################################################################################ # # # Copyright 1997 - 2020 by IXIA Keysight # # All Rights Reserved. # # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # # LEGAL NOTICE: # # ============== # # The following code and documentation (hereinafter "the script") is an # # example script for demonstration purposes only. # # The script is not a standard commercial product offered by Ixia and have # # been developed and is being provided for use only as indicated herein. The # # script [and all modifications enhancements and updates thereto (whether # # made by Ixia and/or by the user and/or by a third party)] shall at all times # # remain the property of Ixia. # # # # Ixia does not warrant (i) that the functions contained in the script will # # meet the users requirements or (ii) that the script will be without # # omissions or error-free. # # THE SCRIPT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND IXIA # # DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESS IMPLIED STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. # # THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SCRIPT IS WITH THE # # USER. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL IXIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM OR ARISING # # OUT OF THE USE OF OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE SCRIPT OR ANY PART THEREOF # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY LOST PROFITS LOST BUSINESS LOST OR # # DAMAGED DATA OR SOFTWARE OR ANY INDIRECT INCIDENTAL PUNITIVE OR # # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES EVEN IF IXIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # # SUCH DAMAGES IN ADVANCE. # # Ixia will not be required to provide any software maintenance or support # # services of any kind (e.g. any error corrections) in connection with the # # script or any part thereof. The user acknowledges that although Ixia may # # from time to time and in its sole discretion provide maintenance or support # # services for the script any such services are subject to the warranty and # # damages limitations set forth herein and will not obligate Ixia to provide # # any additional maintenance or support services. # # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################### # The procedure below is generated from Script Gen utility. The steps to generate # Chassis/Card/Port independent utility is # (1) Create the configuration manually in the GUI # (2) Unassign all ports # (3) Delete the chassis from the chassis list # (4) Then generate the scripts corresponding to the protocol from # Tools --> Scriptgen # (5) The heart of the generated script is the ixNetScriptgenProc {}, which is # represented below # (6) NOTE:- One need not have to modify anything inside the ixNetScriptgenProc {} ################################################################################### proc ixNetScriptgenProc {} { ixNet rollback ixNet execute newConfig set ixNetSG_Stack(0) [ixNet getRoot] # object excluded from script (originally /traffic) # object excluded from script (originally /statistics) # setting up object 1. (originally /) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet getRoot] ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 1 (originally /). set ixNetSG_ref(1) $ixNetSG_curObj # adding children for object 1 (originally /). set ixNetSG_Stack(0) $ixNetSG_curObj # setting up object 2. (originally /vport:1) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0) vport] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -type ethernet ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -isPullOnly False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -name {Ethernet - 001} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -txGapControlMode fixedMode ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -connectedTo [ixNet getNull] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -rxMode measure ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l1Config -currentType ethernet ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l1Config/ethernet -autoNegotiate True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l1Config/ethernet -speed speed100fd ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l1Config/ethernet -loopback False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l1Config/ethernet -media copper ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/arp -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/bfd -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/bfd -intervalValue 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/bfd -packetsPerInterval 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/bgp -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/bgp -enableExternalActiveConnect True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/bgp -enableInternalActiveConnect True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/bgp -externalRetries 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/bgp -externalRetryDelay 120 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/bgp -internalRetries 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/bgp -internalRetryDelay 120 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/eigrp -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/igmp -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/igmp -numberOfGroups 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/igmp -sendLeaveOnStop True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/igmp -statsEnabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/igmp -timePeriod 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/isis -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ldp -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ldp -enableDiscardSelfAdvFecs False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ldp -enableHelloJitter True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ldp -helloHoldTime 15 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ldp -helloInterval 5 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ldp -keepAliveHoldTime 30 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ldp -keepAliveInterval 10 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ldp -targetedHelloInterval 15 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ldp -targetedHoldTime 45 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/mld -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/mld -enableDoneOnStop True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/mld -mldv2Report type143 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/mld -numberOfGroups 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/mld -timePeriod 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ospf -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ospf -enableDrOrBdr False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ospfV3 -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/pimsm -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ping -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/rip -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ripng -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/rsvp -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/stp -enabled False ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 2 (originally /vport:1). # adding children for object 2 (originally /vport:1). set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $ixNetSG_curObj # setting up object 3. (originally /vport:1/interface:1) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1) interface] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -description { - 148:219 - 1} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -eui64Id {02 00 9A FF FE 49 64 EB } ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -type default ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/vlan -tpid {0x8100} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/vlan -vlanCount 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/vlan -vlanEnable False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/vlan -vlanId {1} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/vlan -vlanPriority {5} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/atm -encapsulation llcBridgeFcs ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/atm -vci 32 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/atm -vpi 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -clientId {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -renewTimer 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -requestRate 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -serverId ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -tlvs [list ] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -vendorId {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV6Properties -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV6Properties -iaId 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV6Properties -iaType temporary ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV6Properties -renewTimer 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV6Properties -requestRate 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV6Properties -tlvs [list ] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/ethernet -macAddress 00:00:9a:49:64:eb ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/ethernet -uidFromMac True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -dest ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -inKey 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -outKey 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -source [ixNet getNull] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -useChecksum False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -useKey False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -useSequence False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/unconnected -connectedVia [ixNet getNull] ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 3 (originally /vport:1/interface:1). set ixNetSG_ref(3) $ixNetSG_curObj # adding children for object 3 (originally /vport:1/interface:1). set ixNetSG_Stack(2) $ixNetSG_curObj # setting up object 4. (originally /vport:1/interface:1/IPv4) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) ipv4] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -gateway ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -ip ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -maskWidth 24 ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 4 (originally /vport:1/interface:1/IPv4). # adding children for object 4 (originally /vport:1/interface:1/IPv4). # finished children for object 4 (originally /vport:1/interface:1/IPv4). # finished children for object 3 (originally /vport:1/interface:1). # setting up object 5. (originally /vport:1/interface:2) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1) interface] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -description { - 148:219 - 1} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -eui64Id {02 00 9A FF FE 49 64 EC } ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -type routed ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/vlan -tpid {0x8100} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/vlan -vlanCount 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/vlan -vlanEnable False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/vlan -vlanId {1} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/vlan -vlanPriority {5} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/atm -encapsulation llcBridgeFcs ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/atm -vci 32 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/atm -vpi 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -clientId {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -renewTimer 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -requestRate 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -serverId ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -tlvs [list ] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -vendorId {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV6Properties -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV6Properties -iaId 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV6Properties -iaType temporary ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV6Properties -renewTimer 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV6Properties -requestRate 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV6Properties -tlvs [list ] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/ethernet -macAddress 00:00:9a:49:64:ec ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/ethernet -uidFromMac True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -dest ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -inKey 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -outKey 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -source [ixNet getNull] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -useChecksum False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -useKey False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -useSequence False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/unconnected -connectedVia $ixNetSG_ref(3) ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 5 (originally /vport:1/interface:2). set ixNetSG_ref(5) $ixNetSG_curObj # adding children for object 5 (originally /vport:1/interface:2). set ixNetSG_Stack(2) $ixNetSG_curObj # setting up object 6. (originally /vport:1/interface:2/IPv4) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) ipv4] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -gateway ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -ip ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -maskWidth 32 ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 6 (originally /vport:1/interface:2/IPv4). # adding children for object 6 (originally /vport:1/interface:2/IPv4). # finished children for object 6 (originally /vport:1/interface:2/IPv4). # finished children for object 5 (originally /vport:1/interface:2). # setting up object 7. (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:1) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/protocols/ldp router] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableFilterFec False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableGracefulRestart False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enablePduRateControl False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableVcFecs True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableVcGroupMatch False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -interPduGap 50 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -reconnectTime 120000 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -recoveryTime 120000 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -routerId ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 7 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:1). # adding children for object 7 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:1). set ixNetSG_Stack(2) $ixNetSG_curObj # setting up object 8. (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:1/advFECRange:1) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) advFecRange] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enablePacking False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -firstNetwork ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -labelMode none ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -labelValueStart 3 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -maskWidth 32 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -numberOfNetworks 1 ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 8 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:1/advFECRange:1). # adding children for object 8 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:1/advFECRange:1). # finished children for object 8 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:1/advFECRange:1). # setting up object 9. (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:1/interface:1) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) interface] # ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -advertisingMode unsolicited # ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -atmVcDirection bidirectional ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -authentication null ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -discoveryMode basic ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableAtmSession False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -labelSpaceId 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -md5Key {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -protocolInterface $ixNetSG_ref(3) ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -ipv4FecAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -ipv4FecMask 24 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -ipv4FecMaskMatch looseMatch ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableFilter False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableIpv4FecAddress False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableIpv4FecMask False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableLabel False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableMartiniDescription False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableMartiniGroupId False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableMartiniVcId False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableMartiniVcType False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enablePeerAddress False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enablePeerMask False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -label 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -martiniDescription {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -martiniGroupId 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -martiniVcId 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -martiniVcType frameRelay ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -peerAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -peerMask 24 ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 9 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:1/interface:1). # adding children for