################################################################################ # # # Copyright 1997 - 2020 by IXIA Keysight # # All Rights Reserved. # # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # # LEGAL NOTICE: # # ============== # # The following code and documentation (hereinafter "the script") is an # # example script for demonstration purposes only. # # The script is not a standard commercial product offered by Ixia and have # # been developed and is being provided for use only as indicated herein. The # # script [and all modifications enhancements and updates thereto (whether # # made by Ixia and/or by the user and/or by a third party)] shall at all times # # remain the property of Ixia. # # # # Ixia does not warrant (i) that the functions contained in the script will # # meet the users requirements or (ii) that the script will be without # # omissions or error-free. # # THE SCRIPT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND IXIA # # DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESS IMPLIED STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. # # THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SCRIPT IS WITH THE # # USER. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL IXIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM OR ARISING # # OUT OF THE USE OF OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE SCRIPT OR ANY PART THEREOF # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY LOST PROFITS LOST BUSINESS LOST OR # # DAMAGED DATA OR SOFTWARE OR ANY INDIRECT INCIDENTAL PUNITIVE OR # # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES EVEN IF IXIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # # SUCH DAMAGES IN ADVANCE. # # Ixia will not be required to provide any software maintenance or support # # services of any kind (e.g. any error corrections) in connection with the # # script or any part thereof. The user acknowledges that although Ixia may # # from time to time and in its sole discretion provide maintenance or support # # services for the script any such services are subject to the warranty and # # damages limitations set forth herein and will not obligate Ixia to provide # # any additional maintenance or support services. # # # ################################################################################ package require IxTclNetwork proc ixNetScriptgenProc {} { ixNet rollback ixNet setSessionParameter version ixNet execute newConfig set ixNetSG_Stack(0) [ixNet getRoot] # # setting global options # set sg_top [ixNet getRoot] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/testConfiguration \ -enableGenerateReportAfterRun False \ -selectedSuite custom \ -sleepTimeAfterReboot 10 \ -productLabel {Your switch/router name here} \ -serialNumber {Your switch/router serial number here} \ -enableCheckLinkState False \ -enableAbortIfLinkDown False \ -version {Your firmware version here} \ -enableSwitchToStats True \ -enableCapture False \ -enableSwitchToResult True \ -linkDownTimeout 5 \ -enableRebootCpu False \ -comments {} ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/traffic \ -destMacRetryDelay 5 \ -globalIterationCount 1 \ -refreshLearnedInfoBeforeApply False \ -enableMinFrameSize False \ -largeErrorThreshhold 2 \ -globalIterationMode continuous \ -flowMeasurementMode normal \ -enableMulticastScalingFactor False \ -enableStreamOrdering False \ -destMacRetryCount 1 \ -waitTime 1 \ -enableSequenceChecking False \ -enableDestMacRetry True \ -enableStaggeredTransmit False \ -macChangeOnFly False \ -sequenceCheckingMode SeqErrorThreshold \ -latencyBinType cutThroughLatency ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/availableHardware \ -isOffChassis False \ -offChassisHwM {} ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_top/globals/interfaces \ -arpOnLinkup False \ -sendSingleArpPerGateway True ixNet commit set sg_top [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_top] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(0) $sg_top ### ### /vport area ### # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1 # set sg_vport [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0) vport] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport \ -rxMode capture \ -connectedTo ::ixNet::OBJ-null \ -type ethernet \ -txMode sequential \ -name {Ethernet - 001} \ -transmitIgnoreLinkStatus False \ -txGapControlMode fixedMode \ -isPullOnly False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config \ -currentType ethernet ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/arp \ -enabled True ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/bfd \ -enabled False \ -intervalValue 0 \ -packetsPerInterval 0 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/bgp \ -enableExternalActiveConnect True \ -enableInternalActiveConnect True \ -enableLabelExchangeOverLsp True \ -enabled False \ -externalRetries 0 \ -externalRetryDelay 120 \ -internalRetries 0 \ -internalRetryDelay 120 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/cfm \ -enableOptionalTlvValidation True \ -enabled True \ -receiveCcm True \ -sendCcm True ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/eigrp \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/igmp \ -enabled False \ -numberOfGroups 0 \ -numberOfQueries 0 \ -queryTimePeriod 0 \ -sendLeaveOnStop True \ -statsEnabled False \ -timePeriod 0 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/isis \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/lacp \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ldp \ -enableDiscardSelfAdvFecs False \ -enableHelloJitter True \ -enableLabelExchangeOverLsp True \ -enabled False \ -helloHoldTime 15 \ -helloInterval 5 \ -keepAliveHoldTime 30 \ -keepAliveInterval 10 \ -targetedHelloInterval 15 \ -targetedHoldTime 45 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/mld \ -enableDoneOnStop True \ -enabled False \ -mldv2Report type143 \ -numberOfGroups 0 \ -numberOfQueries 0 \ -queryTimePeriod 0 \ -timePeriod 0 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ospf \ -enableDrOrBdr False \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ospfV3 \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/pimsm \ -bsmFramePerInterval 0 \ -crpFramePerInterval 0 \ -dataMdtFramePerInterval 0 \ -enableRateControl False \ -enabled False \ -interval 0 \ -joinPruneMessagesPerInterval 0 \ -registerMessagesPerInterval 0 \ -registerStopMessagesPerInterval 0 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ping \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/rip \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ripng \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/rsvp \ -enableBgpOverLsp True \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/stp \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/capture \ -hardwareEnabled False \ -softwareEnabled False ixNet commit set sg_vport [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_vport] 0] set ixNetSG_ref(2) $sg_vport set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $sg_vport # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/interface:1 # set sg_interface [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1) interface] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_interface \ -description {Connected - ProtocolInterface - 100:01 - 1} \ -enabled True \ -eui64Id {02 00 0E FF FE FA C1 15 } \ -mtu 1500 \ -type default ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_interface/atm \ -encapsulation llcBridgeFcs \ -vci 32 \ -vpi 0 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_interface/dhcpV4Properties \ -clientId {} \ -enabled False \ -renewTimer 0 \ -requestRate 0 \ -serverId \ -tlvs { } \ -vendorId {} ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_interface/dhcpV6Properties \ -enabled False \ -iaId 0 \ -iaType temporary \ -renewTimer 0 \ -requestRate 0 \ -tlvs { } ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_interface/ethernet \ -macAddress "00:00:0e:fa:c1:15" \ -mtu 1500 \ -uidFromMac True ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_interface/gre \ -dest \ -inKey 0 \ -outKey 0 \ -source ::ixNet::OBJ-null \ -useChecksum False \ -useKey False \ -useSequence False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_interface/unconnected \ -connectedVia ::ixNet::OBJ-null ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_interface/vlan \ -tpid {0x8100} \ -vlanCount 1 \ -vlanEnable False \ -vlanId {1} \ -vlanPriority {0} ixNet commit set sg_interface [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_interface] 0] set ixNetSG_ref(3) $sg_interface # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/l1Config/ethernet # set sg_ethernet $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/ethernet ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_ethernet \ -speed speed100fd \ -media copper \ -autoNegotiate True \ -loopback False ixNet commit set sg_ethernet [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_ethernet] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(2) $sg_ethernet # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/l1Config/ethernet/oam # set sg_oam $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/oam ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_oam \ -tlvType {00} \ -tlvValue {00} \ -vendorSpecificInformation {00000000} \ -enableTlvOption False \ -organizationUniqueIdentifier {000000} \ -loopback False \ -macAddress "00:00:00:00:00:00" \ -maxOAMPDUSize 1518 \ -enabled False \ -idleTimer 5 \ -linkEvents False ixNet commit set sg_oam [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_oam] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/protocols/cfm/bridge:1 # set sg_bridge [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/protocols/cfm bridge] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_bridge \ -aisInterval oneSec \ -bridgeId "00:00:98:52:00:01" \ -enableAis False \ -enableOutOfSequenceDetection False \ -enabled True \ -encapsulation ethernet \ -etherType 35074 \ -garbageCollectTime 10 \ -operationMode pbbTe \ -userBvlan allVlanId \ -userBvlanId 0 \ -userBvlanPriority 0 \ -userBvlanTpId {0x8100} \ -userCvlan noVlanId \ -userCvlanId 0 \ -userCvlanPriority 0 \ -userCvlanTpId {0x8100} \ -userDelayType dm \ -userDstMacAddress "00:00:00:00:00:00" \ -userDstMepId 1 \ -userDstType mepMac \ -userLearnedInfoTimeOut 5000 \ -userMdLevel allMd \ -userPbbTeDelayType dm \ -userPeriodicOamType linkTrace \ -userSendType unicast \ -userShortMaName {} \ -userShortMaNameFormat allFormats \ -userSrcMacAddress "00:00:00:00:00:00" \ -userSrcMepId 1 \ -userSrcType mepMac \ -userSvlan noVlanId \ -userSvlanId 0 \ -userSvlanPriority 0 \ -userSvlanTpId {0x8100} \ -userTransactionId 1 \ -userTtlInterval 64 \ -userUsabilityOption manual ixNet commit set sg_bridge [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_bridge] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(2) $sg_bridge # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/protocols/cfm/bridge:1/interface:1 # set sg_interface [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) interface] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_interface \ -enabled True \ -interfaceId $ixNetSG_ref(3) ixNet commit set sg_interface [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_interface] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/protocols/cfm/bridge:1/link:1 # set sg_link [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) link] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_link \ -enabled False \ -linkType pointToPoint \ -moreMps { } \ -mpOutwardsIxia ::ixNet::OBJ-null \ -mpTowardsIxia ::ixNet::OBJ-null ixNet commit set sg_link [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_link] 0] set ixNetSG_ref(8) $sg_link # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/protocols/cfm/bridge:1/mdLevel:1 # set sg_mdLevel [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) mdLevel] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_mdLevel \ -enabled False \ -mdLevelId 0 \ -mdName {Ixiacom-0} \ -mdNameFormat characterString ixNet commit set sg_mdLevel [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_mdLevel] 0] set ixNetSG_ref(9) $sg_mdLevel # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/protocols/cfm/bridge:1/mp:1 # set sg_mp [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) mp] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_mp \ -addCcmCustomTlvs False \ -addDataTlv True \ -addInterfaceStatusTlv True \ -addLbmCustomTlvs False \ -addLbrCustomTlvs False \ -addLtmCustomTlvs False \ -addLtrCustomTlvs False \ -addOrganizationSpecificTlv False \ -addPortStatusTlv True \ -addSenderIdTlv True \ -autoDmAllDestination False \ -autoDmDestination "00:00:00:00:00:00" \ -autoDmIteration 0 \ -autoDmTimeout 30 \ -autoDmTimer 60 \ -autoLbAllDestination False \ -autoLbDestination "00:00:00:00:00:00" \ -autoLbIteration 0 \ -autoLbTimeout 30 \ -autoLbTimer 60 \ -autoLtAllDestination False \ -autoLtDestination "00:00:00:00:00:00" \ -autoLtIteration 0 \ -autoLtTimeout 30 \ -autoLtTimer 60 \ -cciInterval 1sec \ -ccmPriority 0 \ -chassisId {00 00 00 00 00 00 } \ -chassisIdLength 6 \ -chassisIdSubType macAddress \ -dataTlvLength 4 \ -dataTlvValue {44 61 74 61 } \ -dmmPriority 0 \ -enableAutoDm False \ -enableAutoLb False \ -enableAutoLt False \ -enabled False \ -lbmPriority 0 \ -ltmPriority 0 \ -macAddress "00:00:00:00:00:01" \ -managementAddress {01 02 03 03 04 05 } \ -managementAddressDomain {4D 61 6E 61 67 65 6D 65 6E 74 20 41 64 64 72 20 44 6F 6D 61 69 6E } \ -managementAddressDomainLength 22 \ -managementAddressLength 6 \ -mdLevel $ixNetSG_ref(9) \ -megId {Ixia-00001} \ -megIdFormat iccBasedFormat \ -mepId 1 \ -mipId 1 \ -mpType mep \ -organizationSpecificTlvLength 4 \ -organizationSpecificTlvValue {00 00 00 00 } \ -overrideVlanPriority False \ -shortMaName {Ixia-0} \ -shortMaNameFormat characterString \ -ttl 64 \ -vlan ::ixNet::OBJ-null ixNet commit set sg_mp [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_mp] 0] set ixNetSG_ref(10) $sg_mp ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_ref(8) -mpOutwardsIxia $ixNetSG_ref(10) ixNet commit # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/protocols/cfm/bridge:1/trunk:1 # set sg_trunk [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) trunk] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_trunk \ -addCcmCustomTlvs False \ -addDataTlv True \ -addInterfaceStatusTlv False \ -addLbmCustomTlvs True \ -addLbrCustomTlvs True \ -addLtmCustomTlvs False \ -addLtrCustomTlvs False \ -addOrganizationSpecificTlv True \ -addPortStatusTlv False \ -addSenderIdTlv False \ -autoDmIteration 2 \ -autoDmTimeout 5 \ -autoDmTimer 5 \ -autoLbIteration 2 \ -autoLbTimeout 5 \ -autoLbTimer 5 \ -autoLtIteration 2 \ -autoLtTimeout 5 \ -autoLtTimer 5 \ -bVlanId 1 \ -bVlanPriority 0 \ -bVlanTpId {0x8100} \ -cciInterval 1sec \ -ccmPriority 0 \ -chassisId {00 00 00 00 00 00 } \ -chassisIdLength 6 \ -chassisIdSubType networkAddress \ -dataTlvLength 4 \ -dataTlvValue {44 61 74 61 } \ -dmmPriority 0 \ -dstMacAddress "00:00:00:00:00:02" \ -enableAutoDm True \ -enableAutoLb True \ -enableAutoLt True \ -enableReverseBvlan True \ -enabled True \ -lbmPriority 0 \ -ltmPriority 0 \ -managementAddress {01 02 03 03 04 05 } \ -managementAddressDomain {00 00 00 00 00 00 } \ -managementAddressDomainLength 22 \ -managementAddressLength 6 \ -mdLevelId 0 \ -mdName {Ixiacom-0} \ -mdNameFormat characterString \ -mepId 1 \ -organizationSpecificTlvLength 4 \ -organizationSpecificTlvValue {10 00 00 00 } \ -overrideVlanPriority False \ -reverseBvlanId 5 \ -shortMaName {Ixia-0} \ -shortMaNameFormat characterString \ -srcMacAddress "00:00:00:00:00:01" \ -ttl 64 ixNet commit set sg_trunk [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_trunk] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_trunk # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:1/protocols/cfm/bridge:1/trunk:1/macRanges:1 # set sg_macRanges [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(3) macRanges] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_macRanges \ -cVlanId 1 \ -cVlanPriority 0 \ -cVlanTpId {0x8100} \ -count 1 \ -enableVlan False \ -enabled True \ -iTagiSid 10 \ -sVlanId 1 \ -sVlanPriority 0 \ -sVlanTpId {0x8100} \ -startMacAddress "00:00:00:00:00:05" \ -step "00:00:00:00:00:00" \ -trafficGroupId ::ixNet::OBJ-null \ -type singleVlan ixNet commit set sg_macRanges [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_macRanges] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2 # set sg_vport [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0) vport] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport \ -rxMode capture \ -connectedTo ::ixNet::OBJ-null \ -type ethernet \ -txMode sequential \ -name {Ethernet - 002} \ -transmitIgnoreLinkStatus False \ -txGapControlMode fixedMode \ -isPullOnly False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/l1Config \ -currentType ethernet ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/arp \ -enabled True ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/bfd \ -enabled False \ -intervalValue 0 \ -packetsPerInterval 0 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/bgp \ -enableExternalActiveConnect True \ -enableInternalActiveConnect True \ -enableLabelExchangeOverLsp True \ -enabled False \ -externalRetries 0 \ -externalRetryDelay 120 \ -internalRetries 0 \ -internalRetryDelay 120 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/cfm \ -enableOptionalTlvValidation True \ -enabled True \ -receiveCcm True \ -sendCcm True ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/eigrp \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/igmp \ -enabled False \ -numberOfGroups 0 \ -numberOfQueries 0 \ -queryTimePeriod 0 \ -sendLeaveOnStop True \ -statsEnabled False \ -timePeriod 0 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/isis \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/lacp \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ldp \ -enableDiscardSelfAdvFecs False \ -enableHelloJitter True \ -enableLabelExchangeOverLsp True \ -enabled False \ -helloHoldTime 15 \ -helloInterval 5 \ -keepAliveHoldTime 30 \ -keepAliveInterval 10 \ -targetedHelloInterval 15 \ -targetedHoldTime 45 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/mld \ -enableDoneOnStop True \ -enabled False \ -mldv2Report type143 \ -numberOfGroups 0 \ -numberOfQueries 0 \ -queryTimePeriod 0 \ -timePeriod 0 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ospf \ -enableDrOrBdr False \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ospfV3 \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/pimsm \ -bsmFramePerInterval 0 \ -crpFramePerInterval 0 \ -dataMdtFramePerInterval 0 \ -enableRateControl False \ -enabled False \ -interval 0 \ -joinPruneMessagesPerInterval 0 \ -registerMessagesPerInterval 0 \ -registerStopMessagesPerInterval 0 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ping \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/rip \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/ripng \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/rsvp \ -enableBgpOverLsp True \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/protocols/stp \ -enabled False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_vport/capture \ -hardwareEnabled True \ -softwareEnabled True ixNet commit set sg_vport [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_vport] 0] set ixNetSG_ref(13) $sg_vport set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $sg_vport # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/interface:1 # set sg_interface [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1) interface] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_interface \ -description {Connected - ProtocolInterface - 100:02 - 2} \ -enabled True \ -eui64Id {02 00 0E FF FE FA C1 16 } \ -mtu 1500 \ -type default ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_interface/atm \ -encapsulation llcBridgeFcs \ -vci 32 \ -vpi 0 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_interface/dhcpV4Properties \ -clientId {} \ -enabled False \ -renewTimer 0 \ -requestRate 0 \ -serverId \ -tlvs { } \ -vendorId {} ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_interface/dhcpV6Properties \ -enabled False \ -iaId 0 \ -iaType temporary \ -renewTimer 0 \ -requestRate 0 \ -tlvs { } ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_interface/ethernet \ -macAddress "00:00:0e:fa:c1:16" \ -mtu 1500 \ -uidFromMac True ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_interface/gre \ -dest \ -inKey 0 \ -outKey 0 \ -source ::ixNet::OBJ-null \ -useChecksum False \ -useKey False \ -useSequence False ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_interface/unconnected \ -connectedVia ::ixNet::OBJ-null ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_interface/vlan \ -tpid {0x8100} \ -vlanCount 1 \ -vlanEnable False \ -vlanId {1} \ -vlanPriority {0} ixNet commit set sg_interface [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_interface] 0] set ixNetSG_ref(14) $sg_interface # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/l1Config/ethernet # set sg_ethernet $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/l1Config/ethernet ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_ethernet \ -speed speed100fd \ -media copper \ -autoNegotiate True \ -loopback False ixNet commit set sg_ethernet [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_ethernet] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(2) $sg_ethernet # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/l1Config/ethernet/oam # set sg_oam $ixNetSG_Stack(2)/oam ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_oam \ -tlvType {00} \ -tlvValue {00} \ -vendorSpecificInformation {00000000} \ -enableTlvOption False \ -organizationUniqueIdentifier {000000} \ -loopback False \ -macAddress "00:00:00:00:00:00" \ -maxOAMPDUSize 1518 \ -enabled False \ -idleTimer 5 \ -linkEvents False ixNet commit set sg_oam [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_oam] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/protocols/cfm/bridge:1 # set sg_bridge [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/protocols/cfm bridge] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_bridge \ -aisInterval oneSec \ -bridgeId "00:00:98:53:00:01" \ -enableAis False \ -enableOutOfSequenceDetection False \ -enabled True \ -encapsulation ethernet \ -etherType 35074 \ -garbageCollectTime 10 \ -operationMode pbbTe \ -userBvlan allVlanId \ -userBvlanId 0 \ -userBvlanPriority 0 \ -userBvlanTpId {0x8100} \ -userCvlan noVlanId \ -userCvlanId 0 \ -userCvlanPriority 0 \ -userCvlanTpId {0x8100} \ -userDelayType dm \ -userDstMacAddress "00:00:00:00:00:00" \ -userDstMepId 1 \ -userDstType mepMac \ -userLearnedInfoTimeOut 5000 \ -userMdLevel allMd \ -userPbbTeDelayType dm \ -userPeriodicOamType linkTrace \ -userSendType unicast \ -userShortMaName {} \ -userShortMaNameFormat allFormats \ -userSrcMacAddress "00:00:00:00:00:00" \ -userSrcMepId 1 \ -userSrcType mepMac \ -userSvlan noVlanId \ -userSvlanId 0 \ -userSvlanPriority 0 \ -userSvlanTpId {0x8100} \ -userTransactionId 1 \ -userTtlInterval 64 \ -userUsabilityOption manual ixNet commit set sg_bridge [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_bridge] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(2) $sg_bridge # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/protocols/cfm/bridge:1/interface:1 # set sg_interface [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) interface] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_interface \ -enabled True \ -interfaceId $ixNetSG_ref(14) ixNet commit set sg_interface [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_interface] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/protocols/cfm/bridge:1/link:1 # set sg_link [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) link] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_link \ -enabled False \ -linkType pointToPoint \ -moreMps { } \ -mpOutwardsIxia ::ixNet::OBJ-null \ -mpTowardsIxia ::ixNet::OBJ-null ixNet commit set sg_link [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_link] 0] set ixNetSG_ref(19) $sg_link # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/protocols/cfm/bridge:1/mdLevel:1 # set sg_mdLevel [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) mdLevel] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_mdLevel \ -enabled False \ -mdLevelId 0 \ -mdName {Ixiacom-0} \ -mdNameFormat characterString ixNet commit set sg_mdLevel [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_mdLevel] 0] set ixNetSG_ref(20) $sg_mdLevel # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/protocols/cfm/bridge:1/mp:1 # set sg_mp [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) mp] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_mp \ -addCcmCustomTlvs False \ -addDataTlv True \ -addInterfaceStatusTlv True \ -addLbmCustomTlvs False \ -addLbrCustomTlvs False \ -addLtmCustomTlvs False \ -addLtrCustomTlvs False \ -addOrganizationSpecificTlv False \ -addPortStatusTlv True \ -addSenderIdTlv True \ -autoDmAllDestination False \ -autoDmDestination "00:00:00:00:00:00" \ -autoDmIteration 0 \ -autoDmTimeout 30 \ -autoDmTimer 60 \ -autoLbAllDestination False \ -autoLbDestination "00:00:00:00:00:00" \ -autoLbIteration 0 \ -autoLbTimeout 30 \ -autoLbTimer 60 \ -autoLtAllDestination False \ -autoLtDestination "00:00:00:00:00:00" \ -autoLtIteration 0 \ -autoLtTimeout 30 \ -autoLtTimer 60 \ -cciInterval 1sec \ -ccmPriority 0 \ -chassisId {00 00 00 00 00 00 } \ -chassisIdLength 6 \ -chassisIdSubType macAddress \ -dataTlvLength 4 \ -dataTlvValue {44 61 74 61 } \ -dmmPriority 0 \ -enableAutoDm False \ -enableAutoLb False \ -enableAutoLt False \ -enabled False \ -lbmPriority 0 \ -ltmPriority 0 \ -macAddress "00:00:00:00:00:02" \ -managementAddress {01 02 03 03 04 05 } \ -managementAddressDomain {4D 61 6E 61 67 65 6D 65 6E 74 20 41 64 64 72 20 44 6F 6D 61 69 6E } \ -managementAddressDomainLength 22 \ -managementAddressLength 6 \ -mdLevel $ixNetSG_ref(20) \ -megId {Ixia-00001} \ -megIdFormat iccBasedFormat \ -mepId 2 \ -mipId 2 \ -mpType mep \ -organizationSpecificTlvLength 4 \ -organizationSpecificTlvValue {00 00 00 00 } \ -overrideVlanPriority False \ -shortMaName {Ixia-0} \ -shortMaNameFormat characterString \ -ttl 64 \ -vlan ::ixNet::OBJ-null ixNet commit set sg_mp [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_mp] 0] set ixNetSG_ref(21) $sg_mp ixNet setAttribute $ixNetSG_ref(19) -mpOutwardsIxia $ixNetSG_ref(21) ixNet commit # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/protocols/cfm/bridge:1/trunk:1 # set sg_trunk [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(2) trunk] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_trunk \ -addCcmCustomTlvs False \ -addDataTlv True \ -addInterfaceStatusTlv False \ -addLbmCustomTlvs True \ -addLbrCustomTlvs True \ -addLtmCustomTlvs False \ -addLtrCustomTlvs False \ -addOrganizationSpecificTlv True \ -addPortStatusTlv False \ -addSenderIdTlv False \ -autoDmIteration 2 \ -autoDmTimeout 5 \ -autoDmTimer 5 \ -autoLbIteration 2 \ -autoLbTimeout 5 \ -autoLbTimer 5 \ -autoLtIteration 2 \ -autoLtTimeout 5 \ -autoLtTimer 5 \ -bVlanId 1 \ -bVlanPriority 0 \ -bVlanTpId {0x8100} \ -cciInterval 1sec \ -ccmPriority 0 \ -chassisId {00 00 00 00 00 00 } \ -chassisIdLength 6 \ -chassisIdSubType networkAddress \ -dataTlvLength 4 \ -dataTlvValue {44 61 74 61 } \ -dmmPriority 0 \ -dstMacAddress "00:00:00:00:00:01" \ -enableAutoDm True \ -enableAutoLb True \ -enableAutoLt True \ -enableReverseBvlan True \ -enabled True \ -lbmPriority 0 \ -ltmPriority 0 \ -managementAddress {01 02 03 03 04 05 } \ -managementAddressDomain {00 00 00 00 00 00 } \ -managementAddressDomainLength 22 \ -managementAddressLength 6 \ -mdLevelId 0 \ -mdName {Ixiacom-0} \ -mdNameFormat characterString \ -mepId 2 \ -organizationSpecificTlvLength 4 \ -organizationSpecificTlvValue {10 00 00 00 } \ -overrideVlanPriority False \ -reverseBvlanId 5 \ -shortMaName {Ixia-0} \ -shortMaNameFormat characterString \ -srcMacAddress "00:00:00:00:00:02" \ -ttl 64 ixNet commit set sg_trunk [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_trunk] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(3) $sg_trunk # # configuring the object that corresponds to /vport:2/protocols/cfm/bridge:1/trunk:1/macRanges:1 # set sg_macRanges [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(3) macRanges] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_macRanges \ -cVlanId 1 \ -cVlanPriority 0 \ -cVlanTpId {0x8100} \ -count 1 \ -enableVlan False \ -enabled True \ -iTagiSid 10 \ -sVlanId 1 \ -sVlanPriority 0 \ -sVlanTpId {0x8100} \ -startMacAddress "00:00:00:00:00:10" \ -step "00:00:00:00:00:00" \ -trafficGroupId ::ixNet::OBJ-null \ -type singleVlan ixNet commit set sg_macRanges [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_macRanges] 0] ### ### /testConfiguration area ### # # configuring the object that corresponds to /testConfiguration/custom:1 # set sg_custom $ixNetSG_Stack(0)/testConfiguration/custom:1 ixNet setAttribute $sg_custom -selectedTest fixedDuration ixNet commit set sg_custom [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_custom] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $sg_custom # # configuring the object that corresponds to /testConfiguration/custom:1/fixedDuration:1 # set sg_fixedDuration $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/fixedDuration:1 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_fixedDuration \ -selectedItems { } ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_fixedDuration/testSetup \ -selectedVariableParameter percentLineRate ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_fixedDuration/testSetup/variableLoop \ -backoff 0 \ -algorithm unchanged \ -maxValue 0 \ -initialValue 0 \ -value 0 \ -stepValue 0 \ -resolution 0 \ -valueList { } \ -acceptableFrameLoss 0 \ -minValue 0 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_fixedDuration/testSetup/additionalLoop \ -selectedAdditionalLoopParameter frameSize \ -algorithm unchanged \ -maxValue 0 \ -initialValue 0 \ -value 0 \ -valueList { } \ -step 0 \ -count 1 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_fixedDuration/protocols \ -startBehavior startWithCurrent \ -waitAfterStop 0 \ -waitAfterStart 0 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_fixedDuration/traffic \ -learningStartDelay 0 \ -l3RepeatCount 3 \ -l3Gap 1 \ -l2FrameSizeType sameAsStream \ -learningFrequency oncePerTest \ -l3RepeatInterval 2 \ -enableStaggeredTransmit False \ -trafficStartDelay 5 \ -l2BurstCount 1 \ -l2FrameSize 128 \ -delayAfterTransmit 5 \ -generateStreams True \ -enableLearning False \ -l2Rate 1 ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_fixedDuration/runParameters \ -enableCalculateLatency False \ -latencyLessThanEqualTo 10 \ -enableRatePassCriteria False \ -latencyPortType averagePort \ -latencyUnit microSeconds \ -testDuration {00:00:20} \ -ratePortType averagePort \ -enableLatencyCriteria False \ -numTrials 1 \ -rateGreaterThanEqualTo 10 ixNet commit set sg_fixedDuration [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_fixedDuration] 0] ### ### /traffic area ### # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:5 # set sg_trafficItem [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(0)/traffic trafficItem] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_trafficItem \ -allowSelfDestined False \ -payloadType incByte \ -encapsulationType macInMac \ -routeMesh oneToOne \ -endpointType ethernetVlan \ -streamPackingMode optimalPacking \ -forceError noError \ -name {TI0-TRAFFICITEM} \ -enabled True \ -hostsPerNetwork 1 \ -srcDestMesh oneToOne \ -payloadData {} ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_trafficItem/packetOptions \ -qosType TOS \ -destPort 0 \ -desiredL4ProtocolType None \ -sourcePort 0 \ -qosValue "000 Routine" ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_trafficItem/frameOptions \ -frameSizeMode fixed ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_trafficItem/rateOptions \ -packetsPerBurst 100 \ -packetCountType auto \ -enforceMinGap 12 \ -txDelay 0 \ -lineRate 10 \ -burstsPerStream 1 \ -enableInterStreamGap False \ -packetsPerSecond 100000 \ -packetGap 64 \ -enableInterBurstGap False \ -interStreamGap 64 \ -interBurstGap 64 \ -rateMode lineRate \ -bitRate 100000 ixNet commit set sg_trafficItem [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_trafficItem] 0] set ixNetSG_Stack(1) $sg_trafficItem # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:5/tracking # set sg_tracking $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/tracking ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_tracking \ -enableOverrideValue False \ -overrideValueList { } \ -selectedTrackBy iTagIsid \ -customOffset 64 ixNet commit set sg_tracking [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_tracking] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:5/pair:1 # set sg_pair [ixNet add $ixNetSG_Stack(1) pair] ixNet setMultiAttrs $sg_pair \ -sources [list $ixNetSG_ref(2)/protocols ] \ -trafficGroups { } \ -destinations [list $ixNetSG_ref(13)/protocols ] ixNet commit set sg_pair [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_pair] 0] # # configuring the object that corresponds to /traffic/trafficItem:5/frameOptions/fixed # set sg_fixed $ixNetSG_Stack(1)/frameOptions/fixed ixNet setAttribute $sg_fixed -fixedFrameSize 64 ixNet commit set sg_fixed [lindex [ixNet remapIds $sg_fixed] 0] return 0 } ixNetScriptgenProc