#!/usr/bin/tclsh # Description: # # Assuming that all ports are configured. # package req Ixia #package req IxTclNetwork set ixiaChassisIp set ixNetworkTclServerIp set userName hgee #source /home/hgee/Dropbox/MyIxiaWork/Insieme_Saravana/pythonScripts/ixpy-0.0.9/ixpy/ixiaHltLib.tcl #source /home/hgee/Dropbox/MyIxiaWork/IxNet_tclApi.tcl proc KeylPrint {keylist {space ""}} { upvar $keylist kl set result "" foreach key [keylkeys kl] { set value [keylget kl $key] if {[catch {keylkeys value}]} { append result "$space$key: $value\n" } else { set newspace "$space " append result "$space$key:\n[KeylPrint value $newspace]" } } return $result } puts "\nConnecting to $ixNetworkTclServerIp ..." if 0 { set status [::ixiangpf::connect \ -ixnetwork_tcl_server $ixNetworkTclServerIp \ -tcl_server $ixiaChassisIp \ -username $userName \ -session_resume_keys 1 \ ] #puts \n[KeylPrint status] } proc GetStatView { {getStatsBy trafficItem} } { set viewList [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot]/statistics view] puts "\nviewList: $viewList\n" set statViewSelection "Flow Statistics" set flowStatsViewIndex [lsearch -regexp $viewList $statViewSelection] if {$flowStatsViewIndex == -1} { puts "\nGetStatView: No \"$statViewSelection\" found" return 1 } # $view: ::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"Flow Statistics" set view [lindex $viewList $flowStatsViewIndex] ixNet setAttribute $view -enabled true ixNet commit set columnList [ixNet getAttribute ${view}/page -columnCaptions] puts "\n$columnList\n" set startTime 1 set stopTime 30 while {$startTime < $stopTime} { set totalPages [ixNet getAttribute $view/page -totalPages] if {[regexp -nocase "null" $totalPages]} { puts "\nGetStatView: Getting total pages for $view is not ready. $startTime/$stopTime" after 2000 } else { break } } # Iterrate through each page set row 0 for {set currPage 1} {$currPage <= $totalPages} {incr currPage} { puts "\nGetStatView: Getting statistics on page: $currPage/$totalPages" catch {ixNet setAttribute $view/page -currentPage $currPage} errMsg if {$errMsg != "::ixNet::OK"} { puts "\nGetStatView: Failed to get statistic for current page.\n" return 1 } ixNet commit # Wait for statistics to populate on current page set whileLoopStopCounter 0 while {[ixNet getAttribute $view/page -isReady] != "true"} { if {$whileLoopStopCounter == "5"} { puts "\nGetStatView: Could not get stats" return 1 } if {$whileLoopStopCounter < 5} { puts "\nGetStatView: Not ready yet. Waiting $whileLoopStopCounter/5 seconds ..." after 1000 } incr whileLoopStopCounter } set pageList [ixNet getAttribute $view/page -rowValues] ;# first list of all rows in the page set totalFlowStatistics [llength $pageList] # totalPageList == The total amount of flow statistics for {set pageListIndex 0} {$pageListIndex <= $totalFlowStatistics} {incr pageListIndex} { set rowList [lindex $pageList $pageListIndex] ;# second list of 1 ingress and x egress rows for {set rowIndex 0} {$rowIndex < [llength $rowList]} {incr rowIndex} { # Increment the row number incr row # cellList: 1/1/1 1/1/2 TI0-Flow_1 4000 4000 0 0 0 0 256000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00:00:00.684 00:00:00.700 set cellList [lindex $rowList $rowIndex] ;# third list of cell values puts "\n--- cellList $pageListIndex: $cellList ---\n" # Get the Traffic Item name set trafficItemIndex [lsearch $columnList "Traffic Item"] if {$trafficItemIndex == -1} { set trafficItem "UnknownTrafficItem $pageListIndex" } else { set trafficItem [lindex $cellList $trafficItemIndex] } set rxPortIndex [lsearch $columnList "Rx Port"] set rxPort [lindex $cellList $rxPortIndex] foreach column $columnList item $cellList { if {[regexp "VLAN:VLAN Priority" $column]} { set column "Vlan_Priority" } if {[regexp "VLAN:VLAN-ID.*1" $column]} { set column "Inner_Vlan_ID" } if {[regexp "VLAN:VLAN-ID" $column]} { # This is also Outer VlanID set column "Vlan_ID" } if {[regexp "IPv4 :Source Address" $column]} { set column "IPv4_Src_Address" } if {[regexp "IPv4 :Destination Address" $column]} { set column "IPv4_Dst_Address" } if {[regexp "Ethernet II:Destination MAC Address" $column]} { set column "Dest_Mac_Address" } if {[regexp "Ethernet II:Source MAC Address" $column]} { set column "Src_Mac_Address" } if {$getStatsBy == "trafficItem"} { if {[regexp "Traffic Item" $column] == 0} { keylset getStats trafficItem.[join $trafficItem _].flow.$row.[join $column _] $item } } if {$getStatsBy == "port"} { if {[regexp "Rx Port" $column] == 0} { keylset getStats rxPort.$rxPort.trafficItem.[join $trafficItem _].[join $column _] $item } } keylset getStats totalFlows $row } } } } return $getStats } ixNet connect $ixNetworkTclServerIp -version 8.0 GetStatView "Flow View"