object 9 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:1/interface:1). # finished children for object 9 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:1/interface:1). # finished children for object 7 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:1). # setting up object 10. (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:2) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/protocols/ldp router] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableFilterFec False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableGracefulRestart False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enablePduRateControl False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableVcFecs True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableVcGroupMatch False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -interPduGap 50 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -reconnectTime 120000 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -recoveryTime 120000 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -routerId ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 10 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:2). # adding children for object 10 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:2). set ixNetSG_Stack(2) $ixNetSG_curObj # setting up object 11. (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:2/interface:1) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) interface] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -advertisingMode unsolicited # ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -atmVcDirection bidirectional # ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -authentication null ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -discoveryMode extendedMartini ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableAtmSession False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -labelSpaceId 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -md5Key {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -protocolInterface $ixNetSG_ref(5) ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -ipv4FecAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -ipv4FecMask 24 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -ipv4FecMaskMatch looseMatch ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableFilter False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableIpv4FecAddress False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableIpv4FecMask False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableLabel False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableMartiniDescription False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableMartiniGroupId False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableMartiniVcId False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableMartiniVcType False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enablePeerAddress False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enablePeerMask False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -label 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -martiniDescription {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -martiniGroupId 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -martiniVcId 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -martiniVcType frameRelay ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -peerAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -peerMask 24 ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 11 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:2/interface:1). # adding children for object 11 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:2/interface:1). set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $ixNetSG_curObj # setting up object 12. (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:2/interface:1/targetPeer:1) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(3) targetPeer] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -ipAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -authentication null ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -md5Key {} ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 12 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:2/interface:1/targetPeer:1). # adding children for object 12 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:2/interface:1/targetPeer:1). # finished children for object 12 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:2/interface:1/targetPeer:1). # finished children for object 11 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:2/interface:1). # setting up object 13. (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:2/l2Interface:1) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) l2Interface] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -count 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -groupId 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -type vlan ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 13 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:2/l2Interface:1). # adding children for object 13 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:2/l2Interface:1). set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $ixNetSG_curObj # setting up object 14. (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:2/l2Interface:1/l2VCRange:1) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(3) l2VcRange] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -ceIpAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -cemOption 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -cemPayload 48 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -count 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -description {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableCBit False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableCemOption False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableCemPayload False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableDescriptionPresent False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableMaxAtmPresent False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableMtuPresent True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enablePacking False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -ipType 17 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -labelMode increment ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -labelStart 16 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -maxNumberOfAtmCells 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -peerAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -step 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -vcId 10 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -vcIdStep 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l2MacVlanRange -count 2 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l2MacVlanRange -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l2MacVlanRange -enableRepeatMac False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l2MacVlanRange -enableSameVlan False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l2MacVlanRange -enableVlan True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l2MacVlanRange -firstVlanId 100 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l2MacVlanRange -startMac 00:00:00:01:00:00 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l2VcIpRange -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l2VcIpRange -incrementBy 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l2VcIpRange -mask 24 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l2VcIpRange -numHosts 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l2VcIpRange -startAddress ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 14 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:2/l2Interface:1/l2VCRange:1). # adding children for object 14 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:2/l2Interface:1/l2VCRange:1). # finished children for object 14 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:2/l2Interface:1/l2VCRange:1). # finished children for object 13 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:2/l2Interface:1). # finished children for object 10 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ldp/router:2). # setting up object 15. (originally /vport:1/protocols/ospf/router:1) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/protocols/ospf router] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -discardLearnedLsa False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -generateRouterLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -gracefulRestart False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -rebuildAdjForLsdbChange False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -routerId ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -strictLsaChecking True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -supportForRfc3623 False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -supportReasonSoftReloadUpgrade True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -supportReasonSoftRestart True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -supportReasonSwotchRedundantCntrlProcessor