proc ConnectToIxiaHlt { connectParams } { # How to use this from a script: # set connect(-reset) 1 # set connect(-device) $ixiaChassisIp # set connect(-port_list) $portList # set connect(-ixnetwork_tcl_server) $ixNetworkTclServerIp # set connect(-tcl_server) $ixiaChassisIp # set connect(-username) $userName # set connectStatus [ConnectToIxiaHlt ::connect] upvar $connectParams params foreach {properties values} [array get params *] { set property [lindex [split $properties ,] end] append paramList "$property $values " } puts "ConnectToIxiaHlt: Please wait 40 seconds ..." set connectStatus [eval ::ixia::connect $paramList] if {[keylget connectStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nEror ConnectToIxia: $connectStatus\n" return 1 } else { return $connectStatus } } proc ResumeHlt { connectParams } { # Usage: # set connect(-tcl_server) ""' # set connect(-ixnetwork_tcl_server) ""' # set connect(-username) "hgee"' # set connect(-session_resume_keys) 1' # Resume ::connect upvar $connectParams params foreach {properties values} [array get params *] { set property [lindex [split $properties ,] end] append paramList "$property $values " } puts "ConnectToIxiaHlt: Please wait 40 seconds ..." set status [eval ::ixia::connect $paramList] #set status [::ixia::connect \ # -ixnetwork_tcl_server $ixNetworkTclServerIp \ # -tcl_server $ixiaChassisIp \ # -username $userName \ # -session_resume_keys 1 \ # ] return $status } proc LoadConfigFile { {type useConfigFilePorts} } { # Options: # type = useConfigFilePorts | remapPorts # # Defaults to using ports in the saved config file if {[file exists $::ixncfgFile] == 0} { puts "\n\n** ixNet config file does not exists: $::ixncfgFile\n\n" exit } puts "\nLoading config file: $::ixncfgFile ..." # BUG on IxOS 6.70/IxNet 7.30. You must include -tcl_server. # If IxNet Windows isn't running IxOS tcl server, it won't # default to the Ixia chassis's IxOS tcl server. if {$type != "useConfigFilePorts"} { puts "Remapping ports" set connectStatus [::ixia::connect \ -device $::ixiaChassisIp \ -tcl_server $::ixiaChassisIp \ -port_list $::portList \ -ixnetwork_tcl_server $::ixNetworkTclServerIp \ -username $::userName \ -config_file $::ixncfgFile \ -break_locks 1 \ -session_resume_keys 1 \ ] } # NOTE: This requires -tcl_server if the ixNet # Tcl server is not running IxOS Tcl Server. if {$type == "useConfigFilePorts"} { puts "Loading saved config ports: $::portList" set connectStatus [::ixia::connect \ -tcl_server $::ixiaChassisIp \ -config_file $::ixncfgFile \ -ixnetwork_tcl_server $::ixNetworkTclServerIp \ -session_resume_keys 1 \ -connect_timeout 30 \ -break_locks 1 ] } if {[keylget connectStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "Connecting to IxNetwork Tcl server failed\n\n$connectStatus\n" return 1 } else { puts "Successfully connected to IxNetwork Tcl server" } puts "\n[KeylPrint connectStatus]\n" return $connectStatus } proc GetVportConnectedToPort { vport } { # ::ixNet::OBJ-/availableHardware/chassis:""/card:1/port:1 set connectedTo [ixNet getAttribute $vport -connectedTo] set connectedTo [lrange [split $connectedTo /] 3 4] set card [lindex [split [lindex $connectedTo 0] :] end] set port [lindex [split [lindex $connectedTo 1] :] end] return $card/$port } proc GetVportMapping { Port } { # Search all vport for the port number. # Port format = 1/1. Not 1/1/1. regexp "\[0-9]+/(\[0-9]+/\[0-9]+)" $Port - Port set vportList [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] vport] if {$vportList == ""} { return 0 } foreach vport $vportList { set connectedTo [ixNet getAttribute $vport -connectedTo] set card [lindex [split [lindex [split $connectedTo /] 3] :] end] set portNum [lindex [split [lindex [split $connectedTo /] 4] :] end] set port $card/$portNum if {$port == $Port} { return $vport } } return 0 } proc VerifyPortState { {StopTimer 60} } { set portDownList {} set stopTime $StopTimer puts \n foreach vPort [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] vport] { set port [GetVportConnectedToPort $vPort] for {set timer 1} {$timer <= $stopTime} {incr timer} { if {$timer == $stopTime} { lappend portDownList $port } if {[ixNet getAttribute $vPort -state] == "up"} { puts "VerifyPortState: $port is up" break } else { puts "VerifyPortState: $port is still not up. Waited $timer/$stopTime seconds" after 1000 continue } } } if {$portDownList != ""} { puts "VerifyPortState: Ports can't come up: $portDownList\n" return 1 } after 3000 return 0 } proc PortConfigProtocolIntHlt { port portConfigParams } { # Call this API if you are configuring protocols on the port. # You could also use this for scaling, but using this API # will take up a lot of resource. # For scaling, it is better to use PortConfigStaticIp. # How to use this from a script: # set port 1/1/3 # set portConfig($port1,-mode) config # set portConfig($port1,-intf_ip_addr) # set portConfig($port1,-connected_count) 1 # set portConfig($port1,-gateway) # set portConfig($port1,-gateway_step) # set portConfig($port1,-netmask) # set portConfig($port1,-src_mac_addr) "0001.0101.0001" # set portConfig($port1,-src_mac_addr_step) 0000.0000.0001 # set portConfig($port1,-l23_config_type) static_endpoint # set portConfig($port1,-mtu) 1500 # set portConfig($port1,-vlan_id) 300 # set portConfig($port1,-vlan_id_count) 1 # set portConfig($port1,-vlan) 0 # set portConfig($port1,-vlan_id_step) 1 # set endpoint($port) [PortConfigProtocolIntHlt ::portConfig] upvar $portConfigParams params puts "\nPortConfigProtocolIntHlt: $port" foreach {properties values} [array get params $port,*] { set property [lindex [split $properties ,] end] puts "$property: $values" append paramList "$property $values " } set interfaceConfigStatus [eval ::ixia::interface_config $paramList] if {[keylget interfaceConfigStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nError PortConfigProtocolInt:\n$interfaceConfigStatus\n" return 1 } # interface object = ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/interface:1 set interfaceHandle [keylget interfaceConfigStatus interface_handle] return $interfaceHandle } proc GetProtocolIntObjects { args } { # This API supports single chassis ports and diasy chained chassis ports. # # This API will return you all the Protocol Interface objects # based on the $port and/or $vlanId # # -port format = 1/1/3 or $ixiaChassisIp/1/3 # -You could pass in a list of ports also: # "1/1/1 1/1/2" or "$ixiaChassisIp/1/1 $ixiaChassisIp/1/2" # For a single chassis, port format can be 1/1/1 or $ixiaChassisIp/1/1 # For a daisy chained chassis, port format must be $ixiaChassisIp1/1 # For -vlanId parameter: # Currently, you can only pass in one vlan ID for a single port or for # the list of ports. set argIndex 0 while {$argIndex < [llength $args]} { set currentArg [lindex $args $argIndex] switch -exact -- $currentArg { -port { # For a single chassis, port format can be 1/1/1 or $ixiaChassisIp/1/1 # For a daisy chained chassis, port format must be $ixiaChassisIp/1/1 set port [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] set portList {} foreach p $port { set port [join [lrange [split $p /] 1 end] /] lappend portList $port } incr argIndex 2 } -vlanId { set vlanId [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } default { puts "\nError GetProtocolIntObjects: No such parameter: $currentArg" return 1 } } } set interfaceObjList {} foreach vport [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] vport] { set currentPort [ixNet getAttribute $vport -assignedTo] set chassis [lindex [split $currentPort :] 0] set card [lindex [split $currentPort :] 1] set portNumber [lindex [split $currentPort :] 2] if {[lsearch $portList "$card/$portNumber"] != -1 || [lsearch $portList "$chassis/$card/$portNumber"] != -1} { # Get all the interface objects for the current $card/$portNumber. # Because a port can have a large scale of interfaces. foreach interface [ixNet getList $vport interface] { if {[info exists vlanId] == 0} { lappend interfaceObjList $interface } # User can bind a vlanID to a port. if {[info exists vlanId] == 1} { set currentVlanId [ixNet getAttribute $interface/vlan -vlanId] if {$vlanId == $currentVlanId} { lappend interfaceObjList $interface } } } } } if {$interfaceObjList != ""} { return $interfaceObjList } else { return 