################################################################################ # # # Copyright 1997 - 2020 by IXIA Keysight # # All Rights Reserved. # # # ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # # # LEGAL NOTICE: # # ============== # # The following code and documentation (hereinafter "the script") is an # # example script for demonstration purposes only. # # The script is not a standard commercial product offered by Ixia and have # # been developed and is being provided for use only as indicated herein. The # # script [and all modifications enhancements and updates thereto (whether # # made by Ixia and/or by the user and/or by a third party)] shall at all times # # remain the property of Ixia. # # # # Ixia does not warrant (i) that the functions contained in the script will # # meet the users requirements or (ii) that the script will be without # # omissions or error-free. # # THE SCRIPT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND IXIA # # DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESS IMPLIED STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. # # THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SCRIPT IS WITH THE # # USER. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL IXIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM OR ARISING # # OUT OF THE USE OF OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE SCRIPT OR ANY PART THEREOF # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY LOST PROFITS LOST BUSINESS LOST OR # # DAMAGED DATA OR SOFTWARE OR ANY INDIRECT INCIDENTAL PUNITIVE OR # # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES EVEN IF IXIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # # SUCH DAMAGES IN ADVANCE. # # Ixia will not be required to provide any software maintenance or support # # services of any kind (e.g. any error corrections) in connection with the # # script or any part thereof. The user acknowledges that although Ixia may # # from time to time and in its sole discretion provide maintenance or support # # services for the script any such services are subject to the warranty and # # damages limitations set forth herein and will not obligate Ixia to provide # # any additional maintenance or support services. # # # ################################################################################ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name : test.2.1.39.rsvp.p2mp.traffic.tcl # Purpose : Checking P2MP Traffic Item # Topology : Configure RSVP TE P2MP with DUT as Transit and bidirectional, # 5 neighbor pair with vlan , 5 IP Endpoints. # Steps : # 1. Configuring IXIA Ports using scriptgen file # 2. Verifying the Traffic Item configuration in IXNetwork Client # 3. Starting the Protocols # 4. Applying the Traffic # 5. Verifying the Traffic Item configuration in Chassis(IXExplore) # 6. Starting the Traffic # 7. Stopping the Traffic # 8. Verify the Traffic Statistics in IXNetwork Client # 9. Stopping the Protocols # 10. Cleaning the IXIA ports # ScriptGen used: No #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- source $env(IXNETWORK_SAMPLE_SCRIPT_DIR)/IxNetwork/TestRun/config.tcl # 2.1.39 Test Case Coverage set ::TestPart0 1; # Protocol Stats Verification set ::TestPart1 0; # GUI Verification NA set ::TestPart2 1; # Traffic Configuration Verification set ::TestPart3 1; # Traffic Stats Verification set ::TestPart4 0; # Drill Down Stats Verification proc checkDetailTrafficConfiguration {} { set error 1 #Getting the Traffic Item object hierarchy details set traffic [ixNet getRoot]/traffic set trafficItem [lindex [ixNet getList $traffic trafficItem] 0] set configElementList [ixNet getList $trafficItem configElement] set configElement [lindex $configElementList 0] set frameRate [ixNet getList $configElement frameRate] set framePayload [ixNet getList $configElement framePayload] set frameRateDist [ixNet getList $configElement frameRateDistribution] set frameSize [ixNet getList $configElement frameSize] log "Checking Traffic Item parameters..." set trafficitem_values_1 {biDirectional false mergeDestinations false\ routeMesh fullMesh srcDestMesh oneToOne} if {[checkAttributeValue $trafficItem $trafficitem_values_1] == 1} { return $error } if {[checkAttributeValue $trafficItem/tracking {trackBy "trackingenabled0\ vlanVlanId0 mplsMplsLabelValue0 mplsMplsExp0"}] == 1} { return $error } log "Checking Frame Payload parameters..." if {[checkAttributeValue $framePayload {type custom \ customPattern AABBCC \ customRepeat True}] == 1} { return $error } log "Checking Frame Size parameters..." if {[checkAttributeValue $frameSize {type fixed fixedSize 100}] == 1} { return $error } log "Checking High Level Stream