#!/usr/bin/tclsh package req IxTclNetwork set ixChassisIp set ixNetworkTclServer set ixNetworkVersion 8.0 set ixNetworkPort 8009 set portList {{1 1} {1 2} {1 5} {1 6}} set port1 1/1 set port2 1/2 set port3 1/5 set port4 1/6 # Port IP Gateway SrcMac set portConfig(1/1) " 00:01:01:01:00:01" set portConfig(1/2) " 00:01:01:02:00:01" set portConfig(1/5) " 00:01:01:03:00:01" set portConfig(1/6) " 00:01:01:04:00:01" proc VerifyPortState { {StopTimer 60} } { set portDownList {} set stopTime $StopTimer puts \n foreach vPort [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] vport] { set port $::getPort($vPort) for {set timer 1} {$timer <= $stopTime} {incr timer} { if {$timer == $stopTime} { lappend portDownList $port } if {[ixNet getAttribute $vPort -state] == "up"} { puts "VerifyPortState: $port is up" break } else { puts "VerifyPortState: $port is still not up. Waited $timer/$stopTime seconds" after 1000 continue } } } if {$portDownList != ""} { puts "VerifyPortState: Ports can't come up: $portDownList\n" exit } } proc SendArp {} { foreach vPort [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] vport] { set port $::getPort($vPort) foreach interface [ixNet getList $vPort interface] { # Don't send arps on Unconnected (Routed) and GRE interfaces set interfaceType [ixNet getAttribute $interface -type] if {[regexp "default" $interfaceType]} { set isIntEnabled [ixNet getAttribute $interface -enabled] if {$isIntEnabled == "true" || $isIntEnabled == "True"} { puts "Sendt ARP on $interface" ixNet exec sendArp $interface ixNet exec sendNs $interface #if {$ipv4ErrMsg != "::ixNet::OK" || $ipv6ErrMsg2 != "::ixNet::OK" } { # puts "On port $port" #} } } } } } proc VerifyArpDiscoveries { {ExitTest doNotExitTest} } { # First, get a list of all the expected Gateway IP addresses for this vPort. # Get only if the interface is enabled. We don't care about gateways if the # interface isn't enable. # Then get a list of all the discovered arps. # At the end, compare the two list. Any left overs are unresolved arps. set resolvedArp {} set allIpGateways {} foreach vP [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] vport] { # Refresh the arp table on this vport first ixNet execute refreshUnresolvedNeighbors $vP set currentVportInterfaceList [ixNet getList $vP interface] foreach int $currentVportInterfaceList { # Ignore the Unconnected (Routed), and GRE interfaces set interfaceType [ixNet getAttribute $int -type] if {[regexp "default" $interfaceType]} { # Only lappend the Gateway if the Interface is enabled. set isIntEnabled [ixNet getAttribute $int -enabled] if {$isIntEnabled == "true" || $isIntEnabled == "True"} { catch {ixNet getAttribute $int/ipv4 -gateway} ipv4GatewayReturn if {[regexp "null" $ipv4GatewayReturn] != 1} { if {[lsearch $allIpGateways $ipv4GatewayReturn] == -1} { lappend allIpGateways $ipv4GatewayReturn } } catch {ixNet getList $int ipv6} ipv6GatewayList if {$ipv6GatewayList != ""} { foreach ipv6Gateway $ipv6GatewayList { set ipv6 [ixNet getAttribute $ipv6Gateway -gateway] if {$ipv6 != "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0"} { if {[lsearch $allIpGateways $ipv6] == -1} { lappend allIpGateways $ipv6 } } } } } } } } puts "Expected ARPs to be resolved:\n" foreach arp $allIpGateways { puts "\t$arp" } puts \n foreach vP [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] vport] { # Get all the discovered ARPs for the current vPort set vPortInterfaceList [ixNet getList $vP discoveredNeighbor] if {$vPortInterfaceList != ""} { set currentPort $::getPort($vP) # vPortInt = ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/discoveredNeighbor:1 foreach vPortInt $vPortInterfaceList { set