0 } } proc ModifyProtocolInterfaces { args } { # This API allows you to modify any or all configured Protocol Interfaces. # It is mandatory that you include the -port parameter with the port value # format of 1/1/1. # # This API requires calling GetProtocolIntObjects. # # Usage: # # Two ways to use this. # # 1> Enter a starting address for any of the followings: # -ippv4, -gatewayIpv4, -mac ... # # 2> Provide a custom list: -ipv4List, -ipv4GatewayList, -vlanIdList, -macList ... # # -ipv4 = Single value # -ipv4Step = Ex: = increment the 4th octect by 1 step # - = Ex: = increment the 3rd octect by 3 steps # -ipv4List = A list of list with interfaceNumber|description and IP. # Ex: {{1} {"descName"}} # -gatewayIpv4 = Single value # -gatewayIpv4Step = Same as ipv4Step # -ipv4GatewayList = Same as ipv4List # -mac = Single value # -macStep = 00:00:00:00:00:01 = increment the 6th byte by 1 step # -macStep = 00:00:00:02:00:00 = increment the 4th byte by 2 steps # -macList = Same method as ipv4List # -ipv4MaskWidth = In digits: 24. Fixed value for all interfaces. # -ipv4MaskWidthList = A list of list with interfaceNumber|description and the maskWidth. # Ex: -ipv4MaskWidthList {{1 24} {2 23} {"descName" 22}} # -name = Provide a list of list with interface number and description. # Ex: -name {{1 "int1_description"} {2 "int2_descriptION"} {5 "int5_description}} # -enable = "all" or a list of interface numbers to enable. # Ex: -enable all # Ex: -enable {1 3 5} This will enable only interface 1, 3, and 5 # -disable = Same as enable # -vlanId = The vlan ID for all interfaces. # = Ex: For QinQ, -vlanId {88,103}. # -vlanIdList = A list of list with interfaceNumber|description and vlanId. # Ex: -vlanIdList {{1 103} {"descName" 110}} # Ex: QinQ: -vlanidList {{1 78,103} {"desc name" 78,103}}. # 1 and 3 are interface numbers followed by outer,inner vlanId. # -vlanPriority = The vlan priority for all interfaces. # = Ex: QinQ: Same as vlanId # -vlanPriorityList = A list of list with interface number and vlan priority number. # = Ex: QinQ: Same as vlanIdList # -vlanEnable = True or False, for all interfaces. # -vlanEnableList = A list of interface numbers to enable. # Ex: -vlanEnableList {1 3 5 7} # -vlanDisableList = Same as above. # -vlanTpId = 0x8100 for all interfaces. # -vlanCount = The number of vlan to create for each interface. # -delete = "all" or a list of interface numbers to delete. # Ex: -delete all # Ex: -delete {1 2 5} will delete only interface 1, 2 and 5 if {[lsearch $args -port] == -1} { puts "\nModifyProtocolInterfaces Error: Must include -port" return 1 } # TODO: Handle interface description for a list of names also: # -delete {11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21} # This Proc is only used internally to avoid rewriting same codes proc lsearchList { interfaceObj param theList currentInterfaceNumber} { # obj = interface or interface/vlan ... # param = -vlanId, macAddress, etc # theList = The list to search # currentInterfaceNumber = The for loop current interface number # {1} and/or {"interface name"} # If the user provided list is not an interface number, then it's a name. # Convert the interface name to interface number. set theList [eval list $theList] set theList2 {} foreach item $theList { set interfaceNameOrNumber [lindex $item 0] set theValue [lindex $item 1] if {[regexp "^\[0-9]+$" $interfaceNameOrNumber] == 0} { # The user provided a name. Get the interface number. # ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/interface:1 foreach eachInterface $::interfaceList { set currentIntName [ixNet getAttribute $eachInterface -description] if {[regexp -nocase $interfaceNameOrNumber $currentIntName]} { set convertNameToIntNumber [lindex [split $eachInterface ":"] end] lappend theList2 "$convertNameToIntNumber $theValue" } else { lappend theList2 "$interfaceNameOrNumber $theValue" } } } } set currentValue [lsearch -index 0 -all -inline $theList2 $currentInterfaceNumber] if {$currentValue != ""} { set value [lindex [lindex $currentValue 0] 1] puts "\t$param $value" ixNet setAttribute $interfaceObj $param $value } if 0 { set currentIndex [lsearch -index 0 -all -inline $theList $currentInterfaceNumber] if {$currentIndex != ""} { set currentIndex [lindex [lindex $currentIndex 0] 1] puts "\t$param $currentIndex" ixNet setAttribute $interfaceObj $param $currentIndex } } } set ipv4Step 0 set maskWidth 24 set gatewayIpv4Step 0 set macStep 00:00:00:00:00:00 set argIndex 0 while {$argIndex < [llength $args]} { set currentArg [lindex $args $argIndex] switch -exact -- $currentArg { -port { set port [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -ipv4 { set startingIpv4 [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2V } -ipv4MaskWidth { set ipv4MaskWidth [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -ipv4Step { set ipv4Step [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -gatewayIpv4 { set startingGatewayIpv4 [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -gatewayIpv4Step { set gatewayIpv4Step [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -name { # -name {{interfaceNumber1 "the name1"} {interfaceNumber2 "the name2"}} set name [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -enable { # -enable all or {intNumbers in a list} set enableList [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -disable { # -disable all or {intNumbers in a list} set disableList [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -ipv4List { # -ipv4List {{1 $ip} {2 $ip}} set ipv4List [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -ipv4GatewayList { # -ipv4GatewayList {{1 $gatewayIp} {2 $gatewayIp}} set ipv4GatewayList [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -ipv4MaskWidthList { # -ipv4MaskWidthList {{1 $maskWidth} {2 $maskWidth}} set ipv4MaskWidthList [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -mac { set mac [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -macStep { set macStep [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -macList { set macList [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -mtu { set mtu [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -vlanId { set vlanId [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -vlanPriority { set vlanPriority [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -vlanEnable { set vlanEnable [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -vlanTpId { set vlanTpId [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -vlanCount { set vlanCount [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -vlanIdList { set vlanIdList [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -vlanPriorityList { set vlanPriorityList [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -vlanEnableList { set vlanEnableList [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -vlanDisableList { set vlanDisableList [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -delete { set delete [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } default { puts "\nModifyProtocolInterface: No such parameter: $currentArg" return 1 } } } global interfaceList set interfaceList [GetProtocolIntObjects -port $port] if {[info exists mac]} { # Default the incr steps to 0 in case regexp didn't find any match set incr1stIpOctect 0 set incr2ndIpOctect 0 set incr3rdIpOctect 0 set incr4thIpOctect 0 regexp "(\[0-9a-fA-F]+):(\[0-9a-fA-F]+):(\[0-9a-fA-F]+):(\[0-9a-fA-F]+):(\[0-9a-fA-F]+):(\[0-9a-fA-F]+)" $macStep - \ macStepByte1 macStepByte2 macStepByte3 macStepByte4 macStepByte5 macStepByte6 scan $macStepByte1 %x incr1stMac scan $macStepByte2 %x incr2ndMac scan $macStepByte3 %x incr3rdMac scan $macStepByte4 %x incr4thMac scan $macStepByte5 %x incr5thMac scan $macStepByte6 %x incr6thMac set macByte1 [lindex [split $mac :] 0] set macByte2 [lindex [split $mac :] 1] set macByte3 [lindex [split $mac :] 2] set macByte4 [lindex [split $mac :] 3] set macByte5 [lindex [split $mac :] 4] set macByte6 [lindex [split $mac :] 5] set currentMac $mac } if {$ipv4Step != "0"} { # Default the incr steps to 0 in case regexp didn't find any match set incr1stIpOctect 0 set incr2ndIpOctect 0 set incr3rdIpOctect 0 set incr4thIpOctect 0 regexp "(\[0-9]+)\.(\[0-9]+)\.(\[0-9]+)\.