True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -supportReasonUnknown True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -trafficGroupId [ixNet getNull] ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 15 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ospf/router:1). # adding children for object 15 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ospf/router:1). set ixNetSG_Stack(2) $ixNetSG_curObj # setting up object 16. (originally /vport:1/protocols/ospf/router:1/interface:1) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) interface] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -advertiseNetworkRange False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -areaId 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -authenticationMethods null ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -authenticationPassword {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -connectedToDut True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -deadInterval 40 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableBfdRegistration False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -helloInterval 10 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -interfaceIpAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -interfaceIpMaskAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -protocolInterface $ixNetSG_ref(3) ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -linkTypes transit ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -md5AuthenticationKey {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -md5AuthenticationKeyId 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -metric 10 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -neighborIpAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -neighborRouterId ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeIp ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeIpByMask False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeIpIncrementBy ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeIpMask 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeLinkType broadcast ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeRouterId ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeRouterIdIncrementBy ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkType pointToPoint ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -noOfCols 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -noOfRows 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -options 2 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -priority 2 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -showExternal True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -showNssa False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -teAdminGroup {00 00 00 00} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -teEnable False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -teMaxBandwidth 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -teMetricLevel 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -teResMaxBandwidth 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -teUnreservedBwPriority [list 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -validateReceivedMtuSize True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -advRouterId ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableAdvRouterId False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableFilter False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableLinkStateId False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -excludeAdvRouterId False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -excludeLinkStateId False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -linkStateId ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showExternalAsLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showNssaLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showNetworkLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showOpaqueAreaLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showOpaqueDomainLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showOpaqueLocalLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showRouterLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showSummaryAsLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showSummaryIpLsa True ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 16 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ospf/router:1/interface:1). # adding children for object 16 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ospf/router:1/interface:1). # finished children for object 16 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ospf/router:1/interface:1). # setting up object 17. (originally /vport:1/protocols/ospf/router:1/interface:2) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) interface] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -advertiseNetworkRange True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -areaId 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -authenticationMethods null ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -authenticationPassword {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -connectedToDut False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -deadInterval 40 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableBfdRegistration False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -helloInterval 10 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -interfaceIpAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -interfaceIpMaskAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -protocolInterface [ixNet getNull] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -linkTypes transit ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -md5AuthenticationKey {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -md5AuthenticationKeyId 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -metric 10 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -mtu 1500 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -neighborIpAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -neighborRouterId ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeIp ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeIpByMask True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeIpIncrementBy ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeIpMask 32 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeLinkType pointToPoint ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeRouterId ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeRouterIdIncrementBy ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkType broadcast ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -noOfCols 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -noOfRows 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -options 2 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -priority 2 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -showExternal True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -showNssa False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -teAdminGroup {00 00 00 00} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -teEnable False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -teMaxBandwidth 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -teMetricLevel 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -teResMaxBandwidth 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -teUnreservedBwPriority [list 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -validateReceivedMtuSize True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -advRouterId ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableAdvRouterId False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableFilter False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableLinkStateId False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -excludeAdvRouterId False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -excludeLinkStateId False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -linkStateId ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showExternalAsLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showNssaLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showNetworkLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showOpaqueAreaLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showOpaqueDomainLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showOpaqueLocalLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showRouterLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showSummaryAsLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showSummaryIpLsa True ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 17 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ospf/router:1/interface:2). # adding children for object 17 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ospf/router:1/interface:2). # finished children for object 17 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ospf/router:1/interface:2). # finished children for object 15 (originally /vport:1/protocols/ospf/router:1). # finished children for object 2 (originally /vport:1). # setting up object 18. (originally /vport:2) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0) vport] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -type ethernet ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -isPullOnly False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -name {Ethernet - 002} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -txMode sequential ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -txGapControlMode fixedMode ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -connectedTo [ixNet getNull] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -rxMode measure ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l1Config -currentType ethernet ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l1Config/ethernet -autoNegotiate True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l1Config/ethernet -speed speed100fd ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l1Config/ethernet -loopback False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l1Config/ethernet -media copper ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/arp -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/bfd -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/bfd -intervalValue 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/bfd -packetsPerInterval 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/bgp -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/bgp -enableExternalActiveConnect True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/bgp -enableInternalActiveConnect True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/bgp -externalRetries 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/bgp -externalRetryDelay 120 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/bgp -internalRetries 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/bgp -internalRetryDelay 120 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/eigrp -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/igmp -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/igmp -numberOfGroups 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/igmp -sendLeaveOnStop True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/igmp -statsEnabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/igmp -timePeriod 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/isis -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ldp -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ldp -enableDiscardSelfAdvFecs False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ldp -enableHelloJitter True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ldp -helloHoldTime 15 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ldp -helloInterval 5 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ldp -keepAliveHoldTime 30 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ldp -keepAliveInterval 10 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ldp -targetedHelloInterval 15 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ldp -targetedHoldTime 45 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/mld -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/mld -enableDoneOnStop True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/mld -mldv2Report type143 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/mld -numberOfGroups 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/mld -timePeriod 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ospf -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ospf -enableDrOrBdr False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ospfV3 -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/pimsm -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ping -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/rip -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/ripng -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/rsvp -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/protocols/stp -enabled False ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 18 (originally /vport:2). # adding children for object 18 (originally /vport:2). set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $ixNetSG_curObj # setting up object 19. (originally /vport:2/interface:1) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1) interface] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -description { - 148:220 - 1} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -eui64Id {02 00 9A FF FE 4A 65 0A } ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -type default ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/vlan -tpid {0x8100} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/vlan -vlanCount 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/vlan -vlanEnable False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/vlan -vlanId {1} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/vlan -vlanPriority {5} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/atm -encapsulation llcBridgeFcs ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/atm -vci 32 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/atm -vpi 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -clientId {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -renewTimer 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -requestRate 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -serverId ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -tlvs [list ] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -vendorId {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV6Properties -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV6Properties -iaId 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV6Properties -iaType temporary ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV6Properties -renewTimer 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV6Properties -requestRate 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV6Properties -tlvs [list ] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/ethernet -macAddress 00:00:9a:4a:65:0a ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/ethernet -uidFromMac True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -dest ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -inKey 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -outKey 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -source [ixNet getNull] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -useChecksum False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -useKey False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -useSequence False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/unconnected -connectedVia [ixNet getNull] ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 19 (originally /vport:2/interface:1). set ixNetSG_ref(19) $ixNetSG_curObj # adding children for object 19 (originally /vport:2/interface:1). set ixNetSG_Stack(2) $ixNetSG_curObj # setting up object 20. (originally /vport:2/interface:1/IPv4) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) ipv4] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -gateway ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -ip ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -maskWidth 24 ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 20 (originally /vport:2/interface:1/IPv4). # adding children for object 20 (originally /vport:2/interface:1/IPv4). # finished children for object 20 (originally /vport:2/interface:1/IPv4). # finished children for object 19 (originally /vport:2/interface:1). # setting up object 21. (originally /vport:2/interface:2) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1) interface] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -description { - 148:220 - 1} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -eui64Id {02 00 9A FF FE 4A 65 0B } ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -type routed ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/vlan -tpid {0x8100} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/vlan -vlanCount 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/vlan -vlanEnable False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/vlan -vlanId {1} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/vlan -vlanPriority {5} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/atm -encapsulation llcBridgeFcs ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/atm -vci 32 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/atm -vpi 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -clientId {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -renewTimer 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -requestRate 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -serverId ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -tlvs [list ] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV4Properties -vendorId {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV6Properties -enabled False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV6Properties -iaId 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV6Properties -iaType temporary ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV6Properties -renewTimer 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV6Properties -requestRate 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/dhcpV6Properties -tlvs [list ] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/ethernet -macAddress 00:00:9a:4a:65:0b ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/ethernet -uidFromMac True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -dest ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -inKey 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -outKey 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -source [ixNet getNull] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -useChecksum False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -useKey False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/gre -useSequence False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/unconnected -connectedVia $ixNetSG_ref(19) ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 21 (originally /vport:2/interface:2). set ixNetSG_ref(21) $ixNetSG_curObj # adding children for object 21 (originally /vport:2/interface:2). set ixNetSG_Stack(2) $ixNetSG_curObj # setting up object 22. (originally /vport:2/interface:2/IPv4) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) ipv4] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -gateway ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -ip ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -maskWidth 32 ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 22 (originally /vport:2/interface:2/IPv4). # adding children for object 22 (originally /vport:2/interface:2/IPv4). # finished children for object 22 (originally /vport:2/interface:2/IPv4). # finished children for object 21 (originally /vport:2/interface:2). # setting up object 23. (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:1) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/protocols/ldp router] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableFilterFec False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableGracefulRestart False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enablePduRateControl False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableVcFecs True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableVcGroupMatch False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -interPduGap 50 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -reconnectTime 120000 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -recoveryTime 120000 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -routerId ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 23 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:1). # adding children for object 23 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:1). set ixNetSG_Stack(2) $ixNetSG_curObj # setting up object 24. (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:1/advFECRange:1) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) advFecRange] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enablePacking False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -firstNetwork ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -labelMode none ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -labelValueStart 3 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -maskWidth 32 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -numberOfNetworks 1 ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 24 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:1/advFECRange:1). # adding children for object 24 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:1/advFECRange:1). # finished children for object 24 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:1/advFECRange:1). # setting up object 25. (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:1/interface:1) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) interface] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -advertisingMode unsolicited #ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -atmVcDirection bidirectional #ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -authentication null ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -discoveryMode basic ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableAtmSession False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -labelSpaceId 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -md5Key {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -protocolInterface $ixNetSG_ref(19) ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -ipv4FecAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -ipv4FecMask 24 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -ipv4FecMaskMatch looseMatch ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableFilter False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableIpv4FecAddress False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableIpv4FecMask False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableLabel False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableMartiniDescription False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableMartiniGroupId False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableMartiniVcId False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableMartiniVcType False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enablePeerAddress False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enablePeerMask False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -label 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -martiniDescription {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -martiniGroupId 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -martiniVcId 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -martiniVcType frameRelay ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -peerAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -peerMask 24 ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 25 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:1/interface:1). # adding children for object 25 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:1/interface:1). # finished children for object 25 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:1/interface:1). # finished children for object 23 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:1). # setting up object 26. (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:2) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/protocols/ldp router] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableFilterFec False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableGracefulRestart False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enablePduRateControl False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableVcFecs True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableVcGroupMatch False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -interPduGap 50 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -reconnectTime 120000 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -recoveryTime 120000 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -routerId ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 26 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:2). # adding children for object 26 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:2). set ixNetSG_Stack(2) $ixNetSG_curObj # setting up object 27. (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:2/interface:1) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) interface] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -advertisingMode unsolicited # ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -atmVcDirection bidirectional # ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -authentication null ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -discoveryMode extendedMartini ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableAtmSession False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -labelSpaceId 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -md5Key {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -protocolInterface $ixNetSG_ref(21) ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -ipv4FecAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -ipv4FecMask 24 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -ipv4FecMaskMatch looseMatch ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableFilter False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableIpv4FecAddress False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableIpv4FecMask False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableLabel False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableMartiniDescription False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableMartiniGroupId False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableMartiniVcId False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableMartiniVcType False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enablePeerAddress False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enablePeerMask False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -label 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -martiniDescription {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -martiniGroupId 