################################################################################ # # # Copyright 1997 - 2020 by IXIA Keysight # # All Rights Reserved. # # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # # LEGAL NOTICE: # # ============== # # The following code and documentation (hereinafter "the script") is an # # example script for demonstration purposes only. # # The script is not a standard commercial product offered by Ixia and have # # been developed and is being provided for use only as indicated herein. The # # script [and all modifications enhancements and updates thereto (whether # # made by Ixia and/or by the user and/or by a third party)] shall at all times # # remain the property of Ixia. # # # # Ixia does not warrant (i) that the functions contained in the script will # # meet the users requirements or (ii) that the script will be without # # omissions or error-free. # # THE SCRIPT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND IXIA # # DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESS IMPLIED STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. # # THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SCRIPT IS WITH THE # # USER. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL IXIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM OR ARISING # # OUT OF THE USE OF OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE SCRIPT OR ANY PART THEREOF # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY LOST PROFITS LOST BUSINESS LOST OR # # DAMAGED DATA OR SOFTWARE OR ANY INDIRECT INCIDENTAL PUNITIVE OR # # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES EVEN IF IXIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # # SUCH DAMAGES IN ADVANCE. # # Ixia will not be required to provide any software maintenance or support # # services of any kind (e.g. any error corrections) in connection with the # # script or any part thereof. The user acknowledges that although Ixia may # # from time to time and in its sole discretion provide maintenance or support # # services for the script any such services are subject to the warranty and # # damages limitations set forth herein and will not obligate Ixia to provide # # any additional maintenance or support services. # # # ################################################################################ set ::BUG508119 0 ############################################################################# # Common procs to be used for set & get attr ############################################################################# proc matchAttributeValue {object attr expectedVal} { set noMatch 1 set val [ixNet getAtt $object -$attr] #log "\t (-$attr)$val : $expectedVal (expected)" if {[string tolower $val] != [string tolower $expectedVal]} { log "\t -$attr : $val (expected $expectedVal) ---> No Match" return $noMatch } set noMatch 0 log "\t -$attr : $val (expected $expectedVal) --->Match" return $noMatch } proc checkAttributeValue {object arr} { set isError 1 array set expectProp $arr # parray expectProp foreach attr [array names expectProp] { set attVal [ixNet getAttr $object -$attr] set val $expectProp($attr) log "\t attVal = $attVal (-$attr) expectProp = $val" # The attr value can be of two types # 1) single value 2) list set isAttrTypeArray [regexp {Array} [ixNet help $object -$attr]] if {!$isAttrTypeArray} { # for single value do a string match log "-$attr is a single value" if {[string tolower $attVal] != [string tolower $val]} { log "\t -$attr : $attVal (expected $val) --> did not match!" return $isError } } else { # for list value take each value from retrived list # and search it in the expected list. log "-$attr is list" foreach value $attVal { if {[lsearch $val $value] < 0} { return $isError } };# foreach value $attVal };# endif {!$isAttrTypeArray} } ;# end foreach attr set isError 0 return $isError } proc setAndCheckAttributeValue {object attr arr} { set isError 1 array set expectProp $arr #parray expectProp log "Verifying $attr ..." foreach attrVal [array names expectProp] { set retVal $expectProp($attrVal) catch {ixNet setAttribute $object -$attr $attrVal} catch {ixNet commit} set retAttrVal [ixNet getAttr $object -$attr] log "\t $attr = $retAttrVal ($attrVal :: $retVal)" if {(([string tolower $retAttrVal] != [string tolower $attrVal]) && ($retVal == "y")) || \ (([string tolower $retAttrVal] == [string tolower $attrVal]) && ($retVal == "n"))} { log "\t $attr = $retAttrVal ($attrVal :: $retVal) --> Unexpected" return $isError } } set isError 0 return $isError } proc addObjectInConfig {parentObj objName {objConfigList {}}} { set isError 1 set prevLength [llength [ixNet getList $parentObj $objName]] set newObject [ixNet add $parentObj $objName] foreach {attr attrVal} $objConfigList { ixNet setAttr $newObject -$attr $attrVal } ixNet commit set newObject [lindex [ixNet remapIds $newObject] 0] set curLength [llength [ixNet getList $parentObj $objName]] log "Prev #$objName = $prevLength ~ Current #$objName = $curLength" if {$curLength != [expr $prevLength + 1]} { return $isError } set isError 0 return $isError } proc removeObjectInConfig {parentObj objName {objMatchList {}}} { set isError 1 set gotTheObjToRemove 0 set getObjList [ixNet getList $parentObj $objName] set prevLength [llength $getObjList] if {$prevLength == 0} { log "No $objName to remove.." return $isError } foreach getObject $getObjList { if {[checkAttributeValue $getObject $objMatchList] == 0} { log "Got the $objName in configuration to remove.." set gotTheObjToRemove 1 break } } if {($gotTheObjToRemove == 1) || ($objMatchList == {})} { ixNet remove $getObject ixNet commit } else { log "No mathing $objName found in configuration..." return $isError } set curLength [llength [ixNet getList $parentObj $objName]] log "Prev #$objName = $prevLength ~ Current #$objName = $curLength" if {$curLength != [expr $prevLength - 1]} { return $isError } set isError 0 return $isError } ################################################################################ # General Procs using IxTclHal ################################################################################ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROCEDURE : ixExplorerCheckAttributeValue # PURPOSE : To check the IxExplorer Attributes # PARAMETERS : object, array of attr and expectedVal # RETURN : (BOOL) - 0 for Pass ~ 1 for Fail #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ixExplorerCheckAttributeValue {object arr} { set isError 1 array set expectProp $arr #parray expectProp foreach attr [array names expectProp] { set attVal [$object cget -$attr] set val $expectProp($attr) log "\t attVal = $attVal (-$attr) expectProp = $val" if {[string tolower $attVal] != [string tolower $val]} { log "\t -$attr : $attVal (expected $val) --> did not match!" return $isError } } set isError 0 return $isError } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROCEDURE : connectChassis # PURPOSE : To connect to the Chassis and reserve ports # PARAMETERS : chassisIp, card and port # RETURN : (BOOL) - 0 for Pass ~ 1 for Fail #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ixExplorerConnectChassis {chassisIp card port} { set error 1 if {[ixInitialize $chassisIp]} { log "Could not connect to Chassis $chassisIp !!!" return $error } log "Connect to the Chassis $chassisIp successfully !!!" chassis get $chassisIp set chassisId [chassis cget -id] port get $chassisId $card $port set loginName [port cget -owner] if {[ixLogin $loginName]} { log "Could not login in the Chassis $chassisIp !!!" return $error } log "Log in successfully with user: $loginName !!!" if {[chassis refresh $chassisId]} { log "Could not refresh Chassis $chassisIp" return $error } log "Refreshed the Chassis $chassisIp !!!" set error 0 return $error } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROCEDURE : disconnectChassis # PURPOSE : Disconnect from the Chassis # PARAMETERS : chassisIp # RETURN : (BOOL) - 0 for Pass ~ 1 for Fail #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ixExplorerDisconnectChassis {chassisIp} { set error 1 if {[ixDisconnectFromChassis $chassisIp]} { log "Could not disconnect from Chassis $chassisIp" return $error } log "Successfully disconnected from the Chassis $chassisIp !!!" set error 0 return $error } ################################################################################ proc checkHighLevelSteamCountForAllTrafficItem {expectedTIcount hlsCountList} { set isError 1 set traffic [ixNet getRoot]/traffic set trafficItemList [ixNet getList $traffic trafficItem] set obtainedTICount [llength $trafficItemList] log "Traffic Item Count $obtainedTICount (Expected : $expectedTIcount)" if {$obtainedTICount != $expectedTIcount} { log "------> MISMATCH" return $isError } foreach {trafficItemIndex expectedHLSteamCount} $hlsCountList { set trafficItem [lindex $trafficItemList $trafficItemIndex] set HLStreamList [ixNet getList $trafficItem highLevelStream] set obtainedHLSteamCount [llength $HLStreamList] log "TI[expr ($trafficItemIndex +1)] :: High Level Stream Item Count \ $obtainedHLSteamCount (Expected : $expectedHLSteamCount)" if {$obtainedHLSteamCount != $expectedHLSteamCount} { log "------> MISMATCH" return $isError } } set isError 0 return $isError } ################################################################################ # Procedure : generateApplyTraffic # Purpose : To Generate and Apply Traffic # Parameters : None # Return : (Bool) 0 - Applied Traffic 1 - Failed to Apply Traffic ################################################################################ proc generateApplyTraffic {} { set flag 1 set traffic [ixNet getRoot]/traffic # Enable refreshLearnedInfoBeforeApply for MPLS Traffic if {[setAndCheckAttributeValue $traffic refreshLearnedInfoBeforeApply {"true" y}] == 1} { ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } # Apply Traffic log "Applying the traffic ...." set applyTraffic [catch {::ixNet exec apply $traffic} errMsg] if {[::ixNet exec apply $traffic] != "::ixNet::OK"} { log "Not able to apply the traffic.." log "[ixNet getAttr $traffic -errors]" return $flag } set count 0 log "Checking Traffic State ..." while { [ixNet getAttr $traffic -state] == "unapplied" } { log "isApplied --> [ixNet getAttr $traffic -state]" after 1000 incr count if { $count > 60 } { log "Waited for 1 min, Traffic still not applied.. " foreach trafficItem [ixNet getList $traffic trafficItem] { log "[ixNet getAttr $trafficItem -errors]" log "[ixNet getAttr $trafficItem -warnings]" } return $flag } } log "Traffic applied successfully ..." foreach trafficItem [ixNet getList $traffic trafficItem] { log "[ixNet getAttr $trafficItem -errors]" log "[ixNet getAttr $trafficItem -warnings]" } set flag 0 return $flag } ################################################################################ #Procedure : startTraffic #Purpose : To Start the Traffic #Parameters : None #Return : (Bool) 0 - Started Traffic Successfully 1 - Failed to Start the Traffic ################################################################################ proc startTraffic {traffic} { set flag 1 log "Starting the traffic..." set startTraffic [catch {::ixNet exec startStatelessTraffic $traffic} \ errMsg] if {$startTraffic} { # catch returned 1 error in starting traffic. log "$errMsg" return $flag } set count 0 log "Checking Traffic State ..." while { [ixNet getAttr $traffic -state] != "started" } { log "isStarted --> [ixNet getAttr $traffic -state]" after 1000 incr count if { $count > 60 } { log "Waited for 1 min, Traffic still not started.. " foreach trafficItem [ixNet getList $traffic trafficItem] { log "[ixNet getAttr $trafficItem -errors]" log "[ixNet getAttr $trafficItem -warnings]" } return $flag } } log "Traffic started successfully ..." foreach trafficItem [ixNet getList $traffic trafficItem] { log "[ixNet getAttr $trafficItem -errors]" log "[ixNet getAttr $trafficItem -warnings]" } set flag 0 return $flag } ################################################################################ #Procedure :stopTraffic #Purpose : To Stop the Traffic #Parameters : None #Return : (Bool) 0 - Stopped Traffic Successfully 1 - Failed to Stop the # Traffic ################################################################################ proc stopTraffic {traffic} { set flag 1 log "Stopping the traffic...." set stopTraffic [catch {::ixNet exec stopStatelessTraffic $traffic} errMsg] if {$stopTraffic} { log "$errMsg" return $flag } after 10000 set count 0 log "Checking Traffic State ..." while { [ixNet getAttr $traffic -state] != "stopped" } { log "isStopped --> [ixNet getAttr $traffic -state]" after 1000 incr count if { $count > 60 } { log "Waited for 1 min, Traffic still not stopped.. " foreach trafficItem [ixNet getList $traffic trafficItem] { log "[ixNet getAttr $trafficItem -errors]" log "[ixNet getAttr $trafficItem -warnings]" } return $flag } } log "Traffic stopped successfully ..." foreach trafficItem [ixNet getList $traffic trafficItem] { log "[ixNet getAttr $trafficItem -errors]" log "[ixNet getAttr $trafficItem -warnings]" } set flag 0 return $flag } ################################################################################ #Procedure : disableTracking #Purpose : To disable all tracking option viz. Ingress/Egress/Latency Bin #Parameters : trafficItemName #Return : (Bool) 0 - Pass 1 - Fail ################################################################################ proc disableTracking {trafficItemName} { set error 1 set top [ixNet getRoot] set traffic $top/traffic set trafficItemList [ixNet getList $traffic trafficItem] set numTrafficItems [llength $trafficItemList] for {set index 0} {$index < $numTrafficItems} {incr index} { set trafficItem [lindex $trafficItemList $index] if {[ixNet getAttr $trafficItem -name] == $trafficItemName} { if {[setAndCheckAttributeValue $trafficItem/tracking trackBy {"" y}] == 1} { log "Not able to disable Ingress Tracking !!!" return $error } if {[setAndCheckAttributeValue $trafficItem/tracking/egress enabled {"False" y}] == 1} { log "Not able to disable Egress Tracking !!!" return $error } if {[setAndCheckAttributeValue $trafficItem/tracking/latencyBin enabled {"False" y}] == 1} { log "Not able to disable Latency Bin Tracking !!!" return $error } break } } set error 0 return $error } ################################################################################ # START :: DO NOT USE FOLLOWING PROCs DIRECTLY ################################################################################ proc createView {caption type} { set view [ixNet add [ixNet getRoot]statistics view] ixNet setAttribute $view -caption $caption ixNet setAttribute $view -type $type ixNet commit set view [lindex [ixNet remapIds $view] end] return $view } proc enableView {view} { ixNet setAttribute $view -enabled true ixNet commit } proc enableAllStatistics {view {usrStatsList "All"}} { # Reset All Stats First foreach {statistic} [ixNet getList $view statistic] { ixNet setAttribute $statistic -enabled false } foreach {statistic} [ixNet getList $view statistic] { if {$usrStatsList == "All"} { #log "Enabling stat :: [ixNet getAttribute $statistic -caption]" ixNet setAttribute $statistic -enabled true } foreach stat $usrStatsList { if {[ixNet getAttribute $statistic -caption] == $stat} { #log "Enabling stat :: [ixNet getAttribute $statistic -caption]" ixNet setAttribute $statistic -enabled true } } } ixNet commit } proc enableAllFilters {view availableFilters setupFilter setupFilterId {usrFilterSetList "All"}} { set isError 1 set filters [ixNet getList ${view} $availableFilters] puts $filters set filters2set {} # Enable All Filter (default) if {$usrFilterSetList == "All"} { ixNet setAttribute ${view}/$setupFilter -$setupFilterId $filters } else { # Enable selected Filters (Usr Specification) foreach usrFilterSet $usrFilterSetList { puts "enableAllFilters usrFilterSet == $usrFilterSet" foreach filter $filters { puts "enableAllFilters filter == $filter" set matchListLen 0 set matchFound 0 foreach {attr attrVal} $usrFilterSet { puts "enableAllFilters attr = $attr attrVal == $attrVal" incr matchListLen if {[ixNet getAttr $filter -$attr] == $attrVal} { incr matchFound } } if {$matchFound > 0} { if {$setupFilterId == "trafficItemFilterId"} { switch $setupFilter { "layer23TrafficFlowFilter" - "layer23TrafficFlowDetectiveFilter" { set filters2set $filter puts "setting single filter $filters2set" } default { lappend filters2set $filter puts "setting filter list $filters2set" } } } else { lappend filters2set $filter } } } } if {$filters2set == {}} { log "filters2set $filters2set is empty, No filter selected to associate $setupFilterId for ${view}/$setupFilter" return $isError } #log "${view}/$setupFilter/$setupFilterId set to $filters2set" ixNet setAttribute ${view}/$setupFilter -$setupFilterId $filters2set } ixNet commit #puts "${view}/$setupFilter/$setupFilterId set to [ixNet getAttribute ${view}/$setupFilter -$setupFilterId]" set isError 0 return $isError } proc resetAdditionalFilter {view setupFilter filterTypeList} { set isError 1 foreach filterType $filterTypeList { if {[removeObjectInConfig ${view}/$setupFilter $filterType ] == 1} { log "Failed to remove $filterType " } } set isError 0 return $isError } proc enableAdditionalFilter {view filterType availableFilters setupFilter additionalFilterSetList} { set isError 1 foreach additionalFilterSet $additionalFilterSetList { set isObjRefFoundForId 0 set configList {} foreach {attr attrVal} $additionalFilterSet { if {($attr == "trackingFilterId") || ($attr == "statisticFilterId") || ($attr == "sortByStatisticId")} { foreach {filter} [ixNet getList ${view} $availableFilters] { puts "---- $filter" if {(($filterType == "trackingFilter") || ($filterType == "enumerationFilter")) \ && ($attr == "trackingFilterId") && (([ixNet getAttr $filter -name] == $attrVal))} { log "Adding Tracking filter -*- $filter" incr isObjRefFoundForId append configList $attr " " [list $filter] " " break } if {(($filterType == "allFlowsFilter") || ($filterType == "liveFlowsFilter")) \ && ($attr == "sortByStatisticId") && ([ixNet getAttr $filter -caption] == $attrVal)} { log "Adding Flow Detective filter -*- $filter" incr isObjRefFoundForId append configList $attr " " [list $filter] " " break } if {($filterType == "statisticFilter") && ($attr == "statisticFilterId") \ && ([ixNet getAttr $filter -caption] == $attrVal)} { log "Adding Statistics filter -*- $filter" incr isObjRefFoundForId append configList $attr " " [list $filter] " " break } } } else { append configList $attr " " $attrVal " " } } puts "=============== $configList" if {(($filterType == "allFlowsFilter") || ($filterType == "liveFlowsFilter") || \ ($filterType == "deadFlowsFilter"))} { foreach {attr attrVal} $configList { puts "attr = $attr attrVal = $attrVal" puts "setAndCheckAttributeValue ${view}/$setupFilter/$filterType $attr [subst {$attrVal "y"}]" if {[setAndCheckAttributeValue ${view}/$setupFilter/$filterType \ $attr \ [list $attrVal "y"]] == 1} { return $isError } } } else { if {[addObjectInConfig ${view}/$setupFilter $filterType $configList] == 1} { log "Failed to set Additional $filterType :: $additionalFilterSet" return $isError } } log "Additional $filterType set :: $additionalFilterSet" } log "All additional filter specifications are set successfully" set isError 0 return $isError } ################################################################################ # STOP :: DO NOT USE ABOVE PROCs DIRECTLY ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # Design Statistics View Procedures ################################################################################ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROCEDURE : designL23ProtocolPortStatisticView # PURPOSE : Design Custom View of type L23TrafficPortStatistic # PARAMETERS : - # - # - # - list of {} # # RETURN : (BOOL) - 0 for Pass ~ 1 for Fail # USES : # set viewCaption "CustomTCLView-layer23TrafficPort-100" # set usrStatsList {"AAA" "BBB" "CCC"} # designL23ProtocolPortStatisticView "PP-allFilters" "All" $usrStatsList # ---- # set usrFilterSetList {{portFilterIds {{name "xm2-8/Card2/Port12"}}}} # designL23ProtocolPortStatisticView "PP-allTIseclectedPorts" $usrFilterSetList $usrStatsList #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc designL23ProtocolPortStatisticView {viewCaption {usrFilterSetList "All"} \ {usrStatsList "All"} {viewConfigList {}} {reUseSV 0}} { set isError 1 log "Desiging $viewCaption - L23ProtocolPortStatisticView" if {$reUseSV == 0} { set view [createView $viewCaption layer23ProtocolPort] ixNet setAttr $view -visible true ixNet commit } else { set viewList [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot]/statistics view] set indexOfSV [lsearch -regexp $viewList $viewCaption] set view [lindex $viewList $indexOfSV] } # Configure attributes/parameters directly under this view foreach {attr attrVal} $viewConfigList { if {[setAndCheckAttributeValue $view $attr [subst {$attrVal "y"}]] == 1} { return $isError } } # Enable All Filters if {$usrFilterSetList == "All"} { enableAllFilters $view availablePortFilter layer23ProtocolPortFilter portFilterIds } else { # Enable User Specified Filters set portFilterIdsConfigured 0 foreach usrFilterSet $usrFilterSetList { foreach {filterIdType filterSetList} $usrFilterSet { if {$filterIdType == "portFilterIds"} { set portFilterIdsConfigured 1 enableAllFilters $view availablePortFilter layer23ProtocolPortFilter portFilterIds $filterSetList } } } if {$portFilterIdsConfigured == 0} { log "Incorrect User Filter Specification !!!" return $isError } } if {$usrStatsList == "All"} { # Enable All Statistics enableAllStatistics $view } else { # Enable User Specified Statistics enableAllStatistics $view $usrStatsList } # Enable enableView $view after 2000 # Refresh View ixNet exec refresh $view set isError 0 return $isError } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROCEDURE : designL23TrafficPortStatisticView # PURPOSE : Design Custom View of type L23TrafficPortStatistic # PARAMETERS : - # - # - # - list of {} # # RETURN : (BOOL) - 0 for Pass ~ 1 for Fail # USES : # set viewCaption "CustomTCLView-layer23TrafficPort-100" # set usrStatsList {"Tx Frames" "Rx Frames" "Loss %"} # designL23TrafficPortStatisticView "TP-allFilters" "All" $usrStatsList # ---- # set usrFilterSetList {{portFilterIds {{name "xm2-8/Card2/Port12"}}}} # designL23TrafficPortStatisticView "TP-allTIseclectedPorts" $usrFilterSetList $usrStatsList #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc designL23TrafficPortStatisticView {viewCaption {usrFilterSetList "All"} \ {usrStatsList "all"} {viewConfigList {}} {reUseSV 0}} { set isError 1 log "Desiging $viewCaption - L23TrafficPortStatisticView" if {$reUseSV == 0} { set view [createView $viewCaption layer23TrafficPort] ixNet setAttr $view -visible true ixNet commit } else { set viewList [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot]/statistics view] set indexOfSV [lsearch -regexp $viewList $viewCaption] set view [lindex $viewList $indexOfSV] } # Configure attributes/parameters directly under this view foreach {attr attrVal} $viewConfigList { if {[setAndCheckAttributeValue $view $attr [subst {$attrVal "y"}]] == 1} { return $isError } } # Enable All Filters if {$usrFilterSetList == "All"} { enableAllFilters $view availablePortFilter layer23TrafficPortFilter portFilterIds } else { # Enable User Specified Filters set portFilterIdsConfigured 0 foreach usrFilterSet $usrFilterSetList { foreach {filterIdType filterSetList} $usrFilterSet { if {$filterIdType == "portFilterIds"} { set portFilterIdsConfigured 1 enableAllFilters $view availablePortFilter layer23TrafficPortFilter portFilterIds $filterSetList } } } if {$portFilterIdsConfigured == 0} { log "Incorrect User Filter Specification !!!" return $isError } } if {$usrStatsList == "all"} { # Enable All Statistics enableAllStatistics $view } else { # Enable User Specified Statistics enableAllStatistics $view $usrStatsList } # Enable enableView $view after 2000 # Refresh View ixNet exec refresh $view set isError 0 return $isError } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROCEDURE : designL23TrafficItemStatisticView # PURPOSE : Design Custom View of type layer23TrafficItem # PARAMETERS : - # - # - # - list of {} # # RETURN : (BOOL) - 0 for Pass ~ 1 for Fail # USES : # designL23TrafficItemStatisticView "AllTI-AllStats" # ------- # set usrFilterSetList {{trafficItemFilterIds {{name "ingressTracking-2"}}}} # designL23TrafficItemStatisticView "selectedTI-AllStats" $usrFilterSetList # ------- # set usrFilterSetList {{trafficItemFilterIds {{name "ingressTracking-2"}}}} # set usrStatsList {"Tx Frames" "Rx Frames"} # designL23TrafficItemStatisticView "selectedTI-selectedStats" $usrFilterSetList $usrStatsList #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc designL23TrafficItemStatisticView {viewCaption {usrFilterSetList "All"} \ {usrStatsList "All"} {viewConfigList {}} {reUseSV 0}} { set isError 1 log "Desiging $viewCaption - L23TrafficItemStatisticView" if {$reUseSV == 0} { set view [createView $viewCaption layer23TrafficItem] ixNet setAttr $view -visible true ixNet commit } else { set viewList [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot]/statistics view] set indexOfSV [lsearch -regexp $viewList $viewCaption] set view [lindex $viewList $indexOfSV] } # Configure attributes/parameters directly under this view foreach {attr attrVal} $viewConfigList { if {[setAndCheckAttributeValue $view $attr [subst {$attrVal "y"}]] == 1} { return $isError } } log "Enable Filters..." # Enable All Filters if {$usrFilterSetList == "All"} { enableAllFilters $view availableTrafficItemFilter layer23TrafficItemFilter trafficItemFilterIds } else { # Enable User Specified Filters set trafficItemFilterIdConfigured 0 foreach usrFilterSet $usrFilterSetList { foreach {filterIdType filterSetList} $usrFilterSet { if {$filterIdType == "trafficItemFilterIds"} { set trafficItemFilterIdConfigured 1 enableAllFilters $view availableTrafficItemFilter layer23TrafficItemFilter trafficItemFilterIds $filterSetList } } } if {$trafficItemFilterIdConfigured == 0} { log "Incorrect User Filter Specification !!!" return $isError } } log "Enable Stats..." if {$usrStatsList == "All"} { # Enable All Statistics enableAllStatistics $view } else { # Enable User Specified Statistics enableAllStatistics $view $usrStatsList } # Enable enableView $view after 2000 # Refresh View ixNet exec refresh $view set isError 0 return $isError } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROCEDURE : designL23TrafficFlowStatisticView # PURPOSE : Design Custom View of type layer23TrafficFlow # PARAMETERS : - # - # - # - list of {} # # RETURN : (BOOL) - 0 for Pass ~ 1 for Fail # USES : # set chassisIp2 "xm2-8" # set card2 2 # set port2 12 # set caption "FirstLevelDrilldown_13" # set ingressTracking "Source/Dest Value Pair" # set usrFilterSetList [subst {{trafficItemFilterId {{name "ingressTrackingRaw1"}}}\ # {portFilterIds {{name "$chassisIp2/Card$card2/Port$port2"}}}}] # set addFilterList [subst {{enumerationFilter { \ # {trackingFilterId "Source/Dest Value Pair" sortDirection "ascending"}}}}] # set usrStatsList {"Tx Frames" "Rx Frames" "Loss %"} # designL23TrafficFlowStatisticView $caption {} $usrFilterSetList $addFilterList $usrStatsList #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc designL23TrafficFlowStatisticView {viewCaption fvConfigList usrFilterSetList \ additionalFilterSetList {usrStatsList "All"} {viewConfigList {}} {reUseSV 0}} { set isError 1 log "Designing SV with caption :: $viewCaption" if {$reUseSV == 0} { set view [createView $viewCaption layer23TrafficFlow] ixNet setAttr $view -visible true ixNet commit } else { set viewList [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot]/statistics view] set indexOfSV [lsearch -regexp $viewList $viewCaption] set view [lindex $viewList $indexOfSV] } # Configure attributes/parameters directly under this view foreach {attr attrVal} $viewConfigList { if {[setAndCheckAttributeValue $view $attr [subst {$attrVal "y"}]] == 1} { return $isError } } # Configure Attributes/Filters of layer23TrafficFlowFilter foreach {attr attrVal} $fvConfigList { log "Setting $attr to $attrVal" if {[setAndCheckAttributeValue ${view}/layer23TrafficFlowFilter $attr [subst {$attrVal "y"}]] == 1} { return $isError } } log "Enable Filters..." # Enable User Specified Filters set trafficItemFilterIdConfigured 0 set portFilterIdsConfigured 0 set sortFilterIdsConfigured 0 foreach usrFilterSet $usrFilterSetList { foreach {filterIdType filterSetList} $usrFilterSet { if {$filterIdType == "trafficItemFilterId"} { set trafficItemFilterIdConfigured 1 enableAllFilters $view availableTrafficItemFilter layer23TrafficFlowFilter trafficItemFilterId $filterSetList } if {$filterIdType == "portFilterIds"} { set portFilterIdsConfigured 1 enableAllFilters $view availablePortFilter layer23TrafficFlowFilter portFilterIds $filterSetList } } } if {$trafficItemFilterIdConfigured == 0} { log "Incorrect User Filter Specification !!!" return $isError } if {$portFilterIdsConfigured == 0} { log "Incorrect User Filter Specification !!!" return $isError } if {$reUseSV == 1} { # Reset All Additinal Filters resetAdditionalFilter $view layer23TrafficFlowFilter {"trackingFilter" "enumerationFilter"} } # Setup AdditionalFilters (optional) foreach additionalFilterSet $additionalFilterSetList { log "Enable Additional Filters..." foreach {filterType additionalFilterList} $additionalFilterSet { # Both trackingFilter & enumerationFilter selected from availableTrackingFilter List if {[enableAdditionalFilter $view $filterType availableTrackingFilter \ layer23TrafficFlowFilter $additionalFilterList] == 1} { log "Failed to set Additional $filterType :: $additionalFilterList" return $isError } } } log "Enable Stats..." if {$usrStatsList == "All"} { # Enable All Statistics enableAllStatistics $view } else { # Enable User Specified Statistics enableAllStatistics $view $usrStatsList } # Enable log "Enabling View..." enableView $view after 2000 # Refresh View ixNet exec refresh $view set isError 0 return $isError } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROCEDURE : designL23TrafficFlowDetectiveStatisticView # PURPOSE : Design Custom View of type layer23TrafficFlow # PARAMETERS : - # - # - # - list of {} # # RETURN : (BOOL) - 0 for Pass ~ 1 for Fail # USES : # set chassisIp2 "xm2-8" # set card2 2 # set port2 12 # set caption "FlowdetectiveView_1" # set fdConfigList {deadFlowsThreshold 5 \ # flowFilterType allFlows} ; # allFlows, deadFlows, liveFlows # set usrFilterSetList [subst {{trafficItemFilterId {{name "ingressTrackingRaw1"}}} \ # {portFilterIds {{name "$chassisIp2/Card$card2/Port$port2"}}}}] # AllDeadFlowFilter: # set addFilterList [subst {{deadFlowsFilter { \ # {sortByStatisticId "TotalFrames" numberOfResults "3" sortingCondition "bestPerformers"}}}}] # AllLiveFlowFilter: # set addFilterList [subst {{liveFlowsFilter { \ # {sortByStatisticId "TotalFrames" numberOfResults "3" sortingCondition "bestPerformers"}}}}] # AllFlowFilter: # set addFilterList [subst {{allFlowsFilter { \ # {sortByStatisticId "TotalFrames" numberOfResults "3" sortingCondition "bestPerformers"}}}}] # designL23TrafficFlowDetectiveStatisticView $caption $fdConfigList $usrFilterSetList $addFilterList #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc designL23TrafficFlowDetectiveStatisticView {viewCaption fdConfigList usrFilterSetList \ additionalFilterSetList {usrStatsList "All"} {viewConfigList {}} {reUseSV 0}} { set isError 1 log "Desiging $viewCaption - L23TrafficFlowDetectiveStatisticView" if {$reUseSV == 0} { set view [createView $viewCaption layer23TrafficFlowDetective] ixNet setAttr $view -visible true ixNet commit } else { set viewList [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot]/statistics view] set indexOfSV [lsearch -regexp $viewList $viewCaption] set view [lindex $viewList $indexOfSV] } # Configure