#!/usr/bin/tclsh ################################################################################ # Version 1.0 $Revision: 1 $ # # # # Copyright 1997 - 2014 by IXIA # # All Rights Reserved. # # # # Revision Log: # # 12/10/2014 - Alka pattnaik - created sample # # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # # LEGAL NOTICE: # # ============== # # The following code and documentation (hereinafter "the script") is an # # example script for demonstration purposes only. # # The script is not a standard commercial product offered by Ixia and have # # been developed and is being provided for use only as indicated herein. The # # script [and all modifications enhancements and updates thereto (whether # # made by Ixia and/or by the user and/or by a third party)] shall at all times # # remain the property of Ixia. # # # # Ixia does not warrant (i) that the functions contained in the script will # # meet the users requirements or (ii) that the script will be without # # omissions or error-free. # # THE SCRIPT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND IXIA # # DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESS IMPLIED STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. # # THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SCRIPT IS WITH THE # # USER. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL IXIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM OR ARISING # # OUT OF THE USE OF OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE SCRIPT OR ANY PART THEREOF # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY LOST PROFITS LOST BUSINESS LOST OR # # DAMAGED DATA OR SOFTWARE OR ANY INDIRECT INCIDENTAL PUNITIVE OR # # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES EVEN IF IXIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # # SUCH DAMAGES IN ADVANCE. # # Ixia will not be required to provide any software maintenance or support # # services of any kind (e.g. any error corrections) in connection with the # # script or any part thereof. The user acknowledges that although Ixia may # # from time to time and in its sole discretion provide maintenance or support # # services for the script any such services are subject to the warranty and # # damages limitations set forth herein and will not obligate Ixia to provide # # any additional maintenance or support services. # # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # # Description: # #This script includes a section to configure a basic OpenFlow Controller in a # #back-to-back Ixia port. # #This part can be used to bring up OpenFlow channel in the absence of real DUT # # 1. It will create Openflow Switch . # # The switch has hosts configured. # # 2. Start the openflow protocol. # # 3. Retrieve protocol statistics. # # 4. Retrieve protocol learned info. # # 5. Trigger Host to HoSt Ping. # # 11. Stop all protocols. # ####################################################################################################### #The Host and switch Connection with Controller is demonstrated below. # # # # |----------| # # _______________________|Controller|________________________ # # | |----------| | # # | | | # # | | | # #|-------| |-----------| |----------| |----------| |-------| # #| Host 1| ----- | Sw 1 |2 -------------| Sw 2 |--------------1 | Sw 3 |2-----| Host 2| # #|-------| |-----------| |----------| |----------| |-------| # # | | 3 4| 3| # # | |____________________________| | # # |____________________________________________________________| # ####################################################################################################### # Ixia Software: # # IxOS 6.80 EB (6.80.1101.116) # # IxNetwork 7.40 EB (7.40.929.3) # # # ################################################################################ # Script Starts puts "!!! Test Script Starts !!!" # Edit this variables values to match your setup namespace eval ::ixia { set ixTclServer set ixTclPort 8009 set ports {{ 1 5} { 1 6}} } puts "Load ixNetwork Tcl API package" package req IxTclNetwork puts "Connect to IxNetwork Tcl server" ixNet connect $::ixia::ixTclServer -port $::ixia::ixTclPort -version 7.40\ setAttribute strict puts "Creating a new config" ixNet exec newConfig ################################################################################ # 1. Protocol configuration section. Configure Openflow as per the description # # given above # ################################################################################ puts "Adding 2 vports" ixNet add [ixNet getRoot] vport ixNet add [ixNet getRoot] vport ixNet commit set vPorts [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] vport] set vPort1 [lindex $vPorts 0] set vPort2 [lindex $vPorts 1] puts "Assigning the ports" ::ixTclNet::AssignPorts $ixia::ports {} $vPorts force after 10000 ############################################ # 2.For Switch Side configuration. ############################################# puts "adding Interface for switch" set interface2 [ixNet add $vPort2 interface] set interface3 [ixNet add $vPort2 interface] set interface4 [ixNet add $vPort2 interface] ixNet setAttribute $interface2 -description sw1_1 ixNet setAttribute $interface3 -description sw1_2 ixNet setAttribute $interface4 -description sw1_3 puts "adding ipv4 to interfaces" set ipv4_2 [ixNet add $interface2 ipv4] set ipv4_3 [ixNet add $interface3 ipv4] set ipv4_4 [ixNet add $interface4 ipv4] ixNet commit puts "adding ip for Switch1" ixNet setAttribute $ipv4_2 -ip set switchIp1 [ixNet getAttribute $ipv4_2 -ip] ixNet setAttribute $ipv4_2 -maskWidth 24 ixNet setAttribute $ipv4_2 -gateway ixNet commit puts "adding ip for Switch2" ixNet setAttribute $ipv4_3 -ip set switchIp2 [ixNet getAttribute $ipv4_3 -ip] ixNet setAttribute $ipv4_3 -maskWidth 24 ixNet setAttribute $ipv4_3 -gateway ixNet commit puts "adding ip for Switch3" ixNet setAttribute $ipv4_4 -ip set switchIp3 [ixNet getAttribute $ipv4_4 -ip] ixNet setAttribute $ipv4_4 -maskWidth 24 ixNet setAttribute $ipv4_4 -gateway ixNet commit puts "enabling protocol interface" ixNet setAttribute $interface2 -enabled true ixNet setAttribute $interface3 -enabled true ixNet setAttribute $interface4 -enabled true ixNet commit #adding Openflow switch set protocol2 [ixNet getList $vPort2 protocols] set openflow2 [ixNet getList $protocol2 openFlow] ixNet setA $openflow2 -enabled true ixNet commit set switch1 [ixNet add $openflow2 device] set switch2 [ixNet add $openflow2 device] set switch3 [ixNet add $openflow2 device] ixNet commit set switch1 [lindex [ixNet remapIds $switch1] 0] set switch2 [lindex [ixNet remapIds $switch2] 0] set switch3 [lindex [ixNet remapIds $switch3] 0] ixNet setAttribute $switch1 -enabled true ixNet setAttribute $switch1 -enableVersion131 true set swInterface1 [ixNet add $switch1 interface] ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $switch1 -deviceRole switch ixNet setAttribute $swInterface1 -protocolInterfaces $interface2 ixNet setAttribute $swInterface1 -enabled true ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $switch2 -enabled true ixNet setAttribute $switch2 -enableVersion131 true set swInterface2 [ixNet add $switch2 interface] ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $switch2 -deviceRole switch ixNet setAttribute $swInterface2 -protocolInterfaces $interface3 ixNet setAttribute $swInterface2 -enabled true ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $switch3 -enabled true ixNet setAttribute $switch3 -enableVersion131 true set swInterface3 [ixNet add $switch3 interface] ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $switch3 -deviceRole switch ixNet setAttribute $swInterface3 -protocolInterfaces $interface4 ixNet setAttribute $swInterface3 -enabled true ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $swInterface1 -enableMultipleLogicalSwitch true ixNet setAttribute $swInterface2 -enableMultipleLogicalSwitch true ixNet setAttribute $swInterface3 -enableMultipleLogicalSwitch true ixNet commit set Sw1 [ixNet getList $swInterface1 switch] set Sw2 [ixNet getList $swInterface2 switch] set Sw3 [ixNet getList $swInterface3 switch] ixNet commit #puts "ixNet help ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:2/protocols/openFlow/device:2/interface:1/switch:1" #puts "[ixNet help ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:2/protocols/openFlow/device:2/interface:1/switch:1]" ixNet setAttribute $Sw1 -enable true ixNet setAttribute $Sw2 -enable true ixNet setAttribute $Sw3 -enable true ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $Sw1 -description sw1 ixNet setAttribute $Sw2 -description sw2 ixNet setAttribute $Sw3 -description sw3 ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $Sw1 -datapathId 101 ixNet setAttribute $Sw2 -datapathId 102 ixNet setAttribute $Sw3 -datapathId 103 ixNet commit set swOfCh1 [ixNet getList $Sw1 switchOfChannel] set swOfCh2 [ixNet getList $Sw2 switchOfChannel] set swOfCh3 [ixNet getList $Sw3 switchOfChannel] #puts "ixNet help ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:2/protocols/openFlow/device:2/interface:1/switch:1/switchOfChannel:1" #puts "[ixNet help ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:2/protocols/openFlow/device:2/interface:1/switch:1/switchOfChannel:1]" ixNet setAttribute $swOfCh1 -enabled true ixNet setAttribute $swOfCh1 -remoteIp ixNet setAttribute $swOfCh2 -enabled true ixNet setAttribute $swOfCh2 -remoteIp ixNet setAttribute $swOfCh3 -enabled true ixNet setAttribute $swOfCh3 -remoteIp ixNet commit puts "configuring Switch ports and hosts" set sw1Ports_1 [ixNet getList $Sw1 switchPorts] ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $sw1Ports_1 \ -connectionType host \ -enabled true \ -ethernetAddress "startValue\ =\ 00:00:11:00:00:01,stepValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:00:01,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 1000000,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -portName "startValue\ =\ port1,stepValue\ =\ 1,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 4294967295,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -portNumber "startValue\ =\ 1,stepValue\ =\ 1,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 4294967295,incrementMode\ =\ increment" ixNet commit set sw1Host_1 [ixNet add $sw1Ports_1 switchHostRanges] ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $sw1Host_1 \ -enabled true \ -hostMacAddress "startValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:05:01,stepValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:00:01,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 1000000,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -hostStaticIpv4Address "startValue\ =\,stepValue\ =\,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 1000000,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -hostVlanid "startValue\ =\ 201,stepValue\ =\ 1,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 65535,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -numberOfHostsPerPort 1 ixNet commit set sw1Ports_2 [ixNet add $Sw1 switchPorts] ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $sw1Ports_2 \ -connectionType internalSwitch \ -enabled true \ -ethernetAddress "startValue\ =\ 00:00:12:00:00:01,stepValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:00:01,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 1000000,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -portName "startValue\ =\ port2,stepValue\ =\ 1,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 4294967295,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -portNumber "startValue\ =\ 2,stepValue\ =\ 1,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 4294967295,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -transmissionDelay 10 ixNet commit set sw1Ports_3 [ixNet add $Sw1 switchPorts] ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $sw1Ports_3 \ -connectionType internalSwitch \ -enabled true \ -ethernetAddress "startValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:00:01,stepValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:00:01,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 1000000,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -portName "startValue\ =\ port3,stepValue\ =\ 1,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 4294967295,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -portNumber "startValue\ =\ 3,stepValue\ =\ 1,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 4294967295,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -transmissionDelay 10 ixNet commit set sw2Ports_1 [ixNet getList $Sw2 switchPorts] ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $sw2Ports_1 \ -connectionType internalSwitch \ -enabled true \ -ethernetAddress "startValue\ =\ 00:00:15:00:00:01,stepValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:00:01,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 1000000,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -portName "startValue\ =\ port1,stepValue\ =\ 1,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 4294967295,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -portNumber "startValue\ =\ 1,stepValue\ =\ 1,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 4294967295,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -remoteSwitch $Sw1\ -remoteSwitchPort $sw1Ports_2 \ -transmissionDelay 10 ixNet commit set sw2Ports_2 [ixNet add $Sw2 switchPorts] ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $sw2Ports_2 \ -connectionType internalSwitch \ -enabled true \ -ethernetAddress "startValue\ =\ 00:00:16:00:00:01,stepValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:00:01,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 1000000,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -portName "startValue\ =\ port2,stepValue\ =\ 1,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 4294967295,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -portNumber "startValue\ =\ 2,stepValue\ =\ 1,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 4294967295,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -transmissionDelay 10 ixNet commit set sw2Ports_3 [ixNet add $Sw2 switchPorts] ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $sw2Ports_3 \ -connectionType internalSwitch \ -enabled true \ -ethernetAddress "startValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:00:01,stepValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:00:01,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 