(\[0-9]+)" $ipv4Step - \ incr1stIpOctect incr2ndIpOctect incr3rdIpOctect incr4thIpOctect set byte1 [lindex [split $startingIpv4 .] 0] set byte2 [lindex [split $startingIpv4 .] 1] set byte3 [lindex [split $startingIpv4 .] 2] set byte4 [lindex [split $startingIpv4 .] 3] set currentIpv4 $startingIpv4 } if {$gatewayIpv4Step != "0"} { # Default the incr steps to 0 in case regexp didn't find any match set incr1stGatewayOctect 0 set incr2ndGatewayOctect 0 set incr3rdGatewayOctect 0 set incr4thGatewayOctect 0 regexp "(\[0-9]+)\.(\[0-9]+)\.(\[0-9]+)\.(\[0-9]+)" $gatewayIpv4Step - \ incr1stGatewayOctect incr2ndGatewayOctect incr3rdGatewayOctect incr4thGatewayOctect set gatewayByte1 [lindex [split $startingGatewayIpv4 .] 0] set gatewayByte2 [lindex [split $startingGatewayIpv4 .] 1] set gatewayByte3 [lindex [split $startingGatewayIpv4 .] 2] set gatewayByte4 [lindex [split $startingGatewayIpv4 .] 3] set currentGatewayIpv4 $startingGatewayIpv4 } set oneTimeOnly 0 set currentInterfaceNumber 0 foreach interface $interfaceList { puts "\nModifyProtocolInterface: $interface" incr currentInterfaceNumber if {[info exists vlanId]} { puts "\t-vlanId $vlanId" ixNet setAttribute $interface/vlan -vlanId $vlanId } if {[info exists vlanPriority]} { puts "\t-vlanPriority $vlanPriority" ixNet setAttribute $interface/vlan -vlanPriority $vlanPriority } if {[info exists vlanEnable]} { puts "\t-vlanEnable $vlanEnable" ixNet setAttribute $interface/vlan -vlanEnable $vlanEnable } if {[info exists vlanTpId]} { puts "\t-tpid $vlanTpId" ixNet setAttribute $interface/vlan -tpid $vlanTpId } if {[info exists vlanCount]} { puts "\t-vlanCount $vlanCount" ixNet setAttribute $interface/vlan -vlanCount $vlanCount } if {[info exists vlanIdList]} { lsearchList $interface/vlan -vlanId $vlanIdList $currentInterfaceNumber } if {[info exists vlanPriorityList]} { lsearchList $interface/vlan -vlanPriority $vlanPriorityList $currentInterfaceNumber } if {[info exists vlanEnableList]} { if {[regexp "A|all" $vlanEnableList]} { puts "\tvlan: -enable True" ixNet setAttribute $interface/vlan -vlanEnable True } else { if {[lsearch $vlanEnableList $currentInterfaceNumber] != -1} { puts "\tvlan: -enable True" ixNet setAttribute $interface/vlan -vlanEnable True } } } if {[info exists vlanDisableList]} { if {[regexp "A|all" $vlanDisableList]} { puts "\tvlan: -enable False" ixNet setAttribute $interface/vlan -vlanEnable False } else { if {[lsearch $vlanDisableList $currentInterfaceNumber] != -1} { puts "\tvlan: -enable False" ixNet setAttribute $interface/vlan -vlanEnable False } } } if {[info exists mac]} { # Generate Mac address if {$oneTimeOnly == 1} { if {$incr6thMac > 0 && $macByte6 >= "254"} { set macByte6 1 incr macByte5 } if {$incr6thMac > 0 && $macByte6 < "254"} { incr macByte6 $incr6thMac } if {$incr5thMac > 0 && $macByte5 >= "254"} { set macByte5 1 incr macByte4 } if {$incr5thMac > 0 && $macByte5 < "254"} { incr macByte5 $incr5thMac } if {$incr4thMac > 0 && $macByte4 >= "254"} { set macByte4 1 incr macByte3 } if {$incr4thMac > 0 && $macByte4 < "254"} { incr macByte4 $incr4thMac } if {$incr3rdMac > 0 && $macByte3 >= "254"} { set macByte3 1 incr macByte2 } if {$incr3rdMac > 0 && $macByte3 < "254"} { incr macByte3 $incr3rdMac } if {$incr2ndMac > 0 && $macByte2 >= "254"} { set macByte2 1 incr macByte1 } if {$incr2ndMac > 0 && $macByte2 < "254"} { incr macByte2 $incr2ndMac } } set currentMac [format %2.2x $macByte1]:[format %2.2x $macByte2]:[format %2.2x $macByte3]:[format %2.2x $macByte4]:[format %2.2x $macByte5]:[format %2.2x $macByte6] puts "\t-mac $currentMac" ixNet setAttribute $interface/ethernet -macAddress $currentMac } if {[info exists startingIpv4]} { # Generate IP address if {$oneTimeOnly == 1} { if {$incr4thIpOctect > 0 && $byte4 >= "254"} { set byte4 1 incr byte3 } if {$incr4thIpOctect > 0 && $byte4 < "254"} { incr byte4 $incr4thIpOctect } if {$incr3rdIpOctect > 0 && $byte3 >= "254"} { set byte3 1 incr byte2 } if {$incr3rdIpOctect > 0 && $byte3 < "254"} { incr byte3 $incr3rdIpOctect } if {$incr2ndIpOctect > 0 && $byte2 >= "254"} { set byte2 1 incr byte1 } if {$incr2ndIpOctect > 0 && $byte2 < "254"} { incr byte1 $incr2ndIpOctect } } set currentIpv4 $byte1.