attributes/parameters directly under this view foreach {attr attrVal} $viewConfigList { if {[setAndCheckAttributeValue $view $attr [subst {$attrVal "y"}]] == 1} { return $isError } } # Configure Attributes/Filters of layer23TrafficFlowDetectiveFilter foreach {attr attrVal} $fdConfigList { log "Setting $attr to $attrVal" if {[setAndCheckAttributeValue ${view}/layer23TrafficFlowDetectiveFilter $attr [subst {$attrVal "y"}]] == 1} { return $isError } } log "Enable Filters..." # Enable User Specified Filters set trafficItemFilterIdConfigured 0 set portFilterIdsConfigured 0 foreach usrFilterSet $usrFilterSetList { foreach {filterIdType filterSetList} $usrFilterSet { if {$filterIdType == "trafficItemFilterId"} { set trafficItemFilterIdConfigured 1 enableAllFilters $view availableTrafficItemFilter layer23TrafficFlowDetectiveFilter trafficItemFilterId $filterSetList } if {$filterIdType == "portFilterIds"} { set portFilterIdsConfigured 1 enableAllFilters $view availablePortFilter layer23TrafficFlowDetectiveFilter portFilterIds $filterSetList } } } if {$trafficItemFilterIdConfigured == 0} { log "Incorrect User Filter Specification !!!" return $isError } if {$portFilterIdsConfigured == 0} { log "Incorrect User Filter Specification !!!" return $isError } # Setup AdditionalFilters (optional) foreach additionalFilterSet $additionalFilterSetList { log "Enable Additional Filters..." foreach {filterType additionalFilterList} $additionalFilterSet { if {($filterType == "allFlowsFilter") || ($filterType == "deadFlowsFilter") \ || ($filterType == "liveFlowsFilter")} { if {[enableAdditionalFilter $view $filterType availableStatisticFilter \ layer23TrafficFlowDetectiveFilter $additionalFilterList] == 1} { log "Failed to set Additional $filterType :: $additionalFilterList" return $isError } } if {$filterType == "trackingFilter"} { if {[enableAdditionalFilter $view $filterType availableTrackingFilter \ layer23TrafficFlowDetectiveFilter $additionalFilterList] == 1} { log "Failed to set Additional $filterType :: $additionalFilterList" return $isError } } if {$filterType == "statisticFilter"} { if {[enableAdditionalFilter $view $filterType availableStatisticFilter \ layer23TrafficFlowDetectiveFilter $additionalFilterList] == 1} { log "Failed to set Additional $filterType :: $additionalFilterList" return $isError } } } } log "Enable Stats..." if {$usrStatsList == "All"} { # Enable All Statistics enableAllStatistics $view } else { # Enable User Specified Statistics enableAllStatistics $view $usrStatsList } # Enable enableView $view after 2000 # Refresh View ixNet exec refresh $view set isError 0 return $isError } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROCEDURE : verifyDesignedStatisticView # PURPOSE : Verify Designed Custom View per User Specification # PARAMETERS : - # - list of {{pageAtribute {{pageAtributeVal1} {pageAtributeVal2}}}} # # RETURN : (BOOL) - 0 for Pass ~ 1 for Fail # USES : # set usrSpecLists {{columnCaptions {{Rx Frames} {Tx Frames} {Loss %} {Tx Port} {Rx Port} {Source/Dest Value Pair}}} \ # {matchRowValues {{} \ # {} {} \ # {} {}}}} # set caption "My Stat View" # verifyDesignedStatisticView $caption $usrSpecLists #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc verifyDesignedStatisticView {viewCaption usrSpecLists} { set flag 1 set statsViewList [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot]/statistics view] set indexOfStats [lsearch -regexp $statsViewList $viewCaption] set view [lindex $statsViewList $indexOfStats] set viewPage ${view}/page # Check the designed View as per specification set columnCaptionsChecked 0 set rowLabelsChecked 0 foreach usrSpecList $usrSpecLists { foreach {attr expcAttrValList} $usrSpecList { # Check Column Captions if {$attr == "columnCaptions"} { if {[llength $expcAttrValList] != [ixNet getAttr $viewPage -columnCount]} { log "Column Captions in Created SV Not Per User Specification!!!" #return $flag } # Check User Specified Stats are set here foreach stats $expcAttrValList { set statFound 0 #log "[ixNet getAttr $viewPage -$attr]" foreach columnCaption [ixNet getAttr $viewPage -$attr] { #log "------- $columnCaption ~ $stats" if {$columnCaption == $stats} { set statFound 1 break } } if {$statFound == 0} { log "$stats not present as column Captions in Created SV!!!" return $flag } } set columnCaptionsChecked 1 } # Check Row Levels if {$attr == "matchRowValues"} { if {[llength $expcAttrValList] != [ixNet getAttr $viewPage -rowCount]} { puts "$expcAttrValList " log "Row Labels in Created SV Not Per User Specification!!!" return $flag } # Check if egress Tracking set colCaptions [ixNet getAttribute $viewPage -columnCaptions] set eBucketIndex [lsearch -regexp $colCaptions {Egress Tracking}] # Check User Specified Stats are set here foreach stats $expcAttrValList { set statFound 0 #log "[ixNet getAttr $viewPage -rowValues]" foreach rowValue [ixNet getAttr $viewPage -rowValues] { for {set rowIndex 0} {$rowIndex < [llength $rowValue]} {incr rowIndex} { foreach rowLabel [lindex $rowValue $rowIndex] { set stats2match $stats if {$eBucketIndex != -1} { set stats2match [lindex $stats $rowIndex] } #log "--- $rowLabel ~ $stats2match" if {$rowLabel == $stats2match} { set statFound 1 break } } } } if {$statFound == 0} { log "$stats not present as row Labels in Created SV!!!" return $flag } } set rowLabelsChecked 1 } } } log "columnCaptionsChecked == $columnCaptionsChecked \ rowValuesChecked == $rowLabelsChecked " if {($columnCaptionsChecked == 0) || ($rowLabelsChecked == 0)} { log "Created SV not Per User Specification!!!" return $flag } log "Created SV Per User Specification!!!" set flag 0 return $flag } ################################################################################ # Verify Statistics Procedures ################################################################################ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROCEDURE : TrafficStats # PURPOSE : Check Data Plane Port Statistics # PARAMETERS : - # - # - # - list of {} # # RETURN : (BOOL) - 0 for Pass ~ 1 for Fail # USES : # set txPortList [subst {{[ixNet getAttr $vPort1 -name]}}] # set rxPortList [subst {{[ixNet getAttr $vPort2 -name]}}] # checkAllPortTrafficStats "Data Plane Port Statistics" $txPortList $rxPortList #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc checkAllPortTrafficStats {viewCaption txPortList rxPortList {tolerance 5} {mcastMultiplier 1}} { set flag 1 set statNames {{Rx Frames} {Tx Frames}} set statsViewList [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot]/statistics view] set indexOftrafficStats [lsearch -regexp $statsViewList $viewCaption] set trafficStatsView [lindex $statsViewList $indexOftrafficStats] log "Refreshing Statistics View ..." set isRefreshed [ixNet exec refresh $trafficStatsView] after 2000 log "Checking Statistics View isReady ..." set count 0 while { [ixNet getAttr $trafficStatsView/page -isReady] != true } { log "isReady --> [ixNet getAttr $trafficStatsView -isReady]" after 1000 incr count if { $count > 60 } { log "Waited for 1 min, Statistics View still not ready.. " return $flag } } log "Statistics View Ready ..." set page ${trafficStatsView}/page set pageList [ixNet getAttribute $page -rowValues] ;# first list of all rows in the page if {[llength $pageList] <= 0} { log "Traffic Stats are not retrievable... " return $flag } foreach stat $statNames { set statIndex [lsearch -regexp [ixNet getAttribute $page -columnCaptions] $stat] set statName [lindex [ixNet getAttribute $page -columnCaptions] $statIndex] for {set pageListIndex 0} {$pageListIndex < [llength $pageList]} {incr pageListIndex} { set rowList [lindex $pageList $pageListIndex] ;# second list of 1 ingress and x egress rows set cellList [lindex $rowList 0] ;# third list of cell values set statValue [lindex $cellList $statIndex] set portName [lindex $cellList 0] set statValueArray($portName,"$statName") $statValue } } parray statValueArray set TxFrames 0 foreach portList $txPortList { set TxFrames [incr TxFrames $statValueArray($portList,"Tx Frames")] } if {$mcastMultiplier > 1} { set TxFrames [expr $TxFrames * $mcastMultiplier] } set RxFrames 0 foreach portList $rxPortList { set RxFrames [incr RxFrames $statValueArray($portList,"Rx Frames")] } set minRxFrames [expr ($TxFrames - ($TxFrames * $tolerance)/100)] set maxRxFrames [expr ($TxFrames + ($TxFrames * $tolerance)/100)] log "(Total Tx: $TxFrames Total Rx: $RxFrames)" if {($TxFrames <= 0) || ($RxFrames <= 0) || ($RxFrames < $minRxFrames) || ($RxFrames > $maxRxFrames)} { log "Port Stats are not proper... " return $flag } set flag 0 return $flag } proc checkAllTrafficStats {viewCaption {tolerance 5} {rowPerPage 50} {pageList "all"} {mcastMultiplier 1}} { set flag 1 set statsViewList [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot]/statistics view] set indexOftrafficStats [lsearch -regexp $statsViewList $viewCaption] set trafficStats [lindex $statsViewList $indexOftrafficStats] set trafficStatsView ${trafficStats}/page if {$::BUG508119 == 0} { log "Setting the page size for SV $trafficStatsView " ixNet setAttr $trafficStatsView -pageSize $rowPerPage ixNet commit after 2000 } log "Refreshing Statistics View ..." set isRefreshed [ixNet exec refresh $trafficStats] after 2000 set count 0 log "Checking Statistics View isReady ..." while { [ixNet getAttr $trafficStatsView -isReady] != true } { log "isReady --> [ixNet getAttr $trafficStatsView -isReady]" after 1000 incr count if { $count > 60 } { log "Waited for 1 min, Statistics View still not ready.. " return $flag } } log "Statistics View Ready ..." set pageMax [ixNet getAttr $trafficStatsView -totalPages] log "Actual Number of pages available: $pageMax" set pagesToBrowse {} for {set page 1} {$page <= $pageMax} {incr page} { lappend pagesToBrowse $page } if {$pageList != "all"} { set pagesToBrowse $pageList } # Verify TxFrames and RxFrames for all the flows foreach page $pagesToBrowse { if {$page > $pageMax} { log "Can't browse for $page, max Page available is $pageMax" return $flag } ixNet setAttr $trafficStatsView -currentPage $page ixNet commit after 20000 # check if Stats are ready before verifying them set isRefreshed [ixNet exec refresh $trafficStats] if {[string equal $isRefreshed "::ixNet::OK"] != 1} { log "Traffic Stats are not ready ..." return $flag } log "Traffic Stats are ready ..." set indexMax [ixNet getAttribute $trafficStatsView -rowCount] if {$indexMax <= 0} { log "Traffic Stats are not retrievable... " return $flag } log "Page [ixNet getAttr $trafficStatsView -currentPage] :: Number of rows $indexMax" for {set index 0} {$index < $indexMax} {incr index} { set thisRowValues [lindex [ixNet getAttribute $trafficStatsView -rowValues] $index] set columnCaptions [ixNet getAttribute $trafficStatsView -columnCaptions] set RxFrames [lindex [lindex $thisRowValues 0] [lsearch -regexp $columnCaptions {Rx Frames}]] set TxFrames [lindex [lindex $thisRowValues 0] [lsearch -regexp $columnCaptions {Tx Frames}]] if {$mcastMultiplier > 1} { set TxFrames [expr $TxFrames * $mcastMultiplier] } set minRxFrames [expr ($TxFrames - ($TxFrames * $tolerance)/100)] set maxRxFrames [expr ($TxFrames + ($TxFrames * $tolerance)/100)] if {($TxFrames <= 0) || ($RxFrames <= 0) || ($RxFrames < $minRxFrames) || ($RxFrames > $maxRxFrames)} { log "Stats are not proper for Page: [ixNet getAttr $trafficStatsView -currentPage] Row: $index " return $flag } log "Page: [ixNet getAttr $trafficStatsView -currentPage] : \ Row: $index (Tx: $TxFrames Rx: $RxFrames) Traffic Stats correct..." } log "Page: [ixNet getAttr $trafficStatsView -currentPage] Traffic Stats Verification completed...." } set flag 0 return $flag } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROCEDURE : checkAllRowLabels # PURPOSE : Check Row label values in SV # PARAMETERS : - # - # - # - list of {} # # RETURN : (BOOL) - 0 for Pass ~ 1 for Fail # USES : # set matchStatListPerRow {{"IPv4 :Source Address" "" \ # "IPv4 :Destination Address" "" }} # checkAllRowLabels "Flow Statistics" $matchStatListPerRow #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc checkAllRowLabels {viewCaption matchStatListPerRowList {rowPerPage 50} {pageList "all"}} { set flag 1 set statsViewList [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot]/statistics view] set indexOftrafficStats [lsearch -regexp $statsViewList $viewCaption] set trafficStats [lindex $statsViewList $indexOftrafficStats] set statsPageView ${trafficStats}/page if {$::BUG508119 == 0} { log "Setting the page size for SV $statsPageView " ixNet setAttr $statsPageView -pageSize $rowPerPage ixNet commit after 2000 } log "Refreshing Statistics View ..." set isRefreshed [ixNet exec refresh $trafficStats] after 2000 set count 0 log "Checking Statistics View isReady ..." while { [ixNet getAttr $statsPageView -isReady] != true } { log "isReady --> [ixNet getAttr $statsPageView -isReady]" after 1000 incr count if { $count > 60 } { log "Waited for 1 min, Statistics View still not ready.. " return $flag } } log "Statistics View Ready ..." set pageMax [ixNet getAttr $statsPageView -totalPages] log "Actual Number of pages available: $pageMax" set pagesToBrowse {} for {set page 1} {$page <= $pageMax} {incr page} { lappend pagesToBrowse $page } if {$pageList != "all"} { set pagesToBrowse $pageList } # Verify stats for all the flows foreach matchStatListPerRow $matchStatListPerRowList { #puts "matchStatListPerRow -------- $matchStatListPerRow" set alllStatsMatched 0 set numStatsToBeVerified [expr [llength $matchStatListPerRow] / 2] foreach page $pagesToBrowse { if {$page > $pageMax} { log "Can't browse for $page, max Page available is $pageMax" return $flag } ixNet setAttr $statsPageView -currentPage $page ixNet commit after 3000 # check if Stats are ready before verifying them set isRefreshed [ixNet exec refresh $trafficStats] if {[string equal $isRefreshed "::ixNet::OK"] != 1} { log "Traffic Stats are not ready ..." return $flag } log "Traffic Stats are ready ..." set indexMax [ixNet getAttribute $statsPageView -rowCount] if {$indexMax <= 0} { log "Traffic Stats are not retrievable... " return $flag } log "Page [ixNet getAttr $statsPageView -currentPage] :: Number of rows $indexMax" for {set index 0} {$index < $indexMax} {incr index} { set numStatsMatchedInRow 0 foreach {statName expectedStatValue} $matchStatListPerRow { set statIndex [lsearch -regexp [ixNet getAttribute $statsPageView -columnCaptions] $statName] if {$statIndex == -1} { log "$statName column not present in stat view [ixNet getAttribute $trafficStats -caption]" return $flag } set thisRowVal [lindex [ixNet getAttribute $statsPageView -rowValues] $index] set statVal [lindex [lindex $thisRowVal 0] $statIndex] log "Page: [ixNet getAttr $statsPageView -currentPage] : Row: $index -- \ $statName: $statVal (expected $expectedStatValue)" if {$statVal != $expectedStatValue} { log "Stats are not proper for Page: [ixNet getAttr $statsPageView -currentPage] \ Row: $index " break } incr numStatsMatchedInRow log "Page: [ixNet getAttr $statsPageView -currentPage] : Row: $index -- \ $statName: $statVal (expected $expectedStatValue) Traffic Stats correct..." } if {$numStatsMatchedInRow == $numStatsToBeVerified} { log "check equality -- $numStatsMatchedInRow == $numStatsToBeVerified" set alllStatsMatched 1 break } } if {$alllStatsMatched == 1} { break } log "Page: [ixNet getAttr $statsPageView -currentPage] completed...." } if {$alllStatsMatched == 0} { log "Not All Stats Matched...." return $flag } } log "All Stats Matched...." set flag 0 return $flag } ############################################################################### # Procedure : checkAllStats # # Description: Checks all the Protocol Stats. # # Argument(s): # viewCaption - # matchStatListPerRow - List of Stats to be checked.{statName statValue tolerance} # ############################################################################### proc checkAllStats {viewCaption matchStatListPerRowList {rowPerPage 50} {pageList "all"}} { set flag 1 set statsViewList [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot]/statistics view] set indexOftrafficStats [lsearch -regexp $statsViewList $viewCaption] set trafficStats [lindex $statsViewList $indexOftrafficStats] set statsPageView ${trafficStats}/page if {$::BUG508119 == 0} { log "Setting the page size for SV $statsPageView " ixNet setAttr $statsPageView -pageSize $rowPerPage ixNet commit after 2000 } log "Refreshing Statistics View ..." set isRefreshed [ixNet exec refresh $trafficStats] after 2000 set count 0 log "Checking Statistics View isReady ..." while { [ixNet getAttr $statsPageView -isReady] != true } { log "isReady --> [ixNet getAttr $statsPageView -isReady]" after 1000 incr count if { $count > 60 } { log "Waited for 1 min, Statistics View still not ready.. " return $flag } } log "Statistics View Ready ..." set pageMax [ixNet getAttr $statsPageView -totalPages] log "Actual Number of pages available: $pageMax" set pagesToBrowse {} for {set page 1} {$page <= $pageMax} {incr page} { lappend pagesToBrowse $page } if {$pageList != "all"} { set pagesToBrowse $pageList } # Verify stats for all the flows foreach matchStatListPerRow $matchStatListPerRowList { #puts "matchStatListPerRow -------- $matchStatListPerRow" set alllStatsMatched 0 set numStatsToBeVerified [expr [llength $matchStatListPerRow] / 3] foreach page $pagesToBrowse { if {$page > $pageMax} { log "Can't browse for $page, max Page available is $pageMax" return $flag } ixNet setAttr $statsPageView -currentPage $page ixNet commit after 3000 # check if Stats are ready before verifying them set isRefreshed [ixNet exec refresh $trafficStats] if {[string equal $isRefreshed "::ixNet::OK"] != 1} { log "Traffic Stats are not ready ..." return $flag } log "Traffic Stats are ready ..." set indexMax [ixNet getAttribute $statsPageView -rowCount] if {$indexMax <= 0} { log "Traffic Stats are not retrievable... " return $flag } log "Page [ixNet getAttr $statsPageView -currentPage] :: Number of rows $indexMax" for {set index 0} {$index < $indexMax} {incr index} { set numStatsMatchedInRow 0 foreach {statName expectedStatValue tolerance} $matchStatListPerRow { #puts "[ixNet getAttribute $statsPageView -columnCaptions]" set statIndex [lsearch -regexp [ixNet getAttribute $statsPageView -columnCaptions] $statName] if {$statIndex == -1} { log "$statName column not present in stat view [ixNet getAttribute $trafficStats -caption]" return $flag } set thisRowVal [lindex [ixNet getAttribute $statsPageView -rowValues] $index] set statVal [lindex [lindex $thisRowVal 0] $statIndex] if {[string is double $statVal]} { set statVal [expr int ($statVal)] } if {$tolerance == 0} { if {$statVal != $expectedStatValue} { log "Stats are not proper for Page: [ixNet getAttr $statsPageView -currentPage] \ Row: $index " break } } else { set minStatVal [expr ($expectedStatValue - ($expectedStatValue * $tolerance)/100)] set maxStatVal [expr ($expectedStatValue + ($expectedStatValue * $tolerance)/100)] log "$statName - $minStatVal < $statVal < $maxStatVal" if {($statVal <= 0) || ($statVal < $minStatVal) || ($statVal > $maxStatVal) } { log "Stats values crossing tolerance limit.." # Introducing loose binding here as line rate varies over LM if {($statVal <= 0)} { log "Stats are not proper for Page: [ixNet getAttr $statsPageView -currentPage] \ Row: $index " break } } } incr numStatsMatchedInRow log "Page: [ixNet getAttr $statsPageView -currentPage] : Row: $index -- \ $statName: $statVal (expected $expectedStatValue) Traffic Stats correct..." } if {$numStatsMatchedInRow == $numStatsToBeVerified} { log "check equality -- $numStatsMatchedInRow == $numStatsToBeVerified" set alllStatsMatched 1 break } } if {$alllStatsMatched == 1} { break } log "Page: [ixNet getAttr $statsPageView -currentPage] completed...." } if {$alllStatsMatched == 0} { log "Not All Stats Matched...." return $flag } } log "All Stats Matched...." set flag 0 return $flag } ############################################################################### # Procedure : checkAllProtocolStats # # Description: Checks all the Protocol Stats. # # Argument(s): # portLIst - Ports on which the sessions has to be checked. # stat - List of Stats to be checked. # ############################################################################### proc checkAllProtocolStats {portLists viewCaption stat {exactMatch 0}} { set flag 1 array set statToVerify $stat set statNames [array names statToVerify] set statsViewList [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot]/statistics view] set indexOfProtocolStats [lsearch -regexp $statsViewList $viewCaption] set protocolStatsView [lindex $statsViewList $indexOfProtocolStats] set page ${protocolStatsView}/page log "Refreshing Statistics View ..." set isRefreshed [ixNet exec refresh $protocolStatsView] after 2000 set count 0 log "Checking Statistics View isReady ..." while { [ixNet getAttr $page -isReady] != true } { log "isReady --> [ixNet getAttr $page -isReady]" after 1000 incr count if { $count > 60 } { log "Waited for 1 min, Statistics View still not ready.. " return $flag } } log "Statistics View Ready ..." # Get Stats set pageList [ixNet getAttribute $page -rowValues] ;# first list of all rows in the page if {[llength $pageList] <= 0} { log "Traffic Stats are not retrievable... " return $flag } foreach