#!/usr/bin/tclsh # Description # # Version 1.0 - Aug-7-2013 By Hubert Gee: hgee@ixiacom.com # - destIp list # - incr 2nd octet network address # # Version 2.0 - Sep-18-2013 # - added srcIp list # - incr 2nd octet network addresses and 4th octet host ip addresses. # # Traffic Items are all configured on the IxNet gui. # Has to be RAW type in order to set the ipList on the srcIp/dstIp header. # This script will create a list of unique srcIp/dstIp network octets and host addresses. # on the dstIp packet header. # package req IxTclNetwork # User must change all of these values accordingly set ixChassisIp set ixNetworkTclServer set ixNetworkVersion 7.12 set ixNetPort 8009 #TrafficItemName,FlowNumber,TotalUniqueNetworks,TotalUniqueIpHosts #---------------------------------------------------------------- # Example: # "My Traffic Item 1",1,250,100 = TrafficItem1 Flow1 # "My Traffic Item 1",2,250,100 = TrafficItem1 Flow2 # "My Traffic Item 1",3,250,100 = TrafficItem1 Flow3 # # "My Traffic Item 1" = The name of the Traffic Item in double quotes. # 1 = The flow number # 250 = Total number of unique network IP address on the 2nd octet. # 100 = Total number of unique IP hosts on the 4th octet. # set trafficItem1Name "To BGP Raw 2" set trafficItemList($trafficItem1Name,dstIp,1,250,100) "" set trafficItemList($trafficItem1Name,srcIp,1,250,100) "" # Connect to the IxNetwork Tcl server ixNet connect $ixNetworkTclServer -port $ixNetPort -version $ixNetworkVersion set root [ixNet getRoot] foreach {properties ip} [array get trafficItemList *] { # To BGP Raw,destIp,2,1,3,5 : ip: # To BGP Raw,srcIp,2,1,3,5 : ip: set definedTiName [lindex [split $properties ,] 0] set ipHeader [lindex [split $properties ,] 1] set flowNumber [lindex [split $properties ,] 2] set totalNetworkIp [lindex [split $properties ,] 3] set totalHostIp [lindex [split $properties ,] end] # Using foreach to loop through every Traffic Item to get the user defined name foreach trafficItem [ixNet getList $root/traffic trafficItem] { set currentTrafficItemName [ixNet getAttribute $trafficItem -name] if {$currentTrafficItemName == $definedTiName} { set currentFlowNumber 0 puts "\nConfiguring TrafficItemName: \"$currentTrafficItemName\" : $ipHeader\n" # Each Traffic Item can have man Flows. # Using foreach to loop through each Flow in the same Traffic Item foreach highLevelStream [ixNet getList $trafficItem highLevelStream] { set ipList {} incr currentFlowNumber # Build the list of IP addresses. # Customer provides the starting point for each IP address, # and this piece of code will increment the 2nd octet up the the total # amount specified by the user: Example: trafficItem(1,2,250) <-- 250 is total if {$currentFlowNumber == $flowNumber} { foreach ipAddress $ip { set 1stOctet [lindex [split $ipAddress .] 0] set 2ndOctet [lindex [split $ipAddress .] 1] set 3rdOctet [lindex [split $ipAddress .] 2] set 4thOctet [lindex [split $ipAddress .] 3] set totalNetworkIpFromPrefix [expr $2ndOctet + $totalNetworkIp] set startHostIp $4thOctet set endHostIp [expr $4thOctet + [expr $totalHostIp - 1]] # set trafficItemList($trafficItem1Name,2,1,5,3) "" set hostIp $startHostIp for {set ipNum $2ndOctet} {$ipNum < $totalNetworkIpFromPrefix} {incr ipNum} { # Increment the 2nd octet network address and increment # the last octet host ip address. set flag 0 lappend ipList $1stOctet.$ipNum.$3rdOctet.$hostIp if {$hostIp == $endHostIp} { set hostIp $startHostIp set flag 1 } if {$flag == 0} { incr hostIp } } } # Parsing out the IPv4 header from the current Flow set ipv4Index [lsearch -regexp [ixNet getList $highLevelStream stack] ipv4] set ipv4Stack [lindex [ixNet getList $highLevelStream stack] $ipv4Index] # ipHeader == dstIp or srcIp set ipv4StackFieldIndex [lsearch -regexp [ixNet getList $ipv4Stack field] $ipHeader] # This is the complete API object to configure this current Flow # ::ixNet::OBJ-/traffic/trafficItem:1/highLevelStream:1/stack:"ipv4-2"/field:"ipv4.header.dstIp-28" set ipv4StackIpField [lindex [ixNet getList $ipv4Stack field] $ipv4StackFieldIndex] puts "\tFlow: $ipv4StackIpField" ixNet setMultiAttribute $ipv4StackIpField \ -fieldValue \ -fixedBits \ -optionalEnabled true \ -randomMask \ -seed 1 \ -singleValue \ -startValue \ -stepValue \ -valueList "$ipList" \ -valueType valueList } } # Write the configuration to hardware ixNet commit after 1000 } } }