parameters..." if {[checkHighLevelSteamCountForAllTrafficItem 1 {0 5}] == 1} { return $error } set error 0 return $error } proc checkChassiTrafficConfiguration {chassis card port} { set error 1 if {[ixExplorerConnectChassis $chassis $card $port] != 0} { log "FAILURE : Error in initializing/logging in chassis" return $error } set chassisId [chassis cget -id] #Getting the Frames object hierarchy details if {[stream get $chassisId $card $port 1] != 0} { log "FAILURE : Error in getting stream 1 data from chassi for port $port" return $error } if {[vlan get $chassisId $card $port] != 0} { log "FAILURE : Error in getting VLAN data from chassi for port $port" return $error } if {[ip get $chassisId $card $port] != 0} { log "FAILURE : Error in getting IPV4 data from chassi for port $port" return $error } log "Checking Stream 1 Values for port $port" if {[ixExplorerCheckAttributeValue stream {framesize 100 patternType 5}] == 1} { return $error } log "Checking Stream 1 VLAN Values for port $port" if {[ixExplorerCheckAttributeValue vlan {vlanID 100 protocolTagId 33024}] == 1} { return $error } log "Checking Stream 1 IPV4 Values for port $port" if {[ixExplorerCheckAttributeValue ip {sourceIpAddr \ destIpAddr}] == 1} { return $error } if {[ixExplorerDisconnectChassis $chassis] != 0} { log "FAILURE : Error in disconnecting in chassis" return $error } set error 0 return $error } proc Action {portData1 portData2} { #Initializing return value set PASSED 0 set FAILED 1 #Get the first port info set chassisIp1 [getChassisIp $portData1] set card1 [getCardNumber $portData1] set port1 [getPortNumber $portData1] #Get the second port info set chassisIp2 [getChassisIp $portData2] set card2 [getCardNumber $portData2] set port2 [getPortNumber $portData2] #Version Number (IxNetwork Major version No i.e. 5.40) set version "5.40" #Connecting to the chassis set connection_Result [connectToClient $portData1 $portData2 $version] log "Connection Result: $connection_Result" if {[string equal $connection_Result "::ixNet::OK"] != 1} { log "FAILURE : connection to client unsuccessful" ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } log "connectToClient Successful" #Cleaning up all the existing configurations from client log "!!!cleaning up the client!!!" ixNetCleanUp #Configure the Ixia ports log "!!!Now we configure the Ixia port!!!" if {[ixNet exec loadConfig [ixNet readFrom \ $::pwd/config.2.1.39.rsvp.p2mp.traffic.ixncfg]] != "::ixNet::OK"} { log "FAILURE : Failed to load config file" ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } log "Configuration of the ports Successful" #Getting the virtual port list log "!!!Getting virtual ports !!!" set vPorts [ixNet getList [ixNet getRoot] vport] set vPort1 [lindex $vPorts 0] set vPort2 [lindex $vPorts 1] log "Virtual ports are = $vPorts" #Getting the real port list set realPortsList [list [list $chassisIp1 $card1 $port1] \ [list $chassisIp2 $card2 $port2] ] #Assign virtual ports to real ports log "!!!Assign virtual ports to real ports!!!" set force true log "$realPortsList {} $vPorts" set status [ixTclNet::AssignPorts $realPortsList {} $vPorts $force] log "Assigned: $status" ixNet commit if {[string equal [lindex $status 0] $vPort1] != 1 || \ [string equal [lindex $status 1] $vPort2] != 1} { ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } #Following code checks whether ports came up after assigning real ports. #If not then explicit connect is used set vport1_state [ixNet getAttribute $vPort1 -isAvailable] if {$vport1_state != "true"} { if {[::ixNet exec connectPort $vPort1] != "::ixNet::OK"} { log "FAILURE : Unable to connect the real ports1 to virtual ports1" ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } log "Sleeping for 10 seconds for physical ports 1 to come up" after 10000 } set vport2_state [ixNet getAttribute $vPort2 -isAvailable] if {$vport2_state != "true"} { if {[::ixNet exec connectPort $vPort2] != "::ixNet::OK"} { log "FAILURE : Unable to connect the real ports2 to virtual ports2" ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } log "Sleeping for 10 seconds for physical ports 2 to come up" after 10000 } #Starting all the configured protocol log "!!!Starting all the configured protocol!!!" set ret [ixNet exec startAllProtocols] if {$ret != "::ixNet::OK"} { log "FAILURE : Couldn't start the Protocol Operation" ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } log "Sleeping for 60 seconds to start the configured protocols" after 60000 if {$::TestPart0 == 1} { log "Verify Protocol Stats ....." set OSPFStatsList {"Sess. Configured" 5 \ "Full State Count" 5 \ "Full Nbrs." 5} set RSVPStatsList1 {"Ingress LSPs Configured" 25 \ "Ingress LSPs Up" 25 \ "Up State Count" 25} set