#!/usr/bin/tclsh # Description # Use ixncfg config file: 131018_TME_DT_Terastream_buffer_HubertEdited01.ixncfg # # Add a header to an existing traffic item package req IxTclNetwork # User must change all of these values accordingly set ixChassisIp set ixNetworkTclServer set ixNetworkVersion 7.12 set ixNetPort 8009 # hex to decimal = expr 0x$hex # decimal to hex = format "%x" $decimal # # 1> expr 225 / 50 = 4 # 2> expr fmod(225,50) = 25.0 <- remainders # Create a list of all the Traffic Items to configure set trafficItemList { {50pkt_6250bytes_PG Raw (1)} } set currentIpv6Addr 2003:1408:120:200:0:0:0:0 set totalSubnetsOn3rdOctet 20 set totalSubnetsOn4thOctet 250 ;# increment by 100 starting at 200 set totalHostIp 50 set totalTxHostPackets 625 set 1stOctet [lindex [split $currentIpv6Addr :] 0] set 2ndOctet [lindex [split $currentIpv6Addr :] 1] set 3rdOctet [lindex [split $currentIpv6Addr :] 2] set 4thOctet [lindex [split $currentIpv6Addr :] 3] set 4thOctet1stByte [string index $4thOctet 0] set 4thOctet2ndByte [string range $4thOctet 1 end] set 5thOctet [lindex [split $currentIpv6Addr :] 4] set 6thOctet [lindex [split $currentIpv6Addr :] 5] set 7thOctet [lindex [split $currentIpv6Addr :] 6] set 8thOctet [lindex [split $currentIpv6Addr :] 7] set 3rdSub $3rdOctet set 4thSub $4thOctet1stByte set totalLoops [expr [expr $totalTxHostPackets / $totalHostIp] - 1] set totalHosts $totalTxHostPackets set ipList {} for {set 3rdNum 1} {$3rdNum <= $totalSubnetsOn3rdOctet} {incr 3rdNum} { for {set 4thNum 1} {$4thNum <= $totalSubnetsOn4thOctet} {incr 4thNum} { set flag 0 for {set hostIp 1} {$hostIp <= $totalHosts} {incr hostIp} { # totalTxHostPackets / totalHostIp # 1> expr 225 / 50 = 4 # # totalTxHostPackets,$totalHostIp # 2> expr fmod(225,50) = 25.0 <- remainders if {$flag == 0} { set ipAddr $1stOctet:$2ndOctet:$3rdSub:$4thSub$4thOctet2ndByte:$5thOctet:$6thOctet:$7thOctet:$hostIp puts "Appending IP: $ipAddr" lappend ipList $ipAddr } if {$hostIp == $totalHostIp && $totalLoops != 0} { incr totalLoops -1 set hostIp 0 } if {$hostIp == $totalHostIp && $totalLoops == 0} { set totalHosts2 [expr fmod($totalTxHostPackets,$totalHostIp)] set totalHosts2 [format %.0f $totalHosts2] # Add the remainding hosts from fmod for {set hostIp2 1} {$hostIp2 <= $totalHosts2} {incr hostIp2} { set ipAddr $1stOctet:$2ndOctet:$3rdSub:$4thSub$4thOctet2ndByte:$5thOctet:$6thOctet:$7thOctet:$hostIp2 puts "Appending IP: $ipAddr" lappend ipList $ipAddr } set totalHosts $totalTxHostPackets set totalLoops [expr [expr $totalTxHostPackets / $totalHostIp] - 1] set flag 1 } } set decimal [expr 0x$4thSub] ;# Convert hex to decimal incr decimal set hex [format "%x" $decimal] ;# Convert decimal to hex set 4thSub $hex if {$4thNum == $totalSubnetsOn4thOctet} { set 4thSub $4thOctet1stByte } } set 3rdSub [expr 0x$3rdSub] incr 3rdSub set 3rdSub [format "%x" $3rdSub] } # Connect to the IxNetwork Tcl server ixNet connect $ixNetworkTclServer -port $ixNetPort -version $ixNetworkVersion set root [ixNet getRoot] foreach trafficItem [ixNet getList $root/traffic trafficItem] { set currentTrafficItemName [ixNet getAttribute $trafficItem -name] if {[lsearch $trafficItemList $currentTrafficItemName] != -1} { puts "\nConfiguring TrafficItemName: \"$currentTrafficItemName\"\n" # Each Traffic Item can have many Flows. # Using foreach to loop through each Flow in the same Traffic Item set configElement $trafficItem/configElement:1 # Parsing out the IPv6 header from the current Flow set ipv6Index [lsearch -regexp [ixNet getList $configElement stack] ipv6] # ipv6Stack: ::ixNet::OBJ-/traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv6-2" set ipv6Stack [lindex [ixNet getList $configElement stack] $ipv6Index] # ipHeader == dstIP or srcIP # ipv6StackFieldIndex: 7 set ipv6StackFieldIndex [lsearch -regexp [ixNet getList $ipv6Stack field] dstIP] # This is the complete API object to configure this current Flow # ::ixNet::OBJ-/traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv6-2"/field:"ipv6.header.dstIP-8" set ipv6StackIpField [lindex [ixNet getList $ipv6Stack field] $ipv6StackFieldIndex] puts "\tFlow: $ipv6StackIpField" ixNet setMultiAttribute $ipv6StackIpField \ -fieldValue 0::0 \ -fixedBits 0::0 \ -optionalEnabled true \ -randomMask 0::0 \ -seed 1 \ -singleValue 0::0 \ -startValue 0::0 \ -stepValue 0::0 \ -valueList $ipList \ -valueType valueList # Write the configuration to hardware ixNet commit ixNet exec generate $trafficItem } } }