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -martiniVcId 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -martiniVcType frameRelay ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -peerAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -peerMask 24 ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 27 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:2/interface:1). # adding children for object 27 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:2/interface:1). set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $ixNetSG_curObj # setting up object 28. (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:2/interface:1/targetPeer:1) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(3) targetPeer] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -ipAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -authentication null ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -md5Key {} ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 28 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:2/interface:1/targetPeer:1). # adding children for object 28 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:2/interface:1/targetPeer:1). # finished children for object 28 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:2/interface:1/targetPeer:1). # finished children for object 27 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:2/interface:1). # setting up object 29. (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:2/l2Interface:1) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) l2Interface] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -count 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -groupId 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -type vlan ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 29 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:2/l2Interface:1). # adding children for object 29 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:2/l2Interface:1). set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $ixNetSG_curObj # setting up object 30. (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:2/l2Interface:1/l2VCRange:1) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(3) l2VcRange] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -ceIpAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -cemOption 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -cemPayload 48 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -count 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -description {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableCBit False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableCemOption False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableCemPayload False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableDescriptionPresent False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableMaxAtmPresent False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableMtuPresent True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enablePacking False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -ipType 17 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -labelMode increment ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -labelStart 16 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -maxNumberOfAtmCells 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -mtu 1500 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -peerAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -step 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -vcId 10 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -vcIdStep 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l2MacVlanRange -count 2 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l2MacVlanRange -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l2MacVlanRange -enableRepeatMac False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l2MacVlanRange -enableSameVlan False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l2MacVlanRange -enableVlan True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l2MacVlanRange -firstVlanId 100 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l2MacVlanRange -startMac 00:00:00:01:00:02 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l2VcIpRange -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l2VcIpRange -incrementBy 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l2VcIpRange -mask 24 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l2VcIpRange -numHosts 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/l2VcIpRange -startAddress ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 30 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:2/l2Interface:1/l2VCRange:1). # adding children for object 30 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:2/l2Interface:1/l2VCRange:1). # finished children for object 30 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:2/l2Interface:1/l2VCRange:1). # finished children for object 29 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:2/l2Interface:1). # finished children for object 26 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ldp/router:2). # setting up object 31. (originally /vport:2/protocols/ospf/router:1) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/protocols/ospf router] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -discardLearnedLsa False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -generateRouterLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -gracefulRestart False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -rebuildAdjForLsdbChange False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -routerId ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -strictLsaChecking True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -supportForRfc3623 False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -supportReasonSoftReloadUpgrade True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -supportReasonSoftRestart True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -supportReasonSwotchRedundantCntrlProcessor True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -supportReasonUnknown True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -trafficGroupId [ixNet getNull] ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 31 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ospf/router:1). # adding children for object 31 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ospf/router:1). set ixNetSG_Stack(2) $ixNetSG_curObj # setting up object 32. (originally /vport:2/protocols/ospf/router:1/interface:1) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) interface] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -advertiseNetworkRange False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -areaId 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -authenticationMethods null ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -authenticationPassword {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -connectedToDut True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -deadInterval 40 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableBfdRegistration False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -helloInterval 10 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -interfaceIpAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -interfaceIpMaskAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -protocolInterface $ixNetSG_ref(19) ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -linkTypes transit ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -md5AuthenticationKey {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -md5AuthenticationKeyId 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -metric 10 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -mtu 1500 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -neighborIpAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -neighborRouterId ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeIp ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeIpByMask False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeIpIncrementBy ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeIpMask 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeLinkType broadcast ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeRouterId ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeRouterIdIncrementBy ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkType pointToPoint ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -noOfCols 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -noOfRows 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -options 2 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -priority 2 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -showExternal True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -showNssa False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -teAdminGroup {00 00 00 00} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -teEnable False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -teMaxBandwidth 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -teMetricLevel 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -teResMaxBandwidth 