currentVp [join [lrange [split $vPortInt /] 0 1] /] set discoveredIp [ixNet getAttribute $vPortInt -neighborIp] set discoveredMac [ixNet getAttribute $vPortInt -neighborMac] puts "Discovered arp on $currentPort: $discoveredIp : $discoveredMac" if {$discoveredMac != "" || $discoveredMac != "00:00:00:00:00:00"} { if {[lsearch $allIpGateways $discoveredIp] != -1} { lappend resolvedArp $discoveredIp } } } } } # Now compare the expected list of arps with what is resolved. # Any left overs are unresovled arps. foreach resolvedGateway $resolvedArp { if {[lsearch $allIpGateways $resolvedGateway] != -1} { set index [lsearch $allIpGateways $resolvedGateway] set allIpGateways [lreplace $allIpGateways $index $index] } } if {$allIpGateways != ""} { puts "Error: Unresolved Arps:" foreach unresolvedArp $allIpGateways { puts "\t$unresolvedArp" } exit } else { puts "All arps are resolved" } } proc StartAllProtocols {} { catch {ixNet exec startAllProtocols} errMsg if {$errMsg != "::ixNet::OK"} { puts "\nStartAllProtocols: Failed to start all protocols\n$errMsg" exit } puts "Started all protocols" } proc VerifyProtocolSessions {} { set startTimer 0 set stopTimer 180 ;# User must set maximum overall time. set maxProtocolRetry 40 ;# User must set time to allow per port/protocol to come up. set retryProtocolAttempts 0 set protocolFailures {} # All protocols: arp bfd bgp cfm eigrp elmi igmp isis lacp ldp linkOam lisp mld mplsOam mplsTp ospf ospfV3 pimsm ping rip ripng rsvp static stp # $viewList = {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Port Statistics"} {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Tx-Rx Frame Rate Statistics"} {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Port CPU Statistics"} {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Global Protocol Statistics"} {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"BGP Aggregated Statistics"} {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"BGP Aggregated State Counts"} {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"LDP Aggregated Statistics"} {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"LDP Aggregated State Counts"} {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"OSPF Aggregated Statistics"} {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"OSPF Aggregated State Counts"} set viewList [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot]/statistics view] # Suck out all the "protocol aggregated statistics" only # FYI: The alignment of each stat row/column is exactly the same as IxNetwork GUI set protocolList {} foreach item $viewList { if {[regexp -nocase "statistics/view:\"(\[^ ]+) aggregated statistics" $item - theProtocol]} { lappend protocolList $theProtocol } } foreach protocol $protocolList { set flowStatsViewIndex [lsearch -regexp $viewList "$protocol aggregated statistics"] if {$flowStatsViewIndex != -1} { set view [lindex $viewList $flowStatsViewIndex] ixNet setAttribute $view -enabled true ixNet commit set loopProtocol 0 set retryProtocolAttempts 0 while {$startTimer < $stopTimer} { set pageList [ixNet getAttribute $view/page -rowValues] puts "\nVerifying Protocol status: $protocol" foreach stats $pageList { set stats [lindex $stats 0] set cardAndPortNumber [string map {" " /} [lrange [split [lindex $stats 0] /] 1 2]] # BGP session UP stat = column 3 on gui # LDP session UP stat = column 2 on gui # OSPF session UP stat = column 3 on gui if {[regexp -nocase "bgp" $protocol]} { set sessionStatus [lindex $stats 2] } if {[regexp -nocase "ldp" $protocol]} { set sessionStatus [lindex $stats 1] } if {[regexp -nocase "ospf" $protocol]} { set sessionStatus [lindex $stats 2] } if {$sessionStatus > 0} { set protocolStatus up } else { set protocolStatus down set loopProtocol 1 incr retryProtocolAttempts } puts"\t$cardAndPortNumber $protocol status=$protocolStatus" } if {$loopProtocol == 1} { after 2000 incr startTimer 2 puts "\t\tTotal wait time for all protocols to come up: $startTimer/$stopTimer seconds ..." puts "\t\tAllowing $protocol $maxProtocolRetry seconds to come up. $retryProtocolAttempts/$maxProtocolRetry" set currentTimer $startTimer set loopProtocol 0 if {$retryProtocolAttempts == $maxProtocolRetry} { set retryProtocolAttempts 0 lappend protocolFailures "Protocol $protocol on $cardAndPortNumber did not come up" puts "\t\tProtocol $protocol failed to come up" break } if {$retryProtocolAttempts < $maxProtocolRetry && $startTimer == [expr $stopTimer - 2]} { lappend protocolFailures "Protocol $protocol on $cardAndPortNumber did not come up" puts "\t\tProtocol $protocol failed to come up" } } else { after 2000 incr startTimer 2 break } set startTimer $currentTimer } } } if {$protocolFailures == ""} { puts "\nVerifyProtocolSessions: All protocol sessions on all ports came up" } else { puts " \nVerifyProtocolSessions: ERROR: Protocols not up: $protocolFailures" exit } } proc AddProtocolStack { protocol trafficItem configElementObject insertAfterIndex } { set index [lsearch -regexp [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot]/traffic protocolTemplate] $protocol] if {$index == -1} { puts "No such protocol found: $protocol" } # protocolTemplate = ::ixNet::OBJ-/traffic/protocolTemplate:"udp" set protocolTemplate [lindex [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot]/traffic protocolTemplate] $index] # ::ixNet::OBJ-/traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1 #set configElementList [ixNet getList $trafficItem highLevelStream] # Example on how the protocol stack looks like for configElement:1 # # 0 = trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:\"ethernet-1\" # 1 = trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:\"ipv4-2\" # 2 = trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:\"udp-3\" # 3 = trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:\"fcs-4\" # # If $insertAfterIndex = 1 (zero based indexing), then add after the ipv4 layer. # $addToStackLevel is ... # ::ixNet::OBJ-/traffic/trafficItem:1/configElement:1/stack:"ipv4-2" # Append after this stack -> $addToStackLevel set addToStackLevel [lindex [ixNet getList $configElementObject stack] $insertAfterIndex] puts "\tAdding [string toupper $protocol] protocol to stack layer $insertAfterIndex" ixNet exec append $addToStackLevel $protocolTemplate } proc RegenerateAllTrafficItems {} { foreach trafficItem [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot]traffic trafficItem] { catch {ixNet exec generate $trafficItem} errMsg if {$errMsg != "::ixNet::OK"} { puts "RegenerateAllTrafficItem: Failed on $trafficItem" exit } puts "RegenerateAllTrafficItem: $trafficItem" } } proc ApplyTraffic {} { puts "\nApplying configuration to hardware ..." set traffic [ixNet getRoot]traffic set stopCounter 10 for {set startCounter 1} {$startCounter <= $stopCounter} {incr startCounter} { catch {ixNet exec apply $traffic} errMsg if {$errMsg != "::ixNet::OK" && $startCounter < $stopCounter} { puts "ApplyTraffic: Attempting to apply traffic: $startCounter/$stopCounter tries" after 1000 continue } if {$errMsg != "::ixNet::OK" && $startCounter == $stopCounter} { puts "ApplyTraffic Error: $errMsg" exit } if {$errMsg == "::ixNet::OK" && $startCounter < $stopCounter} { puts "Successfully applied traffic to hardware" break } } after 2000 } proc StartTraffic { } { set traffic [ixNet getRoot]traffic puts "Starting traffic ..." catch {ixNet exec start $traffic} errMsg if {$errMsg != "::ixNet::OK"} { puts "Start traffic error: $errMsg" exit } after 2000 set startCounter 1 set stopCounter 10 for {set start $startCounter} {$start <= $stopCounter} {incr start} { set trafficState [CheckTrafficState] # Basically, if traffic state is unapplied or lock, then failed. if {$start == $stopCounter} { if {$trafficState != "started" || $trafficState != "startedWaitingForStats" \ || $trafficState != "stoppedWaitingForStats" || $trafficState != "stopped"} { puts "Failed: Traffic failed to start" exit } } if {$trafficState == "started"} { puts "Traffic Started" break } if {$trafficState == "stopped"} { puts "Traffic stopped" break } if {$trafficState == "startedWaitingForStats" || $trafficState == "stoppedWaitingForStats"} { puts "Traffic started. Waiting for stats to complete" break } if {$start < $stopCounter} { if {$trafficState != "started" || $trafficState != "startedWaitingForStats" \ || $trafficState != "stoppedWaitingForStats" || $trafficStats != "stopped"} { puts "StartTraffic: Current state = $trafficState. Waiting $start/$stopCounter ..." after 1000 } } } } proc StopTraffic {} { set traffic [ixNet getRoot]traffic catch {ixNet exec stop $traffic} errMsg if {$errMsg != "::ixNet::OK"} { puts "Stop traffic error: $errMsg" } puts "Stopping traffic ..." after 2000 } proc CheckTrafficState {} { # startedWaitingForStats,startedWaitingForStreams,stopped,stoppedWaitingForStats,txStopWatchExpected,unapplied set currentTrafficState [ixNet getAttribute [ixNet getRoot]/traffic -state] switch -exact -- $currentTrafficState { ::ixNet::OK { return notRunning } stopped { return stopped } started { return started } locked { return locked } unapplied { return unapplied } startedWaitingForStreams { return startedWaitingForStreams } startedWaitingForStats { return startedWaitingForStats } stoppedWaitingForStats { return stoppedWaitingForStats } default { return $currentTrafficState puts "CheckTrafficState: Traffic state is currently: $currentTrafficState" exit } } } catch {ixNet connect $ixNetworkTclServer -port $ixNetworkPort -version $ixNetworkVersion} errMsg if {$errMsg != "::ixNet::OK"} { puts "\nError: $errMsg" exit } catch {ixNet execute newConfig} errMsg set ixChassis [ixNet add [ixNet getRoot]/availableHardware chassis] ixNet setAttribue $ixChassis -hostname $ixChassisIp set ixChassis [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixChassis] 0] foreach port $portList { set cardNumber [lindex $port 0] set portNumber [lindex $port 1] puts "Clearning port state on $cardNumber/$portNumber ..." # ::ixNet::OBJ-/availableHardware/chassis:""/card:1/port:2 catch {ixNet execute clearOwnership "::ixNet::OBJ-/availableHardware/chassis:\"$ixChassisIp\"/card:$cardNumber/port:$portNumber"} errMsg if {[regexp "Unable" $errMsg]} { puts "Failed to clear port ownership" exit } set vPort [ixNet add [ixNet getRoot] vport] ixNet commit set vPort [lindex [ixNet remapIds $vPort] 0] lappend vPortList $vPort ixNet setAttribute $vPort \ -connectedTo $ixChassisIp/card:$cardNumber/port:$portNumber #ixNet commit set getVport($cardNumber/$portNumber) $vPort set getPort($vPort) $cardNumber/$portNumber } puts "Assigning ports to vPort" puts "Rebooting all ports ..." #ixTclNet::AssignPorts {{ 1 1} { 1 2} { 1 3} { 1 4}} {} $vPortList true ixTclNet::AssignPorts [list [list $ixChassisIp [lindex [split $port1 /] 0] [lindex [split $port1 /] 1]] \ [list $ixChassisIp [lindex [split $port2 /] 0] [lindex [split $port2 /] 1]] \ [list $ixChassisIp [lindex [split $port3 /] 0] [lindex [split $port3 /] 1]] \ [list $ixChassisIp [lindex [split $port4 /] 0] [lindex [split $port4 /] 1]] \ ] {} $vPortList true set vportList [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] vport] foreach vPort $vportList { set portNumber $getPort($vPort) set vPortInterfaceObj [ixNet add $vPort interface] # -type: Choices: default, routed or gre ixNet setMultiAttrs $vPortInterfaceObj \ -enabled True \ -mtu 1500 \ -type default \ -description "Port $getPort($vPort)" #ixNet commit set vPortInterfaceObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $vPortInterfaceObj] 0] ixNet setAttribute $vPortInterfaceObj/ethernet -macAddress [lindex $portConfig($portNumber) 2] #ixNet commit set ipv4IntObj [ixNet add $vPortInterfaceObj ipv4] ixNet setMultiAttrs $ipv4IntObj \ -gateway [lindex $portConfig($portNumber) 1] \ -ip [lindex $portConfig($portNumber) 0] \ -maskWidth 24 #ixNet commit set ipv4IntObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ipv4IntObj] 0] } set trafficItem1Obj [ixNet add [ixNet getRoot]/traffic trafficItem] ixNet setMultAttrs $trafficItem1Obj \ -enabled True \ -name "My Traffic Item 1" \ -routeMesh oneToOne \ -srcDestMesh oneToOne \ -trafficType ipv4 \ -transmitMode interleaved \ -biDirectional 1 #ixNet commit set trafficItem1Obj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $trafficItem1Obj] 0] ixNet setAttribute $trafficItem1Obj/tracking \ -trackBy {trackingenabled0 flowGroup0 sourceDestEndpointPair0} #ixNet commit # vPortList: ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1 ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:2 # ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:3 ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:4 puts "Creating Endpoint 1 ..." set trafficItem1Endpoint1Obj [ixNet add $trafficItem1Obj endpointSet] ixNet setMultiAttrs $trafficItem1Endpoint1Obj \ -name EndPoint-1 \ -sources ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocols \ -destinations ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:2/protocols #ixNet commit set trafficItem1Endpoint1Obj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $trafficItem1Endpoint1Obj] 0] puts "Creating Endpoint 2 ..." set trafficItem1Endpoint2Obj [ixNet add $trafficItem1Obj endpointSet] ixNet setMultiAttrs $trafficItem1Endpoint2Obj \ -name EndPoint-2 \ -sources ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:3/protocols \ -destinations ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:4/protocols #ixNet commit set trafficItem1Endpoint2Obj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $trafficItem1Endpoint2Obj] 0] foreach traffic1ConfigElementObj [ixNet getList $trafficItem1Obj configElement] { # use highLevelStream to configure individual streams # --> [ixNet getList $trafficItemObject highLevelStream] puts "Configuring: $traffic1ConfigElementObj" ixNet setAttribute $traffic1ConfigElementObj/frameSize -fixedSize 777 #ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $traffic1ConfigElementObj/frameRate -rate 75 #ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttrs $traffic1ConfigElementObj/framePayload \ -type incrementByte \ -customRepeat True \ -customPattern {} #ixNet commit # -type: Choices fixedFrameCount or continuous ixNet setMultiAttrs $traffic1ConfigElementObj/transmissionControl -type fixedFrameCount -frameCount 25000 #ixNet commit # AddProtocol Stack only if you want to add more protocl headers puts "trafficItemObj: $trafficItem1Obj" puts "configElementObj: $traffic1ConfigElementObj" # AddProtocolStack udp $trafficItem1Obj $traffic1ConfigElementObj 1 } ixNet commit VerifyPortState RegenerateAllTrafficItems ApplyTraffic SendArp VerifyArpDiscoveries #StartAllProtocols #VerifyProtocolSessions StartTraffic after 10000 StopTraffic