RSVPStatsList2 {"Egress LSPs Up" 25} set portList [list [list $chassisIp1 $card1 $port1] [list $chassisIp2 $card2 $port2]] if {[checkAllProtocolStats $portList "OSPF Aggregated Statistics" $OSPFStatsList]} { log "FAILURE : OSPF Protocol stats are not matching" ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } log "OSPF Protocol stats are matching" set portList [list [list $chassisIp1 $card1 $port1]] if {[checkAllProtocolStats $portList "RSVP Aggregated Statistics" $RSVPStatsList1]} { log "FAILURE : RSVP Protocol stats are not matching for port $port1" ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } log "RSVP Protocol stats are matching for port $port1" set portList [list [list $chassisIp2 $card2 $port2]] if {[checkAllProtocolStats $portList "RSVP Aggregated Statistics" $RSVPStatsList2]} { log "FAILURE : RSVP Protocol stats are not matching for port $port2" ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } log "RSVP Protocol stats are matching for port $port2" } #Getting the handle for traffic item set root [ixNet getRoot] set traffic $root/traffic #Applying the configured traffic item to respective ports log "!!!Applying the traffic !!!" if {[generateApplyTraffic] == 1} { log "FAILURE : Not able to apply the traffic.." ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } #Checking the configured traffic item in IXNetwork Client and Chassis(IXExplore) if {$::TestPart2 == 1} { log "Verifying Traffic configuration in IXNetwork Client..." if {[checkDetailTrafficConfiguration] == 1} { log "FAILURE : Traffic Item Configuration checking in IXNetwork Client failed" for {set count $start_count} {$count <= $end_count} {incr count} { ResetDut [set DutInterface${count}Data] $count } ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } log "Traffic configuration check in IXNetwork Client successful..." log "!!!Checking Frames Details in IXNetwork Chassis(IXExplore) !!!" if {[checkChassiTrafficConfiguration $chassisIp1 $card1 $port1] == 1} { log "FAILURE : Frame Value checking in Chassis failed" ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } else { log "Frame Value checking in Chassis Passed" } } #Starting configured traffic item if {[startTraffic $traffic]} { log "FAILURE : Start Traffic Failed" ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } log "Sleeping for 120 seconds to start the traffic" after 120000 #Stoping configured traffic item if {[stopTraffic $traffic]} { log "FAILURE : Stopping Traffic Failed" ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } # Traffic Statistics Checking if {$::TestPart3 == 1} { log "Check Traffic Item Statistics..." if {[checkAllTrafficStats "Traffic Item Statistics"] == 1} { log "FAILURE : Not able to retrieve statistics values for Traffic Item Statistics" ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } log "Check Flow Statistics..." if {[checkAllTrafficStats "Flow Statistics"] == 1} { log "FAILURE : Not able to retrieve statistics values for Flow Statistics" ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } log "Check Data Plane Port Statistics" set txPortList [subst {{[ixNet getAttr $vPort1 -name]}}] set rxPortList [subst {{[ixNet getAttr $vPort2 -name]}}] if {[checkAllPortTrafficStats "Data Plane Port Statistics" $txPortList $rxPortList] } { log "FAILURE : Not able to retrieve statistics values for Data plane traffic" ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } } #Stoping all the configured protocol log "!!!Stopping All Protocol Operation!!!" set ret [ixNet exec stopAllProtocols] if {$ret != "::ixNet::OK"} { log "FAILURE : Couldn't stop the Protocol Operation" ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } if {($::TestPart4 == 1)} { set count 1 foreach {drilldown_option} {"VLAN:VLAN-ID" "MPLS:Label Value" "MPLS:Experimental"} { set caption "Drilldown_$count" set usrFilterSetList [subst {{trafficItemFilterId {{name "Traffic"}}}\ {sortFilterIds {{name "$drilldown_option"}}}}] # Design View if {[designL23TrafficFlowStatisticView $caption $usrFilterSetList] == 1} { log "FAILURE : Not able to emulate 'Drilldown Per $drilldown_option Statistics View" ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } log "'Drilldown Per $drilldown_option Statistics View Successfully Emulated for TI" log "Check Flow Statistics for $caption ..." if {[checkAllTrafficStats $caption ] == 1} { log "FAILURE : Not able to retrieve statistics values from $caption" ixNetCleanUp return $FAILED } incr count } } #Unassigning all the ports and removing the same ixNetCleanUp return $PASSED } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Execute the Action procedure defined above # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# Execute_Action