#!/opt/ActiveTcl-8.5/bin/tclsh # Need to use Ixia package because we need Tclx package req Ixia # Script written by: Hubert Gee # # 10/26/2013 # # Description # # This script assumes that traffic is running already. # This script will get egressing stats based on what the user wants # to track. For example. The following assumes that you want to # track two packet fields: udp and vlan. # # You can get the exact packet field wording by using the following API: # # [ixNet getList ${view} availableTrafficItemFilter] # Returns: # ::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"EgressView"/availableTrafficItemFilter:"vlan" # ::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"EgressView"/availableTrafficItemFilter:"udp # # TODO: Eventually, I will make this script get these entries automatically. # For now, This is my way to customize a script for users by having them provide # the informations. Users can use other techniques as well, but this is something # that is working. # This serves as a template too ... # array set egressTrackings { # udp { # {port "$ixChassisIp/Card1/Port4"} # {field "UDP:UDP-Source-Port"} # {offset {Custom:\ (16\ bits\ at\ offset\ 272)}} # } # vlan { # {port "$ixChassisIp/Card1/Port2"} # {field "VLAN:VLAN-ID"} # {offset {Custom:\ (12\ bits\ at\ offset\ 116)}} # } # } # # port = The Rx port to analyze for egress tracking. # # field = The packet field to track. When you select this in Flow Tracking, # the Traffic Item in the GUI will display the exact name for you # to use. You can also get this by scriptgen. # # offset = This is the offset on where to track. To understand how to get # the offset: # - Go to IxNet Packet Editor, go to the exact packet field # you want to track and just highlight it. Then look at the bottom, # above the "Finish" button, and get the offset number and bytes. # The number of bits to used must cover value that you expect. # # For example: 4096 2048 1024 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 = 12 bits # For tracking vlanID, we don't know what the DUT will # forward out. So we must use 12 bits to cover the # entire vlan range of 4096. # # ALSO: You must go to Flow Tracking and enable the packet field. # Otherwise, it won't show up on the Traffic Item line. # # # Please go all the way to the bottom to see how the stats will show. # # This script also uses an API that I created for this script called # GetAssignedPort to convert the interface name to the physical port # number for readability. # # IMPORTANT TO KNOW for egress tracking # # - The rxPort can ONLY track ONE egress tracking. You will need multiple # rxPorts to simultaneously track multiple egress trackings. # # - Because the rxPort is extremely intense processing the stats before they are shown. # # - Therefore, egress stats take at least one minute to show up. # # set ixNetworkTclServer set ixChassisIp set ixNetVersion 7.10 # 0 = Do not remove the created statView tab after the script finishes. # 1 = Remove the created statView tab after the script finishes. set removeTclViewStats 1 # Get these API values from scriptgen # DO NOT INCLUDE WHAT IS NOT BEING TRACKED # If UDP is not being tracked, don't included. # ALSO! The udp and vlan is the actual Traffic Item name that # one of the egress API looks for. array set egressTrackings { udp { {port "$ixChassisIp/Card1/Port4"} {field "UDP:UDP-Source-Port"} {offset {Custom:\ (16\ bits\ at\ offset\ 272)}} } vlan { {port "$ixChassisIp/Card1/Port2"} {field "VLAN:VLAN-ID"} {offset {Custom:\ (12\ bits\ at\ offset\ 116)}} } } proc GetTime {} { return [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%M:%S"] } proc GetAssignedPort { name } { foreach vport [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] vport] { set currentName [ixNet getAttribute $vport -name] if {$currentName == $name} { set assignedPort [ixNet getAttribute $vport -assignedTo] set assignedPort [split $assignedPort :] set card [lindex $assignedPort 1] set port [lindex $assignedPort 2] return $card/$port } } return unknownPort } proc KeylPrint {keylist {space ""}} { upvar $keylist kl set result "" foreach key [keylkeys kl] { set value [keylget kl $key] if {[catch {keylkeys value}]} { append result "$space$key: $value\n" } else { set newspace "$space " append result "$space$key:\n[KeylPrint value $newspace]" } } return $result } proc GetEgressStats {} { # Remove all existing TCL Views first. ixNet execute removeAllTclViews foreach {packetField values} [array get ::egressTrackings *] { foreach fieldValue $values { if {[lindex $fieldValue 0] == "port"} { # set port [lindex $fieldValue 1] regexp "\\\$(.*)(/.*/.*)" $port - ixiaChassisIp portNumber set port \"[set ::$ixiaChassisIp]$portNumber\" } if {[lindex $fieldValue 0] == "field"} { # VLAN:VLAN-ID set field [lindex $fieldValue 1] } if {[lindex $fieldValue 0] == "offset"} { # Custom:\ (12\ bits\ at\ offset\ 116) set offset [lindex $fieldValue 1] } } set view [ixNet add [ixNet getRoot]statistics "view"] #ixNet setMultiAttribute $view -caption "EgressView" -treeViewNodeName "Egress\\Custom\ Views" -type layer23TrafficFlow -visible true ixNet setMultiAttribute $view -caption "$packetField\View" -type layer23TrafficFlow -visible true ixNet commit set view [lindex [ixNet remapIds $view] 0] set trafficFlowFilter [ixNet add $view "layer23TrafficFlowFilter"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $trafficFlowFilter -egressLatencyBinDisplayOption showEgressRows ixNet commit set trafficFlowFilter [lindex [ixNet remapIds $trafficFlowFilter] 0] # ::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"EgressView"/layer23TrafficFlowFilter/enumerationFilter:L81 set enumerationFilter [ixNet add $trafficFlowFilter "enumerationFilter"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $enumerationFilter -sortDirection ascending ixNet commit set enumerationFilter [lindex [ixNet remapIds $enumerationFilter] 0] # ::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"EgressView"/layer23TrafficFlowFilter/enumerationFilter:L81 set enumerationFilter2 [ixNet add $trafficFlowFilter "enumerationFilter"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $enumerationFilter2 -sortDirection ascending ixNet commit set enumerationFilter2 [lindex [ixNet remapIds $enumerationFilter2] 0] ixNet setMultiAttribute $trafficFlowFilter -portFilterIds [list $view/availablePortFilter:"$port"] ixNet setMultiAttribute $enumerationFilter2 -trackingFilterId $view/availableTrackingFilter:"$offset" ixNet setMultiAttribute $enumerationFilter -trackingFilterId $view/availableTrackingFilter:"$field" catch {ixNet commit} errMsg if {$errMsg != "::ixNet::OK"} { puts "\nError: $field must be selected in Flow Tracking for tracking:\n$errMsg\n" exit } ixNet setMultiAttribute $trafficFlowFilter -trafficItemFilterIds [list $view/availableTrafficItemFilter:"$packetField"] puts "--- packetField: $packetField ; field: $field ---" # Enable all the statistic counters foreach {statistic} [ixNet getList $view statistic] { ixNet setAttribute $statistic -enabled true } ixNet commit puts "\nCreated and enabling: $view" puts "\nRetrieving egress stats is intense processing." puts "Please wait ~1.5 minutes ..." catch {ixNet setMultiAttribute $view -enabled true} errMsg puts "\n---- $errMsg ---\n" catch {ixNet commit} errMsg puts "\n---- $errMsg ---\n" puts "\n--- view: $view ----\n" # These are all the stat counters on the page set columnList [ixNet getAttribute ${view}/page -columnCaptions] puts "\n$columnList" set totalPages [ixNet getAttribute $view/page -totalPages] for {set currPage 1} {$currPage <= $totalPages} {incr currPage} { ixNet setAttribute $view/page -currentPage $currPage ixNet commit set rowValues [ixNet getAttribute ${view}/page -rowValues] set totalRowsOfStatistics [llength $rowValues] puts "\n---- rowValues: $rowValues ----\n" for {set pageListIndex 0} {$pageListIndex <= $totalRowsOfStatistics} {incr pageListIndex} { set rowList [lindex $rowValues $pageListIndex] for {set rowIndex 0} {$rowIndex < [llength $rowList]} {incr rowIndex} { #cellList: {Ethernet - 002} 102 {Custom: (12 bits at offset 116)} 42602 42602 0 0 10 10 9600 9600 4260200 1000 1000 8000 8000 8 8 0.008 0.008 0 0 0 00:00:00.614 01:11:00.700 #cellList: {} {} 102 {} 42602 {} {} {} 10 {} 9600 4260200 {} 1000 {} 8000 {} 8 {} 0.008 0 0 0 00:00:00.614 01:11:00.700 #puts "\ncellList: $cellList" #columnCaptions: {Rx Port} UDP:UDP-Source-Port {Egress Tracking} {Tx Frames} {Rx Frames} {Frames Delta} {Loss %} {Tx Frame Rate} {Rx Frame Rate} {Tx L1 Rate (bps)} {Rx L1 Rate (bps)} {Rx Bytes} {Tx Rate (Bps)} {Rx Rate (Bps)} {Tx Rate (bps)} {Rx Rate (bps)} {Tx Rate (Kbps)} {Rx Rate (Kbps)} {Tx Rate (Mbps)} {Rx Rate (Mbps)} {Store-Forward Avg Latency (ns)} {Store-Forward Min Latency (ns)} {Store-Forward Max Latency (ns)} {First TimeStamp} {Last TimeStamp} set cellLineFlag 0 set getOneTimeOnlyFlag 0 foreach row $rowList { puts "\n---- foreach row: $row ----\n" foreach column $columnList item $row { # Using cellLineFlag to control only getting stats on the # first line. Ignore the second line. # Already parsed out the egress tracking. if {$cellLineFlag == 0} { if {$getOneTimeOnlyFlag == 0} { set ingressTracking [lindex $row 1] #puts "\nIngressTracking: $ingressTracking" if {$column == "Rx Port"} { set port [GetAssignedPort $item] #puts "\nport: $port" } set getOneTimeOnlyFlag 1 } set column [join $column _] set item [join $item _] #puts "--- $column : $item ----" keylset egressStats rxPort.$port.$packetField.ingress.$ingressTracking.$column $item } } # We just want the egressing value. That is it. if {$cellLineFlag == 1} { set egressTrackingIndex [lsearch $columnList "Egress Tracking"] set egressTracking [lindex $row $egressTrackingIndex] #puts "\negressTrackingIndex: $egressTrackingIndex ; egressTracking: $egressTracking" keylset egressStats rxPort.$port.$packetField.ingress.$ingressTracking.Egressing-As $egressTracking } set cellLineFlag 1 } } } } if {[info exists ::removeTclViewStats] == 1 && $::removeTclViewStats == 1} { ixNet remove $view ixNet commit } } return $egressStats } ixNet connect $ixNetworkTclServer -version $ixNetVersion set startTime [GetTime] set egressStats [GetEgressStats] set stopTime [GetTime] puts [KeylPrint egressStats] puts "\nStartTime: $startTime : StopTime: $stopTime\n" # This is an example of a statistic snapshot. # NOTE: Egress tracking statistics takes like a minute due to # intense processing. # # keylist egressStats rxPort.1/2.vlan.ingress.102.$statCounters $statistics # # For egress tracking, we only care about the Rx port only. # vlan = the packet field that you want to track. # ingress.102 = getting the ingressing value. # Egressing-As = The egressing value. if 0 { rxPort: 1/2: vlan: ingress: 102: Rx_Port: Ethernet_-_002 VLAN:VLAN-ID: 102 Egress_Tracking: Custom:_(12_bits_at_offset_116) Tx_Frames: 1002 Rx_Frames: 1002 Frames_Delta: 0 Loss_%: 0 Tx_Frame_Rate: 10 Rx_Frame_Rate: 10 Tx_L1_Rate_(bps): 9600 Rx_L1_Rate_(bps): 9600 Rx_Bytes: 100200 Tx_Rate_(Bps): 1000 Rx_Rate_(Bps): 1000 Tx_Rate_(bps): 8000 Rx_Rate_(bps): 8000 Tx_Rate_(Kbps): 8 Rx_Rate_(Kbps): 8 Tx_Rate_(Mbps): 0.008 Rx_Rate_(Mbps): 0.008 Store-Forward_Avg_Latency_(ns): 0 Store-Forward_Min_Latency_(ns): 0 Store-Forward_Max_Latency_(ns): 0 First_TimeStamp: 00:00:00.617 Last_TimeStamp: 00:01:40.715 Egressing-As: 102 }