stat $statNames { set statIndex [lsearch -regexp [ixNet getAttribute $page -columnCaptions] $stat] set statName [lindex [ixNet getAttribute $page -columnCaptions] $statIndex] for {set pageListIndex 0} {$pageListIndex < [llength $pageList]} {incr pageListIndex} { set rowList [lindex $pageList $pageListIndex] ;# second list of 1 ingress and x egress rows set cellList [lindex $rowList 0] ;# third list of cell values set statValue [lindex $cellList $statIndex] set portName [lindex $cellList 0] set splitString [split $portName /] set chassis [lindex $splitString 0] set card [string trimleft [string trimleft [lindex $splitString 1] "Card"] 0] set port [string trimleft [string trimleft [lindex $splitString 2] "Port"] 0] set statValueArray($chassis,$card,$port,$statName) $statValue } } parray statValueArray foreach portList $portLists { set chassis [lindex $portList 0] set card [lindex $portList 1] set port [lindex $portList 2] foreach statName $statNames { log "$statName : $statValueArray($chassis,$card,$port,$statName) (Expected:$statToVerify($statName))" if {$statValueArray($chassis,$card,$port,$statName) >= $statToVerify($statName)} { if {($exactMatch == 1) && \ ($statValueArray($chassis,$card,$port,$statName) != $statToVerify($statName))} { return $flag } } else { log "Stat Mismatched..." return $flag } } } set flag 0 return $flag } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROCEDURE : checkEgressViewStats # PURPOSE : Check Egress stats in SV # PARAMETERS : - # - # - # - list of {} # # RETURN : (BOOL) - 0 for Pass ~ 1 for Fail # USES : # set caption "EgressTracking" # set matchBucketList {{2 629407 15} {5 629407 15}} # checkEgressViewStats $caption 15 $matchBucketList #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc checkEgressViewStats {viewCaption {tolerance 5} {matchEgressBucketList {}}} { set flag 1 set statsViewList [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot]/statistics view] set indexOftrafficStats [lsearch -regexp $statsViewList $viewCaption] set trafficStats [lindex $statsViewList $indexOftrafficStats] set trafficStatsView ${trafficStats}/page log "Refreshing Statistics View ..." set isRefreshed [ixNet exec refresh $trafficStats] after 2000 set count 0 log "Checking Statistics View isReady ..." while { [ixNet getAttr $trafficStatsView -isReady] != true } { log "isReady --> [ixNet getAttr $trafficStatsView -isReady]" after 1000 incr count if { $count > 60 } { log "Waited for 1 min, Statistics View still not ready.. " return $flag } } log "Statistics View Ready ..." set pageList [ixNet getAttribute $trafficStatsView -rowValues] ;# first list of all rows in the page if {[llength $pageList] <= 0} { log "Traffic Stats are not retrievable... " return $flag } set statNames {{Rx Frames} {Tx Frames}} set colCaptions [ixNet getAttribute $trafficStatsView -columnCaptions] puts "colCaptions = $colCaptions" foreach stat $statNames { set RxIndex [lsearch -regexp $colCaptions {Rx Frames}] set TxIndex [lsearch -regexp $colCaptions {Tx Frames}] set eBucketIndex [lsearch -regexp $colCaptions {Egress Tracking}] for {set pageListIndex 0} {$pageListIndex < [llength $pageList]} {incr pageListIndex} { set rowList [lindex $pageList $pageListIndex] ;# second list of 1 ingress and x egress rows for {set rowIndex 0} {$rowIndex < [llength $rowList]} {incr rowIndex} { set cellList [lindex $rowList $rowIndex] ;# third list of cell values if {$rowIndex == 0} { log "Ingress([expr $pageListIndex + 1]) $cellList" set TxFrames [lindex $cellList $TxIndex] set RxFrames [lindex $cellList $RxIndex] set RxFramesList {} set egressBucketList {} } else { log "Egress([expr $rowIndex + 1]) $cellList" lappend RxFramesList [lindex $cellList $RxIndex] lappend egressBucketList [lindex $cellList $eBucketIndex] } } log "RxFrames $RxFrames TxFrames $TxFrames " set minRxFrames [expr ($TxFrames - ($TxFrames * $tolerance)/100)] set maxRxFrames [expr ($TxFrames + ($TxFrames * $tolerance)/100)] if {($TxFrames <= 0) || ($RxFrames <= 0) || ($RxFrames < $minRxFrames) || ($RxFrames > $maxRxFrames)} { log "Stats are not proper for Page: [ixNet getAttr $trafficStatsView -currentPage] Row: 0" return $flag } log "Page: [ixNet getAttr $trafficStatsView -currentPage] : \ Row: 0 (Tx: $TxFrames Rx: $RxFrames) Traffic Stats correct..." # Rx main should be sum of the components log "RxFramesList = $RxFramesList" set sumComponentRx 0 foreach componentRx $RxFramesList { incr sumComponentRx $componentRx } log "Total RxFrames $RxFrames ~ sumComponentRx $sumComponentRx" if {$RxFrames != $sumComponentRx} { log "Total RxFrames must equal sumComponentRx" return $flag } # Match Egress Bucket List log "egressBucketList = $egressBucketList" if {[llength $egressBucketList] != [llength $RxFramesList]} { log "#rows under Egress Tracking must equal #rows under RxFrames" return $flag } foreach matchEgressBucket $matchEgressBucketList { foreach {bucket expectedStatValue tol} $matchEgressBucket { set isBucketFound 0 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $egressBucketList]} {incr i} { if {[lindex $egressBucketList $i] == $bucket} { set isBucketFound 1 set statVal [lindex $RxFramesList $i] if {$tol == 0} { log "Egress bucket $bucket :: $statVal (expected $expectedStatValue)" if {$statVal != $expectedStatValue} { return $flag } } else { set minStatVal [expr ($expectedStatValue - ($expectedStatValue * $tol)/100)] set maxStatVal [expr ($expectedStatValue + ($expectedStatValue * $tol)/100)] log "Egress bucket $bucket Obtained: $statVal Expected: <$minStatVal, $maxStatVal>" if {($statVal <= 0) || ($statVal < $minStatVal) || ($statVal > $maxStatVal)} { log "Stats values crossing tolerance limit.." # Introducing loose binding here as line rate varies over LM if {($statVal <= 0)} { return $flag } } } } } if {$isBucketFound == 0} { log "Egress bucket $bucket not found in created SV" return $flag } } } } } log "Page: [ixNet getAttr $trafficStatsView -currentPage] Traffic Stats Verification completed...." set flag 0 return $flag } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROCEDURE : checkStatisticsSortingOrder # PURPOSE : To check if the stats values are comming in the sorted order # for a given view # PARAMETERS : viewName - View Caption/view name # usrStatsList - name of the user stat for which values is being # isAssending - isAssending == 0 meaning check assending order, # decending otherwise # pass the statistics name here # RETURN VALUE: (boolean) 0 pass 1 fail #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc checkStatisticsSortingOrder {viewName usrStatsName {isAssending 0}} { set flag 1 set viewList [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot]/statistics view] set view "" foreach viewRef $viewList { set captionName [ixNet getAttr $viewRef -caption] if {[string equal $captionName $viewName]} { set view $viewRef break } } if {![llength $view]} { log "User defined TCL view $viewName do not exists in the view list" return $flag } # Verify designed view as per specification & stats getting fetched set statsPageView ${view}/page set pageMax [ixNet getAttr $statsPageView -totalPages] log "Actual Number of pages available: $pageMax" set allRequiredStatval {} for {set page 1} {$page <= $pageMax} {incr page} { ixNet setAttr $statsPageView -currentPage $page ixNet commit after 3000 set isRefreshed [ixNet exec refresh $view] if {[string equal $isRefreshed "::ixNet::OK"] != 1} { log "[ixNet getAttribute $view -caption] Stats not refreshed ..." return $flag } log "[ixNet getAttribute $view -caption] Stats refreshed ..." # Check stats are retrievable from created statistics view set indexMax [ixNet getAttribute $statsPageView -rowCount] if {$indexMax <= 0} { log "[ixNet getAttribute $view -caption] Stats are not retrievable... " return $flag } set allRowValues [ixNet getAttribute $statsPageView -rowValues] for {set index 0} {$index < $indexMax} {incr index} { set stat [lindex $usrStatsName 0] set statIndex [lsearch -regexp [ixNet getAttribute \ $statsPageView -columnCaptions] $stat] if {$statIndex == -1} { log "$stat column not present in designed stat view \ [ixNet getAttribute $view -caption]" return $flag } set row [lindex [lindex $allRowValues $index] 0] set statVal [lindex $row $statIndex] if {($statVal < 0) || ($statVal == " ")} { log "[ixNet getAttribute $view -caption] Stats \are not retrievable..." return $flag } lappend allRequiredStatval $statVal } ;# for {set index 0} {$index < $indexMax} {incr index} } ;#for {set page 1} {$page <= $pageMax} {incr page} puts "$allRequiredStatval" # check assending or decending expr {$isAssending ? [set operator "<"] : [set operator ">"]} set searchLength [expr [llength $allRequiredStatval] - 1] for {set ctr 0} {$ctr < $searchLength} {incr ctr} { set val1 [lindex $allRequiredStatval $ctr] set val2 [lindex $allRequiredStatval [expr $ctr + 1]] log "$val2 ${operator}= $val1" if {[expr $val1 $operator $val2]} { log "Rows are not in the sorted order" return $flag } } log "Rows are in the sorted order" set flag 0 return $flag } ################################################################################ # PACKET STRUCTURE VERIFICATION ################################################################################ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROCEDURE : enableAndStartCapture # PURPOSE : Enable and Start capture on given ports in argument. # PARAMETERS : vPorts - List of Vitrual ports on which we have to start capture. # args-List of other ports on which we wan to start capture. # RETURN : (BOOL) - 0 for Pass ~ 1 for Fail. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc enableAndStartCapture {vPorts} { # initialize return value set PASSED 0 set FAILED 1 foreach vPort $vPorts { ixNet setAttribute $vPort -rxMode capture ixNet setAttribute $vPort/capture -softwareEnabled true ixNet setAttribute $vPort/capture -hardwareEnabled true ixNet commit after 2000 } # capture cleanup if {[catch {ixNet exec closeAllTabs} err] == 1} { log "Failed to close existing analyser tabs " } after 2000 #Start the capture log "Start Capturing packets" if {[catch {ixNet exec startCapture} err] == 1} { log "Failed to start packet capture " return $FAILED } log "Enable and Start Capture Complete Successfully" return $PASSED } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROCEDURE : verifyCapturedPackets # PURPOSE : Verifying expected field value in Captured Packets # PARAMETERS : chassis - # card - # port - # matchFieldList - list of {startIndex endIndex expectedVal} # expPktCnt - {default value 1} # packetLengthList - expected packet length (length will be # matched). If one has to match between max size and min size # this should be [list $min $max] # RETURN : (BOOL) - 0 for Pass ~ 1 for Fail #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc verifyCapturedPackets {chassis card port matchFieldList {expPktCnt 1} \ {packetLengthList {}}} { set isError 1 log "Initializing through IxTclHal...." ixInitialize $chassis chassis get $chassis set chassisId [chassis cget -id] port get $chassisId $card $port set loginName [port cget -owner] ixLogin $loginName log "Logging in using the $loginName" # Retrive captured packets captureBuffer get $chassisId $card $port set numCapturedPkts [captureBuffer cget -numFrames] log "Captured $numCapturedPkts pkts (expected: $expPktCnt)" if {$numCapturedPkts < $expPktCnt} { return $isError } set isLengthToBeMatched [llength $packetLengthList] captureBuffer get $chassisId $card $port 1 $numCapturedPkts for {set f 1} {$f <= $numCapturedPkts} {incr f} { after 50 set a [captureBuffer getframe $f] after 50 set capframe [captureBuffer cget -frame] set frameSize [captureBuffer cget -length] set mismatch 0 set sizeMismatch 0 if {$isLengthToBeMatched} { set expectedMinPktLength [lindex $packetLengthList 0] set expectedMaxPktLength [lindex $packetLengthList end] if {($frameSize >= $expectedMinPktLength) && \ ($frameSize <= $expectedMaxPktLength)} { set sizeMismatch 0 } else { set sizeMismatch 1 } } if {$sizeMismatch == 0} { foreach {startIndex endIndex expectedVal} $matchFieldList { log "Obtained: [lrange $capframe $startIndex $endIndex] \ Expected: $expectedVal" if {[lrange $capframe $startIndex $endIndex] != $expectedVal} { set mismatch 1 log "Obtained: [lrange $capframe $startIndex $endIndex] \ Expected: $expectedVal ---> No Match" break } } } ;# endif sizeMismatch if {$mismatch == 0} { log "All Field Patterns Matched !!!" set isError 0 return $isError } } ;# end of swarching in buffer if {$mismatch == 1} { log "Not all Field Patterns Matched !!!" return $isError } } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROCEDURE : ifUnassignedConnectAgain # PURPOSE : check if any port connection got released, if so connects it # again #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ifUnassignedConnectAgain {} { set root [ixNet getRoot] set vPorts [ixNet getList $root vport] foreach port $vPorts { set conn_Info [ixNet getAttr $port -connectionInfo] if [string equal $conn_Info ""] { set conn_Status [ixNet exec connectPort $port] if {[string equal $conn_Status "::ixNet::OK"] != 1} { log "Cannot connect to port" ixNetCleanUp set flag 1 return $flag } ixNet commit } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROCEDURE : numberOfPacketCapturedInBuffer # PURPOSE : To count the number of the packets in the buffer # PARAMETERS : chassis - # card - # port - # MODEL SCENARIO WHERE IT CAN BE USED: # : 1) You expect exactly some number of packets in the buffer # 2) It is ensured that only those packets are on the buffer and # no other packets are present except those # RETURN VALUE : number of captured packet #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc numberOfPacketCapturedInBuffer {chassis card port} { log "Initilizing thorugh IxTclHal...." ixInitialize $chassis chassis get $chassis set chassisId [chassis cget -id] port get $chassisId $card $port set loginName [port cget -owner] ixLogin $loginName log "Logging in using the $loginName" # Retrive captured packets captureBuffer get $chassisId $card $port set numCapturedPkts [captureBuffer cget -numFrames] log "Captured $numCapturedPkts pkts" return $numCapturedPkts } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROCEDURE : enableCaptureMode # PURPOSE : enabling capture mode in the port # PARAMETERS : vPorts - list of vitual ports #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc enableCaptureMode {vPorts} { set isError 1 foreach vPort $vPorts { ixNet setAttribute $vPort -rxMode capture ixNet commit if {([ixNet getAttribute $vPort -rxMode] != "captureAndMeasure") && \ ([ixNet getAttribute $vPort -rxMode] != "capture")} { return $isError } if {[setAndCheckAttributeValue $vPort/capture softwareEnabled {"true" y}] == 1} { return $isError } if {[setAndCheckAttributeValue $vPort/capture hardwareEnabled {"true" y}] == 1} { return $isError } ixNet commit after 2000 } # capture cleanup if {[catch {ixNet exec closeAllTabs} err] == 1} { log "Failed to close existing analyser tabs" } set isError 0 return $isError } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROCEDURE : enableMeasureMode # PURPOSE : enabling Measure mode in the port # PARAMETERS : vPorts - list of vitual ports #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc enableMeasureMode {vPorts} { set isError 1 foreach vPort $vPorts { ixNet setAttribute $vPort -rxMode measure ixNet commit if {([ixNet getAttribute $vPort -rxMode] != "captureAndMeasure") && \ ([ixNet getAttribute $vPort -rxMode] != "measure")} { return $isError } if {[setAndCheckAttributeValue $vPort/capture softwareEnabled {"false" y}] == 1} { return $isError } if {[setAndCheckAttributeValue $vPort/capture hardwareEnabled {"false" y}] == 1} { return $isError } ixNet commit after 2000 } set isError 0 return $isError } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROCEDURE : ReturnTimestamp # PURPOSE : returns the timestamp of the captured packets # PARAMETERS : chassis - # card - # port - # matchFieldList - list of {startIndex endIndex expectedVal} # expPktCnt - {default value 1} # RETURN : timeStamp #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ReturnTimestamp {chassis card port matchFieldList {expPktCnt 1}} { set isError 1 log "Initializing through IxTclHal...." ixInitialize $chassis chassis get $chassis set chassisId [chassis cget -id] port get $chassisId $card $port set loginName [port cget -owner] ixLogin $loginName log "Logging in using the $loginName" # Retrieve captured packets captureBuffer get $chassisId $card $port set numCapturedPkts [captureBuffer cget -numFrames] log "Captured $numCapturedPkts pkts (expected: $expPktCnt)" if {$numCapturedPkts < $expPktCnt} { return $isError } captureBuffer get $chassisId $card $port 1 $numCapturedPkts for {set f 1} {$f <= $numCapturedPkts} {incr f} { after 50 set a [captureBuffer getframe $f] after 50 set capframe [captureBuffer cget -frame] puts "capframe = $capframe" set mismatch 0 foreach {startIndex endIndex expectedVal} $matchFieldList { log "Obtained: [lrange $capframe $startIndex $endIndex] \ Expected: $expectedVal" if {[lrange $capframe $startIndex $endIndex] != $expectedVal} { set mismatch 1 log "Obtained: [lrange $capframe $startIndex $endIndex] \ Expected: $expectedVal ---> No Match" break } } if {$mismatch == 0} { log "All Field Patterns Matched !!!" set timeStamp [captureBuffer cget -timestamp] return $timeStamp } } if {$mismatch == 1} { log "Not all Field Patterns Matched !!!" return $isError } } ############################################################################### # Read data from csv file ############################################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PROCEDURE : readCsvSnapShotDataFromFile # PURPOSE : read the stats from any csv file and return the read fields # inform of an array # PARAMETERS : snapShotCsvPath - entire path to the csv snap shot file # outputStatArray - the output array # indexField - the field which you want to be the index of the # array # statFields - list of stats fields that you want. This is optional # When you dont specify this argument it will list all the stats # in the array #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc readCsvSnapShotDataFromFile {snapShotCsvPath outputStatArray \ {indexField ""} {statFields ""}} { set isError 1 upvar $outputStatArray o_StatArray # open the file set isFileOpenError [catch {set fp [open $snapShotCsvPath "r"]} errorMsg] if {$isFileOpenError} { return $isError } # read the CSV header line gets $fp line # header line is a comma seperated string. put each header field in a list set fieldIndexList {} set listOfstatHeaders [split $line ","] foreach statName $listOfstatHeaders { lappend statHeaders [string trim $statName] } # get the index of the header fields to pick if {[llength $statFields] > 0} { foreach stat $statFields { set index 0 foreach hdr $statHeaders { if {[string equal $hdr $stat] == 1} { lappend fieldIndexList $index } incr index } } } else { set statHeadersLength [llength $statHeaders] for {set j 0} {$j < $statHeadersLength} {incr j} { lappend fieldIndexList $j } } # check for the key Index set keyIndex -1 set index 0 foreach hdr $statHeaders { if {[string equal [lindex $hdr 0] $indexField] == 1} { set keyIndex $index break } incr index } if {$keyIndex < 0} { set keyIndex 0 } gets $fp line while {$line != {}} { set myStats "" set spaceSeperatedTuple "" set elements [split $line ","] foreach element $elements { append spaceSeperatedTuple [string trim $element] append spaceSeperatedTuple " " } foreach fieldIndex $fieldIndexList { append myStats [lindex $spaceSeperatedTuple $fieldIndex] append myStats " " } set o_StatArrayIndex [lindex $spaceSeperatedTuple $keyIndex] set o_StatArrayValue $myStats set o_StatArray($o_StatArrayIndex) $o_StatArrayValue gets $fp line unset myStats unset spaceSeperatedTuple } close $fp set isError 0 return $isError } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # PROCEDURE : copyFileFromIxNetworkClient # PURPOSE : copy a file from a remote machine to a local machine # PARAMETES : remotePathAndFile - absolute path in IxNetwork client side # localPathAndFile - local path in your linux box # ASSUMPTION: In normal case it will overwrite the file if the file # permission is not read only #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc copyFileFromIxNetworkClient {remotePathAndFile localPathAndFile} { set isError 0 set errorMsg {} set cmdList {{catch {ixNet exec copyFile \ [ixNet readFrom $remotePathAndFile -ixNetRelative] \ [ixNet writeTo $localPathAndFile] -overwrite} \ errorMsg} {catch {glob $localPathAndFile} errorMsg}} foreach cmd $cmdList { set isError [eval $cmd] if {$isError} { puts "$errorMsg" return $isError } } return $isError } proc setAndCheckAttributeValue_Pkt {object attr arr valueType} { set isError 1 array set expectProp $arr # parray expectProp puts "Verifying $attr ..." set DEBUG 1 if {$DEBUG} { set fileId [open "[getTestId].csv" "a+"] seek $fileId 0 end } foreach attrVal [array names expectProp] { set retVal $expectProp($attrVal) catch {ixNet setAttribute $object -$attr $attrVal} catch {ixNet commit} set valueFormatIs [ixNet getAttr $object -valueFormat] if {[string tolower $valueFormatIs] == "hex"} { set retAttrValOb [ixNet getAttr $object -$attr] if {[llength $retAttrValOb] == 0} { set fileId1 [open "[getTestId].null.txt" "a+"] puts $fileId1 "--NULL-- BEGIN --NULL--" puts $fileId1 "--NULL-- ixNet getAttr $object -$attr --NULL-" puts $fileId1 "--NULL-- valueType = [ixNet getAttr $object -valueType]" puts $fileId1 "--NULL-- valueFormat = [ixNet getAttr $object -valueFormat]" puts $fileId1 "--NULL-- END --NULL-" close $fileId1 } for {set count 0} {$count < [llength $retAttrValOb]} {incr count} { set values [lindex $retAttrValOb $count] if {$values != 0} { set values [string trimleft $values 0] } else { set values 0 } set retAttrVal [lappend retAttrVal $values] } } else { set retAttrVal [ixNet getAttr $object -$attr] } puts "\t $attr = $retAttrVal ($attrVal :: $retVal)" if {(([string tolower $retAttrVal] != [string tolower $attrVal]) && \ ($retVal == "y")) || \ (([string tolower $retAttrVal] == [string tolower $attrVal]) && \ ($retVal == "n"))} { puts "\t $attr = $retAttrVal ($attrVal :: $retVal) --> Unexpected" if {$DEBUG} { set objName $object set type [ixNet getAttr $object -valueFormat] set valueType [ixNet getAttr $object -valueType] set length [ixNet getAttr $object -length] set attrName $attr set attrVal $attrVal set attrExpd $retAttrVal if {$retVal == "n"} { set reason "should not accept the value but accepted" } else { set reason "should accept the value but did not accept" } puts $fileId "$objName,$type,$valueType,$length,$attrName,$attrVal,$attrExpd,Failed,$reason" close $fileId } return [expr 1 - $DEBUG] } set attributeToChck $attr set valueObtainedAftrGet $retAttrVal set valueTypeFetch [ixNet getAttr $object -valueType] set stepValueFetch [ixNet getAttr $object -stepValue] if {($valueType != $valueTypeFetch)} { if {($stepValueFetch == "0" || $stepValueFetch == "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00" || $stepValueFetch == "00:00:00:00:00:00" || $stepValueFetch == "") && ($valueTypeFetch != "increment")} { puts "Mismatch in valueType" if {$DEBUG} { set objName $object set type [ixNet getAttr $object -valueFormat] set valueType [ixNet getAttr $object -valueType] set length [ixNet getAttr $object -length] set attrName "$attr" set attrVal $attrVal set attrExpd $retAttrVal if {$retVal == "n"} { set reason "should not accept the value but accepted" } else { set reason "should accept the value but did not accept" } puts $fileId "$objName,$type,$valueType,$length,$attrName,$attrVal,$attrExpd,Failed,$reason" close $fileId } ;# endif $DEBUG return [expr 1 - $DEBUG] } ;# endif stepValueFetc } ;# endif $valueType != $valueTypeFetch unset retAttrVal } ;# endif foreach if {$DEBUG} { close $fileId } set isError 0 return $isError } proc setValue {fieldObj valueType singleValue startValue stepValue \ countValue valueList} { ixNet setAttr $fieldObj -valueType $valueType ixNet setAttr $fieldObj -singleValue $singleValue ixNet setAttr $fieldObj -startValue $startValue ixNet setAttr $fieldObj -stepValue $stepValue ixNet setAttr $fieldObj -countValue $countValue ixNet setAttr $fieldObj -valueList $valueList puts "valTy: $valueType :: sing: $singleValue :: star: $startValue \ :: step: $stepValue :: count: $countValue :: valueL: $valueList" if { [catch {ixNet commit} err] == 1} { return 1 } set valueTypeFetch [ixNet getAttr $fieldObj -valueType] set stepValueFetch [ixNet getAttr $fieldObj -stepValue] if {($valueType != $valueTypeFetch)} { if {($stepValueFetch == "0" || $stepValueFetch == "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00" || \ $stepValueFetch == "00:00:00:00:00:00" || $stepValueFetch == "") && \ ($valueTypeFetch != "increment")} { puts "Mismatch in valueType" return 1 } } return 0 } proc setAndCheckAttributeValueBool {object attr arr} { set isError 1 array set expectProp $arr #parray expectProp puts "Verifying $attr ..." foreach attrVal [array names expectProp] { set retVal $expectProp($attrVal) catch {ixNet setAttribute $object -$attr $attrVal} catch {ixNet commit} set retAttrVal [ixNet getAttr $object -$attr] puts "\t $attr = $retAttrVal ($attrVal :: $retVal)" if {(([string tolower $retAttrVal] != [string tolower $attrVal]) && \ ($retVal == "y")) || (([string tolower $retAttrVal] == \ [string tolower $attrVal]) && ($retVal == "n"))} { puts "\t $attr = $retAttrVal ($attrVal :: $retVal) --> Unexpected" return 1 } } set isError 0 return $isError } proc checkBooleanAttrFullAndTracking {fieldOneByOne} { puts "***$fieldOneByOne***" if {[setAndCheckAttributeValueBool $fieldOneByOne "trackingEnabled" {"True" y "False" y "23" n "$11" n "hi" n}] == 1} { puts "Error while setting and checking trackingEnabled field" return 1 } puts "+++$fieldOneByOne+++" if {[setAndCheckAttributeValueBool $fieldOneByOne "fullMesh" {"True" y "False" y "011" n "(8" n "ixia" n}] == 1} { puts "Error while setting and checking fullMesh field" return 1 } } proc checkBooleanAttributes {fieldOneByOne} { set autoFieldCheck [ixNet getAttr $fieldOneByOne -auto] set readOnlyCheck [ixNet getAttr $fieldOneByOne -readOnly] set fieldChoiceCheck [ixNet getAttr $fieldOneByOne -fieldChoice] set activeFieldChoiceCheck [ixNet getAttr $fieldOneByOne -activeFieldChoice] puts "autoFieldCheck = $autoFieldCheck" puts "readOnlyCheck = $readOnlyCheck" puts "fieldChoiceCheck = $fieldChoiceCheck" puts "activeFieldChoiceCheck = $activeFieldChoiceCheck" if {[string tolower $fieldChoiceCheck] != true} { if {[string tolower $autoFieldCheck] == true && [string tolower \ $readOnlyCheck] != true} { puts "####$fieldOneByOne###" if {[setAndCheckAttributeValueBool $fieldOneByOne "auto" {"True" y "False" y "1" n "-0" n "aa" n}] == 1} { puts "Error while setting and checking auto field" return 1 } if {[checkBooleanAttrFullAndTracking $fieldOneByOne] == 1} { puts "Error in setting and checking tracking enabled or fullMesh attribute" return 1 } } elseif {[string tolower $autoFieldCheck] != true && [string tolower \ $readOnlyCheck] != true} { if {[checkBooleanAttrFullAndTracking $fieldOneByOne] == 1} { puts "Error in setting and checking tracking enabled or fullMesh attribute" return 1 } } elseif {[string tolower $readOnlyCheck] == true} { puts "---$fieldOneByOne---" if {[setAndCheckAttributeValueBool $fieldOneByOne "trackingEnabled" {"True" y "False" y "$21" n "hihi" n}] == 1} { puts "Error while setting and checking trackingEnabled field" return 1 } } } elseif {[string tolower $fieldChoiceCheck] == true} { if {[string tolower $autoFieldCheck] == true && [string tolower \ $readOnlyCheck] != true} { puts "@@@$fieldOneByOne@@@" if {[setAndCheckAttributeValueBool $fieldOneByOne "activeFieldChoice" {"True" y "False" n "23" n "$11" n "hi" n}] == 1} { puts "Error while setting and checking trackingEnabled field" return 1 } puts "###$fieldOneByOne###" if {[setAndCheckAttributeValueBool $fieldOneByOne "auto" {"True" y "False" y "1" n "-0" n "aa" n}] == 1} { puts "Error while setting and checking auto field" return 1 } if {[checkBooleanAttrFullAndTracking $fieldOneByOne] == 1} { puts "Error in setting and checking tracking enabled or fullMesh attribute" return 1 } } elseif {[string tolower $autoFieldCheck] != true && [string tolower \ $readOnlyCheck] != true} { puts "@@@$fieldOneByOne@@@" if {[setAndCheckAttributeValueBool $fieldOneByOne "activeFieldChoice" {"True" y "False" n "23" n "$11" n "hi" n}] == 1} { puts "Error while setting and checking trackingEnabled field" return 1 } if {[checkBooleanAttrFullAndTracking $fieldOneByOne] == 1} { puts "Error in setting and checking tracking enabled or fullMesh attribute" return 1 } } elseif {[string tolower $readOnlyCheck] == true} { puts "---$fieldOneByOne---" puts "---$fieldOneByOne---" if {[setAndCheckAttributeValueBool $fieldOneByOne "activeFieldChoice" {"True" y "False" n "23" n "$11" n "hi" n}] == 1} { puts "Error while setting and checking trackingEnabled field" return 1 } if {[setAndCheckAttributeValueBool $fieldOneByOne "trackingEnabled" {"True" y "False" y "$21" n "hihi" n}] == 1} { puts "Error while setting and checking trackingEnabled field" return 1 } } } } proc checkReadOnlyField {fieldObj singleValue} { ixNet setAttr $fieldObj -valueType singleValue ixNet setAttr $fieldObj -singleValue $singleValue if { [catch {ixNet commit} err] == 1} { return 1 } return 0 } proc getOutOfBoundaryValue {fieldOneByOne} { set fieldOneByOneLength [ixNet getAttr $fieldOneByOne -length] set fieldOneByOneFormat [ixNet getAttr $fieldOneByOne -valueFormat] puts "length is $fieldOneByOneLength" puts "format is $fieldOneByOneFormat" if {$fieldOneByOneLength > 31} { set outOfBOundaryValue 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 return $outOfBOundaryValue } elseif {$fieldOneByOneFormat == "decimal"} { set resultOf2Power [expr pow(2,$fieldOneByOneLength)] set result [regexp {([0-9]+)} $resultOf2Power match \ outOfBOundaryValue] set outOfBOundaryValue [expr $outOfBOundaryValue + 1] return $outOfBOundaryValue } elseif {$fieldOneByOneFormat == "hex"} { set resultOf2Power [expr pow(2,$fieldOneByOneLength)] set result [regexp {([0-9]+)} $resultOf2Power match \ outOfBOundaryValue] set outOfBOundaryValue [expr $outOfBOundaryValue + 1] set outOfBOundaryValue [format "%0.1x" $outOfBOundaryValue] return $outOfBOundaryValue } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROCEDURE : startEventScheduler # PURPOSE : To run Event Scheduler(ES) # PARAMETERS : Program Index, Max Time # Normally no need to call maxTime arg. This arg doesn't affect # your Event Scheduler(ES) time. Your Event Sceduler will run for # the duration depending on your no. of iterations and wait # time you have given in the config file. If this duration exceeds # maxTime = 30 min, this proc will forcefully stop Event Scheduler. # RETURN : (BOOL) - 0 for Pass ~ 1 for Fail #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc startEventScheduler {{progIndex 1} {maxTime 30}} { set error 1 set top [ixNet getRoot] set programList [ixNet getList $top/eventScheduler program] set program [lindex $programList [expr $progIndex-1]] log "Starting Event Scheduler ....." if {[ixNet exec start $program] != "::ixNet::OK"} { log "Could not start Event Scheduler : Program $progIndex" return $error } log "Successfully started Event Scheduler : Program $progIndex !!!" after 5000 set i 1 while {[checkAttributeValue $program {running true}] != 1} { after 60000 log "Event Scheduler : Program $progIndex is still running ....." log "Time Elapsed: $i min. ..... I will again check the status after 1 min. !!!" if {($i == $maxTime) && ([checkAttributeValue $program {running true}] != 1)} { if {[ixNet exec stop $program] != "::ixNet::OK"} { log "Could not stop Event Scheduler : Program $progIndex" return $error } break } incr i } log "Event Scheduler : Program $progIndex is stopped ....." set error 0 return $error }