$byte2.$byte3.$byte4 puts "\t-ip $currentIpv4" ixNet setAttribute $interface/ipv4 -ip $currentIpv4 } if {[info exists startingGatewayIpv4]} { # Generate IP Gateway address if {$oneTimeOnly == 1} { if {$incr4thGatewayOctect > 0 && $gatewayByte4 >= "254"} { set gatewayByte4 1 incr gatewayByte3 } if {$incr4thGatewayOctect > 0 && $gatewayByte4 < "254"} { incr gatewayByte4 $incr4thGatewayOctect } if {$incr3rdGatewayOctect > 0 && $gatewayByte3 >= "254"} { set gatewayByte3 1 incr gatewayByte2 } if {$incr3rdGatewayOctect > 0 && $gatewayByte3 < "254"} { incr gatewayByte3 $incr3rdGatewayOctect } if {$incr2ndGatewayOctect > 0 && $gatewayByte2 >= "254"} { set gatewayByte2 1 incr gatewayByte1 } if {$incr2ndGatewayOctect > 0 && $gatewayByte2 < "254"} { incr gatewayByte2 $incr2ndGatewayOctect } } set currentGatewayIpv4 $gatewayByte1.$gatewayByte2.$gatewayByte3.$gatewayByte4 puts "\t-gateway $currentGatewayIpv4" ixNet setAttribute $interface/ipv4 -gateway $currentGatewayIpv4 } if {[info exists macList]} { # -ipv4List {{1 00:01:02:03:00:01} {2 00:02:02:03:00:01} {3 00:03:02:03:00:01}} # lindex 0 = 2 00:02:02:03:00:01 lsearchList $interface/ethernet -macAddress $macList $currentInterfaceNumber } if {[info exists ipv4List]} { # -ipv4List {{1} {2} {3}} # lindex 0 = 2 lsearchList $interface/ipv4 -ip $ipv4List $currentInterfaceNumber } if {[info exists ipv4GatewayList]} { lsearchList $interface/ipv4 -gateway $ipv4GatewayList $currentInterfaceNumber } if {[info exists ipv4MaskWidthList]} { lsearchList $interface/ipv4 -maskWidth $ipv4MaskWidthList $currentInterfaceNumber } if {[info exists ipv4MaskWidth]} { puts "\t-maskWidth $ipv4MaskWidth" ixNet setAttribute $interface/ipv4 -maskWidth $ipv4MaskWidth } if {[info exists name]} { lsearchList $interface -description $name $currentInterfaceNumber } if {[info exists enableList]} { if {[regexp "A|all" $enableList]} { puts "\t-enable True" ixNet setAttribute $interface -enabled True } else { if {[lsearch $enableList $currentInterfaceNumber] != -1} { puts "\t-enable True" ixNet setAttribute $interface -enabled True } } } if {[info exists disableList]} { if {[regexp "A|all" $disableList]} { puts "\t-enable False" ixNet setAttribute $interface -enabled False } else { if {[lsearch $disableList $currentInterfaceNumber] != -1} { puts "\t-enable False" ixNet setAttribute $interface -enabled False } } } if {[info exists delete]} { if {[regexp "A|all" $delete]} { puts "\tDelete interface: $currentInterfaceNumber" ixNet remove $interface } else { if {[lsearch $delete $currentInterfaceNumber] != -1} { puts "\tDelete interface: $currentInterfaceNumber" ixNet remove $interface } } } set oneTimeOnly 1 } ixNet commit } proc CreateTrafficItemHlt { trafficItemParams } { upvar $trafficItemParams params # For non-full-mesh: -src_dest_mesh one_to_one # For full-mesh: -src_dest_mesh fully # For continuous traffic: -transmit_mode continuous # For single burst traffic: -transmit single_burst -number_of_packets-per_stream 50000 # How to use this from a script: # set trafficItem1(-mode) create # set trafficItem1(-endpointset_count) 1 # set trafficItem1(-emulation_src_handle) $topology1(portHandle) # set trafficItem1(-emulation_dst_handle) $topology2(portHandle) # set trafficItem1(-src_dest_mesh) one_to_one # set trafficItem1(-route_mesh) one_to_one # set trafficItem1(-bidirectional) 0 # set trafficItem1(-allow_self_destined) 0 # set trafficItem1(-name) Traffic_Item_1 # set trafficItem1(-circuit_endpoint_type) ipv4 # set trafficItem1(-track_by) {trackingenabled0 sourceDestValuePair0} # set trafficItem1(-l3_protocol) ipv4 # # set trafficItem1Objects [CreateTrafficItemHlt ::trafficItem1] foreach {properties values} [array get params *] { set property [lindex [split $properties ,] end] append paramList "$property $values " } puts "\nCreateTrafficItemHlt: $paramList\n" set trafficItemStatus [eval ::ixia::traffic_config $paramList] if {[keylget trafficItemStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nError CreateTrafficItem: $trafficItemStatus\n" return 1 } return $trafficItemStatus } proc SendArpOnProtocolIntHlt { ports } { # This API will send ARP out