1000000,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -portName "startValue\ =\ port3,stepValue\ =\ 1,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 4294967295,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -portNumber "startValue\ =\ 3,stepValue\ =\ 1,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 4294967295,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -transmissionDelay 10 ixNet commit set sw3Ports_1 [ixNet getList $Sw3 switchPorts] ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $sw3Ports_1 \ -connectionType internalSwitch \ -enabled true \ -ethernetAddress "startValue\ =\ 00:00:19:00:00:01,stepValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:00:01,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 1000000,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -portName "startValue\ =\ port1,stepValue\ =\ 1,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 4294967295,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -portNumber "startValue\ =\ 1,stepValue\ =\ 1,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 4294967295,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -remoteSwitch $Sw2 \ -remoteSwitchPort $sw2Ports_2 \ -transmissionDelay 10 ixNet commit set sw3Ports_2 [ixNet add $Sw3 switchPorts] ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $sw3Ports_2 \ -connectionType host \ -enabled true \ -ethernetAddress "startValue\ =\ 00:00:1a:00:00:01,stepValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:00:01,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 1000000,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -portName "startValue\ =\ port2,stepValue\ =\ 1,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 4294967295,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -portNumber "startValue\ =\ 2,stepValue\ =\ 1,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 4294967295,incrementMode\ =\ increment" ixNet commit set sw3Host_1 [ixNet add $sw3Ports_2 switchHostRanges] ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $sw3Host_1 \ -enabled true \ -hostMacAddress "startValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:05:02,stepValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:00:01,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 1000000,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -hostStaticIpv4Address "startValue\ =\,stepValue\ =\,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 1000000,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -hostVlanid "startValue\ =\ 301,stepValue\ =\ 1,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 65535,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -numberOfHostsPerPort 1 ixNet commit set sw3Ports_3 [ixNet add $Sw3 "switchPorts"] ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $sw3Ports_3 \ -connectionType internalSwitch \ -enabled true \ -ethernetAddress "startValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:00:01,stepValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:00:01,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 1000000,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -portName "startValue\ =\ port3,stepValue\ =\ 1,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 4294967295,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -portNumber "startValue\ =\ 3,stepValue\ =\ 1,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 4294967295,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -remoteSwitch $Sw1 \ -remoteSwitchPort $sw1Ports_3 \ -transmissionDelay 10 ixNet commit set sw3Ports_4 [ixNet add $Sw3 switchPorts] ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $sw3Ports_4 \ -connectionType internalSwitch \ -enabled true \ -ethernetAddress "startValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:00:01,stepValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:00:01,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 1000000,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -portName "startValue\ =\ port4,stepValue\ =\ 1,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 4294967295,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -portNumber "startValue\ =\ 4,stepValue\ =\ 1,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 4294967295,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -remoteSwitch $Sw2 \ -remoteSwitchPort $sw2Ports_3 \ -transmissionDelay 10 ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $sw1Ports_2 \ -remoteSwitch $Sw2 \ -remoteSwitchPort $sw2Ports_1 ixNet setMultiAttribute $sw1Ports_3 \ -remoteSwitch $Sw3 \ -remoteSwitchPort $sw3Ports_3 ixNet setMultiAttribute $sw2Ports_2 \ -remoteSwitch $Sw3 \ -remoteSwitchPort $sw3Ports_1 ixNet setMultiAttribute $sw2Ports_3 \ -remoteSwitch $Sw3 \ -remoteSwitchPort $sw3Ports_4 ixNet commit ######################################################################################## # 3. Controller Side Configuraion. Do not use this part if you are working on a switch. ######################################################################################### #adding Interface set interface1 [ixNet add $vPort1 interface] set ipv41 [ixNet add $interface1 ipv4] ixNet commit #adding ip ixNet setA $ipv41 -ip ixNet setA $ipv41 -maskWidth 24 ixNet setA $ipv41 -gateway ixNet commit #enabling protocol interface ixNet setA $interface1 -enabled true ixNet commit #adding Openflow set protocol1 [ixNet getList $vPort1 protocols] set openflow1 [ixNet getList $protocol1 openFlow] ixNet setA $openflow1 -enabled true ixNet commit set controller [ixNet add $openflow1 device] ixNet commit set controller [lindex [ixNet remapIds $controller] 0] ixNet setAttribute $controller -enabled true ixNet setAttribute $controller -enableVersion131 true set ofInterface [ixNet add $controller interface] ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $ofInterface -protocolInterfaces $interface1 ixNet setAttribute $ofInterface -enabled true ixNet commit set ofch1 [ixNet add $ofInterface ofChannel] set ofch2 [ixNet add $ofInterface ofChannel] set ofch3 [ixNet add $ofInterface ofChannel] ixNet commit #puts "ixNet help ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocols/openFlow/device:1/interface:1/ofChannel:1" #puts "[ixNet help ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocols/openFlow/device:1/interface:1/ofChannel:1]" ixNet setAttribute $ofch1 -remoteIp $switchIp1 ixNet setAttribute $ofch1 -enabled true ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $ofch2 -remoteIp $switchIp2 ixNet setAttribute $ofch2 -enabled true ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $ofch3 -remoteIp $switchIp3 ixNet setAttribute $ofch3 -enabled true ixNet commit ########################################################## #adding tables and flow ranges set controllerTable1 [ixNet add $ofch1 controllerTables] set controllerTable2 [ixNet add $ofch2 controllerTables] set controllerTable3 [ixNet add $ofch3 controllerTables] ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $controllerTable1 \ -enabled true \ -tableId 0 ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $controllerTable2 \ -enabled true \ -tableId 0 ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $controllerTable3 \ -enabled true \ -tableId 0 ixNet commit ######################################################### #Adding flow ranges, Instructions and instruction actions ######################################################### set ctrTableFlowRanges1 [ixNet add $controllerTable1 controllerTableFlowRanges] set ctrTableFlowRanges2 [ixNet add $controllerTable1 controllerTableFlowRanges] ixNet commit #puts "ixNet help ::::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocols/openFlow/device:1/interface:1/ofChannel:1/controllerTables:1/controllerTableFlowRanges:1" #puts "[ixNet help ::::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:1/protocols/openFlow/device:1/interface:1/ofChannel:1/controllerTables:1/controllerTableFlowRanges:1]" ixNet setAttribute $ctrTableFlowRanges1 -enabled true ixNet setMultiAttribute $ctrTableFlowRanges1 \ -ethernetDestination "startValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:05:01,stepValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:00:00,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 1000000,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -ethernetSource "\"*\"" \ -ethernetSourceMask "FF\ FF\ FF\ FF\ FF\ FF\ " ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $ctrTableFlowRanges2 -enabled true ixNet setMultiAttribute $ctrTableFlowRanges2 \ -ethernetDestination "startValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:05:02,stepValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:00:00,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 1000000,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -ethernetSource "\"*\"" \ -ethernetSourceMask "FF\ FF\ FF\ FF\ FF\ FF\ " \ -vlanId "startValue\ =\ 4096,stepValue\ =\ 0,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 65535,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -vlanMatchType withVlanTag ixNet commit set ctrTableFlowRanges3 [ixNet add $controllerTable2 controllerTableFlowRanges] set ctrTableFlowRanges4 [ixNet add $controllerTable2 controllerTableFlowRanges] ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $ctrTableFlowRanges3 -enabled true ixNet setMultiAttribute $ctrTableFlowRanges3 \ -ethernetDestination "startValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:05:01,stepValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:00:00,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 1000000,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -ethernetSource "\"*\"" \ -ethernetSourceMask "FF\ FF\ FF\ FF\ FF\ FF\ " ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $ctrTableFlowRanges4 -enabled true ixNet setMultiAttribute $ctrTableFlowRanges4 \ -ethernetDestination "startValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:05:02,stepValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:00:00,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 1000000,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -ethernetSource "\"*\"" \ -ethernetSourceMask "FF\ FF\ FF\ FF\ FF\ FF\ " ixNet commit set ctrTableFlowRanges5 [ixNet add $controllerTable3 controllerTableFlowRanges] set ctrTableFlowRanges6 [ixNet add $controllerTable3 controllerTableFlowRanges] ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $ctrTableFlowRanges5 -enabled true ixNet setMultiAttribute $ctrTableFlowRanges5 \ -ethernetDestination "startValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:05:02,stepValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:00:00,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 1000000,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -ethernetSource "\"*\"" \ -ethernetSourceMask "FF\ FF\ FF\ FF\ FF\ FF\ " ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $ctrTableFlowRanges6 -enabled true ixNet setMultiAttribute $ctrTableFlowRanges6 \ -ethernetDestination "startValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:05:01,stepValue\ =\ 00:00:00:00:00:00,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 1000000,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -ethernetSource "\"*\"" \ -ethernetSourceMask "FF\ FF\ FF\ FF\ FF\ FF\ " \ -vlanMatchType specificVlanTag ixNet commit ixNet setMultiAttribute $ctrTableFlowRanges6 \ -vlanId "startValue\ =\ 301,stepValue\ =\ 0,repeatCount\ =\ 1,wrapCount\ =\ 65535,incrementMode\ =\ increment" \ -vlanIdMask "FF\ FF\ " ixNet commit ############################################# #Set up the instructins and instruction action ############################################## set instruction1 [ixNet add $ctrTableFlowRanges1 instructions] ixNet setMultiAttribute $instruction1 \ -experimenterData {} \ -instructionType applyActions \ -metadataInHex 0 ixNet commit set instructionActions1_1 [ixNet add $instruction1 instructionActions] ixNet setAttribute $instructionActions1_1 -actionType setVlanId ixNet setAttribute $instructionActions1_1 -vlanId 201 ixNet commit set instructionActions1_2 [ixNet add $instruction1 instructionActions] ixNet setAttribute $instructionActions1_2 -actionType output ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $instructionActions1_2 -outputPort 1 ixNet commit set instruction2 [ixNet add $ctrTableFlowRanges2 instructions] ixNet setMultiAttribute $instruction2 \ -experimenterData {} \ -instructionType applyActions \ -metadataInHex 0 ixNet commit set instructionActions2_1 [ixNet add $instruction2 instructionActions] ixNet setAttribute $instructionActions2_1 -actionType output ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $instructionActions2_1 -outputPort 2 ixNet commit set instruction3 [ixNet add $ctrTableFlowRanges3 instructions] ixNet setMultiAttribute $instruction3 \ -experimenterData {} \ -instructionType applyActions \ -metadataInHex 0 ixNet commit set instructionActions3_1 [ixNet add $instruction3 instructionActions] ixNet setAttribute $instructionActions3_1 -actionType output ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $instructionActions3_1 -outputPort 1 ixNet commit set instruction4 [ixNet add $ctrTableFlowRanges4 instructions] ixNet setMultiAttribute $instruction4 \ -experimenterData {} \ -instructionType applyActions \ -metadataInHex 0 ixNet commit set instructionActions4_1 [ixNet add $instruction4 instructionActions] ixNet setAttribute $instructionActions4_1 -actionType output ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $instructionActions4_1 -outputPort 2 ixNet commit set instruction5 [ixNet add $ctrTableFlowRanges5 instructions] ixNet setMultiAttribute $instruction5 \ -experimenterData {} \ -instructionType applyActions \ -metadataInHex 0 ixNet commit set instructionActions5_1 [ixNet add $instruction5 instructionActions] ixNet setAttribute $instructionActions5_1 -actionType setVlanId ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $instructionActions5_1 -vlanId 301 ixNet commit set instructionActions5_2 [ixNet add $instruction5 instructionActions] ixNet setAttribute $instructionActions5_2 -actionType output ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $instructionActions5_2 -outputPort 2 ixNet commit set instruction6 [ixNet add $ctrTableFlowRanges6 instructions] ixNet setMultiAttribute $instruction6 \ -experimenterData {} \ -instructionType applyActions \ -metadataInHex 0 ixNet commit set instructionActions6_1 [ixNet add $instruction6 instructionActions] ixNet setAttribute $instructionActions6_1 -actionType output ixNet commit ixNet setAttribute $instructionActions6_1 -outputPort 1 ixNet commit ################################################################################### # 4. Starting all protocols ################################################################################### puts "starting all protocols and waiting 45 sec ..." ixNet exec startAllProtocols after 45000 ################################################################################ # 5. Retrieve protocol aggregated statistics. ################################################################################ puts "Fetching all Protocol Summary Stats\n" set viewPage {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"OpenFlow Switch Aggregated Statistics"/page} set statcap [ixNet getAttr $viewPage -columnCaptions] foreach statValList [ixNet getAttr $viewPage -rowValues] { foreach statVal $statValList { puts "***************************************************" set index 0 foreach satIndv $statVal { puts [format "%*s:%*s" -30 [lindex $statcap $index]\ -10 $satIndv] incr index } } } puts "***************************************************" puts "Fetching all Protocol Summary Stats\n" set viewPage {::ixNet::OBJ-/statistics/view:"OpenFlow Host Aggregated Statistics"/page} set statcap [ixNet getAttr $viewPage -columnCaptions] foreach statValList [ixNet getAttr $viewPage -rowValues] { foreach statVal $statValList { puts "***************************************************" set index 0 foreach satIndv $statVal { puts [format "%*s:%*s" -30 [lindex $statcap $index]\ -10 $satIndv] incr index } } } puts "***************************************************" ################################################################################### # 6. Get Switch Of channel Learned Info ##################################################################################### puts "Fetching Openflow Channel Learned Info" set learnedInfo_Switch ${vPort2}/protocols/openFlow/switchLearnedInformation after 1000 #puts "ixNet help ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:2/protocols/openFlow/switchLearnedInformation:1" #puts "[ixNet help ::ixNet::OBJ-/vport:2/protocols/openFlow/switchLearnedInformation:1]" ixNet exec refreshOfChannelLearnedInformation $learnedInfo_Switch after 1000 ixNet exec clearRecordsForTrigger $learnedInfo_Switch set ofChannelSwLearnedInfo [ixNet getList $learnedInfo_Switch ofChannelSwitchLearnedInfo] after 2000 set ofChannelSw1_LearnedInfo [lindex $ofChannelSwLearnedInfo 0] #set ofChannelSw2_LearnedInfo [lindex $ofChannelSwLearnedInfo 1] #set ofChannelSw3_LearnedInfo [lindex $ofChannelSwLearnedInfo 2] set localIp [ixNet getA $ofChannelSw1_LearnedInfo -localIp] set version [ixNet getA $ofChannelSw1_LearnedInfo -negotiatedVersion] set remoteIp [ixNet getA $ofChannelSw1_LearnedInfo -remoteIp] set dataPathId [ixNet getA $ofChannelSw1_LearnedInfo -dataPathId] set numberOfPorts [ixNet getA $ofChannelSw1_LearnedInfo -numberOfPorts] set sessionType [ixNet getA $ofChannelSw1_LearnedInfo -sessionType] puts "Got : localIp dataPathId version remoteIp sessionType numberOfPorts " puts "$localIp $dataPathId $version $remoteIp $sessionType $numberOfPorts" # Trigger the host LInfo ##################################################################################### set hostLI [ixNet getList $openflow2 hostTopologyLearnedInformation] set hostLItrigAttrib [ixNet getList $hostLI switchHostRangeLearnedInfoTriggerAttributes] puts "Sending trigger for ping request from sw1Host1 to sw3Host1." ixNet setAttr $hostLItrigAttrib -sourceHostList $sw1Host_1 ixNet setAttr $hostLItrigAttrib -destinationHostList $sw3Host_1 ixNet setAttr $hostLItrigAttrib -packetType ping ixNet setAttr $hostLItrigAttrib -responseTimeout 5000 ixNet commit ixNet exec refreshHostRangeLearnedInformation $hostLI puts "Trigger sent .. waiting 15 sec" after 15000 set hostLIhostRangeLIs [ixNet getList $hostLI switchHostRangeLearnedInfo] set hostLInum [llength $hostLIhostRangeLIs] puts "Received $hostLInum entries in host topology learned info." set hostLIhostRangeLI [lindex $hostLIhostRangeLIs 0] puts "Checking ping request for single path." set dstMAC [ixNet getAttr $hostLIhostRangeLI -destinationHostMac] set dstIP [ixNet getAttr $hostLIhostRangeLI -destinationHostIpv4Address ] set srcMAC [ixNet getAttr $hostLIhostRangeLI -sourceHostMac] set srcIP [ixNet getAttr $hostLIhostRangeLI -sourceHostIpv4Address] set status [ixNet getAttr $hostLIhostRangeLI -status] puts "Got : dstMAC dstIP srcMAC srcIP status" puts "$dstMAC $dstIP $srcMAC $srcIP $status" ################################################################################ # 7. Stop all protocols ################################################################################ ixNet exec stopAllProtocols puts "!!! Test Script Ends !!!"