkStateID = $ixNet->getAttribute($item, '-linkStateId'); my $advRouterID = $ixNet->getAttribute($item, '-advRouterId'); my $lsaType = $ixNet->getAttribute($item, '-lsaType'); my $seqNumber = $ixNet->getAttribute($item, '-seqNumber'); my $age = $ixNet->getAttribute($item, '-age'); print("\n linkStateID \t:\t $linkStateID "); print("\n advRouterID \t:\t $advRouterID "); print("\n lsaType \t:\t $lsaType "); print("\n seqNumber \t:\t $seqNumber"); print("\n age \t:\t $age"); print("\n"); $temp += 1; } #End For print ("***************************************************\n"); sleep(20); ################################################################################ # 5. Enable all route ranges on each OSPFv2 router ################################################################################ print ("Enable all available route ranges on each OSPFv2 router\n"); my @router1routeRangeList = $ixNet->getList($router1, 'routeRange'); my @router2routeRangeList = $ixNet->getList($router2, 'routeRange'); my $routeRange = ""; foreach $routeRange (@router1routeRangeList) { $ixNet->setAttribute($routeRange, '-enabled', 'true'); $ixNet->commit(); } #End For $routeRange = ""; foreach $routeRange (@router2routeRangeList) { $ixNet->setAttribute($routeRange, '-enabled', 'true'); $ixNet->commit(); } #End For ################################################################################## # 6. Disable / Enable interfaces on each OSPFv2 router for new routes to be available ################################################################################## my @router1InterfaceList = $ixNet->getList($router1, 'interface'); my @router2InterfaceList = $ixNet->getList($router2, 'interface'); my $interface = ""; foreach $interface (@router1InterfaceList) { $ixNet->setAttribute($interface, '-enabled', 'false'); $ixNet->commit(); $ixNet->setAttribute($interface, '-enabled', 'true'); $ixNet->commit(); } #End For $interface = ""; foreach $interface (@router2InterfaceList) { $ixNet->setAttribute($interface, '-enabled', 'false'); $ixNet->commit(); $ixNet->setAttribute($interface, '-enabled', 'true'); $ixNet->commit(); } #End For ################################################################################# # 7. Retrieve protocol learned info , wait till 60 sec for table to be refreshed ################################################################################# sleep(10); print("Retrieve protocol learned info after the changes. \n"); $ixNet->execute('refreshLearnedInfo', $router1Interface); $ixNet->execute('refreshLearnedInfo', $router2Interface); #sleep(10); my $waitPeriod = 0; my $isRefreshedInterface1 = $ixNet->getAttribute($router1Interface, '-isLearnedInfoRefreshed'); my $isRefreshedInterface2 = $ixNet->getAttribute($router2Interface, '-isLearnedInfoRefreshed'); while ($isRefreshedInterface1 ne "true" && $isRefreshedInterface2 ne "true") { $isRefreshedInterface1 = $ixNet->getAttribute($router1Interface, '-isLearnedInfoRefreshed'); $isRefreshedInterface2 = $ixNet->getAttribute($router2Interface, '-isLearnedInfoRefreshed'); sleep(1); $waitPeriod += 1; if ($waitPeriod > 60){ print("Could not retrieve learnt info on ports after 60 secs\n"); } #End if } #End While my @listLSA1_1 = $ixNet->getList($router1Interface, 'learnedLsa'); my @listLSA2_1 = $ixNet->getList($router2Interface, 'learnedLsa'); my $temp = 1; my $item = ''; print("\nLSA retrieved on port 1\n"); foreach $item (@listLSA1_1) { print("\nLSA : $temp"); print("\n***************************************************"); my $linkStateID = $ixNet->getAttribute($item, '-linkStateId'); my $advRouterID = $ixNet->getAttribute($item, '-advRouterId'); my $lsaType = $ixNet->getAttribute($item, '-lsaType'); my $seqNumber = $ixNet->getAttribute($item, '-seqNumber'); my $age = $ixNet->getAttribute($item, '-age'); print("\n linkStateID \t:\t $linkStateID "); print("\n advRouterID \t:\t $advRouterID "); print("\n lsaType \t:\t $lsaType "); print ("\n seqNumber \t:\t $seqNumber"); print ("\n age \t:\t $age"); print ("\n"); $temp += 1; } #End For $temp = 1; $item = ''; print ("\nLSA retrieved on port 2\n"); foreach $item (@listLSA2_1) { print("\nLSA : $temp"); print("\n***************************************************"); my $linkStateID = $ixNet->getAttribute($item, '-linkStateId'); my $advRouterID = $ixNet->getAttribute($item, '-advRouterId'); my $lsaType = $ixNet->getAttribute($item, '-lsaType'); my $seqNumber = $ixNet->getAttribute($item, '-seqNumber'); my $age = $ixNet->getAttribute($item, '-age'); print("\n linkStateID \t:\t $linkStateID "); print("\n advRouterID \t:\t $advRouterID "); print("\n lsaType \t:\t $lsaType "); print("\n seqNumber \t:\t $seqNumber"); print("\n age \t:\t $age"); print("\n"); $temp += 1; } ################################################################################ # 8. Configure L2-L3 traffic ################################################################################ print ("Congfiguring L2-L3 Traffic Item\n"); my $trafficItem1 = $ixNet->add(($ixNet->getRoot()).'/traffic', 'trafficItem'); $ixNet->setMultiAttribute($trafficItem1, '-name', 'Traffic Item OSPF', '-roundRobinPacketOrdering', 'false', '-trafficType', 'ipv4'); $ixNet->commit(); $trafficItem1 = ($ixNet->remapIds($trafficItem1))[0]; my $endpointSet1 = $ixNet->add($trafficItem1, 'endpointSet'); my $source = ($vPort1 . '/protocols/ospf'); my $destination = ($vPort2 . '/protocols/ospf'); print ("source : $source"); print ("destination : $destination"); $ixNet->setMultiAttribute($endpointSet1, '-name', 'EndpointSet-1', '-multicastDestinations', (''), '-scalableSources', (''), '-multicastReceivers', (''), '-scalableDestinations', (''), '-ngpfFilters', (''), '-trafficGroups', (''), '-sources', $source , '-destinations', $destination); $ixNet->commit(); $ixNet->setMultiAttribute($trafficItem1.'/tracking', '-trackBy', ['sourceDestEndpointPair0','trackingenabled0']); $ixNet->commit(); ############################################################################### # 9. Apply and start L2/L3 traffic ############################################################################### print("applying L2/L3 traffic\n"); $ixNet->execute('apply', ($ixNet->getRoot()).'/traffic'); sleep(5); print("starting L2/L3 traffic\n"); $ixNet->execute('start', ($ixNet->getRoot()).'/traffic'); print ('Let traffic run for 1 minute\n'); time.sleep(60); ############################################################################### # 10. Retrieve L2/L3 traffic item statistics ############################################################################### print("***************************************************\n"); print("Verifying all the L2-L3 traffic stats\n"); my $viewPage = '::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Flow Statistics"/page'; my @statcap = $ixNet->getAttribute($viewPage, '-columnCaptions'); my @rowvals = $ixNet->getAttribute($viewPage, '-rowValues'); my $index = 0; my $statValueList= ''; foreach $statValueList (@rowvals) { print("***************************************************\n"); my $statVal = ''; foreach $statVal (@$statValueList) { my $statIndiv = ''; $index = 0; foreach $statIndiv (@$statVal) { printf(" %-30s:%s\n", $statcap[$index], $statIndiv); $index++; } } } print("***************************************************\n"); ################################################################################ # 11. Stop L2/L3 traffic ################################################################################ print("Stopping L2/L3 traffic\n"); $ixNet->execute('stop', ($ixNet->getRoot()).'/traffic'); sleep(5); ################################################################################ # 12. Stop all protocols ############################################################################# $ixNet->execute('stopAllProtocols'); print("!!! Test Script Ends !!!");