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -teUnreservedBwPriority [list 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -validateReceivedMtuSize True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -advRouterId ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableAdvRouterId False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableFilter False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableLinkStateId False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -excludeAdvRouterId False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -excludeLinkStateId False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -linkStateId ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showExternalAsLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showNssaLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showNetworkLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showOpaqueAreaLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showOpaqueDomainLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showOpaqueLocalLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showRouterLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showSummaryAsLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showSummaryIpLsa True ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 32 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ospf/router:1/interface:1). # adding children for object 32 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ospf/router:1/interface:1). # finished children for object 32 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ospf/router:1/interface:1). # setting up object 33. (originally /vport:2/protocols/ospf/router:1/interface:2) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) interface] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -advertiseNetworkRange True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -areaId 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -authenticationMethods null ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -authenticationPassword {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -connectedToDut False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -deadInterval 40 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enabled True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -enableBfdRegistration False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -helloInterval 10 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -interfaceIpAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -interfaceIpMaskAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -protocolInterface [ixNet getNull] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -linkTypes transit ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -md5AuthenticationKey {} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -md5AuthenticationKeyId 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -metric 10 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -mtu 1500 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -neighborIpAddress ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -neighborRouterId ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeIp ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeIpByMask True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeIpIncrementBy ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeIpMask 32 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeLinkType pointToPoint ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeRouterId ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkRangeRouterIdIncrementBy ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -networkType broadcast ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -noOfCols 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -noOfRows 1 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -options 2 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -priority 2 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -showExternal True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -showNssa False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -teAdminGroup {00 00 00 00} ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -teEnable False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -teMaxBandwidth 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -teMetricLevel 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -teResMaxBandwidth 0 ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -teUnreservedBwPriority [list 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -validateReceivedMtuSize True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -advRouterId ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableAdvRouterId False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableFilter False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -enableLinkStateId False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -excludeAdvRouterId False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -excludeLinkStateId False ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -linkStateId ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showExternalAsLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showNssaLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showNetworkLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showOpaqueAreaLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showOpaqueDomainLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showOpaqueLocalLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showRouterLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showSummaryAsLsa True ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj/learnedFilter -showSummaryIpLsa True ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 33 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ospf/router:1/interface:2). # adding children for object 33 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ospf/router:1/interface:2). # finished children for object 33 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ospf/router:1/interface:2). # finished children for object 31 (originally /vport:2/protocols/ospf/router:1). # finished children for object 18 (originally /vport:2). # setting up object 34. (originally /availableHardware/chassis:"Pansy-400t") set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 34 (originally /availableHardware/chassis:"Pansy-400t"). # adding children for object 34 (originally /availableHardware/chassis:"Pansy-400t"). # finished children for object 34 (originally /availableHardware/chassis:"Pansy-400t"). # setting up object 35. (originally /trafficGroupId/item:1) set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 35 (originally /trafficGroupId/item:1). # adding children for object 35 (originally /trafficGroupId/item:1). # finished children for object 35 (originally /trafficGroupId/item:1). # setting up object 36. (originally /trafficGroupId/item:2) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0)/traffic trafficGroup] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -name {L2VPN - 1 - 1} ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 36 (originally /trafficGroupId/item:2). # adding children for object 36 (originally /trafficGroupId/item:2). # finished children for object 36 (originally /trafficGroupId/item:2). # setting up object 37. (originally /trafficGroupId/item:3) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0)/traffic trafficGroup] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -name {L2VPN - 2 - 0} ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 37 (originally /trafficGroupId/item:3). # adding children for object 37 (originally /trafficGroupId/item:3). # finished children for object 37 (originally /trafficGroupId/item:3). # setting up object 38. (originally /trafficGroupId/item:4) set ixNetSG_curObj [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0)/traffic trafficGroup] ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_curObj -name {L2VPN - 2 - 1} ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 38 (originally /trafficGroupId/item:4). # adding children for object 38 (originally /trafficGroupId/item:4). # finished children for object 38 (originally /trafficGroupId/item:4). # setting up object 39. (originally /testConfiguration/optionalPage1:"Protocols") ixNet commit set ixNetSG_curObj [lindex [ixNet remapIds $ixNetSG_curObj] 0] # finished attributes for object 39 (originally /testConfiguration/optionalPage1:"Protocols"). # adding children for object 39 (originally /testConfiguration/optionalPage1:"Protocols"). # finished children for object 39 (originally /testConfiguration/optionalPage1:"Protocols"). # setting up object 40. (originally /testConfiguration/optionalPage2:"Traffic") ixNet commit # finished attributes for object 40 (originally /testConfiguration/optionalPage2:"Traffic"). # adding children for object 40 (originally /testConfiguration/optionalPage2:"Traffic"). # finished children for object 40 (originally /testConfiguration/optionalPage2:"Traffic"). # finished children for object 1 (originally /). return 0 } #if {[catch {ixNetScriptgenProc} result_ixNetScriptgenProc]} { puts $::errorInfo } ixNetScriptgenProc