of all the ports in -port_handle. # For Protocol Interface configuration. # Returns the Arp results. # # Success: {1/1/1 {{arp_request_success 1}}} {status 1} # Failed: # # 1/1/1: # arp_ipv4_interfaces_failed: ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:2/interface:1 # arp_request_success: 0 set arpStatus [::ixia::interface_config -mode modify -port_handle $ports -arp_send_req 1 -arp_req_retries 3] puts "\nSendArpOnProtocolInt: $arpStatus" return $arpStatus } proc StopAllProtocolsHlt { {platform legacy} } { # platform: legacy or ngpf if {$platform == "legacy"} { set params "::ixia::test_control -action stop_all_protocols" } if {$platform == "ngpf"} { set params "::ixiangpf::test_control -action stop_all_protocols" } puts "\nStopAllProtocolsHlt: $platform" set stopProtocolStatus [eval $params] if {[keylget stopProtocolStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nError StopAllProtocolsHlt failed: $stopProtocolStatus\n" return 1 } wait 5000 return 0 } proc ConfigIgmpHostHlt { igmpParams } { # Usage Example: # set igmpHost($port1,-mode) create # set igmpHost($port1,-port_handle) $port1 # set igmpHost($port1,-reset) 1 # set igmpHost($port1,-msg_interval) 0 # set igmpHost($port1,-igmp_version) v2 # set igmpHost($port1,-ip_router_alert) 0 # set igmpHost($port1,-general_query) 0 # set igmpHost($port1,-group_query) 0 # set igmpHost($port1,-count) 1 # set igmpHost($port1,-intf_ip_addr) # set igmpHost($port1,-neighbor_intf_ip_addr) # set igmpHost($port1,-intf_prefix_len) 24 # set igmpHost($port1,-vlan) 1 # set igmpHost($port1,-vlan_id) 101 # set igmpHostHandle($port1) [ConfigIgmpHostHlt ::igmpHost] upvar $igmpParams params foreach {properties values} [array get params *] { set property [lindex [split $properties ,] end] append paramList "$property $values " } puts "\nConfigIgmpHostHlt: $paramList\n" set status [eval ::ixia::emulation_igmp_config $paramList] if {[keylget status status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "Error: igmp emulation config:\n[keylget status log]" return 1 } # ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocols/igmp/host:3 return [keylget status handle] } proc CreateIgmpGroupHlt { igmpGroupParams } { # Usage Examples: # set igmpGroup(-mode) create # set igmpGroup(-num_groups) 10 # set igmpGroup(-ip_addr_start) # set igmpGroup(-ip_addr_step) # set igmpGroup(-ip_prefix_len) 24 # set igmpGroupHandle($port1) [ConfigIgmpGroupHlt ::igmpGroup] upvar $igmpGroupParams params foreach {properties values} [array get params *] { set property [lindex [split $properties ,] end] append paramList "$property $values " } puts "\nCreateIgmpGroupHlt: $paramList\n" set status [eval ::ixia::emulation_multicast_group_config $paramList] if {[keylget status status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "Create Error: igmp emulation group config:\n[keylget status log]" return 1 } # group2 return [keylget status handle] } proc ConfigIgmpGroupHlt { igmpParams } { # Usage Examples: # set igmpHostToGroup(-mode) create # set igmpHostToGroup(-session_handle) ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocols/igmp/host:3 # set igmpHostToGroup(-group_pool_handle) ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocols/igmp/host:3/group:3 # set igmpHostToGroupHandle($port1) [ConfigIgmpHostToGroupHlt ::igmpHostToGroup] upvar $igmpParams params foreach {properties values} [array get params *] { set property [lindex [split $properties ,] end] append paramList "$property $values " } puts "\nConfigIgmpGroupHlt: $paramList\n" set status [eval ::ixia::emulation_igmp_group_config $paramList] if {[keylget status status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "ConfigIgmpGroupHlt Error:\n[keylget status log]" return 1 } # ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocols/igmp/host:3/group:1 return [keylget status handle] } proc ConfigIgmpSourceMode { igmpSessionHandle mode } { # igmpSessionHandle: ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocols/igmp/host:3/group:3 # mode: include or exclude # Usage example: # -mode create # -session_handle ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocols/igmp/host:3 # -source_pool_handle [list source1 source2] # -group_pool_handle group3 puts "\nConfigIgmpSourceMode: $igmpSessionHandle" ixNet setAttribute $igmpSessionHandle -sourceMode $mode ixNet commit } proc ConfigIgmpSourceHlt { igmpParams } { upvar $igmpParams params foreach {properties values} [array get params *] { set property [lindex [split $properties ,] end] append paramList "$property $values " } puts "\nConfigIgmpSourceHlt: $paramList\n" set status [eval ::ixia::emulation_multicast_source_config $paramList] if {[keylget status status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "ConfigIgmpSourceHlt Error:\n[keylget status log]" return 1 } # ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocols/igmp/host:3/group:1 return [keylget status handle] } proc ModifyIgmpGroup { args } { set argIndex 0 while {$argIndex < [llength $args]} { set currentArg [lindex $args $argIndex] switch -exact -- $currentArg { -port { set port [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -igmpGroup { set igmpGroup [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -count { set count [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -step { set step [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -sourceMode { set sourceMode [lindex $args [expr $argIndex + 1]] incr argIndex 2 } -default { puts "\nModifyIgmpGroup: No such parameter: $currentArg" return 1 } } } set vport [GetVportMapping $port] set igmpObj $vport/protocols/igmp foreach igmpHostNumObj [ixNet getList $igmpObj host] { foreach igmpGroupObj [ixNet getList $igmpHostNumObj group] { # TODO: Incomplete. Need to know what to modify and how it is based on. } } ixNet commit } proc EnableIgmpGroup { port igmpGroupList } { # This API requires GetVportMapping API # port = 1/1/1 format # igmpGroupList = One or more IP addresses in a list. set vport [GetVportMapping $port] set igmpObj $vport/protocols/igmp foreach igmpHostNumObj [ixNet getList $igmpObj host] { foreach igmpGroupObj [ixNet getList $igmpHostNumObj group] { set currentIgmpGroup [ixNet getAttribute $igmpGroupObj -groupFrom] if {[lsearch $igmpGroupList $currentIgmpGroup] != -1} { puts "\nEnableIgmpGroup: $igmpGroupObj $currentIgmpGroup" ixNet setAttribute $igmpGroupObj -enabled True } } } ixNet commit } proc DisableIgmpGroup { port igmpGroupList } { # This API requires GetVportMapping API # port = 1/1/1 format # igmpGroupList = One or more IP addresses in a list. set vport [GetVportMapping $port] set igmpObj $vport/protocols/igmp foreach igmpHostNumObj [ixNet getList $igmpObj host] { foreach igmpGroupObj [ixNet getList $igmpHostNumObj group] { set currentIgmpGroup [ixNet getAttribute $igmpGroupObj -groupFrom] if {[lsearch $igmpGroupList $currentIgmpGroup] != -1} { puts "\nDisableIgmpGroup: $igmpGroupObj $currentIgmpGroup" ixNet setAttribute $igmpGroupObj -enabled False } } } ixNet commit } proc DeleteIgmpGroup { port igmpGroupList } { # This API requires GetVportMapping API # port = 1/1/1 format # igmpGroupList = One or more IP addresses in a list. set vport [GetVportMapping $port] set igmpObj $vport/protocols/igmp foreach igmpHostNumObj [ixNet getList $igmpObj host] { foreach igmpGroupObj [ixNet getList $igmpHostNumObj group] { set currentIgmpGroup [ixNet getAttribute $igmpGroupObj -groupFrom] if {[lsearch $igmpGroupList $currentIgmpGroup] != -1} { puts "\nDeleteIgmpGroup: $igmpGroupObj $currentIgmpGroup" ixNet remove $igmpGroupObj } } } ixNet commit } proc StartTrafficHlt {} { puts "\nStartTrafficHlt ..." set startTrafficStatus [::ixia::traffic_control \ -action run \ ] if {[keylget startTrafficStatus status] != $::SUCCESS} { puts "\nError StartTrafficHlt: $startTrafficStatus\n" return 1 } # By including VerifyTrafficState, it will wait up to 15 seconds until # traffic is started before returning. VerifyTrafficState return 0 } proc KeylPrint {keylist {space ""}} { upvar $keylist kl set result "" foreach key [keylkeys kl] { set value [keylget kl $key] if {[catch {keylkeys value}]} { append result "$space$key: $value\n" } else { set newspace "$space " append result "$space$key:\n[KeylPrint value $newspace]" } } return $result }